Doubt  about DocumentParser?

I would like to parse a HTML document. How can I do that with javax.swing.text.html.parser.DocumentParser, please?
Have you an example, please?
TIA, Vinicius.

In the time honoured tradition of these boards, I have to ask whether or not you really must use the DocumentParser. I mean, perhaps you could bend the Apache Commons Digester to your purpose ( ) ?
I can't find a nice way of using the DocumentParser directly. However, I found that subclassing javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser did the trick nicely.
Basically, you can get access to the HTML tags in the same way that SAX works. I've posted some example code below:
Here's the parser subclass:
import javax.swing.text.ChangedCharSetException;
import javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTD;
import javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser;
import javax.swing.text.html.parser.TagElement;
class MyParser extends Parser {
     public MyParser(DTD dtd) {
     * Called when a start tag is encountered.
    protected void handleStartTag(TagElement tag) {
         System.out.println("START TAG: " + tag.getHTMLTag().toString());
     * Called when an empty tag is encountered.
    protected void handleEmptyTag(TagElement tag) throws ChangedCharSetException {
         System.out.println("EMPTY TAG: " + tag.getHTMLTag().toString());
     * Called when PCDATA is encountered.
    protected void handleText(char text[]) {
         System.out.println("HANDLE TEXT: " + new String(text));
     * Called when an end tag is encountered.
    protected void handleEndTag(TagElement tag) {
         System.out.println("END TAG: " + tag.getHTMLTag().toString());
}And here's a launcher example:
class Example  {
public Example() {}
     public void runExample() {
          MyParser parser = new MyParser( getDTD() );
          String html = "<HTML><BODY><TABLE><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>2</TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>4</TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>";
          StringReader reader = new StringReader( html );     
          try {
          } catch(IOException ioex) {
      * Ripped from javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator
     private DTD getDTD() {
          DTD _dtd = null;
          String nm = "html32";
          try {
               _dtd = DTD.getDTD(nm);
          } catch (IOException e) {
                         .println("Throw an exception: could not get default dtd: "
                                   + nm);
          _dtd = createDTD( _dtd, nm);
          return  _dtd;
      * Ripped from javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator
     private  DTD createDTD(DTD dtd, String name) {
          InputStream in = null;
          boolean debug = true;
          try {
               String path = name + ".bdtd";
               in = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
               if (in != null) {
           DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(in)));
                    DTD.putDTDHash(name, dtd);
          } catch (Exception e) {
          return dtd;
}Now that you'ev got the HTML elements coming at you in order, you just have to implement a stack to deal with them, extra the text that you need and stick in the data structure of your choice.

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    null is a keyword to inform compiler that the reference contain nothingNo. 'null' is not a keyword, it is a literal. Beyond that the compiler doesn't care. It has a runtime value as well.
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                 INNER JOIN TVKOT AS B ON
                 AVKORG EQ BVKORG
                 INNER JOIN T001 AS C ON
                 ABUKRS EQ CBUKRS
        Here we are using sub query in inner join specified in brackets.

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    SELECT *
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    muttleychess wrote:
    If my table Servers have 3 000 000 records , when is done commit ? Commit point has nothing to do with how many rows you process. It is purely business driven. Your code implements some business transaction, right? So if you commit before whole trancaction (from business standpoint) is complete other sessions will already see changes that are (from business standpoint) incomplete. Also, what if rest of trancaction (from business standpoint) fails?

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    Dear Ivan,
    Here is answer to all your questions. Follow these steps for ROS configuration:
    Pls note:
    1. No need to have seperate clients for ROS and SUS. Create two clients for EBP and (SUS+ROS).
    2. No need of XI to transfer new registered vendor from ROS to EBP
    Steps to configure scenario:
    1. Make entries in SPRO --> "Define backend system" on both clients.
        You will ahev specify logical systems of both the clients (ROS as well as EBP)
    2. Create RFCs on both clients to communicate with each other
    3. In ROS client create Service User for supplier registration service with roles:
        Grant u201CS_A.SCONu201D profile to the user.
    4. Maintain service user in u201CLogon Datau201D tab of service : ros_self_reg in ROS client
    5. Create Purchasing and vendor Organizational Structure in EBP client and maintain necessary
        attributes. create vendor org structure in ROS client
    6. Create your ROS registration questionnaires and assign to product categories- in ROS client
    7. To transfer suppliers from registration system to EBP/Bidding system, Supplier pre-screening has to be
        defined as supplier directory in SRM server - EBP client.
        Maintain your prescreen catalog in IMG --> Supplier Relationship Management u2192 SRM Server u2192
        Master Data u2192 Define External Web Services (Catalogs, Vendor Lists etc.) 
    8. Maintain this catalog Id in purchasing org structure under attribure "CAT" - in EBP client
    9. Modify purchaser role in EBP client:
        Open node for u201CROS_PRESCREENu201D and maintain parameter "sap-client" and ROS client number
    10.Maintain organizational data in make settings for business partner
    Supplier Relationship Management -> Supplier Self-Services -> Master Data -> Make Settings for the Business Partners. This information is actually getting getting stored in table BBP_MARKETP_INFO.
    11. Using manage Business partner node with purchasers login (BBPMAININT), newly registsred vendors are pulled from Pre-screen catalog and BP is created in EBP client. If you you have SUS scenario, ensure to maintain "portal vendor" role here.
    I hope this clarifies all your doubts.
    Pls reward points for helpful answers

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    I understand your point... But I think OBIEE doesn't allow having dimension "on their own", they must be joined to a fact table somehow. This way, when you do a query in answers using fields of two dimension tables a fact table should be always involved. When dimensions are conformed, several fact tables may be used, and OBIEE uses the "best" one in terms of performance. However, there are some tricks that you can do to make sure a particular fact table is used, like using the "implicit fact column" in the presentation layer.
    So back to your point, using OBIEE for "operational" reporting as you call it is a valid option in my experience, but you have to make sure that the underlaying star schema supports the logic that your end users expect when they use just dimension fields.

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    4. At forms applications when using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT, can i assume that the report server name will be the cluster name specified at the REPORTS_SERVERMAP ??
    5. Which files should i modify or default.env ??
    Hope you can help me :)

    1. I will not use a shared cluster file system or any way of cache solution, i will only have my rdf files on each node, and i'm wondering if just by configuring this parameter i will be able to get the effect mentioned above ??
    --> In such case what could go wrong is
    Suppose Run_report_object executed jobs successfully to ReportsA
    But web.show_document command for getjobid failed ( as ReportsA went down by this time)
    --> You will not get the output shown ( though job was successful)
    If shared cache was enabled, then Even if ReportsA is down, other cluster member ( say ReportsB)
    will respond back to web.show_document.
    Point 2,
    --> Under HA is it highly recommended to use web.show_document ( a servlet call) to execute reports. This is to help use all HA features at the HTTP , Webcache or load balancer level.
    However if there is migrated code or Run_report_object is must, then the recommendations as you see in the pointed document is must.
    REPORTS_SERVERMAP setting needs to be configured in file and also in default.env Forms configuration file to map the Reports Server cluster name to the Reports Server running on the mid-tier where the Load Balancer forwarded the report request.
    For example FormsA, ReportsA, cluster name say rep_cluster
    default.env file
    Where "rep_cluster" is the Reports Server cluster name and "ReportsA" is the name of the Reports Server running on the same machine as FormsA file
    At default.env this is not a valid entry
    what is the Reports Server cluster name ?? and where do i find that name ??
    --> This is created via EM on the report server side.
    Would recommend to refer following documents at the myoracle support repository
         How to Setup Reports HA (High Availability - Clusters) in Reports 11g [ID 853436.1]
         REP-52251 and REP-56033 Errors When Calling Reports From Forms With RUN_REPORT_OBJECT Against a Reports Cluster in 11g. [ID 1074804.1]

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         to trigger the sap r/3 or in the xi server.
    2. if we r implementing server proxies, it means File->>xi->>>sap r/3
        (proxy).here where we have to execute the SPROXY  transaction. in sap r/3 or
         in the xi server.
    please clear me

    The Integration Server and the client on which you generate the proxies should not be the same. If they are different then yes, you can use another client in your XI box itself to generate proxies and trigger the call to XI.
    If you see this blog by Ravi ( incidentally he is my boss as well ) this is exactly what we have done as well.
    When you say XI, you mean the Client on which the Integration Server is running! XI is basically a R3 instance with more functionality and its own Integration Engine.

  • Doubt about unicode conversion

    Dear Friends,
    I have a doubt about the unicode conversion. I have read (one server strategy) that I have to do export (R3load), delete the ECC 6.0 non-unicode, install an unicode database and then import with R3load. My doubt is about the deletion of ECC 6.0 non unicode. Why?  can I convert to unicode only with an export (R3load) and subsequent import (R3load) without any deletion?. Obviously I must to change the SAP kernel with a unicode one. Is it correct?

    you can not convert a SAP System to unicode by just exchanging the executables from non unicode to unicode ones.
    a non unicode SAP Oracle database is typically running with a database codepage WE8DEC or US7ASCII (well this one is out of support).
    so every string stored in the database is stored using this codepages or SAP-Internal codepages.
    When converting to unicode you have to convert also the contents of the database to unicode. As unicode implementation starts at a time where Oracle did not support mixed codepage databases (one tablespace codepage WE8DEC the other one UTF8) inplace conversions are not possible. To keep things simpler, we still do not support mixed codepage databases.
    Therefore you have to export the contents of your database and import it to a newly created database with a different codepage if you want to migrate to unicode.

  • Doubt about Patch

    Hi everyone!
    I have a doubt about applying patch.
    I just applied this patch (using GUI):
    Oracle® Database Patch Set Notes
    *10g Release 2 ( Patch Set 3 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)*
    Initially, there was an error stating that some other process is accessing one particular dll.
    I ignored it.
    I rerun the patch installation thinking that I need to get that dll as well.
    It gave a list of what has been installed and what can be installed.
    So, I selected all the remainders and installed.
    It was successful. Now, would it have ignored that dll or installed it?
    Please advice.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user645399 on Nov 26, 2010 10:24 AM

    user645399 wrote:
    Hi everyone!
    I have a doubt about applying patch.
    I just applied this patch (using GUI):
    Oracle® Database Patch Set Notes
    *10g Release 2 ( Patch Set 3 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)*
    Initially, there was an error stating that some other process is accessing one particular dll.
    I ignored it.
    I rerun the patch installation thinking that I need to get that dll as well.
    It gave a list of what has been installed and what can be installed.
    So, I selected all the remainders and installed.
    It was successful. Now, would it have ignored that dll or installed it?
    Please advice.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user645399 on Nov 26, 2010 10:24 AMEvenif you've stopped all the windows services, sometimes some DLLs remains utilized. What I do is, make all the oracle related services manual and then restart the server.
    You can't ignore any dll related errors. If a dll is in use, oracle patching process will not replace that with a newer version of dll. I'll strongly recommend the use of ' Microsoft Process Monitor' utility to monitor, what is running on my server.

  • Doubt about Scan and Update Catalog Objects That Require Updates link

    I have a doubt about 'Scan and Update Catalog Objects That Require Updates' link in Administration,
    how can I know how many objects that required upgrading before I click this link???
    in doc.
    section 17.2.4 Updating Catalog Objects
    It is said 'You can confirm the need to update by viewing the metrics in Fusion Middleware Control. In the Catalog folder, find a metric called "Reads Needing Upgrade" with description "The number of objects read that required upgrading." '
    but I don't find it . my OBIEE version :
    conld you pleae help me ??
    thank you in advance.

    That link should be there in 6 version.
    I've verified in 11g6 version doc the same is existing
    BTW: 11g7 version

  • Doubts about Temporary Table.

    I am using Temporary Table.
    But the insert command takes too much time compare to insert in Normal table.
    One more doubt about Temporary Table is:
    Suppose there are two different users. They connect and first insert rows of their use .Now they go for select.
    Does select of one user goes to check the rows of second user also or the temporary table treats 2 users data as inserted in 2 different tables?

    Nested structure (not deep - deep means their a string or a table as a component)
    TYPES: BEGIN OF tp_header_type,
             BEGIN OF d,
               empresa TYPE ...
               num_docsap TYPE ...
            END OF d,
            awkey TYPE ...
          END OF tp_header_type.

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    All Rows
    In Batches Of: 11
    As Needed
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    What would happen is that while the initial render, the view cache is fetch with 11 rows from the table and the ui table shows 10. In subsequent scroll events, more queries again will be done but not when the user scrolls back. My doubt is this one: Why, while the initial render If I put a breakpoint in this overrided method executeQueryForCollection, the execution reachs there but in subsequent scroll events (forward) the execution doesn't reach there ?. I understand thast this should happen as the required rows are not yet in the cache. I would like to know a way to test this access mode and what method is executed in every roundtrip to the DB. Thankx !.

    I don't think ADF needs to execute the query again - it just needs to fetch the next set of records.
    So if the cursor is already open, no need to issue another query.
    You can use the HTTP Analyzer to watch network traffic
    Monitoring ADF Pages Round-Trips with the HTTP Analyzer
    And you can use the logging features of ADF to see the queries being executed.
    Declarative View Objects (VOs) for better ADF performance

  • Doubt about Report - Task Sequence - Deployments

    I have a doubt about this report Summary report for a task sequence deployment in Task Sequence - Deployments.
    Last Friday I did deployed in 6 desktop ran this report and display my 6 desktop's all right.
    Today a run this report and display no data.
    Why occurred this? Anyone have idea?
    I think this report have display me all data about my task sequence specific.

    Are you sure the deployment wasn't deleted or recreated? 
    Query your DB and see what the NumberInstalled says.  That should show you 6 were installed.  You just need the Deployment ID added to this query below.
    select *
    from dbo.DeploymentSummary
    Best, Jacob I'm a PC.
    My TS wasn't modified or recreated, but in DB display NumberInstalled = 0.
    Anyone have modify this TS since last friday, I don't know the reason this happened.
    I will do news deploys and see this report after if still have same issue.
    Thanks your opinion.

  • Doubt about message in SmsAdminUI.log

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    [6, PID:18032][DATE 08:13:35] :System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException\r\n\r\n   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
    [1, PID:9828][DATE 11:53:21] :Property: 'Compatible'\r\nSystem.Management.ManagementException\r\nNot found \r\n   at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
    My console open normally, any help?

    I would not worry about it as long as the console works as expected.
    Torsten Meringer |

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