Does Adobe allow fallbacks to CS3 from CS4?

We have several workstations with CS3 Prod. Premium and purchased a CS4 Prod. Premium version for a new workstation. It has been impossible to use, as CS4 and Cineform are not working together. Since we are a Cineform shop, we need a working version of Prod. Premium with that program.
My question: does Adobe allow "fallback" to CS3 (with a serial number) from CS4? Or are we stuck with a $1700 CS4 doorstop?

I don't use Cineform, so this is merely conjecture, but isn't there a new-ish version of the codecs/plugins that is CS4-compatible? I seem to remember others posting that older versions of Cineform's products wouldn't work in CS4, and that an update was necessary (again, I didn't follow too closely, not being a Cineform user). Or is it the new version that's giving you problems? If so, you might want to contact Cineform, as CS4--especially with the last update--has been pretty stable and usable.

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    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
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    I'm sorry you're going through this.  I suspect you're running into a conflict with our Protected Mode which was introduced in Flash Player 11.4.  Please try the troubleshooting steps outlined in this FAQ:
    How do I troubleshoot Flash Player's protected mode for Firefox?
    In particular, I'd recommend temporarily disabling protected mode (for troubleshooting purposes only) to see if that addresses the issue.  If it does, please re-enable it and give our latest Flash Player 11.6 beta a shot.  You can download it here:

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    1.Use free AdwareMedic to remove the adware
        Download, install , open,  and run it by clicking “Scan for Adware” button   to remove adware.
        Once done, quit AdwareMedic.
        Remove the adware  manually  by following the “HowTo” from Apple.
    2. Safari > Preferences > Extensions
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         Turn those on one by one and test.
    3. Safari > Preferences >  Search > Search Engine :
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    After Lion was released, Apple released an update to Migration Assistant for 10.6.8 and 10.5.8 systems, which is required to do some types of migration to Lion. (That update was in August 2011.)
    Had you installed that update on your G5? It should have been offered via Software Update.
    If in doubt, you can download the Leopard version here and install it manually.
    If it still doesn't work, your next option would be to try migrating via a Firewire cable instead of using Ethernet. This would involve running Migration or Setup Assistant on the new computer, and starting up the old computer in Firewire Target Mode. (Migration or Setup Assistant provides detailed instructions after you choose Firewire as the migration method.)
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    You can copy keyframes manually if you have both versions installed on the same computer:
    - Jonas Hummelstrand

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    I am not an expert on SEO matters and do not keep up with advancements relative to it.  It is unlikely the Flash version has anything to do with your SEO rankings.  SEO is based on the information that the engines can see when they read the page.  You should be able to see the words you mention listed in the embedding code if they are being included in your dashboard.  Flash will create comment tags in the html for different key elements in a file such as links used and whatnot.  As far as I know, they cannot yet see inside the Flash file, only the external embedding code that is used.

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    The flaw is here:
    corporate edition
    ...which essentially means it's most likely a volume license and thus not transferable in the first place. The rest is as Steve said - buying software on eBay is risky even on the best of days.

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    Make sure you have cookies enabled and clear your cache.  If it continues to fail try using a different browser.
    Here is an alternate download...  You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.
    CS3 and CS4:

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    You can use online chat to talk with Adobe.  For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

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    James Scott

    HI James please contact the Adobe Chat Team for activation issue
    kindly do the mentioned steps as follow in order to get hold of chat rep of adobe
    Go to
    select the product as adobe creative suite - then select the issue as adobe id and sign in - and then click on still need help contact us then you will be able to find chat option and they will help you with the chat issue

  • End of Upgrade Cycle for CS3 and CS4... Really Adobe?

    As if business wasn't bad enough now I see there will be no upgrade paths past december for CS3 and 4 users. Is this how Adobe plans to keep users away from stopping their upgrades and reducing the number of machines they run Adobe products on? I understand Adobe is not a non-profit and has has to turn a revenue, but the geniuses at Marketing here have made a huge mistake by basically telling their customers that what they have so far will be worth zilch in comes 2013. That arbitrary deadline, is not consider some people who on the east coast are now cash strapped as anyone having to choose between home repairs and other such marvelous stuff and upgrading to CS6 guess what they'll choose. And for the lucky ones not heavily affected by the storms, they will donate to help their community before they will spend money to upgrade perfectly good software.
    It wasn't enough that the upgrade path wasn't much of a discount, but in the current economy every penny counts! The choice of stopping support for CS3 and CS4 in my personal opinion an ill-advised move. I personally went from 3 to 4 within a short amount of time... then when 5 came out my budget didn't allow so I needed to wait. The new CS6 isn't direly needed so I decided I'd have to loose some additional "upgrade power" because money need to be directed elsewhere now... but the news that I'd loose all the upgrade power and would have kept on upgrading for nothing it's just ridiculous... and if that's the treatment a customer will have to expect from now on I think I'll use what I have and move to alternatives stopping to personally support Adobe products an rely on licensed copies at work instead. Perhaps Adobe hasn't notices we aren't exactly doing that great in US between the current economical situation, the various setbacks experienced across the country and for the fact that in this particular business most work is often being outsourced out of US these days... I am sure you will have a huge market on the countries where the outsourced work is being sent... as far as I am concerned comes 12/31/2013 I will no longer be an Adobe customer as Adobe is forcing me out of the upgrade cycle and I won't plan to re-enter anytime soon in the coming future... lesson learnt.
    Thank you for your time (if any of the marketing gurus will have cared to read this far without laughing and discounting with a "screw those old customers, they should've upgraded earlier" which was basically the content of the email I got this week... pasted below)
    Content of email received from Adobe saying last chance to upgrade now or what you got will be worthless in less than a couple months.
    Dear Creative Suite customer:
    We want to make sure you're aware of an important change to Adobe's upgrade policy that may affect you.
    Beginning January 1, 2013, only Creative Suite customers with licenses for CS5 or CS5.5 versions will qualify for upgrade pricing to CS6.
    Due to this change, we will only continue offering CS3 and CS4 customers like you special upgrade pricing through December 31, 2012.*
    * Owners of CS3 and CS4 individual products and suite editions will be eligible to receive upgrade pricing to CS6 until December 31, 2012. After that date, only customers on CS5 or CS5.5 will qualify for upgrade pricing to CS6.

    Adobe doesn't care, they don't have to. I like Phsotoshop and have been using it professionally for 20 years, but lets face it, I wouldnt mind some really good competition from another source. It didnt use to be the only game in town, and doesnt have to remain so.
    I could brainstorm how I would want competing software to look like. Pshop is not the easiest workflow possible. Illustrator is clearly deficient to even CorelDraw, and certainly Freehand. I've been meaning to reconnect with CorelDraw. It did some cool things.
    Google Chrome is pulling a lot of manoevers software wise and I hope they try to go a little deeper and give Adobe a run for their money on the one program they feel justifies unbelievable gouging. Go investigate Ableton Live if you want to see what a company that cares about its customers is doing, ADOBE. Audition is a JOKE compared to Ableton Live. Thank God we're not powned on the audio side by these suits.
    The idea that a company would peddle buggy software, which CS4 was..., although some of that was Apple's fault, is bad, the upgrade prices were ridiculous, and this is the end of the road for me currently. The idea that a company would actively
    push away customers is pretty incredible. "But I sent you an email!" Whoops, you gotta pay $1900 for production premium CS6! HAHAHAHAHA. Time for a YT video with my old hard copy box. Sounds like a good idea.
    There are too many options on the motion graphics side, and I'll keep a static machine to run Pshop and AE CS4.
    The masters of the universe will have theit way, and the rest must bow to their ambivalent greed. At least that's the way they think. It would seem that Adobe and Apple really, really want some upstarts to come up. Maybe $360 for a year to figure out an exit might work. It will be interesting to see if this hits earnings. VERY interesting.

  • Screen Flickering in Adobe Photoshop CS3 and CS4

    I experience screen flickering in Adobe Photoshop CS3 and CS4 when I move my mouse around on the screen. Basically any mouse movement will create flickering. The more and faster I move my mouse the more flickering occurs.
    System Specs
    - Windows 7 64bit Ultimate
    - Intel i7 3.2GHz Extreme
    - ASUS Rampage II Extreme Mobo
    - Corsair Dominator 6GB 1866MHz (Triple Channel)
    - Dual eVGA Nvidia GTX 285 Superclocked Graphics Cards in SLI
    - Dual 60GB OCZ Vertex Series SDDs in RAID0
    - Corsair 1000Watt PSU
    - CPU and both GPUs are water cooled
    - Logitech G-15 Keyboard
    - Logitech G-9 Mouse
    - ASUS 26" LCD VK266H monitor (1920x1200 @ 60Hz) DVI
    - I have the latest BIOS and all of the most up-to-date drivers installed for every piece of hardware.
    I have photoshop set to use the maximum allowable amount of memory. The memory slider in photoshop maxes out at 3.25GB which equates to about 50% of my total system memory.
    The screen flickering does not occur in any other application or game, only in Photoshop. I have tried every possible Nvidia Control Panel setting for this application, and nothing seems to have an effect on the flicker.
    Does anyone have a solution to this problem, or any recommendations?

    Aside from the potential SLI issue, you might want to study your Logitech mouse driver.
    Going back a bit, several versions of the MS InteliPoint mouse driver caused just what you describe. I have not heard of this with Logitech, but did have some other issues with their SetPoint drivers. In my case, I ditched their keyboard, but kept the mouse (love it), and did away with SetPoint, using the generic driver. All functions that I needed were handled, and SetPoint was out of the equation.
    Something else to look at, and good luck,

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