Do 4.x Sites and Syndicated Gadgets/Publications still exist?

I was looking for how the 5.x platform syndicates content and I'm having trouble finding it. Does the functionality in 4.x of Sites, Syndicated Gadgets and Publications still exist? Or has it been replaced by another technology? Or has the idea been dropped altogether?
Is there a cross reference that has been published that shows all of the features that existed in previous platforms that have been renamed or dropped from the current product. There is a summary in the upgrade guide of features that have been renamed, but it may not explain everything.

We designed these features in 4.x to support syndication of content to other web sites outside the portal. When we were designing 5.0, we took a look at how our customers were using this feature and found that most actually used it as a caching mechanism to enhance portlet preformance. They would write a portlet that generates a report using expensive queries against slow back-end systems, then convert the portlet to a "syndicated gadget" and write another gadget to load and display the most recent copy of the syndicated content on MyPages and Communities. A common complaint was that this process involved so many unnecessary steps: creating a Site, copying all the Gadget object settings into a new Syndicated Gadget object, adding it to the Site, etc.
In 5.0, you can "syndicate" a portlet by simply adding it as an operation to a job, without creating any new objects. When you run the job, it runs the portlet and saves the output to a file. We've also added the "Stored Content" portlet (part of the Optional Enterprise Web Components package) that will load this file and display it in a MyPage or Community for you. We did cut the syndication site functionally that allowed you to publish URLs to the syndicated content, we found that it didn't add much value over just putting the files on an IIS or Apache web share protected by basic auth.

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    Contact the maker of the app. Apple has nothing to do with subscriptions to third party apps.

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    My environment there are two sites, Internet Facing-Site and No Internet Facing-Site.
    The mail flow between them, it isn't working. The messages stuck in the queue.
    Default Receive Connector No internet facing-site is configured, bellow:
    - Transport layer....
    -Basic Authentication...
    - Exchange Server Authentication.
    - Integrated windows....
    Configuration the Internet Facing-Site, bellow:
    From intenet
    - Transport layer....
    -Basic Authentication...
    - Integrated windows....
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    - Transport layer....
    -Basic Authentication...
    - Exchange Server Authentication.
    - Integrated windows....
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    I'm needing help, pls.

    Please check SMTP traffic filtering/scanning enabled on the router/firewall. You can telnet even if the SMTP
    traffic filtering/scanning enabled on the router/firewall. But emails will not pass through if the configuration is incorrect.
    May be speed between sites causing this issue (not sure). Anyway please try changing the Tarpitinterval as a test.
    To see the current setting "Get-ReceiveConnector | Select name,tarpitinterval "To set new value "Set-ReceiveConnector “<Connector-Name>”
    Try restarting "MSexchange-Transport-sevice" on both servers as well
    Can you send email one-way or
    both ways not working? 

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    All mail currently flows in/out through site A via connectors
    OWA is currently hosted on the CAS/HT server at site A
    I have installed a new Edge server in the DMZ of site B and cloned the configuration.
    I am planning the move of the internet facing site to the new site where the other Exchange CAS/HT server resides.
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    What needs to happen to move OWA to the Exchange server at site B?
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    1.  Sending can happen from both sites, regardless of where your MX records point.  In fact, you don't need an MX record to send email - just to receive.  So the new send connector in Site B won't cause issues with mail flow - messages will
    go out B and come in A until you rehome your MX record.
    2.  In order to move OWA to Site B, your external records for your OWA site need to point to the external IP address that will connect to the Site B CAS (and hopefully, you have it behind a firewall of some sort).
    3.  Not quite - you need to move your OAB generation to the new site, and make sure that all CAS virtual directories in the new site are configured to handle the connections that currently go to Site A.  See the following for what you need to do
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    Hello All,
    I have migrated the SP2013 environment using database attach method for our intranet site. We also working on the
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    Internet site.  
    Which is the best option to achieve this with same content database.   
    Please advice.
    Aroh Shukla

    Business Requirement:
    Content Managers want to control internal Internet site ( (with default zone, port 443, Root site) and also want to have SP2013 Internet site (with Internet zone (not a root site and publishing site template)), Anonymous access at Web Application level. I configured the site architecture
    to have intranet zone as default zone and extended Web Application for Internet facing site with Anonymous site. This the current site architecture
    Because content managers do not want to duplicate public site (Internet facing site) with will be shared with some lists that are stored in intranet site.
    For e.g. a sub site named “News and Events” will be shared with Public site as well as Internet users. Therefore, if a manger wants to update a list in the public site, it should reflect in intranet site as well. Thus, managers
    don’t want to have separate database but same content database.
    I have extended web application to have different Internet zone, the site URL looks this: with publishing template and Anonymous access. Managers want to have public site URL to be just and not As I am using path based site collection for extending site collection, I am
    getting this URL
    We also tried host named site collection, but it does not provide anonymous access and keep on asking for user credentials.
    Q1: We want to have Intranet and Public site with same content database as per business requirements, Shall I following link
    Q2: Because I am constrained that I don’t want to have separate web application, (I know, its not regular requirement), how could achieve this requirements?
    Q3: Do have to completely re-design web site architecture, with as main web application, then copy Intranet site collection and move this to using
    Move-SPSite command 
    Any kind of pointer and help will be highly appreciated as I am struggling for 2 weeks to solve this.
    Aroh Shukla

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    or use Adware Removal Tool.

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    Chrome did say they were working on getting plug in available at chrome store.
    I agree with comments that I was able to go to web sites and hear calls before firefox made an update that removed my windows media plug in. The simple download fix, presumeably from windows, does not work, apparently because firefox can't find the fix. That is not the user's fault, and it looks like windows tried to provide a fix, and firefox won't recognize it.
    Bottom line, it is easier to use another browser, than try and get the windows media player plug in installed on firefox. What good is a browser, if you can't hear a call on the website that the browser takes you to? Please make it easy to install the windows media plug in on firefox. Thank you..

    Firefox can find plugins in several locations, but Firefox 21 changed the location of the "shared" plugin folder so older installers like the Microsoft Windows Media Plugin no longer drop the DLL file in the correct location.
    There apparently are two ways to address this:
    (1) Change a Firefox preference so that Firefox checks the old location. Here's how:
    (i) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (ii) In the filter box, type or paste '''plugins''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (iii) Double-click '''plugins.load_appdir_plugins''' to switch its value from false to true.
    This will take effect after you restart Firefox.
    (2) Copy the plugins folder to the new location. Here's how on Win 7 64-bit:
    Open a Windows Explorer window to:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
    Right-click and copy the '''Plugins''' folder
    Double-click the '''browser''' folder to open it
    Right-click and paste
    Right-click the new copy of '''Plugins''' and rename it to '''plugins'''
    After restarting Firefox, the plugins in that folder should now be available.
    ''Edit: I suggest just doing #1.''

  • Routing issue between two satellites sites and one central hub

    I have 3 Ad sites with one exchange 2010 hub,cas,mailbox server on each sites.
    One of this site (site A) is central Hub and the two other sites  ( B and C) are two satellites of site A.
    The is no connectivity between site B and C, only connectivity between A and B, and A and C.
    When I send a mail from Site B to Site C, Exchange try to deliver the mail directly to site C and don't pass to site A to deliver to site C, some mail stay in queue in site B, and the the queue is in retry.
    I flag the site A as HUB.
    Site toplogy is correct and the cost too.
    Can someone help me??

    what are your AD costs between A, B and C?
    In Exchange 2010, each message recipient is always associated with only one Active Directory site, and there is only one least cost routing
    from the source Active Directory site to the destination Active Directory site
     If the least-cost routing path to the primary site contains any hub sites, the message must be
    routed through the hub sites

  • Vpn site to site and remote access , access lists

    Hi all, we run remote access and site to site vpn on my asa, my question is Can I create an access list for the site to site tunnel, but still leave the remote access vpn to bypass the access list via the sysopt command, or if I turn this off will it affect both site to site and remote access vpn ?

    If you turn off sysopt conn permit-vpn it will apply to both your site to site and remote access vpn...all ipsec traffic. You would have to use a vpn-filter for the site to site tunnel if you wanted to leave the sysopt in there.

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    I am using my Ipad on a remote craftshow site and am having problems with battery lasting 8 hrs. Can I use a 12v rv battery to recharge it or at least maintain the charge over longer periods of time? I have a dc adapter. thanks

    You should be able to use the battery if you get a car type charger which recharges mobile devices.
    The full size iPads use a 10-12W charger, whereas the mini uses a 5W charger. Many car chargers only supply 5W. But at 5W, the car charger should give you some extra time on your iPad. It would be best to use a 10-12W car charger.
     Cheers, Tom

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    == When I download and try to read a .pdf file and when I am asked to turn off all Firefox files and if I do, I lose them since I need to know how to save them without rebooting my computer.

    Brilliant! Problem solved! Thanks so much.

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