Downloading podcasts with WiFi just hanging since installing 5.1.1

Anybody else having this problem?   I have restored everything...once using my backup and once starting as a new iPod and even had the iPod Touch replaced.  The WiFi is in perfect working condition.   Why did this start happening??
What to do to fix it?

Try a reset. Hold down the Sleep and Home button for about 10 seconds until you see the Apple logo.

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    Lightning is a problem for you because it hooks into Thunderbird at a low level and you need a version compiled for the platform Thunderbird is running on. So you can't do the preferred solution, which is to put your whole profile in a shared folder and have both instances of Thunderbird reference the same profile. (Ditto for Enigmail). Lightning may become an integral part of Thunderbird in an upcoming release, at which point this limitation due to Lightning should disappear.
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    The halfway house is to place your mail stores in a shared place, and use the Local Directory setting in each account's settings to connect to it. They don't need to be in the profile; what's more important in your case is that they are in a folder accessible to both operating systems.
    Look in your profile; everything under Mail and ImapMail needs to be moved out to a shared folder. Note the entries in Thunderbird under Local Directory before you do this, and reconstruct those pathnames in Thunderbird, but adjusted to suit their new locations.
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    I share address books and calendars between Thunderbirds on various computers (and my phone and tablet) by syncing to something in the cloud; Google Contacts and Google Calendar are my choices, using gContactSync and CalDav.
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    First step is to reset:
    Close all open apps by double-tapping the home button, then swiping up and off the screen with the app window (not the smaller icon).
    Reset your device: hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until the screen goes black and you see the Apple, then let go. (No data loss)

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    Do not install MacKeeper.
    Back up your Mac if you have not already done so. To learn how to use Time Machine read Mac Basics: Time Machine backs up your Mac - Apple Support.
    Determine if the same problems also occur in "Safe Mode":
    Safe Mode or "Safe Boot" is a troubleshooting mode that bypasses all third party system extensions and loads only required system components. Read about it: Starting up in Safe Mode
    You must disable FileVault before you can start your Mac in Safe Mode.
    Starting your Mac in Safe Mode will take longer than usual, graphics will not render smoothly, audio is disabled on some Macs, and some programs (iTunes for example) may not work at all.
    Merely starting your Mac in Safe Mode is not intended to resolve the problem, it's to observe its performance without certain additional components.
    To end Safe Mode restart your Mac normally. Shutdown will take longer as well.

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    even though you're not getting a #6344x in the affected accounts, this is still looking consistent with a registry permissions issue on the PC. (1402s have been known to be associated with the "stops working in all-but-one pre-existing account after an upgrade" issue before.)
    the stejskal family pioneered the treatment for us:
    the trick for me was getting up the nerve to "fiddle" with the registry...the reason why the girls could not get access to iTunes/QT was down to permission...once I got one going I went back in to HKEY-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\apple computer, inc\ to highlight go to edit, permission and added the missing girls to the list of who is allowed...made sure they have full permission..apply, ok and "bobs your uncle" all is now well in stejskal home.
    so check to see if those user accounts that are crashing for you have the right permissions on those keys.
    keep us posted.
    love, b

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    If she wants to purchas content from the apple store, she can use either your account or her account. If she wants have access to the content that she's purchased then she'll need to be signed into her account, and sync / install the apps that are on her computer to the iphone.
    If you want her to use the same apps that you've bought, then I suggest trying the Homs Sare in itunes, you'll need to sign into itunes with your apple ID and then select your computer and transfer the apps over that way. I haven't tryed it myself because I've only got 1 apple ID, but I have used that to tranfer content between 2 computers before.
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    Will image Capture (in your applications folder) import them? Can you see the camera in the finder? Have you tried a card reader?
    Basically you need to get the photos off the memory card and once they are safely on your Mac and at lease one backup cycle has successfully completed use the camera's format command to ease and reformat the memory card

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    Anyone know anything else about this? Thanks.

    I tried what nerowolfe suggested but that did not resolve my issue. I did a few hours trial and error and this was what I posted on the Wacom forum:
    I am having similar problems with Intuos 3, driver 6.0.5-2, Leopard and MacBook Pro. On boot up Intuos is working fine, but once computer goes to sleep and wakes up, Intuos is dead. Unplugging and plugging back into the same usb port will not resolve the problem. To fix it I either have to switch usb port or reboot the computer. The initial usb port will be unable to connect to the Intuos until either the computer has rebooted OR the computer has been put to sleep with the Intuos connected to another usb port. The usb port that has been made inoperable with Intuos after sleep IS operable with other devices such as iPod's and usb flash drives. To resolve this problem I have clean installed Leopard and freshly installed driver 6.0.5-2 but the problem remains.
    After 2 hours of turning applications on and off, tweaking different settings I have finally found what causes my Intuos sleeping disorder. Bluetooth! Bluetooth on — sleeping disorder, Bluetooth off — NO sleeping disorder.
    I have tried removing my paired devices and paired them freshly up again, but still, Bluetooth on — sleeping disorder.
    I have not removed any Bluetooth .plist files and such, mainly cause I am a bit tired now and I do not know what to delete. So, if anyone reading this knows which Bluetooth files I can delete to reset Bluetooth as much as possible I would be very happy if sharing.
    Hope this problem can be resolved.

  • Cannot download app with WIFI, but in 3G works

    Im using iPhone 5s with ios 8
    The problem is if i connect to wifi, i cant download the apps, it will said "could not be downloaded at this time" even though the download status in app store is 100%
    but there is no problem whnen i using 3G data to download!
    please help me!~!

    I found out the hard way of spending about 8 hours troubleshooting for both the iPhone and iPad, that unless you have the Enterprise Data plan ($49.99/month plan) with AT&T they block ipsec traffic on their 3g network. You can get phase 1 to complete but never pass traffic while on the 3G or Edge networks, but works like a champ with the same configuration on a wireless network. The only solution is to upgrade to the Enterprise data plan with AT&T. Alternatively I use a Verizon mifi device and VPN works great via my iPhone and iPad and goes everywhere with me.
    Hope that helps...

  • When i download Apps with Wifi they stay in "Wait" and when download with 3G they Have not problem

    My Appstore doesn't work good. When i want download or update my apps with all wifi Connection i Can't do it.
    Instead with 3G i haven't problem. Why?
    I'm Italian. I Have an iPhone 4S

    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps...  Sign Out of your Account... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.

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