Distinct in one particular column

Hi Friends I am going to select orderid,date from one table but i want to display only distinct orderid and its corresponding date.

Did you try my above code?
Distinct Order id with latest date? The you may choose ORDER BY sdate desc else with asc.
I think the above would help you to get what you are looking.
SelectOrderid,yourdatecolumn From
Select *,
Row_Number()over(partition by Orderid Order by yourdatecolumn desc) Rn
Where rn=1

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    Hello Gurus,
    There is an issue in a query when I run it on portal and when I try to drill down one particular column, it throws an error. I am pasting the error message below for your reference. This query works fine when I run in Bex. It also works fine when I run it on Quality portal. It only throws an error when I run it on production portal. I have got the patches and PI checked with BASIS team, everything seems to be fine.
    Please help me out with this issue.
    Termination message sent
    ABEND RSBOLAP (000): Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    ABEND: Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    ABEND: System error in program SAPLRRK0 and form LRECH_01-01- (see long text)

    There are a couple of threads on the same issue.
    Refer to these, just might be handy.
    Re: Uncaught_exception in Report Designer
    Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method  : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION in Report
    Good Luck!
    Sandeep Tudumu

  • "How to get distinct values of sharepoint column using SSRS"

        I have integrated sharepoint list data to SQL Server reporting services. I am using the below to query sharepoint list data using sql reporting services.
       <Method Namespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/" Name="GetListItems">
             <Parameter Name="listName">
                <DefaultValue>{GUID of list}</DefaultValue>
             <Parameter Name="viewName">
                <DefaultValue>{GUID of listview}</DefaultValue>
             <Parameter Name="rowLimit">
    <ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>
    By using this query, I am getting a dataset which includes all the columns of sharepoint list. Among these columns, I wanted to display only 2 columns (i.e Region and Sales type) using chart. I have created a Region parameter but when I click preview, the drop down box is giving me all the repeatative values of region like RG1,RG1,RG1,RG2,RG2,RG2,RG2,RG3.......... I wanted to display only distinct values of Region parameter so that whenever end user select region from the parameter drop down, it will display the respective value of Sales type column.
    Also when I select only RG1 parameter, it is giving me a chart including the sales type of all the Regions. (it should display me only the sales type of RG1) How can I link these 2 columns so that they will display the values respectively.
              I would really appreciate if anyone can help me out with this.

    Hi Sam,
    By code, the CAML language doesn’t have any reserved word (or tag) to set this particular filter to remove duplicate results.
    In this case, we could use the custom code to get distinct records.
    Here are the detailed steps:
    1.         Create a hidden parameter that gets all the records in one field.
    Note: Please create another dataset that is same of the main dataset. This dataset is used for the parameter.
    2.         Create a function that used to remove the duplicate records.
    Here is the code:
    Public Shared Function RemoveDups(ByVal items As String) As String
    Dim noDups As New System.Collections.ArrayList()
    Dim SpStr
    SpStr = Split(items ,",")
    For i As Integer=0 To Ubound(Spstr)
    If Not noDups.Contains(SpStr(i).Trim()) Then
    End If
    Dim uniqueItems As String() = New String(noDups.Count-1){}
    Return String.Join(",", uniqueItems)
    End Function
    3.         Create another parameter that will be used for filtering the maindata.
    Please set the available value to be =Split(Code.RemoveDups(JOIN(Parameters!ISSUE_STATUS_TEMP.Value, ",")), ",")
    And the default value to be the value you what such as the first value:
    =Split(Code.RemoveDups(JOIN(Parameters!ISSUE_STATUS_TEMP.Value, ",")), ",").(0)
    4.         Go to the main dataset. Open the property window of this dataset.
    5.         In the “Filters” tab, set the filter to be:
    Expression: <The field to be filter>
    Operator: =
    Value: =Parameters!Region.Value
    The parameter “Region” should be the parameter we created in the step3.
    Now, we should get distinct values of SharePoint columns.
    If there is anything unclear, please feel free to ask.
    Jin Chen - MSFT

  • Distinct data from different columns of a table-Single query

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    You're asking a SQL question in a JDBC forum. Look for a SQL forum. The website of the database manfactuer may have a SQL forum/mailinglist.

  • Add one more column

                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, org.ASSIGNED_DATE) as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, org.STATE) as STATE,
                                    org.SEQ as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, org.PROCESS) as PROCESS,
           -- appr.request_comment,
                    from (
                        select a.seq,
                        b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME,
                        b.usr_login as APPROVER,
                        'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                        '-' as STATE,
                        a.seq as numberoftimesmodified,
                '-' as PROCESS
                            SELECT 1 as seq, USR_UDF_MANAGER_LOGIN as GID, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type FROM DEVT_OIM.USR WHERE USR_LOGIN =:BENEFICIARY_GID AND :APPLICATION = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            select rownum as seq, regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD,'[^,]+', 1, level) as gid, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type from dual
                            where :APPLICATION != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            connect by regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.gid = b.usr_login
                    ) org
                    left join(
                        select b.numberoftimesmodified as seq, rownum as seq2, a.*
                            LEAD(a.ASSIGNEES) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_gid,
                            LEAD(a.pushbacksequence) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_pushbacksequence,
                            a.ASSIGNEES as current_gid,
                            nvl(retrieveGidName(a.ASSIGNEES), '-') as APPROVER_NAME,
                            (DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(REPLACE(a.ASSIGNEES, ',', ':'))) as APPROVER,
                            'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                            TO_CHAR(a.assigneddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then TO_CHAR(a.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') else TO_CHAR(d.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') end as APPROVAL_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired' when a.approvalduration is null then 'Pending' when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' else 'Approved' end as PROCESS,
                            d.state as process2,
                            case when d.substate = 'REASSIGNED' then 'Reassigned' when d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED' then 'Request Info' when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired'
                                when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' when d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED' then 'Submitted' when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then 'Withdrawn' when e.state is null then 'Pending' else 'Approved' end as state,
                            e.ASSIGNEES, d.substate
                            from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY d on d.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified+1)
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY e on e.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified-1) and e.ASSIGNEES = a.ASSIGNEES
                            where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and a.state is not null
                            order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                        ) a
                        inner join (select rownum as numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence from (select distinct pushbacksequence from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY order by pushbacksequence)) b
                        on b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                        where a.prev_gid != a.current_gid or prev_gid is null
                        order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on org.seq = appr.seq
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, '-') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, '-') as STATE,
                                       999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, '-') as PROCESS,
                    999 as seq2
                        select 999 as seq, '-' as APPROVER, ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, 'group' as approver_type
                        from DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp
                        where  ugp_name in (
                        SELECT a.it_processor_group FROM ec_admin.ENTITLEMENT a
                            inner join ec_admin.application b on a.application_id = b.application_id
                            WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :APPLICATION
                            and a.module_name = :MODULE
                            and a.site_name = :SITE
                            and a.entitlement_name = DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(:RESPONSIBILITY)
                            and b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')
                    ) org
                    left join(
                    select nvl(grp.APPROVER_NAME, usr.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER, usr.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER_TYPE, usr.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    TO_CHAR((select min(OSI_create) from DEVT_OIM.OSI where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY),'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    'ASSIGNED' as STATE,
                    999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    case when nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) = '-' then 'Pending' else usr.ost_status end as PROCESS
                        select b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME, b.usr_login as APPROVER,  'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        TO_CHAR(a.OSI_create,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key,
                        (select ost_status from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE where UPA_RESOURCE_key in (
                                  select max(UPA_RESOURCE_key)
                                  from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE a
                                  inner join DEVT_OIM.oiu b on a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                  where b.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY )) as ost_status
                        from (
                          select osi_assigned_to_usr_key, OSI_create
                          from DEVT_OIM.OSI
                          where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                          order by OSI_create desc
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                        where rownum between 0 and 1
                    ) usr
                    left join
                        select ugp.ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, '-' as APPROVER, 'Group' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key
                        FROM DEVT_OIM.OTI itp
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp on ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                        where itp.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY
                        and :REQUEST_STATUS != 'Request Completed'
                    ) grp
                    on usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
                    order by numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on 1=1
                order by numberoftimesmodified, seq2
                   Above is the script and i need to add one more column for the script column name request_comment from the table request_comments, anyone help me in doing so.

    /* Formatted on 2012/06/14 13:19 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
    SELECT X.*, request_comments.request_comment
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, org.assigned_date) AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, org.state) AS state, org.seq AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, org.process) AS process,
                                                        -- appr.request_comment,
        FROM (SELECT a.seq, b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type, '-' AS assigned_date,
                     '-' AS state, a.seq AS numberoftimesmodified, '-' AS process
                FROM (SELECT 1 AS seq, usr_udf_manager_login AS gid, '' AS approver_name, 'user' AS approver_type
                        FROM devt_oim.usr
                       WHERE usr_login = :beneficiary_gid AND :application = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      SELECT     ROWNUM AS seq, REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) AS gid, '' AS approver_name,
                                 'user' AS approver_type
                            FROM DUAL
                           WHERE :application != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL) a
                     INNER JOIN
                     devt_oim.usr b ON a.gid = b.usr_login
                     ) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   b.numberoftimesmodified AS seq, ROWNUM AS seq2, a.*
                  FROM (SELECT   LEAD (a.assignees) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_gid,
                                 LEAD (a.pushbacksequence) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_pushbacksequence,
                                 a.assignees AS current_gid, NVL (retrievegidname (a.assignees), '-') AS approver_name,
                                 (devt_oim.toknew (REPLACE (a.assignees, ',', ':'))) AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                                 a.pushbacksequence, TO_CHAR (a.assigneddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN TO_CHAR (a.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                   ELSE TO_CHAR (d.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                 END AS approval_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.approvalduration IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS process,
                                 d.state AS process2,
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'REASSIGNED'
                                     THEN 'Reassigned'
                                   WHEN d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED'
                                     THEN 'Request Info'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED'
                                     THEN 'Submitted'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN 'Withdrawn'
                                   WHEN e.state IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS state,
                                 e.assignees, d.substate
                            FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory d
                                 ON d.identificationkey = a.identificationkey AND d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified + 1)
                                 LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory e
                                 ON e.identificationkey = a.identificationkey
                               AND e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified - 1)
                               AND e.assignees = a.assignees
                           WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey AND a.state IS NOT NULL
                        ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) a
                       INNER JOIN
                       (SELECT ROWNUM AS numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence
                          FROM (SELECT DISTINCT pushbacksequence
                                           FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a
                                          WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey
                                       ORDER BY pushbacksequence)) b ON b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                 WHERE a.prev_gid != a.current_gid OR prev_gid IS NULL
              ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) appr ON org.seq = appr.seq
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, '-') AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, '-') AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, '-') AS process, 999 AS seq2
        FROM (SELECT 999 AS seq, '-' AS approver, ugp_name AS approver_name, 'group' AS approver_type
                FROM devt_oim.ugp ugp
               WHERE ugp_name IN (
                       SELECT a.it_processor_group
                         FROM ec_admin.entitlement a INNER JOIN ec_admin.application b ON a.application_id = b.application_id
                        WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :application
                          AND a.module_name = :module
                          AND a.site_name = :site
                          AND a.entitlement_name = devt_oim.toknew (:responsibility)
                          AND b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   NVL (grp.approver_name, usr.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (grp.approver, usr.approver) AS approver,
                       NVL (grp.approver_type, usr.approver_type) AS approver_type,
                       TO_CHAR ((SELECT MIN (osi_create)
                                   FROM devt_oim.osi
                                  WHERE request_key = :identificationkey), 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                       NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) AS approval_date, 'ASSIGNED' AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
                         WHEN NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) = '-'
                           THEN 'Pending'
                         ELSE usr.ost_status
                       END AS process
                  FROM (SELECT b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                               TO_CHAR (a.osi_create, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS approval_date, 'key' AS tbl_key,
                               (SELECT ost_status
                                  FROM devt_oim.upa_resource
                                 WHERE upa_resource_key IN (SELECT MAX (upa_resource_key)
                                                              FROM devt_oim.upa_resource a INNER JOIN devt_oim.oiu b
                                                                   ON a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                                             WHERE b.request_key = :identificationkey)) AS ost_status
                          FROM (SELECT   osi_assigned_to_usr_key, osi_create
                                    FROM devt_oim.osi
                                   WHERE request_key = :identificationkey AND osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                                ORDER BY osi_create DESC) a
                               INNER JOIN
                               devt_oim.usr b ON a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                         WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN 0 AND 1) usr
                       LEFT JOIN
                       (SELECT ugp.ugp_name AS approver_name, '-' AS approver, 'Group' AS approver_type, '-' AS approval_date,
                               'key' AS tbl_key
                          FROM devt_oim.oti itp INNER JOIN devt_oim.ugp ugp ON ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                         WHERE itp.request_key = :identificationkey AND :request_status != 'Request Completed') grp
                       ON usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
              ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified) appr ON 1 = 1
    ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified, seq2
    ) X, request_comments

  • While creating the parameter it doesnot pull all the data of that particular column

    Post Author: pvds
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    Hi everyone.
    i am using a sql query with a join condition to pull data in to crystal reports. I got that data which i want in to the report. but when i was trying to create a parameter with a dropdown of all the database values to a particular column it is not showing all the data from the report.
    for example  i have a column called state
    the column has many states displayed in the report but when i select that column and select browse data it shows only 1 state. with this i am anable to create a parameter with a dropdown list of all the state. i can see different states in the report but y i am not able to see when i browse the data or create a parameter? can any one answer me?
    i already created another report with a query on same table but i never faced this problem before.

    Post Author: V361
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    There is a limit to the number of Parameters that will show in a drop down... You can increase using the following.
    Check this KBase article on how to increase the number.

  • How to create event alert for particular column get updated

    Hi every one.... plz help me
    How to create oracle event alert when particular column is update. plz help me.... Acutually i need email alert when ever list price for an item column in pricing table get updated+... plz. Its urgent.

    Oracle Event alert is based on update of specific table and not on specific column in table.
    However you can create a trgigger on table which is based on updat of column. And in this trigger you can send a mail using plsql.

  • Need help in hiding particular column of a table depending upon value

    Hi experts,
    I have developed a custom smartform and Print program.
    My problem is ..depending upon the data i recieve,...i have to hide a particular column.
    For example ... i have a table with 2 rows...one header and main row..This table has 3 column.
    I have to hide one of the column depending upon the data i recieve. So my output should have 2 rows and 2 columns.
    Please help.

    well vishwa u r right it wont work for multiple columns,
    then i guess this shud work.
    U can try like this create the rows with single column
    then print all ur text elements with spaces inserted manually between them with text editor then in conditions tab of the text elements specify ur condition according to what all u want to print.

  • Read from csv file and plot particular columns

    I`m a new user of Labview and here it comes...my first major problem.
    Maybe this has been discussed before. I’ve made a search to solve my problem first but I couldn`t find anything helpful so I `ve decided to post a new message.
    So here is my problem:
    I`m working in a small semiconductor lab where different types of nitrides are grown using proprietary reactor. The goal is to read the collected csv files from each growth in Labview and plot the acquired data in appropriate graphs.
    I have a bunch of csv files and I have to make a Labview program to read them.
    The first part of my project I`ve decided to be displaying the csv file (growth log file) under labview (which I think works fine).
    The second one is to be able to plot particular columns from the recipe in graphs in Labview (that one actually gives me a lot of trouble):
    1. Timestamp vs Temperature /columns B and D/
    2. Timestamp vs Gas flow /columns L to S/
    3. Timestamp vs Pressure /columns E,K,T,U,V/
    I`ve got one more problem. How can I convert the Timestamp shown in csv file to human readable date in labview? This actually is a big problem, because the timestamp is my x axis and I want to know at what time a particular process took place and I also want to be able to see the converted timestamp when displaying csv file at first. I`ve read a lot about time stamping in excel and timestamp in labview but I`m still confused how to convert it in my case.
    I don`t have problems displaying csv file under Labview. My problems are with the timestamp and the graphs.
    Sorry for my awful English.  I hope you can understand my problems since English is not my mother language. 
    Please find the attached files.
    If you have any ideas or suggestions I`ll be more than happy to discuss them.
    Thank you in advance.
    Have a nice day! 
    growth log.csv ‏298 KB
    Read from growth log.vi ‏33 KB

    Hello again,
    I`m having problems with converting the first column in the attached above file Growth Log.csv.
    I have a code converting xl timestamp to time and using Index Array traying to grab a particular column out of it but the attached file is written in strings so I guess I have to redo it in array but I don`t know how.Would you help me with this one?
    Xl Timestamp to Time.vi ‏21 KB

  • Choosing particular columns using XSU PL/SQL API

    Hi ya,
    I have another query regarding XSU PL/SQL API please
    If I dont want to choose all columns but choose particular columns
    in my select clause,how shud I do this.??
    I havent used XSU before,so please forgive my ignorance.
    queryCtx DBMS_XMLQuery.ctxType;
    result CLOB;
    -- set the query context.
    queryCtx := DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext('select CHOOSE CERTAIN COLS ONLY from <TABLE>');
    result := DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx); -- get the result
    DBMS_XMLQuery.closeContext(queryCtx); -- close the query handle;
    Can anyone tell me how to select particulat columnsor some one suggested(Mr Kishore) to use a view?
    I dont want to use 'Select * from <Table>'
    Help really appreciated.

    This is a duplicate of this posting Creating a View to check for 2 conditions.. This is a particularly heinous case because some of our finest minds have already responded in that thread.
    Lose ten culture points.
    Regards, APC

  • Lock particular column

    any one tell 'How to lock the particular column in table ".
    but iam use like this
    cursor c1 is select ename,sal,comm from emp where deptno=:dtno
    for update of <<column name>>;
    the above statement is not working (unable to update other columns).
    Plz tell full scenario of locking method

    I find it amusing and a sad reflection on your expertise, that you put OCP in your handle, claiming to be an Oracle Certified Professional, and yet you have no idea how locking works in Oracle.
    > Plz tell full scenario of locking method
    RTFM. Chapter 13, Data Concurrency and Consistency in the [url http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14220/consist.htm#i13945]Oracle® Database Concepts guide.

  • Reading particular column from internal table

    I am having one internal table with one row. I know the column number. I want to read that particular column value. What should I add with the below statement.
    Read table itab index 1.
    This will give me the whole row. I want only the particular column.
    Please help me to solve this issue

    Where n is the column number and workarea is the row of the internal table.
    Note : Please mark the helpful answers

  • How to display more than 12 numbers in one single  column  of excel

    i lokesh, i am using gui_download for downloading excel sheet. actually during download one of my field contains 18 numbers, so in excel, in that particular column it shows as a 3.0000E18 and also for example: actually property number is 100000000000005263, it shows as a 1.0000E18, if i click on the 1.0000E+18, at the top it shows as a 10000000000000005000. it does not show last 3 numbers like 263.
    what i want is during run time i want to display property number as a 100000000000005263 in one column.
    any body knows for this solution pls let me know.

    You're using gui_download to create a file which you then have to import into Excel?  If so, then you can format the field as 'Text' during the import process.  The default cell-category is 'General', which will treat numeric values as numbers, causing the problem you describe.
    If you do not want to give users this task, then one idea is to put some non-numeric character(s) into the cell, e.g. 'PN 100000000000005263' - where PN stands for property number.

  • Filter for a Particular column in obiee 11g

    I have created an report having 10 measure columns and filter by month i.e., less than (particular month ) which is working perfect.Actually my requirement is to one column to be filter by equal to particular month. if is it possible kindly tell me how to do. thanks in advance!

    Goto Edit formula for that particular column.
    and use FILTER(measure_column USING (condition)).
    FILTER("XXXXX"."measure_column" USING ("OBIA"."D5.Times"."Month" =particular_month ))
    Try this... This will work fine.

  • Where do I find the global package array g_fnn for a particular column?

    Hi Everyone,
    I found out from one of the tutorials that when a page is submitted, the value of a column is stored in a global package array.
    Can you tell me where or how I can find out what nn in g_fnn would be for a particular column?
    I was thinking maybe it corresponds to the position of the columns in the Report Column Attributes of the Report Attrutes page.
    This information will help me refer to it in pl/sql code.

    Hi Scott.
    I think I may be able to answer my own question. Ooopps!
    I noticed in the tutorial they refered to the deptno column as g_f09. I noticed in the Region Source under the Region Definition tab that a total of 9 columns were defined in the select statement.
    Is this assumption correct by stating that if the Sal column is the 6th one defined in the select statement, it is g_f06 ?

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