Dreamweaver content zeroed out - Lorem ipsum

I created content in dreamweaver. Do I use business catalyst to publish it? I am a CC subscriber. My subscription includes web hosing, is this Business Catalyst? Everytime I attempt to create a Business Catalyst site in Dreamweaver, it wants to overwrite my content with the Lorem ipsum content. When I manage to put content up, it is promptly zeroed out. What is the problem?

Hi Nancy,
Thank you for the information but I think I was not clear in my question.
It is my desire to create original content in Dreamweaver and publish it as I design it.
It is not my desire to use Business Catalyst but it is difficult to get information from Adobe about site hosting.
My Creative Cloud subscription allows me to host 5 web sites on Adobe but it is not clear how to use that aspect of my subscription. Adobe support does not appear to understand anything about this and refers me to Business Catalyst. For this reason, I ask "Do I have to use Business Catalyst?"
My desire is to create content in Dreamweaver. I would love to have an FTP account that allows me to put my Dreamweaver content up some of my 5 hostings that come with my Creative Cloud subscription. Adobe cannot tell me how to do that.
Dreamweaver has a button to create a Business Catalyst site. When I do this, a test site is created that contains Lorem ipsum placeholder content in a structured site. I want to create my own in Dreamweaver. If I am not careful, Dreamweaver will download this placeholder content and overwrite my content on my computer. I have lost work this way and now create a backup before risking letting Dreamweaver and Business Catalyst do their thing on my computer.
When I do manage to push content up to my test site, the content is promptly zeroed (the file sized change to zero and my content is lost).
Is there a way to talk to someone at Adobe that understands their web hosting?
Any help?
Thank you.

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    How do i get lorem ipsum for Dreamweaver cs 5.5?

    Go to http://generator.lorem-ipsum.info/
    and copy a few paragraphs of lorem-ipsum text.to you clipboard,
    In DW, open your Snipppets panel and create a new snippet and paste your text in it and save it..

  • Lorem Ipsum dans Dreamweaver CC

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    Nullam sit amet gravida nunc, id aliquet est. Maecenas commodo ultricies diam id tempus. Curabitur ultrices elit in aliquet suscipit. Pellentesque eleifend ultricies dapibus. Aenean a iaculis sem. Maecenas dictum lobortis eros, sit amet consectetur ante dapibus a. Nulla sed urna ullamcorper, elementum sapien accumsan, luctus nibh. Curabitur enim sem, dictum volutpat justo sed, cursus condimentum mi. Nam ac risus arcu. Mauris varius lobortis ligula in dapibus. Suspendisse condimentum orci diam, eget adipiscing est tempor rutrum. Nulla sagittis orci sit amet magna rhoncus, et fermentum mauris viverra. Aliquam sagittis, diam in luctus cursus, tellus urna fringilla erat, et auctor odio magna id purus. Maecenas velit nunc, bibendum vel metus ut, mattis vestibulum tellus.
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    Etiam eget velit scelerisque, iaculis metus a, posuere massa. Aenean nec nulla sit amet eros porta luctus non adipiscing arcu. Nunc suscipit at tellus sed pellentesque. Proin ut tempus tortor. Sed in augue vitae eros gravida tincidunt. Phasellus eget ultricies est. Praesent bibendum placerat gravida. Suspendisse nec convallis ligula, vitae sollicitudin metus. Sed id sem imperdiet, volutpat diam accumsan, ullamcorper orci. Praesent in augue vel arcu facilisis lobortis et non libero.
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    Vivamus dignissim, magna et dictum dictum, sapien nisl hendrerit sapien, in ultrices est lacus a nulla. Suspendisse placerat quam sed orci vehicula, non cursus ipsum mattis. Nunc ut mauris ullamcorper erat posuere posuere et vel nibh. Curabitur euismod elit eget eros convallis suscipit. Etiam sit amet malesuada felis. Phasellus vitae molestie tellus, eget bibendum mauris. Cras varius posuere felis, sed fringilla orci tristique in.
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    Vestibulum eget orci vel justo laoreet commodo. Donec rutrum, justo a interdum convallis, ligula felis auctor elit, a sagittis ipsum tortor sed quam. Nulla convallis tellus suscipit ullamcorper porttitor. Nunc nunc dui, congue tincidunt egestas ac, tempus sed libero. In id vehicula mauris. In eu neque leo. Donec eget justo tortor. Suspendisse facilisis enim ultrices tellus congue, et vehicula urna feugiat. Donec ac felis consequat, congue enim et, fringilla enim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus id magna convallis, scelerisque eros ut, mollis odio. Curabitur pretium posuere orci, nec suscipit nunc.
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    Duis nulla lorem, mattis dignissim elementum vitae, feugiat sit amet dui. Donec aliquam elit eget feugiat interdum. Maecenas ultricies tellus libero, ut mattis enim interdum at. Etiam pretium ultricies nisi ut feugiat. Praesent in molestie purus. Sed imperdiet et purus vitae tincidunt. Vivamus tincidunt nunc eget lacus condimentum, in adipiscing nibh consectetur. Suspendisse faucibus laoreet consectetur. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam posuere sapien non mi tristique ultricies. Aliquam euismod orci id erat rhoncus elementum. Praesent eleifend neque ante, ac viverra felis pellentesque in. Vestibulum dolor metus, sodales ac magna et, sollicitudin scelerisque libero. Sed eleifend tellus lacinia suscipit lobortis. Donec sed commodo urna.
    Nam adipiscing ante laoreet lorem ultrices, non mattis nunc convallis. Aenean urna leo, tristique et adipiscing eu, pretium vel est. Morbi vitae blandit dui. Curabitur libero risus, egestas non metus fermentum, eleifend lacinia massa. Duis massa tortor, ullamcorper at placerat at, accumsan eu purus. Quisque lacinia laoreet nibh vitae rhoncus. Vestibulum adipiscing porta sapien at sollicitudin. Vivamus pretium ornare justo, quis pellentesque tortor imperdiet et. Suspendisse adipiscing ultrices est eu elementum. Ut auctor ante in augue hendrerit lacinia. Donec venenatis rhoncus sem a feugiat. Donec consectetur et magna non sagittis. Etiam sit amet tortor feugiat, facilisis tortor ultricies, imperdiet nisl.
    Donec quis leo sit amet nisl congue egestas id nec est. Nulla varius eget ipsum id euismod. Quisque quis porta massa. Sed augue tellus, mattis non dolor at, sagittis facilisis diam. Integer rutrum, lorem sit amet egestas tempus, velit libero porttitor purus, quis consequat lacus dui eget est. Nunc varius non justo eu sollicitudin. Fusce porta, velit auctor suscipit faucibus, quam leo tristique metus, a condimentum ante dui ullamcorper libero. Phasellus mollis pharetra est, commodo ullamcorper risus semper ultricies.
    Ut in lobortis magna. Duis imperdiet lacus et eros bibendum, eget tempor purus auctor. Vestibulum hendrerit dui mauris, in sagittis massa varius at. Suspendisse pretium malesuada metus ac condimentum. In elementum rhoncus convallis. Phasellus sed nibh erat. Nunc varius massa nisi, ac volutpat enim cursus a. Nulla urna tellus, placerat fringilla nulla vitae, blandit iaculis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent lacinia mauris ut felis consequat, vel fringilla leo faucibus. Aenean mollis, nunc sit amet interdum aliquet, erat lectus volutpat enim, sit amet pellentesque neque est vel neque.
    Generated 15 paragraphs, 1367 words, 9444 bytes of Lorem Ipsum

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    In Pages when I click the 'Sections'  button then click on the 1st page I get  a page that is titled "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"!  Where did it come from and how do I get rid of it? I have tried deleting and "dont save" but it comes back. It is a full page in some unknown language. The only thing I can decifer is 'cupy uf cak'.   Rdal

    The icon is +Sections, not just Sections, as in "Add a Section". When you click that icon you get a section break and and a new section template, complete with preformatted text called placeholder text. The reason "Lorem ipsum" is there is so you can see what the format looks like. The reason that it is Latin gibberish is so you won't get hung up on, or distracted by, what it says. It's just a display of format. Select the "Lorem ipsum" text and start typing your content.

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    Any ideas?

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  • "Lorem ipsum"-izer script to make your documents make less sense

    I made some newspaper mock-ups and needed to change the text of existing pages into lorem-ipsum nonsense, while keeping the formatting and amount of text the same. So I made this scripts. It will change any words in the current selection into nonsense.
    It's a bit slow because it loops through every single word in the selection and changes it into latin-sounding words with the same number of characters, and then adds or subtracts some letters to make sure the text is pretty much the same number of lines in the end.
    I have only tested it with CS3.
    for (var n=0; n<app.selection.length; n++){
    function loremIpsumize(myText){ // myText could be a TextFrame, Story, InsertionPoint, Word, Text etc...
         var loremIpsumDictionary = [[""], // this is the dictionary of words sorted by number of letters. The words are taken from InDesigns "fill with placeholder text"-feature
         var myStory; // the parent Story of myText
         if (myText instanceof Story){
              myStory = myText;
         } else if (myText instanceof InsertionPoint){
              myText = myStory = myText.parentStory;
         } else if (myText.hasOwnProperty("parentStory")){ // myText instanceof Word, TextFrame, Character, TextColumn or Paragraph
              myStory = myText.parentStory;
         } else { // myText is not text, but some other object
         if  (myText.hasOwnProperty("paragraphs") && !(myText instanceof Paragraph)){ // The script returns better looking results when one Paragraph is processed at a time
              var myParagraphs = myText.paragraphs.everyItem().getElements();
              for (var n=myParagraphs.length-1; n>=0 ; n--){
                   loremIpsumize(myParagraphs[n]); // clever recurson
         } else if (myText.contents!=""){
              app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "[\\u\\l'@\u00E6\u00C6]{1,"+loremIpsumDictionary.length+"}"; // only looks for word-characters and leave punctuation, spaces as they are
              var storyLineNumber = myStory.lines.length; // remembers how many lines the story has, and tries to make the new text the same number of lines
              var myWordMatches = myText.findGrep(); // an array of Word references that fit the grep
              for (var i=myWordMatches.length-1; i>=0; i--){
                   myWordMatches[i].contents = loremipsumWord(myWordMatches[i].contents); // changes the word into a random latin-sounding one
         function fineTuneText(targetNumberOfLines){ // tries to make the text the correct number of lines by adding or subtracting one letter at a time
              var myNumberOfCharacters;
              var newWord;
              var myWord;
              while (targetNumberOfLines != myStory.lines.length) {
                   myNumberOfCharacters = myText.characters.length;
                   for (var changeWord = myWordMatches.length-1; changeWord>=0; changeWord--){          
                        myWord = myWordMatches[changeWord];
                        if (targetNumberOfLines>myStory.lines.length){
                             newWord = loremipsumWord(myWord.contents+"a"); // adds a letter
                        }else if (targetNumberOfLines<myStory.lines.length){
                             newWord = myWord.contents.length>1? loremipsumWord(myWord.contents.slice(0,-1)): myWord.contents; // removes a letter                    
                        } else {
                             return true; // targetNumberOfLines == myStory.lines.length
                        myWord.contents = newWord;
                   if (myNumberOfCharacters == myText.characters.length){
                        return false; // Every word in the text has been reduced to a single character, and the text is still too long.... Give up.
                   } else {
                        myWordMatches = myText.findGrep(); // Need to do a new search, since the text has been changed
         function loremipsumWord(myWord){ // takes a string and returns a random word with same number of letters, and the same capitalization
              var replacementWord = "";
              var correctCaseWord= "";
              var wordLength = myWord.length;
                   if (wordLength >= loremIpsumDictionary.length){ // in case myWord is longer than the longest words in the dictionary
                        replacementWord = loremipsumWord(myWord.substr(0,loremIpsumDictionary.length-1))+loremipsumWord(myWord.substr(loremIpsumDictionary.length-1)); // The word is longer than the longest words in the dictionary. So it's split in two.
                   } else {               
                   replacementWord = loremIpsumDictionary[wordLength][Math.floor(Math.random()*loremIpsumDictionary[wordLength].length)]; // finds a random word of the same length
                   if (myWord.toLowerCase()!=myWord){ // the word contains uppercase characters
                        correctCaseWord = "";
                        for (var n=0; n<wordLength; n++){ // loops through each character in the original word, checking if it's upper or lower case.
                             correctCaseWord += myWord.charAt(n).toUpperCase()==myWord.charAt(n)? replacementWord.charAt(n).toUpperCase(): replacementWord.charAt(n); // makes the character the correct case
                        replacementWord = correctCaseWord;
              return replacementWord;

    Thank you Haakenlid, exactly what I needed now.

  • Function that zero out negative forecast in APO DP (SCM 4.0)

      I tried to look for a thread about the above function but I have no luck.  Would you kindly share a light if you have come accross negative number being generated automatically? (no macro is set up for negating forecast)
    This is the note that I would found from SAP help, but there is no actual direction to get it.

    it depends on the forecast strategy used....negative forecasts are automatically made zero by most strategies
    some forecast strategy will generate negative forecasts ( am not sure which of them do).. but in that case you can use a macro to make it zero
    I did not understand if you wanted Negative forecast or you want to zero out the negative ones
    pl check link... http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/a4/42e03fc2269615e10000000a155106/content.htm
    SCM 5.0 has Planning area parameters that will enable you to not allow non-sero numbers in KF

  • Tom -- why need to zero out new drive on format?

    Hi Tom,
    Page 5, FCE workshop book, you recommend zeroing out a new drive. Why?
    Is it sufficient just to reformat to Mac formats? I thought zeroing out was just necessary if you wanted to erase previously held data (to prevent recovery)?
    Or is there a performance benefit to do so?

    Tom may have his own reason. Here is mine -
    Zeroing out a new drive is plain old 'good practice.' It exercises the entire drive mechanism over an extended period of time by writing zeros to every location on every platter in the unit. This way your disk directory as well as all data locations are assured of being 'empty'. Doing this, especially to a new drive, will add to your confidence that your new drive is working properly.
    If you just erase the disk, only the directory is emptied. This is like removing the table of contents page from a book, but the rest of the book is still there !
    There is folklore that zeroing out the drive inspects the platter surface and identifies and sets aside unusable sectors. They are not the same processes. Modern hard drive technology and manufacture have progressed far beyond the level they were at in the 80's when low level formatting utilties that performed these surface scans were common. Today most drives can only be low-level formatted at the factory. For what it's worth, I have not found any confirmation that zeroing out via OSX Disk Utility performs surface scans; but there are third-party utilites like TechTool that can.

  • Need help using iErase to zero out iphone 3GS

    I'm about to buy an iphone5 and need to wipe my iphone 3GS.  After backing it up on itunes, I restored the old iphone to erase everything.  I  had planned to  then install  iErase to zero  out the free space.  Here's my  problem.  After I restored my phone I couuldn't figure out  how to put iErase back on it.  While  in itunes, I selected the  iErase app to install  and hit sync.  Itunes proceeded to sync everything back onto my  iphone (apps, contacts, etc.).  I must have missed a step. 
    I tried to restore again.  After this eraseed everything, I connected it to my Mac and   itunes started to automatically back up my now "restored" iphone despite the fact that I  have automatic back ups deselected.  It eliminated my previous backup that had all my stuff.  Fortunately I was ables to select an older backup to restore and was able to retrieve my data.
    This has been a major pain.  I need to do all of this before I trade my phone  in at AT&T when I go to buy my iphone5.  Can anyone help?

    Because that doesn't  really  erase the content.  It just designates it as free space.  Anyone who knows what they're doing can still find and retrieve all the "erased" data unless it's been zeroed out. IErase replaces everything in  the free space with  zeros, thus makng it impossible for  anyone to  find  and retrieve the  data. 

  • How to zero out my data for chart

    I am very new to LabVIEW so please be patient.
    I am aquiring 12 channels of 0-10 volt signals through a cDAQ-9174 chassis and 9205 module on Labview 11. I am using producer/consumer loops to the write the data to a file also sent to two charts. I want to keep the data sent to the file as is, and then tare (zero out) the data going to the charts.
    I have attached the code. Please ignore the diagram dissable structure and it's contents.
    Any help would be appreciated,
    WaveTest_2.8.vi ‏258 KB

    Are you supposed to get the this offset each time you press Start, or only the first time? For example, if I press "Start Test A", run it for 5 minutes, and then press it again to stop it, and then 10 minutes later I press it again to start it, do you need to update the offsets, or would you use the ones from 15 minutes earlier? Since the producer consumer loops are running all the time, I would suggest using a shift register/feedback node to keep track of whether you've acquired the offset values. Reset the flag when you turn off the test if you want to get the offsets "fresh" on the next start. As for where to save this, a simple local variable will work (yes, I said local variable, all you local variable haters out there!). In this case you will not run into a race condition.
    Note: you do not need to use your own buttons for controlling the visibility of plots. In LabVIEW 2011 that's built-in. Show the plot legend, and then right-click on the legend and select Visible Items -> Plot Visibility Checkbox.
    See attached modification for one possible implementation. Note that I removed the enqueing done in the False case in the producer loop since I did not see much point in enqueuing when you didn't actually get any data.
    WaveTest_2.8 MOD.vi ‏215 KB

  • Lorem ipsum placeholder text generator

    I'm looking for some loren ipsum text that I can use for the Dreamweaver tutorial. Where can I find this text?

    I keep some inside my Snippets folder.  Copy & Paste the following:
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Mauris vitae libero lacus, vel hendrerit nisi!  Maecenas quis velit nisl, volutpat viverra felis. Vestibulum luctus mauris sed sem dapibus luctus.  Pellentesque aliquet aliquet ligula, et sagittis justo auctor varius. Quisque varius scelerisque nunc eget rhoncus.  Aenean tristique enim ut ante dignissim. </p>
    Below are some links to Generators:
    Dummy Lipsum :: Add-ons for Firefox
    || Dummy Text Generator | Lorem ipsum for webdesigners ||
    Nancy O.

  • Lorem Ipsum?

    Is it possible to insert the 'standard' Lorem Ipsum
    placeholder text using a Dreamweaver menu option?

    What language is that?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
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    "joeq" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:f47152$ptg$[email protected]..
    > This is where the copy goes. This is where the copy
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  • Disk Utility: Differences between "Zero Out Data" and "7-Pass Erase"?

    I'm wondering if anyone knows if there's a significant difference between the "Zero Out Data" erase option in Disk Utility (specifically Disk Utility 10.5.5), and the "7-Pass Erase" and "35-Pass Erase" options in same software.
    Here's why I'm asking: I have a co-worker with an iMac G5 20" 1.8GHz with 160GB internal hard drive. As a result of the power supply overheating a week ago due to dust, some hard drive problems resulted. I'm trying to assess whether these are 'soft' formatting problems that can be recovered from, or 'hard' problems requiring replacement of the hard drive and/or power supply.
    Following the failure, I removed the dust and restored the iMac to servicable form. The power supply seems to be OK now. The next thing was to attempt to recover as much data as possible from the 160GB, as the last full backup was a week old. Carbon Copy Cloner, shell copy via 'sudo cp -p -R -v', Finder copy, and DiskWarrior recovery all met with problems. TechTool Pro identified a huge swatch of unreadable sectors during repeated surface scans. Unfortunately, these unreadable sectors were located midway in the OSX boot partition (an 80GB partition), and not in the other 80GB partition devoted to lower priority video data.
    When I was satisfied I had backed up the data to the best of my abilities, I next set out to reformat the drive and see if the bad sectors could be eliminated or remapped out of existence. I did a "Zero Out Data" erasure in Disk Utility (with no errors during the erase), but TechTool Pro showed the bad sectors persisted in equal strength at the same location. I next executed a sixteen hour "7-Pass Erase" (again no errors, and confirming that it takes about an hour per 10GB). The next day when I ran TechTool pro, all of the sector errors had disappeared. I'm a bit perplexed as to why the "7-Pass Erase" seems to have recovered the use of the drive. Is it possible that there are simply thousands of bad sectors now remapped that I'm not seeing? [If so, how do I check for this?] TechTool Pro has not reported any S.M.A.R.T. issues to date on the drive. What am I to make of that?
    There are some related threads I've checked into, but I'm not sure how to properly assess my situation based on this information:
    Since the iMac has three weeks left on it's one year warranty, and I've already moved the user to another machine temporarily, I'm thinking that the smart thing to so is to send it in to Apple to have them look at the power supply and hard drive. That way, when it returns, even if there is still a lingering hardware problem, at least it will be covered under warranty for another 90 days.
    Any thoughts?
    iMac G5 20" 1.8GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1.25GB RAM, 160GB hard disk, SuperDrive

    HI, Bret.
    The only differences between "Zero Out Data", "7-Pass Erase", and "35-Pass Erase" are the number of times a binary zero is written to every bit on the disk. "Zero Out Data" writes a binary zero once, whereas the 7- and 35-Pass options write a zero seven and 35 times, respectively.
    Technically, one pass with Zero Out Data should be sufficient to map bad sectors out of service, a process also known as sparing. If a bad sector is encountered, it is both marked as "in use" in the directory's allocation table and added to the directory's "bad blocks file."
    My understanding is that the Surface Scan of Tech Tool Pro should identify bad sectors every time it is run unless the bad sectors have been locked out by the drive controller of the ATA drive itself. This is because Surface Scan checks the entire surface of the disk.
    What may have happened is that running "Zero Out Data" spared the bad blocks from a directory standpoint, but did not result in the drive's controller locking out those sectors for reasons detailed in the "Surface Scan" section of the Tech Tool Pro manual. However, the 7-Pass Erase may have resulted in the drive's controller locking out the bad sectors and why Surface Scan did not pick them up after such.
    Given the problems you described, I concur with your plan to have Apple check the affected computer. You might also want to consider purchasing an AppleCare Protection Plan for that Mac: I recommend and buy these for all my Macs.
    For some additional information on bad sectors, see the "Bad Sectors" section of my "Resolving Disk, Permission, and Cache Corruption" FAQ.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

  • Hard Drive problems / unable to Zero out Data etc.

    Here is the problem: I have several WD Raptor Hard drives 74 GB working without problems. One of them is my system drive , others are used as Sample libraries HD or HD for recorded audio (I have Firmtek SATA card so I can use more SATA disks...). This summer I bougt new WD Raptor ADFD 150 GB drive to expand my storage for Audio Data... But I encountered a few problems like when I tried to copy a folder from this HD to another and this folder was quite big (15 GB or more) , it never get copied completly and the copiyng freezed in the middle or alike. So I had to move subfolders of this "big" folder manually... Also when I backupped Data from this drive to another with Apple Backup 3 it SOMETIMES did not backup and freezed. This happened in case of creating new backup file to new location, not when backupped to location with already existing backup file.
    I tested the drive with the OSX Disk Utility (Verify Disk) and it said it was OK. Than I tested it with Tech Tool Pro 4 (Surface Scan) and it found a few ( two, sometimes three) bad sectors. Sometimes TecToolPro also freezed and I had to Force Quit it or shut down my Mac by pressing the Power button. So I moved the data away from this disk and tried to Erase it (Zero Out Data) with Disk Utility. Disk Utility started and reported that it will take 27 minutes. But after a few minutes it freezed and did not finish eerasingúzeroing the disk (I let it for whole night...). And Disk utility freezed so I had to Force Quit it. I tried it many times without success. Disk utility only could Erase it or create new partition but never Zero Out Data. Than I tried to Zero Out this disk in SoftRaid utility (even this disk was not in SoftRAID or any RAID setup) and it worked. But after I Scanned it's surface in Tech Tool Pro again, it found the bad sectors again...
    So I took the disk to my computer dealer and he gave me new one - the same WD Raptor ADFD 150 model. I installed it (in lower bay inside my G5) , initialized in Disk Utility and than I did run the Surface Scan test in Tech Tool Pro. I could see the number of block that were tested increase for a while but than it stopped for a few minutes (10 or more ) and after a while it reported that it found 39 bad sectors! Wow! Fresh new Hard Drive! So again I tried the whole process: to Zero Out this new disk in Disk Utility and Disk Utility freezed. But SoftRaid utility Zeroed this disk successfully - but than after this procedure TechToolPro reported that 1 bad sector was found... I need to say that the Surface Scan test in Tech Tool Pro never got finished (only once when I let it work for about 6 hours) as it reported about bad block(s) after a few minutes or it freezed after a few minutes...
    SO I took this new disk and installed it to a PC I have and I tested it with Western Digital Datalifeguard diagnostic utility (from Floppy disk). All tests were fine. It also wrote Zeroes to whole disk without problems. Fine. I reinstalled the disk back to my Mac and even before I initialized it in Disk Utility I tried to Scan it's Surface in Tech tool Pro. After a fef minutes it probably freezed , as it is scanning Block 19744512 for ever now - and it found three bad sectors already...
    So what do you think about my situation? Shall I trust the Western Digital diagnostic utility (but on a PC) or should I visit my dealer again?
    PS-I have Tech Tool Pro 4.1.2
    Message was edited by: Diamond Dog

    Something to try:
    Open Disk Utility (Applications > Disk Utility)
    Select your external HD on the left side of the Disk Utility window
    Check the partition map scheme, near the bottom of the Disk Utility window
    If it is not GUID (assuming you have an Intel iMac), consider repartitioning your HD to GUID. The Windows partition scheme on many external HDs. FAT 32, often has problems accepting large data transfers from Mac-partitioned hard drives.

  • How do I properly zero out or erase the hard drives in my early 2009 Mac Pro 4,1 tower?

    How do I properly zero out or erase the hard drives in my early 2009 Mac Pro 4,1 tower?
    I assume there are already instructions on Apple.com someplace but haven't seen them yet… I have to one terabyte drives one the operating system the other is blank I want to start fresh I want to zero out both drives but I didn't want to make any mistakes
    I know I can use disk utility to 0 Out Dr., #2 that means I will have to take out the operating system hard drive out of my 2008 Mac Pro and put it into my 2009 Mac Pro to use the disk utility to zero out drive one the OS drive in my 2009 Mac Pro am my correct
    I just need a little bit a help I want to go slow so I don't make any mistakes with the sleds or with the erasing process which journaled to choose encrypted or not etc. etc.
    Furthermore is there instructions on the site on how to change the hard drive into a different sled because the sleds and my 2009 are different than my 2008 any advice
    Thank you

    I'm doing this because my friend told me that zeroing out the drive can nap bad sectors and also later for some kind of diagnostics usage of the drive or something like that he wasn't really clear
    My friend was really specific he said choose the option that writes zero's once over the drive that is plenty good enough I was inclined to use the maximum seven write ...I just want to make sure the drive has no bad sectors and that's it's it's zeroed out for possible future diagnostics usage or something that he said was usable later
    he also advised me to run a test on it but I don't have the software you mentioned or the software that he has… So I may have to take the drives over to his house unless you have some kind of free software that's easy to use that you could suggest that will not only zero out the drive but test the drive completely
    I am completely new to Mac I'm no dummy but at the same time I'm not super technically capable I mean I can surprise myself I'm pretty good but I need a good teacher… How expensive is this lifeguard software?
    Thank you

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