Dreamweaver images not displaying

I have a site that is not displaying images. I have a blank box in the middle of the page that is supposed to display three images every few seconds. I have looked at the code and cannot see that issue.
Here is the html fro the index.html
I have highlighted the parts where i think is the problem
I hope someone can help.
The site is www.luxeit.com.au
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Run your page through the validator here: http://validator.w3.org
You have some structural defects in your code that should be taken care of. If it's still not working once you have the code cleaned, post back and we can take a closer look.

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  • OBIEE 10G Embedded Image not displayed on PDF

    We have some embedded images (source on network share or on the webserver) on a dashboard. On the screen the images are displayed without problems.
    But if we want to print the dashboard (f.e. PDF) the images are not printed. In html-view the images would be displayed.
    Is there a known bug that images can't be printed on dashboard pages or do we have to embed them different?
    Thank you

    Hi Team,
    I do face the same issue of image not displayed in only pdf output format. Our client has deployed OBIEE using Weblogic application server and is accesible through a secured url access.
    I have followed the fmap syntax to locate the image, also made sure the image is getting accessed through url, tried with different images of different sizes . In all cases the image display is appearing fine in HTML & Excel output. But not getting displayed only for pdf output.
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    Thanks in advance.

  • OBIEE 11G Embedded Image not displayed on PDF

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    Any way to print the images in the pdf ?
    Thank you
    O.S : Oracle Linux 5.6 x64

    Hi Team,
    I do face the same issue of image not displayed in only pdf output format. Our client has deployed OBIEE using Weblogic application server and is accesible through a secured url access.
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    Thanks in advance.

  • JPG images not displayed correctly in Bridge and Photoshop (Mac OS)

    (Note: I have copied the content of this query from the Creative Suites forum where I originally opened it.)
    I am using CS4 under OSX 10.4.11 on a PowerMac G5 Quad with 23" Apple cinema display. Images which have been captured as JPG are displayed fine by Preview, but when opened in Bridge, Camera Raw or Photoshop. the colours are all "washed out". The attached screen capture should give an idea of the difference, with the upper being Camera Raw (image settings) and the lower being Preview. My monitor has been calibrated and I'm using sRGB IEC61966-2.1 colour space in Camera Raw and Photoshop. The colours displayed by Preview are pretty close to "real life". I find it virtually impossible to adjust the colours in Photoshop to get back to anything similar.
    After opening the image in Photoshop without adjustment, and Save As JPEG with embedded color profile, Preview displays the new image the same as Photoshop. Save As JPEG without embedded color profile, and Preview displays this copy just like the original. It seems that Photoshop is making different (incorrect) assumptions about what color space to use when there is no embedded color profile. Shouldn't it assume sRGB like virtually everything else (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB)? Or is its interpretation of sRGB incorrect? How can I fix this?
    Re: JPG images not displayed correctly in Bridge and Photoshop 

    xxxxyyyyz wrote:
    …If there is someone out there who has experience of obtaining decent colour management in CS4 on a Power PC, I would really like to know how you achieved it.
    That would be yours truly, and I hasten to reply because I may have some insights that can help you too.
    Just get it it out of the way, here's my setup:
    Photoshop 11.0.2 ("CS4"); VersionCue disabled and uninstalled.—2.5 GHz Power Mac (PPC) G5-Quad; 16GB RAM; mutant, flashed 550MHz nVidia GeForce 7800GTX 1,700MHz 512MB VRAM; ATTO ExpressPCI UL5D LP SCSI card; Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 and Leopard 10.5.8 boot drives; Spotblight, Dashboard and Time Machine permanently disabled; dual 22" CRT monitors; USB wireless 'n' available but connected to the Internet via wired Ethernet; 1 FW flatbed scanner; 2 SCSI scanners (one tabloid-size transparency scanner and a film scanner); various internal & external HDs; FW Epson 2200 and Ethernet Samsung ML-2850ND printers; 2 X Back-UPS RS 1500 XS units.
    I can unambiguously and in good faith represent to you that my color management, from capture to print, is as spot-on as anyone with any kind of setup can hope to achieve.  Unequivocally and without qualifications.
    Now, first things first:  Forget about trying to synchronize color management across the point applications lumped together only by Adobe marketing fiat into a variety of meaningless "creative suites".  Concentrate on Photoshop.  Do not try to use Bridge to synchronize anything.
    The "suites" are a totally artificial construct created by Adobe bean counters and marketing types.  The point applications (i.e. the individual programs clumsily bundled together, e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.) are developed independently by separate engineering teams that are not only not in the same building, but in different cities, different states of the American Union, and even in different countries.  They have very little communication among them, if any, as evidenced by repeated posts in these forums by Photoshop engineering staff urging us, the end users, to let the other teams know in their own forums that a given problem exists and is actually affecting our work.
    Enough said about the cause of the problem.  The end result is that Color Management is at very, very different levels of progress and sophistication in each individual point application, with only Photoshop fully entitled to be considered state of the art.
    Secondly, a disclaimer:  I have been hanging on to my CRT monitors and take care of them as Jascha Heifetz used to take care of his Stradivarius.  I don't know what I will do if I manage to outlive the usefulness and accuracy of my CRTs (unlikely at this point).  I have despaired in futile efforts to bring the luminosity of any LCD monitor down to where I would feel comfortable calibrating and profiling it.  I believe my monitors are the foundation of my color management efforts.
    Especially if you have one of the extreme wide-gamut LCD or LED monitors, you'll face an uphill battle. 
    Be careful to avoid any version 4 icc profiles, whether canned or generated by your calibration software.  Stick to version2 icc profiles.  Ask the manufacturer of your calibration software/hardware if in doubt.
    Here are some not-too-recent, but thoroughly representative screen shots of the calibration results I obtain with my monitors, which I calibrate and profile often and regularly (I validate the calibration at least several times per month).
    In a nutshell, my color management practices and settings mirror those described by Bruce Fraser, Jeff Schewe, Andrew Rodney and Gary Ballard's site.  I have learned from all of them.
    My working color space is ProPhoto RGB.  I choose to work with PSD and PSB files.  As a long-time, rabid JPEG hater, I only rarely deal with JPEGs, using them sporadically to illustrate a point in this forum or elsewhere in the web.  My main output consists of prints.
    I only deal with tagged image files (files with an embedded color profile) and often recommend beating up with a baseball bat any moron that hands you an untagged file—figuratively of course, but I find the expression gets my point across unambiguously.
    Following is a screen shot of some of my pertinent settings:
    Note that I have never bought into the "suite" concept myself.  I do have and routinely use Adobe Illustrator 10.x, InDesign 2.x and Acrobat Professional 8.x, but they are all older, independent versions of each point application, licensed at different times.
    Be further advised, that the answer to many problems offered by Adobe engineers often is not to install VersionCue, or uninstall it, or at least disable it.
    Also, as outlined at the beginning of this post, concentrate on Photoshop, not on synchronizing applications that can't really communicate with each other, despite the claims of Adobe marketing hacks to the contrary.
    One big caveat, do not fall into this trap:
    xxxxyyyyz wrote:
    …I believe my problem has nothing to do with my monitor profile, for several reasons, but…
    …It seems extremely unlikely to me that…
    You either want to learn, or you don't.  You either want to solve your problems, or you don't.
    When you start arguing instead of studying, questioning advice instead of following it and detecting where you went wrong, you're on the right track to nowhere.  That attitude will get you there fast.  Remember you are the one with the problem, and only you can acquire the discipline to learn how to solve it.
    Go ahead and ask me anything that is not clear, just don't argue with me please, and don't tell me why you think Fraser, Rodney, Ballard and I are wrong.  You see, I am not experiencing any problem that needs fixing.  I have an interest in helping you, but not in hearing about your speculations, theories or conclusions.
    Good luck.
    Wo Tai Lao Le

  • CF slows down to a halt ... images not displaying

    My primary laptop on which I do all coding ...
    - less than 1 year old
    - Dell (cough) XPS M1730
    - Windows XP (latest)
    - ColdFusion Ver 8, developer edition.
    - No other issues with laptop
    Also running
    - SQL 2000
    - Synergy
    - Anti virus etc. changed Norton daily scan and unaware that I have picked up any viruses - I was my hands very well and often
    Over 6 months gradually CF has been slowly not display internal referenced <img src> tags.  External work fine.
    To the point now where most in our app do not display.
    Then in the past 3-4 days a lot of pages when called give Firefox or IE errors:
    Page will not display with too may users error.
    But there aren't any others.
    I go to all other web site, no issues with speed.
    I just cold warm booted the machine and now while page 1 appears, page 2, login, takes minutes to appear.  But on a beta server (also developer edition) it's instant.
    When I go straight into the browser, it works fine, albeit no images, crashes with a known bug (missing application variable), fix it, then resume, then just sits there forever.
    And there's no difference between the two machines ... well, not in "that" way.
    Adding to my confusion is ... I cannot get into the CF Admin panel.
    I can see it approve me, then it just spins.
    Nothing has changed on machine in past weeks EXCEPT traveling when I sign in to the usual plethora of wifi and other networks but never had a problem - except luggability
    I am thinking of, UGH, reinstalling Windows ... but why bother if it's working perfectly and only ColdFusion has an issue.
    Now COLD booted machine for 5 minutes.
    Everything seems better except CF still a BIT sluggish and still not "drawing" most images.  Able to access Admin panel.  Even if there images not displaying.
    Anyone any ideas?

    Thanks for your prompt reply ...
    We scoured for a folder like that and found none.
    What we DID find is that over the years of coding, we have a template count of 3,500 files in 130 folders, but the root where we start is about 1,500 files.   144 megs total size though.
    That shouldn't be too much?  Esp as our beta and production servers are using the same amount with no issues.
    Admittedly production is CF 7.X.
    Much more powerful machines but still.
    It would have made sense as that is the only thing on the machine that has "grown" ... but no luck.
    Does remind me of the day when our mail server got hacked and we had 100,000 outbound in the spool.  That was fun.: :)

  • Image not displaying in the Task Sequence Wizard. SCCM2012

    This is my question, so I will post the link here.
    I captured an image from a PC that I am preparing to be deployed with Office 365. Once I captured
    the image, I went to the software library to add the operating system image. That seemed to go on without any issue, but when I look at the summary, I see the big yellow globe saying "in progress" it has not changed since yesterday afternoon.
    I then created the task sequence for this image
    to be deployed under Software Library, Task Sequences. When I selected the references tab, everything seemed to be in order with the exception of the "operating system image" under type. It was/is showing 0.0% Compliance.

    So, the problem described in the other forum post does not match the title of this thread. Are you trying to address two different things? These are unrelated btw.
    For the issue in the other thread, you'll have to troubleshoot your content distribution to the selected DP. The distmgr.log and pkgxfermgr.log (assuming you chose to distribute the image to a DP directly attached to your primary site) are the places to
    start and will show you exactly what's going on.
    As for the title of this thread, we'll need a lot more info to help you there.
    Finally, I would suggest you copy your questions from other sources into the thread -- this will help other folks in the future that may stumble upon this thread and will prevent any confusion.
    Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com | @jasonsandys

  • Images not displaying when open in Dreamweaver

    Hi, my images on the page
    oldfortestates.com/about_st.vincent.htm do not display properly
    when open in DW however they do on the server when opened with a
    browser. They are stored in the images folder in the site root. I
    have this problem with all my pages...

    Going back to my original comment, if you change the name
    (File Not Found)
    the image is there.
    > However, how should I ever get all those errors fixed.
    Isn't it easier to
    > just make a new page.
    If it were me, yes, I would start over.
    >Is there a quick way for me to just create an exact copy
    of my pages in a
    >template page where I can after just copy and paste all
    the different page
    >infos into.
    I am far from being the best person to give advice, I would
    steer clear of
    javascript menus for a start - they don't work with
    javascript turned off.
    There are many good ones recommended here,
    www.projectseven.com and others
    Start with a clean page and investigate Server Side Includes
    with a good
    menu (see many recommendations here) or, as you suggest (you
    don't have many
    pages), a template.
    Make sure you save the template File > Save As Template.
    >then rename the individual pages
    No, create child pages from the template, giving them names.
    I wouldn't
    rename anything you already have, the code is... bad.
    Check out your validation errors to make sure you don't
    repeat your
    You'd be wise to look at
    http://www.w3schools.com/ for
    HTML and CSS.
    As I said, I'm not the best person to help but hope this does
    a bit.
    "atomic king" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gjoqqr$nk5$[email protected]..
    > Thanks so much Joise1 I will try to see if I can get
    that image to work.
    > However, how should I ever get all those errors fixed.
    Isn't it easier to
    > just
    > make a new page. Is there a quick way for me to just
    create an exact copy
    > of my
    > pages in a template page where I can after just copy and
    paste all the
    > different page infos into and then rename the individual
    pages. What do
    > you
    > think?

  • Some images not displaying in some browsers

    I'm creating a newsletter in Dreamweaver using the design view.
    The finished thing works perfectly in Internet Explorer but when I view it in Firefox or Safari certain images are not displaying. There's no red cross or sign at all of why they're missing. They do however show as attachments at the bottom of the email.
    The code appears to be fine and all the images were uploaded in the same way, so can't think why some won't appear while others will. The only thing the missing images have in common is that they're all left aligned so the text wraps around them.
    I've been trying to fix this for ages and tearing my hair out. Any help greatly appreciated!!

    Um, I can't seem to find it on the server, which can't be a good sign ) - :
    Have no idea why it's not appearing where it should but if I can get a link to work I'll send it to you.
    Thanks for your help

  • Images not displaying/loading

    I have inserted images into the code, I have double checked that the code is indeed correct, and the files are in proper locations, but the images I input still will not display. I think it might be an issue with my root folders, but I have no idea how to correct that. I'm fairly new in Dreamweaver, but know the basics. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Yikes, you're also missing your starting <body> tag. Your <style> should also be between the <head></head> tags.
    Take a few minutes to run the tutorials below to make sure you're familiar with the basics of html and css...
    EDIT: A couple of really useful links (add them to your browser toolbar) are the css and html validators...
    CSS: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
    HTML: http://validator.w3.org/
    They'll give you a list of the issues on your pages and usually some direction on how to repair them.

  • Flash images not displaying

    Flash file works fine in flash not in dreamweaver. Images not
    showing. What am I doing wrong? Please help

    Flash files do not display in DW...
    They display in a browser or the flash player.
    Does your SWF file display in either?
    "Lajvanti_1" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ercl7n$jpr$[email protected]..
    > Flash file works fine in flash not in dreamweaver.
    Images not showing.
    > What am I doing wrong? Please help

  • Images not displaying at their normal size, and not all keywords displaying, why?

    Not sure what's going on inside Adobe Bridge CC 2014.1, but why is it that my images are not displaying at full size. Bridge says they're displaying at 100% but I know that's not the case, because when I open the same images in Mac OS Preview (OS 10.10.1 Yosemite) at 100% they're much bigger. Is there a viewing preference setting I'm missing?
    Also, I use Bridge and Photoshop on two mac pro desktops: one at my office and one at home.
    At work, I created more than 30 keywords in Bridge for several hundred images that reside on my external thunderbolt hard drive. But when I take that hard drive home and connected it to my home mac and then open Bridge, only a handful of keywords appear. I don't see the full list of keywords that I created at work. But in Bridge, I didn't see any option to save or export keywords as a file.
    Although the image metadata does appear, because whatever keyword i assigned to an image at work does display on the home mac, I just don't see the entire keyword list.
    Can or should Bridge therefore only be used on one computer? Is it not possible to transfer the entire Bridge keyword list from one mac to another?
    Thanks in advance for any help feedback with this.

    Hi Zenos,
    I've discovered what is causing the problem, but I still need a way to fix it, if possible.
    The cause of the problem is that in Windows 7 Control Panel > Display I have set the size of "text and other items" to 150% (otherwise everything is much too small too read on my screen's recommended resolution of 1920×1080).
    I discovered that Irfan Viewer was also displaying at the incorrect resolution, but I managed to solve that problem by right-clicking on the IrfanView.exe icon and following Properties > Compatibility and selecting "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings".
    I tried the same procedure with Thunderbird, but it made no difference. It is still displaying at the incorrect resolution.
    Any suggestions?

  • LinkToAction Image not displaying in NWDS

    I am on NWDS version Version: 2.0.14.
    My imageSource file (abc.gif) associated with each LinkToAction type element displays fine in execution mode.  However, the image does not display in NWDS.  All I see is a blank in the layout where the link is.  I also have a blank text property because I only wish to show an image for the link. Images not showing in NWDS slows considerably my layout development. 
    Conversely, when I create an Image type element and I specify the imageSource file the same way, I see the image in both NWDS and in execution mode.
    My image files are stored appropriately in the mimes\Components folder.
    What could I be doing wrong?  Is this a bug with NWDS?

    Probably a bug. Real WYSIWYG will be available in the new view designer implementation.

  • Image not displayed in html output used webservice to store in a location

    we have used webservices to store the pdf and html outputs but the problem is when we are seeing the preview in the bi publisher we can see the image in pdf and html but when we run through webservices and see the output files that are stored in some location image in the html output is not displayed but in the pdf we can see the image.
    i have used the direct insertion image option in the header section. is the problem because i have used the direct insertion.
    can you give the idea how to import logo from an external location so that we can check the if it is problem with direct insertion or problem with the webservice as we are storing the output files outside the catlog but it may not be wrong because in pdf we can see the image.
    I am not having any idea how to solve thsi issue..
    Sorry to bother you with these many questions
    Thanks in Advance
    Have a Nice day.

    Please state which BI Publisher version you are using.
    In case it is 10g then please always test the application with the latest patch first!.
    BTW today there is been a new patch 11846804 released for (March 2011).

  • Image not displaying in HTML output

    Hello! We have been using Report Builder to generate PDF reports which contain a logo. However, when the same report is changed to DESFORMAT=HTML or HTMLCSS, we get a red "x" for the image. I'm not sure if this is issue can be resolved within the Oracle RDF file itself, or whether it is because of our architecture. We are executing the reports from Oracle Application Express, which utilizes HTTPS protocol and is hosted by Oracle HTTP Server on a server located in the DMZ of our corporate network. The Reports Services server is on a separate server, located within our corporate network. The Oracle Reports are executed through the browser using HTTP protocol. Could this be an SSL issue or a reverse-proxy issue on OHS? It seems that the image cannot be displayed in the browser because the path to the image is not recognized or valid. The image was embedded in the RDF file via Insert...Image, not File Link. This issue is not exhibited in our DEV environment, where both OHS and Reports Server are within the network. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Right click on the red "x" and select "properties" to check the URL used to "download" the image.
    The reports servlet will use information defined in the HTTP server conf file (httpd.conf) to build this URL
    Parameters are :
    You can fnd details in the "My Oracle Support" document :
    How the Reports Servlet Builds the URLs Inserted in the HTML/HTMLCSS output (Doc ID 276306.1)

  • Dreamweaver tables not displaying correctly in internet explorer browser, please help!!!!

    Could someone please help me with this issue i've been having for almost a year now and can't find any information on getting this fixed, for some reason the features specs and required tables rows are not displaying correctly, the image is out of aligned when viewing the results using the internet explorer browser only, the firefox browser works just as needed but when i try to view the same code in IE the tables are not aligned properly and the text is not margined correctly either, i tried playing around with the css style that i have and no results. Please help me fix this issue so that my page would display in internet explorer just like under Firefox. Below are the pictures of the problem i'm having.
    This picture shows how i want it displayed on the internet explorer and firefox browser:
    Here is results in firefox browser:
    Here is results in internet explorer browser:
    As you can see the tables are all messed up, text is not centered properly even if i coded it right.
    Here is the coding for this page:
    <style type="text/css">
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    font-size: 24px;
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    font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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    .description {
        background-image: url(http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/eBay/Layout/Description.jpg);
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        font-weight: bold;
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        font-weight: normal;
        line-height: 18px;
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    background-image: url(http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/eBay/Layout/Features.jpg);
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    <table width="935" border="0">
    <td><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/eBay/Layout/eHobbyShortHeader.jpg" width="928" height="165" /></td>
    <td height="44" align="center" valign="middle" class="title">HPI 1/5 Baja 5T Gas Truck RTR<td></td>
    <td height="31" align="center" valign="middle" class="number">HPI Item #10620<td width="10"></td>
    <table width="925" height="326" border="0">
    <td width="16"> </td>
    <td width="549"><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-1md.jpg" width="549" height="429" id="mainPic"/></td>
    <td width="35"> </td>
    <td width="1559"><p><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-1sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onClick="changePic('Image-1')"/> <img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-2sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onClick="changePic('Image-2')"/></p>
    <p><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-3sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onClick="changePic('Image-3')"/> <img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-4sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onClick="changePic('Image-4')"/></p>
    <p><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-5sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onClick="changePic('Image-5')"/> <img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-6sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onClick="changePic('Image-6')"/></p>
    <p><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-7sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onClick="changePic('Image-7')"/> <img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-8sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onClick="changePic('Image-8')"/></p>
    <p class="text">Click to enlarge picture</p></td>
    <table width="928" height="124" border="0">
    <td height="320" class="description"><p>HPI Racing is proud to present the Baja 5T, a <strong>ready-to-run</strong> (RTR) 1/5th scale off-road truck that expands on the award-winning Baja  5B family. With the Baja 5T you get aggressive desert truck looks, high  performance new features, and compatibility with many of the existing  Baja 5B spare parts and option parts, wrapped up in a RTR package that  gets you running in just a few minutes.</p>
      <p>Includes: HPI Baja 5T RTR Truck with 1.6 cu in gasoline engine, 27MHz FM Radio, two water resistant servos, 3.4oz (100cc) 2-cycle oil, 2oz (60cc) shock oil, 1oz (30cc) diff oil, 1oz (30cc) air filter oil, tube of gear grease, 3000mAh receiver pack, wall charger, body with wing, extra air filter, wrenches, decal sheet and illustrated instruction manual.</p></td>
    <table width="928" border="0">
    <td width="290"> </td>
    <td width="17"> </td>
    <td width="292"> </td>
    <td width="17"> </td>
    <td width="290"> </td>
    <td align="center" class="features">Features:</td>
    <td align="center"> </td>
    <td align="center"><span class="features">Specifications:</span></td>
    <td align="center"> </td>
    <td align="center"><span class="features">Required:</span></td>
    <td height="526" class="featurebackground"><ul>
    <li>Ventilated Disc Brake System</li>
    <li>Heavy Duty Rear Dogbones</li>
    <li>Moulded Nylon Rear Spoiler</li>
    <li>Aluminum Alloy Diff Case</li>
    <li>Dirt Guards</li>
    <li>Full Metal Ball Bearings</li>
    <li>Front &amp; Rear Sway Bars</li>
    <li>Modified Rear Shock Tower</li>
    <li>Heavy Duty Inner Foam</li>
    <li>Revised Gearing</li>
    <li>High Flow Muffler</li>
    <li>SFL-10MG2 Metal Gear Steering Servo</li>
    <li>Heavy Duty Beadlocks</li>
    <li>8000 RPM Clutch</li>
    <li>Anodized Aluminum Parts</li>
    <li>Double Wishbone Suspension</li>
    <li>Adjustable Suspension</li>
    <li>Baja 5T-1 Truck Body</li>
    <li>Extended Roll Cage</li>
    <li>Outlaw Truck Wheels / Desert Buster Tires</li>
    <li>Fuelie 26 Engine (26cc)</li>
    <li>All Metal Transmission Gears</li>
    <li>High Quality Radio Gear</li>
    <td> </td>
    <td class="featurebackground"><ul>
    <li>Drive System: 2WD viscous Diff</li>
    <li>Tires (front &amp; rear): Truck Wheels / Desert Buster</li>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p>
      <p> </p></td>
    <td> </td>
    <td class="featurebackground">
    <li class="featurebackground">Unleaded Gasoline: 87-93 octane, mix gasoline with two cycle oil at 25:1 ratio</li>
    <li class="featurebackground">Transmitter Batteries: 8x AA</li>
    <li class="featurebackground">Screwdriver: Flat blade, 3/16&quot; (4-5mm) wide</li>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p></td>
    <table width="928" height="621" border="0">
    <td> </td>
    <td height="135" background="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/eBay/Layout/ePaymentMethod.jpg" class="policy"><p>We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover Card and PayPal. If your unable to send payment using these methods please contact us at [email protected]. All payments need to be sent within 5 days.
      <p> </p></td>
    <td height="21"> </td>
    <td height="220" background="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/eBay/Layout/eNormalShipping.jpg" class="policy"><p>All our orders are shipped out within 72 business hours unless stated. We ship everything out using the best packaging material to insure safe deliveries using shipping companies such as USPS Postal Office and UPS services (Shipping times will vary depending on the service you choose). Tracking information will be automatically sent via email after an order has been shipped out. We Definitely Combine Shipping for multiple items, if for some reason our eBay checkout isn&rsquo;t combining your items please wait for a custom eBay invoice which will have your order combined into one, reducing the shipping price. For international customers, please note: &quot;that Import duties, taxes, and charges are not  included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer's  responsibility. Check with your country's customs office to find out what these  additional costs will be before you bid or buy&quot;.</p>
      <p>Please Note for International Customers Only: Due to the large size of this item there are several countries that have a size limitation which we are not able to ship to, if by any means your order goes through to us and it falls in the country size restrictions and your order cannot be shipped out we have the right to cancel your order (before cancelling the order we will contact the customer via email).</p></td>
      <td> </td>
    <td height="104" background="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/eBay/Layout/eInsurance.jpg" class="policy">We offer insurance which is optional during checkout for both Domestic and International customers which will cover the full amount paid by customer, if insurance isn't purchased we are not responsible for packages that are missing during transit. If you use the USPS First Class Mail International shipping service please allow 10 - 25 business days for the delivery of your package.</td>
      <td height="21"> </td>
    <td height="135" background="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/eBay/Layout/eReturns.jpg" class="policy">We want you to be completely happy with your purchases. So we do everything we can to assure you get the exact merchandise you order, delivered on time. If by any means your unsatisfied with your purchase we will be happy to accept returns for an exchange or a refund within 14 days. If shipping the item back, customer is responsible for freight charges to us. We offer refunds &amp; exchanges if your not satisfied with your purchase. The returned product needs to be in the same condition it was shipped out in, unused and in it&rsquo;s original packaging. If by any chance there has been an issue with your order and you want to request a return please email us at [email protected].</td>
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    Here is my contact information:
    [email protected]

    Try this without the border images and it will work in all browsers with increased text size. That's assuming eBay supports embedded CSS styles (which I'm not convinced they do).  Inline styles are safer IMHO.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    .features {
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-size: 18px;
    font-style: italic;
    font-weight: bolder;
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: #666666;
    line-height: 3em;
    .featurebackground {
    padding-right: 10px;
    border: 4px solid red;
    width: 200px;
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    padding-top: 1em;
    .policy {
    border: 4px solid red;
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    .fsr_style { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
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    <table width="935" border="0">
    <td><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/eBay/Layout/eHobbyShortHeader.jpg" width="928" height="165" /></td>
    <td height="44" align="center" valign="middle" class="title">HPI 1/5 Baja 5T Gas Truck RTR</td><td></td>
    <td align="center" valign="middle" class="number">HPI Item #10620</td><td width="10"></td>
    <table width="925" border="0">
    <td width="16"> </td>
    <td width="549"><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-1md.jpg" width="549" height="429" id="mainPic"/></td>
    <td width="35"> </td>
    <td width="1559"><p><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-1sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onclick="changePic('Image-1')"/> <img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-2sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onclick="changePic('Image-2')"/></p>
    <p><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-3sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onclick="changePic('Image-3')"/> <img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-4sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onclick="changePic('Image-4')"/></p>
    <p><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-5sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onclick="changePic('Image-5')"/> <img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-6sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onclick="changePic('Image-6')"/></p>
    <p><img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-7sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onclick="changePic('Image-7')"/> <img src="http://www.ehobbyplanet.com/Items/RC/HPI/10620/Image-8sm.jpg" width="116" height="85" onclick="changePic('Image-8')"/></p>
    <p class="text">Click to enlarge picture</p></td>
    <table width="928" border="0">
    <td class="description"><h2>Description</h2>
    <p>HPI Racing is proud to present the Baja 5T, a <strong>ready-to-run</strong> (RTR) 1/5th scale off-road truck that expands on the award-winning Baja  5B family. With the Baja 5T you get aggressive desert truck looks, high  performance new features, and compatibility with many of the existing  Baja 5B spare parts and option parts, wrapped up in a RTR package that  gets you running in just a few minutes.</p>
    <p>Includes: HPI Baja 5T RTR Truck with 1.6 cu in gasoline engine, 27MHz FM Radio, two water resistant servos, 3.4oz (100cc) 2-cycle oil, 2oz (60cc) shock oil, 1oz (30cc) diff oil, 1oz (30cc) air filter oil, tube of gear grease, 3000mAh receiver pack, wall charger, body with wing, extra air filter, wrenches, decal sheet and illustrated instruction manual.</p></td>
    <table width="928" border="0">
    <td width="290"> </td>
    <td width="17"> </td>
    <td width="292"> </td>
    <td width="17"> </td>
    <td width="290"> </td>
    <td align="center"><span class="features">Features:</span></td>
    <td align="center"> </td>
    <td align="center"><span class="features">Specifications:</span></td>
    <td align="center"> </td>
    <td align="center"><span class="features">Required:</span></td>
    <td class="featurebackground"><ul>
    <li>Ventilated Disc Brake System</li>
    <li>Heavy Duty Rear Dogbones</li>
    <li>Moulded Nylon Rear Spoiler</li>
    <li>Aluminum Alloy Diff Case</li>
    <li>Dirt Guards</li>
    <li>Full Metal Ball Bearings</li>
    <li>Front &amp; Rear Sway Bars</li>
    <li>Modified Rear Shock Tower</li>
    <li>Heavy Duty Inner Foam</li>
    <li>Revised Gearing</li>
    <li>High Flow Muffler</li>
    <li>SFL-10MG2 Metal Gear Steering Servo</li>
    <li>Heavy Duty Beadlocks</li>
    <li>8000 RPM Clutch</li>
    <li>Anodized Aluminum Parts</li>
    <li>Double Wishbone Suspension</li>
    <li>Adjustable Suspension</li>
    <li>Baja 5T-1 Truck Body</li>
    <li>Extended Roll Cage</li>
    <li>Outlaw Truck Wheels / Desert Buster Tires</li>
    <li>Fuelie 26 Engine (26cc)</li>
    <li>All Metal Transmission Gears</li>
    <li>High Quality Radio Gear</li>
    <td> </td>
    <td class="featurebackground"><ul>
    <li>Drive System: 2WD viscous Diff</li>
    <li>Tires (front &amp; rear): Truck Wheels / Desert Buster</li>
    <td> </td>
    <td class="featurebackground">
    <li>Unleaded Gasoline: 87-93 octane, mix gasoline with two cycle oil at 25:1 ratio</li>
    <li>Transmitter Batteries: 8x AA</li>
    <li>Screwdriver: Flat blade, 3/16&quot; (4-5mm) wide</li>
    <table width="928" border="0">
    <td> </td>
    <td class="policy"><h2>Payment Method </h2>
    <p>We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover Card and PayPal. If your unable to send payment using these methods please contact us at [email protected]. All payments need to be sent within 5 days.
    <td> </td>
    <td class="policy"><h2>Shipping &amp; Handling </h2>
    <p>All our orders are shipped out within 72 business hours unless stated. We ship everything out using the best packaging material to insure safe deliveries using shipping companies such as USPS Postal Office and UPS services (Shipping times will vary depending on the service you choose). Tracking information will be automatically sent via email after an order has been shipped out. We Definitely Combine Shipping for multiple items, if for some reason our eBay checkout isn&rsquo;t combining your items please wait for a custom eBay invoice which will have your order combined into one, reducing the shipping price. For international customers, please note: &quot;that Import duties, taxes, and charges are not  included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer's  responsibility. Check with your country's customs office to find out what these  additional costs will be before you bid or buy&quot;.</p>
    <p>Please Note for International Customers Only: Due to the large size of this item there are several countries that have a size limitation which we are not able to ship to, if by any means your order goes through to us and it falls in the country size restrictions and your order cannot be shipped out we have the right to cancel your order (before cancelling the order we will contact the customer via email).</p></td>
    <td> </td>
    <td class="policy"><h2>Insurance</h2>
    <p>We offer insurance which is optional during checkout for both Domestic and International customers which will cover the full amount paid by customer, if insurance isn't purchased we are not responsible for packages that are missing during transit. If you use the USPS First Class Mail International shipping service please allow 10 - 25 business days for the delivery of your package.</p></td>
    <td> </td>
    <td class="policy"><h2>Returns</h2>
    <p>We want you to be completely happy with your purchases. So we do everything we can to assure you get the exact merchandise you order, delivered on time. If by any means your unsatisfied with your purchase we will be happy to accept returns for an exchange or a refund within 14 days. If shipping the item back, customer is responsible for freight charges to us. We offer refunds &amp; exchanges if your not satisfied with your purchase. The returned product needs to be in the same condition it was shipped out in, unused and in it&rsquo;s original packaging. If by any chance there has been an issue with your order and you want to request a return please email us at [email protected].</p></td>
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    That's the best solution I can offer.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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