Domain Cert Badge mixed results.

Hi, i did some guidance regarding my domain certification badge on my website.
I have placed it in the footer of my master page so that it appears on all my pages.  I have 3 gallery pages, one fullscreen and two thumbnail slideshows.
The issue is this, in the fullscreen slideshow, when i click the domain certificate badge, my domain certicate is presented in front of the slideshow, but on my thumbnail slide show it appear behind the slideshow.  I have tried sending it backwards but it wont allow me too.  I have tried changing the position it appears in the layer panel with no luck.
What should happen is that when badge is clicked it appears in front of the slideshow which it does for home page and my fullscreen slideshow but all other pages it behind the page/object.  Would appreciate some advise.

Have you tried adding it to a different layer altogether and placing that layer on top of all other layers? Doing so should fix the issue.

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    Flash Professional CC
    I'm having an issue with adding images on iPhone 6 plus and iPad. I'm getting mixed results with two items: 1) a background image and 2) a button that should appear at the bottom left-hand corner on any device. In one case the background image appears enlarged and only shows about 30% of itself. In the other case, the bottom left-hand button appears about 50 pixels to the left when x=0. I also get different results when I set the following:
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    This does not produce the expected results. I would like to have consistent results across iPad and iPhone 6 plus, which seams to be an issue. The immediate fix for this is to leave the images on the stage instead of using addChild. I could then just stretch the background image so that it spans the whole screen. But I want to add the items dynamically for greater flexibility.
    Here are two cases:
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    This an iPhone 6 plus and you should notice 2 things. 1) There is black and white on both sides. The blue background SHOULD APPEAR ACROSS THE WHOLE SCREEN. 2) The red button in the corner SHOULD APPEAR IN THE LEFT MOST CORNER OF THE
    Case #2:
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    mc_stageBackground_Main.scaleX = stage.stageWidth;
    mc_stageBackground_Main.scaleY = stage.stageHeight;
    This results in a close up of the background image.
    Here is the code that I'm using:
    import com.greensock.TweenLite;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    //When this is active the background image spans across the device (iPhone 6 plus) correctly. The main logo image does not line up correctly.
    /*stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;*/
    var main_logo:MC_LOGO_MAIN = new MC_LOGO_MAIN();
    var mainBackground_2208: MC_MAIN_BACKGROUND_2208 = new MC_MAIN_BACKGROUND_2208();
    var mainBackground_1024: MC_BACKGROUND_1024 = new MC_BACKGROUND_1024();
    var mainCorner: MC_MAINCORNER = new MC_MAINCORNER();
    var chapters: MC_CHAPTERS = new MC_CHAPTERS();
    var _stageWidth = 1024;
    if (stage.stageWidth > _stageWidth)
        //Add bigger background if the stage is bigger than 1024
        mainBackground_2208.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        mainBackground_2208.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
        //Using this code results in a very close up view of the stage on iPhone 6 plus  
        /*mc_stageBackground_Main.scaleX = stage.stageWidth;
        mc_stageBackground_Main.scaleY = stage.stageHeight;*/
        //Adds corner to the main screen.
        mainCorner.y = stage.stageHeight;
        mainCorner.x = (stage.stageWidth - stage.stageWidth);
        TweenLite.from(mainCorner, 1,{ height: 0, width: 0, delay:1, ease:Elastic.easeOut});
        //add logo to sit at 50 pixels from the top of the stage
        /*main_logo.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        main_logo.y = (stage.stageHeight -stage.stageHeight + main_logo.height *.6);
        TweenLite.from(main_logo, 1,{ y: -main_logo.height, ease:Elastic.easeOut});*/
        trace ("The stage is 1024 or smaller");
        //Add 1024 background if stage is 1024 or smaller
        mainBackground_1024.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        mainBackground_1024.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
        //Adds corner to the main screen.
        mainCorner.y = stage.stageHeight;
        mainCorner.x = (stage.stageWidth - stage.stageWidth);
        addChild (mainCorner);
        TweenLite.from(mainCorner, 1,{ height: 0, width: 0, delay:1, ease:Elastic.easeOut});
        //adds chapters
        chapters.x = (stage.stageWidth - stage.stageWidth)+75;
        chapters.y = stage.stageHeight - 120;
        TweenLite.from(chapters, 1,{ height: 0, delay:.5, ease:Elastic.easeOut});  
        //adds the Main logo to sit at 50 pixels from the top of the stage
        main_logo.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
        main_logo.y = (stage.stageHeight -stage.stageHeight + main_logo.height *.6);
        TweenLite.from(main_logo, 1,{ y: -main_logo.height, ease:Elastic.easeOut});

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    Any ideas on why we’re seeing this behavior and what the resolution might be?
    Thank you ahead of time for you help.

    Hi Rod,
    Thanks for the reply!
    I think I understand what you are saying but let me provide some more detail and we'll see if this still applies.
    Yes. We are using custom responsibilities designed against the HR application.
    The user is accessing workbooks through Discoverer Viewer. They are not logged into EBS application. They are logging directly into Discoverer View and are selecting the Limited Inquiry responsibility (As far as I know there is know way to switch resp once logged in so the security profile should be applied).
    In this session, the user opens one workbook and the security options are applied, with limited data being returned. Great.
    Close that workbook and open another. This time the security options are not applied, with all rows data being returned.
    Any ideas?
    Best Regards,

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    You are right Curt, unfortunately its because Quark is fairly stupid at reading path data and always has been. There is a checkbox in there somewhere called "Outside edge only" which might help, if you need to keep your overlapping paths separate.
    You need to construct your paths in Photoshop properly using the Combine button and the "exclude overlapping areas" option.
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  • Dealing with Expired Certs in Mixed-Mode

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    Cluster is running in mixed-mode
    Most certificates on the Publisher node are expired
    tomcat cert
    ipsec cert
    host-name ipsec-trust cert
    call manager cert (callmanager.pem)
    CAPF cert
    CAPF trust cert
    One of the subscriber nodes is in the same boat as the Publisher node (they were deployed at the same time and were the first nodes in this cluster)
    The other two nodes (in a DR datacenter) have valid certificates  (until 2016) except for the publisher node server cert (which has expired)
    The publisher node and the subscriber node that has the expired certs were also installed without DNS being enabled (no domain and no DNS resolvers specified - therefore, I expect that DNS client was not enabled during install)
    It is worth noting the following:
    Customer enabled mixed-mode because one of the security folks got hot and heavy on encryption. However, they limited the scope to phones only. So, IP Phone to IP Phone == authenticated/encrypted. They have a Unity Connection system with secure ports and that is it. Gateways: no encryption. CCX, etc. == no encryption
    During discovery we also found that LSC distribution is fubar. Only a percentage of the phones are using LSC. Likely due to a flaw in the provisioning process. That will be addressed later.
    The version they are running is 6.1(3)  (base, no service releases)
    The goal: Get the present solution into a VMware environment running CUCM 9.1(2). Planning on doing the Jump Upgrade procedure (interim hop to 6.1.4).
    We found out about the certificate issues during our discovery phase. We have built in time to remediate the certificate issue.
    The plan (well, thus far). I am still pulling together my notes and trying to come up with a way to test an implementation plan off line so that I can avoid bricking the phones (they are spread all over north america).
    Here is the 10,000 foot view of the plan (obviously, the actually plan will be more detailed):
    Use BAT to disable phone security and uninstall LSC
    Security Profile mod
    Certificate Ops
    Reset phones
    DRS Back up
    Download/backup current certs
    Configure DNS
    set DNS domain name
    set DNS resolver (primary and secondary)
    Pub node:
    regenerate tomcat cert
    restart tomcat service
    regenerate ipsec.pem
    regenerate callmanager.pem
    regenerate capf.pem
    Sub node (repeat above)
    ?should we update the Subs not affected by the cert issue?
    Run the CTL client and update CTL
    Reboot servers
    Pub then Subs
    Phones will reset as a result of this process
    The customer has said that they are actually fine with the idea of going back to square one and start over with provisioning a secured (mixed-mode) cluster after the 9.1 upgrade. That would be great except that if I uninstall LSCs, change phones to non-secure, and use CTL client to change back to standard-mode, I still have the CTLs left on the phones. No way to bulk delete them in UCM. I am considering using something like UnfiedFX to help me get back to square 1. Right now, I consider this a plan B. Unless feedback to this thread and other research suggests a different tact.
    Thanks in advance for any assist.

    Hi William,
    You have a quite a few requirements here. Just to clear things up, there are two type of certificates, first is called "certificate trust", and the other is called "Certificate".  For the trust certificates such as Callmanager_trust you can just click on the certificate, make sure that it is expired, and then delete it. this has no impact on the phones. The other type of certificate is called "Certs", you will need to regenerate those certificates, This will regenerate the certificate and also recreates the new "CAPF-trust" or "CallManager-trust" certificates with new date/time ranges.
    Doing the above will not impact the phones are the services, however after regenerating the certificates, you will need to restart all the services related to this certificate, for example if you regenerate the tftp certificate, you will need to restart the tftp service on all the servers in the cluster. Same for the Callmanager and the Tomcat.
    Please note that whenever you regenerate the Call manager certificate, you will need to run the CTL client with the same Token you used when the server was changed to mixed mode.
    In General the below is the procedure to regenerate the certificate
    - log into the "Cisco Unified OS Administration" page of the publisher
    - choose Security>Certificate Management
    - click the link for the expiring certificate
    - click "Regenerate"
    - restart the service that uses the certificate
    That will regenerate the certificate on the publisher. Within the next
    10-15 minutes, the updated certificate will  be propagated
    to the subscribers.
    For more details you could refer to :
    Hope this Helps!
    Karthik Sivaram

  • Tried the shopping cart trick, with mixed results...

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     DeeBee78 wrote:
    Since I have a recently-added false collection on my credit report, any hard pull is going to result in an automatic denial. I'm working on getting that removed, but I also want to get some more trade lines added to my credit reports. TU is currently 615 and EQ is 624.  I had been reading up on the shopping cart trick on these forums (to get credit accounts with soft pulls) and decided to try a few different ones. Here's how it went.  1. Express: I actually shop at this store fairly frequently, and buy my business casual clothes there. I put a couple of pairs of jeans in my cart, and went to checkout. I entered my information, and immediately got the preapproval popup. I applied and got a $500 credit line. Not bad. Plus I saved 20% on my jeans, and got an additional $20 off. Created my account on Comenity's website, and hit the LUV button: 7-10 day message.  2. This is the one everyone says to try first, because they give generous limits and automatic CLI's. I decided to be adventurous and put a $1,200 patio set in my shopping cart, to see if that would have any effect on the credit line. I went to checkout, entered my details, got the popup and applied. This time it was only a $250 limit. I created an account on Comenity's website, and hit the LUV button, but no luck. Another 7-10 day message. I can't find anything on the site for $75 or less (30% of the limit) that I want to buy right now. I'm a bit disappointed in the limit, but we'll see how it goes over time. 3. Sportman's Guide: There is nothing I'd buy on this website, but since it's a VISA card, no need to bother. I put a couple of items in my cart, proceeded to the checkout, and got nothing. I tried several times yesterday, clearing my browser history each time. Still nothing. Just for giggles, I had my partner, who has amazing credit, try it as well, and still no popup. This might be one that you have to checkout as a member instead of a guest.  4. Walmart: Backed by Synchrony ( store card), not Comenity. Heard that they have the shopping cart trick as well, so I decided to try it: No luck. Couldn't get the popup to come up, and there's no way to check out as a guest.  5. Dillards: Another shopping cart trick that is not a Comenity card, but is backed by Wells Fargo. Added some stuff to the cart, went to check out, nothing. I think this might be because I used to be a Dillard's employee several years ago, and you had to get a Dillard's credit card to get your employee discount. They would give you a prepaid version of it if you couldn't qualify for the real deal, and I think somewhere in the system I still have that prepaid card.  6. Kirklands: Another Wells Fargo card. I couldn't get the popup to come up here either. Then again, I don't have a local store, so it's not all that important to me. So my takeaway was two new tradelines and a $750 bump in overall credit lines. It's better than nothing!  $250 for Overstock, ouch that blows. Hope it grows if you decide to keep it. I tried the sc trick in November and I got the pop, entered my info and got approved for 2k. I registered for an online account right away and hit the luv button and got it increased to $2300. Haven't had much success getting an increase since. My DW tried it this week and she also got the pop up and got approved for $2000. She registered online and hit the luv button and got it bumped to $2200 hit it again and got the 7-10 day message. About Sportsman guide I have tried it constantly and never get the pop up and neither has my DW gotten the pop-up so it seems our reports don't fit their criteria because my sister tried it and she got the pop up and so did one of my uncles.

  • Replacing tracks in live mix results in bleed-through of some of the prior recording. How do I prevent this?

    I was doing some recording of our band yesterday using Logic Express 9 (13 tracks from a mixer going out the Firewire port into the Mac). For some songs, we wanted to replace the entire song, so I activated the replace button and started re-recording from the beginning. Visually it seemed to replace the tracks, and for many parts of the songs, it did just that. For some, however, there were still remnants of the prior recoding in the background. It was not consistent from song to song, sometimes you could hear some of the prior vocals in the background, in other cases the drums. These remnants were not throughout the entire song, however. You could hear it in some places but not in others. I do not see evidence of multiple takes when I look through all the tracks. It's as if it did not completely erase some of the prior audio, or blended it with the new recording.
    Is there something else I need to do to get a complete replacement?
    Thanks for any insights you may have.

    if you have recorded the whole band through microphones, the earlier versions are ambient sound pickup from the mics of the other tracks. This can even occur if a singer wears a very loud headphone which you can hear through the vocal microphone. Just make sure during your recording session that all instruments that should be recorded very precise - without ambient sound - are recorded separately in a dry recording booth.

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    It's this one: Yamaha MW10C
    Buffer is at Maximum of 2048 with this device.
    What can I do?

    Hi m-sanchez,
    I had the same problem with my USB mic on my MacBook Pro. I created a new aggregate device to fix it. Here is a link for Premiere Pro CS6 and Mac OS X, but you can adapt the instructions for Premiere Pro CC. CS6.pdf
    Not sure what to suggest for Windows users. Let us know if you have any questions.

  • Attempting to delete a .txt file with mixed results

    This is my first post, and im very new to Java programming, so please bear with me.
    Below is the code im having trouble with...
    else if(linescanned.get( 0 ).equals("unreg"))                                                  // IF SWITCH IN UNREG
                                  System.out.println("Client has requested to remove a DNS entry...");
                                       BufferedReader fin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("dnslist.txt"));          // Opens the DNS list for reading
                                       BufferedWriter fout = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("tempdnslist.txt"));
                                       String linein = null;
                                       //Read from the original file and write to the new
                                       //unless content matches data to be removed.
                                       while ((linein = fin.readLine()) != null)
                                            int checkforexisting = linein.indexOf(linescanned.get( 1 ));
                                            if (checkforexisting == -1)
                                       System.out.println("Original file deleted: " + new File("dnslist.txt").delete());
    ////////////////////////////////// this line above is what is causing me intermittent problems i think////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                                       Thread.currentThread().sleep(1 * 1000);
                                       //Rename the new file to the filename the original file had.
                                       File temp = new File("tempdnslist.txt");
                                       Thread.currentThread().sleep(1 * 1000);
                                       temp.renameTo(new File("dnslist.txt"));
                                       Thread.currentThread().sleep(1 * 1000);
                                       out.writeUTF("Entry removed successfully");
                                       System.out.println("Client successfully removed a DNS entry");
                                  catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
                                  }What my program ** tries to ** do is send messages from a client to a server with commands to either add, remove or lookup entries in a text file (the purpose in this case is for a DNS list)
    It all seems to work ok, except for this section. To remove an entry, i am writing the current file to a new temporary file and just missing out the line that matches the users request. The original file is then removed, and the temporary file is renamed.
    I am having intermittent results with the removal of the original file (I have commented this section to highlight), sometimes it works great, and others it fails. I have coded the removal of the file in this way for debugging reasons. Is there any obvious reason in my code for this? Any help is great...thank you! :)

    I?d be interested to know what the System.out.println gives you although I have an idea. The reality is that the File.delete function is at the mercy of the system and if the system thinks the file is in use it won?t delete it. It?s a shame that you delete the file with all the important data and then rename a file that has the ?new? data. In my opinion you?re asking for trouble if something goes wrong and the temp file fails to ?rename? or in this case as I suspect, the file can?t be renamed because the file of the same name can?t be deleted. Interesting thought would be to have a dedicated directory and always look for the last mod file with a predetermined name format, and then do whatever you need to do to write the new file and at your convenience, delete all the others. I surely with I were smart enough to solve your problem.
    And what happens if there are multiple requests at the same time? Seems like there would be a better way to do it.
    Edited by: walker8 on Feb 9, 2009 7:36 PM

  • So far - uhhhh - mixed results.

    First an upgrade install. Everything was okay except for some imcompatible software and some exchange issues.
    THEN I booted into my Windows partition. When I reboots back to MAC side - it was dead. Would not reboot.
    So, booted into my external drive. Did some work.....
    I wiped my internal drive and did a clean install.
    All good then it asked if I wanted to transfer information.
    REALLY need more details on this.
    I didn't transfer applications and I thought I did not transfer application settings - really more details on that screen.
    I was okay but now some application are shooting me errors when I try to install them - one being MS office 2008.
    Exchange is still mixed.
    Hopefully - I won't be reinstalling again.
    They need some work on this upgrade.
    Fun fun....

    If third party applications are causing issues, migrate your data etc. and then after your applications is complete install the third party applications one at a time.

  • Mixed results!!

    I'm calling a native C method in a java program, and everything works well. But when I just write System.out.println("finished"); after the call of that method, when I run the program, I have "finished" BEFORE the result of the method!!!
    Does anybody know why?

    buffer sharing?
    Say flush before calling into the native method.

  • Mixed results with VPN

    My client currently has a VPN setup on an ASA 5510, it has worked successfully from various parts of the world using a variety of different OS's:
    For example current tested OS's: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, MAC OS X
    Locations: 3 Different locations in Canada, 1 US location, 1 Germany Location
    Aside from the MAC system all clients are running
    Recently a location that has 2 clients located in Oregon, US has had an issue with the connection. This issue occurs from both the office and hotel for the onsite consultant as well as an additional client in the office. The Cisco VPN client connects but is unable to establish an RDP connection. In my browsing online I found a variety of similar issues but none where it was only just a couple of clients that encountered the issue.
    Further to this; the person onsite is able to RDP into a different location they have setup at their home office (RDP Direct no VPN).
    The following is a listing of some of the troubleshooting steps we employed to attempt to reslove the issue:
    - Ran a route print from the client end, all routing information for the VPN populated with no issue
    - Tested out the ports via Gibson Research port was showing "port 500" stealthed but I think that was a non issue as I have the same results on my end and have no issues connecting
    - Ensured that the correct ports were port forwarded on the client end router/modem
    - Tested with Windows Firewall off
    - Attempted to ping various VPN IP's (none worked)
    Whatever is happenening is preventing LAN access after a VPN connection is establshed. If this was the case at multiple locations I would suspect a config issue on the ASA but as it is not an issue elswhere I am left scratching my head.
    Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    I can submit a config at somepoint if that becomes needed

    I would first monitor through ASDM if the central ASA sees the TCP SYN from the RDP Connection of the client.
    If it doesnt then you could perhaps configure a traffic capture on the ASA itself on the port connected towards the destination server to which the client wants to connect. This would tell if the server replies anything.
    You could for example check the IP address given to the VPN Client user and use that IP address in the capture configurations.
    A simple example configuration could be
    access-list VPN-RDP-CAP permit ip host host
    access-list VPN-RDP-CAP permit ip host host
    capture VPN-RDP-CAP type raw-data access-list VPN-RDP-CAP interface inside buffer 1000000 circular-buffer
    The above presumes the server is located behind "inside" interface.
    After this you could tes the connection and then use the following command to determine if any traffic has been catched by the capture
    show capture
    You could then use this command to view the capture on the CLI of the ASA
    show capture VPN-RDP-CAP
    You could also copy the capture file to some internal host and view the capture with Wireshark which would make it easier to go through the data
    copy /pcap capture:VPN-RDP-CAP tftp:///VPN-RDP-CAP.pcap
    You can remove the capture and its data with the command
    no capture VPN-RDP-CAP
    The created "access-list" needs to be removed separately.
    The above would be the first steps for me probably as I usually dont have access to either the client or the server machine but control the devices in between.
    Hope this helps
    - Jouni

  • Mixed results connecting to Windows PC

    I have an Imac G5 and a Dell laptop networked wirelessly by an Airport Extreme Base Station. On the Imac I'm running 10.5.1. Sometimes the Dell shows up in the sidebar under "Shared" volumes and sometimes it doesn't - very strange. However, if I go to "Connect to Server" and type in the IP address, I am immediately connected.
    I have Netbarrier Firewall installed on the mac, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I get various results whether the firewall is enabled or not. I have checked the subnetwork and they appear to be the same on the Imac and Dell.
    Is anybody else having a similar problem? Thanks

    Try this first:
    Plug the iPad into a USB port.
    Opened Windows Device Manager, and under the Portable Devices tree, find the Apple iPad.
    Right-click iPad and selected Update Driver Software... option.

  • Help please, Printing to HP1100 via Dlink DP300U server mixed results

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    We have an I Mac, and our trusty old HP Laserjet 1100 printer which we are going to share with the pc.
    We installed a D-Link DP-300u print server, as the printer requires a parallel cable.
    We set up the print server according to D-Link's instructions.
    Using Apple Talk, and the port address "PS-772D-P1" for LP1 on the DPU300u.
    Initial print test page worked fine, as did a letter printed from pages.
    However, printing emails, and many other documents are not working.
    When printing emails the message prints at about 1000%, printing say directions from google maps the print job ends up looking the same. both instances, the print preview window displays all things nice.
    I am assuming that the print driver for the HP 1100 is good. and is intended to be used through a print server?
    Has anyone successfully installed an HP Laserjet through a DP-300U?

    After a bit of searching, I found this thread:
    I've instaled the three linux hpijs files,
    removed my printer,
    installed the printer using the three Linux hpijs drivers,
    So far printing has been working, I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is the solution. now, what is shown in the print preview window appears from the printer, emails, PDF files, Web pages and a power point presentation. As silly as this sounds, it is quite satisfying.

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