Does UNDO data persist after a bounce ?

RDBMS Version : 11.2, 10.2
Platform : Unix
Will Oracle retain the Undo data in UNDO tablespace after a bounce ? If yes, why does oracle want to retain UNDO data which was present before the shutdown ? Is there a way to verify that UNDO data is retained after the bounce ?

It is probably better to understand the difference between undo and a transaction.
1. Undo data (more accurately undo records) - means undo records stored in the undo blocks of an undo tablespace. Retention of those undo records are controlled by undo_retention parameter (and also by auto undo retention tuning feature). Even if you restart the database, those undo records are still kept in undo tablespace (meaning, undo tablespace is not cleaned out); These undo records are used during Consistent Read copy generation and transaction rollback as discussed in (2) below.
2. Transactions - Shutdown immediate kills the sessions and rolls back active transactions; shutdown transactional will wait for the transaction to complete, but kills the session after completion of current active transaction ; shutdown normal will wait for the session to complete (and so transactions to complete); shutdown abort will kill the session, but does not roll back active transactions.
Further read:
( I really hope, your HR doesn't read this thread. )
Riyaj Shamsudeen
OakTable Member/Oracle ACE Director
Fall 2012: [Advanced RAC seminar |]

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    I have a question regarding a scenario. I deleted some data from a table ( i use the where clause to delete a portion of rows from the table). So after the rows are deleted the space is free but below the high water mark. When i insert new rows in the same table, then where from oracle fetches the space:
    A. Will it use the space that is freed up by deleted the rows
    B. Use the space above the high water mark. ( If it uses this space then Lets say all the extents are completed and we dont have any extents above the high water mark, then will it use the space freed by the deleted rows or will it complain for the addiditional space)
    Please advice.
    Also I would appriciate if you could give me a link for a documentation for the above scenerio.
    Thanks in advance

    A. Will it use the space that is freed up by deleted
    the rows That depends, it's controled by PCTUSED and PCTFREE parameter as described below. Also the free space need to be big enought to hold the new row.
    The PCTUSED Parameter
    The PCTUSED parameter sets the minimum percentage of a block that can be used for row data plus overhead before new rows are added to the block. After a data block is filled to the limit determined by PCTFREE, Oracle considers the block unavailable for the insertion of new rows until the percentage of that block falls beneath the parameter PCTUSED. Until this value is achieved, Oracle uses the free space of the data block only for updates to rows already contained in the data block.
    B. Use the space above the high water mark. ( If it
    uses this space then Lets say all the extents are
    completed and we dont have any extents above the high
    water mark, then will it use the space freed by the
    deleted rows or will it complain for the addiditional
    When Extents Are Allocated
    When you create a table, Oracle allocates to the table's data segment an initial extent of a specified number of data blocks. Although no rows have been inserted yet, the Oracle data blocks that correspond to the initial extent are reserved for that table's rows.
    If the data blocks of a segment's initial extent become full and more space is required to hold new data, Oracle automatically allocates an incremental extent for that segment. An incremental extent is a subsequent extent of the same or greater size than the previously allocated extent in that segment.
    Please advice.
    Also I would appriciate if you could give me a link
    for a documentation for the above scenerio.
    check Oracle Concept for more detail,
    Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

  • URGENT HELP NEEDED!!! No data connectivity after a while, weird errors

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    a net.rim.hrtRT - PUpI - 9/23 17:06:58
    a net.rim.hrtRT - EPdp 0x3 - 9/23 17:06:58
    a net.rim.tunnel - - 9/23 17:06:58
    a net.rim.hrtRT - CClG 0x2 - 9/23 17:06:58
    W net.rim.hrtRT - XMax - 9/23 17:06:58
    W net.rim.hrtRT - XBad - 9/23 17:06:58
    E net.rim.mdp - TEma - 9/23 17:06:58
    W net.rim.mdp - TDtm - 9/23 17:06:58
    i net.rim.mdp - TTex - 9/23 17:06:58
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    1 VPN <>
    Tunnel ID: 1
    Tunnel Type: VPN
    Tunnel State: UNEXPECTED ERROR
    Tunnal IP Address:
    2 WLAN <192.168.1.x>
    Tunnel ID: 2
    Tunnel Type: WLAN
    Tunnel State: UNEXPECTED ERROR
    Tunnel IP Address: 192.168.1.x
    3 3GPP <>
    Tunnel ID: 3
    Tunnel Type: 3GPP
    Tunnel State: UNEXPECTED ERROR
    Tunnel IP Address:
    4 3GPP <>
    Tunnel ID: 4
    Tunnel Type: 3GPP
    Tunnel State: UNEXPECTED ERROR (shows OPEN_READY only when browsing webpages)
    Tunnel IP Address:
    Something tells me that the tunnels are being blocked, since closing and recreating them does the same thing. Anyone else have this problem???

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    Oracle 10g
    UNIX Solaris

    Hi sb92075,
    That's a good suggestion. FLASHBACK_ON is set to no on my database, but if I understand correctly, I can still do a FLASHBACK TABLE and the undo data would be used. Is that correct?
    My concerns w/ using Flashback are ..
    1) The client might decide to rollback the changes a week after they've been executed. The undo data might not be available and the flashback would fail.
    2) If any of the following processes are part of the release, the flashback wouldn't work:
    "The following DDL operations change the structure of a table, so that you cannot subsequently use the TO SCN or TO TIMESTAMP clause to flash the table back to a time preceding the operation: upgrading, moving, or truncating a table; adding a constraint to a table, adding a table to a cluster; modifying or dropping a column; adding, dropping, merging, splitting, coalescing, or truncating a partition or subpartition (with the exception of adding a range partition)."
    Can you address those two issues? Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! This forum has helped me immensely with my work.

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    ''Add-ons: {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:3.6.10
    BuildID: 20100914125854
    CrashTime: 1290192405
    EMCheckCompatibility: true
    FramePoisonBase: 00000000f0de0000
    FramePoisonSize: 65536
    InstallTime: 1287124738
    ProductName: Firefox
    ReleaseChannel: release
    SecondsSinceLastCrash: 422
    StartupTime: 1290192405
    Theme: classic/1.0
    Throttleable: 1
    Vendor: Mozilla
    Version: 3.6.10
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    Did the crash reporter send any crash reports?<br />
    You can see the crash reports in this folder:
    "C:\Users\&lt;user&gt;\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Crash Reports"
    See also [[Firefox crashes when you open it]]
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.<br /><br />
    See [[Basic Troubleshooting#Make_a_new_profile|Basic Troubleshooting&#58; Make a new profile]]<br /><br />
    There may be extensions and plugins installed by default in a new profile, so check that in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions & Plugins"<br /><br />
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile (be careful not to copy corrupted files)<br /><br />
    See<br /><br />
    If that still causes the same problem then do a clean reinstall and remove the Firefox program folder.
    * Download a fresh Firefox copy from and save the file to the desktop.
    * Uninstall your current Firefox version and remove the Firefox program folder before installing that copy of the Firefox installer.
    * Don't remove personal data when uninstalling.
    * It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.

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    Anyone else have a problem with this?
    Thanks for listening!

    Hello Gweedo!
    Yeah I have the same issue and am up to date. Apparently this is a pretty huge problem with the Macbook Pro since the last Graphics update after updating to 10.5.2.
    I have been perusing through that topic and hopefully they will come up with a fix for this.
    The only work-a-round that I have found (but haven't tested extensively yet) is to disconnect to the wireless, turn off blue tooth, disconnect my external monitor and then go into sleep mode. Then it always comes back. But if I leave it connected to the wireless, bluetooth, and external monitor - it's a crap shoot as to weather or not it will come back up.
    This is pretty frustrating because half of using a laptop is being able to hybernate and sleep properly.
    I even have the 'smartsleep' installed.
    Thanks for commenting everybody!

  • F4 Help on Date Field after ALV is generated

    Hi all,
    Now this might sound very simple question, but Im having some difficulty in this.
    My idea is to have an F4 on a date field after the ALV Grid report is executed. From the forum search, Ive got such answers as
    l_fieldcat-edit         = 'X'.
    l_fieldcat-F4AVAILABL = 'X'.
    Now the problem with this is that Im getting an error saying:
    The data object "l_fieldcat does not have a component called "F4AVAILABL".
    And then I tried this:
    l_fieldcat-fieldname    = 'DDATE'.
    l_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'ZCST001'.
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    Field symbol has not yet been assigned.
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "CL_GUI_ALV_GRID===============CP" had to be terminated because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    So Im kinda stuck now. Appreciate your suggestions.
    PS: Im on ECC6.
    PPS:The intended F4 on field is a custom field in a custom table.

    Run This:
    report ztest.
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    data: begin of it_final occurs 0,
    matnr like mara-matnr,
    ERSDA like mara-ERSDA,
    end of it_final.
    DATA: it_fieldcat     TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          wa_fieldcat     TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
          wa_layout       TYPE slis_layout_alv,
          g_repid         TYPE sy-repid.
    select matnr ERSDA into table it_final from mara up to 10 rows.
      g_repid = sy-repid.
      PERFORM f_populate_fieldcat.
    *  PERFORM fill_zpayroll.
      PERFORM f_call_alv.
    *&      Form  f_populate_fieldcat
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    form f_populate_fieldcat .
    "Mat Number
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname     = it_final.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'MATNR'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l   = 'MAT No.'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen   = 15.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      "Creation date
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname     = it_final.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'ERSDA'.
      wa_fieldcat-edit         = 'X'.
    wa_fieldcat-REF_TABname = 'MARA'.
    wa_fieldcat-REF_FIELDname = 'ERSDA'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l   = 'Creation date '.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen   = 15.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    endform.                    " f_populate_fieldcat
    *&      Form  f_call_alv
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    form f_call_alv .
          i_callback_program     = g_repid
          i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE'
          is_layout              = wa_layout
          it_fieldcat            = it_fieldcat[]
          I_SAVE = 'A'
          t_outtab               = it_final
          program_error          = 1
          OTHERS                 = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    endform.                    " f_call_alv
    In custom table date field must be referenced to DATS.
    P.S.I hope you already solved

  • Infocube data loss after BW Upgrade to 7.01 (SP 7)

    We have recently upgraded from BW version 3.5 to 7.01 SP 7. It has been noticed that the pre-upgrade data from all the Infocubes have been wiped off since the upgrade. Data that were loaded into the cubes post-upgrade are fine though. The "Manage" screen on each of these cubes shows that all the data load requests (pre and post upgrade) are intact, however the underlying F & E tables do not have any of the pre-upgrade data (which sort of means that this data wasn't deleted from a BW transaction). Also, this has happened only for the Cubes - Master Data and DSO data seems to be fine.
    Prior to the BW Upgrade, the underlying OS & DB were upgraded to versions AIX 6.1 and DB2 9.7 FP2 respectively. The data in the cubes existed after this step.
    Has anyone seen or come across this issue before during the actual upgrade or any of the post-processing steps after that? Any help here will be appreciated!

    Hi Anooj,
    The note says that :-
    When a cube in a source system contains no data, a user can set the
    Line Item flag to TRUE for a particular dimension. If the user then
    decides to transport this into a target system in which the target cube
    DOES contain data, the dimension table is dropped and recreated. As a
    result, DIMIDs in the Fact table now point to invalid entries in the
    new Line Item dimension. This change should NOT be permitted and the
    cube activation should be aborted instead.
    Was the Line Item flag set in your infocubes , which may have led to the loss of data.
    becuase SAP seems to be mentioning more on the Line Item flag side , or is it generally for the program for Infocube activation.
    We have found that we lost the data in the CUBE , though there is no line item flag active.

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    C5ELEN wrote:
    . Didn't we have that in 7?  Seems like I remember we could set the number of undo levels.
    Legacy FCP has Revert Project to return to the last saved version, and it has Restore Project to go back to one of the autosaved versions. The maximum number of undo's can be set in user preferences. A lot different than X.

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    Does it mean that this data is available till it is consumed by any
    What exactly does persistency relate to.

    By the way, any "what is" question is a sure indicator that you ought to use Google."what+is+data+persistence"

  • IPhoto does not start up after upgrading

    On my new iMac iPhoto does not start up after migrating. Upgrade from iPhoto 6/Snow Leopard > Lion 10.7.1 with iPhoto 9.1.5. When the conversion is finished I can see the new library, it works allright. And with packet-inspection (or how is that called in English) all maps & data seems to be OK; I can check the seperate pics.
    But: iPhoto won't start up a second time (grey screen with infinite spinning wait cursor). The same thing is happening when I add a new library and drop in some pictures.
    What can cause this problem?

    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

  • Where does the data get saved from (notepad) or Notes on Windows Mobile 5?

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    (ON the Phone)  Sticky note like program WM5
    I ask because I synced my Blackjack 1 to my pc after about a year and MANY notes later, All the notes from the PC remained but ALL new notes on phone (a years worth) were deleted from the phone.
    I would like to attempt a data recovery on my mobile device- that was an insane endeavor but i got it to work now i just need to know what to look for (what type of files to recover) and or where to recover from?
    I did make the phone a drive already and have data recovery software that can pull deleted files from the phone in fat or raw data format.

    I think this is not the best forum for your question. This forum is for Microsoft Exchange Server's mobile connectivity issues.
    Zoltán - Free Antivirus for Exchange

  • Can the case be changed while uploading the data or after uploading ????

    hi all ,
    can u pls help me ???  can the case of the data in a itab be changed while running the program? the data is uploaded to an internal table and then based on loop at that itab the conditions will evaluate to give the result.... but the problem is like wen the data is given in small letters the worste(last)  condition is executing even the data satisfies the condtion which is not supposed to happen. this is due to case sensitive problem ...can u pls help me ....can the case be changed while uploading the data r after uploading ????

    this is the itab declaration ..
    data: begin of it_input occurs 0 ,
           tra          like tstc-tcode,
         end of it_input.
    and then from the uploaded data the prog should check wheather it is having any userexits or not ...
    here comes the code...
    sort it_input by tra.
    delete adjacent duplicates from it_input  .
    loop at it_input.
               it_itab-sno = sy-tabix.
      select single * from tstc where tcode eq it_input-tra.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
        select single devclass from tadir into v_devclass
                 where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                        and object = 'PROG'
                        and obj_name = tstc-pgmna.
             if sy-subrc ne 0.
             select single * from trdir where name = tstc-pgmna.
             if trdir-subc eq 'F'.
                select single * from tfdir where pname = tstc-pgmna.
                select single * from enlfdir where funcname =
                select single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                                   and object = 'FUGR'
                                   and obj_name eq enlfdir-area.
             move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
           select * from tadir into table jtab
                         where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                           and object = 'SMOD'
                           and devclass = v_devclass.
           if sy-subrc = 0.
            select single * from tstct where sprsl eq sy-langu and
                                            tcode eq it_input-tra.
                      if not jtab[] is initial.
               loop at jtab.
                    select single modtext from modsapt  into str
                         where sprsl = sy-langu and
                                name = jtab-obj_name.
                    it_itab-tra        = it_input-tra.
                    it_itab-i_obj_name = jtab-obj_name.
                    it_itab-i_modtext = str.
                    append it_itab.
                    str = ''.
                    it_itab-tra        = it_input-tra .
                    it_itab-i_obj_name = ' '.
                    it_itab-i_modtext = 'No user Exit exists'.
                     append it_itab.
                    it_itab-tra        = it_input-tra .
                    it_itab-i_obj_name = ' '.
                    it_itab-i_modtext = 'Transaction Code Does Not Exist'.
                     append it_itab.

  • Meta dates in AlbumData.xml (date problems after upgrade)

    HI folk,
    Further to my post earlier today about the date mashup after upgrading, I was wondering if a [careful!] edit of the AlbumData.xml file might help.
    If I knew what these fields meant I might be able to work out what to do...
    Which one (if any of these) does iPhoto use when deciding what order to display the photos in? And what are the numbers? Seconds since 1984? Picoseconds since the Woz left the company? Curious minds want to know.
    And yes, I'd use a backup for experimentation.

    That timestamp is probably based on the [Unix Epoch|], the basis for almost all time stamps in programs based on Unix and/or the C programming language. If those dates are in fact based on the Unix epoch, they are based on the number of seconds since Jan1, 1970.
    Sometimes such dates are represented as integers (like DateAsTimerInterval seems to be) and sometimes they are represented as floating point numbers (like the other two) in an attempt to circumvent the Year 2038 problem.
    You may find this useful: [>
    Personally, I would love to find out how your experimentation goes - what fails and what works; if you have to go through any hoops to get iPhoto to recognize your changes; if exporting a photo changes its EXIF timestamps after you play with the XML file, etc.

  • Suppress the enter-query mode when no-data-found after execute a query.

    Greetings of the day, Can any one suggest me that how to Suppress the enter-query mode when no-data-found after execute a query on the form by a button.
    whenever i execute query on form and result is no data found then form :system.mode is still in enter-query mode.
    i want that if result is no data found then form comes back it initial state.
    i will thank full of him who will help me..
    Thanks in Advance..

    Put this in your Key-ExeQry trigger:Execute_Query;
    If Get_block_property(:System.current_block,query_hits)=0 then
      Exit_form; --this cancels the Enter-Query mode; Does not exit the form.
    End if;You may want to trap and prevent the "FRM-40353: Query cancelled" message, and change the "FRM-40301: Query caused no records to be retrieved. Re-Enter" message. To do that, you need an On-Message form-level trigger:Declare
      Msg_Code Number        := MESSAGE_CODE;
      MSG      Varchar2(150) := SUBSTR('   '||MESSAGE_TYPE||'-'
                             ||TO_CHAR(Msg_Code)||': '||MESSAGE_TEXT,1,150);
      If Msg_Code=40301 then
           -- 40301: Query caused no records to be retrieved. Re-Enter
        Message('  NO RECORDS FOUND',No_acknowledge);
      Elsif Msg_Code=40353 then -- Query cancelled.
      End if;

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