Dreamweaver 4 for mac

I have an old PowerPC G4 1.33Ghz 1.25Ghz RAM running OSX 10.5.8 and am bidding on ebay for an upgrade of Dreamweaver 4. I have 2 questions if anyone can help me.
1. Does anyone know if DW 4 will run on my machine? The guy selling it doesn't know much about it but it says on the box that it will run on OS 8.6 or 9 - is this going to be ok on my software?
2. I have a Windows version of Dreamweaver 4 with serial number. Will the Mac DW4 upgrade accept the serial number from my Windows DW4 as the original version?
If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. I can't find the answer to these questions already on the discussion board.

I have an old PowerPC G4 1.33Ghz 1.25Ghz RAM running OSX 10.5.8 and am bidding on ebay for an upgrade of Dreamweaver 4. I have 2 questions if anyone can help me.
1. Does anyone know if DW 4 will run on my machine? The guy selling it doesn't know much about it but it says on the box that it will run on OS 8.6 or 9 - is this going to be ok on my software?
Not sure, but I believe it ran on my G4 from long ago.
2. I have a Windows version of Dreamweaver 4 with serial number. Will the Mac DW4 upgrade accept the serial number from my Windows DW4 as the original version?
I'm sure about that one - no it won't. The serial numbers were not interchangeable between platforms.
Caveat Emptor!  Be careful.
DW4 is a dinosaur in today's web world, you know?

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    Probably sometime. But not soon. Probably. Or not. 8)
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Wildman93" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e3i9sr$qot$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
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    > -Wildman

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    > How many of you use Dreamweaver for Mac? Do any of you
    have experience
    > with
    > both FrontPage and Dreamweaver?
    I do and yes, I do.
    > Are there any other
    > resources I can go to to get started with Dreamweaver
    and understanding
    > CSS?
    If you are comfortable with HTML and CSS, DW will be a walk
    in the park.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "fiddletunes" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have decided to switch to Mac for my operating system
    and to Dreamweaver
    > FrontPage 2003. I started using FrontPage because that's
    what I had at
    > work
    > and I stuck with it because upgrades were cheaper than
    switching to
    > Dreamweaver
    > or its predecessors.
    > I have become disillusioned (maybe disgusted is the
    word) with Windows in
    > general and decided for my new computer to go ahead and
    switch to Mac. In
    > the
    > process I need to switch to a Mac based website building
    software so I
    > decided
    > on Dreamweaver since it seems to be the industry
    > All these years of being spoon fed code by FrontPage are
    over and I will
    > have
    > to learn more about coding for myself (I do a bit now)
    and I am looking
    > forward
    > to learning more about CSS and W3 compliant coding of my
    web pages.
    > How many of you use Dreamweaver for Mac? Do any of you
    have experience
    > with
    > both FrontPage and Dreamweaver?
    > I have Dynamic Web Templates attached to most of my
    pages and from what
    > I've
    > read Dreamweaver will be able to convert and use these.
    Are there any
    > other
    > resources I can go to to get started with Dreamweaver
    and understanding
    > CSS? I
    > am reading all the threads on this forum with CSS in the
    title and it is
    > really
    > helping me to start to understand some CSS concepts.
    > Thanks,
    > Kim

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    Well, what is your "comfort zone" of your hands-on experience
    with either one of those mentioned system architecture.
    I use Macs for years and I find that very useful and
    reliable. However I am being so overly baised aganist Window system
    architecture. You'll have to deal with it yourself and you decide,
    because I don't know you.
    You have to weigh on several options... and your short-term
    and long-term, and cost-wise to operate these system architecture
    and types of physical equipment such as Mac or PC platform.
    The thing about Mac, as you already know, the cost is very
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    external double layers DVD drive, scanners, list goes on... you
    find that very easy to plug them in and ready to use on Mac. As for
    Windows, it depends. You will have to add drivers every time when
    you add devices manually. Mac does the rest for you.
    When people tell you that there are lots of Windows
    applications are avaliable for Windows than on Macs. It is simply
    not true. Because you can run Windows on top of Mac by using
    Parallel (specical software acts like Windows emulator).
    As for CS3 on Mac or Windows, it is matter of your comfort
    zone. you need to sit down and take a hard look at those systems
    that works best for you. I can't decide for you. You have to make
    the decision yourself. Adobe cannot make decision for you. That is
    why customer service reluclantly tell you.
    Hope that helps.
    Good luck with your decision.
    Cheers, Brian
    Originally posted by:
    Can I get some advice? I'm trying to decide whether to get
    Adobe Creative Suite 3 for Mac, or for Windows. What are the
    pros/cons of Dreamweaver, Mac version, versus Dreamweaver, Windows
    version? Has anyone used both? If so, which one do you prefer? And
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    no clue. Apparently Adobe doesn't have any documentation or do
    benchmarks to compare the two versions.

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    Pull down Window>Workspace Layout  and change to something that is not covering everything up.
    I feel your pain. That's the way a lot of Windows aficionados like to work -- it's like they're afraid of their desktops and don't know what to do when they click on another active application.

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    Can you please share your crash logs.  Either you can copy it from the crash reporter dialog which comes up when application crash. You need to click on show details and then copy the logs which shows up. Or you can share the latest crash log created at  /Users/LIbarary/Logs/DiagnosticsReports/.

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    What error messages are you receiving when you attempt to download the Creative Cloud Desktop app?
    Dreamweaver requires Java SE6 not 8 which ships with Yosemite.
    Java SE 6 Direct download:
    Nancy O.

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    iWeb does not have the ability to import previously published sites - it is NOT an html editor in the same way that Dreamweaver is and iWeb actually creates the html that is needed on publishing.
    So you have the following options:-
    1. Purchase a copy of Dreamweaver for Mac or PC and import your sites from FrontPage into Dreamweaver to update them - this is an expensive option especially for Mac, if you need to purchase the full package - take a look at the Adobe website to see for yourself.
    2. Set up Boot Camp on your Mac and then purchase a copy of either Windows XP, Vista or 7 and load this onto your Mac so that you can then run Windows and use Windows software on your Mac, so Expression Web 3.
    3. Purchase a copy of Expression Web 3 - if you already have FrontPage then the upgrade price is cheaper than the full price, which is only £117 - this might be your best option in the long run.
    4. Check out the other options that others have given you here, but remember that any option does need an ability to both import and edit html code to work - iWeb does not have this facility.

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    Ask in the DW forum.

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    the resulting response has no data and a status code of 0.
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    Hi sugarjonnyo,
    Extract was released in DW CC 2014.1 Oct release version. More details are available => Extract a Photoshop design into code | Adobe Dreamweaver CC tutorials
    I believe you are at the previous version of DW.

  • Please help - Dreamweaver Image Map Tool/Outlook for Mac

    I was wondering if you could help me navigate through an issue I am having with the image map tool.  I have created a design file is PSD, saved it as a JPG, then transferred it into Dreamweaver to link the design to a web page.  However, I would like to embed different links within one HTML file to e-mail out, so I used the image map tool to do so.  However, when I copy/paste the completed HTML into an Outlook for Mac message (Command A; Command C; Command V), the image map/additional links do not transfer over once the file is pasted in an e-mail.  I also tested this with G-mail and the Apple E-mail app, and was not successful.  Please help.

    You can't paste images into e-mails.  Use absolute links to images hosted on your domain server like this:
    <img src="http://yourdomain.com/images/your_map.jpg">
    See HTML E-mails: what you need to know
    Nancy O.

  • I bought the Dreamweaver CS5 for Windows a few years ago. Now I have also a Mac Book pro, where I have to Install the Dreamweaver CS5. I have made the Download for Mac, but I can't Install it. When I push the button, I got an error message.

    I bought the Dreamweaver CS5 for Windows a few years ago. Now I have also a Mac Book pro, where I have to Install the Dreamweaver CS5. I have made the Download for Mac, but I can't Install it. When I push the button, I got an error message.

    CS5 for Windows can only be installed on Windows operating system.
    You would need to purchase CS5 for Mac OS.
    Given that CS5 is now 4 versions back, it's unlikely you'll find a copy.
    You could get DW CC from the Creative Cloud which supports both Win/Mac platforms.
    Creative Cloud pricing and membership plans | Adobe Creative Cloud
    Nancy O.

  • What's a good wysiwyg menu widget for Dreamweaver CS6 Mac?

    I'm trying to build menus in Dreamweaver CS6 Mac, and started using Spry...then learned that Adobe will no loner be supporting Spry and that it may not be as compatible with browsers in the future. 
    What's a good alternative wysiwyg menu widget for Dreamweaver that's makes it easy to create horizontal/vertical pop-down menus/sub menus? I'd be willing to pay for it if it's worth it.   Would be nice if it worked within Dreamweaver using Design/Spit modes the way Spry does, but not essential.  Thanks!

    Project Seven are widely regarded for their commercial DW menu extensions.
    PMM3 is one of the best I've seen
    I have no affiliation with Project Seven other than as a happy customer.
    There are other menu systems out there too but I've never used them.

Maybe you are looking for

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