__doPostBack() Breaks in PTWC 3.0 in G6

In Plumtree 5.03 and PTWC 2.2 it worked fine. Now with G6 and PTWC 3.0 I get a JavaScript Error on the doPostback(). Here is how I'm writing it to the browser. Anyone have this issue?
'Open Class Schedule View (Modal Window)
RegisterClientScriptBlock(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _
"<script language=""JavaScript"">" & vbCrLf & _
"function _openRegistrationApproval(ID)" & vbCrLf & _"{" & vbCrLf & _ "var transformModalURL = new Object();" & vbCrLf & _"transformModalURL.location = 'ViewRegistration.aspx?ScheduleID=' + ID;" & vbCrLf & _"window.showModalDialog(transformModalURL.location,'','dialogWidth:635px;dialogHeight:475px;status:no;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no');" vbCrLf & _"window.execScript(""__doPostBack('','')"",""JavaScript"");" & vbCrLf & _"}" & vbCrLf & _"</script>")

Jonathan, here is the code for TestPortlet.aspx, I have four controls (two HTML, two .NET) Only the first one works. The others are re-written by the PTWC 3.0 and causes the same JavaScript error.
TestPortlet.aspx<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="TestPortlet.aspx.vb" Inherits="PTAccountReports.TestPortlet"%><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML> <HEAD> <title>TestPortlet</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1"> <meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" content="Visual Basic .NET 7.1"> <meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript"> <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5"> </HEAD> <body MS_POSITIONING="FlowLayout"> <form id="frm_TestPortlet" method="post" runat="server"> HTML Control Open Window      HTML Control Click Here   <asp:LinkButton id="LinkButton1" runat="server">.NET Control Click Here</asp:LinkButton>    <asp:LinkButton id="lnkOpenWin" runat="server">.NET Open New Window</asp:LinkButton> <script language="JavaScript"> function openNewWin() {                var w, h;                if (document.all || document.layers)                {                    w = screen.availWidth;                    h = screen.availHeight;                } var popW = 485, popH = 365; var leftPos = (w-popW)/2, topPos = (h-popH)/2; window.open('UploadWindow.aspx','newin','menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,status=no,titlebar=no,directories=no,width=' + popW + ',height=' + popH + ',top=' + topPos + ',left=' + leftPos); } </script> </form> </body></HTML>
TestPortlet.vbPublic Class TestPortlet Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "
'This call is required by the Web Form Designer. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
End Sub Protected WithEvents LinkButton1 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton Protected WithEvents lnkOpenWin As System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton
'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web Form Designer. 'Do not delete or move it. Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init 'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer 'Do not modify it using the code editor. InitializeComponent() End Sub
#End Region
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Put user code to initialize the page here
LinkButton1.Attributes.Add("onlick", "__doPostBack('','');") lnkOpenWin.Attributes.Add("onclick", "openNewWin();") End Sub
End Class

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    The Plumtree .NET Web Controls 2.2 states that the GetPostBackEventReference is no longer needed (as is the ptrender="true") However, unless I'm doing something wrong, it tends to break the functionality of Adaptive portlets. The fix is to simply put back the following in the Page_Load event.
    'Force creation of "_doPostBack" - Plumtree Requirement.Page.GetPostBackEventReference(Me.Page)

    How is this breaking the functionality? There is now a function in postbacksupport.js called PTWCControl_2_2.doPostBack(...), and all __doPostBack(...) functions are transformed to use function instead. The GetPostBackEventReference forces this function to be included in the page, but if everything is working properly it should never be used (it would even be stripped out in many cases).


    Dear Guru's,
                     I have a requirement where i have to move the values to variable when control break (AT END OF) process. So i want to move the values according to the end of Vendor so for that  i want to know is there any sy-index available which reflects changes when Control break (AT end of) process.
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    Hope to get reply soon.
    Himanshu Rangappa

    There is no system Fields for it.
    But your requirement can be done with 'AT NEW' and 'AT END' statement.
    Refer this sample example,
    loop at otab.
        at new module.
          move otab-module to otab2-module.
          at END OF effort.
          sum.               "Do your calculations here
          move otab-count to otab2-count.
          append otab2.

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    Hi there,
    First off, I'm not an Applescripter, but I have one script I wrote a few years back (with help from kind people on the net) to generate and save tiny applications which, when called from within an Adobe Flash executable, would open the required file using the Mac OS native application associated with them (i.e a doc file wouldbe opened by Word if installed, TextEdit if not...)
    It used to run fine on my old Powerbook G4 on an old version of AppleScript, but times change and, one whizzy Intel processor later, I'm trying to get the same script running on OS 10.8 with AppleScipt 2.5.1, with varied results.
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    The example of the fileNames.csv file I'm having issues with:
    yr2_unit_1_tn.doc,yr2_unit_2_tn.doc,yr2_unit_3_tn.doc ... etc up until  yr2_unit_20_tn.doc
    The script always used to work fine, but the new version of AppleScript seems to have broken it. When I run it now, it creates all the .app files up until 'yr2_unit_11_tn.doc.app' but then stalls in 'Running...' mode in the AppleScipts editor, and refuses to save apps for the final nine files in the .csv file.
    It still runs ok from an older AppleScript editor (2.2.1) but this only saves PowerPC applications, which won't run on Intel Macs. And this would be me running away from the problem, rather than attempting to solve it ;-)
    I'm thinking it's a filename issue, as it always seems to break when attempting to save "yr2_unit_11_tn.doc.app" when "yr2_unit_1_tn.doc.app" already exists in the 'fscommand' folder. If I create a new 'fileNames.csv' file which only contains ten entries from 'yr2_unit_11_tn.doc' to  'yr2_unit_20_tn.doc', and run the script to an empty 'fscommand' folder, it processes all the files fine. It just won't do all twenty entries from 1 to 20.
    Here's the script. I know I'm doing something really stupid here, but as a rock bottom novice AppleScripter, I can't see the error, or why it would work in one version of AppleScript and not another. I can post a link to the zipped files if this is any help in solving it. Thanks in advance for any help! :-)
    tell application "Finder" to get folder of (path to me) as Unicode text
    set cwd to result
    set fileRef to open for access alias (cwd & "fileNames.csv")
    set theList to read fileRef using delimiter ","
    close access fileRef
    set theFolder to alias (cwd & "fscommand")
    set theFolderPath to theFolder as string
    #Create the .app files and save them in theFolder
    set NL to ASCII character 10
    tell application id "com.apple.ScriptEditor2"
              repeat with theItem in theList
                        set x to make new document
                        set x to the front document
                        set theCharacters to characters of theItem
                        set theReversedCharacters to reverse of theCharacters
                        set theReversedFileName to theReversedCharacters as string
                        set theOffset to offset of "." in theReversedFileName
                        set theReversedSuffix to text 1 thru (theOffset - 1) of theReversedFileName
                        set theSuffix to (reverse of (characters of theReversedSuffix)) as string
                        set the text of document 1 to "tell application \"Finder\"" & NL & "activate" & NL & "set cwd to get folder of container of (path to me) as Unicode text" & NL & "open file (cwd & \"assets:" & theSuffix & ":" & theItem & "\")" & NL & "end tell"
      compile document 1
                        set file_path to theFolderPath & theItem & ".app"
                        save document 1 as "application" in file file_path
      close window 1
              end repeat
    end tell

    That seemed to be it. I put a tiny delay in between saving the document and closing the window and the file runs smoothly through all 20 items.
    compile document 1
    set file_path to theFolderPath & theItem & ".app"
    save document 1 as "application" in file file_path
    delay 0.3
    close window 1
    Never thought that I'd reach the day where I was trying to slow the computer down to process something more carefully :-D

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    in alv report can i use control break events? if no .whay?

    you can use control break statements in ALV report.
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  • Free Transform breaks Motion Tweens

    Sigh! Normally I try to solve problems myself... but Google isn't giving me anything about this so maybe I'm the only one in the world experiencing this particular issue.
    I've used Flash for making games for years now, and I got used to using the old motion tweens for making looping animations for characters. I made the leap from AS2 to AS3 a while ago, and felt like I should try to use these new motion tweens as well since I got CS5...
    I've found them completely unusable, however, due to a bizarre problem that happens when moving around objects using the Free Transform tool.
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    The Free Transform seems dodgy though. If I select all the 'limbs' of a character at once and try to rotate them as a group, it works, but they each end up displaced a bit when I release the mouse; they get offset slightly or rotate a bit in seemingly random directions.
    For example, compare these two images (it's easiest if they're opened in separate tabs, I suppose): http://scraps.fighunter.com/sparkpupagh1.png and http://scraps.fighunter.com/sparkpupagh2.png
    The first one is after rotating it but before I released the mouse button, the second is what the pieces ended up like after I released the button. Most of the pieces ended up where they should be, but the head was offset slightly. This is a mild case; it's usually worse and affects all the pieces, and the slight offsets and rotations build up, too.
    This in itself wouldn't be too bad - though it's frustratingly inaccurate - but it gets much, much worse the more I work on a single animation.
    (Note: These strange changes don't happen if I rotate all the parts as a group if they're not also contained within new motion tweens...)
    Here's a screenshot showing a frame mid-way through an animation, with one of the parts selected: http://scraps.fighunter.com/meepagh1.png
    The Motion Editor is shown, though I don't use that directly.
    With that feather bit selected, I then rotated it a tiny, tiny amount, but didn't *move* it at all. When I released the mouse, it ended up snapping suddenly to here: http://scraps.fighunter.com/meepagh2.png
    That'd be frustrating in itself, but as you can see from the Motion Editor, it's also messed up most of the other frames in the animation, somehow. This becomes unbearable, as you can likely imagine!
    If I edit the graph in the Motion Editor directly to alter the Z value and cause a rotation, it works, without problems... but this is horribly inefficient and unintuitive and not a solution. I can't animate by tweaking numbers. It's like trying to draw a portrait using an Etch-A-Sketch!
    It seems to only be the Free Transform tool that creates this bizarre problem.
    This has been happening since I got CS5 maybe a year or two ago, though I haven't actually had to use the animation tools much until a few days ago so that's why I'm bringing it up now. I've restarted Flash, my computer, etc, etc, many times; I also got the trial version of CS6 today to see if THAT would fix it, but the exact same thing happens in that version too.
    I'm wondering whether it's my computer's fault in some way... I don't know enough about hardware and 'specs' and that sort of stuff to describe anything about it, but I'm using Windows Vista and the computer is fairly old and not exactly what I'd call reliable. I'm planning to get a new one soon, so it'd be nice if that fixed this problem... but frustrating if it doesn't.
    I'll link to the CS6-flavoured .fla that those screenshots are from: http://scraps.fighunter.com/Meep.fla
    I'd very much appreciate it if someone could test this to see if it's happening to only me! If I go to frame 146 (to choose one at random), and try to rotate the foot, slightly, using the Free Transform tool, it breaks in the way that I've described. (Oddly, the head feather rotates without issues on that frame...) If you were to try to do this same thing and it *doesn't* break, it might be a good sign that it's my computer's fault!
    If it *does* break though... then I'd very much appreciate any help I can get from someone who understands the new motion tweens better than I do!
    It'd be a shame to have to go back to Classic Tweens because of this...

    Sigh! Normally I try to solve problems myself... but Google isn't giving me anything about this so maybe I'm the only one in the world experiencing this particular issue.
    I've used Flash for making games for years now, and I got used to using the old motion tweens for making looping animations for characters. I made the leap from AS2 to AS3 a while ago, and felt like I should try to use these new motion tweens as well since I got CS5...
    I've found them completely unusable, however, due to a bizarre problem that happens when moving around objects using the Free Transform tool.
    For a single character, I'll have a MovieClip with several layers, each with a 'body part' MovieClip on it, then I add the new blue-type motion tweens to all of those layers. At the end of those tweens, I use F6 to (hopefully) duplicate the starting pose; it is meant to loop, after all. Then I'll go about half way between these two keyframes and move bits around to create the A->B->A sort of 'idle' or 'breathing' animation.
    The Free Transform seems dodgy though. If I select all the 'limbs' of a character at once and try to rotate them as a group, it works, but they each end up displaced a bit when I release the mouse; they get offset slightly or rotate a bit in seemingly random directions.
    For example, compare these two images (it's easiest if they're opened in separate tabs, I suppose): http://scraps.fighunter.com/sparkpupagh1.png and http://scraps.fighunter.com/sparkpupagh2.png
    The first one is after rotating it but before I released the mouse button, the second is what the pieces ended up like after I released the button. Most of the pieces ended up where they should be, but the head was offset slightly. This is a mild case; it's usually worse and affects all the pieces, and the slight offsets and rotations build up, too.
    This in itself wouldn't be too bad - though it's frustratingly inaccurate - but it gets much, much worse the more I work on a single animation.
    (Note: These strange changes don't happen if I rotate all the parts as a group if they're not also contained within new motion tweens...)
    Here's a screenshot showing a frame mid-way through an animation, with one of the parts selected: http://scraps.fighunter.com/meepagh1.png
    The Motion Editor is shown, though I don't use that directly.
    With that feather bit selected, I then rotated it a tiny, tiny amount, but didn't *move* it at all. When I released the mouse, it ended up snapping suddenly to here: http://scraps.fighunter.com/meepagh2.png
    That'd be frustrating in itself, but as you can see from the Motion Editor, it's also messed up most of the other frames in the animation, somehow. This becomes unbearable, as you can likely imagine!
    If I edit the graph in the Motion Editor directly to alter the Z value and cause a rotation, it works, without problems... but this is horribly inefficient and unintuitive and not a solution. I can't animate by tweaking numbers. It's like trying to draw a portrait using an Etch-A-Sketch!
    It seems to only be the Free Transform tool that creates this bizarre problem.
    This has been happening since I got CS5 maybe a year or two ago, though I haven't actually had to use the animation tools much until a few days ago so that's why I'm bringing it up now. I've restarted Flash, my computer, etc, etc, many times; I also got the trial version of CS6 today to see if THAT would fix it, but the exact same thing happens in that version too.
    I'm wondering whether it's my computer's fault in some way... I don't know enough about hardware and 'specs' and that sort of stuff to describe anything about it, but I'm using Windows Vista and the computer is fairly old and not exactly what I'd call reliable. I'm planning to get a new one soon, so it'd be nice if that fixed this problem... but frustrating if it doesn't.
    I'll link to the CS6-flavoured .fla that those screenshots are from: http://scraps.fighunter.com/Meep.fla
    I'd very much appreciate it if someone could test this to see if it's happening to only me! If I go to frame 146 (to choose one at random), and try to rotate the foot, slightly, using the Free Transform tool, it breaks in the way that I've described. (Oddly, the head feather rotates without issues on that frame...) If you were to try to do this same thing and it *doesn't* break, it might be a good sign that it's my computer's fault!
    If it *does* break though... then I'd very much appreciate any help I can get from someone who understands the new motion tweens better than I do!
    It'd be a shame to have to go back to Classic Tweens because of this...

  • What are the things 10.6.8 update break?

    After the 10.6.8 update I am having so many issues,
    first, the %100 cpu usage of dock, disabled parallels, and now it is ok,
    then, a reboot and I am unable to login, I enter my password, it begins the login process, then logs me out,
    if I persist, it logs me in after a couple of tries, but each time a few of my applications are missing at random, and the environment is very very unstable, sometimes I see no desktop background, sometimes I start firefox and I am logged out again.
    I've seen some people suggesting removal of login items to resolve a similar but not the same issue, so I'm inclined to think overall, there is an issue with some applications which 10.6.8 update breaks.
    For starters my login items are:
    EyeTv Helper
    Canon IJ Network scanner
    Does anyone have any problems with any of these?
    I only verified the parallels desktop 6 issue up to now.
    Model Name: MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier: MacBookPro6,2
      Processor Name: Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
      Number Of Processors: 1
      Total Number Of Cores: 2
      L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
      L3 Cache: 4 MB
      Memory: 8 GB
      Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s
      Boot ROM Version: MBP61.0057.B0C
      SMC Version (system): 1.58f15

    Actually it is not-so-permitted to remove sophos for this machine, but I did it anyhow. No problem so far, but lack of evidence is not evidence of being lack of something so I am not adding it to the list yet

  • In the new Pages 5.0, what is the page break shortcut key. I cannot find the key as indicated on the drop down menu.

    in the new Pages 5.0, what is the page break shortcut key (it used to be the Fn + enter). I cannot find the (new) key as indicated on the drop down menu. Please help.

    Hi Bruce and fruhulda,
    ok, I found the keyboard viewer, it only shows the traditional symbol 'return'.  something like a sideway u-turn continued with the arrow under.  This is the Canadian or US keyboard. 
    btw thanks for your suggestion.

  • What is it about this markup that breaks DW CS3 Design View Editing?

    I'm attaching very simple --and apparently completely valid-- markup that generates the text shown between the markers below:
    yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda badda.
    As you can see by examining the file, it contains only an span enclosing text and spaces, and some following breaks.  This file passes DW validation: no errors or warnings.
    If I open this file in DW CS3 Design View, select and delete the last word, "badda", the entire text --every "yadda"--  is also deleted.  All that text is really gone -- if I immediately save the file and re-open it, there is no text content at all, just the span pair,  spaces, and the trailing breaks.  This is completely repeatable.
    When you edit this file, do you get the same result?
    The attached file is a cut-down, simplified version of a production file that exhibits this issue. (That file also passes validation.)   When I delete single  words,  entire content paragraphs disappear.   So this is not just a point of curiosity.  I need to figure out how to fix the production code and avoid this problem in the future.
    What is it about the attached markup that causes this issue?  I've fooled around with this code quite a bit and the best I can figure out is that DW is confused when both the start- and end- span tags are followed immediately by a line break.  Inserting a space in either place makes the issue go away.   But the production code doesn't have any occurances of this pattern. And, anyway, line-breaks have no significance to html, just for source-code formatting, right?
    Am I missing something incredibly obvious?

    Nancy O:
    Thank you for your response, which gave me  valuable clues to understanding the issues.   (Specifically, it led me to re-read and understand better the nitty-gritty of the HTML4 specs,  section 7, "The global structure of an HTML Document", especially 7.5.1 The BODY element.)
    I believe you are saying --in sum--  that to be reliably edited in DW, each source file must comprise a syntactically correct and complete HTML Document. 
    I am attaching a second file, "badcode2.html", modified substantially as you suggest.  It passes the DW validator, the validator.w3.org test, and the www.totalvalidator.com test.    No errors or warnings. 
    I do this:   Launch DW, open this file, choose Design View if necessary, select the final word of text, "badda", and activate Edit-->Cut (or Delete).   As before, all the other text is deleted as well. This is repeatable. 
    It seems to me this sample code satisfies your general principle.  Could I be misapplying the three validation tests?  Or that passing these tests does not assure the document  is syntactically correct and complete?   Can you recommend other tests? 
    I'd like to add the following two points as a matter of background and a bit of niggling: 
    --I'm aware  that complete HTML pages must contain <html> , <head>,  and <body> tags, although the HTML4 specification seems to say <body> tags are optional.   All my production pages, as served, contain these tags.   My underlying design is a php template with individual content files incorporated by inclusion.   There may be only one set of <html> , <head>,  and <body> in  a  page. The  "outer" template code provides these tags, and individual content files cannot contain a nested set -- so they must be "bare" markup.   Is DW able to support this design, in which "bare markup" files are seemingly unavoidable?    Is there a mechanism analogous to DW Design-Time Style Sheets to provide virtual existence of these tags so "bare markup" files can be successfully edited?  I've looked for such a mechanism but not found one.    Or some completely different method?   
    --You specify the inclusion of <p> or <h1> tags within the  body.    Is there some special significance of <p> or <h1>  with respect to stable editing in DW?  My reading of the HTML4 spec indicates that a single block element is the minimal requirement for body content. Either of these tags qualify, right?   But so does <div>, and that's what I use in my current example.    Am I misunderstanding something? 
    Bottom line,  I'm looking for a pragmatic solution for my problem:   Once in a while, among hundreds of  structurally similar "bare markup" pages I edit in DW without any problem,  I lose data.   If inserting an additional tag into all my content include files eliminates these occasional problems, I'm  willing to do that, as long as:  (1) There is an arguable technical basis for the addition,  (2) the added tag does not  produce anything visible on the served page, and (3) the validators don't flag the extra tag.     
    Suggestions, please! 

  • IMovie capture from DV tape without auto scene break

    Has anyone figured out to prevent iMovie from automatically inserting scene breaks in iMovie'11.
    I am importing previously edited footage for conversion.  This still contains the timestamps.
    After importing, iMovie automatically places each clip by time/date order in Events - which means it is jumbled up because it has previously been edited.
    Basically what I want is either 1) to import as a single clip, i.e. disable auto scene break, or 2) to be able to sort clips into same time/date order that they were imported.

    iMovie will assume that anything imported in DV Stream is coming directly off a camcorder, and therefore will be sorted in chronological order.
    If you still have access to the software where you created these movies, you can share them out in something other than DV Stream.
    For example, if you have iMovie 06, you can import it without auto scene breaks. Then Export Using QuickTime to an mov container in the DV codec. That will produce an mov file that iMOvie 11 will import in the correct order.

  • Activation of Creative Cloud packages created with CCP 1.3 breaks when deploying via imaging

    Descption of the problem:
    If Creative Cloud products are deployed as a part of an OS image and the packages are created with CCP for Windows 1.3, the activation still breaks.
    The problem affects most of our class room computers but, however, not all of them.
    When a standard user tries to open any of the products, an error message is displayed instead of opening the the program. 
    Configuration error
    A problem has occurred with the licensing of this product.
    Restart your computer and re-launch the product.
    If this problem still occurs after restarting, contact Customer Support for further assistance, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen.
    Error: 213:19
    Installed Products: Acrobat XI,Ai,Dw,Fl,Id and Ps 
    CCP version: 1.3.0, build 66
    CCP Workstation OS: Windows 7 SP1 32-bit
    Target OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
    Workaround: running APTEE on an resolves the issue every time. Yet according to Adobe this should not be necessary.
    Deployment workflow
    1. Create a single package containg all of the products with CCP and an Enterprise CC serial number.
    2. Customize Acrobat .mst file for the target language with Adobe Customization Wizard XI, leaving the serial empty. 
    3. Create a batch file to run ExceptionDeployer in pre mode, install the the other products and finally run ExceptionDeployer in post mode.
    4. Install the the package to a model computer using the batch.
    5. Run Windows's built-in sysprep tool  with OOBE and shutdown switches.
    6. Capture the image from the model computer and deploy it to other computers.
    We can unfortunately reliably reproduce this issue and we are, if not happy, but at least willing to provide you all the required logs and other info to find a real solution.

    Hi PT_luas,
    Please send me an email: [email protected] so that we may arrange a callbak.
    Romit Sinha

  • Pages '08 does not import MS Word Page-breaks

    Pages '08 imports MS Word 2004 for Mac documents without the page-breaks.
    I love the Mac interface and really want to stop using MS software. I was hopeful with all the good press about Pages '08. I downloaded the 30-day trial and immediately discovered this glitch.
    I must be able to exchange 300+ page manuscripts with MS Office users. If Pages cannot import the page-breaks in these documents, it's a deal-breaker for me. I'm not going to go through and re-insert 300+ page-breaks everytime I have to edit and return a document.

    I've had the same problem as Jeffrey ... but with Appleworks 6 documents. I can import a small amount of Appleworks pages with hard page breaks (Insert Page Break) but when I try to import the entire 300 pages of my manuscript into Pages '08 the page breaks move up and are not where they should be. Also, many of my large Appleworks text manuscript files (no graphics) will not open in Pages '08. On top of that, the line spacing in Pages is a big headache,. I still am unable to place 11 lines on the first page of each Chapter (as I have done before in Appleworks with no problem). Sometimes it will give me 11, next time it will be 12. Hitting return once often moves two lines of type rather than one. Very frustrating. I have followed instructions and even added styles with my own template. I also used "Exact" spacing of 24 pt with my 12pt type because using double spacing is not even close to what double spacing is in Appleworks using the exact same font (Times New Roman, 12pt w/ 24pt spacing.) Any help will be appreciated (before I go back to Appleworks).

  • Break points are not triggering in RFC from portal application

    I am running Biller Direct application from portal, which is triggering a standard SAP RFC FM back end, am trying to debug my execution from portal, for this i put the External Break point, Session break-poiint at the beginning of this SAP RFC FM, but, its not stoppping at ll, here the user is a Web user, not dialog user.
    How can i stop my execution in this SAP RFC FM to check how the structures are populated?
    Thank you

    Hi Raju,
    Please try the below way and check if it works.
    Open the RFC in R/3 i.e.
    SE37 -> give FM NAME -> DISPLAY.
    Click on UTILITIES -> SETTINGS -> CLICK THE TAB debugging.
    In the screen against the field users : give the value 'WEBLOGIN'.
    Uncheck the FLAG 'IP MATCHING'.
    And at the bottom check the check box against the field
    'Session Break Point Activate Immediately'.
    Save these settings.
    Then go to the line at which you want to debug the code and put an external break point over there.
    But, please take care of one thing as we are giving it as a WEBLOGIN, when ever some logs in, it will reach the brteak point and stop there. We have to click F8 to continue. Or else, the portal will be hanged for them.
    Thanks & regards,
    Y Gautham

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