Dsp:select issue in setting catalogId in items of CartModifierFormHandler

I am using the dsp:select as below:
<dsp:select bean="CartModifierFormHandler.items[0].catalogRefId">
<dsp:option value="sku90001" />
<dsp:option value="sku87960" />
But i am getting null pointer exception when the page is getting loaded. How to handle this scenario?

I'm not sure what Shaik was referring to when he said that the items property is for internal usage but not for accessing via the formhandler. The items property is intended to be used in page code. The items array is allocated by CartModifierFormHandler.setAddItemCount. If your page refers to an element in the array (e.g., items[0]) before the count has been set, you get a NullPointerException.
Take a look at the second example of working with addItemCount in the Adding Items to Shopping Carts section of the ATG Commerce Guide to Setting Up a Store. Your page needs to execute dsp:setvalue to set addItemCount the first time the page is served.

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    I have a radio group with 3 values (let's say A, B, C)... at the moment I have dynamic actions set to hide and unhide items based on the selection from the radio group...
    e.g when value A is selected then only item_1 and item_2 are displayed, when value B is selected then only item_3 and item_4 are displayed... and so on...
    idea was to let users to only enter information related to specific selection... but with what I currently have, users can select option A from the radio group and can enter information in item_1 and item_2 and then they can change there minds and select option B and start entering information in item_3 and item_4 and when they save the form they potentially could have information in all items (item_1 to item_4 and so on)...
    Is there a way I can set the value of certain items to null based on the selection from the radio group... e.g when user select option A, then values of item_3 and item_4 be set to null and if they select option B, then values of item_1 and item2 be set to null...
    Please advice how to approach it the best... I would appreciate a step by step solution as I am a new bee...
    Thanks in advance

    You can hide and disable other items.
    Disabled items values are not submitted.
    And you can create after submit computation that set NULL to item session state according your radio group state

  • Issue with Setting Application Item

    Hi All,
    I have an issue with setting the value of application item G_USER_ID as part of the login process.
    I use customized authentication for login. I have created an application item G_USER_ID, and in my CUSTOM_AUTH procedure, I am setting its value as APEX_UTIL.SET_SESSION_STATE('G_USER_ID', l_user_id);
    For some reason, the value is not set to G_USER_ID the first time I login. When I log out and login again without closing the browser, the value is set. Note that I even tested with a static value instead of l_user_id like APEX_UTIL.SET_SESSION_STATE('G_USER_ID', '5555555'); but still fails to set during the first login.
    I hope someone can guide me as to what I am doing wrong here.

    What does this do?
    :SVR_FLAG := NVL(l_mult_svr,'N');

  • Combo Box Selection Issue in SBO 2007

    Here is one issue which I am facing now.
    I have just installed the 2007 Version of SBO in my machine. And using VB.Net.
    When I tried to retrieve the <i>Selected.Value</i> from a ComboBox, it is returning a wrong value.
    The real problem is this.
    Suppose there is two ValidValues in the Combo box
    1. <b>aaa</b>
    2. <b>bbb</b>
    and suppose we manually selected the value '<b>aaa</b>' in it.
    Then the combobox will show '<b>aaa</b>' as selected value.
    When we try to return it using the <i>Selected.Value</i> property, it returns <b>aaa</b>.
    then I tried to select '<b>bbb</b>' using a code which is here
    Now the combobox will show '<b>bbb</b>' as selected value. But,
    When we try to return it using <i>Selected.Value</i> property, It still returns <b>aaa</b>.
    If we select <b>bbb</b> manually, it will return <b>bbb</b>.
    here is the original Code which I tried in my application.
    <i>cboCategory.Select(CWRptMaint.ReportCategory, SAPbouiCOM.BoSearchKey.psk_ByValue)
    Dim s As String = cboCategory.Selected.Value
    Dim t As String = cboCategory.Selected.Description
    Please Help me to solve this issue.
    Thank you

    I never had a problem about combobox not using datasource
    But here's the example code about combobox using datasource and not using datasource that i'm taken from one of my friend's project (VB6)
    Public Type objectReportBA
        oComboBox As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox
        oComboBox2 As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox
        oUserDataSource As SAPbouiCOM.UserDataSource
    End Type
    Public oRBA As objectReportBA
        '// example Adding a Combo Box item not using user data source
        Set oItem = oFormReportBA.Items.Add("RCB1", it_COMBO_BOX)
        oItem.Left = 70
        oItem.Width = 85
        oItem.Top = 4
        oItem.Height = 18
        oItem.DisplayDesc = True
        Set oRBA.oComboBox = oItem.Specific
        oRBA.oComboBox.ValidValues.Add "1", "aaa"
        oRBA.oComboBox.ValidValues.Add "2", "bbb"
        oRBA.oComboBox.Select "bbb", psk_ByValue
        SBO_Application.MessageBox "Combo1->" & oRBA.oComboBox.Selected.Value       '<<<< will get a value = 2
        SBO_Application.MessageBox "Combo1->" & oRBA.oComboBox.Selected.Description '<<<< will get a description = bbb
        '// example Adding another Combo Box item and using datasource
        Set oItem = oFormReportBA.Items.Add("RCB2", it_COMBO_BOX)
        oItem.Left = 157
        oItem.Width = 163
        oItem.Top = 24
        oItem.Height = 14
        oItem.DisplayDesc = True
        Set oRBA.oComboBox2 = oItem.Specific
        oRBA.oComboBox2.ValidValues.Add "1", "aaa"
        oRBA.oComboBox2.ValidValues.Add "2", "bbb"
        oFormReportBA.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add "CombSource", dt_LONG_TEXT, 30
        oRBA.oComboBox2.DataBind.SetBound True, "", "CombSource"
        Set oRBA.oUserDataSource = oFormReportBA.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("CombSource")
        oRBA.oUserDataSource.Value = "bbb"
        SBO_Application.MessageBox "Combo2->" & oRBA.oUserDataSource.Value  '<<< will get a value = bbb (but u will get diferent value if u click the combobox manually)
    'if you click the combobox manually using itemEvent
    Private Sub SBO_Application_ItemEvent(ByVal FormUID As String, pVal As SAPbouiCOM.IItemEvent, BubbleEvent As Boolean)
         Select Case pVal.ItemUID      
              Case "RCB1": '//combobox object not using datasource
                        If pVal.EventType = et_COMBO_SELECT Then
                            If pVal.BeforeAction = False Then
                                SBO_Application.MessageBox "combo1->" & oRBA.oComboBox.Selected.Description  '<<<< will get a description = aaa or bbb
                            End If
                        End If
              Case "RCB2": '//Combobox object that using datasource
                        If pVal.EventType = et_COMBO_SELECT Then
                            If pVal.BeforeAction = False Then
                                SBO_Application.MessageBox "combo2->" & oRBA.oUserDataSource.Value            '<<<< will get a descriptian = 1 or 2
                                SBO_Application.MessageBox "combo2->" & oRBA.oComboBox2.Selected.Description '<<<< will get a description = aaa or bbb
                            End If
                        End If
         end select
    end sub
    Hopefully this will Help You Anoop

  • Setting Application leve items after authentication

    I'm doing a custom authentication in my application using the built-in login page and calling the standard API. My function then returns TRUE/FALSE for authentication.
    After I authenticate the user, I want to set an application level item to the primary key of their user (i.e. GV_USER_ID).
    When the user issues queries against the reports, then I will build the where clause to say 'where user_id = :GV_USER_ID'.
    I'm at a loss however in setting the application level item.
    Initially, I set a PAGE PROCESSING -> PROCESS to fire onSubmit - after calcs & validations, putting it between "Login" and "Clear". My process queries the database using P101_USERNAME from the login page.
    However, when my user is logged in, the application level item is blank. Here is my code to set the value. Remember, my user will already have been authenticated.
    predicate varchar2(30);
    if (lower(trim(:P101_USERNAME)) = 'administrator') then
    u_id := 0;
    predicate := 'user_id like ''%''';
    select user_id
    into u_id
    from user
    where lower(trim(EMAIL_ADDR))=lower(trim(:P101_USERNAME));
    predicate := 'user_id = ' || u_id;
    end if;
    :GV_USER_ID := u_id;
    :GV_ID_PREDICATE := predicate;
    when others then :GV_ID_PREDICATE := 'user_id is null';
    Can someone tell me exactly where I should place this code so I can set my application items?

    Ooops, spoke a little too soon. The application items do not get set with I first spawn the browser and and try to log in.
    However, when I log out and then log back in, then my application items get set. The code is now sitting in the authenticate_user function
    create or replace function authenticate_user
    (p_username in varchar2
    ,p_password in varchar2)
    return BOOLEAN is
    predicate VARCHAR2(30);
    valid BOOLEAN;
    valid := FALSE;
    -- authenticate the user
    select password into passwd
    from franchisee
    where lower(trim(email_addr)) = lower(trim(p_username));
    if (passwd = p_password) then
    valid := TRUE;
    end if;
    -- set the query predicate
    if (valid = TRUE) then
    if (lower(trim(p_username)) = 'administrator') then
    f_id := 0;
    predicate := 'franchisee_id like ''%''';
    select franchisee_id
    into f_id
    from franchisee
    where lower(trim(EMAIL_ADDR))=lower(trim(p_username));
    predicate := 'franchisee_id = ' || f_id;
    end if;
    htmldb_application.update_cache_with_write('GV_FRANCHISEE_ID', f_id);
    htmldb_application.update_cache_with_write('GV_ID_PREDICATE', predicate);
    end if;
    when OTHERS then return(FALSE);

  • Unable to set menu target items correctly

    I have an issue when I try to set the target items in menus.
    (Excuse the long explanation)
    Firstly let me explain what I am trying to do.
    I have 4 pages which are linked to each other that provide more detail for each page. Page 1 shows the highest level of summary i.e product category. Select a category and then link to page 2 , the sub-categories page, select a sub-category and link to page 3, the products page, select the product link and link to page 4 showing associated customers for product.
    I have created a menu and displayed it as a bread crumb.
    Home > Categories > Sub-Categories > Products
    When navigating back up the menu structure it works fine. The problem happens when I place on Page 1 (Home) a top 10 product chart with links directly to page 4. You can only specify target items in the menu from one page to another. Level 4 menu (Products) sets the right sub-category item for Level 3 (Sub_Category) but the Level 2 menu targets (Category) are not set because I have jumped over the levels.
    Any ideas how to set the targets on all menus from the last menu when jumping over the sequence.

    Can you provide a bit more context? What tool are you developing this GUI in? Is this an Oracle Forms app, a custom Java GUI, a series of JSP pages?
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Datagrid select issue

    I am using flex builder 2.01 and have been using datagrids
    for a while now. I have recently ran into a weird situation where I
    have one datagrid out of three that just will not allow a manual
    selection. If I set the index to 0 for instance, the initial view
    of the datagrid shows the first item selected. If I go to select a
    different item, the first item becomes unselected and no other item
    can be selected. If I leave the initial state to be no item
    selected, I can never select an item. All other datagrids are
    working fine. I have tried to set selectable to true but that
    didn't help. This is really odd, any assistance would be greatly

    Mmmm... Well the good news is I fixed it. The bad news is I
    have no clue why it fixed it. This particular datagrid is in a
    different tab in a tabnavigator panel. Attached is the expanded
    working code. On the line:
    <mx:Canvas label="Archived" width="100%" height="100%"
    I had a click="{GetPropertyArchive()}" to refresh the data on
    tab selection. This was old code that was made unnecessary at a
    later date but I did not remove the code. My guess is the datagrid
    assumed the characteristics of the parent tabnavigator and instead
    of ... wait that can't be right. If that was the case then changing
    the datasource would not have fixed the select issue because the
    'click' definition on the tabnavigator still existed. I would
    really like to understand why this mattered so I could avoid this
    issue in the future. Any ideas??

  • Set Cascading LOV Item using Dynamic Action

    Hi all,
    I have the following page item:
    P1_DEPT (LOV)
    Item P1_COMPANY, P1_DIVISION, and P1_DEPT are cascading LOV on my page.
    I also have a table that contains the user and his/her company, division, and department.
    So I have a dynamic action that when P1_USERNAME is entered. The dynamic action will pull the COMPANY, DIVISION, and DEPT information from the table and populate the page item accordingly.
    I got the dynamic action working, I can confirm this by checking the Session State of the items.
    BUT I cannot get the LOVs to display the selected value from the session state. They always reset back to "- Please Select -", which is my display value when NULL.
    For example:
    I have a record like in the table:
    Username :alex
    Company : Finance Inc.
    Division : Admin
    Dept : HR
    When I entered the username into P1_USERNAME, this is what I see in the screen.
    Username :alex
    Company : - Please Select -
    Division : - Please Select -
    Dept : - Please Select -
    While the session states of the items have been set correctly as per the record in the database.
    Has anyone experienced this before?
    I think it's because the parent LOV (company), reset the child LOVs (division and dept), when the dynamic action kicks in.

    I've just taken a look at your sample page and don't think this issue is actually too complicated to solve. (Actually, it was I who was mucking around in page 1, sorry for that. I was looking at it and then had to go. Picked it up again later on and just made a copy this time)
    You change the employee. The dynamic action fires, executes plsql and sets the values in the company2/division2/dept2 fields
    Company 1 is a cascading lov. Empo has changed? Company refreshes. Cascading for division and dept as well.
    You can see this happening in sequence as well when looking at the page. Select emp, it'll hang for a second. You then get the select list refresh icons.
    The sequence in which this happens is of course a bit wrong. You set the values for the items on the client side first, but then their refresh is kicked in, and so the value setting is simply lost again.
    What makes this annoying is how P1_EMPNO is a cascading lov parent of P1_COMPANY. Changing P1_EMPNO will refresh the lovs beneath it. However, you can't simply set their values after you've retrieved the user's company/division/dept, because each lov is dependent on the one above it. Eg you change the employee. The company lov is refreshed. Because the it is refreshed, the division lov will refresh. Now you can set the value of the company lov, but not that of the division one. Why is this? The lov for division requires the value of company in the session state. If you'd set the value for company after it has finished refreshing, it will already be too late for division to pick up the value set. .
    I made a copy of your page to page 5, “tom”.
    The first I did was removing the cascade from the company lov. You don’t need this. There are simply no parent lovs for this lov, as is evident from the sql for it. The companies always remain the same companies even when you select another person; it is not dependent on another item for its values.
    Then the timing issues come in play, and with them there is also the issue of the session state.
    So now companies always show. You pick a user, it runs the PLSQL block and put values in the P5_xxx2 items. P5_COMPANY can be set now, and this is in the set value of the dynamic action. By not suppressing the change event, a refresh will be triggered on its cascading lov, P5_DIVISION.
    Refreshing P5_DIVISION will only get the new lov values (constrained within the chosen company) for this item though, and not set the value. We already have the values in P5_DIVISION2 however, and thus can use the “After Refresh” dynamic action on P5_DIVISION to do this. In short: company gets set, divisions refresh to show the correct divisions, and then the selected value is set. Again, by not suppressing the change event on this item the depending lov on DEPT will be refreshed.
    Then by using another “After Refresh” dynamic action on P5_DEPT we can set the selected value once more.
    Also important is that I changed P5_DIVISION to submit P5_COMPANY when it is refreshed, and P5_DIVISION when P5_DEPT is refreshed. This makes sure that the correct set of values is retrieved and probably why you were struggling aswell. After company has changed and division has refreshed, the value on division is set. But the correct divisions are shown only because the chosen company has been set in the session state.
    The same for division - dept. After the refresh of division, the chosen value for division is set. This change will trigger the refresh on dept, and because dept has the division in its page items to submit list, the correct values will be retrieved.
    Take note that the “debug items” are required in this solution though. Just set them as hidden and unprotect their value. Your goal should be to reduce the amount of roundtrips to the server. Why do a plsql (ajax) call just to retrieve a session state, when the value is already on the page and all in one action? Three hidden items is just so much easier than 3 extra ajax calls, the tradeoff is plenty.
    There is one more noteworthy point, and that is the fact that dept is being retrieved twice. That makes sense because of the cascading lovs. Initially company is changed, and this will refresh division and this in turn will trigger a refresh on dept. At this point the lov for dept will be empty, because division will be empty. Because we set the value of division again after it has refreshed, this will trigger a second refresh on dept, though now the correct list of values is retrieved because division has a value set. Not that big an issue, but good to point out. If you’d have another cascading lov beneath dept, it would refresh three times.

  • Question - any way to set a Page Item in a worksheet to default to All ?

    Well, I seem to have run across an interesting situation here. I have a table worksheet with page items. I have noticed one thing while testing this new worksheet/workbook. If I pick a value for one of the page items (and with page items, it seems I can only pick one value at a time) and then save the worksheet, close the workbook, and then reopen the workbook and run the worksheet, Discoverer has retained the page item value as the value when I saved it, rather than defaulting back to <All>. So I quickly learned a new lesson with this darn Discoverer product - make sure all page items set to the <All> value before I save a worksheet that I am going to want to promote to Production.
    Well, now I have run into a situation where based on the conditions I have to set in the workbook, I have a Page Item in the worksheet that today has only 1 value that pulls into the worksheet. When I do the drop down on that Page Item, it only shows the one value. It does not give me the ability to pick the <All> option. So I am unable to save the workbook with the <All> value today for that page item. There are other potential values for this Page Item that could show up in the future.
    Now granted if this were to happen, the Viewer user could do the drop down on the page item at that time and pick the <All> value at that time. But alas, since they are not the owner of the workbook, they could only save as a new workbook, with themselves as the owner - cannot change the production workbook so it would be changed going forward. This also means the user has to realize that they are missing data and that the fixed page item value is the cause of that, which I am skeptical that they will be able to figure out. So I really want this page item value to default to <All> when the users open and run this worksheet.
    So here is my question - does anyone know of a way to set the Page Item value to be <All> automatically when a worksheet is run?
    I hope this makes some sense. Always a challenge to explain an issue well. It took me a bit to realize that when saving a worksheet/workbook, it was retaining the selected page item values when I performed the save. It is also very unusual to have a situation where a page item does not currently have multiple values. So this may be a situation that few people have run across.
    John Dickey

    Ah, there is a potential workaround, as I have finally figured out. The workaround does require that you have the ability to bring in multiple values for the page item from the worksheet run result set. If you have a situation, like I have, where today you only have one valid value, you will still have a problem.
    The workaround is this. Figure out a way to get multiple values into the worksheet run result set. That way when you do the page item drop down list, you will see the <All> value in that list. Pick that value, refresh the worksheet, and save the workbook. Now reset your worksheet back to your desired conditions, where you end up with just one value in the worksheet result set, and refresh the worksheet. The <All> is still retained as the page item default and when you do the drop down list for the page item, you see two values in the list - your 1 valid value plus the <All> value. So once you get that <All> set as the page item default, then it will be retained. This explains how support originally tested (on an existing worksheet) and said they were able to see and pick the <All> value.
    Since it should be rare for something to have just one valid value in a worksheet result set, and even rarer to have just one current valid value in Oracle, this workaround should take care of most of the situations where you might encounter this issue. I still will push for an enhancement request to have that <All> value show in the drop down list even when just one value in the worksheet result set.
    John Dickey

  • F110 Issue Split of Vendor line items in Clearing document

    Hi SAP Gurus,
    I have a strange problem with F110 payment programme when i am clearing the single  vendor line items example 4 line items through F110 system is spliting 4 line items into 4 different clearing doucments rather than creating one clearing document and showing an error 098 in document payment list.
    Can you please guide me in this issue

    This may happen because of any of the following settings:
    1) in the vendor master, payment transaction company code area, "individual payment" check box is selected
    2) "single payment for marked item" check box is selected in payment methos company code.
    Deselect the check box for making single payment for multiple open item

  • How to set Document Library Item Limit at Site Collection level?

    I have SharePoint which contains one Site collection with many Sites. Each sites has many document library.
    Actually my requirement is, End Users  wants to see only 10 items per page in document library. We can manually set by using "Item Limit" option but i could not set that for around 150 document libraries.
    Is there any possible to set that in Site Collection level?
    Thanks & Regards
    Poomani Sankaran

    You can run for each loop and use below code
    #Get the site and list
    $web = Get-SPWeb "http://portal/sites/testsite"
    $list = $web.GetList(($web.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd("/") + "/Shared Documents"))
    #Get the list view to be changed
    $newview = $list.Views["Sort by modified date"]
    #Set the mobile and default mobile view properties
    $newview.MobileView = $true
    $newview.MobileDefaultView = $true
    #Update the view configuration
    How you can get all list using powershell
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Xml parsing error while selecting whole result set for sql query

    Hi All,
    I am having xml parsing error while selecting whole query result set. The data is coming fine for default result set of 50 rows.
    My exception is below.
    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00234: namespace prefix "xsi" is not declared
    Error at line 1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 254
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    *31011. 00000 - "XML parsing failed"*
    **Cause: XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.*
    **Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid.*
    My sql query is below that is giving results for default result set of 50 rows.
    select extract(xmlType(clob_xml_colm_name), '//v2:node1//childnode/text()','xmlns:v2="namespace_url"').getStringVal()  from table_name
    My sql developer version is below.
    Java(TM) Platform     1.7.0_04
    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
    My database version is below.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
    Please could any one help me urgently as the sql query is supposed to be correct as it is returning query results, but the problem happening when i try to select whole result set.
    Thanks and regards,

    What does the XML look like? It appears that some of the supposed XML stored as a CLOB is not really valid XML. Find the row in the table that is causing your issue and review the "XML" in it.

  • How to set an Application Item from PL/SQL

    I am attempting to set an Application Item
    After login to my app, I want to retrieve a row from my SETTINGS table and populate some Application Items with the settings information so that I can
    display some of that settings information on every page.
    Just to start, I created one Application Item named F106_YEAR
    I then created a Shared Components Application Process which executes on New Session: After Authentication
    I created this process as an Anynomous PL/SQL block.
    aucyr varchar(4);
    select year into auctyr
    from settings;
    :F106_YEAR := aucyr;
    I've tried a couple of other Syntax tricks attempting to reference the Application Item F106_YEAR from within PL/SQL (like V('F106_YEAR') but nothing seems to be working.
    I'm sure that I am missing something simple. Can someone tell me how to set an Application Item from PL/SQL?
    Thanks in advance.

    I'm still doing something wrong because this is not working for me.
    I've tried both of the following versions as an Application Process set to run on New Session after Authentication:
    auction_year varchar(4);
    select year into auction_year
    from PBUUC.SETTINGS where rownum < 2;
    and I also tried:
    auction_year varchar(4);
    select year into auction_year
    from PBUUC.SETTINGS where rownum < 2;
    APEX_UTIL.SET_SESSION_STATE (p_name, p_value);
    F106_YEAR is a global Item (shared components).
    The select statement works just fine in SQL*PLUS so I know that it is correct.
    If I run the debugger and log into the application, here is the output. Shouldn't I see my Application Process get called if it is set to run on New Session after Validation?
    My Application process is named RETRIEVE_AUCTION_SETTINGS
    0.01: A C C E P T: Request="P101_PASSWORD"
    0.01: Metadata: Fetch application definition and shortcuts
    0.01: alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    0.01: alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    0.01: ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    0.01: ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    0.01: ...NLS: Set date format="DD-MON-RR"
    0.01: ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    0.01: NLS: wwv_flow.g_flow_language_derived_from=0: wwv_flow.g_browser_language=en-us
    0.01: Fetch session state from database
    0.02: ...Check session 695371898690095 owner
    0.02: ...Check for session expiration:
    0.02: ...Metadata: Fetch Page, Computation, Process, and Branch
    0.02: Session: Fetch session header information
    0.02: ...Metadata: Fetch page attributes for application 106, page 101
    0.03: ...Validate item page affinity.
    0.03: ...Validate hidden_protected items.
    0.03: ...Check authorization security schemes
    0.03: Session State: Save form items and p_arg_values
    0.03: ...Session State: Save "P101_USERNAME" - saving same value: "jps"
    0.03: Processing point: ON_SUBMIT_BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.03: Computation point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.03: Tabs: Perform Branching for Tab Requests
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_VALIDATION
    0.03: Perform validations:
    0.03: Branch point: BEFORE_PROCESSING
    0.03: Processing point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.03: ...Process "Set Username Cookie": PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) begin owa_util.mime_header('text/html', FALSE); owa_cookie.send( name=>'LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE', value=>lower(:P101_USERNAME)); exception when others then null; end;
    0.04: ...Process "Login": PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login( P_UNAME => :P101_USERNAME, P_PASSWORD => :P101_PASSWORD, P_SESSION_ID => v('APP_SESSION'), P_FLOW_PAGE => :APP_ID||':1' );
    0.06: ...Process "Clear Page(s) Cache": CLEAR_CACHE_FOR_PAGES (AFTER_SUBMIT) 101
    0.06: Nulling cache for application "106" page: 101
    0.00: S H O W: application="106" page="1" workspace="" request="" session="695371898690095"
    0.01: alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    0.01: alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    0.01: ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    0.01: ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    0.01: ...NLS: Set date format="DD-MON-RR"
    0.01: ...Setting session time_zone to -04:00
    0.01: NLS: wwv_flow.g_flow_language_derived_from=0: wwv_flow.g_browser_language=en-us
    0.01: Application 106, Authentication: CUSTOM2, Page Template: 2904114531488186
    0.01: ...Session ID 695371898690095 can be used
    0.01: ...Application session: 695371898690095, user=JPS
    0.01: ...Determine if user "JPS" workspace "1040027630222986" can develop application "106" in workspace "1040027630222986"
    0.01: ...Check for session expiration:
    0.01: Session: Fetch session header information
    0.01: ...Metadata: Fetch page attributes for application 106, page 1
    0.01: Fetch session state from database
    0.02: Branch point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.02: Fetch application meta data
    0.02: Computation point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.02: Processing point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.03: Show page template header
    0.03: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.03: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER     
    0.04: Computation point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.04: Processing point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.04: Region: Auction_Title F106_AUCTION_YEAR

  • Setting application level item during authentication

    We’re having an issue with an application level item that we set during our custom authentication function to store a role list for authorization. The issue is that the application level item, which should be set using htmldb_util.set_session_state(‘ITEM_NAME’, p_item_value), is not being set.
    On further investigation we realised that this issue was only affecting developers, not users of the application. This seems to be because the home page link, set in Shared Components > Edit Security Attributes, is set to “f?p=&APP_ID.:1:&SESSION.”, which means that the developers session was being passed to the application when the “Run Application” button was pressed. What then happens is that following the successful execution of the authentication function, a new session id is generated and visible on the URL and the Application Level Items are not set correctly.
    I’m developing an application on Apex that has the home page link set to “f?p=&APP_ID.:1:&SESSION.”, here’s the first part of my URL at the Application home page:
    I hit “Run Application” and get to this URL (note the session id is the same)
    I log in using any old username and password (the auth scheme on this demo app always returns true) and I get to this URL (note the session id is different):
    My application level item is not set and I start to cry. When I recover from my tearful episode I try to log in again, I hit logout and get taken to this URL:
    I log in again (with the same username or different, it doesn’t matter) and low and behold, my application level item is set ok. This is the URL I can see (note another new session id):
    In despair, I close my browser window and go to my other application, this one has got the home page link set to “f?p=&APP_ID.:1” (no session id passed).
    I log back into Apex as a developer and go to the application home page at this URL:
    I hit “Run Application” and get to this URL (note the session id is missing):
    I log in using any old username and password (same deal as before) and I get to this URL (new session id):
    Amazingly, this time the application level items are set first time.
    What I’d like to know (there is a purpose to this) is:
    - Why is a different session allocated to the application after login, when a “developer’s” session id is passed to the application?
    - If I remove the session id from the home page url what is the impact? I can’t think of anywhere within the application that this is used (other than between page 101 and the home page), but our thoughts are that this could mean that users end up generating more sessions on the server.
    - Is there any other way around this, perhaps using a different method of setting the application level item? The authentication procedure which sets the item reads as follows and mimics our authentication procedure (which you can assume does a little bit more than just returning true):
    function test_login 
      (p_username in varchar2 default null, 
      p_password in varchar2 default null) return boolean is 
      htmldb_util.set_session_state('F16929_SYSDATE', to_char(sysdate, 'DAY')); 
      return true; 
    end;- Has anyone else encountered difficulties with the setting of application level items during login or has anyone come up with a more ingenious plan for passing something back from authentication that can later be used for authorisation?

    Many thanks for the response.
    We've found a way around this now, by changing the developer's usernames to the same as their NT/ Active Directory signon, which fools APEX into maintaining the session id from their builder session even though when logging into the application they get authenticated by LDAP.
    Using a post authentication process would be ok but I can't see any way of passing a variable retrieved in the authentication process under the first session to the post authentication process so that it can be set in the second session. We'd either therefore have to insert the data into a table and read it back or add an extra LDAP call to retrieve the user role/ group list during the post authentication process.
    Thanks again,

  • "Always Use Selected Format" check box in line items report

    Hi Experts,
    I have an issue in ECC 6.0.
    From the transaction code FBL1N (Vendor Line Items) I am trying to export the report to spreadsheet by selecting the option  List> Export>Spreadsheet  then I have selected "Always Use Selected Format" check box.  But if I execute the same report again I am not getting this option "Always Use Selected Format". Please let me how can we retrieve that option. Is there any possibility to get that option again either functionally or technically. I would like to know all the possible ways to get this option again.
    Please do the needful.

    In one my thread Mr. Frank has replied as follows. I believe he has solved this.
    Hope this may be really helpful.
    The problem with the spreadsheet download is at one point, users have selected their default file type.
    That said, SAPGUI is working as it should. (gui710)
    Question though is how do we reset the values so they get the ?Select Spreadsheet Format? popup again.
    The following steps should be performed :
    - Call transaction SE38, enter program SALV_BS_ADMIN_MAINTAIN, and press F8.
    - Follow the parameters below :
    - Select ?DELETE? on the Actions Group
    - Select ?DETAILED SELECTION? on the General Data :
    - On Client - your number
    - User : <user name>
    -Hit EXECUTE.
    -Press ENTER on the POPUP
    - If there is an entry in the report that will need to be deleted. Also, make sure that the entry you will delete (for the user) has a value of GUI_ALV_XML_VER on field ?Parameter? .
    - Select the line and hit the DELETE icon .
    - Press ?Y? to continue delete. Press ENTER on the popup.
    - Then EXIT all the way out of the program.
    NOTE : When you run program SALV_BS_ADMIN_MAINTAIN, make sure they are out of any program that they are using for download.
    Re: "Always Use Selected Format" check box in line items report
    Edited by: Ravi Sankar Venna on May 15, 2009 2:31 PM

Maybe you are looking for

  • DB link performance.

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