Doco/functionality mismatch: Adding a Bounded Task Flow to a Page

Hi JDev team
With JDev 11g TP4 and the latest published ADF Guide in hand, under section 14.3 "Adding a Bounded Task Flow to a Page", subsection "To add a bounded task flow containing pages to a JSF page:" it notes that when you drag n drop a bounded task flow from the App Navigator into a JSF page you get the choice of creating a button or link. I don't get this option, instead I can create a region or a dynamic region in the drag n drop submenu.

note that it says "containing pages", not "containing page fragments". If your taskflow contains page fragments "jsff" then the choice is a region, if it is pages (jspx) then the choice is button or link to launch the taskflow.
Let me know if this still doesn't work for you

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    Hi Frank
    I am using below code for commit (from TaskFlowUtils class)
    public void commitTaskFlow() {
    public DataControlFrame getDataControlFrame() {
    BindingContext bindingContext = oracle.adf.controller.binding.BindingUtils.getBindingContext();
    String dataControlFrameName = bindingContext.getCurrentDataControlFrame();
    DataControlFrame dataControlFrame = bindingContext.findDataControlFrame(dataControlFrameName);
    return dataControlFrame;
    Your comment was too helpful , I change data control scope to shared and it is working now
    One more related question:
    Is adding bounded task flow into another fragment as region an advised approach?
    Thanks a lot

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    does the page fragment have an af:message tag ? Since you are not refreshing the parent page, which usually holds the af:messages component, its not showing . At least this is where I see the problem coming from

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    Certainly... I've uploaded the sample application here:
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        <taskFlow id="testtaskflow1"
            <parameter id="objectId" value="123"/>
        </taskFlow>I'm wondering is there some EL expression I can use for the parameter value that gets the value of the id request parameter passed into the .jspx? Thanks.

    you have to use it like.. #{bean.idValue} and in the getter of the id Value use it like
    private int idValue;
    public int getIdValue(){
              HttpServletRequest request =
            int id = request.getParameter("id");
           return id;

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    Thank you very much

    Dear Timo
    I use jDev and the scope is Request.Although when i use task flow page fragment and create jsff pages, there is no problem.

  • UI Shell - how to allow ADF Library Bounded Task Flow to close itself

    Hi Richard
    Further to my other post, we're having lots of fun with the UI Shell, it's making mockups very easy.
    Question for you though based around the functionality defined in the UI Shell whitepaper. Say we've created our UI Shell application, and rather than wanting to create the bounded task flows in the app (ie.first, second, third), we create them as standalone bounded task flows deployed to ADF Libraries, and imported into our app separately.
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    However as you know a bounded task flow has a "Default Activity" entry point and one or more "Task Flow Return" exit points. What I haven't been able to work out is how when the bounded task flow exits via a task flow return, can we call the closeCurrentActivity method in the Launcher bean? The UI Shell code examples demonstrate closing a bounded task flow by menu options/or similar outside the bounded task flow in the UI Shell, but it would seem reasonable if the bounded task flow exited via a "Task Flow Return" we should be also able to close the activity tab too.
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    I could imagine inserting code into the bounded task flow finalizer to close the activity tab, but this pushes the UI Shell tab activity management logic into our standalone ADF Library bounded task flows which isn't ideal, especially if we want to later reuse them in another app which doesn't use the UI Shell.
    Any suggestions welcome.
    Thanks & regards,

    And we're back again.... what's a couple months between friends?
    So it turns out after testing our app (d@mn, so close) that we've hit a bug with this approach.
    Our current app allows one BTF to be open in the UI Shell at any one time. Our menu options automatically open one BTF at a time by the user (max one open), and close the previous BTF. However we have some "special" BTFs that require the user to explicitly close the BTF, which in turn makes use of the regionNavigationListener solution I described earlier in this post.
    However we discovered a bug when we do a complete cycle of the 15 embedded regions within the UI Shell.
    Say we:
    1) Open a normal BTF in region 0
    2) Open another normal BTF in region 1 (our solution automatically closes the previous BTF)
    3) We then open another BTF (again the previous BTF is closed) in region 2, yet this a "special" BTF requiring the user explicitly to close it. Upon the user closing the BTF - this results in the regionNavigationListener being called and the removeTab() method called to close down the BTF in the UI Shell
    4) The user then open/closes multiple normal BTFs, one by one, rotating through regions 3, 4, 5 .... eventually back to 1 again
    5) Then the bug occurs - on opening any BTF back in region 2 (as part of the complete cycle of all regions), the tab for the region 2 opens, correct title, and via debugging the Tab.class has all the right settings including taskFlowId, but the tab is incorrectly empty
    I've managed to track a symptom of the problem down that may explain what's happening.
    Each time a tab is rendered with a BTF, the Tab classes getBinding() method returns a reference to the binding required for the current BTF. However for some reason on the complete cycle, for "r2" it returns the binding for the previously user-closed BTF from step 3 above, even though we called the TabContext.removeTab() method.
    What I haven't been able to work out is how the bindings get turned on/off dynamically for each BTF being invoked. Presumably for some reason on step 3, the BTF's bindings aren't being correctly removed from r2 even though we called TabContext.removeTab().
    If anybody has any brain waves about what's going on and how to fix this problem, your help appreciated.

  • ADF : Can we skip the default activity of ADF train in bounded task flow.?

    Hi All,
    I'm a newbie for ADF and JDev. Started learning from the documentation provided for ADF, I'm trying to create a bounded task flow which has a train component and every train stop should be enabled/skipped programmatically. I'm able to skip the train stops after reading the content provided at
    But I'm not able to skip the default train stop which is the first activity call in my case upon initialization.
    Below are the steps I've followed :
    1. Created a viewController project and created a bounded task flow in it with Train component enabled.
    2. Added 4 views with train component marking the first view as default activity call.
    3. As per the document I mentioned above, I added managed bean files to skip the train stop programmatically.
    Now when i run the task flow, I'm able to skip the train stops number 2/3/4 but I'm not able to skip the stop number 1(first stop which is the default activity) on initialization.
    As per ADF documentation, for a bounded task flow there must be a default activity assigned which will always be called first when we enter the bounded task flow. So that means, default activity will always be called upon initialization of that bounded task flow and never be skipped programmatically.? or else if there is a way to skip the default activity, then please let me know the documentation/steps to do this.
    Thanks in advace.
    Edited by: 1004973 on May 9, 2013 2:52 AM

    Thanks Timo. Your idea resolved my issue. :)
    I've created a new page in my bounded task flow which I've made as a default activity for that bounded task flow. Then I applied navigation through router and based on some condition I'm now able to move my control to my desired train stop. By this design I can do other customization on train button(Back/Next).

  • Bounded-Task-Flow Page Fragment Control Flow Help

    I am having an issue trying to figure out the correct way to use control flow cases between a bounded-task-flow with page fragments and an unbounded-task-flow page. We have taken the approach in our application to have a few shell / container pages to host bounded-task-flows made up of page fragments to facilitate re-usability and to speed up development. There are 4 or 5 shell pages on the applications unbounded-task-flow. As of now, we have about 20 page fragments that are implemented as bounded-task-flows. These fragments don't do much now, meaning there is only a single fragment in each bounded-task-flow. The issue I am having is trying to invoke a control flow navigation action from one of the fragments to load a different shell page.
    For Example, shellPage1.jspx contains fragment-flow-1 as a region. In my adfc-config.xml I have shellPage1.jspx and shellPage2.jspx, with control flow cases "toShell1" and "toShell2" respectively connecting the two pages. I have a link's action bound to the "toShell2" within the fragment that makes up fragment-flow-1. When the application is run, shellPage1.jspx and its fragment are displayed. But clicking on the link in the fragment ("toShell2") does absolutely nothing. It does not navigate me to the shellPage2.jspx as expected. What am I doing wrong here or do not understand?
    If the fragment is included as a JSP include, and not a bounded task flow include, everything works as expected. This is not desirable as we then need to copy the fragment's pageDef into the shellPage's pageDef to get the DataControls to function.
    If the faces-config.xml is used instead, and a JSF navigation case is used, it will also work as expected. This is not desirable because we really don't want to be mixing adcf-config and faces-config.
    So I am really stumped here.... Thanks in advance!

    Hi there:
    In your case, the adfc-config.xml has the control flow case between shell pages. And the task-flow-N.xml or your-task-flow.xml for each page fragment by default doesn't inherit control flow case from their containing shell page. In your case, in the page fragment task-flow.xml, you should add a "Parent Action" to flow to shell page2 for example. The outcome of "Parent Action" would be "toShell2" if calling from ShellPage1 page fragment.
    Is this 'Correct' or 'Helpful' for you? Please mark it as so if it does.
    Good luck,

  • Bounded Task Flow

    Hi All,
    I am using JDeveloper and I would like to create a Wizard interface. From reading various articles the best way to achieve this would be to create a Bounded Task Flow and represent this as a Train. Can anyone recommend a good tutorial to achieve this functionality?
    Also, I have a source page, and want to place a "create user" button - This would then launch a popup and launch my wizard in a popup - What is the 'best' way to launch a bounded taslk flow within a Popup?
    I will be upgrading to so would appreciate ideas that will be forward compatible (I am having a few problems with popups and upgrading my app at the moment!)

    in you can launch a bounde d task flow that sues jspx pages from the task flow call activity. See sample #39 here:

  • 11gR2 error: call a bounded task flow with method call as default activity

    hi all,
    We migrated several applications to the JDev 11g R2.
    There are 2 applications that contain a bounded task flow where we define Method Call as default activity.
    We need invoke specific actions before opening the page.
    They run well with 11gR1.
    But with *11G R2*, I can’t call directly this task flow with the following URL:
    *<SecurityUtils><invokeURLAllowed> ADFc : impossible to call directly the task flow '/WEB-INF/flows/ my-flow-def.xml #my-flow-def' with the help of URL*
    (original message: <SecurityUtils><invokeURLAllowed> ADFc : impossible d'appeler directement le flux de tâches '/WEB-INF/flows/ my-flow-def.xml #my-flow-def' à l'aide de l'URL.)
    Any idea?
    Thanks for you help

    Have a look at the task flow properties, in PatchSet1, a new feature "invokeURLAllowed" is added that prevents bounded task flows from being URL accessible for security reasons. You can swithc this feature on and off
    Ps.: I though that bounded task flows that you call from a URL generally needed to have a viewActivity as the default activity

  • Passing Parameters to Bounded Task Flow from JSPX

    Hi All,
    1. Created a JSPX page using UIShell template.  This page contains 4 UI Components (InputComboBoxListOfValues) in SingleObjectContextArea.  Created a Managed Bean for this page and capture the selected value in ValueChangeListner and added the value to pageFlowScope.
    2. Created Unbounded Task Flow, dragged the JSPX page.
    3. Have a existing Bounded Task Flow with page fragments, it has MethodCall activity which is expecting inputParameter values from JSPX.
    4. To call the Bounded Task Flow from Unbounded Task Flow (has JSPX page) created 2nd JSPX page using UIShell template.
    5. Dragged the existing Bounded Task Flow into 2nd JSPX page, in context menu selected Region.  This Region is created in SingleObjectContextArea of UIShell.
    6. When dragged its asking about inputParameter mapping of Bound Task Flow.
    7. Configured the inputParameter value which are coming from pageFlowScope.
    8. Dragged the controlFlow from 1st JSPX to 2nd JSPX page to complete the Navigation.
    9. When running the Unbounded Task Flow, it showing 1st JSPX with LOV.
    10. Selected the values and clicked on Submit Action.
    11. Its now showing 2nd JSPX which contains Bounded Task Flow.
    12. But its displaying empty records table.  (Note: I am passing parameters to MethodCall inputParameters as pageFlowScope, My DB has displaying records based on inputParameters when tested it from OrcleSQLDeveloper)
    Could any body help me on this issue.
    My Code Snippets of Data Binding of 2nd JSPX page which has Bound Task Flow as a regionModel.:
    <taskFlow id="TaskFlow1"
            <parameter id="PartnerKeyType" value="#{pageFlowScope.PartnerKeyType}"/>
            <parameter id="PartnerKey1" value="#{pageFlowScope.PartnerKey1}"/>
            <parameter id="InteractionPartnerRole"
            <parameter id="BusinessProcessName"

    first of all Can you get the pageFlow scope variable in taskflow?which you are passing from jspx page?
    if you are able to get the Lov value in Taskflow try refresh taskflow on changing the LOV.
    you need to add input parameter type as boolean,change the parameter from false to true when the LOV value changed.
    now use refreshifNeeded property in pagedef bindings file

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