Don't forget the Tango App

You can FaceTime over 3G and with your Android friends a well.

You can FaceTime over 3G and with your Android friends a well.

Similar Messages

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    I have two iPads and giving 1st gen. to my grandson. Using my Apple idI for both... can we use different passwords to access our "own" apps. Also I don't want the downloaded App to go to both iPads. Been looking for hours for an explanation! Thanks for any help.

    Look at this link.
    Giving your former iPad to a spouse or family member: the quick guide ber-the-quick/
    How to Share a Family iPad
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
    iOS & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family r-family/
    How To Best Use and Share Apple IDs across iPhones, iPads and iPods
     Cheers, Tom

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    Exemple :
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    It is a valid url, it should open it.

    That's a good idea (leaving it plugged in all the time) aside from the fact that I'm cheap as heck. Being poor has something to do with it since I'm a grad student. When I'm not using my printer, can opener, toaster, etc. I unplug them or turn them off. Because of this, during the summer I'm able to have electric bills under 20 dollars a month for my apt. I used to even turn of my router every night when I wasn't using it but got fed up with resetting it every time. I also don't use air conditioning and live in KY (my asthmatic lungs react better to heat with humidity than dryness, and to save $). I know - I'm completely different than the norm, but I get by with my quirks. How much do you think it would cost me extra a year to leave my computer plugged in and "sleeping" every night?
    If I go into itunes with the preferences, could I make it so itunes never looks for updates? Thanks again.

  • I currently have the Mac OS X v10.5.8 and want to get the new operating system but I don't know how to do it. I don't have the Mac App Store and can't get it because of my version. What do I do?

    I currently have the Mac OS X v10.5.8 and want to get the new operating system but I don't know how to do it. I don't have the Mac App Store and can't get it because of my version. What do I do?

    The Early 2006 model 1,1 Core Duo can only run a maximum of 10.6 Snow Leopard. The models Late 2006 Core 2 Duos 2,1 through Early 2008 4,1 can only run a maximum of 10.7 Lion. The Late 2008 model 5,1 Aluminum Unibody through the Mid 2010 White Unibody model 7,1 can run 10.8 Mountain Lion.
    To see which model you have go to the Apple in the upper left corner and select About This Mac, then click on More Info. When System Profiler comes up check the Model Identifier and post it back here.
    The Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD should still be available from Apple for $20. You will have to call Apple Customer Care 1-800-692-7753 or 1-800-676-2775 to purchase it. It may still be in the Legacy Products list.
    If they no longer have any in stock you will have to buy it from eBay or Apple resellers that still have stock. But you will have to pay a premium since the DVDs are no longer being made. Snow Leopard DVDs are already up to $100 on Amazon. &_osacat=0
    Once you are at 10.6.8 Lion is still available from Apple. You will have to call Apple Customer Care 1-800-692-7753 or 1-800-676-2775. to purchase it. Then within 3 days you will get an email with a code which you can use to download Lion from the App Store.  The price is still $29. You must have at least a model 2,1 MacBook.
    Lion will require at least 2gb of RAM but really needs 4gb to run smoothly.
    As for third party programs see this list for compatibility with 10.7
    Also Lion doesn't run any Power PC programs. To see if you have any Power PC programs go to the Apple in the upper left corner and select About This Mac, then click on More Info. When System Profiler comes up select Applications under Software. Then look under Kind to see if any of your applications are listed as Power PC. Universal and Intel will run under Lion.
    Before Mac switched to Intel processors in 2006 they used Power PC processors from 1994 to 2005. Power PC 601 through 604, G3, G4 and G5. Applications written for the Power PC processors need the application called Rosetta to run on Intel processors. This was part of the Operating System in 10.4 and 10.5 but was an optional install in 10.6. With 10.7 Lion Apple dropped all support for Power PC applications.

  • How do I upgrade to snow leopard from leopard if I don't have the Mac App Store?

    How do I upgrade to snow leopard from leopard if I don't have the Mac App Store?

    It has never been on the MAS. It's never been a download anywhere (except, maybe, as a pirated version on a torrent, which, along with being "free," will probably bring along some nice malware.)  It has always been a DVD, which may be possible to obtain by calling Apple and asking for Phone Sales. Should stlll only be $29.

  • Hello guys i face a problem when i upgrade from iOS 4.2.1 to iOS 5.1.1  .when i upgrade i don' t found the camera app from the built in apps.when i try to install from the app store i don't  found the correct camera app .please help me .

    hello guys i face a problem when i upgrade from iOS 4.2.1 to iOS 5.1.1 on ipad 3 .when i upgrade i don' t found the camera app from the built in apps.when i try to install from the app store i don't  found the correct camera app .please help me .please give any suitable link where i find the correct camera app

    It's a built-in app, so it can't be deleted nor downloaded from the store. If you can't find it on any of your homescreens or app folders, and you can't find it via the spotlight search screen (swipe your first home screen to the right), then is it hidden by Settings > General > Restrictions > Camera being set 'off' ?
    If not then have you tried a reset to see if you can find it after the iPad has restarted ? Press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • I have Mountain Lion OS but I don't have the Messages app. Why do I still only have iChat?

    I have Mountain Lion OS but I don't have the Messages app. Why do I still only have iChat?

    If iChat was put inside a subsidiary folder of the Applications one then it will not get removed.
    Apple App need to be loose in the Applications Folder or they will not update properly either.
    I have heard of people creating a "Messaging App Folder" and keeping this inside the Applications folder with the consequences listed.
    10:15 pm      Friday; September 6, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.4)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Don't want the Mac App Store

    I'm one of those rare fruit (Mac) users who doesn't care for itunes or anything of the sort (I'm really not a Mac fan; I got the computer because I can abuse it more and have it still function with the solid state hard drive). I hate seeing updates for itunes. I imagine the Mac App Store is similar (although for the OS), and I don't want it. How do I install 10.6.6 without installing the Mac App Store?
    Also, I read in another thread that a fruit can hibernate. How would I do this? I hate the battery drain when I put it to sleep, and frequently have a bunch of stuff open because I'm completing a long project, like a 60+ page paper that takes me multiple days, if not multiple weeks to complete. Thanks.

    That's a good idea (leaving it plugged in all the time) aside from the fact that I'm cheap as heck. Being poor has something to do with it since I'm a grad student. When I'm not using my printer, can opener, toaster, etc. I unplug them or turn them off. Because of this, during the summer I'm able to have electric bills under 20 dollars a month for my apt. I used to even turn of my router every night when I wasn't using it but got fed up with resetting it every time. I also don't use air conditioning and live in KY (my asthmatic lungs react better to heat with humidity than dryness, and to save $). I know - I'm completely different than the norm, but I get by with my quirks. How much do you think it would cost me extra a year to leave my computer plugged in and "sleeping" every night?
    If I go into itunes with the preferences, could I make it so itunes never looks for updates? Thanks again.

  • I don't have the Mac app Store in my computer, how i can download! (mac os x 10.6.8)

    i don't know how update or download the app: MAC APP STORE. i have the app but every time i open, that closes. Plues the icon is a blank sheet of paper whit two pencils.. help!!

    First, reinstall Mac OS X 10.6.8 with the Combo edition > Then, you should be able to use the Mac App Store.
    If it doesn't work, reinstall Mac OS X. To do that, insert the Snow Leopard DVD, start your computer holding the C key and reinstall OS X. You won't lose anything. After reinstalling Mac OS X, open  > Software Update, and install 10.6.8

  • I changed my internal HD after a problem, and now I don't have the Iphoto app.

    I had a problem with my internal HD which makes me buy a new one and install the Software OS X 10.9.4. Now I can't find the Iphoto app. I looked to the app store and I have to paid to have it back, it is right?
    Below my computers spec
    MacBook Pro 13 inches late 2011/2,8GHz/4GB
    Software OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)

    iPhoto is not in your applications folder?
    Check these for maybe some help:
    Download past purchases

  • On my ipod4 i don't have the message app on it a was told by the apple company that it was to have it on there how do I get it back ?

    Hi , My namae is Arnesa Baxter I was purchased a Ipodtouch 4 this past chirstmas and was told that it came with ya'll message app that is supossed to be bulit in. But I don't have it and wanted to know is there any way that I can personally get this app back on my Ipod like it is supppose to be please , about everyone I know has it and I would to.              
                                                                sincerly , Arnesa Baxter

    It's there somewhere.  You couldn't remove it if you wanted to.  Your iPod is still within the 90-day free telephone support.  Call Apple.  800-275-2273 in the U.S.A. and I think Canada.

  • If I don't like the mobile app can I get a refund?

    Looking to try this but don't want to pay $5 for a cap app. I've seen mixed reviews. It works great on my laptop as the Adobe Cloud CC but I want to know about my Galaxy Note 3

    I know Google Play allows refunds within a window (it's usually 15 minutes but I'm hearing now it's as long as 2 hours).
    Take note that PS Touch is not *quite* as powerful as the desktop version (for obvious reasons). Some things are done a tad differently. (e.g., There aren't any adjustment masks or layer masks but you're certainly allowed to make a duplicate of a layer and work on that and blend it with layers above or below using the various tools.)
    It has the layers paradigm down pat and it's more powerful than those goofy "image editors" that just let you add captions or change colors to make the image look like a Polaroid. 

  • I don't have the Mac App Store on my computer. It's not in my applications.

    I wnated to download the new mountain lion software but I can't get it in the App Store, because there is no App Store on my computer. Can I download it? Is it supposed to be in my applications folder?

    Hi Julia...
    You need to be running v10.6.6 at the least to have access to the App Store.
    Click your Apple menu icon top left in yourr screen. From the drop down menu click: Aboout This Mac
    What version does it say?
    If you are running v10.6.6 or higher, you can upgrade to Lion now but make sure your Mac meets Lion's requiremens.
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    2GB of memory
    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available space
    Mountain Lion won't be released to the public until sometime this summer and at this time, the requirements are unknown  >  Apple - OS X Mountain Lion

  • I don't want the optional apps. How to make itunes stop asking me?

    Ever since the january upgrade came out, every time I connect my touch it brings up the apple store page asking me to buy the upgrade. I don't want it. But every time I click "No thanks", "An error occured. the iTunes store could not process your request, please try again later".
    How do I get iTunes to stop pestering me?

    same thing here... its really making me mad.. I had to restore my whole ipod bc of the new software.. and i didnt even click to update it, it did it itself when i connected it... Now I cant manage my music or see how much space i have left.. Pathetic if you ask me.. Ill click no thanks, and itll give me the error msg, and then it says.. Setup new ipod or setup from backup ipod and it was my ipod name b4 it updated, and i click that and nothing happens..

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