Drag & Drop - drag image fade effect

I'm attaching drag image using InitializeFromBitmap in IDragSourceHelper and I noticed attached image get some kind of fade-out effect if width exceeds 300px, which itself isn't that bad, considering normal DPI settings. But this 300px isn't scaled with
system DPI, so any drag image that I want to be opaque needs to be tiny.
Is there any way to avoid applying this fade effect, or to make it respect DPI setting?

Hi pault36225916,
As per my understanding, you are using Acrobat X and want to add images directly into the PD document (correct me if I am wrong, please).
If so, then you can follow the steps given below:
1. Go to Tools > Content > Edit Object Tool
2. Right-click the page and choose Place Image
3. Choose any of these image formats: bmp, jpeg, gif, pcx, png, jpeg2000 or tiff
4. Select an image file and click open.
A copy of an image file appears on the PDF page with the same resolution as the original one.
Hope the above information helps you.
Let me know if you need further assistance.

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  • Implementing drag and drop across components with drag image...

    Hey all,
    Finally got the hang of drag and drop. Not too hard, but a little time consuming. I found an article showing how to capture and drag a BufferedImage within a JTree. When you click and drag a node, it creates a BufferedImage of the node on screen and "ghosts" it a bit, which has a very appealing effect.
    However, when I try to drag this image to a JList component, it disappears. So I created the same affect in the JList component. Now you can drag the image from the tree to the list and vice versa. However, the problem is, the image does not "fly over" the borders of the two components (butted up against each other) with the mouse. The image seems to go under the borders, while the mouse floats above everything.
    What I would like to do is be able to drag the image all over the application, perhaps even the desktop in the case of a SDI application. I want to be able to see this image drag from my Java app over the Windows Explorer folder, just like how you can do that with Windows Explorer, dragging an image of the selected node into any app that supports the drop. I know we can handle the "transfer" data from explorer and vice versa, but how to be able to keep an image with the mouse?
    My best guess is somehow using the Glass pane, grabbing a ref to its BufferedImage (if that is even what is there), and drawing the dragged item in that pane. But, then, how will the image move over the desktop outside of the app, where a glass pane is not?
    Is there a way to draw on top of anything, anywhere, but still be able to redraw the background as the image moves with the mouse? There are times where the image may be big, so I don't want to have to capture the underlying screen as an image covering the size of the drag image to restore it as the drag image moves around.
    Thank you.

    We know cursors support some degree of transparence because they have shapes other than blocks.
    I've done some playing around with
    Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createCustomCursor(....);The sad news is, it seems that as soon as a pixel's alpha value is greater than 0, it automatically becomes 100% opaque.
    The best you can do, is to take your image, and divide it into a pixel-checkerboard, and set the alpha value of alternating pixels to 0.
    BufferedImage i = new BufferedImage(32, 32, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
            int[] data = ((DataBufferInt)i.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
            boolean on = true;
            for (int z=0; z<data.length; z++)
                if (on)
                    data[z] = 0xffffffff;
                    data[z] = 0x00000000;
                on = !on;
                if (z%32==0) on = !on;
            Cursor hazyWhite = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createCustomCursor(i, new Point(0,0), "hw");

  • My drag images disappear when they are dropped on a correct drop target during the drag and drop interaction.

    What am I missing. The opacity is at 100%. The drop target is a highlighted box from objects. I am using Captivate 8.

    Hi there,
    You might want to make sure your Depth setting is not set to Back instead of Front on your drop target(s).
    The Depth setting is accessed via the Drag and Drop window/panel under Format setting while you have your drop target selected.
    If your Depth setting is set to Back, especially if your opacity is set to 100% on your highlight box/drop target, your drag image would go behind your drop target giving the effect of disappearing behind your highlight box - especially if the drop target is larger than the drag image.

  • How to drag image in left panel then drop into right panel??

    Dear friends.
    I have following code, it is runnable, just add two jpg image files is ok, to run.
    I tried few days to drag image from left panel then drop into right panel or vice versa, but not success, can any GUI guru help??
    [1]. main code/calling code:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class ImagePanelCall extends JComponent {
         public  JSplitPane ImagePanelCall() {
              setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1200,300));
              JSplitPane          sp = new JSplitPane();
              sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1200,600));
              ImagePanel     ip = new ImagePanel();
              ImagePanel     ip1 = new ImagePanel();
              ip.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,300));
              ip1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,300));
              sp.setLeftComponent(ip);// add left part
              sp.setRightComponent(ip1);// add right part
              return sp;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test transformable images");
              ImagePanelCall  ic = new ImagePanelCall();
              frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1200,600));
              frame.getContentPane().add(ic.ImagePanelCall(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    }[2]. code 2
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class ImagePanel extends JComponent {
         private static final Cursor DEFAULT_CURSOR = new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR);
         private static final Cursor MOVE_CURSOR = new Cursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR);
         private static final Cursor VERTICAL_RESIZE_CURSOR = new Cursor(Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR);
         private static final Cursor HORIZONTAL_RESIZE_CURSOR = new Cursor(Cursor.W_RESIZE_CURSOR);
         private static final Cursor NW_SE_RESIZE_CURSOR = new Cursor(Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR);
         private static final Cursor NE_SW_RESIZE_CURSOR = new Cursor(Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR);
         public Vector images;
         * Create an ImagePanel with two images in.
         * A MouseHandler instance is added as mouse listener and mouse motion listener.
         public ImagePanel() {
              images = new Vector();
              images.add(new TransformableImage("swing/dnd/Bird.gif"));
              images.add(new TransformableImage("swing/dnd/Cat.gif"));
              setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,600));
              MouseHandler mh = new MouseHandler();
         * Simply paint all the images contained in the Vector images, calling their method draw(Graphics2D, ImageObserver).
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
              Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D)g;
              for (int i = images.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {     
                   ((TransformableImage)images.get(i)).draw(g2D, this);
         * Inner class defining the behavior of the mouse.
         final class MouseHandler extends MouseInputAdapter {
              private TransformableImage draggedImage;
              private int transformation;
              private int dx, dy;
              public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                   Point p = e.getPoint();
                   TransformableImage image = getImageAt(p);
                   if (image != null) {
                        transformation = image.getTransformation(p);
                   else {
              public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
                   Point p = e.getPoint();
                   draggedImage = getImageAt(p);
                   if (draggedImage!=null) {
                        dx = p.x-draggedImage.x;
                        dy = p.y-draggedImage.y;
              public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                   if (draggedImage==null) {
                   Point p = e.getPoint();
                   draggedImage.transform(p, transformation,dx,dy);
              public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
                   Point p = e.getPoint();
                   draggedImage = null;
         * Utility method used to get the image located at a Point p.
         * Returns null if there is no image at this point.
         private final TransformableImage getImageAt(Point p) {
              TransformableImage image = null;
              for (int i = 0, n = images.size(); i<n; i++) {     
                   image = (TransformableImage)images.get(i);
                   if (image.contains(p)) {
         * Sets the convenient cursor according the the transformation (i.e. the position of the mouse over the image).
         private final void setConvenientCursor(int transfo) {
              Cursor currentCursor = getCursor();
              Cursor newCursor = null;
              switch (transfo) {
                   case TransformableImage.MOVE : newCursor = MOVE_CURSOR;
                   case TransformableImage.RESIZE_TOP : newCursor = VERTICAL_RESIZE_CURSOR;
                   case TransformableImage.RESIZE_BOTTOM : newCursor = VERTICAL_RESIZE_CURSOR;
                   case TransformableImage.RESIZE_LEFT : newCursor = HORIZONTAL_RESIZE_CURSOR;
                   case TransformableImage.RESIZE_RIGHT : newCursor = HORIZONTAL_RESIZE_CURSOR;
                   case TransformableImage.RESIZE_TOP_LEFT_CORNER : newCursor = NW_SE_RESIZE_CURSOR;
                   case TransformableImage.RESIZE_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER : newCursor = NE_SW_RESIZE_CURSOR;
                   case TransformableImage.RESIZE_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER : newCursor = NE_SW_RESIZE_CURSOR;
                   case TransformableImage.RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER : newCursor = NW_SE_RESIZE_CURSOR;
                   default : newCursor = DEFAULT_CURSOR;
              if (newCursor != null && currentCursor != newCursor) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test transformable images");
              frame.getContentPane().add(new ImagePanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    }[3]. code 3
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    public final class TransformableImage extends Rectangle {
         public static final int MOVE = 0;
         public static final int RESIZE_TOP = 10;
         public static final int RESIZE_BOTTOM = 20;
         public static final int RESIZE_RIGHT = 1;
         public static final int RESIZE_LEFT = 2;
         public static final int RESIZE_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER = 11;
         public static final int RESIZE_TOP_LEFT_CORNER = 12;
         public static final int RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER = 21;
         public static final int RESIZE_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER = 22;
         public static final int BORDER_THICKNESS = 5;
         public static final int MIN_THICKNESS = BORDER_THICKNESS*2;
         private static final Color borderColor = Color.black;
         private Image image;
         * Create an TransformableImage from the image file filename.
         * The TransformableImage bounds (inherited from the class Rectangle) are setted to the corresponding values.
         public TransformableImage(String filename) {
              ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(filename);
              image = ic.getImage();
              setBounds(0,0,ic.getIconWidth(), ic.getIconHeight());
         * Draw the image rescaled to fit the bounds.
         * A black rectangle is drawn around the image.
         public final void draw(Graphics2D g, ImageObserver observer) {
              Color oldColor = g.getColor();
              g.drawImage(image, x, y, width, height, observer);
         * Return an int corresponding to the transformation available according to the mouse location on the image.
         * If the point p is in the border, with a thickness of BORDER_THICKNESS, around the image, the corresponding
         * transformation is returned (RESIZE_TOP, ..., RESIZE_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER).
         * If the point p is located in the center of the image (i.e. out of the border), the MOVE transformation is returned.
         * We allways suppose that p is contained in the image bounds.
         public final int getTransformation(Point p) {
              int px = p.x;
              int py = p.y;
              int transformation = 0;
              if (py<(y+BORDER_THICKNESS)) {
                   transformation += RESIZE_TOP;
              if (py>(y+height-BORDER_THICKNESS-1)) {
                   transformation += RESIZE_BOTTOM;
              if (px<(x+BORDER_THICKNESS)) {
                   transformation += RESIZE_LEFT;
              if (px>(x+width-BORDER_THICKNESS-1)) {
                   transformation += RESIZE_RIGHT;
         * Move the left side of the image, verifying that the width is > to the MIN_THICKNESS.
         public final void moveX1(int px) {
              int x1 = x+width;
              if (px>x1-MIN_THICKNESS) {
                   x = x1-MIN_THICKNESS;
                   width = MIN_THICKNESS;
              else {
                   width += (x-px);
                   x = px;               
         * Move the right side of the image, verifying that the width is > to the MIN_THICKNESS.
         public final void moveX2(int px) {
              width = px-x;
              if (width<MIN_THICKNESS) {
                   width = MIN_THICKNESS;
         * Move the top side of the image, verifying that the height is > to the MIN_THICKNESS.
         public final void moveY1(int py) {
              int y1 = y+height;
              if (py>y1-MIN_THICKNESS) {
                   y = y1-MIN_THICKNESS;
                   height = MIN_THICKNESS;
              else {
                   height += (y-py);
                   y = py;               
         * Move the bottom side of the image, verifying that the height is > to the MIN_THICKNESS.
         public final void moveY2(int py) {
              height = py-y;
              if (height<MIN_THICKNESS) {
                   height = MIN_THICKNESS;
         * Apply a given transformation with the given Point to the image.
         * The shift values dx and dy are needed for move tho locate the image at the same relative position from the cursor (p).
         public final void transform(Point p, int transformationType, int dx, int dy) {
              int px = p.x;
              int py = p.y;
              switch (transformationType) {
                   case MOVE : x = px-dx; y = py-dy;
                   case RESIZE_TOP : moveY1(py);
                   case RESIZE_BOTTOM : moveY2(py);
                   case RESIZE_LEFT : moveX1(px);
                   case RESIZE_RIGHT : moveX2(px);
                   case RESIZE_TOP_LEFT_CORNER : moveX1(px);moveY1(py);
                   case RESIZE_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER : moveX2(px);moveY1(py);
                   case RESIZE_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER : moveX1(px);moveY2(py);
                   case RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER : moveX2(px);moveY2(py);
                   default :

    I gave you a simple solution in your other posting. You never responded to the suggestion stating why the given solution wouldn't work, so it can't be that urgent.

  • Drag and Drop - Drag Image

    I'm using the Flex DragManager in an AdvancedDataGrid with
    HierarchicalData to allow the user to drag and drop tree nodes to
    re-order them. It is working fine. The problem I am having is with
    the drag image. The drag image does not always show up. It seems
    like it will appear for one drag and drop. Then if I try to drag
    another tree node I do not get the drag image there is just a line
    to show I'm dragging something.
    When I say drag image I mean the faded image of the text of
    the tree node which appears as I drag the tree node.
    I am using the following properties on the AdvancedDataGrid
    to enable drag and drop:
    dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true"
    Now if set dragMoveEnabled="false" then I do get a drag image
    everytime. But I need move the tree nodes around not copy them so I
    need dragMoveEnabled="true".
    Thank you

    I'm using the Flex DragManager in an AdvancedDataGrid with
    HierarchicalData to allow the user to drag and drop tree nodes to
    re-order them. It is working fine. The problem I am having is with
    the drag image. The drag image does not always show up. It seems
    like it will appear for one drag and drop. Then if I try to drag
    another tree node I do not get the drag image there is just a line
    to show I'm dragging something.
    When I say drag image I mean the faded image of the text of
    the tree node which appears as I drag the tree node.
    I am using the following properties on the AdvancedDataGrid
    to enable drag and drop:
    dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true"
    Now if set dragMoveEnabled="false" then I do get a drag image
    everytime. But I need move the tree nodes around not copy them so I
    need dragMoveEnabled="true".
    Thank you

  • When i drag and drop an image on my site. it gives the following error. "Unable to access local files due to browser security settings. To overcome this, follo"

    I am using the firefox version 17 and when i drag and drop an image on my website. It gives me the following error.
    Unable to access local files due to browser security settings. To overcome this, follow these steps: (1) Enter "about:config" in the URL field; (2) Right click and select New->Boolean; (3) Enter "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" (without the quotes) as a new preference name; (4) Click OK and try loading the file again. Or go to the homepage for a link to the tutorial on how to do it.
    I have completed the above steps and it is still showing the same error message. Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks kumars ,
    I have a specific drag and drop area on our website. This works fine for all earlier releases of Firefox after these security settings
    "(1) Enter "about:config" in the URL field; (2) Right click and select New->Boolean; (3) Enter "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" (without the quotes) as a new preference name; (4) Click OK and try loading the file again."
    Bust these settings not work for me in Firefox 17.
    Yes the drag and drop functionality is java script based and i am not using any script blocker addons.

  • Drag and Drop and image

    Is there an example how i can drag and drop an image into an
    other panel as image. Not into a list or grid but onto a panel. Ive
    tried it for a couple of days now and am getting stuck...

    Did you see the second example of this quickstart?

  • Which Listener I should use if I drag and Drop an image/icon into a JPanel?

    Dar Friends:
    Happy new year.
    I try to drag and Drop an image/icon into a JPanel, and hope I can immediately detect it after DND,
    Which Listener I should use in this JPanel if I drag and Drop an image/icon into a JPanel??

    Thank camickr .
    I can dnd an image into a JPanel called JPanelOld already, I hope to use another JPanel or JTree to listen to any Dropped Image in JPanelOld later on so I can take some action in another JPanel or JTree.
    so what kind of Listener I should use for my purpose??
    where to add this Listeners??
    Happy New Year.

  • How to drag and drop href image from webbrowser to office using vsto c# wpf?

    I want to drag and drop href images from web browser to office using C# wpf. Is it possible to drag href images ? give me the solution

    Are you developing an Office Add-in application? Do you mean you hold a wpf Web Browser control in the Office Add-in project?
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • BUG - Drag and drop an image, only working at the 2nd try

    I use the last version of JDeveloper : 11g R1 :
    I try to drag and drop an image in a facet of a panelsplitter.
    Once the page is loaded, the first time I try to drag the image, it does not work : the image does not follow the mouse.
    When I try to drag the image again, then it works : the image follow the mouse
    So I don't think it's related to the destination/target.
    I feel it's so simple, since it just requires to add <af:componentDragSource/> inside <af:image/>
    that if it does not work, it can only be a bug in the functionality offered by ADF ...
    Or maybe there is something wrong with the generation of the page ?
    I get this message in blue in the "running log of WebLogic" :
    <FormRenderer><setupEncodingContext> Multiple forms detected on viewId: /myPage.jspx. Rich client currently has some limitations in dealing with multiple forms.
    Please note that I use jsp:include inside f:subview to include fragments (.jsff) so that the source and the destination are not in the same file, the source in a .jsff while the destination is on the main .jspx
    The code related to the drag and drop :
    <af:form id="form">
    <af:panelSplitter orientation="vertical" splitterPosition="70" id="psHeader" clientComponent="true">
    <af:panelAccordion id="paPref" discloseNone="true" styleClass="fullSize">
    <af:showDetailItem id="sdiTemp" text="Templates">
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pglTemp" layout="scroll">
    <af:panelList id="plTemp" rows="2">
    <af:image id="imTemp2up" source="/images/anImage.jpg" inlineStyle="" shortDesc="...">
    <f:facet name="second">
    <af:dropTarget dropListener="#{dropHandler.handleComponentMove}" actions="MOVE">
    <af:dataFlavor flavorClass="javax.faces.component.UIComponent"/>
    Any idea ?
    Thanks in advance,

    no bug that I can detect here as it works for me with the same setup. How likely is it that the image is too small so that you don't grab it probably the first time?

  • Drag Drop icon/image in JApplet

    Hi! I would like to implement a Drag Drop of images/icons between two JPanels in a JApplet. Can someone give me a working example of the code that I have to implement ???
    Thanks to you !!!!

    This should help:

  • Clear system drag image

    When using drag and drop (in a JTree) under Solaris, a drag image appears. I would like to clear this image to display only the image I have created.
    When I run my app under Windows, there's no problem, only my image is displayed. Could somone please help me ?

    Actually, there's no drag image : what I took for a drag image was just the default drag & drop icon under Unix. Now I just need to replace it by a customized icon.

  • Dragging image opens a finder window

    I use Messages all the time to chat with iMessage, AIM and Gmail buddies. Lately whenever I drag and drop an image from the desktop, etc onto a chat, it puts the image in the chat, but will also open the FINDER window of where Messages is storing the image in the background.
    The folder it opens is:
    Why is it doing this and how do I make it stop?  I've tried restarting my mac, I've deleted the com.apple.messages.plist files, etc.

    A Browser that has nothing to do with the Messages app causes a problem with the app in Mavericks.
    In my book that is as serious flaw in the software and I would remove the offending app, which in this case appears to be the Google Browser.
    6:58 pm      Sunday; November 3, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • Dragged image source in dragdropHandler

    1) i have to drag and drop images from tile list to
    2) my images are coming from database
    3) in drag drop function how to access dragged image
    4) here is the code

    1) i have to drag and drop images from tile list to
    2) my images are coming from database
    3) in drag drop function how to access dragged image
    4) here is the code

  • Opening/Dragging Images from Desktop into Photoshop CS4

    I'm trying to import/drag/open a png image file from finder, my desktop, or anywhere on my hard drive into an existing photoshop document.  Unfortunately, the image does not drop into the existing document; it just bounces off.  No new layer is created.  When I try to import the photo manually from File-->Open, the image is opened in a new document instead of the existing one.
    This only occurs for images saved on my hard drive.  Any image pulled from a web browser and dragged/dropped into the document creates a layer.  I'm running Snow Leopard.
    I've installed the latest software updates to Snow Leopard and installed the latest CS4 patch, version 11.0.2.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Alex Doan

    Excuse me
    Tai Lao wrote:
    akdoan wrote:
    …This only occurs for images saved on my hard drive.  Any image pulled from a web browser and dragged/dropped into the document creates a layer…
    That's because when you "drag" from the web browser, you are performing a copy-and-paste from one application to another one. The Finder is not involved.  As I said earlier, "The Finder knows nothing about dragging Photoshop layers."
    My original post was poorly written.  Please ignore my digression on file-->open, which loads the image into a new layer in a new document, which it has always done and like you said, is normal behavior. 
    I was emphasizing that I can't find a way to directly insert a photo from the OS (Snow Leopard) running CS4 into an existing document in one step.  The directory path of the file on the OS is meaningless in regard to this behavior.
    Tai Lao wrote:That is perfectly normal, expected behavior. The Finder is not involved.  As I said earlier, "Are you suggesting it used to behave any differently for you earlier? ??? !!
    I am running CS5 on Snow Leopard on another computer.  Dragging and dropping a picture located anywhere on the OS into an existing document works flawlessly, and loads the image into a new layer within the open document. 
    You've lost the script by focusing on the finder.  The file path of the image, whatever it is:
    should be meaningless.
    Dragging and dropping an image from OS X to Photoshop is the rule and this failure the exception.
    There is something I'm not doing or a misconfiguration causing this.

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    I'm trying to get Solaris Management Console working on my Solaris 9 host. I've installed all the SMC packages: SUNWmc SUNWmcc SUNWmccom SUNWmcdev SUNWmcex SUNWwbmc Unfortunately, I found out that Solaris Management Console also requires a SUNWCprog

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    Got my mac mini ordered, I have a wired keyboard but only a magic mouse so my question is when I power up the mini for initial set up and it doesnt detect a usb mouse will it automatically look for a BT one? JJ

  • For the new delivery type created the Idoc is not getting triggered

    Hi All, I am facing the following problem: For every outbound delivery getting created we have an Idoc which creates the file(sending the outbound delivery details), this file is sent to a system where the picking & packing of the goods happen. This