Don't include kernel32 in my build application

I have a application thats also uses calls to kernel32.dll. As I like to distribute it to different versions
of Windows (NT/2000/XP) I don't want Labview to include this DLL in my application.
I've already tried to change the path name in the "Call Libery Function" form C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
to kernel32.dll (without the path). But this doesn't work as LV always restored the complete pathname. Adding
system32 as a libery path doesn't work as well, as LV doesn't allow my to add it as a libery.
Can anybody help my with this problem?
Patrick van den Akker

LabVIEW doesn't include Kernel32.dll when you build an application (unless you included it in the build). LabVIEW will always find Kernel32.dll, even if it is not included, because LabVIEW searches the system path (where kernel32.dll will be).
The path that LabVIEW displays when you configure it doesn't mean this path is fixed. If it is not there, it will search all subdirectories of the exe, the system path and path's added in the system variables.
So, you can use system API's without worrying about them. LabVIEW will find the API. On MS Windows, of course.
"Patrick@Vision" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]..
I have a application thats also uses calls to kernel32.dll. As I like to distribute it to different versions
of Windows (NT/2000/XP) I don't want Labview to include this DLL in my application.
I've already tried to change the&nbsp;path&nbsp;name in&nbsp;the "Call Libery Function"&nbsp;form C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
to kernel32.dll (without the path). But this doesn't work as LV always restored the complete pathname. Adding
system32 as a libery path doesn't work as well, as LV doesn't allow my to add it as a libery.
Can anybody help my with this problem?
Patrick van den Akker

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    Regards Morten Kahr
    Regards Kahr
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    If you do a search on this forum you will find this to be a common and vexing problem. I myself had this same exact problem about a year ago, and it took me the better part of a day to track it down. As you will find by reading the various threads on this problem, there seems to be no specific cause for this, and it remains a mystery, and the solutions are no better than chanting voodoo, and probably just as effective.
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    Interesting code.  I'm curious how you came to decide 324ms in your while loop, and 58 in the other, and then 5136ms at the end.  In any case I suspect this has to do with this line of text in the help of the
    If you plan to run a build specification on the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine, do not include the Build VI in any of the VIs for the build specification.
    I don't fully know what this means but it might be why it isn't working.
    The opens all Context (application instances) and then looks for the one named "NI.LV.MxLvProvider".  This I assume is a application instance NI uses to build applications.  It then uses this and opens some other VIs in this instance for the building.  The error you are getting is "Application Reference is invalid" meaning it couldn't find the NI.LV.MxLvProvider instance it needs to build.  Again I believe this maybe because you are in a run-time environment and that instance doesn't exist there.
    At the end of the day I'm guessing since Application Builder is not free, NI probably doesn't include it in the Run-Time engine, which is free.  So you can't build the way you want.  You could have and EXE running in the run-time open an instance in the development, then run your VI from there if you must make this an EXE.  It maybe easier to just edit the to have a "Run When Opened" so that you double click the VI and it runs which behaves like an EXE sorta.
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

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    "Belur" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > Can someone clarify if there is anything different that needs to be
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    You'll need to install the Microsoft Agent parts on the target computer.
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    Author: [email protected]
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    Log Message:
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    As GerdW said, it is preferable (and better practice) to use the project explorer. My guess, you didn't configure the build correctly (and probably used the default settings).
    First, you have to specify your xml file as Always included is the source file tab
    Now look at how the build folders are built:
    The .ini file (xml in your case) is in the data folder. So in the build the relative position of the xml file is not the same as in the development environment. You have to be aware of this difference and use a diiferent relative path for the exe. You can do this using a conditional disable symbol in the project and then use the conditional disable structure in your VI.
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    Author: [email protected]
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    Check out this knowledge base here and let me know if that helps solve your issue.
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    Mohammad 1.doc ‏552 KB
    moh.doc ‏212 KB

    Creation of an installer will only help you when the "hpe363xa,
    nidmm ,niswitch" drivers are also included.
    Beside an installer you could also install the drivers manually in the PC containing only the LV run-time.
    Using whatever version of LV the customer requires. (LV5.1-LV2012) (

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    Caveman wrote:
    > I would like to be able to update the SubVI's that an executable uses,
    > but am having problems editing them after installation of the build
    > application.
    > I am using the option "Small target file with external file for
    > SubVI's" in the application builder, but I don't seem to be able to
    > open the VI's present in the external library ("data.llb") after
    > installation. I get the error message "ressoruce not found", when
    > trying to open the file in LabVIEW. Does anyone know what might be the
    > problem.
    Those VIs get just as much stripped of their front panel and diagram
    unless you specifiy not to do that in the VI settings in Application
    Builder. Without front panel you can not load a VI in the LabVIEW
    editor. It is only good for calling
    by reference.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    What are the errors that you are getting? Polymorphic VIs should have no problem in a built application - it would be a major issue if they did because NI makes extensive use of polymorphic VIs in their driver code.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    Error 1003 loading subpanel VI in build application (VI not executable). I referenced all supanel VI callers in my build app. What am I missing?

    Thanks for your reply!! I tried a few things I found online including the article you posted...this unfortunately did not solve my problem. Through some trial and error process I found the issue was with my build properties in the advanced section shown below.
    I had to check LabVIEW8.x file layout to allow the subpanel VI to load into my main app. I didn't think to check this cuz my code was developed in version 2010. I'm guesssing some of the callers where originally created in older versions and needed the the LabVIEW8 file layout, even though all my source code is compiled in version 10. If you think I might be wrong on this assumption let me know.

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    Is the parent file named with an *.shtm(l) extension?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "matthew stuart" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:g7hd6v$e53$[email protected]..
    >I know how to do an include of an HTML page inside an ASP
    page, but I am
    > basically trying to do the same thing with an HTML page
    - that is include
    > HTML
    > within HTML - but it doesn't seem to be working when I
    test in a browser.
    > It
    > displays fine in DW though!
    > The only way to successfully create an include in HTML
    pages seems to be
    > to
    > use the library method.
    > Here is my include code:
    > <!--#include file="../_includes/footer.html" -->
    > Is this wrong for an HTML page?
    > Thanks
    > Mat

  • How to resolve "You don't have permission to use the application" errors?

    We've been struggling with managed preferences, specifically applications, for a few users. They have mobile home folders which live on a Mac OS X 10.6.x Snow Leopard Server AFP server, preferences which are managed (by group) on a Mac OS X 10.6.5 Snow Leopard Server Open Directory Master, and the clients are running Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard (bound to the Open Directory Master). There are also two Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard Server Open Directory Replicas. We always manage applications and DO NOT sign the apps when adding them in Workgroup Manager.
    Essentially, key applications are unable to run due to the "You don't have permission to use the application" errors, even though they're explicitly whitelisted. (See some prior investigation over on Serverfault.) After seeing that the Mac OS X 10.6.5 Server update included the following fixes, we upgraded our Open Directory Master to 10.6.5:
    * Addresses an issue that could prevent managed preferences from being applied when a user logs in on a workstation that has been idle.
    * Fixes an issue that could prevent administrators from bypassing client management settings on a workstation.
    This seemed to improve the situation slightly, our most important application now seems to be allowed. Occasionally, it'll give the same error, but a simple log out & back in allows it again. We have not upgraded the client workstations with the Mac OS X 10.6.5 update as it doesn't note any related fixes and we haven't fully qualified it for mass deployment.
    We now have two applications that live in ~/Applications which are explicitly whitelisted (again, NOT signed), which fail with the same error, but logging out & back in does not resolve it. `sudo mcxrefresh -n 'user'` doesn't resolve the issue. In fact, `sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/ -f -u `id -u 'username'`` fails with the following error:
    ManagedClient- bad parameter to -u option: use format '-u 501'
    Today I was able to catch the following in /var/log/system.log while attempting to run one said applications:
    Dec 22 17:36:24 hostname parentalcontrolsd[43221]: -[ActivityTracker checkApp:csFlags:] [954:user] -- * Incoming app appears to be masquerading as white listed app and failed signature validation: /Users/user/Applications/FileMaker Pro 5.5/FileMaker Pro. Note: This may be a valid app of a different version than what was whitelisted (on a different volume?)
    Dec 22 17:36:24 hostname [0x0-0xa42a42].com.filemaker.filemakerpro[43304]: launch of /Users/user/Applications/FileMaker Pro 5.5/FileMaker Pro was blocked
    Dec 22 17:36:24 hostname[6375] ([0x0-0xa42a42].com.filemaker.filemakerpro[43304]): Exited with exit code: 255
    Dec 22 17:36:24 hostname parentalcontrolsd[43221]: -[ActivityTracker(Private) _removeAppFromWhiteList:] [1362:user] -- * Couldn't find local user record
    So, even though the apps are listed in Workgroup Manager and are unsigned, and also appear in '/Library/Managed Preferences/user/', it appears that the client somehow thinks they don't match what's in the whitelist even thought WE DON'T SIGN THEM WHEN WE ADD THEM!
    What might be causing this? Any further troubleshooting tips would be GREATLY appreciated!

    According to the [Code Signing Guide| /CodeSigningGuide/Procedures/Procedures.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40005929-CH4- SW2], it appears that there is no way to remove signing (emphasis mine):
    "You can take a partial-update approach to revising your code on the user’s system. To do so, sign the new version as usual, then calculate the differences between the new and the old signed versions, and transmit the differences. Because the differences include the new signature data, the result of installing the changes on the end-user's system will be the newly signed version. You cannot patch a signed application in the field. If you do so, the system will notice that the application has changed and will invalidate the signature, +and there is no way to re-validate or resign the application in the field.+"
    Upon further investigation, the version of FileMaker 5.5 in question appears to be signed even after a fresh install from original install media. I wouldn't have thought Code Signing was around back then (2001). And the code signing appears to match between the fresh install (to a new location) and the original install. I'll attempt to sign it in WGM and install the same, signed copy everywhere.
    Also, I looked at one of our other working primary applications ( and it is unsigned, but appears in the Firewall as "Allow incoming connections", so I don't believe that the Application Firewall is necessarily signing apps automatically (but I certainly won't be ruling it out).
    I haven't checked yet, but the other application that's failing is "Parallels Desktop 6", which I'd bet is signed. I wonder if the "Automatically allow signed software to receive incoming connections", which is checked, would come into play at all?
    Thanks for pointing out how to use `codesign` to check whether an application is signed or not, this seems to be the first real break on this case.

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