Download all your AUR packages with a script

Here's a little quickie that will download all your scripts to the current working directory.  Uses ruby and requires the hpricot gem.  Also requires cower, install it from the AUR.  This is still pretty early, so it isn't very robust, but as long as you provide it with a valid username and the current directory is empty, you're good
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open-uri'
require 'hpricot'
abort "Usage: " + File.basename(__FILE__) + " username\n" if $*.count != 1
sourceHtml = Hpricot(open("{$*[0]}&do_Search=Go&detail=0&C=0&SeB=m&SB=v&SO=d&PP=10000"))
packages ="//a[@href^='packages.php?ID=']/span/text()").map { |package| package.to_s.sub(/ .*/, '') }
packages.sort.each { |package| puts `cower -d #{package}` }
Three lines of code for the grunt work.  Amazing, isn't it?

It is much shorter when you use the rpc interface.
username=xduugu; curl -Ss ''"$username" | sed 's/},{/\n/g' | sed -r 's#.*"URLPath":"([^"]+)".*#\1#g;s#\\/#/#g' | wget -B -i -

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  • Craete AUR package with no url in PKGBUILD ?

    I am trying to create a package for AUR.
    The package is just a script installed to /usr/local/bin
    it has no url as the script is included (as source)
    how can I create a package with no 'url' - when I try to upload to AUR is says I needed a url section
    I created one with
    but then I get (when submitting package)
    'Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)'
    Can anyone help upload an AUR package (with no ur) ?
    Cheers !

    Just open a thread here for the package and link it in the PKGBUILD, like this package:
    UPDATE - Sorry, not that one, that is recursive
    This one is a better example:
    Last edited by SanskritFritz (2011-11-12 20:12:28)

  • Download all Archlinux official package

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    I use nightly downloads of core/extra/community using lftp and the mirror command (can't use rsync because of employer restrictions). After the initial download - it's a breeze and it has the advantage of rsync in that only changes are downloaded. Being a rolling release though - the less often you download the more updates there will be ...
    here's the script I use for the nightly downloads ...
    # function defs
    say() { echo -e "$*"; }
    tod() { date '+%H:%M:%S'; }
    doit() { # args: 1) server, 2) source, 3) target, 4) filemask
    test -d $3 || ( mkdir -p $3; chmod a+rwx $3; )
    ( say "open $1"
    say "mirror -L -v -r -e -i \"$4\" $2 $3"
    say "quit"
    ) >$chatf
    ( lftp -f $chatf || {
    say "-- 'lftp' error!!"; cat $chatf
    rm $chatf; return 1
    } ) | tr -d [\'\`] | sed \
    -e 's/Transferring file/++/' -e 's/Removing old file/--/'
    rm $chatf
    # definitions
    test -d $home/$base || {
    say "-- $home/$base not found!!"
    exit 1
    versions="core extra community"
    arch="i686 x86_64"
    # do the needfull
    say "\n## date: `date '+%a (%V/%j) %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`"
    for v in $versions; do
    for a in $arch; do
    say "#+ /$path @ `tod`"
    doit $server /$path $home/$path $files
    say "#- done @ `tod`"
    exit 0
    Obviously, you can put this in crontab and have it all automated - redirect stdout to a logfile and you can see what's been updated ;-)
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    the day from within the music app so there was some kind of glitch happening where songs got stuck in the queue and as a result kept causing the apple ID
    prompt. A weird issue. Maybe not helped by the fact that some of my purchased songs are actually no longer available in the iTunes store (I do have copies backed up on my PC/NAS drive). It wasn’t a one off either as I tried again a couple of days later and because I ended the backup as music was being restored the same happened.
    After several days being annoyed by this issue I restored from cloud backup a third time and this time just let the whole thing run it’s course downloading everything until it finished, which took ages. No more songs in the download queue and no more annoying prompt to sign in with apple id on
    every phone restart. But should I need to do this again I would like to prevent the restore automatically downloading all the purchased music again. My
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    music back up as and when I choose. Is there a way to stop the music doing this?
    Hope that makes sense.

    Is it possible for your ipod just to stop working and lose all your music
    The answer to that is yes... Having the data on the device alone is a recipe for disappointment.
    See Corrupt iPod classic.

  • How can I compile all functions, procedures and packages with a script?

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    you can create a script to select all invalid objects in those schemas Since Oracle 8 introduced NDS this approach has struck me as a trifle old fashioned. It's much simpler to loop round the query in PL/SQL and use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to fire off the DDL statements. No scripts, no muss, no fuss.
    Having said that, the problem with this approach and also with using DBMS_UTILITY.COMPILE_SCHEMA is that they do not compile all the invalid objects in dependency order. This may result in programs being invalidated by the subsequent compilation of dependencies. This is due to the introduction of Java into the database.
    The UTLRP script is much better, because it (usually) avoids cyclic references. But you still may need to run it more than once.
    In general it is better to avoid sledgehammer recompilations (like DBMS_UTILITY.COMPILE_SCHEMA, which starts by invalidating all the objects). If we have twenty invalid objects, nineteen of which are dependencies of the twentieth, we actually only need to recompile the master object, as recompiling it will trigger the recompilation of all the others.
    Cheers, APC

  • [solved] Can no longer untar AUR packages with tar xvf /directory/

    For about a year now I've used this line of code from my .bash_aliases file to untar files from their source directory to the one I am currently CDed in at that moment: 
    alias tarx='tar xvf' # extracts files from a tarball using tar [e]x[tract] v[erbose] f[orced]
    This alias failed to work a few weeks ago for some unknown reason and now spits out this error:
    tarx /media/aur/srcpackages/atom-editor.tar.gz ./
    tar: .: Not found in archive
    tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
    Why on earth would this suddenly stop working.  I haven't changed my .bashrc file apart from some small comments but here it is in case I'm totally out of it:
    # ~/.bashrc
    # This file is sourced by all *interactive* bash shells on startup, #
    # including some apparently interactive shells such as scp and rcp #
    # that can't tolerate any output. So make sure this doesn't display #
    # anything or bad things will happen ! #
    # If not running interactively, don't do anything #
    [[ $- != *i* ]] && return
    # If the connection to the system is a remote connection 'ssh' will be #
    ## appended to the prompt. Otherwise the prompt will be displayed normally #
    # See: remote.colourful.prompt_how-to on /media/lynwyn/networking/ssh #
    # Default prompt from the above-named document: #
    # export PS1='\[\e[0;31m\]\u@\h:\w${text}$\[\e[m\]' # # #
    if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then text=":ssh:"
    # Alias definitions.
    # You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
    # ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
    # See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
    if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases
    ### [User Prompts]
    ### White Yunzi
    export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]: \[\e[1;92m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\] :\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;37m\]'
    #### Silver Yunzi
    #export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]: \[\e[1;94m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\] :\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;37m\]'
    ### Pink Yunzi
    #export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]: \[\e[1;95m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\] :\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;95m\]'
    ### [Root Prompts]
    ### White Yunzi Root
    #export PS1='\[\e[1;37m\]:\[\e[1;92m\]\u\[\e[1;37m\]:\[\e[1;92m\]\W\[\e[1;37m\]:\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;37m\]'
    ### Silver Yunzi Root
    #export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[1;94m\]\u\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[1;94m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[m\]\[\e[0;37m\]'
    ### Pink Yunzi Root
    #export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[1;95m\]\u\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[1;95m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;37\]'
    ### * BASH options * ###
    ### Last edited January 2014 by H.L.
    # Bash won't get SIGWINCH if another process is in the foreground.
    # Enable checkwinsize so that bash will check the terminal size when
    # it regains control.
    # [check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
    # update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.]
    # (E11)
    shopt -s checkwinsize
    # automatically prepend cd when entering just a path in the shell
    shopt -s autocd
    # Enable history appending instead of overwriting.
    shopt -s histappend
    # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)
    ## erase duplicate entries in your history file
    ## and force Bash History to ignorespace
    export HISTCONTROL=erasedups:ignorespace
    # set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
    #if [ -z "$arch_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/arch_chroot ]; then
    # debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/arch_chroot)
    # make "less" more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
    [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
    # TMUX
    # Put this this snippet BEFORE the aliases in .bashrc.
    # This code starts TMUX with only one session (unless you start some manually), on login;
    # it will try to attach to a currently running session.
    # If there isn't a currently running session then TMUX will create one.
    # if which tmux 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
    # if not inside a tmux session, and if no session is started start a new session
    # test -z "$TMUX" && (tmux attach || tmux new-session)
    # fi
    # environment variables using gedit and nano
    export EDITOR="$(if [[ -n $DISPLAY ]]; then echo 'gedit'; else echo 'nano'; fi)"
    ### Coloured man pages with explanations of colours in comments
    # Note to self: all of the colour & escape statements work ONLY by using double quote marks, e.g. " ... "
    ## Coloured man pages with explanations of colours in comments
    # 67: Primary colour for program names is Dark Green [old 80's CRT green!]
    # 68: Optional arguments and/or separate options for arguments is Bright Green
    # 69: Text Reset
    # 70: Text Reset
    # 71: man page info bottom of page is Dark Red on Black background (net effect is transparent background with red writing)
    # 72: Text Reset
    # 73: References to other programs (and their respective man page(s)) are Bright Yellow [good neutral yellow]
    man() {
    env LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;44;33m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;32m") \
    man "$@"
    ## To get a skin of your choice loaded instead of mc's default
    ## skin, you might consider the following solution:
    ## Multi-User: Create an alias for mc in your ~/.bashrc, like:
    if [ $TERM = "screen-256color" ]; then
    if [ $USER = "root" ]; then
    alias mc='mc --skin $myMCSkin'
    alias mcedit="mcedit --skin $myMCSkin"
    alias mcview="mcview --skin $myMCSkin"
    alias mcdiff="mcdiff --skin $myMCSkin"
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-07-09 04:31:06)

    I seem to have a larger problem on my desktop machine.  When I try to untar stuff on that one it creates a .cache directory for some weird reason and populates it with, I think, cached files from my home directory.  It ends up having firefox, mc and other cached files in the new directory and then tar just errors out with:
    gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    Very odd behaviour and I'm assuming some config file somewhere is responsible for this behaviour.  But where else can I look apart from .bashrc? 
    @ids1024, I'll do what you've what you suggested on my netbook later today and record the information to post afterward.
    [edit] Here are the contents of that .cache directory, if it helps:
    dconf event-sound-cache.tdb.silver_yunzi.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu event-sound-cache.tdb.tengen.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu fontconfig mc dmenu_run
    event-sound-cache.tdb.silveryunzi.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu event-sound-cache.tdb.white_yunzi.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu gstreamer-1.0 mozilla
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-06-28 19:57:10)

  • [SOLVED] How to install AUR packages with patchname.patch

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to install lottanzb from the AUR and there's are a dependency called par2cmdline 0.4-13 that has a lot of nameofpatch.patch that are included in the AUR par2cmdline 0.4-13 package page that just open up to a url that shows code.
    I created patch files from the code displayed in the url with a text editor and added them to the extracted LOTTANZB folder in my build directory but when I go to build the package with PKGBUILD it runs through a check sum while building and the checks don't match.
    I'm obviously doing something fundamentally wrong here. Can someone direct me?
    Last edited by bennylb0 (2010-05-28 13:30:16)

    Hi, thanks for reply.
    Sorry, my mistake.
    I did place patch files inside the par2cmdline-0.4 folder. The only reason I created the .patch files and placed them inside par2cmdline-0.4 folder was because the PKGBUILD as well as the other 5 .patch files didn't exist inside the extracted build folder. They only place I could find them was in AUR par2cmdline-0.4 displayed as a url.
    When I copied and created the PKGBUILD as it did not exist inside the extracted folder par2cmdline-0.4 folder I received the following error:- 
    Error autoconf.patch was not found in the build directory and is not a url. That along with 4 others do not exist in the build directory.
    You can see this bellow:-
    [ben@ben par2cmdline-0.4]$ makepkg
    ==> Making package: par2cmdline 0.4-13 i686 (Fri May 28 22:08:21 EST 2010)
    ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
    ==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
    ==> Retrieving Sources...
      -> Downloading par2cmdline-0.4.tar.gz...
    --2010-05-28 22:08:23-- … 0.4.tar.gz
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: … 0.4.tar.gz [following]
    --2010-05-28 22:08:23-- … 0.4.tar.gz
    Reusing existing connection to
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
    Location: … 0.4.tar.gz [following]
    --2010-05-28 22:08:24-- … 0.4.tar.gz
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 239312 (234K) [application/x-gzip]
    Saving to: "par2cmdline-0.4.tar.gz.part"
    100%[===================================================>] 239,312      179K/s   in 1.3s   
    2010-05-28 22:08:26 (179 KB/s) - "par2cmdline-0.4.tar.gz.part" saved [239312/239312]
    ==> ERROR: par2cmdline-0.4-autoconf.patch was not found in the build directory and is not a URL.

  • Mac Mail downloads all my old messages with IMAP

    How do I stop this happening? I just want to download messages from now onwards. But I'm getting thousands of old emails downloading to my inbox and no way to stop it seemingly.
    I'm on Mac OSX 10.6.8, using Mail 4.6. I have an email account.
    Second option would be to somehow delete these messages once they've all downloaded, but without deleting them from the hotmail server... any ideas??
    Many thanks.

    Though the original question is old, people are still viewing it when they need help with the problem.
    I found this possible solution:
    Apple Mail - Removing Messages from the Server
    To have your Apple Mail remove messages from the server when you check mail (using POP), you will follow these steps:
    After opening the Apple Mail program, click on "Mail" from the menu at the top.
    Click on "Preferences"
    Click on "Accounts" (the @ symbol)
    If you have more than one mail account, select the one you want to work with
    Click "Advanced"
    Make sure the box next to "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message" is checked.
    You can also remove messages currently saved on the server by clicking the "Remove now" button.
    Click "Save" when you close the Preference pane
    Using "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message" will make sure your messages are always downloaded to your Mac, and prevent your mailbox quota from being exceeded.

  • Jakpak - compare your local packages with ARM packages.

    I have decided to write this script for myself after I have recently upgraded my system and (foolishly) removed pacman.log in the meantime. The system crashed and I had no real idea which package upgrade might have been the cause. Thus, this software.
    The main idea is to allow the user to quickly check what changes were made to local packages since a given day. Usage:
    jakpak -d 05-07-2014 -r core
    will provide the user with the list of packages (with their respective versions) that differ between the local system and the particular date specified by the user.
    Apparently, the code needs some tuning, therefore if anyone would be interested in using this piece of software, this will follow up in due course. The same applies to a PKGBUILD.
    Github link with installation instructions.
    Please let me know whether you find it useful!

    The listing is alphabetical:
    $ ./foo Thu Jul 09 21:29:43 CEST 2014
    $ ./foo Thu Jul 09 11:29:43 CEST 2014
    You may want to sort it e.g. from the oldest to the most recent:
    $ cat bar
    datesec=$(date -d "$*" +%s)
    expac --timefmt=%s '%l %n' | sort -n | awk -v a=$datesec '$1>=a {print $2}'
    (just added 'sort -n' before the awk part)
    Date has to be in a certain format for the script to work:
    $ ./foo 11/07/2014
    $ ./foo Jul 11

  • If I have purchaseJesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the first and great comd a full version of an app for my iPad is the full version going to be free on my iphone

    I have purchased the full version of an app for my iPad, will the full version be free for my iphone

    Any app that you buy you should be able to sync or re-download onto your other devices assuming that it's compatible e.g you have the relevant iOS version - re-downloading :

  • [SCRIPT]: Build AUR Packages With Ease

    I just started to use Arch, and coming from Ubuntu/Debian, it was a bit of a shock, but Arch does grow on you.  One of it's strengths is the AUR.  When I first found out about it, I was all like, "HOLY $#!% ITS MACPORTS FOR LINUX."  Turns out is isn't quite as easy to use, but it works.  Walking into Arch, the only languages I was comfortable writing code in were C/Objective-C.  Tonight I learned a little bash and wrote this wrapper around makepkg.  Tell me what you think.  The only thing missing that I can think of is dependency resolving, but I didn't want to put in the work for that just yet.
    #! /bin/bash
    PREFIX=`expr ${NAME:0:2}`
    echo Package URL is $URL
    setup() {
    mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/$NAME
    cd $BUILDDIR
    download() {
    curl $URL | gunzip | tar -x
    cd $NAME
    build() {
    makepkg -s 1>/dev/null
    install() {
    makepkg -si 1>/dev/null
    clean() {
    rm -rf $NAME
    allclean() {
    cd $ROOT
    rm -rf $BUILDDIR
    case $1 in
    echo "Usage:"
    echo $0 "{install|build|clean|allclean} <package>"
    Here is the command syntax:
    ./archpkg {install|build|clean|allclean} <package>
    Last edited by Relish (2012-01-16 05:31:33)

    karol wrote:
    Relish wrote:Here are the command synaptics:
    I think you mean 'command syntax' :-)
    You can try to get the BUILDDIR from makepkg.conf.
    I can't seem to find that entry in makepkg.conf.

  • [SOLVED] Rebuilding all installed AUR packages

    Hi guys,
    before starting to hack some dirty script on my own i would like to know if there's already any program/script which looks up the list of packages, which were installed from aur: pacman -Qqm, and rebuilds/exports them?
    the reason why i ask: i have several machines running on arch64 and i need 50+ built packages to serve them in the intranet.
    best regards
    Last edited by broken pipe (2011-12-26 20:25:12)

    thx karol, i'm already using pacserve to avoid downloading packages for each machine in the network.
    what i want to do is: read the output of 'pacman -Qqm' and rebuild + export the pkgs
    i did a little bash script to achieve this. but i have to admit i'm not good at scripting but i gave my best improvements are welcomed
    builddir=/dev/shm/$(date +%F)/
    # Create builddir
    if [ ! -d "$builddir" ];then mkdir $builddir
    # Create exportdir
    if [ ! -d "$exportdir" ];then mkdir $exportdir
    # Getting the list of pkgs which were installed from AUR
    pacman -Qqm > $pkglist
    # Edit the list?
    read -p "Would you like to edit the list? (y/N) " edit
    if test "$edit" = "y"; then
    $EDITOR $pkglist
    for i in $(cat $pkglist); do
    cd $builddir
    tar xvfz ${i}.tar.gz
    cd ${i}
    makepkg -f
    mv *.pkg.tar.xz "$exportdir"
    # Clean up
    read -p "Would you like to remove the builddir? (y/N) " rmbuilddir
    if test "$rmbuilddir" = "y"; then
    rm -rf $builddir
    exit 0

  • Searching for AUR packages with "%" queries

    According to it is possible to use mysql LIKE queries to search for a package.  But I can't find packages if I use queries with "%".
    For example, when I try to search for firefox%spell or firefox%spell%, I get nothing.
    I expected those queries would return the same results as firefox-spell.
    The question is: do LIKE queries work (or do I use them wrong)?
    Last edited by alezost (2014-02-13 08:14:08)

    It's not working from the web iterface, but cower does a good job:
    ~ > cower -s firefox spell
    aur/firefox-spell-en-us 7.0.1-2 (3)
    English (US) spellchecking dictionary for Firefox.
    aur/firefox-spell-es-es 1.7-1 (2)
    Spanish (Spain) spellchecking dictionary for Firefox.
    aur/firefox-spell-es-mx 1.1.3-3 (0)
    Spanish (Mexico) spellchecking dictionary for Firefox.
    aur/firefox-spell-pt-br 2.1.1-1 <!> (3)
    Brazilian Portuguese language dictionary (spellcheker) for Firefox
    aur/firefox-spell-ru-en <!> (10)
    Russian/English spellchecker dictionary for Firefox
    aur/mozvoikko 2.0.1-9 (4)
    Finnish spell-checker extension for Firefox/thunderbird/seamonkey using Voikko

  • Media Manage - Is there a way to move all your connected data with 1 click?

    Ok, I am an idiot, there it's out of the way
    I usually tell people when editing to store everything in 1 file or keep it together. I started this editing project and thought it wasn't as big as it is now, and now I have files spread everywhere
    can you use the media manager function to gather up everything up and put it inot one source file?
    these forums rock!, I appreciate your help

    One source file? No. You have several files and they will remain several files. HOWEVER, you can use the media manager to move all the files to one location.

  • Cannot retrieve aur packages installed with yaourt

    I accidently deleted /var/lib/pacman folder while attempting to solve my update issues (updating system after a long time) . I restored my local pacman database with the excellent guide in the wiki using /var/log/pacman.log … l_database. I was able to update and restore my system. However, yaourt is not listing my installed aur packages. I re-installed yaourt and tried packer as well but it is not able to find the aur packages I installed using yaourt earlier to my update ( It is able to install and list new aur packages) . I can run the old aur packages  but I am not able to remove or list them. How can I list these lost aur packages or remove them completely? Is there a way to retrieve the database for aur packages installed with yaourt?

    Hi karol,
    Thanks for your response.
    Executing pacman -Qm only lists aur packages which were installed after I accidently deleted /var/lib/pacman. I am not able to list those aur packages that I installed with yaourt prior to my /var/lib/pacman deletion. I am not sure how the accidental deletion and this issue is related, but I would like to delete these old aur packages. One example of such an aur package installed through yaourt (prior to blunder of /var/lib/pacman deletion ) was chromium-browser. I am able to run chromium-browser, but since this package is very old I would like to remove it. However, neither pacman nor yaourt is able to remove it.
    # pacman -R chromium-browser
    chromium-browser not found, searching for group...
    error: 'chromium-browser': not found in local db
    $ yaourt -R chromium-browser
    You are not allowed to launch /usr/bin/pacman with sudo
    Please enter root password
    chromium-browser not found, searching for group...
    error: 'chromium-browser': not found in local db
    However chromium-browser is present on my system and runs very well.
    $ locate chromium-browser
    Chromium-browser is just one of the packages I remember having installed using yaourt prior to the /var/lib/pacman deletion. I would like to know if there is a way to find all such aur packages installed through yaourt prior to /var/lib/pacman deletion and if possible, delete them.
    Last edited by billy123 (2010-04-05 16:35:35)

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