Document literal client

Hi All,
I am trying to access a document literal client service exposed by tibco business works. I modified the sample/jax-rpc/advanced/ to access the service.
I am stuck up now in this problem regarding serializers. ( i donno why do we need serializer here )
the serializer/deserializer for parameter number: 0, named: "{}LMPData", type: "{}LMPData", is ambiguous because its class could not be determined
at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.BasicCall.serializerNotFoundException(
at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.BasicCall.createLiteralResponseSerializer(
at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.BasicCall.getResponseDeserializer(
at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.dii.BasicCall.invoke(
at DIIHelloClient.testEchoString(
at DIIHelloClient.main(
The service returns an XML document in the response and the doesnot take any parameters. I am looking to get the whole XML as Document or string.
Am i doing anything wrong here ? Any help, thoughts, links or a sample would be greately appreciated.

I found the solution myself. My example was not working since i had a previous version of saaj-ri.jar
I replaced it with saaj-impl.jar from the jwsdp1.3 and it works.... I am able to send XML in the request and receive XML in the response using SAAJ APIs on a service exposed as document/literal.
I am posting the sample code just in case anybody again searches for this.
         URL endpoint=new URL("http://localhost:9094/tnt/services/Processes/soapPrcLmpData");
         SOAPConnectionFactory factory= SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
         SOAPConnection connection = factory.createConnection();
         MessageFactory mffactory= MessageFactory.newInstance();
         SOAPMessage message= mfactory.createMessage();
         SOAPPart soapPart=msg.getSOAPPart();
         SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();
         SOAPBody body = envelope.getBody();
         body.addChildElement(envelope.createName("LmpRequest" , "", ""))
         SOAPMessage reply =, endpoint);
         TransformerFactory tFact=TransformerFactory.newInstance();
         Transformer transformer = tFact.newTransformer();
         Source src = reply.getSOAPPart().getContent();
         StreamResult result=new StreamResult( System.out );
         transformer.transform(src, result);

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    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.Message
         at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StubBase._postSendingHook(
         at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(
         at grpPolicy.GrpPolSP_Stub.queryByExample_HI(
         at grpPolicy.PolicyClientStubs.main(
    Here is my client:
                   Request inObject = new Request();
                   Request outObject = new Request();
                   PolicyData pData = new PolicyData();
                   Group_spcPolicy_spcInbound service = new Group_spcPolicy_spcInbound_Impl();
                   GrpPolSP_Stub stub = (GrpPolSP_Stub) service.getGrpPolSP();
                   outObject = (Request) stub.queryByExample_HI(inObject);
              catch(Exception e)
    Below I have pasted my WSDL:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s0:definitions targetNamespace="" xmlns:s0="" xmlns:s1="" xmlns:s2="">
    <xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsdLocal1="">
    <xsd:documentation>Test XSD Generation</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="ListOfRequest" type="xsdLocal1:ListOfRequest"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="ListOfRequestTopElmt">
    <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="ListOfRequest" type="xsdLocal1:ListOfRequest"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="ListOfRequest">
    <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="PolicyData" type="xsdLocal1:PolicyData"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="PolicyData">
    <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="EffectiveDate" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="EndDate" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="GroupName" type="xsdLocal1:string100"/>
    <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="PolicyNumber" type="xsdLocal1:string100"/>
    <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="State" type="xsdLocal1:string10"/>
    <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="Type" type="xsdLocal1:string30"/>
    <xsd:simpleType name="string10">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:maxLength value="10"/>
    <xsd:simpleType name="string30">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:maxLength value="30"/>
    <xsd:simpleType name="string100">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:maxLength value="100"/>
    <xsd:simpleType name="string20">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:maxLength value="20"/>
    <xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsdLocal1="">
    <xsd:import namespace=""/>
    <xsd:element name="QueryByExample_HI_Input">
    <xsd:element ref="xsdLocal1:ListOfRequest"/>
    <xsd:element name="QueryByExample_HI_Output">
    <xsd:element ref="xsdLocal1:ListOfRequest"/>
    <s0:message name="QueryByExample_HI_Input">
    <s0:part element="s1:QueryByExample_HI_Input" name="QueryByExample_HI_Input"/>
    <s0:message name="QueryByExample_HI_Output">
    <s0:part element="s1:QueryByExample_HI_Output" name="QueryByExample_HI_Output"/>
    <s0:portType name="GrpPolSP">
    <s0:operation name="QueryByExample_HI">
    <s0:input message="s1:QueryByExample_HI_Input"/>
    <s0:output message="s1:QueryByExample_HI_Output"/>
    <s0:binding name="GrpPolSP" type="s1:GrpPolSP">
    <s2:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <s0:operation name="QueryByExample_HI">
    <s2:operation soapAction="document/"/>
    <s2:body use="literal"/>
    <s2:body use="literal"/>
    <s0:service name="Group_spcPolicy_spcInbound">
    <s0:port binding="s1:GrpPolSP" name="GrpPolSP">
    <s2:address location="http://localhost:7021/POC/Service/GroupPolicy"/>

    Are you talking about uisng WSIF invocation from ESB or BPEL? I am also trying to explore the possibility of invoking a service via HTTP binding available from WSIF providers. I know we can do this in BPEL. Wondering about how to do this in ESB.

  • Document/literal  WS w/ multipart attachment on OC4J 10.1.3/10.1.2

    Hi all,
    I am wondering if OC4J 10.1.3 or 10.1.2 can handle document/literal Web Service with multipart attachment using JAX-RPC API.
    I have created a prototype which does doc/lit WS with text/plain attachment without any problems on OC4J 10.1.3 DP 4.
    But, no luck with multipart/related attachment. Our messaging system is designed that the first part is the SOAP envelope.
    The second part is a multipart message, which could be nested.
    Page 19-9 of Oracle Application Server Web Services Developer's Guide 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) B14434-01 (Sep. 2005)
    does not have the multipart/* support for SWA attachment. It covers image/jpeg, image/gif, image/tif, text/plain, application/plain and text/xml.
    Does anyone know if multipart is supported? Can you provide a working example please?
    many thanks in advance !
    ---------WSDL ----------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions      xmlns=""           
              <schema xmlns="" xmlns:wsdl=""
                   <xsd:import namespace=""
                        schemaLocation="" /> <!-- TEMPORARY LOCATION TO AVOID PROXY SETUP -->
                   <complexType name="createAccount">
                             <element name="acctName" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                             <element name="initBalance" type="float"/>
                   <complexType name="createAccountResponse">
                             <element name="result" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                   <complexType name="AccountException">
                             <element name="message" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                   <complexType name="deposit">
                             <element name="acctID" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                             <element name="amount" type="float"/>
                   <complexType name="depositResponse">
                   <complexType name="getAccountID">
                             <element name="acctName" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                   <complexType name="getAccountIDResponse">
                             <element name="result" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                   <complexType name="getBalance">
                             <element name="acctID" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                             <element name="acctName" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                   <complexType name="getBalanceResponse">
                             <element name="result" type="float"/>
                   <complexType name="withdraw">
                             <element name="acctID" nillable="true" type="string"/>
                             <element name="amount" type="float"/>
                   <complexType name="withdrawResponse">
         <!-- Added from attachment xsd -->               
                   <complexType name="ClaimDetailType">
                             <element name="Name" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="ClaimForm" type="ref:swaRef"/>
                   <element name="claimDetailElement" type="tns:ClaimDetailType"/>
                   <element name="claimResponseElement" type="ref:swaRef"/>
         <!-- End of from attachment xsd -->               
                   <element name="createAccountElement" type="tns:createAccount"/>
                   <element name="createAccountResponseElement" type="tns:createAccountResponse"/>
                   <element name="AccountExceptionElement" type="tns:AccountException"/>
                   <element name="depositElement" type="tns:deposit"/>
                   <element name="depositResponseElement" type="tns:depositResponse"/>
                   <element name="getAccountIDElement" type="tns:getAccountID"/>
                   <element name="getAccountIDResponseElement" type="tns:getAccountIDResponse"/>
                   <element name="getBalanceElement" type="tns:getBalance"/>
                   <element name="getBalanceResponseElement" type="tns:getBalanceResponse"/>
                   <element name="withdrawElement" type="tns:withdraw"/>
                   <element name="withdrawResponseElement" type="tns:withdrawResponse"/>
         <message name="BankService_depositResponse">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:depositResponseElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_deposit">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:depositElement"/>
         <message name="AccountException">
              <part name="AccountExceptionElement" element="tns:AccountExceptionElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_createAccount">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:createAccountElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_withdrawResponse">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:withdrawResponseElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_createAccountResponse">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:createAccountResponseElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_getBalance">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:getBalanceElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_getAccountIDResponse">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:getAccountIDResponseElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_withdraw">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:withdrawElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_getAccountID">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:getAccountIDElement"/>
         <message name="BankService_getBalanceResponse">
              <part name="parameters" element="tns:getBalanceResponseElement"/>
         <!-- Added from attachment xsd -->               
         <message name="ClaimIn">
              <part name="ClaimDetail" element="tns:claimDetailElement"/>
         <message name="ClaimOut">
              <part name="ClaimRefNo" element="tns:claimResponseElement"/>
         <!-- Added from attachment xsd -->               
         <portType name="BankService">
              <documentation>A service that provides banking operations for client applications.</documentation>
              <operation name="SendClaim">
                   <input message="tns:ClaimIn"/>
                   <output message="tns:ClaimOut"/>
              <operation name="createAccount">
                   <documentation>Creates a banking account.</documentation>
                   <input message="tns:BankService_createAccount"/>
                   <output message="tns:BankService_createAccountResponse"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException" message="tns:AccountException"/>
              <operation name="deposit">
                   <documentation>Performs a bank deposit.</documentation>
                   <input message="tns:BankService_deposit"/>
                   <output message="tns:BankService_depositResponse"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException" message="tns:AccountException"/>
              <operation name="getAccountID">
                   <documentation>Retrieves an account ID.</documentation>
                   <input message="tns:BankService_getAccountID"/>
                   <output message="tns:BankService_getAccountIDResponse"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException" message="tns:AccountException"/>
              <operation name="getBalance">
                   <documentation>Retrieves an account balance.</documentation>
                   <input message="tns:BankService_getBalance"/>
                   <output message="tns:BankService_getBalanceResponse"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException" message="tns:AccountException"/>
              <operation name="withdraw">
                   <documentation>Withdraws funds from a bank account.</documentation>
                   <input message="tns:BankService_withdraw"/>
                   <output message="tns:BankService_withdrawResponse"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException" message="tns:AccountException"/>
         <binding name="BankServicePortBinding" type="tns:BankService">
              <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
              <operation name="SendClaim">
                   <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
                                  <soap:body use="literal" parts="ClaimDetail" namespace=""/>
                                  <soap:body use="literal" namespace=""/>
              <operation name="createAccount">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="http://service.topdown/:createAccount"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException">
                        <soap:fault name="AccountException" use="literal" encodingStyle=""/>
              <operation name="deposit">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="http://service.topdown/:deposit"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException">
                        <soap:fault name="AccountException" use="literal" encodingStyle=""/>
              <operation name="getAccountID">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="http://service.topdown/:getAccountID"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException">
                        <soap:fault name="AccountException" use="literal" encodingStyle=""/>
              <operation name="getBalance">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="http://service.topdown/:getBalance"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException">
                        <soap:fault name="AccountException" use="literal" encodingStyle=""/>
              <operation name="withdraw">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="http://service.topdown/:withdraw"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
                   <fault name="AccountException">
                        <soap:fault name="AccountException" use="literal" encodingStyle=""/>
         <service name="bank">
              <port name="BankServicePort" binding="tns:BankServicePortBinding">
                   <soap:address location="http://localhost:8888/bank/bank"/>

    Thank you, Tim for your reply.
    I found the answer myself. :-)
    It's not the WSDL, it's the test program.
    You are suggesting SWA attachment, which works. But, I am looking for SWAref attachment, which could be referenced by a SOAP element (i.e. cid: )
    The client application builds a multipart, which has 1 text file and a jpeg file and sends
    the multipart with SOAP envelope. The server returns the multipart back to the client.
    Here is my client code:
         private void demoAttachment() throws Exception
              javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory mf = javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance();
              javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage msg = mf.createMessage();
              javax.xml.soap.AttachmentPart ap = msg.createAttachmentPart();
              ap.addMimeHeader("header1", "12/28/2005");
    //          ap.setContent("Hello world !", "text/plain"); // text/plain worked earlier
              MimeMultipart mmp = makeAttachment();
              ap.setContent(mmp, mmp.getContentType());
              javax.xml.soap.AttachmentPart ret = m_endpoint.sendClaim("John Smith", ap);
    private static MimeMultipart makeAttachment()
    MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart();
    try {
    } catch (MessagingException e1) {
    MimeBodyPart body1 = new MimeBodyPart();
    try {
    DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(TEXT_FILE_NAME));
    String ct = dh.getContentType();
    System.out.println("Content type: " + ct);
    body1.setHeader("Content-Type", ct);
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
    MimeBodyPart body2 = new MimeBodyPart();
    try {
    DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(IMG_FILE_NAME));
    String ct = dh.getContentType();
    System.out.println("Content type: " + ct);
    body2.setHeader("Content-Type", ct);
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
    return mp;
    -------- SOAP request and response -----------------------------------------
    TcpTunnelText: ready to rock and roll on port 5555
    TcpTunnelText: tunnelling port 5555 to port 8888 on host
    POST /topDownBank/topDownBank HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost:5555
    Connection: Keep-Alive, TE
    TE: trailers, deflate, gzip, compress
    User-Agent: Oracle HTTPClient Version 10h
    SOAPAction: ""
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, x-gzip, compress, x-compress
    Content-type: multipart/related;type="text/xml";boundary="----=_Part_1_33320514.1135808579711"
    Content-length: 15957
    Content-Type: text/xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
                   <ns0:Name>John Smith</ns0:Name>
    Content-Type: multipart/related;
    header1: 12/28/2005
    Content-Id: <ID1@ClaimForm>
    Content-Type: text/plain; name=test.txt
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.txt
    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is DCD8-0D94
    Directory of C:\temp
    12/22/2005 03:57 PM <DIR> .
    12/22/2005 03:57 PM <DIR> ..
    03/04/2005 02:28 PM <DIR> 0128
    05/09/2005 09:10 PM 703
    58 File(s) 237,395,939 bytes
    31 Dir(s) 49,375,744,000 bytes free
    Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=test.jpg
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.jpg
    (binary data removed from here ...)
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 22:22:59 GMT
    Server: Oracle Containers for J2EE
    Content-Length: 15922
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
    Content-Type: multipart/related;type="text/xml";boundary="----=_Part_8_13238995.1135808579852"
    SOAPAction: ""
    Content-Type: text/xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
    Content-Type: multipart/related;
    header1: 12/28/2005
    Content-Id: <ID1@claimResponseElement>
    Content-Type: text/plain; name=test.txt
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.txt
    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is DCD8-0D94
    Directory of C:\temp
    12/22/2005 03:57 PM <DIR> .
    12/22/2005 03:57 PM <DIR> ..
    03/04/2005 02:28 PM <DIR> 0128
    10/17/2005 03:54 PM 11,181,568 04_Tutorial_XMS_Webservices.doc
    05/09/2005 09:10 PM 703
    58 File(s) 237,395,939 bytes
    31 Dir(s) 49,375,744,000 bytes free
    Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=test.jpg
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.jpg
    (binary data removed from here )
    Message was edited by:

  • Issue with generation of document/literal type WSDL using Axis

    Hi All,
    I am trying to convert some Java code into WSDL using Axis 1.2 framework. I used Document/Literal style for binding.
    One of the methods in my Java code returns an array. This array is described in Axis generated WSDL as follows:
    <complexType name="ArrayOfThings">
    <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
    <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="impl:Things[]"/>
    But the end user(client for the web service I am hosting) says " .NET won't allow him to consume my webservice (or generate the proper reference classes) for types that derive from encoded types".
    So my question is "Would it be possible to change the webservice so that it doesn’t use that(soapenc) implementation of the array?"
    The end user is expecting something more like this:
    <s:complexType name="ArrayOfThings">
    <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Things" nillable="true" type="tns:Things" />
    I am new to Web Services. So any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Dragana,
    We definitely support the ability to call a web service that exposes two operations (document/literal or not).
    Glancing through your WSDL, it looks good.
    Could you please try to tunnel the second request and see 1) what data is sent to the service and 2) what data is returned by the service?
    Can you please email us a reproduceable case so that we can help troubleshoot in parallel?
    Thank you,
    [email protected]
    please rename .zip to .zap

  • Document/literal web service with WSDL

    I is so hard to get an easily written example of how to do a Document/literal web service in java, to generate a WSDL descripbing it and then deploying it on Apache.
    I first belived that I should use JAXM. But I think it is just SOAP and there is no way to generate a WSDL file for the JAXM service, or??
    It seems that u can to document/literal style using JAX-RPC, but this is VERY strange since RPC style is the direct opposite of Document style.
    well, well
    I would be very greatful for information here.

    JWSDP 1.2 includes the WS-I sample application in JWSDP_HOME/wsi-sampleapp. Several components of
    this application use document-literal operations. The architecture of the application is described
    The WSDL for the services is availabe from URLs in the document.
    As you say, the trick is generating the WSDL for a new service. You have two options: 1. Modify
    existing WSDL yourself. This might be fairly easy, since the only major changes will be in the
    schema. Then use a tool to generate Java source code from the WSDL. 2. Use a tool to generate WSDL
    from source files.
    I prefer option 1 myself, since that gives me total control over the schema. It allows me to
    serialize certain parts of the SOAP message as body elements, others as attributes, and others as
    header elements. Then I use the Apache Axis tool WSDL2Java with the "-s" option to generate skeleton
    service files. One big advantage to this approach is that WSDL2Java generates JavaBean class for the
    types in the WSDL schema, so I don't need to build the SOAP message with SAAJ. A service client
    generates stubs and calls the service exactly as it would for an rpc/encoded service.
    wscompile also generates service files from WSDL if you give the "-gen:server" option, but I've only
    used Axis for my services.
    Here's a sample WSDL for a document/literal service you can modify as you need. I checked it with
    the WS-I testing tools to be sure it conforms to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0a (available at Notice that the processPo operation is a request-response type operation, even though it has
    a document/literal style. This follows the recommendations in the Basic Profile.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:impl="" xmlns:intf="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
         <xsd:import namespace=""
         <xsd:complexType name="LineItem">
                 <xsd:element name="itemId" type="xsd:string"/>
                 <xsd:element name="quantity" type="xsd:int"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="PurchaseOrder">
                 <xsd:element name="customerName" type="xsd:string"/>
                 <xsd:element name="lineItem" type="tns1:LineItem"
                          minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
             <xsd:attribute name="purchaseOrderId" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
         <xsd:element name="purchaseOrder" nillable="true" type="tns1:PurchaseOrder"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="CallbackEndpoint">
             <xsd:attribute name="location" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required"/>
         <xsd:element name="callbackEndpoint" nillable="false" type="tns1:CallbackEndpoint"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="PurchaseOrderAck">
                 <xsd:element name="poId" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:element name="purchaseOrderAck" nillable="true" type="tns1:PurchaseOrderAck"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="InvalidCustomerNameException">
           <xsd:element name="message" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
           <xsd:element name="customerName" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:element name="invalidCustomerNameException" nillable="true"
       <wsdl:message name="processPoRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="callbackEndpoint" element="tns1:callbackEndpoint"/>
          <wsdl:part name="purchaseOrder" element="tns1:purchaseOrder"/>
       <wsdl:message name="processPoResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="purchaseOrderAck" element="tns1:purchaseOrderAck"/>
       <wsdl:message name="invalidCustomerNameException">
          <wsdl:part name="fault" element="tns1:invalidCustomerNameException"/>
       <wsdl:portType name="PurchaseOrderHandler">
          <wsdl:operation name="processPo">
             <wsdl:input message="impl:processPoRequest" name="processPoRequest"/>
             <wsdl:output message="impl:processPoResponse" name="processPoResponse"/>
             <wsdl:fault message="impl:invalidCustomerNameException" name="invalidCustomerNameException"/>
       <wsdl:binding name="PurchaseOrderHandlerPortSoapBinding" type="impl:PurchaseOrderHandler">
          <wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
          <wsdl:operation name="processPo">
             <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
             <wsdl:input name="processPoRequest">
                <wsdlsoap:header message="impl:processPoRequest" part="callbackEndpoint" use="literal"/>
                <wsdlsoap:body parts="purchaseOrder" use="literal"/>
             <wsdl:output name="processPoResponse">
                <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
             <wsdl:fault name="invalidCustomerNameException">
                <wsdlsoap:fault name="invalidCustomerNameException" use="literal"/>
       <wsdl:service name="PurchaseOrderHandlerService">
          <wsdl:port binding="impl:PurchaseOrderHandlerPortSoapBinding" name="PurchaseOrderHandlerPort">
             <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:8080/po/services/PurchaseOrderHandlerService"/>

  • JAX RPC extension: Problem with document/literal and MyType[]

    I have installed the JAX RPC extension and want to generate a stub from my WSDL file. The WSDL describes a document/literal binding.
    A webservice server method like:
    public wineshop.model.common.SimpleProducer[] getSimpleProducerList() throws RemoteException;
    is translated into a stub method like:
    public UnknownType getSimpleProducerList() throws Exception {..}
    Is an array of own types with the binding style "document/literal" not supported in JAX RPC 1.4 or is it just a bug?
    The WSDL file is generated by JAX RPC 1.4.
    I have installed JWSDP-1.5 and generated a stub with wscompile from the WSDL file. The generated stub has the correct method return type:
    public[] getSimpleProducerList()
    throws java.rmi.RemoteException
    It there a workaround like replacing some JDev JARs with JWSDP-1.5 to solve the problem?
    Any hints are welcome.
    Thanks Markus


  • Document-Literal and Arrays - WSDL seems incorrect ??

    I have create a simple "document-literal" webservice that returns an object containing some simple fields and an array of another object.
       <cfproperty name="Id"        type="string">
       <cfproperty name="Priority"  type="numeric">
       <cfproperty name="StartTime" type="date">
       <cfproperty name="StopTime"  type="date">
       <cfproperty name="AOI"       type="VertexPoint[]">
       <cfproperty name="Latitude"  type="numeric">
       <cfproperty name="Longitude" type="numeric">
       <cfproperty name="Altitude"  type="numeric">
    My webservice returns a Task object
    <cfcomponent  style="document">
       <cffunction name="getTask" returnType="Task" access="remote" output="false"> 
    When I look at the generated WSDL is see the following complexTypes:
    NOTICE THE name="item" IN THE COMPLEXTYPE ArrayOf_xsd_anyType.
    <complexType name="VertexPoint">
          <element name="Altitude" nillable="true" type="xsd:double"/>
          <element name="Latitude" nillable="true" type="xsd:double"/>
          <element name="Longitude" nillable="true" type="xsd:double"/>
    <complexType name="Task">
          <element name="AOI" nillable="true" type="tns1:ArrayOf_xsd_anyType"/>
          <element name="Id" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
          <element name="Priority" nillable="true" type="xsd:double"/>
          <element name="StartTime" nillable="true" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
          <element name="StopTime" nillable="true" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
    <complexType name="ArrayOf_xsd_anyType">
          <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="item" type="impl:VertexPoint"/>
    When I look at the XML/data returned when I call the webservice it is:
      <getTaskResponse xmlns="http://users">
         <AOI xsi:type="ns1:VertexPoint" xmlns:ns1="http://users">
         <AOI xsi:type="ns2:VertexPoint" xmlns:ns2="http://users">
    Shouldn't the tags be
    I am trying to access this WS from a java client and the AOI is always null
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  (BTW - If I use "rpc" WS everything work fine)


  • Document/Literal abd document/wrapper

    Have I a web service that was created by the format of messages document/literal, that has implications for the clients who consume the service change the format to document/wrapper?

    This will change the WSDL for your service and will break existing clients. The applications that consume your service will need to regenerate their proxy from the WSDL.
    Best Regards,

  • Question about document/literal web service

    Hello every body.
    I have some question about document/literal web service.
    I’ve been working with Axis before.
    Axis has four valid signatures for your message-style service methods:
    public Element [] method(Element [] bodies);
    public SOAPBodyElement [] method (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies);
    public Document method(Document body);
    public void method(SOAPEnvelope req, SOAPEnvelope resp);
    The same I am trying to do with WebLogic API for webservices.
    But when I am trying to test web service (public Document method (Document body); )
    I have serialized exceptions for org.w3c.dom.Document.
    Do I have to write a custom class for org.w3c.dom.Document serialization?
    If yes can you give me some idea or example?
    The all idea behind this web service is. I have just one web service and mane classes for XML processing. Depends what xml document will be during runtime, web service will be using different class for xml processing. It works fine with Axis, but in case of WebLogic I have some problem.
    One more question… How I have to call this web service from java client?
    I have seen this example ,
    but this web service looks like (Document helloDom()). I need to send Document.
    This example works for Dynamic Proxy, but does not work for static call.
    Any ideas?? Thank in advance.

    I am getting a similar issue. I created a Document-style/literal webservice and deployed on Weblogic 9.2 . Then I generated client stubs using clientgen. I get the following exception stack trace:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: web service invoke failed: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException:
    failed to serialize class java.lang.Objectweblogic.xml.schema.binding.SerializationException: type mapping lookup failure on
    class=class TypeMapping=TYPEMAPPING SIZE=3
    ENTRY 1:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:stns:echoDocumentResponse
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@1125127
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@18dfef8
    ENTRY 2:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:stns:echoDocument
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@15e83f9
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@2a5330
    ENTRY 3:
    class: java.lang.Object
    xsd_type: ['']:xsd:anyType
    ser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@bb7465
    deser: weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.builtin.XSDAnyCodec@d6c16c

  • Future of Document/Literal Web Services in CF

    I would like some clarification on the future of web services
    in CF. Right now I use CF 7 RPC/encoded CFCs which communicates
    with a Java client product currently using the older JWSDP 1.6 for
    web services. However the new Java SOA with WS-Security has been
    out for a while but I cannot convert to it because it doesn't
    support the outdated RPC/encoded format and CF 7 does not handle
    Document/Literal properly. CF 7 does not properly handle cfproperty
    element arrays in publishing Document/Literal web services (well
    documented problem with CF and the current Axis engine).
    However JavaSE 6 is nearing a release and it too will not
    support RPC/encoded or xsd_AnyType, nor will it support the current
    Document/Literal produced by CF 7 which does not properly handle
    arrays for cfproperty elements. This may become a major problem for
    my application as all the Java environments are upgraded.
    Therefore is this issue being addressed in the upcoming CF 8
    Will CF 8 be upgraded to Axis2 and properly support
    Document/Literal arrays for cfproperty elements?
    When might we expect a release of CF 8?
    Is it possible for CF 7 to use Axis2?
    CF has been a great product but I do need to assess some
    options if CF can not handle Document/Literal arrays for cfproperty
    elements within the near future.
    Jason Baumgartner
    Indiana University

    Jason, have you made any progress with CF7 and WS Security?
    It doesn't seem like enough information on this is available. Is it
    even possible? and how?

  • Have Windows XP and Adobe 9 Reader and need to send a series of large documents to clients as a matter of urgency     When I convert 10 pages a MS-Word file to Pdf this results in file of 6.7 MB which can't be emailed.     Do I combine them and then copy

    I have Windows XP and Adobe 9 Reader and need to send a series of large documents to clients as a matter of urgency When I convert 10 pages a MS-Word file to Pdf this results in file of 6.7 MB which can't be emailed.  Do I combine them and then copy to JPEG 2000 or do I have to save each page separately which is very time consuming Please advise me how to reduce the size and send 10 pages plus quickly by Adobe without the huge hassles I am enduring

    What kind of software do you use for the conversion to pdf? Adobe Reader can't create pdf files.

  • Add hyperlink or button to open document in client application

    Good day.
    I have SharePoint 2013 and Office Web Apps 2013 integrated with it.
    I configured the default behavior when clicking on a document in a document library to open it in web app. 
    And I want additionally to have column in this library with hyperlink or button to open document in client application.
    I can click on menu near document name with WAC preview and then click "change" button. But in this case I make 2 clicks. So I want to have this  "change" button as a column in the list of document library.
    How can I do it?

    Hi, Daniel.
    I successfully created rich
    text type column - richtextcolumn.
    Then I created workflow associated with documents library and added action to set field in current element
    - it sets richtextcolumn with value you wrote - "<a class="ms-listlink ms-draggable"
    onclick="return DispEx(this,event,'TRUE','FALSE','FALSE','SharePoint.OpenDocuments.3','1','SharePoint.OpenDocuments','','','','1','0','0','0x7fffffffffffffff')" href="[%Current
    Item: Server Relative URL%]" DragId="7">test</a> .".
    I configured this workflow to run on element creating and editing.
    Then I upload a document and see link to this document appearing in richtextcolumn.
    But when I click this link it just download document and then open it in client application. So if I change something in this document and try to save it, it will be saved in my local download folder and not sharepoint.

  • Document/literal style wsdl with more than one port

    Recently I have changed wsdl style from rpc/encoded to document/literal as BPEL does not handle soapenc:arrayType. The wsdl contains 2 operations and few complex type definitions.
    In BPEL Designer I have created a process that invokes all operations defined in the wsdl, but only one of them will have some data in the response message and the other one will have an empty message. On the other hand, when I use stub generation to invoke Web Service everything is working fine.
    If I provide separate wsdl for each operation (in BPEL process I would have two partnerLinks instead of one) than it works fine.
    Does this mean that BPEL does not handle document/literal style endpoints with more than one port (operation)?
    I have tested this with the orabpel_2.0_J1_win32.exe and orabpel_2.0rc9_win32.exe. Web Services, used for this test, are deployed in Jboss 3.2.3 and axis-1_2beta3.
    WSDL used as partnerLink:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://test" xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:impl="http://test" xmlns:intf="http://test" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://test" xmlns="">
    <complexType name="CardId">
    <element name="cardType" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="number" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <complexType name="CardIdArray">
    <element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="item" nillable="true" type="impl:CardId" />
    <element name="getCardsReturn" type="impl:CardIdArray" />
    <complexType name="CardholderCards">
    <element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="cards" nillable="true" type="impl:CardId" />
    <element name="serialNumber" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="retrieveChReturn" type="impl:CardholderCards" />
    <wsdl:message name="retrieveChRequest" />
    <wsdl:message name="getCardsRequest" />
    <wsdl:message name="retrieveChResponse">
    <wsdl:part element="impl:retrieveChReturn" name="retrieveChReturn" />
    <wsdl:message name="getCardsResponse">
    <wsdl:part element="impl:getCardsReturn" name="getCardsReturn" />
    <wsdl:portType name="TestService">
    <wsdl:operation name="getCards">
    <wsdl:input message="impl:getCardsRequest" name="getCardsRequest" />
    <wsdl:output message="impl:getCardsResponse" name="getCardsResponse" />
    <wsdl:operation name="retrieveCh">
    <wsdl:input message="impl:retrieveChRequest" name="retrieveChRequest" />
    <wsdl:output message="impl:retrieveChResponse" name="retrieveChResponse" />
    <wsdl:binding name="TestServiceSoapBinding" type="impl:TestService">
    <wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport="" />
    <wsdl:operation name="getCards">
    <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="" />
    <wsdl:input name="getCardsRequest">
    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal" />
    <wsdl:output name="getCardsResponse">
    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal" />
    <wsdl:operation name="retrieveCh">
    <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="" />
    <wsdl:input name="retrieveChRequest">
    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal" />
    <wsdl:output name="retrieveChResponse">
    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal" />
    <wsdl:service name="TestServiceService">
    <wsdl:port binding="impl:TestServiceSoapBinding" name="TestService">
    <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:8080/axis/services/TestService" />

    Hi Dragana,
    We definitely support the ability to call a web service that exposes two operations (document/literal or not).
    Glancing through your WSDL, it looks good.
    Could you please try to tunnel the second request and see 1) what data is sent to the service and 2) what data is returned by the service?
    Can you please email us a reproduceable case so that we can help troubleshoot in parallel?
    Thank you,
    [email protected]
    please rename .zip to .zap

  • Document Literal Web Service Stub Error

    I am using jdeveloper 9.0.3 (necessary because we are doing OAF) and have created a Document Literal Web Service Stub. The stub runs perfectly in Jdeveloper, but when I move it to our 9iAS server (, I get the error that it can not find the class \oracle\jdeveloper\webservices\runtime\WrappedDocLiteralStub.
    On my local machine this file is located in jdev-rt.jar, which is in /jdevbin/jdev/lib. Is there a special way to package the web service so that the jar file is included? Or is there a patch I need to apply to the apps server?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I am using jdeveloper 9.0.3 (necessary because we are doing OAF) and have created a Document Literal Web Service Stub. The stub runs perfectly in Jdeveloper, but when I move it to our 9iAS server (, I get the error that it can not find the class \oracle\jdeveloper\webservices\runtime\WrappedDocLiteralStub.
    On my local machine this file is located in jdev-rt.jar, which is in /jdevbin/jdev/lib. Is there a special way to package the web service so that the jar file is included? Or is there a patch I need to apply to the apps server?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Document/literal web service

    Currently I deployed an rpc/encoded ejb web service.
    The ejb handles the request and response using Java methods. I can change this web service to document/literal by changing the style=document in Servicegen. Does this mean that I have to handle the
    SOAP/XML message programmatically? In other words, more work on my part. Any input would be much appreciated.

    Currently I deployed an rpc/encoded ejb web service.
    The ejb handles the request and response using Java methods. I can change this web service to document/literal by changing the style=document in Servicegen. Does this mean that I have to handle the
    SOAP/XML message programmatically? In other words, more work on my part. Any input would be much appreciated.

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