Domain Template builder

I try to create domain template using getting error
"The Configuration Template Builder is not supported in console mode."
I created already domain on Solaris and Linux env

I've found a workaround to do something similar:
1. Create a domain with the wizard.
2. Configure the domain manually using the console.
3. Use conf2admin to create a script with weblogic.Admin calls.
With this script, you should replicate the original domain

Similar Messages

  • Building a custom Domain Template??

    I have started using the 'Doamin template builder' on Weblogic 11g to build a custom domain template base on my currently DEV domain env. Since, i would like to capture all the necessary domain setup information into a template, and then replicate this similar domain setup to other environment, eg: TEST, PROD. I'm trying to create a DEV domain template with what I currently configure, Admin, Managed servers, NM, Application, MDS, RAC, JMS, and application deployed.
    How do I create a domain template (eg: DEV-template.jar) to be used by other environment TEST, PROD? My concerns with my Domain template is with the dependency on things such as environment settings for host names, RAC DB, JMS, etc. Since these env settings are different from ENV to ENV. How can I over come this problem and come up w/ simplify solution? Is it possible to do this in Domain Template Builder or I'm better off by using WLST to build this type of domain?
    Example or approaches on this type of work would be greatly appreciated Thanks Much!
    Edited by: fang on Dec 10, 2010 8:56 AM

    I would start with the 'Basic' template, then as one example of a child's book, crafting a chapter-less book is possible, but a minimum of one section is required. Remove the chapter label, leave the TOC blank and you'll then have a basic/generic point from which to work with.
    Use iBA's 'File/Save As Template...' menu and then you have something you can reuse later if you like.

  • Configuration Template Builder gives error when selecting domain

         I'm trying to use the Configuration Template Builder on Solaris to
    create a template. I'm starting the builder like this:
    java -client -jar /bea/weblogic81/common/lib/config.jar -target=template
    When it asks what domain I want to create a template for, I select one
    of my domains, then click on the Next button. After a second or two I
    get the following stacktrace in the console. I then get similar errors
    later in the process. Unable to resolve input source.

    I should point out why this is a problem for me. The config.xml of the
    domain I'm tring to make a template for puts relative pathnames for the
    location of some of the components. For example, JMS Event Generators
    are put in the config.xml with a path of "."
    If I run the Config Template Builder from the only directory from which
    it works (the directory with the config.jar file, which is common/lib),
    then these relative paths will not work. I get the error shown below
    when trying to create the template jar:
    Compressing Configuration Template Contents...
    Configuration Template Creation Failed!
    Configuration Template Location: /bea/user_templates/demoServer1.conf.jar
    Reason: Unable to locate file: ./WLIJmsEG_ResponseGenerator.jar
    com.bea.plateng.domain.GenerationException: Unable to locate file:
    So, I wanted to try and run the Template Builder from the domain's
    directory, but then I get the error shown below.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Steven Ostrowski wrote:
    Note: I only get this error when running the Template Builder in a
    directory other than the /common/lib directory.
    If I run this command in any other directory, I get this error. If I run
    the command in the common/lib directory, I do not get the error.
    Steven Ostrowski wrote:
    I'm trying to use the Configuration Template Builder on Solaris to
    create a template. I'm starting the builder like this:
    java -client -jar /bea/weblogic81/common/lib/config.jar -target=template
    When it asks what domain I want to create a template for, I select one
    of my domains, then click on the Next button. After a second or two I
    get the following stacktrace in the console. I then get similar errors
    later in the process. Unable to resolve input source.

  • Configuration Template Builder WL8.1 does not work

         After spending nearly 2 days now trying to get a Configuration Template
    built, I've concluded this simply does not work. Has anyone used the
    Config Template builder to package a semi-complex application on top of WLI?
         I'm trying to have 2 of my applications, the JMS and JDBC resources,
    and a WLI event generator packaged up for easy deployment to someone
    else's server configuration. The problem with this is that there are
    required resources for WLI, namely a database. The Pointbase database
    included for WLI does not get included in the template automatically.
    There are also some flat-out bugs:
    If you choose to include a resource adapter "application", such as
    jms-xa-adp.rar, the template builder does not bundle this in the
    template and deploy it correctly. The template builder restricts you to
    putting applications in the relative path starting at ./
    For jms-xa-adp.rar, its original location is in $WL_HOME/server/lib, and
    the template builder defaults to put it in ./lib of your template.
    However, when you create a domain with the template, jms-xa-adp.rar does
    not get placed in your ./lib directory. This causes you to then go and
    manually edit your config.xml to point back at $WL_HOME/server/lib or to
    manually copy jms-xa-adp.rar into your ./lib directory (which the
    template mechanism should do for you).
    Relative paths in the config.xml file require you to execute the config
    builder from the directory of the domain you are making a template for.
    The template builder should instead be smart enough to realize that
    relative paths in the config.xml file are relative to the directory that
    the config.xml is in, not the one you are running the template builder
    from. You'll get an error when trying to create the template cause it
    won't find the resources if you're not in that directory.
    If anyone has successfully used this to package a WLI application in a
    template, please share your experiences and how to do so. In the
    meantime, I'm claiming there is no way to nicely package up a server
    configuration for a WLI app in Weblogic, and this is a big shortcoming.
    Weblogic needs a simple transferrable way of creating server
    configurations (it tries to do this with the template, but that is
    failing). With JBoss, for example, you simply copy your server directory
    into another installation. This doesn't work with Weblogic unfortunately
    because it puts hard-coded paths in the config.xml file.

         Thank you for the detailed responses. The only one I'm currently
    struggling with still is the #5, with the scripts between the two. One
    of the major benefits of using a J2EE App Server is supposed to be the
    portability between servers. I find it disconcerting that BEA Weblogic
    restricts me to the platform I created the domain on by creating
    platform-specific startup/shutdown scripts for only the platform created
    on. It's understandable that a script converter would be difficult, but
    at least both the .sh/.cmd files should be created from the first time
    you make a domain. If the user only wants one or the other, they can
    delete the appropriate one. It's also understandable that the
    users/deployers shouldn't have to manually convert a startup/shutdown
    script to take the domain to a different box.
         JBoss clearly has BEA beat on ease of deployment here. Their model is
    the concept I'm thinking of: you have some generic startup/shutdown
    scripts that can load a platform-independent server configuration. You
    truly can copy directories as-is between JBoss installations.
         I was hoping to package up a server domain for use on any of the
    supported platforms, but since I don't have the time to manually convert
    the startup/shutdown scripts, I'm going to have to tell people it's only
    for Solaris now.
         Hopefully BEA can fix this in a future SP. There's no need for this
    platform-dependency. Also, if the Windows version can generate both
    scripts at creation time, then the Solaris should be able to do this as
    well (or at least give you the option).
    Thanks again for the replies
    russ wrote:
    Hi Steven,
    I have several comments and questions about your last two posts. I will try to
    address them in order.
    1) "The Pointbase database included for WLI does not get included in the template
         By default the template builder only includes the *.cmd and *.sh files in the
    template from your domain directory. If you begin building with an existing
    domain template all files that were in the template will get included. This was
    done because there is no way for the builder to automatically determine all the
    files that are required by your template/domain and we steered away from recursively
    including all files from the directory so that unused files were not needlessly
    included. We can extrapolate some files based on the application paths in the
    config.xml, but the rest is left up to the template builder to be aware of what
    is needed for their domain to run. So, if you need the Pointbase *.dbn and *.wal
    files included in your template just select these files on the ?Add Files? panel
    of the template builder and add them to the ?Domain Directory?.
    2) ?If you choose to include a resource adapter "application", such as jms-xa-adp.rar,
    the template builder does not bundle this in the template and deploy it correctly.?
         The template builder considers application files to be in two categories: Imported
    or Internal. When you are at the ?Add Applications? panel of the builder you
    will see a checklist of all the applications that are in the domain you selected.
    On the right hand side there are two text fields. The top one displays the application
    path as it is currently set in the config.xml of that domain. The bottom field
    will be different depending on what category the application falls into. As you
    click on each application in the list, you may notice that the bottom field may
    change from an editable field titled ?Imported Application Path? to a non-editable
    field titled ?Internal Application Path?. The difference between the two categories
    is that an ?Imported? application?s files will be included in the template jar.
    An ?Internal? application?s files will not be included in the template jar because
    they are considered internal to the weblogic installation. The jms-xa-adp.rar
    should fall into the internal category and should not get included in your template.
         From what you are describing it sounds like the builder attempted to import that
    application when it should not have. In an attempt to recreate the problem you
    are seeing I deployed that Connector Module through the WLS console and ended
    up with an application path of ?C:\bea\weblogic81\server\lib? where ?C:\bea\weblogic81?
    is my WL_HOME (a.k.a. USER_INSTALL_DIR). If I then attempt to build a template
    from this domain, the builder recognizes this as an internal path and does not
    include it inside my template. If the current application path you had looks
    different from the one above, that may explain why the builder was attempting
    to import it. What was the value of the ?Current Application Path? for that application
    3) ?Relative paths in the config.xml file require you to execute the config builder
    from the directory of the domain you are making a template for.?
         The builder is ?smart? enough to determine relative paths. You should not have
    to invoke it from the domain directory you are working with. There is a known
    bug in the WebLogic Platform release of the template builder that will
    cause it to not find files with relative paths in your domain directory if the
    application path in the config.xml is just a ?.?. If this is the case, you should
    see a FileNotFoundException when you attempt to create the template. This will
    be fixed in SP2 and you can work around this problem by changing those paths to
    ?./? instead. If this was not the case, what was the path the wizard choked
    4) ?Looking through the config file, it seems that it's all of the WLI components
    that have absolute paths in the config file. In addition, BEA_WLS_DBMS_ADK has
    an absolute path, not sure if that is WLI or WLS. ?
         BEA_WLS_DBMS_ADK is an integration application. If you created the original
    domain using the configuration wizard most of the applications in an integration
    enabled domain will reference paths inside of you installation directory or ?internal?
    paths. For instance, I used the wizard to create a ?Basic WebLogic Integration
    Domain?. The path for that application in this domain is: ?C:\bea\weblogic81/integration/adapters/dbms/lib/BEA_WLS_DBMS_ADK.ear?
    where ?C:\bea\weblogic81? is my WL_HOME or USER_INSTALL_DIR. When I load this
    domain into the builder it shows this application as ?internal? and the ?Internal
    Application Path? is "$USER_INSTALL_DIR$/integration/adapters/dbms/lib/BEA_WLS_DBMS_ADK.ear".
    This will be set as the path value of this application in the config.xml that
    will be included in the template you build. When you later use the Configuration
    Wizard on this template it will substitute the $USER_INSTALL_DIR$ to the value
    of the installation directory of the machine you are creating it on.
         If you were to Change these to relative paths, as Mark previously suggested,
    it will only work if you copy the domain directory to the same location relative
    to your installation directory on the target machine. Also, if you copy the domain
    in this manner you will more than likely run into problems with your start/stop
    scripts and be forced to hand modify all the paths contained within. The configuration
    wizard tries to alleviate these problems and make the configuration entirely portable.
    This gives the user who creates the domain from your template the ability to
    put it anywhere they want regardless of the paths in the config.xml.
    5) ?However, there is another major problem with the Template Builder: it only
    includes the startup/shutdown script for the platform you create the template
    on. ???I built the template on Solaris with the UNIX scripts. However, I tried
    to create a new config on Windows with this template, and the scripts were not
    converted to .bat files!?
         As I stated previously, the builder will only include *.cmd and *.sh scripts
    into your template by default. If you created the domain on a unix platform using
    the configuration wizard it will not extract the *.cmd files since these aren?t
    considered to be useful on unix. If you were then to attempt building a template
    from this domain and take it onto a windows platform, it will obviously be missing
    any windows scripts. Conversely, the wizard will extract *.sh scripts on windows
    because they can still be useful if a user has an MKS or Cygwin type environment
    installed. The config wizard and template builder do not have the ability to convert
    scripts. The builder will only include existing scripts that are in your domain
    directory and automatically determine any necessary string substitutions that
    will be needed. Please note that since WebLogic is only supported on the NT/2K/XP
    versions of windows you will find that the wizards use ?.cmd? files and not ?.bat?
    files since these are more commonly associated with Win 95/98/ME.
         I will be happy to answer any more questions you may have and would also like
    to take a look at your domain configuration to try and get a better understanding
    of the problems you are encountering.

  • Template builder & shared lib (10.2)

    i am creating a domain template from a portal domain using Template Builder.
    The resulting config.xml file stored in the jar file is not correct regarding some libs used by Weblogic Portal. Therefor, when i create a domain from this template, these libs are not found !
    snipet from the config.xml file stored in the template jar file :
    <name>[email protected]</name>
    <name>[email protected]</name>
    <name>[email protected]</name>
    <name>[email protected]</name>
    The correct source-path for each lib should be starting by $USER_INSTALL_DIR$ instead of $APPLICATIONS_DIRECTORY$
    Any idea ?
    Thx a lot

    I believe this is a known issue with the template builder of Weblogic portal.
    And the suggested workaround for this is to change it manually from the *$APPLICATIONS_DIRECTORY$* to *$USER_INSTALL_DIR$*

  • Where can I find "Oracle Application Core (Webapp)" domain template

    Hi Experts.
    I'm following the guide
    It is written:
    On the Select Domain Source screen, ensure that Basic WebLogic Server Domain, Oracle JRF, and Oracle Application Core (Webapp) are selected.
    There is no Oracle Application Core (Webapp) in the options list.
    What Oracle component ships this domain template?

    Tested this in my local Windows JDeveloper environment:
    Oracle JDeveloper 11g Release 1
    Studio Edition Version
    Build JDEVADF_11.
    Copyright © 1997, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    IDE Version:
    Product ID: oracle.jdeveloper
    Product Version:
    and I do have the template "Oracle Application Core (Webapp)" listed. Can you confirm details of the environment that you are trying this ? Also do note that the templates are not in alphabetical order so you'll need to manually search the list ..
    Jani Rautiainen
    Fusion Applications Developer Relations

  • Template Builder (XML Publisher Report) for Open Office

    Do any body has any idea, if can have template builder for Open Office also, My company has un installed MS Office from my machine, and they dont have license now.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Nidhi Gupta

    Hi All,
    I think Oracle can provide a BI Publisher Software for the Open Office, since the licencing cost for MS Office is very high.
    "OpenOffice Writer" is a open source alternative to MS Word and can be used on Linux. If I am using Linux OS and have to work on BI Publisher templates then certainly I will have to install Windows or use WINE ( I donno how it works but heard of it)
    Other Oracle tools such as SQL Developer, etc are platform independent.. then why only BI Publisher is limited for windows/MS Office.
    Can you please answer..
    I think it should integrate with OpenOffice too!!
    - Ejaz
    [email protected]

  • Dynamic image does not work in the template builder plug-in (Apex-BI Intgr)

    Hi all, I posted this problem in the BI Publisher topic but nobody responded maybe this is because mods thought this is an Apex-BI integration issue.
    If I'm in the wrong place, please do warn me.
    The documentation says:
    Direct Insertion
    Insert the jpg, gif, or png image directly in your template.
    ...This works obviously
    URL Reference
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    url:{'http://image location'}
    For example, enter: url:{''}
    ...This works too when I hardcode an url as url:{''}
    Element Reference from XML File
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    where IMAGE_LOCATION is an element from your XML file that holds the full URL to the image.
    ...This, however, does not work.
    I use Apex' report query tool and My query is like
    select '' IMAGE_LOCATION from ... (a single result set for my template)
    the xml data is generated with an IMAGE_LOCATION tag. I load it to word template plug-in. The Url successfully displays in the report if I make it a plain-simple field.
    But when it's in the image format->web->alt text as url:{IMAGE_LOCATION} no image displayed.
    I need to keep this design procedure simple so a simple word user could design a report via using just template builder plug-in. I don't wish to explore the xsl-fo area...yet.
    Could you tell me why I can't get this url:{IMAGE_LOCATION} to work?
    PS: My BI version:

    Hi Oeren,
    your steps seem basically to be correct. I have a tutorial how to do this here (in german)
    when you see the URL corrently as long as you have it as a plain text field, the XML tag and the
    referencing seem to be OK.
    Here are two thought - the issue might be one of these ...
    How did you insert the dummy image into the word document - did you do it via "insert" or
    via "link to file". "Link to File" does not work - you must choose the simple "insert".
    Another one: Does your BI Server have a connection to the internet - is the proxy server correctly set ..?
    Does this help ..?
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  • Grouping and Sub total Problem in Template Builder

    Please help me out to sort the problem am getting in template builder.
    am here by attaching the xml and RTF which i have done. please go through the files and help me sort the problem.
    This is my xml file please let me know how to do the groupingbased on "BUYER_SUBGROUP" and also "BUYER_GROUP_TOTAL" and "BUYER_SUBGROUP_TOTAL" in RTF.
    Thanks in advance

    I see that your data is having this format
    So to group by BUYER_SUBGROUP, your code will be
    <?end for-each?>
    I dont know what you mean by BUYER_GROUP_TOTAL and BUYER_SUBGROUP_TOTAL here.

  • Dynamic image in the template builder plug-in does not work

    Hi all,
    The documentation says:
    Direct Insertion
    Insert the jpg, gif, or png image directly in your template.
    +...This works obviously+
    URL Reference
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    url:{'http://image location'}
    For example, enter: url:{''}
    +...This works too when I hardcode an url as url:{''}+
    Element Reference from XML File
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    where IMAGE_LOCATION is an element from your XML file that holds the full URL to the image.
    +...This, however, does not work.+
    I use Apex' report query tool and My query is like
    select '' IMAGE_LOCATION from ... (a single result set for my template)
    the xml data is generated with an IMAGE_LOCATION tag. I load it to word template plug-in. The Url successfully displays in the report if I make it a plain-simple field.
    But when it's in the image format->web->alt text as url:{IMAGE_LOCATION} no image displayed.
    I need to keep this design procedure simple so a simple word user could design a report via using just template builder plug-in. I don't wish to explore the xsl-fo area...yet.
    Could you tell me why I can't get this url:{IMAGE_LOCATION} to work?
    PS: My BI version:
    Edited by: oeren on Jun 8, 2011 12:28 AM

    I stumbled across this little tidbit buried in the BI Publisher forum: Dynamic Images in rtf
    Glad you are up and running!

  • XML Publisher Template Builder for Adobe Acrobat

    Need a XML Publisher Template Builder for adobe acrobat as is available for word.

    I did so.. however, publisher is not able to substitute xsl syntax by the actual value..
    i had a <?X_PO_NUM?> in word (either using text field or manually writing this..) and i converted the word doc into pdf using third party s/w..
    when i uploaded this template pdf with sample data file using xmlp admin repsonsibility, and tried to preview the output,
    substitution is not happening..
    the requirement here is, to have some input fields in final PDF output for which report-users should be able to type values in.
    for which I assume initial template has to be in PDF itself..
    any ideas or pointers will be much appreciated..

  • Preview Etext template in XML Publisher Desktop (Template Builder)

    Is there a way, or are there plans, to be able to preview an eText template using the template builder, in MS Word, like you can with PDF type templates. This is a great feature when creating PDF output and saves a lot of time. It would be great to be able to do the same for eText templates.

    You can create a dummy data definition and dummy template(etext) in xml publisher admin responsibility.
    For the Data definition , in the bottom if you scroll down you will see a link for upload preview xml data file.
    After uploading the xml file access your template and you can see a preview icon.If you click it you will see a txt file popping up

  • Template Builder (BIPublisherDesktop.exe) installation for multiple users

    I tried to install version of the template builder on a Citrix server (Metaframe 4.0) running under Windows 2003 SP2, and with Office 2003. Framework .NET 2.0 and JRE Sun 1.6 are also installed.
    It works, but, in Word 2003, the "Oracle BI Publisher" menu is only available for the user who have made the installation. Other users can"t see it ?
    I have monitored the registry during installation, and most of the keys are created in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, explaining why others can't see it.
    Is there a way to make one install available for all users ?
    Edited by: user528106 on 27 janv. 2009 01:31

    Yes Rainer... I got the problem just now...
    Thanks for the reply...

  • Template Builder error(unable to load data)

    Hi All.
    When I try to load xml data into my document the template builder throws up the follwoing error
    The macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of you macro security settings
    This message can appear if:
    The macro was deleted from the template.
    The template was not loaded or referenced in the Templates and Add-ins command.
    The macro was turned off by the macro security settings of your system.
    If the macro security settings are not allowing the macro to run, you should confirm the origin of the macro to be sure it can be trusted (contact the developer or the source for the macro). You can temporarily lower your macro security level to Medium, close the file, and then re-open it and enable each of the macros that you want to run. If you do change your macro security settings, be sure to raise them again after you accept the macro or trust the template the macro is stored in (usually requires copying the template to the same folder as other trusted templates).
    If the macro is not accessible because the template is not loaded, click Tools | Templates and Add-ins and browse to the template and click either Attach or Add. If the macro is not in the template, you may need to copy the macro from one template to another. Click the Organizer button at the bottom of the Templates and Add-ins dialog to start the Organizer utility.
    More information about this error message online. The macro setting in my document was set to medium.
    Tool-->>macro-->>security under security level tab it is medium.
    I followed all the steps mentioned in Tim's blog..but it didn't help any..
    Under tools-->>templates and addins---->> was checked already
    MS word ver 2003
    BI Pub Desktop ver aslo tried the new version
    Thanks in adance..

    Never mind..!
    Re-installed Microsoft Office and everything is back and working fine.

  • I am not able to find Template Builder in MS Word 2003

    Hi All,
    we have installed MS Word 2003 Ver in our work station for BI Publihser Reports, but i am not able to find the template builder in the Menu bar.
    i was try to add in tool -> Template and add-Ins also, but still i dint get the template builder in top menu's.
    Any one can help me on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Did you installed BI Publisher first? usually we installed MS Word first then BI Publisher then it appears in the top bar.

Maybe you are looking for