Does exist a script to replace text in name or rename visible SubLayers, or, better, SubLayers of the selected Layer?

"Batch Rename Visible Layers ILL.jsx" can rename several layers, number them. But no replacement, and most important, it doesn't treat sub layers :=(
Can you help me as I am not so good as you in scripting?
What I have :
What I want with 2 replacements : "Calque" -> "Cloche Arrière" and "CA D" -> "Cloche Arrière Droite" :
Thanks a lot for attention, ETn

"Batch Rename Visible Layers ILL.jsx" can rename several layers, number them. But no replacement, and most important, it doesn't treat sub layers :=(
Can you help me as I am not so good as you in scripting?
What I have :
What I want with 2 replacements : "Calque" -> "Cloche Arrière" and "CA D" -> "Cloche Arrière Droite" :
Thanks a lot for attention, ETn

Similar Messages

  • I need to create an action or script to save the file with the name of the selected layer

    I need to create an action or script to save the file with the name of the selected layer (not including the hidden layers, but including those visible).
    How could modify the script: 'Layer Comps To Files.jsx' to get the result?
    Warning: I do not need to export all layers as files.
    Who can help me?
    THX in advance

    Versione in Italiano (Further down the English version)
    NB - Nella versione inglese ho messo tutte le immagini dei menu in italiano.
    Versione per Mac, ma credo sia identico per Windows.
    Spiego passo passo cosa ho fatto:
    - Ho creato un file esempio con tre Livelli, salvato sulla scrivania e ho chiuso il file.
    - Ho aperto il file e selezionato il Livello al centro per iniziare a registrare una azione che ho chiamato: Save with Name of Selected Layer
    - Nuova azione
    - Dare il nome e premere Registra
    Ora salva…
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Ancora una volta Menu --> Livello... --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Ordina --> Dietro
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci sotto
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci visibili
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello - Nascondi Livello
    - Menu --> Elimina --> Elimina livelli nascosti (press -Yes-)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... Inserisci questo: 'Move this to the trash' e premi ok
    - Menu --> File --> Script --> Esporta Livelli in File... (Nella finestra che si apre scegliere l’opzione che si desidera, ma togliere il prefisso del nome) e premere -Esegui-
    - Selezionare il pannello Storia cliccare su Elimina premendo -Si- ogni volta che si apre la finestra di dialogo (Ripetere 8 volte questa operazione sino ad arrivare nella storia alla condizione di partenza. Ho visto che è meglio di Ripristina -F12-)
    - Fermare la registrazione.
    A questo punto, mandando in esecuzione questa Azione, ho raggiunto parzialmente l’obiettivo perché i file così creati mantengono, purtroppo, dei prefissi numerici per evitare probabilmente la sovrascrizione di file (credo senza avviso) nel posto dove vengono creati.
    Per ottenere l’obiettivo occorre un nuovo passo ed a proposito di questo riferisco quanto segue:
    ATTENZIONE - L’operazione descritta qui di seguito deve essere fatta su di una copia del file, per cui:
    - Duplicare il file,
    - Spostare l’originale in altra cartella
    - Lavorare sul file duplicato.
    mi riferisco a questo...
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica è effettuata a proprio rischio e pericolo ed il sottoscritto non si assume alcuna responsabilità su quanto venga fatto soprattutto da mani inesperte.
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica sovrascrive qualsiasi file che abbia nome uguale al layer che viene selezionato più l’estensione del file naturalmente.
    Comunque la modifica è banalissima e a portata di chiunque.
    Procedere così:
    - Chiudere Photoshop
    - Aprire (nel percorso specificato dall’immagine) il file “Export Layers to Files.jsx” (Export Layers To Files.jsx con un editor di testo puro.
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1029)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4);
    fileNameBody += "_" + layerName;
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += layerName;
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1047-46)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4) + "s";
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "";
    - salvare e uscire.
    - riavviare Photoshop
    - provare l’azione registrata facendo attenzione che il nome del layer non sia identico al nome di un file già presente altrimenti questo verrà sovrascritto.
    Perché ho creato livelli che poi ho eliminato ecc.
    Semplice per evitare errori di esecuzione delle azioni nel caso di operazioni con livelli mancanti o altro.
    Semplice... no?
    English version
    Mac version, but I think it's the same for Windows.
    First of all, I'm translating the actions that I made using the Italian version of Photoshop, you look at the position of the menu that I have chosen to do the work with other languages.
    I explain step by step what I did:
    - I created a sample file with three layers, saved to the desktop and I closed the file.
    - I opened the file and select the layer at the center to start recording an action that I called: Save with Name of the Selected Layer
    - New action
    - Give the name and press Save ( I think it is so in English )
    Now save ...
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Once again Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - > Arrange (order) -> Behind
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Down
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Visible
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - Hide Layer
    - Menu - > Delete - > Delete hidden layers (press -Yes- )
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… Enter this: ' Move this to the trash ' and press ok
    - Menu -> File - > Scripts -> Export Layers To Files... (In the window that opens select the option you want, but take away the name prefix) and press - Run -
    - Select the History panel and click Delete (on menu opened) pressing -Yes- every time when open the dialog box (8 times Repeat this step until you get into the story to the starting condition. Not use Restore -F12-).
    - Stop recording.
    At this point, by executing this action, I have reached the goal partly because the files created in this way remain, unfortunately, the numerical prefixes to avoid possibly overwriting of files (I think without notice) in the place where they are created.
    To achieve the goal we need a new step and thinking about this as follows:
    WARNING - The operation described below should be made on a copy of the file, so :
    - Duplicate the file
    - Move the original folder to another
    - Work on the duplicate file.
    WARNING - This modification is performed at your own risk and the undersigned assumes no responsibility on what is done mostly by inexperienced hands.
    WARNING - This change will overwrite any files with the same name as the selected layer plus the file extension of course.
    However, the change is trivial and within reach of anyone.
    Proceed as follows:
    - Close Photoshop
    - Open (in the specified path from the image ) file " Export Layers to Files.jsx " (Export Layers To Files.jsx with a pure text editor.
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1029 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody = + "_" + zeroSuppress (i, 4 ) ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + layerName ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = layerName ;
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1047-46 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + zeroSuppress (i, 4) + "s" ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "";
    - Save and exit.
    - Restart Photoshop
    - Try the recorded Action, making sure that the layer name is not identical to the name of an existing file otherwise it will be overwritten.
    Why I created levels which I then deleted etc..
    Simple to avoid errors of execution of the actions in the case of transactions with missing levels and other.
    Simple ... is not it?
    Sorry for my bad English...
    Thanks in advance for any hint.
    --->>> Please think about this... Adobe <<<---

  • Need script that replace text...

    hello. I would like a script that prompts to input a body of text, and then replace all text on a layer with the entered text, preserving fonts, sizes, positions.. everything. If inputed text is to many letters, it chops off the exchange. If too little letters, it repeats.
    Would be greatful for help.

    Ahh, I should have warned that the script didn't have any kind of error checking...
    As you've found, if there isn't a second text item on any like, the script will choke.
    It's relatively easy to work around - just wrap that part of the script in a 'try' block.
    This revised version shows that, and takes care of creating the new files in a different directory on the desktop:
    <pre class=command>on open theFiles
    repeat with eachFile in theFiles -- loop through the files
    set eachFile to eachFile as alias -- coerce each item to an alias
    tell application "Finder"
    if exists folder "NEW files" of desktop then -- does the folder already exist?
    set theFolder to folder "NEW files" of desktop as alias -- if so, use it
    set theFolder to (make new folder at (path to desktop) with properties {name:"NEW files"}) as alias -- otherwise, make a new folder
    end if
    end tell
    set filename to name of (info for eachFile) -- get the file name
    set fileContents to paragraphs of (read eachFile) -- read the file
    set outputFile to open for access file ((theFolder as text) & "NEW " & filename) with write permission -- create the output
    repeat with eachPara in fileContents -- loop through the paragraphs
    set {oldDelims, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, tab} -- manage TIDs
    if second text item of eachPara is "V" or second text item of eachPara is "VA1A2" then -- do we have a "V" or "VA1A2"?
    set eachPara to {text item 1 of eachPara, "VA1A2A3A4"} & text items 3 through -1 of eachPara as text -- work out the new strin
    end if
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims -- reset the TIDs
    write eachPara & return to outputFile as text -- write out the new data
    end repeat
    close access outputFile -- close the file
    end repeat
    end open
    on run
    set theFile to choose file -- get a file
    open {theFile} -- process it
    end run</pre>

  • A script for replacing texts only in selected layer?

    Hi all,
    I have an illustrator document which has many text layers. I have found the script below that replace a text with another one in the document;
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var myTextFrames = doc.textFrames;
    for (i = 0; i < myTextFrames.length; i++) {
    var myTF_ByI = myTextFrames[i];
    var str = myTF_ByI.contents
    var res = str.replace("word1", "word2");
    myTF_ByI.contents = res
    However, there is one problem that the script also replaces the text in other layers even though they are hidden or locked. Could you help me adjust this script to be effective only for the selected or unhidden layer?

    Hi elmagnifico,
    this is strange.
    Before running the script snippet:
    and after running the snippet:
    Can you show us your layers palette? Do you really layers mean – and not sublayers or not simple text items in one layer???

  • PowerShell SQL script to replace text in Triggers, Stored Procedure, can't get match

    I think my issue is with matching text and regular expression, any help would be appreciated.
    $server = "BOCADBD2";    
    # The SQL Server instance name
    $database = "SYSDB"; # The database name
    $matchText = "(raiserror\s@errno\s@errmsg)";
    # Definition text to search .Be aware this accepts a regular expression
    $replaceText =  "raiserror (@errmsg,16,1)";
    # Text to replace $matchText
    $alter = $false; # Set to true if you want the script to alter database objects
    $backupFolder = "v:\RaiseErrorTest\";
    # Change script folders. Need a \ (back slash) on the end
    $changeFolder = "v:\RaiseErrorTest\";
    # One file per object, backup & change folders
    $Hold = $matchText;
    # Load the SQL Management Objects assembly (Pipe out-null supresses output)
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | out-null
    # Create our SMO objects
    $srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server" $server;
    $db = New-Object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database");
    # Get the database
    $db = $srv.Databases[$database];
    # For each stored procedure in the database
    foreach($proc in $db.StoredProcedures)
    # For each matching stored prcoedure
    if($proc.TextBody -match $matchText )
    Write-Host $matchText;
    Write-Host "Processing proc: " $proc.Name;
    # Backup of the original proc definition
    $proc.Script() | Out-File ($backupFolder + "procs\" + ([string]$ -replace("\\", "_")) + "_" + [string]$db.Name + "_" + [string]$
    + "_backup.sql");
    # New procedure definition sql
    $proc.Script() -replace($matchtext, $replaceText) | Out-File ($changeFolder + "procs\" + ([string]$ -replace("\\", "_")) + "_" + [string]$db.Name + "_"
    + [string]$ + ".sql");
    # If set to true this will change the procedure definition on the server!
    $proc.TextBody = $proc.TextBody -replace($matchtext, $replaceText);
    Write-Host "Altered " $proc.Name;

    I think $matchText is incorrect so I never get a match and was hopping for any suggestions.
    $replaceText  may be incorrect also, have looked for many hours on internet with no luck.
    How can we know if it is correct.  We cannot see the target text. Try it with an example of the test you are looking for.
    Your match only matches: "raiserror @errno @errmsg"
    And no other string.

  • Automator script search document for file name, and rename file to date

    Hi all,
    I'm having a hard time with Automator... and I can't figure out how it's done!
    Searched the web for it a couple of times, spend hours with Automator already, but I guess my need is random!
    The thing is:
    I got a folder with 1066 files, all the files has random names.....
    I got a document (now it's html, but can convert it to PDF or txt or so ever....) with the coressponding random file names in the html.... some words before that there is the date the photo was taken in this format: 08/25/11
    Now I want somehow make automator search that folder each filename... match it in the document with the filename, and rename the files in the folder to the date the photo's were taken.... and that for all 1066 files.....
    anybody a great idea? Some help? I'm a real newby at Automator scrips!

    Have you considered A Better Finder Rename 9?
    A Better Finder Rename 9: The Batch File Renamer for Mac OS X
    Otherwise, what you propose seems to be rather like carving the Pieta using a plastic butter knife. But, if you want, here's one example of a rough algorithm to start ...
    * translate the HTML to ASCII text in this format:  filename (date)
    * read one line at a time from the ASCII file
    * for each line, search the folder for the file
    * rename the file according to the (date)
    BTW, you might avoid a strict renaming according to just the date.
    Best luck with this project.

  • Looking for Scripts that Replaces Text and Master Pages

    I have just found the Script Library panel in FM 10. (Always used InDesign before.)
    I'm up to replace a text string and two master pages in 100+ documents. Tried to google for some nice solutions to make this automatically but cannot find any scripts/macros to FM at all.
    Do you have som tip where to find such script/macro?

    100 is a small enough number that no time may be saved writing a script (assuming none exist for the purpose).
    I'd be tempted to ...
    Create a sourcing file that has the new MPs needed (and safe versions of MPs "Left" and "Right")
    Create a new Book file.
    Add to it all 100 of the files needing update (this is the only tedious part).
    Use Find/Replace from the Book menu to fix the text string.
    Select all book component files:
    File > Import > Formats
    Import from Document []
    [Deselect All]
    [*] Page Layouts

  • Looking for Scripts that Replaces Text and Master Pages (Batch Missing Files and PDFs)

    I have just found the Script Library panel in FM 10. (Always used InDesign before.)
    I'm up to replace a text string and two master pages in 100+ documents. Tried to google for some nice solutions to make this automatically but cannot find any scripts/macros to FM at all.
    Do you have som tip where to find such scripts/macros?
    To facilitate my work I also look for a batch script that automatically updates the image pathes in each framemaker file (image folder has been renamed).
    And at a last FrameMaker -> PDF Batch converter.

    100 is a small enough number that no time may be saved writing a script (assuming none exist for the purpose).
    I'd be tempted to ...
    Create a sourcing file that has the new MPs needed (and safe versions of MPs "Left" and "Right")
    Create a new Book file.
    Add to it all 100 of the files needing update (this is the only tedious part).
    Use Find/Replace from the Book menu to fix the text string.
    Select all book component files:
    File > Import > Formats
    Import from Document []
    [Deselect All]
    [*] Page Layouts

  • Adding replacement text for acronyms using the SDK

    I have an existing C++ plugin for Acrobat Pro that walks through documents page by page doing different things (e.g. changing annotations) on each page.
    As part of an effort to make out PDF files "accessible" I have an issue.
    One of things that I have been asked to do is to look at creating PDF "replacement text" for a list of acronyms as they occur in a document. I believe the optimal outcome would be to somehow make the acronyms as "marked-content" and created "replacement text" for the marked-content (The marked-content being an acronym).
    I have been looking at the core API, PDFEdit, and PDSEdit. It looks like PDFEdit would be the set of tools that might be able to do this, but I don't think it will. It doesn't seem like there is a way to "mark content" using PDFEdit. If I was able to cerate the correct marked content, it looks like the there isn't a way to add "replacement text" for that marked content.
    We are creating structured PDF files, so I looked at PDSEdit. It appears that it pretty easy to created alternate text for an element. However, the elements are usually entire paragraphs so I would have to create "alternate text" for the entire paragraph just to have replacement for an acronym in the paragraph.
    Playing with the "content streams" is something new to me, so I am wondering if it looks like I have considered all of the options?

    Looking at PDSEdit, it appears that I have to create replacement text for entire element. Our elements are entire paragraphs for the most part. I was thinking that I couldn't just provide replacement text for a single word in the paragraph and I would have to provide replacement text for the entire paragraph since there is only 1 replacement text per element.
    Maybe I didn't think about this enough (I shouldn't be allowed to talk out loud on Fridays). If I could split an existing element into 3 elements (before acronym, acronym, after acronym), I could avoid building replacement text for the entire paragraph. Or maybe I can created marked content with PDSEdit as a separate structure element? Not sure I can do that.
    Do you think I can do what I want to do with PDSEdit?
    I guess I am struggling a little to understand how the content streams relate to the items in the basic PDF structure (e.g. replacement text for marked content) and the document structure.
    Sorry about rambling..

  • Use Powershell to replace text with image in Word document

    I have a powershell script that uses a Word document as a template to create signatures that I am pushing out to my organization.
    The document is populated with text formatted the way I want the signature to look, that I then do a FindText and ReplaceText on.  This works fine for replacing text with text, but I can't figure out how to properly replace some of the holder text with
    an image and a link.  I found a few posts about adding images to word documents, but none that seem to work properly in this scenario.
    Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    Dear BOFH,
    You are correct that method I outlined is not for inserting an image into a signature block (which would be in Outlook, not Word).  The links you post do certainly deal with outlook signatures, well done... Except that the question was about how to
    use a Powershell script to replace text in a Word document with an image.  Sure it was framed in the context of creating signatures, but the poster expressed that they already had a method of generating and replacing text, and just needed to know, as
    I did, how to do the thing they actually asked.
    Please BOFH... Please forgive my audacity in hoping to find a reference (any reference) to how to replace Word text with images via Powershell in a thread titled "Use Powershell to replace text with image in Word document".
    This is certainly a scripting question, and even something as simple as "You will need to call the .NET methods for the Word find/replace functionality.  Please ask in the Word forums for the correct method to use. 
    If you need help on calling .NET methods look HTTP ://here"support you offered combined with the contempt you offer in response to my actual substantive help to the actual question asked.
    BOFH, you are not better than us, just more arrogant.
    Can you please start your own question as this one has been closed.  Please see scripting guidelines.
    We cannot guarantee you satisfaction as this is a user supported forum.  The is no SLA for community support.  Perhaps if you posted a better worded question as a new topic someone might be able to help you resolve your issue.
    The topic you are posting on is closed and answered.

  • Save text of textarea and reuse it to replace text in textarea

    hi everyone
    Is it possible to save text of textarea in some variable or so and with its textformat (more than one color) and then reuse it to replace text in textarea?
    I tried saving htmlText of textarea but the problem is when i replace it in textarea <p> tags causes problem. There will always be another extra line.
    Is there a way to do this?
    Thanks alot for any help.

    If anyone wants to view <p> tags problem try following. Just click on text and then move your down arrow key, cursor will go to next line.
    import fl.controls.TextArea;
    var txtHTML:TextArea = new TextArea();
    var default_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        default_format.font = "Arial";
        default_format.bold = false;
        default_format.align = "center";
        default_format.color = 0xFFFF00;
        default_format.size = 14;
    var field:TextField = txtHTML.textField;
        field.defaultTextFormat = default_format;
        field.alwaysShowSelection = true;
        field.background = true;
        field.type = 'input';
        field.multiline = true;
        field.backgroundColor = 0x777777;
        field.embedFonts = true;   
        txtHTML.htmlText = '<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="_sans"
        field.x = 0;
        field.y = 0;   
        field.width = 400;
        field.height = 200;
        field.text = "";

  • Replace Text In SQL Scripts

    I would like to search and replace text in files when I run .sql files.
    E.g. When user provide scripts xyz.sql, they would put table name like
    INSERT INTO  xyz abc VALUES ('text');I would like to replace xyz abc with mytablename.
    INSERT INTO  mytablename VALUES ('text');Besides, from the user provided sql scripts, they would be some junk create table scripts, I would like to comment off these junk table scripts.
    How could I do achieve the above?
    I would be calling user provided sql scripts from my sql scripts using @ ./data/temp.sql
    I am using oracle 8i for these. Any help is highly appreciable.

    Sorry for not providing enough information.
    Oracle Version as follows:
           Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
         PL/SQL Release - Production          OS:
    Windows XP SP2
    damorgan wrote:No clear description of what you are actually trying to do ... for example where does "mytablename" come from, where does "xyz" come from, how is the decision to be made? Based on what logic?
    These scripts are provided by customers where they use other database like sysbase to generate sql scripts and customers are not in a position to change or alter the scripts as these scripts are part of the solution provided by vendors(legacy systems)
    I have mapping sql script where table name is e.g. xyz abc then use script TS2 and process the customer given sql script.
    Let me know if I am missing out any other information.

  • I replaced my iPhone with a Galaxy 5 and am not receiving all of my text messages. The sales person told me to remove my phone number from iTunes to stop this from happening. Is that true? What does iTunes have to do with text messages?

    I replaced my iPhone with a Samsung Galaxy5 and I am not receiving all of my text messages now. The rep at the store told me to go to iTunes and take my phone # off of the account and that would fix the problem. Is that true? What does iTunes have to do with text messages anyway?

    You need to remove your phone number from the iMessage system.
    Read here:

  • Replace Text script returns error when dropped in automator

    Hi Friends,
    I have a series of pdfs that were saved with spaces in their file names. I need to put them into folders for a website (there's a lot). Pretty newbie on this too but I figured I'd try.
    I tried using the example script "Replace Text in Item names" which worked on it's own.
    (hd:applications:applescript:example scripts:finder scripts)
    When I applied it as an action in Automator, I would get an error about "expected end but found on."
    I think that resulted from the default script. So I deleted that. Put the replace script in.
    I cut out the dialog boxes and specified folders, search, and replacement items. And cut out the second half (after the beep)
    However as I step through, when I get to the script it returns the error: No result was returned from some part of this expression.
    So I'm not sure what I'm missing.

    It is hard to tell without seeing the mangled modified script. Your main problem is probably related to the run handler, which needs to be defined in Automator's Run AppleScript action. Every AppleScript has a run handler, but in the case of the Replace Text in Item Names it is implied (not explicitly defined). You will need to place the main statements of the script inside the Run AppleScript action on run handler, leaving the other handlers (for example, setitemname) outside of the run handler.

  • Batch replacing text (doing translation) in 50+ pretty much identical documents?

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    I am new to Acrobat, and I am currently just copying and pasting between my first translation of a document and the ones I have not translated yet.

    No, and you shouldn't attempt to translate a PDF file directly. This type
    of task should be done on the original file format and then a new PDF file
    should be created.
    On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 3:33 PM, josteinb80906302 <[email protected]>

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