Download documents security

I need to upload documents in the Portal database and to allow
users to download them.
I created a portlet with the pdk, using the sample code from the
Upload/Download Portlets Sample: upload is automatically
handeled by the listener and the download is done by calling the
prodcedure wpg_docload.download_file(p_file).
It seems that only the user that uploads the document has the
security rights to download the file and the other users cannot
download it.
Is this the standard functionality of Portal Pdk? Please confirm.
I there any other way to upload a document and to allow any user
to download it?
Please help,
Dan Danciu

Are you saying you want to add security to a PDF to keep people from copying anything from it?
If so, at a minnimum you need Adobe Acrobat (not the free Reader) BUT, even it won't keep people from taking screen shots and the security can be bypassed by some.
There's always a very expensive Digital Rights Management solution if you have the money.

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    create or replace procedure download_doc (req_id in varchar2) as
    v_mime varchar2(48);
    v_length number;
    v_file_name varchar2(2000);
    v_blob blob;
    select resp_mime_type, resp_doc_content, resp_doc_name, dbms_lob.getlength (resp_doc_content)
    into v_mime, v_blob, v_file_name, v_length
    from <tablename>
    where id = req_id;
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    htp.p ('Content-length: ' || v_length);
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    wpg_docload.download_file (v_blob);
    The issue we're running into, is that when a user wants to download a document, the user is presented with the choice of opening or saving the downloaded document. That works OK, but what we'd really like to do is offer the user a chance to edit the downloaded document and then by saving the changes (such as by closing the window in which the downloaded document appears, after making edits), the modified document is "re-uploaded" to the database. What we have to do now is save the download document to the user's PC, then the user has to open the document and modify it, save it, and re-upload it to the database.
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    Then the answer is no. The file needs to be saved down to CS5.5 or exported as IDML from CS6.

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    Obviously your download was not successful.
    What is your operating system?  How exactly do you download such files?

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    On your Macs open System Preferences > iCloud
    Deselect the box next to Documents & Data, then reselect that box then restart your Macs.
    On the iPhone tap Settings > iCloud. Switch Documents & Data off then back on then reset the iPhone.
    Hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home button down at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    See if you can open the files now without opening on the iPhone first.

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    Well, you can only do that when the content being edited is plain text (mime type text/plain) and less than 32K (hard limit in PL/SQL)
    Looking at how that page (4000:46) is built in f4000.sql, there seem to be some APIs that do some magic
    l_text := wwv_flow_utilities.clob_to_varchar2(
      wwv_flow_utilities.blob_to_clob(p_blob=>l_blob,p_charset=>l_charset));Clearly, all these are undocumented internal-only Oracle APIs that Oracle is not obliged to support.
    Search around on, I am sure you will find code examples that do this sort of thing.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi Tahzeeb,
    first of all i would point you to the JavaDocs for KMC API.
    And here is a small example of reading and storing KM resources.
    For reading:
         * Returns a resource as an InputStream from the KM repository
         * at the given path. The IUser is needed for authorization.
         * @param user      IUser for checking authorisation.
         * @param resPath   Path to the KM resource.
         * @return          Requested resource as a stream.
        private InputStream getKmResource(final IUser user, final String resPath)
            throws ResourceAccessException {
            try {
                final IResourceFactory factory = ResourceFactory.getInstance();
                final RID rid = RID.getRID(resPath);
                final IResource kmResource =
                        new ResourceContext(getDeprecatedIUser(user)));
                if (kmResource == null) {
                    throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
                        "KM resource not found: " + resPath,
                return kmResource.getContent().getInputStream();
            catch (WcmException e) {
                throw new ResourceAccessException("Error accessing KM resource: " + resPath, e, resPath);
    And for writing:
         * Stores a resource in the KM repository at the given path with the given name and mimetype.
         * Content is taken from the given inputstream.
         * @param user          IUser for checking authorisation.
         * @param resName   Name of the resource
         * @param resPath     Path to the resource
         * @param mimeType MimeType of the resource
         * @param inputStream  Resource content
         * @throws ResourceAccessException
        private void putKmResource(
            final IUser user,
            final String resName,
            final String resPath,
            final String mimeType,
            final InputStream inputStream)
            throws ResourceAccessException {
            try {
                final ResourceContext rContext = new ResourceContext(getDeprecatedIUser(user));
                final RID rid = RID.getRID(resPath);
                final ICollection kmCollection =
                    (ICollection) ResourceFactory.getInstance().getResource(rid, rContext);
                if (kmCollection == null) {
                    throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
                        "KM resource not found: " + resPath,
                else {
                    IContent kmContent = new Content(inputStream, mimeType, -1);
                    IResource kmResource = kmCollection.createResource(resName, null, kmContent);
            catch (ResourceException e) {
                throw new ResourceAccessException("Error accessing KM resource: " + resPath, e, resPath);
            finally {
                try {
                catch (IOException e1) {
                    throw new ResourceAccessException("Error closing InputStream when accessing " + resPath, e1, resPath);
    Hope that helps for a start.
    Best regards,

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    Solution may be found if you search in the "More Like This" section over in the right column.

  • BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEW2 as Web Service (Downloading Documents)

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    The BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEW2 needs the parameter "PF_FTP_DEST"  to checkout documents.
    When I use "SAPFTP" the WS answers with:
                <Message>File c:\temp\KOPIEVONJCOTUTORIAL.PDF cannot be created</Message>
    When I use "SAPFTPA" the WS answers with:
    but nothing is checked out to c:\temp.
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                <Message>BOM not found for this material/plant/usage</Message>
                <MessageV1>Program no longer started via RFC. No return possi</MessageV1>
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    We have a problem with downloading documents from our DMS.
    The BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEW2 needs the parameter "PF_FTP_DEST"  to checkout documents.
    When I use "SAPFTP" the WS answers with:
                <Message>File c:\temp\KOPIEVONJCOTUTORIAL.PDF cannot be created</Message>
    When I use "SAPFTPA" the WS answers with:
    but nothing is checked out to c:\temp.
    When I leave it blank the ws returns:
                <Message>BOM not found for this material/plant/usage</Message>
                <MessageV1>Program no longer started via RFC. No return possi</MessageV1>
    From the SE37 the documents where CheckedOut without problems to c:\temp.
    For testing I used SoapUI which works great with other WebServices (eg. BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE2) we have build.
    What is wrong with the WebService from BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEW2?

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  • Allow users to Download documents from server

    Hello Everybody,
    I am working on an Flex application where I have to allow the
    users to Open/Save documents such as Word document, Excel sheet,
    PDFs, Jpeg, Media files (any digital format document) when a user
    clicks on a link present in a Flex application. To do this I am
    using the navigateToURL() method and simply passing the URL string
    as a URLRequest to the navigateToURL method. This works fine but
    whenenver the link is invoked and the user selects to Save the
    Excel sheet or any document it displays an unwanted browser window
    behind the Open/Save/Cancel dialog box saying action cancelled.
    I can not use "_self" as I require the Flex application to
    run as is. I tried using the but this did
    not work.
    1) Is there a process to stop the browser window from
    2) How can we invoke a javascript using navigateToURL(), I
    tried to invoke javascript.alert('Ok') and also both did not function.
    3) Is there any other method or flex classes etc. to invoke
    external applications (allow to download documents from server)?
    Please help me.
    Thanks and Regards,

    You could use the file download functionality. This is from
    the docs:
    You can let users download files from a server using the method, which takes two parameters:
    request and defaultFileName. The first parameter is the URLRequest
    object that contains the URL of the file to download. The second
    parameter is optional--it lets you specify a default filename that
    appears in the download file dialog box. If you omit the second
    parameter, defaultFileName, the filename from the specified URL is
    The following code downloads a file named index.xml from the
    same directory as the SWF document:
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("index.xml");
    var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();;
    To set the default name to currentnews.xml instead of
    index.xml, specify the defaultFileName parameter, as the following
    snippet shows:
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("index.xml");
    var fileToDownload:FileReference = new FileReference();, "currentnews.xml");
    I think this will accomplish what you are trying to do.

  • How can I download documents and business presentations to my i pad


    OK, I tried them all. Hit Caps doesn't do anything. E-mail to myself--ok, I got it in Mail, but can't get it out of there. I can read it there, but what if I accidently delete that mail? I have Pages. Can't get the PDF into iCloud. Dragged it to "books" in I tunes, and it is there, but doesn't get to the ipad.
    Apple didn't used to be this complicated!!!!!
    Whoops! I quit iTunes, and reopened. It synced with my iPad, and lo and behold there in books is my PDF. Would sure be easier if when I plugged iPad in it appeared on my desk like a disk, and I could just drag and drop stuff.

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    i tried to download the secirity update for my mac, but it says it cannot be found?  is this spam? or a virus? or what? i dont understand why i cannot, update or download my security update from my mac?

    I'm assuming that you are talking about downloading Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 7? (Your profile indicates that you are running 10.6.4, but that's probably not correct as 10.6.4 is quite badly outdated. Further, the forum you posted in does not provide any clues as to the system you are actually running.)
    Where are you downloading this from? What says it cannot be found? What is the precise error message?

  • Document Security API Issue

    I have developed a web application through which I can apply a policy to a set of documents present on my server's file system,(using APS and DSS API's ) and it is working fine on my jboss.I want to develop an application through which i can apply policy to documents from remote client's file system. And I don't want to upload my files to the server. Imagine if i have a 100 mb document
    Document Security service can't be accessed remotely.
    Is there any solution to this

    Acrobat and Acrobat Professional can both apply policies to documents. The engine on the server side that does this is called PDF Manipulation but the same technology is built into Acrobat.

  • Download documents (DRAO) to local PC

    Hi experts,
    I'd like to download some documents to my local workstation.
    I got 2 systems, a 4.6c and a 7.0. On my 7.0 system, I use the FM CV120_KPRO_CHECKOUT, which works fine for me. Unfortunately, I get an error when I try to use it the same way on the 4.6c system.
    I found the FM CVAPI_DOC_CHECKOUTVIEW_DIALOG, which can obviously download documents as well, but I didn't manage to get it to my specific path. It only downloads the document to the original path and if that one doesn't exist, I get an error.
    So is there a way to download documents on a 4.6c system to a local file system? If so, could you please provide an example?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi ,
    see if you can use ,
    try with these function modules
    1 >UPLOAD
    3 >gui_upload (ECC 6.0 )
    Hope this  is helpful.
    Uma Dave

  • Document Security settings - conflicting information

    A PDF has been created in a process where Security is applied by itext sharp; and all values should be set to Allowed.
    When I check File > Properties > Security Tab (in adober reader 8 ) I can see:
    1) At the bottom a 'Document Restrictions Summary' section, but not all my values are "Allowed". So possibly something isn't right with the itext sharp process. However what is more confusing and the purpose of this post is that I can also see....
    2) At the top the Document Security section and a Show Details button. Selecting this brings up the Document Security dialog with another list of settings - some of which are a contradiction of those shown in the Summary list (point 1 above) e.g. Document Assembly is Not Allowed in 1) above, but is shown as Allowed in the separate Document Security dialog?????
    I can't find any information on the difference between these two sections and which Value is correct.
    I'm not sure if this is the correct forum, I've also posted this in the adobe reader group.
    Any help appreciated.

    >When I check adober reader 8
    >1) At the bottom a 'Document Restrictions Summary' section, but not all my values are "Allowed".
    This is normal in Reader, because its functions are limited. It's
    confusing, but it says "disabled" for things it can't do as well as
    those things which are forbidden. To actually confirm the settings use
    Acrobat instead.
    Aandi Inston

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