DreamWeaver Database Tree properties

Does anyone know how to change the DW Database Tree
properties? When it inserts SQL, I want table and field names to be
lowercase, and I don't want the table names to be prepended to the
fieldnames. I'm new to the DW app and can't seem to find any way to
change this.

You do not give enough requirements for me to give you an intelligent response. And no, marking your post as 'urgent' will not get you a faster response.
- Saish

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    this is from the online help:
    The following item properties are defaulted to No at compilation time:
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    Did you try here already? http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10415_01/doc/nav/portal_booklist.htm

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    Re: 9i OEM not able to see the local tnsnames.ora entries

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    I have a "from clause query" form and try to execute according
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    In OEM console, choose option to add database manually to a tree. Now, in the host name give the name of system where database is running. port number as you say 1521 which is default also. SID is name of database. In net service name give the name from your TNSNAMES.ORA file, which you uses to connect through the sql*plus. If no service is created in TNSNAMES.ora then first create one and connect through SQL*PLUS using this service. If this happens successfully, then give that service name in the net service name.
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    Dreamweaver MX is certainly up to the job, if you have much
    earlier versions you may need to look at UltraDev.
    As for database, 200-300 records is not going to stretch any.
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    Thank you.

    Eric S,
    Could be a Firewall issue. See http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11857_01/install.111/e16847/firewalls.htm#i1005951
    Firewalls Between the Grid Control and a Managed Database Target
    When you are using the Grid Control Console to manage a database, you must log in to the database from the Grid Control Console in order to perform certain monitoring and administration tasks. If you are logging in to a database on the other side of a firewall, you will need to configure the firewall to allow Oracle Net firewall proxy access.
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    You can obtain the Listener port by reviewing the Listener home page in the Grid Control Console.
    You can check if Listener port 1521 (if that's the port you are using) is open by:
    If the database in a DMZ runs on Windows you may want to check note: Oracle Connections and Firewalls [ID 125021.1]
    From the OMs-server you can ping the target server by FQDN and short name?

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    Please Help!
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    databases in the ColdFusion Administrator Data Source page (I've
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    2. Choose a document type
    3. Set up the site's testing server;
    I've done all these things.
    The Bindings panel has the same text as the Databases Panel.
    Nothing happens when I click the '+' box.
    My Mysql and MS Access databases are in the directory
    My site definition is as follows:
    Local Info: local root folder - C:\CFusionMX\db\ http address
    Remote Info: remote root folder - C:\CFusionMX\db\
    Testing Server: server model - ColdFusion ; access -
    local/network testing ; server folder - C:\CFusionMX\db\
    In the ColdFusion Administrator my class path is:
    I'm running ZoneAlarm as my firewall
    I didn't specify any passwords or users for my MS Access
    So, I'd very much appreciate any help on how to get
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    1) in the DW's Databases & Bindings panels there are 5
    steps you have to
    take to enable remote connections, not 3 as you say - maybe
    you can't
    see the other 2 necessary steps (RDS setup and CF DataStore
    setup), or
    maybe you are using some old version of DW...
    2) usually the problem is with step 4 - RDS setup. you had to
    enable RDS
    support at CF installation. if you didn't - there is a way to
    enable it
    without reinstalling cf, and if you search these forums you
    will find
    the answer.
    3) RDS must have a password, which you set up in CF Admin.
    4) i am also not sure about your DW site setup... the remote
    and testing
    server settings... the testing server should point to your
    local site's
    webroot... did you do the 'test connection' check at the DW
    site setup?
    5) definitely no ZoneAlarm at any time setting up anything
    with cf or mysql!
    Azadi Saryev

  • Getting database properties from current container

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    I'm a trainee java developer and I'm struggling... I've done countless google's & I'm not getting anywhere...
    I won't mind if the response to this post is RTFM, but at least could you point me in the right direction :)
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    I got that working very cool, but the way I setup Hibernate's SessionFactory is through an xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration (View Source for full doctype...)>
    - <hibernate-configuration>
    - <!-- a SessionFactory instance listed as /jndi/name
    - <session-factory name="java:comp/env/hibernate/SessionFactory">
    - <!-- properties
    <property name="connection.driver_class">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</property>
    <property name="connection.url">jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:1703</property>
    <property name="connection.username">sa</property>
    <property name="connection.password" />
    <property name="dialect">net.sf.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</property>
    - <!-- mapping files
    <mapping resource="za/co/strate/safe/reports/CountPartyUnmatchedOrdersVO.hbm.xml" />
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    We have client's running JBoss & IBM WebSphere...
    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

    Now my manager want's me to rather get these database connection properties from the current ejb container (not hard-coded in any file)...
    Tell you'r manager that he is a stupid asshole who has no clue about what he is talking.
    Because what he wants is not possible

  • Uploading databases created by Dreamweaver

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    But... where do I upload a Dreamweaver database file too... so that
    Dreamweaver can find it on my remote linux server?
    Is there a kind of "standard" directory that all databases
    are stored in on linux servers? If so... what would it be called?
    Any assistance you may provide would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Have a GREAT Day!

    Or NaviCat, or PHPMyAdmin....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "matthew stuart" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:g4ipg1$p2v$[email protected]..
    > All of this can be acheived with the likes of a GUI such
    as MySQL Front or
    > Heidi SQL. You can link in to your remote DB and
    transfer the data with
    > such
    > GUI's. You will need to ensure your connections file is
    updated with the
    > remote
    > servers details, and the DB's username and password.
    > No requirement to type, just click buttons and hey
    prestoyou have exported
    > your DB to remote DB. Very easy and it saves me masses
    of time.

  • Populating tree node data from database

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    Gail just announced in our blog (http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/divas?entry=june_tutorial_update) that she is working on this tutorial. If you would like to be an early reviewer, send email to [email protected] with "Database Tree Tutorial Early Reviewer" in the subject.
    Diva #2

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