Doubt in Work Area...

Hi Experts,
I am having doubts in using Work areas. so Please anyone can send me one simple program by using work areas.
what are the uses of work area and where we exactly use the work area.
Thanks & Regards,

Using Header Lines as Work Areas
When you create an internal table object you can also declare a header line with the same name. You can use the header line as a work area when you process the internal table. The ABAP statements that you use with internal tables have short forms that you can use if your internal table has a header line. These statements automatically assume the header line as an implicit work area. The following table shows the statements that you must use for internal tables without a header line, and the equivalent statements that you can use for internal tables with a header line:
Operations without header line
Operations with header line
Operations for all Table Types
INSERT <wa> INTO TABLE <itab>.
COLLECT <wa> INTO <itab>.
COLLECT <itab>.
READ TABLE <itab> ... INTO <wa>.
READ TABLE <itab> ...
MODIFY TABLE <itab> FROM <wa> ...
MODIFY TABLE <itab> ...
MODIFY <itab> FROM <wa> ...WHERE ...
MODIFY <itab> ... WHERE ...
DELETE TABLE <itab> FROM <wa>.
Operations for Index Tables
APPEND <wa> TO <itab>.
APPEND <itab>.
INSERT <wa> INTO <itab> ...
INSERT <itab> ...
MODIFY <itab> FROM <wa> ...
MODIFY <itab> ...
Using the header line as a work area means that you can use shorter statements; however, they are not necessarily easier to understand, since you cannot immediately recognize the origin and target of the assignment. Furthermore, the fact that the table and its header line have the same name can cause confusion in operations with entire internal tables. To avoid confusion, you should use internal tables with differently-named work areas.
The following example shows two programs with the same function. One uses a header line, the other does not.
With header line:
         COL1 TYPE I,
         COL2 TYPE I,
       END OF LINE.
               WITH HEADER LINE.
  ITAB-COL2 = SY-INDEX ** 2.
ITAB-COL1 = 2.
ITAB-COL2 = 100.
ITAB-COL1 = 4.
Without header line:
         COL1 TYPE I,
         COL2 TYPE I,
       END OF LINE.
  WA-COL2 = SY-INDEX ** 2.
WA-COL1 = 2.
WA-COL2 = 100.
WA-COL1 = 4.
The list, in both cases, appears as follows:
         1         1
         2       100
         3         9
The statements in the program that does not use a header line are easier to understand. As a further measure, you could have a further work area just to specify the key of the internal table, but to which no other values from the table are assigned.

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    For your FM issue, i think you are trying to pass the field in the FM as ITAB-field, while you should be taking the data in the work area first and then pass this work area in the FM as WA_ITAB-field.
    I hope this will resolve your prob.
    I mean loop at the table and take the values into work area, update the internal table with changed value. This way by the end of loop you will have all your fields converted.
    Please explain a little more about your second doubt, it is unclear(to me atleast).
    Edited by: DeepakNagar on Jul 28, 2011 6:08 PM

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    Hi Roy,
    I doubt on Company Level. As work Area's standard hierarchy goes like that - Work Area -- Plant -- Location -- Production Process -- Activity -- Machine -- Task.
    I would revert back if I could get something.

  • Internal table with header line and work area.

    data:itab like LIKE bapimepoheader.
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_po_items OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapimepoitem.
    DATA : END OF it_po_items.
    DATA:it_input         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF typ_input,
          wa_input         TYPE typ_input,
    LOOP AT it_input INTO wa_input WHERE poind = 'H'.
    CLEAR wa_po_header.
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      it_po_items-incoterms2 = wa_input-inco2.
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      it_po_items-taxjurcode = wa_input-txjcd.
      it_po_items-item_cat   = wa_input-pstyp.
      APPEND it_po_items.
    here my doubt is whether i can move data from work area to internal table in this way?
    whether this is the correct approach or not?

    u can define structure and make workarea ,internal table using that structure.
    for example
    types:begin of struct,
             declare all fields,
             end of struct.
    data:wa type struct,
           int_tab type standard table of struct.
    hope this will help u.

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    I'm quite new to Premiere Pro and I have no doubt this question has a simple answer.
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    Hi Jonathan,
    I hope you get a good answer from the gurus at ADOBE on this one. I use ProDADS Mercalli V2+ Stablizer in Cs5.5.2 with 4 cores Xeon processor, i suggest you trial it as I have had no issues with the exception of cutting the clip after stablization, do it befor hand. I was thinking of upgrading to 6.1 ?
    Good luck

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    I have a conceptual doubt, about the relation when I clasify like work center an object WA of IHS and how this feature is asociated at object work center of module PP?
    Conceptually is the same?
    Thank and Best regards

    Hello Hernan
    the Work Area is defined as: take a look here
    Therefore there is a link available between work area, plant and cost center.
    Work Center is defined as: take a look here:
    Work centers are business objects that can represent the following real work centers, for example:
    Machines, machine groups
    Production lines
    Assembly work centers
    Employees, groups of employees
    To my knowledge there is no "direct" link between these objects.
    Further on on the level of the Work Area (to my knowledge) you define: which employee etc. is linked  to the work area ((is working in the work area).
    So to my knowledge there are a number of "indirect" links between both objects but no direct link
    With best regards
    PS: provides a further small overview of the Work Area Topic (EHS IHS)
    Edited by: Christoph Bergemann on Nov 15, 2011 8:53 PM
    Edited by: Christoph Bergemann on Nov 15, 2011 8:55 PM

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    hey buddies,*
    i had this same doubt for a long time and i have my finds with me ie wa and structure are the same but wa can hold a single record but structure cannot hold data in it but according to the previous posts  folks  say structure too holds data as wa does but i guess when debugging wa holds data and structure doesnt hold bcoz i tried.
    types : begin of str_mara,
                 matnr type mara-matnr,
                ernam type mara-ernam,
                end of str_mara.
    data it_mara type table of str_mara.
    select matnr ernam from mara into it_mara where matnr = '100-101'.
    *********************if folks say wa = structure,this should work,isn't it?*********************************
    loop at it_mara into str_mara.
    write:/ str_mara-matnr , str_mara-ernam.
    *******************but it throws an error saying that str_mara is not a wa*******************************
    i may not be correct too plz let me know if i'm wrong
    Edited by: arun_aime on Feb 12, 2010 4:41 PM

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    2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
    4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 512 MB
    OSX 10.9.2 (13C64)
    Cintiq 13 HD

    Is it just slow drawing, or is actual computation (image size, rotate, GBlur, etc.) also slow?
    If the slowdown is drawing, then the most likely culprit would be the video card driver. Update your driver from the GPU maker's website.
    If the computation slows down, then something is interfering with Photoshop. We've seen some third party plugins, and some antivirus software cause slowdowns over time.

  • Work area field value not getting populated in table control grid.

    Hi all,
    I am currently facing an issue where I have declared a variable and have fetched the workarea field name in it. To be exact, the variable contains the workarea name whose value I am finally populating to the table control. Now although the workarea name when manually copied and pasted in field name in debugging mode exhibits the value of the it, Im unable to fetch the same value in the variable as I have only the work area name in it. I need the value of the workarea-field to be in the variable.Please provide your valuable suggestions for this issue...
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    Hi Nabheet,
    Please consider the below example...
    DATA: l_var(30) TYPE C.
    CONCATENATE 'wa' '-' I_FIELD2-NAME INTO l_var.
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    Now consider the wa_cp_custom_grp has a value 'BA'.
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    Hi Experts..
    How to find workarea ID for the work area name.(Work area name CCIHT_WAH-WAID and I want to fetch characteristic data from table AUSP matching the OBJEK field,but I only have Work area name).Can anybody help me to find tables or relationship between Workarea ID and Workarea name for the same.I am using TCODE - CHIB02.Once I select a workarea and click on IHS Data button,I get data for that workarea.I need to find where this data comes from and How is this fetched.
    Points would be rewarded for helpful answers..
    Kunal Halarnakar

    U want to fetch the workarea description ?
    we can fetch it from CCIHT_WALD table with the RECN value.
    The informations are stored in AUSP table with the characterstic(ATINN) value.

  • Issue in 7.3 - The Work area is not long enough

    Hello All,
    currently i am facing issue in my new BI 7.3 server when i try to execute planning sequence, i am getting the below error:
    We have recently moved from 7.0 to 7.3 version very recently and when i try to execute the planning seq it raises above shown error but we have the same code in the BI 7.0 and nevere faced any issue while execution of Planning Sequence and we din't even changed the code.
    we are using this Work area <WA_STATUS> in Customer exit and also in the Program.
    It will be so helpfull if you let know why it is raising error and also wanted to check have any one faced simmilar issue in 7.3.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hello Yogesh,
    Thanks for your reply!!!
    We have solved the issue.
    the issue is really due to after 7.3 Upgradation the RSPC_MONITOR had two more new feilds added
    1) UNAME & 2) CHECK_TIME
    and this fields doesn't exist in the 7.0 Version so due to this inconsistancy the Structure was failing.
    so we have included two new Fields in the structure in the program and in the Customer Exit and working fine now.
    With Regards,

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    System : Schedule lines of Item 000060 is not in Work are.
    Has anyone ever came across such message during quotation creation?
    Early reply will be appreciated!

    Hello Sir,
    We have the same issue appearing
    Item XX for scheduled line XX is in the work area
    I am not too sure about the T-Code OQ77 mentioned above. Could you please let me know the reason behind this error as the sales order the error message is appearing is a standard order (Norm Item).
    I am not sure how to get rid of this error as it is appearing in a number of sales orders
    Thanks in advance for the replies

  • How do you reset the Work Area Bar to auto adjust?

    This is something that's been a thorn in my side for a while. Maybe I'm just being OCD about it... but I've been wondering if there is a way, once you reposition the I / O points of the Work Area Bar (WAB) you can get Pr to go back to auto adjusting it to the end of your clip.
    You can double-click it to get it to expand to the full length of the sequence, if you remember to do that... Sometimes I'm in a rush, or I have 10 sequences and I miss the fact that my WAB is not all the way to the end. I select and batch drag them all to Media Encoder and *POW*... I've forgotten to stretch the Out to end on one sequence ... and I have to re-render. A pain, yes, something I should have double checked, but at 2am these things can get missed.
    So, can you get the Work Area Bar to auto adjust again?
    If yes, it's probably something ridiculously obvious – but I'll take it!

    I would have an issue with auto or a default  for a number of reasons.
    Not least this one...
    I now place dummy clip ( black video)  a  distance off the end of my sequence to prevent the End of Sequence Marker displaying at the end of my edited material.  I dont want that included in an export.
    Here is another...
    As I get to lock down and I am sending previews to clients...I insert Black Video head and tail of the edit so that the preview does not start  jarringly on first frame video.  I have I and Os marked so that I can simply  export "Program at length (without black head and tail) when I  come to master.
    Often I have edit versions (TVCs) on the same time line ( sequence) and I need to adjust WAB or I/Os to export them separately.
    Automating stuff to eliminate our dumb moments doesnt help much because it just opens the chance of another dumb moment driven by expectation and forgetfulness. .
    Mental checklist is the only way IMHO.

  • How to delete a shortcut favorite from the browser in the WORK Area

    creating a shortcut favorite icon of a browser-website in the work area shows up a symbol to use this shortcut. In the private area I can delete this favorite-symbol by tapping longer on the icon an a trashcan shows up, so I can delete the icon (and the browser favorite from the private area). Not so in the work (buisiness) part of the BlackBerry, there is no possibility to delete this icon. I can't find a policy on the BES10 server or thomething on the Z10, any ideas how i can remove the icon?
    Greetings... Ifrani

    Hi Ifrani!
    I´ve the same problem on my Z10!

  • Is there a way to force for rendering ALL clips in work area?

    Is there a way to force for rendering ALL clips in work area? All clips: not only the ones with the red horizontal line indicating that they need rendering! I ask for this because the rendered clips preview very smoothly, but the unrendered ones do not! My source footage (and project) involves Full HD (1920*1080i 25fps).

    If a Clip does not need Rendering, it will not be Rendered.
    Basically, what Rendering does is to convert the Clips, that do require Rendering, to DV-AVI (SD Projects on a PC). This will yield AVI files in the Media Cache, Render Files, and for playback, PrE will rely on those. If you look in the Render File folder, you will see a bunch of abstractly named files, but those files are now Linked in the PREL (Project file), and will be used by the program for playback.
    If one were to remove those Render files, and then Open that Project in PrE, they'd receive a message, "Where is file 04u434ip0ow.AVI?" [Note: that is just an example of the abstract Render file name, and is not the actual name, that one would see.]. One could Ignore those now missing Render files, and where they were used, there would then be red lines over those Clips.
    As Steve mentions, the Render files are used only for smoothest playback. As I use DV-AVI files for SD Projects on my PC, I will not need to Render for smoothest playback, until I make changes to the Clips, like overlay Titles, PiP, Effects, etc.. I might never Render the Timeline, even with those additions, but sometimes, I will Render a small segment many times, especially with animated Effects, as I adjust the parameters.
    If one is not getting the smoothest playback, then Rendering all files requiring Rendering will usually improve playback greatly.
    Good luck, and hope that this makes sense.

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