Does Enterprise Manager (10g) needs IIS on 2003 server?

After installing a new EM on the new server, I am getting 'Page Cannot be displayed'. Can any one let me know, if IIS is required on windows, to make the EM10g working?
Thank You

I'm fairly positive the answer is no. Grid Control is like a baby Oracle App Server. It uses whatever app server is deployed with a standard Oracle Application Server (I've always assumed this was apache for all platforms, but I could be wrong.)
What version of Grid Control? What URL are you trying to hit (port, https, etc), What does your look like. Is the web server running? What does the log file say?

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    sender := '[email protected]';
    recipient := '[email protected]';
    mail_conn utl_smtp.connection;
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    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> Connected.
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    I would use APEX4.0 for this.
    Create an interactive report based on your data. Add a chart to that report and use the NOTIFY feature to send you the email.

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    There is a 10g style. It comes with the client software. It is very much a stripped down version. I downloaded it and installed it. I could not find Logminer viewer in it. I did find some documentation. Here is what it says.
    Launching LogMiner Viewer
    To launch LogMiner Viewer, take the following steps:
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    On Windows NT, from the Programs menu,
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    a repository. See Connecting to or Creating a Standalone Repository for more information.
    Click OK.

  • Reg:Enterprise Manager 10g

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    Enterprise Manager 10g Java Console can be installed from the Oracle Client CD or Download. It is the (almost) equivalent of the 9i OEM in Stand-alone if you have used it before.

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    You need to add khazaei to the Local Security Policy "Logon as Batch Job". if you have already done so and you have logged on to a Domain, then add the domain to the username. e.g domain_name\khazaei.
    BTW - you can get faster response to this issue in the EM forum
    Enterprise Manager

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    The EM 10g Java Console can be installed from the Oracle 10g Client CD and it is used the same way the 9i OEM. The difference is that EM 10g Java Console is only used in Stand-alone and does not include connection to a Management Server.
    It has limited functionality. There are a lot of features not available in it and is only available as a backup to some functionalities not yet in Grid Control and DB Control. (e.g, There is no Replication in 10.1 Grid Control, but it is in 10.1 Java Console). It will be phased out in future Releases (no idea which release yet).

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    There is new and valid tablespace alert coming, and I am sure the space adviser is kept running. But I have no idea why the alert has not been cleared.
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    Edited by: csmth96 on Jan 18, 2012 3:49 PM

    This is the followup on the alert.
    The alert is generated based on metrics behind "dba_tablespace_usage_metrics". Without fixing the metric collection process, removal of an alert only caused the alert to be shown some time later. The removal of alert looks working initially but it does not fixed anything.
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    My action is to increase the autoextend limit (max file size) of datafile to the same as allocated file size. No autoextend is actually allowed. The autoextend limit is reset so that "dba_tablespace_usage_metrics" is corrected and it is no longer possible to have more than 100% tablespace usage. The alert is gone several minutes later.
    I doubt whether it make sense to compare the actual usage vs autoextend limit. For any concerned DBA, patch 6759910 may be applied at a downtime window.
    I conclude the solution provided by "N Gasparotto" is truly correct.
    Edited by: csmth96 on Jan 26, 2012 3:26 PM

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    On the same Linux Box ( Where Oracle EBS is installed ) Installed Oracle Application and Infra. server and Discoverer
    Please guide me on the same.

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    Can you please help me in formulating a plan?
    I have the following versions installed:
    1) Repository db -Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
    2) Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release
    3) OS - AIX 5.3

    I just had a similar problem the other day. My repositoy is on, which is behind on released. We are very cautious of upgrade OEM.
    After doing research on OEM DST issue and reviewing our jobs, we found out that OEM was reporting we were on EST instead of EDT. The fix we applied was to download the "tzupdater" from Then we ran "tzupdater" on the OMS home directories ($OMS_HOME/jdk/lib/tzupdater -u). This will update your java DST file for OMS.
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    See the Metalink Note *Impact Document for Daylight Saving Time Shift for Enterprise Manager Grid Control [ID 417939.1]* Appendix B - FAQ - point 18
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    If you do not patch the JDK on the OMS page refreshed times and possibly other times displayed in the console will be incorrect (they will be off by 1 hour) during an affected period.
    Oracle strongly recommends that you do patch the OMS JDK but we are not aware of any data corruption in the repository nor of any impact on critical EM functionalities (such as severities, notifications and jobs) when the JDK is not patched.

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