Downsave Request - CS5 to CS4

I have a package that is CS5 or above. Would someone be kind enough to idml for CS4?

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    Well, it appears based on what you are saying that my files would be useless without many hours and hours of work changing all of the gradients.
    I know I should use CS4 to make them, but unfortunately everytime I try to install it, it has major errors and illustrator wont run. accepts CS4 files.
    Anyway, when I they rejected my file, they said this in their email "It is  technically possible to make files backward compatible, but it involves  getting access to a CS4 / CS3 install and 'Saving it Down'. It appears  as though users cannot view a CS5 Illustrator AI file with anything  other than CS5 without installing additional compatibility plug-ins." They didn't go into any more detail than that, but it seems to imply that if one did have both versions installed, there would be some way to save a massive amount of time spent reworking these. Does anyone know if this is possible?

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    No, there isn't. Best method would be to ask for a CS4 file. If that's not possbile you could create a new file and place the CS5 file. This only works if it was saved with PDF compatibility and it will flatten all "live" content.

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    InDesign can open native .indd files from the any version up to the one you are using, but not a later version. To open CS5 files in CS4 you must EXPORT to .idml and open that in CS4. You will lose any unsupported features that you used that are new in CS5, and there may be changes inthe line endings that affect text flow due to differences in the text engines. This is nothing new.

  • Saving down from CS5 to CS4 cross-platform

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    Hi Bob and thank you for your help.
    The answer to your question is yes. But now I have more information:
    - I opened the idml file on my PC and I see the same thing as my client who is using a MAC.
    - It occurred to me that my client created the original ind file himself (on a MAC) then sent it to me to work on.
    - BUT my client's ind file was a originally a Quark file converted to InDesign CS4.
    - I just completed another project for the client but I created it from scratch in CS5 then saved as an idml file so his MAC could read it. He had no problem with the idml file.
    From: BobLevine <[email protected]>
    To: Judy Schultz <[email protected]>
    Sent: Mon, Sep 13, 2010 12:46 pm
    Subject: Saving down from CS5 to CS4 cross-platform
    Is CS4 fully patched to 6.0.5?

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    You can download the help files as a PDF from the Photoshop Support pages.
    If you want to access the offline help files from F1, you have to disconnect PS from the Internet.
    If you want to turn off Community Help so that local Help opens by default, do the following:
       1. Open the Connections panel (Window > Extensions > Connections).
       2. From the Connections panel menu , select Offline Options.
       3. Select Keep Me Offline and click OK.
    Note: When you disable web services from the Connections panel, all other web services (such as Adobe Kuler and Adobe ConnectNow) are also disabled.

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    DW is designed so that you can open (almost) any HTML page in it, so you should be able to open pages created in CS5 in CS4. The worst case is that it may look a little different.
    Note that you'll get a better response for general questions about DW here:

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    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
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    If you downloaded the CS4 product, then you can still access the download files from your Adobe account. Log in to your account and look under My Orders. (If you weren't able to deactivate the previous installation, you'll need assistance from a support agent before you can reinstall the CS4 software.)
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    I appreciate anyone that can offer some input.
    Thanks, Wayne

    I guess my real question was what would happen to CS4 when I activated CS5. Considering the licensing practices of software companies today, I wasn't sure. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

  • How to downgrade cs5 to cs4

    Hi everyone,
    I need some advise or solution how can i downgrade adobe cs5 to cs4.for adobe indesign

    Do you mean, you have InDesign CS5 and you want to downgrade to InDesign CS4?
    Is your CS5 an upgrade or a full version?

  • Best workflow CS3 to CS4 to CS5 or CS5 to CS4 to CS5

    I had been doing a monthly magazine in Mac CS3 and sending it for text edits to someone with Mac CS4. They would return it to me as an .inx doc and I would prepare it as PDF for the printer.
    Now that I have CS5, Would I be better off doing it in CS5 then giving them .inx to do edits?
    So what's best?:
    CS3 to CS4 to CS5
    CS5 to CS4 to CS5
    CS3 to CS4 to CS3

    I had been doing a monthly magazine in Mac CS3 and sending it for text edits to someone with Mac CS4.
    Text edits? Only text?
    How about CS5 -> RTF -> CS5?
    Just set up your text as one great big threaded, well-styled story, and export the RTF. Your editor edits text using TextEdit (how apropos), and returns the edited RTF file to you. You place it & clear overrides, and magically have an updated InDesign file requiring only minor tweaks. (We call this "poor man's InCopy" in our office.)
    If I had to pick, I'd be dithering between unhappy options. Going backwards (CSn -> CSn-1) is a bad idea. Going forwards two versions at once (CSn -> CSn+2) is also a bad idea. Heck, in any workflow you want to be reliable, going forwards one version (CSn -> CSn+1) is dangerous and should be avoided. I would suppose that CS5 -> CS4 -> CS5 would be the least dangerous, if you made absolutely certain that no CS5-specific tools were being used. This requires some serious diligence, and even if you are 100% perfect in your avoidance of the new tools in CS5, text reflow will still happen occassionally. On top of that, I wouldn't advise relying on CS5 until the first bugpatch gets distributed by Adobe.
    Basically, every option you have is fraught with possible dangers.
    Edit: it's tough to tell someone to do something dangerous. CS3 -> 4 -> 3 is something I've done a great deal of, and it's worked out okay. Over more than a year, I've only had two projects blow up in my face because of backsaving in this workflow.

  • Problem exporting CS5 to CS4

    Ive been using the trial version of CS5 but I recently purchased a copy of CS4.
    I took all my fla files and saved them as CS4 files.  For the one project that worked just fine, but for my website... its completely broken due to one issue.
    My website uses a smaller window within the larger project which loads swfs for each of my projects.  With CS5 this works just fine, and you can see it at
    Trying to test it after saving it to CS4 though... the buttons in the embedded swf files dont work.  The swf files run fine on their own, but apparently the buttons once inside a larger swf file refuse to operate.
    Im currently trying to build new files inside cs4 to see if it occurs that way, but is there a reason this shouldnt work in CS4, or that exporting should mess this up?

    Im still fairly new to flash, and I cant say I really know the differences between cs5 and cs4. Tlf is a format of text right?
    Rebuilding it from the groundup... atm it looks like theres some setting in the background in the old file thats a problem as it works doing it all over...

  • Down saving from CS5 to CS4 in a batch

    I have a large volume of CS5 files to downsave to CS4 so they can be used on another machine. Is it possible to do this in a batch? I've tried a couple ways so far and I'm definitely doing something wrong as the new files still tell me they were generated in a new version of Illustrator. That, or the entire batch just saves over the same single file for the whole action.
    If anyone could give me a simple walkthrough, that would be lovely!

    That, and explain
    .. as the new files still tell me they were generated in a new version of Illustrator ..
    (because they are).

  • How can i save a book organized files from CS5 to CS4?

    I have a problem – a client has catalogues in CS5 and their translations agency work in CS4.
    Catalogues are book organised and everyone contains 30-40 files so opening each one saving as idml, opening in CS4, saving in CS4, adding to book and looking for problems takes really long time.
    Is there any short cut to make this faster!?
    Thank you in advance.

    Sorry, it'll be impossible for any of us (the forum regulars) to post in this thread without making obvious suggestions like this; it's safe to ignore these suggestions, I understand that you are powerless here to make reasonable suggestions like "Fire the incompetent translation firm that can't keep up with its clients and retain one that actually has the licenses for the apps necessary to complete the project."  If nothing else, all of the people who search Google for the phrase "translation downsave CS5 CS4 book" will learn that the best answer is "tell your translation supplier that they will lose your business if they fail to upgrade."
    But in your case - no, I know of no such script to re-save a CS4 book from IDMLs spat out of CS5. The scripting forum is thataway; maybe they know of a script someone else has already written for this purpose. Mostly because, especically in a book file, one of the steps before saving the INDDs and book in CS4 should be "a human compares the IDML opened in CS4 against the INDDs in CS5, or PDFs generated from same, before Saving As CS4 INDD."

  • Camera Raw Sluggish in CS5 vs CS4

    My computer is Windows Vista Home Premium, 64-bit.  Quad Core Q6600, 2.4 GHz, 6gb RAM.
    When running Photoshop CS4 with Bridge and Camera Raw, I could change any of the settings, and the preview would update pretty much instantaneously, with no lag.
    I updated recently to CS5, with its accompanying new version of Camera Raw, and I find that on this same computer, working with the same Raw Files from my Canon 1D Mark 2, there is a pretty noticeable lag in the preview when changing almost any of the settings.  It's slow enough that it seriously impedes my workflow, and makes me think of returning to CS4.
    Within CS5, I have the following Performance settings:
    Available RAM: 5349 MB
    Ideal Range: 2942-3851 MB
    Let Photoshop Use: 3209 MB (60%)
    These were the default settings used when it was installed.
    Scratch Disks:
    I have a separate physical hard drive selected for this, different from the one where the OS is installed.  Only that disk is selected as a Scratch Disk.
    History & Cache:
    History States: 20
    Cache Levels: 4
    Cache Tile Size: 128K
    GPU Settings
    NVidia GeForce 9800 GT/PCI/SSE2
    Enable OpenGL Drawing is Checked.
    These settings are pretty much the same as in my CS4 installation (both are currently installed on this computer).
    Can this be improved?  As I said, this seriously slows down my workflow.
    Don Cohen
    DLC Photography

    DLC-Photography wrote:
     For the record, it's PS CS5 12.1 and Bridge; no updates available. 
    * It's slower when hosted by Bridge for Windows, as it's running 32-bit code.
    Are you saying that it'll run faster if I start Bridge from within PS CS5, 64-bit?
    You can determine Camera Raw's version number from Camera Raw Preferences (look in the title bar). 6.7RC is the best version for CS5 so far. You can download it here:
    Bridge is a 32-bit application. Camera Raw is provided as 32-bit and 64-bit plug-ins, and the faster 64-bit plug-in only works when hosted by 64-bit Photoshop (on 64-bit Windows).
    So, hosting Camera Raw in Bridge will use the 32-bit version. From Bridge, opening a raw image with Photoshop will use the 64-bit version of the plug-in (if 64-bit is installed, and the 32-bit version of Photoshop isn't already running).

Maybe you are looking for