Double-buffered html JTextPane

Hi there !
I am using a JtextPane, displaying a html page, refreshed every second by a thread. This html page changes every second (just a few data). The problem is that the display is flikering and so obnoxious. I tried in vain to make it double-buffered.
How could I do to fix that ?
Thx alot.

I'm assuming that you are using the latest version of CVI and NI-DAQ. Then there is a DAQmx example that ships with NI-DAQ that does a Continuous Acquisition with an External Scan Clock and Digital Start Trigger.
You can find this example in the CVI Folder: ...\CVI70\samples\DAQmx\Analog In\Measure Voltage\Cont Acq-Ext Clk-Dig Start
Kind regards,
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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  • Double Buffering Problem in html

    My double buffering works in my IDE, but not when embedded in html.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class Brick
        public int x,y;   
        public Brick(int x,int y) {this.x = x;this.y = y;}
    class Ball
        public int x,y,a,b;
        public Ball(int x, int y) {this.x = x;this.y = y;}
    public class Pong2 extends JApplet implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, Runnable, KeyListener
        long tm = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int delay;
        int a1=0,b1=0,c1=0,d1=0;
        int dead;
        int ranB1,ranB2;
        boolean pauseB = false;
        boolean starttext = true;
        int ani = 0;
        String stringWin;
        Graphics offscreen;Image image;
        private final int INIT_ACTIVE = 0;
        private final int INTRO_ACTIVE = 1;
        private final int GAME1_ACTIVE = 2;
        private final int GAME2_ACTIVE = 3;
        private final int GAME3_ACTIVE = 4;
        private int r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,starter=0,win=0,own=0;
        private int gameflag;
        private boolean player = true,moveB = true,thisB = true,timerB = true;
        private boolean drawB = true;
        private int counte=0;
        private int time = -2;
        private int movecheck1; int movecheck2;int movecheck3;int movecheck4;
        private int c;
        private int god = 0;
        private int tempx1, tempy1,tempx2,tempy2;
        private int pause = 2, resume = 0;
        private int ran, ran2,ran3,ran4;
        private int yCheck1,yCheck2,yCheck3,yCheck4,xCheck1,xCheck2,xCheck3,xCheck4;
        private int begin = 0;
        private int counter = 0, colorChange =0;
        private Brick brick[] = new Brick[4];
        private Ball ball[] = new Ball[2];
        private Ball ball2[] = new Ball[8];
        private int cons1 = 0,cons2 = 0,cons3=0,cons4=0;
        private int score1=10, score2=10,score3=10,score4=10;
        private Thread t;
        private Font font;
        private AudioClip match,teleport,headshot, ballbounce, dkill,humiliation,one,two,three,fight,prepare;   
        public Image paddle3,paddle4,rarrow,dbuffer,paddle,paddle2,bricks,blood,title,edge,m_imgOffScr;
        private Graphics dbuffer_gfx,m_gOffScr,dbg;
        private Color Color1 = new Color(255,255,255);
        private Color sColor3 = new Color(139,80,14);
        private Color sColor2 = new Color(0,255,0);
        private Color sColor4 = new Color(255,255,0);
        private Polygon poly1 = new Polygon();Polygon poly2 = new Polygon(); 
        private Polygon poly3 = new Polygon();Polygon poly4 = new Polygon();
        private boolean p1Dead=false, p2Dead=false, p3Dead=false, p4Dead=false;
        private int ranLoc, winner;
        public void initgame()
            for (int j = 0; j < ball.length; j++){ball[j] = new Ball(325,325);}
            brick[0] = new Brick(25,285);
            brick[1] = new Brick(615,285);
            brick[2] = new Brick(285,25);
            brick[3] = new Brick(285,615);
            yCheck1 = brick[0].y; yCheck2 = brick[1].y; yCheck3 = brick[2].y; yCheck4 = brick[3].y;
            xCheck1 = brick[0].x; xCheck2 = brick[1].x; xCheck3 = brick[2].x; xCheck4 = brick[3].x;
            for (int n = 0; n<8; n++)
                r1 = (int)(Math.random() * 600)+10;r2 = (int)(Math.random() * 600)+10;
                ball2[n] = new Ball(r1,r2);
                if (n == 0||n==4) {ball2[n].a = 3; ball2[n].b = 3;}if (n == 1||n==5) {ball2[n].a = -3; ball2[n].b = 3;}
                if (n == 2||n==6) {ball2[n].a = 3; ball2[n].b = -3;}if (n == 3||n==7) {ball2[n].a = -3; ball2[n].b = -3;}           
            player = false;
        public void init()
            gameflag = INIT_ACTIVE;
            Font font = new Font ("Arial", Font.BOLD,50);
            paddle = getImage(getCodeBase(), "paddle.jpg");
            paddle2 = getImage(getCodeBase(), "paddle2.jpg");
            paddle3 = getImage(getCodeBase(), "paddle3.jpg");
            paddle4 = getImage(getCodeBase(), "paddle4.jpg");
            bricks = getImage(getCodeBase(), "bricks.jpg");
            blood = getImage(getCodeBase(), "blood.jpg");
            title = getImage(getCodeBase(), "title.jpg"); 
            headshot = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "headshot2.wav");
            ballbounce = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "ir_begin.wav");
            humiliation = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "humiliation.wav");
            prepare = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "prepare.wav");
            teleport = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "teleport.wav");
            match = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "matchwin.wav");
        public void start()
            Thread t = new Thread(this);
            new Thread(pMovement).start();                       
        public void stop()
            t = null;
        public void update (Graphics g)
        public void PaintIntro(Graphics g)
            for(int wa = 0;wa<8;wa++)
            g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD,20));
            g.drawString("Written By Alec Parenzan",200,200);
            g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD,14));
            if (colorChange==0)g.setColor(;
            g.drawString("4 Player Game",275,430);
            if (colorChange==1)g.setColor(;
            g.drawString("2 Player Game",275,450);
            if (colorChange==2)g.setColor(;
            g.drawString("1 Player Game",275,470);
        public void PaintGame1 (Graphics g)
            if(p1Dead==false && own>0 )g.drawImage(paddle3,brick[0].x,brick[0].y,10,80,this);
            if(p2Dead==false&& own>0)g.drawImage(paddle,brick[1].x,brick[1].y,10,80,this);
            if(p3Dead==false&& own>0)g.drawImage(paddle2,brick[2].x,brick[2].y,80,10,this);
            if(p4Dead==false&& own>0)g.drawImage(paddle4,brick[3].x,brick[3].y,80,10,this);
            if(begin==1 && drawB)
            g.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.ITALIC,50));
            //painting gui
            if (starttext) {g.setColor(;
                g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.ITALIC,30));g.drawString("Click START to Begin",175,325);}
            g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD,30));
            if(pause ==1 && begin>0)g.drawString("RESUME",270,700);
            else if(begin==0)g.drawString("START",270,700);
            else if(begin>=1 && begin<=2 && pause==0){g.drawString("PAUSE",270,700);}    
            if(win ==1){if(winner==1)g.setColor(;else if(winner==2)g.setColor(;
                else if(winner==3)g.setColor(;else if(winner==4)g.setColor(sColor3);           
            if (time == 1)g.drawString("3",300,325);
            else if (time==2)g.drawString("2",300,325);
            else if (time==3)g.drawString("1",300,325);          
        public void PaintGame2(Graphics g)
            if(p1Dead==false && own>0 )g.drawImage(paddle3,brick[0].x,brick[0].y,10,80,this);
            if(p2Dead==false&& own>0)g.drawImage(paddle,brick[1].x,brick[1].y,10,80,this);
            if(begin==1 && drawB)
            g.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.ITALIC,50));
            //painting gui
            if (starttext) {g.setColor(;
                g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.ITALIC,30));g.drawString("Click START to Begin",175,325);}
            g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD,30));
            if(pause ==1 && begin>0)g.drawString("RESUME",270,700);
            else if(begin==0)g.drawString("START",270,700);
            else if(begin>=1 && begin<=2 && pause==0){g.drawString("PAUSE",270,700);}    
            if(win ==1){if(winner==1)g.setColor(;else if(winner==2)g.setColor(;}
            if (time == 1)g.drawString("3",300,325);
            else if (time==2)g.drawString("2",300,325);
            else if (time==3)g.drawString("1",300,325);     
        //paint graphics
        public void paint(Graphics g)
            if (gameflag == INIT_ACTIVE)
                g.drawString("Loading...",getSize().width/2, getSize().height/2);
            if (gameflag == INTRO_ACTIVE){PaintIntro(g);}
            if (gameflag == GAME1_ACTIVE){PaintGame1(g);} 
            if (gameflag == GAME2_ACTIVE || gameflag == GAME3_ACTIVE){PaintGame2(g);}
        public void paddlephys()
            for(int j =0; j < 2;j++)
                if(p1Dead==false&&ball[j].x-4<=xCheck1 && ball[j].x<=xCheck2 && begin==1)
                    if (ball[j].y>=yCheck1&&ball[j].y<=yCheck1+12) {ball[j].a=2;ball[j].b=-4;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck1+13&&ball[j].y<=yCheck1+25) {ball[j].a=3;ball[j].b=-3;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck1+26&&ball[j].y<=yCheck1+39) {ball[j].a=4;ball[j].b=-2;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck1+40&&ball[j].y<=yCheck1+53) {ball[j].a=4;ball[j].b=2;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck1+54&&ball[j].y<=yCheck1+66) {ball[j].a=3;ball[j].b=3;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck1+67&&ball[j].y<=yCheck1+79) {ball[j].a=2;ball[j].b=4;;}
                if(p2Dead==false&&ball[j].x>=xCheck2 && ball[j].x<=xCheck2+5 && begin==1)
                    if (ball[j].y>=yCheck2&&ball[j].y<=yCheck2+12) {ball[j].a=-2;ball[j].b=-4;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck2+13&&ball[j].y<=yCheck2+25) {ball[j].a=-3;ball[j].b=-3;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck2+26&&ball[j].y<=yCheck2+39) {ball[j].a=-4;ball[j].b=-2;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck2+40&&ball[j].y<=yCheck2+53) {ball[j].a=-4;ball[j].b=2;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck2+54&&ball[j].y<=yCheck2+66) {ball[j].a=-3;ball[j].b=3;;}
                    else if (ball[j].y>=yCheck2+67&&ball[j].y<=yCheck2+79) {ball[j].a=-2;ball[j].b=4;;}
                if(p3Dead==false&&ball[j].y>=yCheck3-5 && ball[j].y<=yCheck3 && begin==1)
                    if (ball[j].x>=xCheck3&&ball[j].x<=xCheck3+12) {ball[j].a=-4;ball[j].b=2;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck3+13&&ball[j].x<=xCheck3+25) {ball[j].a=-3;ball[j].b=3;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck3+26&&ball[j].x<=xCheck3+39) {ball[j].a=-2;ball[j].b=4;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck3+40&&ball[j].x<=xCheck3+53) {ball[j].a=2;ball[j].b=4;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck3+54&&ball[j].x<=xCheck3+66) {ball[j].a=3;ball[j].b=3;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck3+67&&ball[j].x<=xCheck3+79) {ball[j].a=4;ball[j].b=2;;}
                if(p4Dead==false&&ball[j].y>=yCheck4 && ball[j].y<=yCheck4+5 && begin==1)
                    if (ball[j].x>=xCheck4&&ball[j].x<=xCheck4+12) {ball[j].a=-4;ball[j].b=-2;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck4+13&&ball[j].x<=xCheck4+25) {ball[j].a=-3;ball[j].b=-3;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck4+26&&ball[j].x<=xCheck4+39) {ball[j].a=-2;ball[j].b=-4;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck4+40&&ball[j].x<=xCheck4+53) {ball[j].a=2;ball[j].b=-4;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck4+54&&ball[j].x<=xCheck4+66) {ball[j].a=3;ball[j].b=-3;;}
                    else if (ball[j].x>=xCheck4+67&&ball[j].x<=xCheck4+79) {ball[j].a=4;ball[j].b=-2;;}
         Runnable pMovement = new Runnable()
             public void run()
                     if (brick[0].y == 445) brick[0].y-=2; if (brick[0].y == 125) brick[0].y+=2;
                     if (brick[0].y<445&&brick[0].y>125){if (movecheck1==1){brick[0].y-=1;yCheck1 = brick[0].y;} 
                     else if (movecheck1==-1){brick[0].y+=1;yCheck1 = brick[0].y;} }
                     if (brick[1].y == 445) brick[1].y-=2; if (brick[1].y == 125) brick[1].y+=2;   
                     if (brick[1].y<445&&brick[1].y>125){if (movecheck2==1){brick[1].y-=1;yCheck2 = brick[1].y;}
                     else if (movecheck2==-1){brick[1].y+=1;yCheck2 = brick[1].y;}  }
                     if (brick[2].x == 445) brick[2].x-=2; if (brick[2].x == 125) brick[2].x+=2;   
                     if (brick[2].x<570&&brick[2].x>125){if (movecheck3==1){brick[2].x-=1;xCheck3 = brick[2].x;}
                     else if (movecheck3==-1){brick[2].x+=1;xCheck3 = brick[2].x;}  }
                     if (brick[3].x == 445) brick[3].x-=2; if (brick[3].x == 125) brick[3].x+=2;   
                     if (brick[3].x<570&&brick[3].x>0){if (movecheck4==1){brick[3].x-=1;xCheck4 = brick[3].x;}
                     else if (movecheck4==-1){brick[3].x+=1;xCheck4 = brick[3].x;}  }
                     try{Thread.sleep(2,500);}catch(InterruptedException e){}              
                if(pauseB){try{Thread.sleep(2,500);}catch(InterruptedException e){}}
        public void starter()
                if(gameflag==2){p1Dead=false; p2Dead=false; p3Dead=false; p4Dead=false;}
                if(gameflag==3 || gameflag==4){p3Dead=true;p4Dead=true;}
                starttext = false;
                if(gameflag==3 || gameflag==4){score3=0;score4=0;}       
                try{Thread.sleep(5000);}catch(InterruptedException e){}
                try{Thread.sleep(1000);}catch(InterruptedException e){}
                try{Thread.sleep(1000);}catch(InterruptedException e){}
                try{Thread.sleep(1000);}catch(InterruptedException e){}
                if(gameflag==3 || gameflag==4)
                ball[0].x = 325; ball[0].y = 325;ball[1].x = 325; ball[1].y = 325;
        public void run()
                    case INIT_ACTIVE:
                        gameflag = INTRO_ACTIVE;
                        catch(InterruptedException ex){break;}
                    case INTRO_ACTIVE:             
                        catch(InterruptedException ex){break;}
                        for(int w = 0;w<8;w++){ball2[w].x+=ball2[w].a;ball2[w].y+=ball2[w].b;}
                    case GAME1_ACTIVE:
                        for(int w = 0;w<2;w++){ball[w].x+=ball[w].a;ball[w].y+=ball[w].b;}                  
                        try{Thread.sleep(7,500);}catch(InterruptedException e){break;}     
                    case GAME2_ACTIVE:
                        for(int w = 0;w<2;w++){ball[w].x+=ball[w].a;ball[w].y+=ball[w].b;}                  
                        try{Thread.sleep(7,500);}catch(InterruptedException e){break;}     
                    case GAME3_ACTIVE:
                        for(int w = 0;w<2;w++){ball[w].x+=ball[w].a;ball[w].y+=ball[w].b;}                  
                        try{Thread.sleep(7,500);}catch(InterruptedException e){break;}     
                if(pauseB==true){repaint();try{Thread.sleep(7,500);}catch(InterruptedException e){}}
        public void boundaries()
            for(int z = 0; z<2;z++)
                ranB1 = (int)(Math.random() * 4);
                //P1 scores
                if(p1Dead==false && ball[z].y<525 && ball[z].y>125 && ball[z].x<2)
                    if(ranB1==0){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=1;}else if(ranB1==1){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=1;}
                    else if(ranB1==2){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=-1;}else if(ranB1==3){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=-1;}               
                    if(score1 == 0)p1Dead=true;                                                        
                //P2 scores
                else if(p2Dead==false&& ball[z].y<525 && ball[z].y>125 && ball[z].x>648)
                    ball[z].y = 325;ball[z].x=325;
                    if(ranB1==0){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=1;}else if(ranB1==1){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=1;}
                    else if(ranB1==2){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=-1;}else if(ranB1==3){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=-1;}
                    if(score2 == 0)p2Dead=true;
                //P3 scores
                else if(p3Dead==false&&ball[z].x<525 && ball[z].x>125 && ball[z].y<2)
                    ball[z].y = 325; ball[z].x = 325;
                    if(ranB1==0){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=1;}else if(ranB1==1){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=1;}
                    else if(ranB1==2){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=-1;}else if(ranB1==3){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=-1;}
                    if(score3 == 0)p3Dead=true;
                //P4 Scores
                else if(p4Dead==false&&ball[z].x<525 && ball[z].x>125 && ball[z].y>648)
                    ball[z].y = 325; ball[z].x = 325;
                    if(ranB1==0){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=1;}else if(ranB1==1){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=1;}
                    else if(ranB1==2){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=-1;}else if(ranB1==3){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=-1;}
                    if(score4 == 0)p4Dead=true;
                if((p1Dead==true && ball[z].y<525 && ball[z].y>125 && ball[z].x<2) || (gameflag==3 || gameflag == 4))
                else if((p2Dead==true && ball[z].y<525 && ball[z].y>125 && ball[z].x>648) || (gameflag==3 || gameflag == 4))
                else if((p3Dead==true &&ball[z].x<525 && ball[z].x>125 && ball[z].y<2) || (gameflag==3 || gameflag == 4))
                else if((p4Dead==true &&ball[z].x<525 && ball[z].x>125 && ball[z].y>648) || (gameflag==3 || gameflag == 4))
                    if(ranB1 == 0){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=5;}else if(ranB1 == 1){ball[z].a=2;ball[z].b=4;}
                    else if(ranB1 == 2){ball[z].a=5;ball[z].b=1;}else if(ranB1 == 3){ball[z].a=4;ball[z].b=2;}
                else if(poly2.contains(ball[z].x,ball[z].y))
                    if(ranB1 == 0){ball[z].a=1;ball[z].b=-5;}else if(ranB1 == 1){ball[z].a=2;ball[z].b=-4;}
                    else if(ranB1 == 2){ball[z].a=5;ball[z].b=-1;}else if(ranB1 == 3){ball[z].a=4;ball[z].b=-2;}
                else if(poly3.contains(ball[z].x,ball[z].y))
                    if(ranB1 == 0){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=5;}else if(ranB1 == 1){ball[z].a=-2;ball[z].b=4;}
                    else if(ranB1 == 2){ball[z].a=-5;ball[z].b=1;}else if(ranB1 == 3){ball[z].a=-4;ball[z].b=2;}
                else if(poly4.contains(ball[z].x,ball[z].y))
                    if(ranB1 == 0){ball[z].a=-1;ball[z].b=-5;}else if(ranB1 == 1){ball[z].a=-2;ball[z].b=-4;}
                    else if(ranB1 == 2){ball[z].a=-5;ball[z].b=-1;}else if(ranB1 == 3){ball[z].a=-4;ball[z].b=-2;}
        public void resetter()
            if(p4Dead==true && p3Dead==true && p2Dead==true && p1Dead==false){ball[0].x = 325;ball[0].y = 325;ball[1].x = 325;ball[1].y = 325;
                ball[0].a=0;ball[0].b=0;ball[1].a=0;ball[1].b=0;drawB=false;;pause=5;p1Dead=true;begin=0;win=1;winner=1;stringWin="Player 1 Wins";}
            else if(p4Dead==true && p3Dead==true && p2Dead==false && p1Dead==true){ball[0].x = 325;ball[0].y = 325;ball[1].x = 325;ball[1].y = 325;
                ball[0].a=0;ball[0].b=0;ball[1].a=0;ball[1].b=0;drawB=false;;pause=5;p2Dead=true;begin=0;win=1;winner=2;stringWin="Player 2 Wins";}
            else if(p4Dead==true && p3Dead==false && p2Dead==true && p1Dead==true){ball[0].x = 325;ball[0].y = 325;ball[1].x = 325;ball[1].y = 325;
                ball[0].a=0;ball[0].b=0;ball[1].a=0;ball[1].b=0;drawB=false;;pause=5;p3Dead=true;begin=0;win=1;winner=3;stringWin="Player 3 Wins";}
            else if(p4Dead==false && p3Dead==true && p2Dead==true && p1Dead==true){ball[0].x = 325;ball[0].y = 325;ball[1].x = 325;ball[1].y = 325;
                ball[0].a=0;ball[0].b=0;ball[1].a=0;ball[1].b=0;drawB=false;;pause=5;p4Dead=true;begin=0;win=1;winner=4;stringWin="Player 4 Wins";}       
        public boolean countDead()
                dead = a1 + b1 + c1 + d1;
                if(dead>2)return true;
                else return false;
            if(gameflag==3 || gameflag==4)
                dead = c1 + d1;
                if(dead==1) return true;
                else return false;
            return false;
        public void physicsintro()
            for(int aw = 0;aw<8;aw++)
                if(ball2[aw].x >645 || ball2[aw].x < 5)ball2[aw].a *= -1;
                if(ball2[aw].y > 720 || ball2[aw].y <5)ball2[aw].b *= -1;
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){}
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){}
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){}
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){}
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) 
                // resume
                if(pause==1 && e.getX()>=270 && e.getX()<= 360 && e.getY()>=650)
                // pause
                else if(pause==0 && e.getX()>=270 && e.getX()<= 360 && e.getY()>=650)
                else if(begin == 0 && e.getX()>=270 && e.getX()<= 360 && e.getY()>=650)
                    starter = 1;              
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            //gui light up
            if(e.getX()>=270 && e.getX()<= 360 && e.getY()>=650){Color1 = new Color(255,255,255);}
            else{Color1 = new Color(0,0,0);}         
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){}
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
            c = e.getKeyCode();
            if(gameflag==2 || gameflag==3)
                case KeyEvent.VK_1:
                movecheck1 = 1;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_2:
                movecheck1 = -1;break;           
                case KeyEvent.VK_V:
                movecheck2 = 1;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_B:
                movecheck2 = -1;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_K:
                movecheck3 = 1;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_L:
                movecheck3 = -1;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
                movecheck4 = 1;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
                movecheck4 = -1;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
                else if(colorChange==1)colorChange=0;
                else if(colorChange==2)colorChange=1;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
                else if(colorChange==1)colorChange=2;
                else if(colorChange==2)colorChange=0;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER:
        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
            c = e.getKeyCode();
            if (gameflag==2 || gameflag==3)
                case KeyEvent.VK_1:
                movecheck1 = 0;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_2:
                movecheck1 = 0;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_V:
                movecheck2 = 0;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_B:
                movecheck2 = 0;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_K:
                movecheck3 = 0;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_L:
                movecheck3 = 0;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
                movecheck4 = 0;break;
                case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
                movecheck4 = 0;break;

    Japplet is Swing. Your double buffering code is unneccessary. And you are painting wrong. You should be using paintComponent and not paint. And throw away the
    buffered image and update while you are at it.

  • Alternative to Double-Buffered Canvas

    I am working on a program in which I use a double-buffered Canvas inside a JScrollPane. The problem is that the Canvas draws over the scrollbars. I have tried extending JComponent, JPanel, JApplet, and Component instead of Canvas, and none of them are double buffered. Here is the code I used to debug this problem:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Test implements  Runnable
         JFrame f;
         JScrollPane scroller;
         JPanel panel;
         TestCanvas canvas;
         Thread runner;
         BufferStrategy strategy;
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              Test app = new Test();
         public void init() {
              f = new JFrame();
              panel = new JPanel();
              canvas = new TestCanvas();
              scroller = new JScrollPane(panel);
              strategy = canvas.getBufferStrategy();
              runner = new Thread(this);
         public void run() {
              int x = 0;
              while(x != 65536) {
                   Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)strategy.getDrawGraphics().create();
                   g.setColor(new Color(x%256,0,0));
                   g.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(0,0,600,600));
    }Any suggestions?

    The main culprit is that you are mixing AWT components with Swing ones.
    In addition, your are doing so many of useless things and wrong things in your code.
    Swing components are defaulted for using double-buffering.
    Try and study this code.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Fox1229{
      JFrame f;
      JScrollPane scroller;
      TestCanvas canvas;
      int x;
      Timer t;
      public static void main (String[] args) {
        Fox1229 app = new Fox1229();
      public void init() {
        x = 0;
        f = new JFrame();
        canvas = new TestCanvas();
        scroller = new JScrollPane(canvas);
        f.getContentPane().add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        f.setSize(300, 300);
        t = new Timer(50, new ActionListener(){
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
            canvas.setOc(new Color(x % 256, 0, 0));
            if (++x == 1024){
    class TestCanvas extends JPanel{
      Color oc;
      public TestCanvas (){
        oc = new Color(0, 0, 0);
      public void setOc(Color c){
        oc = c;
      public Dimension getPreferredSize(){
        return new Dimension(600, 600);
      public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
        g2d.fill(new Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 600));
        g2d.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, 600, 600));

  • Double buffering still gives flickering graphics.

    I copied code from a tutorail which is supposed to illustrate double buffering.
    After I run it, it still flickers though.
    I use applet viewer, which is part of netbeans to run my applet.
    Link to tutorial:
    My questions are:
    Is the strategy used for double buffering correct?
    Why does it flicker?
    Why does the program change the priority a couple of times?
    Can you make fast games in JApplets or is there a better way to make games? (I think C++ is too hard)
    Here is the code:
    package ballspel;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    //import java.applet.*;
    * @author Somelauw
    public class BallApplet extends /*Applet*/ JApplet implements Runnable {
    private Image dbImage;
    private Graphics dbg;
    private int radius = 20;
    private int xPos = 10;
    private int yPos = 100;
    * Initialization method that will be called after the applet is loaded
    * into the browser.
    public void init() {
    //System.out.println(this.isDoubleBuffered()); //returns false
    // Isn't there a builtin way to force double buffering?
    // TODO start asynchronous download of heavy resources
    public void start() {
    Thread th = new Thread(this);
    public void run() {
    while (true) {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    //g.clear();//, yPos, WIDTH, WIDTH)
    g.fillOval(xPos - radius, yPos - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius);
    public void update(Graphics g) {
    // initialize buffer
    if (dbImage == null) {
    dbImage = createImage(this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
    dbg = dbImage.getGraphics();
    // clear screen in background
    dbg.fillRect(0, 0, this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
    // draw elements in background
    // draw image on the screen
    g.drawImage(dbImage, 0, 0, this);
    // TODO overwrite start(), stop() and destroy() methods

    Somelauw wrote:
    I copied code from a tutorail which is supposed to illustrate double buffering.
    After I run it, it still flickers though.
    I use applet viewer, which is part of netbeans.. AppletViewer is part of the JDK, not NetBeans. run my applet.
    Link to tutorial:
    Did you specifically mean the code mentioned on this page?
    Don't expect people to go hunting around the site, looking for the code you happen to be referring to.
    As an aside, please use the code tags when posting code, code snippets, XML/HTML or input/output. The code tags help retain the formatting and indentation of the sample. To use the code tags, select the sample and click the CODE button.
    Here is the code you posted, as it appears in code tags.
    package ballspel;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    //import java.applet.*;
    * @author Somelauw
    public class BallApplet extends /*Applet*/ JApplet implements Runnable {
        private Image dbImage;
        private Graphics dbg;
        private int radius = 20;
        private int xPos = 10;
        private int yPos = 100;
         * Initialization method that will be called after the applet is loaded
         * into the browser.
        public void init() {
            //System.out.println(this.isDoubleBuffered()); //returns false
            // Isn't there a builtin way to force double buffering?
            // TODO start asynchronous download of heavy resources
        public void start() {
            Thread th = new Thread(this);
        public void run() {
            while (true) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        public void paint(Graphics g) {
            //g.clear();//, yPos, WIDTH, WIDTH)
            g.fillOval(xPos - radius, yPos - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius);
        public void update(Graphics g) {
            // initialize buffer
            if (dbImage == null) {
                dbImage = createImage(this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
                dbg = dbImage.getGraphics();
            // clear screen in background
            dbg.fillRect(0, 0, this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
            // draw elements in background
            // draw image on the screen
            g.drawImage(dbImage, 0, 0, this);
        // TODO overwrite start(), stop() and destroy() methods
    }Edit 1:
    - For animation code, it would be typical to use a javax.swing.Timer for triggering updates, rather than implementing Runnable (etc.)
    - Attempting to set the thread priority will throw a SecurityException, though oddly it occurs when attempting to set the Thread priority to maximum, whereas the earlier call to set the Thread priority to minimum passed without comment (exception).
    - The paint() method of that applet is not double buffered.
    - It is generally advisable to override paintComponent(Graphics) in a JPanel that is added to the top-level applet (or JFrame, or JWindow, or JDialog..) rather than the paint(Graphics) method of the top-level container itself.
    Edited by: AndrewThompson64 on Jan 22, 2010 12:47 PM

  • How to draw a point without double buffering?

    Hello all,
    I am drawing points as small red circles, but they are a bit ugly without double buffering. Am I able to draw the points to be nice? I mean not to draw them as just circles, but some special circle with light border that will looks much more nicer?
    Or what radius and position of the circle must be to be a nice small circle containing only 5 pixels? (upper, lower, right, left, middle)
    ps - they are ugly in the way of having a strange dot on the left side

    I use this method:
        private static final float POINT_RADIUS = 2f;
        private static final float POINT_DIAMETER = POINT_RADIUS * 2;
    private void drawPoint(float x, float y, Color c) {
            Ellipse2D point = new Ellipse2D.Float(x - POINT_RADIUS, -y
            graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.2f));
    // and points looks like this:

  • Problem with Double Buffering and Swing

    I made a game and basically it works pretty well, my only problem is it flickers really badly right now. I read up on a whole lot of forums about double buffering and none of those methods seemed to work. Then I noticed that Swing has double buffering built in so I tried that but then I get compilation errors and I'm really not sure why. My original code was a console application and worked perfectly, then I ported it into a JApplet and it still works but it flickers and thats what I'm tryign to fix now.
    The code below is in my main class under the constructor.
    Heres the double buffering code I'm trying to use, I'm sure you all seen it before lol
    public void update(Graphics g)
              // initialize buffer
              if (dbImage == null)
                   dbImage = createImage(this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
                   dbg = dbImage.getGraphics();
              // clear screen in background
              dbg.fillRect(0, 0, this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
              // draw elements in background
              // draw image on the screen
              g.drawImage(dbImage, 0, 0, this);
         }My paint is right under neath and heres how it looks
    This snipet of code works but when I change the method to
    public paintComponent(Graphics g){
    everythign stops working and get a compilation error and says that it can't find paintComponent in javax.swing.JFrame.
    public void paint(Graphics g)
              //if game starting display menue
              if (show_menue)
                   //to restart lives if player dies
                   lives = 3;
                   menue_ufo2.shape_color = Color.DARK_GRAY;
                   menue_ufo3.shape_color = Color.BLUE;
                   menue_ufo4.shape_color = new Color(82, 157, 22);
                   menue_ufo6.shape_color = new Color(130, 3, 3); ;
                   //otherwise redraw game objects
                   live_painter.draw_lives(g, lives);
                   score_painter.draw_score(g, score);
                   level_display.draw_level(g, level);
         }I just want to get rid of the flickering for now so any help will be greatly appreciated. Depending which will be simpler I can either try to double buffer this program or port it all to swing but I'm not sure which elements are effected by AWT and which by Swing. Also I read some of the Java documentation but couldn't really understand how to implement it to fix my program.
    Thanks in advance

    This is a simple animation example quickly thrown together. I have two classes, an animation panel which is a JPanel subclass that overrides paintComponent and draws the animation, and a JApplet subclass that simply holds the animation panel in the applet's contentpane:
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    class SimpleAnimationPanel extends JPanel
        private static final int DELAY = 20;
        public static final int X_TRANSLATION = 2;
        public static final int Y_TRANSLATION = 2;
        private Point point = new Point(5, 32);
        private BufferedImage duke = null;
        private Timer timer = new Timer(DELAY, new TimerAction());
        public SimpleAnimationPanel()
                // borrow an image from
                duke = URL(
            catch (MalformedURLException e)
            catch (IOException e)
            setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
        // do our drawing here in the paintComponent override
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            if (duke != null)
                g.drawImage(duke, point.x, point.y, this);
        private class TimerAction implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                int x = point.x;
                int y = point.y;
                Dimension size = SimpleAnimationPanel.this.getSize();
                if (x > size.width)
                    x = 0;
                    x += X_TRANSLATION;
                if (y > size.height)
                    y = 0;
                    y += Y_TRANSLATION;
                point.setLocation(new Point(x, y)); // update the point
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    public class AnimationApplet extends JApplet
        public void init()
                SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable()
                    public void run()
                        // construct the panel
                        JPanel simpleAnimation = new SimpleAnimationPanel();
                        // put it in the contentPane of the JApplet
            catch (InterruptedException e)
            catch (InvocationTargetException e)
    }Here's a 3rd bonus class that shows how to put the JPanel into a stand-alone program, a JFrame. It's very similar to doing it in the JApplet:
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class AnimationFrame
        private static void createAndShowUI()
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("SimpleAnimationPanel");
            frame.getContentPane().add(new SimpleAnimationPanel());
        public static void main(String[] args)
            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable()
                public void run()
    }Edited by: Encephalopathic on Mar 15, 2008 11:01 PM

  • Using 6533 DIO32HS, is it possible to use double buffered output with varying pauses?

    I'm using Level-Ack handshaking to transmit data. Currently, I'm hooked up to a loop-back on the DIO32HS card.
    If I don't use double-buffering, I end up with pauses in data transmission, so I need to use double buffering. Unfortunately, I can't seem to set up a delay in the middle of a double buffered scheme.
    What I need to do is this:
    Transmit 64 packets of data (16 bits each) on group 2 / Receive 64 packets of data (16 bits each) on group 1
    Delay for .2 ms
    Transmit the same packets again / receive
    The delay in the middle will need to be varied, from .2 to 20 ms.
    I'm programming in Visual C++ 6.0 under Windows 2000, with (as suggested above) group1 c
    onfigured as input (DIOA and DIOB) and group2 set up as output (DIOC and DIOD). Due to the speed of transmission (256kHz) and the small size of the data set, the program I wrote, no matter how tight I try to make it, cannot insert the proper delay and start the next send on time.
    Does anyone have any idea if such a pause is possible? Anyone know how to do it, or any suggestions on what to try?

    .2 ms is a very small time delay to use in software. Windows usually isn't more accurate than about 10 or 20 ms. If you need to have small, precise delays you could either use a real time OS, like pharlap and LabVIEW RT, or use extra hardware to generate the delays correctly.
    I would recommend using a separate MIO or counter/timer board (like a 660x) to generate timing pulses for the DIO32HS. This gives you precise timing control at high speed. If the 32HS is in Level ACK Mode, it will respond to external ACK and REQ signals. This is covered in more detail on page 5-10 of the PCI-DIO32HS User Manual.

  • Double buffering

    I was searching through posts to find an answer to my problem of getting double buffering working without flickering when I came across this response:
    Upgrade your SDK, early 1.4 implementations had this problem on Windows2k (It's a bug). Pretty much the second buffer will point to an empty portion of video memory always, the solution to this without updating is to fill the entire backbuffer completely, flip it, fill it again, and then flip it again. You should then be able to use it normaly.
    -Jason Thomas.
    Since I am on dialup I can't really download the SDK, so could someone give me some code to do what Jason has suggested?
    Jonathan O'Brien

    No I am not recreating the bufferstrategy every frame. Overriding update didn't work either. Here is my code for main:
              GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
              GraphicsDevice device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice();
              GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration();
              Frame myFrame = new Frame(gc);
    BufferCapabilities bufferCaps = gc.getBufferCapabilities();
              boolean multiBuffer = bufferCaps.isMultiBufferAvailable();
              boolean fullScreen = device.isFullScreenSupported();
              System.out.println("Full screen supported = " + fullScreen);
              System.out.println("Multi buffer available = " + multiBuffer);
              System.out.println("Page flipping = " + bufferCaps.isPageFlipping());
              if ((fullScreen) && (multiBuffer))
                   device.setDisplayMode(new DisplayMode(800, 600, 16, 0));
                   rectBounds = myFrame.getBounds();
                   bufferStrategy = myFrame.getBufferStrategy();
                   bufferReady = true;
              Game thisGame = new Game(args[0]);
    //          myFrame.getContentPane().add(thisGame);
    And here is the relevant code for my run method:
              if (bufferReady)
                   Graphics g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics();
                   if (!bufferStrategy.contentsLost()) {

  • Double buffering && repaint

    Hi there,
    I have a frame F that contains two panels P1 and P2.
    P1 uses double buffering for drawing circles and lines.
    P2 has buttons and a JList.
    When i click on a JList to have popup menu
    or when i move the frame F on the screen
    the panel P2 lost some of JList drawing.
    Actually i iconify the frame in order to oblige
    JVM to do repaint.
    How can i resolve this problem please.

    Do not ever mix heavyweight and lightweight, or else
    you won't be able to set up the correct zorder.But when i iconfiy and desiconify my frame Java
    repaint correctly.
    I need a nice tip article of how to simulate
    desiconify repainting process.
    Thabk u

  • Double buffering images

    HELP!!! lol i'm trying to figure out how to get the whole double buffering thing to work with a picture like a gif image i drew in paint. i can't quite understand anything aobut how to do it. lol i've read some things and looked at some code samples but they all do it with a polygon. i just can't seem to get it right. i learn best from code snipets if that helps. don't give me a whole program i just want some lines that will help me learn it like what i have to import. and other things. i know a little about using images but not a whole lot. if anyone can help it will be appreciated.

    Psst... Tell you teacher that one can read an image with ImageIO, often in one line:
    BufferedImage image =;(No need for a MediaTracker!) And the resulting BufferedImage (a subclass of Image)
    is easier to work with than Image and has more useful features.
    Welcome to Java 2D.

  • Double buffering... +1

    Hi there......
    Ive created a game that uses double buffering...basically the user hits the ball that is moving around the screen... after 5 goes the program needs to display a graph....
    I have got the two components working seperatly... but when i combine that classes into one (the graph + the game) when theg graph is displayed the screen flickers..... and u cant see the graph properly....
    How do you stop the screen from trying to keep refreshing and display the final image? (which is no longer animated)
    Many thanks....

    search this site or google
    there are hundreds of posts about double buffering

  • Double buffering daqmx

    I understand that DAQmx is supposed to do double buffering automatically.  When I run the example below in continuous mode, It will run continuously without error.  when I hit stop, it will give me a "Not enough memory to complete this operation." error.  This error occurs only when i've acquired greater than about 70M samples.  If I don't hit stop it will run to about 300M samples, give the above error and also an unspecified Labview error.  The rate does not appear to affect this.  Am I actually double buffering?
    Does it only do double buffering with the "Continuous Samples" mode?  I've been using the example below with both continuous and finite samples and in both cases it seems to acquire more samples the 64MB. 
    Does this have anything to do with what i'm seeing?
    Labview 8.2
    NI-8350 Controller

    You are creating the second buffer in your application. DAQmx is not at fault here. You are wiring the output from the DAQmx Read VI to an auto-index tunnel on the While Loop. As your program runs this auto-index tunnel builds an array of every value that was sent to it in every iteration of the loop. So as time goes on, this array gets bigger and bigger. Eventually you will run out of available memory.
    You should look into other ways of streaming data out of a loop, such as using Queues. You could then have a background loop to handle any data analysis or display.
    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments

  • Double buffering circle not round anymore

    I am making an applet where some circles are painted to the screen. When not using the double buffering scenario, the shapes appear correctly.
    The problem is when i use the double-buffering technique, the circles are still there, but they look like very ugly. I would call that some "squarcles".
    What is the bug here and how to get some decent double buffering with thoses circles?

    Ok, i had some problem with the running thread when closing the applet viewer, but now this situation is corrected by setting the animation thread to null before calling stop().
    Maybe explanation of the problem is not clear, so i made two versions of the same applet with only 2 lines of code different so that there is one applet that is not double buffered.
    You can check these by yourself at this place:
    Double buffered circles: demo_cooltrail.htm
    No double buffer:
    This is just annoying to get this result. I realise that maybe not many peoples are coding applets so i guess there is few people that may have a workaround for this.

  • Double buffering circle not round

    I am making an applet where some circles are painted to the screen. When not using the double buffering scenario, the shapes appear correctly.
    The problem is when i use the double-buffering technique, the circles are still there, but they look like very ugly. I would call that some "squarcles".
    What is the bug here and how to get some decent double buffering with thoses circles?

    Here is the code so far i have that is used for painting on the screen:
    // Declaration
    private BufferedImage ecran;
    private Graphics2D buffer_ecran;
    // Instantiation
    this.ecran = new BufferedImage(getSize().width, getSize().height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    this.buffer_ecran = ecran.createGraphics();
    // In paint() method
    Graphics be = buffer_ecran;
      // Clean the surface
    be.fillRect(0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height);
      // Draw the circles
    be.drawOval(x, y, ra, rb);
      // Output the buffer to the screen
    g.drawImage(ecran, 0, 0, this);I was previously using Image and changed to BufferedImage with the hope it would resolve the situation. I can't tell a significant change in image display.

  • Double Buffering +MVC

    been trying to implement double buffering but to no avail, have read a lot of articles online about implementing double buffering which seems relitivly straight forward and code that I developed matches what they have; the only problem that I have is that it is not calling update(graphics g) to get it to repaint, but instead calls update(Observable arg0, Object arg1) which I use for my mvc implementation. I've been toiling wiht this for days and not getting anywhere with it.
    Any Ideas - on how this could be resolved??

    i'm using swing, Then your question should be posted in the Swing forum.
    but doesn't call the update method that I have overriddenI don't know why you are overriding update(). If you want a component to repaint itself then you use the repaint() method.
    This posting, from the Swing forum, has a couple examples of animation.

Maybe you are looking for

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