Downloading films to ipad

I am looking to download films to the ipad wether that be renting or buying. I will not have internet connection where I will be so cannot stream films.
Apart from iTunes is there any other apps that do this??
I have had bad experiences with renting from iTunes in that I get half way though watching the film then it comes up with an error saying "could not load film"

I don't know where you live (BTW, your location is always important to include in a post like this since all apps are not available all over the world), bu in the U.S. - if you are a Comcast Xfinity subscriber, they have an app called Xfinity TV to Go, that has quite a number of films available for temporary download that can watched without WiFi.

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    Did this sort your problem? I have the same one too. Purchased tracks on my iPad not showing up on MBP or iPhone. Itunes wants to charge me for it againa dn again!

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    You can select whatever you want to sync to all of your devices in iTunes, you do not have to sync the same content to all device.
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Set up syncing for iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    iOS: Syncing with iTunes - Support - Apple

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    What happens when you try to play the actual film ? And have you tried deleting them and (assuming that they're still in the store) redownloading them via the Purchased link under Quick Links on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page - or going into Edit > Preferences and on the Store tab ticking the 'show iTunes in the Cloud purchases' tick box so that they show in the My Movies part of your library with a cloud icon against it for redownloading) ?
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    No, rentals donwloaded on an iPad or iPhone can only be watched on it, and cannot be moved.
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    If you download a rented movie on your computer: You can transfer it to a device such as your Apple TV (1st generation), iPhone, iPad, or iPod if it’s a standard-definition film (movies in HD can only be watched on your computer, iPad, iPhone 4 or later, iPod touch (4th generation or later), or Apple TV). Once you move the movie from your computer to a device, the movie will disappear from your computer's iTunes library.
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    Depending upon country that you are in then you might be able to rent films from iTunes, and as long as they have been fully downloaded you should be able to watch them whilst offline. From iTunes they last for 30 days, but once you start watching them you have 48 hours (24 if you are in the US) before they expire - you can watch them as many times as you like during those 24/48 hours

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    If you rent a film on your work's Mac then it will download on that Mac - rentals are a one-time only download, they will download on the device/computer that they are rented on. If you want it on your iPad then you will either need to rent it directly on the iPad, or rent and download it on the computer that you sync it to and then connect the iPad and move the rental over to it.

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    Hi Jlhall88,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Click on the link below to see more details and screenshots. 
    I've quoted some helpful highlights for you:
    iTunes Store: Movie rental frequently asked questions (FAQ)
    Can I play my rental on more than one device?
    If you download a rented movie on your computer: You can transfer it to a device such as your Apple TV (1st generation), iPhone, iPad, or iPod if it’s a standard-definition film (movies in HD can only be watched on your computer, iPad, iPhone 4 or later, iPod touch (4th generation or later), or Apple TV). Once you move the movie from your computer to a device, the movie will disappear from your computer's iTunes library. You can move the movie between devices as many times as you wish during the rental period, but the movie can only exist on one device at a time.
    If you download a rented movie on your iPhone 4 or later, iPad, iPod touch (4th generation or later), or Apple TV: It is not transferable to any other device or computer.
    You can delete the movie prior to the expiration date if you want to make more space on your hard drive, iPod, iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV. However, the movie will automatically disappear from your iTunes library 24 (or 48) hours after you've begun viewing it.
    What happens to my rented movie if don't watch it?
    If you don't watch your rented movie, it will expire in 30 days and disappear from your iTunes library. You will need to rent it again in order to watch it.
    I hope this information helps ....
    Have a great day!
    - Judy

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    The message is referring to not having enough space on your iPad, not to not having enough space in your iCloud account.  Purchasing additional storage in your iCloud account does not give you more available space on your iPad.
    You can check how much space you have available on your iPad by going to Settings>General>Usage.  If you don't have enough, you'll have to delete or sync some data off your iPad to free up additional space.

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