Does CS lightroom sync with CS6

I have edited photos in CS6 and when try to print via lightroom the edits don't appear to have copied across

What do you mean when you say, "CS Lightroom"? There is no such program. What version of Lightroom do you have? Your workflow seems to be a little bit backward. The normal workflow is to do as much work as possible using Lightroom, turning to Photoshop when necessary. A little more information would be helpful, including your operating system, your camera, and a better description of your workflow.

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    Then it would appear the updates have been applied successfully.  You may want to try implementing solution 2 of CC desktop lists applications as "Up to Date" when not installed -

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    Apparently it did sync only part for me although I have lost some entries within my lists within reminders when attempting to sync my mac and iPhone to iCloud simultaneously, no thanks to apple care.
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    Hi there,
    I have no idea...
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    You can set how may days of mail to sync, and also how many emails to show.
    You might find the the user's guide helpful in learning about features and settings:

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    I am having difficulties using the "Podcasts" app on an iPad mini.
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    This may be a device fault, as many of my podcasts have been coming up with "Download error. Tap to retry". This keeps approximately 1 in 10 podcasts in the downloads queue, but can still be listened to in full. Additionally, for approx. 1 in 5 podcasts, the "date released" tag that occurs underneath the name of the episode are set at the default 31 Dec 2000. This problem I can deal with, but the original problem keeps me from sharing episodes I have downloaded with other devices.
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    Hello Murphy410,
    Thank you for the question.  You can use iCloud Calendars with Outlook 2007 or later (Outlook 2010 Personal Edition is not supported) according to the following article:
    iCloud: System requirements
    You can enable the iCloud Calendar in the iCloud Control Panel as outlined in this article:
    iCloud: Change iCloud feature settings
    If you are experiencing issues with the iCloud Calendar syncing properly, I recommend following the steps in the section titled "Troubleshooting on Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Outlook)" in the following article:
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    On My Mac is a local account, it does not sync to iCloud, use the iCloud account for all contacts/calendars you wish to be available on your devices.
    If you are actually using 10.6.7 and not Lion this will not work at all, iCloud services require Lion (10.7.x) or 3rd party software (Soho Organizer) in order to subscribe on Snow Leopard (10.6.x)

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    There is no error in this log file. This is when I originaly Adobe updates.
    requested update classifications: Critical Updates, Definition Updates, Drivers, Feature Packs, Security Updates, Service Packs, Tools, Update Rollups, Updates SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/4/2011 12:38:11 PM 12168 (0x2F88)
    sync: SMS synchronizing categories SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/4/2011 12:38:11 PM 12168 (0x2F88)
    sync: SMS synchronizing categories, processed 0 out of 3 items (0%) SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/4/2011 12:38:12 PM 12168 (0x2F88)
    sync: SMS synchronizing categories, processed 3 out of 3 items (100%) SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/4/2011 12:38:13 PM 12168 (0x2F88)
    sync: SMS synchronizing updates SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/4/2011 12:38:13 PM 12168 (0x2F88)
    sync: SMS synchronizing updates, processed 0 out of 2 items (0%) SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/4/2011 12:38:18 PM 12168 (0x2F88)
    Synchronizing update 42cc6726-c3fe-464b-b8ac-38ec00766262: APSB11-03 Reader 10.0.1 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/4/2011 12:38:18 PM 12168 (0x2F88)
    Synchronizing update de80c836-6549-40e8-b408-1a525f51ea26: APSB11-03 Acrobat 10.0.1 SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/4/2011 12:38:26 PM 12168 (0x2F88)
    Done synchronizing SMS with WSUS Server
    After changing them to expired
    Removing unreferenced updates... SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/5/2011 3:47:35 AM 10480 (0x28F0)
    sync: SMS performing cleanup SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/5/2011 3:47:35 AM 10480 (0x28F0)
    sync: SMS performing cleanup, processed 2 out of 2 items (100%) SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/5/2011 3:47:40 AM 10480 (0x28F0)
    Removed 2 unreferenced updates SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 3/5/2011 3:47:40 AM 10480 (0x28F0)
    Changing the expiry status back to unexpired is not detected during sync.

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