Download  free Tempus Sans ITC  for version 10.9

I am trying to download Tempus
Sans ITC Regular font to my IMac ox version  10.9 but got a message that it won't open on this version.  Does anyone know if there is a free version that will work?

Since Adobe created Type 1 PostScript, they know how to read any version of them. From my font article:
Windows Type 1 PostScript - Paired fonts with .pfb and .pfm extensions. Normally, these fonts have never been able to be used on the Mac. Not in OS9 or OS X. Technically, you still can't. You can't open them with any font manager or use them by directly placing the fonts in one of OS X's or OS 9's standard Fonts folders. But the Adobe applications (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), starting with the CS2 suite, can indeed read these fonts. Place them in the /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/ folder and you will be able to use Windows Type 1 PostScript fonts with the Adobe programs. The CS4 through CC versions do not create the Fonts folder mentioned. But all you have to do is go to the /Library/Application Support/Adobe/ folder and create a new folder named Fonts. An example of a Windows Type 1 PostScript font is as follows:
This particular font is Dorchester Script MT. All Windows Type 1 fonts consist of two files for one complete typeface. A .pfm file for the font metrics, and a .pfb file for the binary data. You must have both in order for the font to work. If there were a bold version of this font, you would have another uniquely named matching pair of .pfm and .pfb files.
This will still not help any other part of the OS see Windows T1PS fonts. Only the Adobe apps will be able to use them, and only if you place them specifically in the location noted.
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    Message was edited by: graphico
    Message was edited by: graphico

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