Dreamweaver mx2004 and Mac Proffessional

I have recently started a new position and I am working on a
Mac Proffessional (the quad core mac) and have installed Studio
MX2004 on it, this seems to have been working ok for about a month
with a few crashes but nothing too stressful, now however evertime
I open a file and start to work on it it will crash anywhere from 5
seconds up to 2 mins it seems totally random.
Has anyone heard of anything like this, is Dreamweaver MX2004
compatable with the new Mac operating system...? Do I need to
upgrade to studio8 for this to run fine on the Mac? Or is there
something I can do to remedy the situation.
p.s Also Photoshop CS1 seems to crash sometimes as well which
neer happened on my G5 Mac that I had previously
Many thanks for any help

any fonts of knowlege got any ideas on this one, even having
the weekend off has not sorted theMac troubles out.
Many Thanks

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    I have not experienced this problem. Try removing the DW CS3
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    After hours of looking for a solution i went into the
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    Hi Gorberg,
    Try to enable/login in root user and then launch.
    Steps to enable/login in root: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH14281

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    > For some reason, it's not seeing the program.
    That means it's already updated, since it's looking for 7.0
    and only finding
    > Once I get DW properly updated, how do I get it to
    properly recognize my
    > data
    > and site?
    You would have to export your site definitions from your old
    setup and
    import them into your new setup. Or, failing that, you would
    have to copy
    your data files (the site files themselves) into a location
    on your new hard
    drive, and redefine your sites, each pointing to the proper
    root folder on
    the new system.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "phecksel" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fllg2i$b49$[email protected]..
    > Two questions,
    > first is updating Dreamweaver to 7.0.1. Receiving error
    > Dreamweaver
    > is not installed. I've verified the location of
    Dreamweaver MX2004 and
    > even
    > selected that folder. For some reason, it's not seeing
    the program.
    > Second Question
    > Even tho I titled this new computer, it is only a new MB
    and new HD. For
    > some
    > stupid reason I did NOT consider how I was going to
    handle my DW files.
    > All
    > the data files are a direct copy to a backup drive.
    > Drive 1 is not installed in any computer. It has the
    updated Dreamweaver
    > installed and my sites. It could be installed into the
    new computer, but
    > this
    > is not the preference, as there will be implications of
    the old OS on a
    > new MB.
    > Drive 2 has a completely fresh load of DW {&XP} and
    copy of data files off
    > backup drive.
    > Drive 3 is the USB backup drive.
    > Once I get DW properly updated, how do I get it to
    properly recognize my
    > data
    > and site?
    > Thank you!

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    Release: 4/25/2012

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    Apparently some are reporting that this causes the older PowerPC (PPC) applications that are supported in 10.6 via 'Rosetta' to crash upon attempting to open/save/print using any dialog box, or fail in other similar ways such as simply not printing or quitting, or freezing/hanging/crashing of the application.
    I have read of some companies that have indeed submitted proper bug reports to Apple, but that is not a guarantee of a bug-fix being issued.
    You might wish to read:
    If you are unsure if you are still using PowerPC apps, if the application is currently running, look under the 'Activity Monitior' (in Applications -> Utilities), or alternatively you could check in the System Profiler, Applications. Check the column "Type".
    Here is a fairly simple way you can restore you system and restore you applications functionality again, if you don't have a recent clone or good Time Machine backup that you can restore from. If you do, restore from your backup prior to having installed the Security Update 2012-001.
    Time Machine restore: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1427
    If you are restoring a backup made by a Mac to the same Mac
    With your backup drive connected, start up your Mac from the Lion recovery partition (Command-R at startup) or Mac OS X v10.6 installation disc. Then use the "Restore From Time Machine Backup" utility. Select the backup prior to your issues, and it will be restored back to the state it was in at that time.
    If you can't easily restore from a backup, you can instead do the following:
    - You first start by reinstalling your OS X 10.6.x, this will preserve all your user data, your applications, no worries there.
    - Then install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1 (links provided below)
    - Make sure you're printers are showing up correctly in your system preferences, if not, re-add the printers
    - Then finally, run the Apple Software Update (by pulling down the Apple Menu), and install any and all remaining updates, except do not then re-install the Security Update 2012-001. It is possible that you may have to reboot after installing some of the updates, and you may even need to run it a 2nd time to make sure that you've got all updates, except NOT the Security Update 2012-001.
    Links for 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1:
    or the link to directly download this 1.09GB combo updater:
    Daniel Feldman
      Certified Member of the
      Apple Consultants Network
      Apple Certified (ACHDS)
      E-mail:  [email protected] 
      Phone:   1-408-454-6649
      URL : www.MacMind.com

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    the resulting response has no data and a status code of 0.
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    anyone have any suggestions?
    I've only tried this on a trial version of DW CS3 for Mac.
    I'm hoping to get a full version soon.

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    HTTPS doesn't work with MMHttp there either.
    Do you have any suggestions?

  • Using MySql and PHP with Dreamweaver on a Mac

    Hello all,
    As always if the answers to these questions are obscenely
    obvious please humour me.
    I use XHTML and CSS in my websites and realise that it is
    time that I dabbled with SSI. So I've started using PHP.
    However, I have been following the installation directions of
    MySql and am running into problems. I am installing the relavent
    software and am then unable to find it on my Mac, the startup files
    are there but the actual MySql data appears to not be installed
    despite my computer telling me it is...... I am using a G3 running
    OSX 10.4 is this good enough? I noticed talk of needing a PowerPC
    or Intel mac. Is this the case?
    Also, would I need MySql installed on my actual computer if
    the my servers have it already? And does Dreamweaver 8 have both of
    these programs installed as standard?
    If you could help out I would be very appreciative as I would
    like to learn this stuff and I appear to be struggling at the

    M.A.Wilson wrote:
    > However, I have been following the installation
    directions of MySql and am
    > running into problems. I am installing the relavent
    software and am then unable
    > to find it on my Mac, the startup files are there but
    the actual MySql data
    > appears to not be installed despite my computer telling
    me it is...... I am
    > using a G3 running OSX 10.4 is this good enough? I
    noticed talk of needing a
    > PowerPC or Intel mac. Is this the case?
    MySQL is a relational database management system that
    comprises a
    database server and several utility programs. Although you
    install it
    like any other program on a Mac, the similarity stops there.
    First, the point about PowerPC and Intel Macs is that there
    different versions of the MySQL installer for each type of
    I'm pretty sure that a G3 is OK, but you must choose the
    PowerPC version
    of MySQL, not the 64-bit or x86 (Intel Mac) version.
    Once you have installed MySQL, you need to drag the
    MySQL.PrefPane icon
    from the disk image onto your System Preferences. This
    installs a
    Preference Pane that enables you to start and stop MySQL. The
    Pane has an option to start up MySQL automatically, but in my
    experience, it doesn't work on Tiger. You need to open the
    Pane, and click Start MySQL Server each time you start your
    The best way to work with MySQL is to use a graphical
    interface, such as
    phpMyAdmin. As Osgood has mentioned, I have written a book
    about PHP and
    Dreamweaver, which goes into all the necessary details. It's
    also very
    Mac-friendly with separate instructions where necessary for
    PC and Mac.
    More details here:
    David Powers
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "Foundation PHP 5 for Flash" (friends of ED)

  • Dreamweaver and Mac OS 10.5

    I just upgraded my Mac OS from 10.3.9 to 10.5. Dreamweaver MX
    has been fine for my needs, so I haven't felt the need to spend $
    to upgrade. I was doubtful that version would work with OS 10.5,
    but thought I'd install it and give it a try... I imported my site
    settings and everything seemed to be working fine until I tried to
    upload the new files to the server, then the program quit. I was
    trying to find info on compatability between versions of DW and Mac
    OS with no luck. I suppose I just have to spend the money and

    OK, I think I just found the answer to my question, so
    thought I'd post the link in case others are looking for similar
    info. This page gives info on compatibility on all Adobe products
    with Mac OS 10.5 Leopard:

  • Dreamweaver MX2004 - tab

    I am using dreamweaver MX2004 ( Educational) to do my
    webpage. I find that I
    start the first page from the menu and it gives me a window,
    then I click on the white blank page symbol or "file" "new"
    create a second page, it creates another page in another
    and so on and so on, so I have lots of windows opened at the
    same time. Is there a facility that I can put my pages in
    and so that I can see the title and not having my screen all
    cluttered up.
    The second problem that I am also getting is that when i
    each new page within the same website, I have to re-attach
    CSS style sheet, is that correct?

    Tabbed files in the Mac version of MX 2004 doesn't exist.
    "LaEstancia" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ea3o54$a6i$[email protected]..
    >I am using dreamweaver MX2004 ( Educational) to do my
    webpage. I find that
    > start the first page from the menu and it gives me a
    > then I click on the white blank page symbol or "file"
    "new" to
    > create a second page, it creates another page in another
    > and so on and so on, so I have lots of windows opened at
    > same time. Is there a facility that I can put my pages
    in "tabs"
    > and so that I can see the title and not having my screen
    > cluttered up.
    > The second problem that I am also getting is that when i
    > each new page within the same website, I have to
    re-attach the
    > CSS style sheet, is that correct?

  • Dreamweaver MX2004

    I wish to download Dreamweaver MX2004 for free for my MAC, does anybody know where I can download it from?

    While not technically "free" you can download it from Adobe...
    It's a 30 day trial that you would need a serial number for.
    That particular program is over 12 years old and hasn't been supported for a very long time. It may not work with your OS and won't create modern standards compliant code if you do get it to run.

  • Need details on how to move existing website to Dreamweaver CS6 and to Business Catalyst web hosting

    Hi All,
         I need assistance with transferring an existing website  - imagessays.com  -  (designed with Dreamweaver CS4) to my Creative Cloud CS6 account - and to web hosting by CS6 Business Catalyst.
       …  step-by-step instructions would be most useful.  I've got the Dreamweaver CS6 onDemand book, etc.,  ...  I guess I’m just not enough of a geek to work my way through the steps and to get my site back moving ahead online.
        Beyond that, need advice as to how to repair a couple of non-funcitonal links on the site (check out imagessays.com to see a couple of pics that don't work).  I'm looking forward to uploading more content and to do major upgrade to the site, but am unable to do so ... need technical support re how to do these simple (should be) things.
        Since setting up the website over 5 years ago, I have migrated from Dreamweaver CS3 to CS4 .... and now to CS6 ...  and from a Dell XPS 450 running Windows XP to a Mac Pro desktop running Mac OS X.
    These changes of version / machine / OS  have separated me from the ability to do the one simple thing that I need to do with this straightforward website, that is:  upload new pitchers and writins .
    I look forward to assistance and support for this.

    Hi Jim,
    These videos might help:
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/introducing-business-catalyst/getting-started-with-business-cata lyst-and-dreamweaver-cs6-what-is-business-catalyst
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/introducing-business-catalyst/getting-started-with-business-cata lyst-and-dreamweaver-cs6-creating-and-publishing-sites
    I'd open a local copy of the site in Dreamweaver CS6 and use the steps described in the video
    Also, we have Dreamweaver and Business Catalyst (host) specific forums too. They should be able to help with specifics if you get stuck.
    Hope that helps,

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