Does the X220 display have an inverter?

Does the X220 display have an inverter?
My story:
I got an IPS panel to normal one I have and I installed it... and It worked. But I wasn't sure that there any improvement in image quality I tried to put back my old panel. But something went wrong. The panel didn’t light up, but I can see the there is a faint image displayed. I tried to put again the new panel but got the same thing: no light is coming out.
I'm suspecting the cable as it seems very fragile.
Thanks for helping.
Go to Solution.

Hi badrday!
lead_org answered the question in the title of this thread, and I see you started a new thread to continue the discussion of your problem, so please continue there:
Just trying to keep things a bit organized around here!
I don't work for Lenovo. I'm a crazy volunteer!

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