DTD files as external Definition

Hi ,
Read lot of threads on this which are having same problem ,some of them got solved none of them posted how did they succeded on those.
i am getting error like Name "ds:Signature" is incorrect, when i tried to inport the .dtd file as external definition,so I did try converting dtd file to XSD ,it is creating the 3 xsd files and none of them are valid each one of them are error.But however the DTD file is valid .
Using Invoicedetail DTD file for my scenario.
you can download the file from http://cxml.org
Please let me knw on this.

Here are the errors for the 3 xsd's
1.     Value 'ds:Signature' is not allowed for attribute 'ref'.
          Hint: A valid value would be 'xml:lang'.
          Error location: xs:schema / xs:element / xs:complexType / xs:sequence / xs:element / @ref
2.     Value 'ds:Signature' is not allowed for attribute 'ref'.
          Hint: A valid value would be 'xml:lang'.
          Error location: xs:schema / xs:element / xs:complexType / xs:sequence / xs:element / @ref
3.                   Value 'xades:Identifier' is not allowed for attribute 'ref'.
          Hint: A valid value would be 'xml:lang'.
          Error location: xs:schema / xs:element / xs:complexType / xs:sequence / xs:element / @ref
these errors are coming in xml spy when i tried to validate .
Edited by: madhu204 on Jul 23, 2009 4:54 PM
Edited by: madhu204 on Jul 23, 2009 4:55 PM

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    Hello Prateek, Hello everyone,
    I now know what the problem is. I downloaded XMLspy and checked on the structure:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:px="http://www.opentrans.org/XMLSchema/1.0" targetNamespace="http://www.opentrans.org/XMLSchema/1.0" elementFormDefault="qualified">
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    <xsd:simpleType name="dtBOOLEAN">
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    <xsd:element name="SUPPLIER_AID">
    <xsd:simpleType name="typeSUPPLIER_AID">
    Between the long list of <xsd:element> tags there are some simpleTypes on the same
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    <xsd:element name="COMPLETEORDER">
    on top, the <xsd:sequence> would be on the same level as the simpleTypes - which is not valid!
    But can I just move all the simpleTypes, e.g. into an <xsd:element>??
    That would be changing the customer's structure which I think is not a good thing!?
    Thank you again for your help! I really appreciate it!
    Best regards,

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    Thanks in advance

    You have to write an UDF with exception. In exception you can write your message (the reasone of failure).
    something like this..
    //Mapping trace will add the warning to show in MONI (if trace level is set to 1 atleast in Tcode SXMB_ADM).
    MappingTrace trace = container.getTrace();
    for (int i = 0; i < MATNR.length; i++)
                   trace.addWarning("MATNR is missing.");
                   throw new RuntimeException("MATNR is missing.");       
    abvoe code is just an example, you have to modify and put the logic as per your need.

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      A conversion of the downloaded cXML DTD into XSD by using XMLSPY yields 3 XSD files. Using the initial XSD(which has the major fields) yields the same error(i.e cannot create messages or valid WSDL) in external definitions.
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    <start tag></start tag>”
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    Error when loading XML document (Failed to load resource from the context classloader of the current thread! Loading from classloader was caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: www.w3.org)
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    and are meant to be used to sign the document.
    I have validated the files using the service in the next url:
    [http://www.w3.org/2001/03/webdata/xsv|http://www.w3.org/2001/03/webdata/xsv] as well as in Altova XML Spy.
    Has anyone any idea of what the problem might be? It is really interfering in my development.
    Thanks in advance.

    Ok I think I might have solved it. First there was a pair of problems with the file xmldsig-core-schema.xsd.
    1. The name couldn't be used in PI as '-' characters are not allowed.
    I changed the name to xmldsig_core_schema.xsd
    2. The file had these lines at the start:
    <!DOCTYPE schema PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XMLSchema 200102//EN" "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.dtd" [
         <!ATTLIST schema
         xmlns:ds CDATA #FIXED "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"
         <!ENTITY dsig 'http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#'>
         <!ENTITY % p ''>
         <!ENTITY % s ''>
    PI doesn't like that if you import the file as XSD because I guess that is DTD not XSD format.
    I removed those lines.
    With these two changes this file could be imported.
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    <xsd:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/
    It didn't like the URL, so I changed it to make reference to my local file.
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    Name of '/schema/complexType("TimeStampType")/sequence/choice/element("XMLTimeStamp")' starts with 'xml'
    There's an element name that starts by XML. Is this forbidden? Will I have problems if I activate and use it just as it is?
    Thanks for the answers.

  • DTD file?

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    when i check the message tab in external definition there is no message available.
    I tired to import the external definition, its giving error as Shipment has no message.
    Thanks and Regards,

    choose DTD as External format
    Selection Options in Messages List Box:message from DOCTYPE.
    A dtd can be referenced by other dtd.It is only possible to reference external definitions with the same namespace.see The External References tab page which lists the references found in the document .

  • External definition

    Hi All,
    I have imported xsd files as external definitions. They are showing messaages list without any space.While using them in message mapping they are not showing the fields. Even in the case of direct import into message mapping also the same result.I am not getting the problem. Any suggestions to solve this..
    Thanks in advance,

    i think this helps..
    some of the tags are not supported by message mapping...like choice and complex..

  • Messages not adviced in extern definition after import wsdl-file from WAS

    Hi friends,
    after importing the three wsld-files in repository (extern definitions) the messages are not adviced. The referendes to the files are fine, because the name is shown at the tab externe...
    But i´m not shure wheather i tool the right link ant Web Service Navigator. It is right to download the default SAP WSDL Files or the default one? Because in the SAP WSDL-files there will be an exception during import in XI repository (tag sap:useFeatur). What is the problem that the messages are not shown on the tab messages in externe definitions?
    Thanks in advance,

    I've the same problem. Here is my WSDL:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:apachesoap="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap" xmlns:impl="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices" xmlns:intf="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:tns1="blablabla.de" xmlns:tns2="http://net.jboss.org/jmx" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:wsdlsoap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
              <schema targetNamespace="blablabla.de" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
                   <import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
                   <complexType name="MSOBean">
                             <element name="installationName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="requestId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="returnCode" type="xsd:int"/>
                             <element name="returnMessage" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <complexType name="MSIBean">
                             <element name="password" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="project" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="requestId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="userId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
         <wsdl:message name="actualizeRequest">
              <wsdl:part name="inData" type="tns1:MSIBean"/>
         <wsdl:message name="actualizeResponse">
              <wsdl:part name="actualizeReturn" type="tns1:MSOBean"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="MSService">
              <wsdl:operation name="actualize" parameterOrder="inData">
                   <wsdl:input message="impl:actualizeRequest" name="actualizeRequest"/>
                   <wsdl:output message="impl:actualizeResponse" name="actualizeResponse"/>
         <wsdl:binding name="MyServicesSoapBinding" type="impl:MSService">
              <wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
              <wsdl:operation name="actualize">
                   <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
                   <wsdl:input name="actualizeRequest">
                        <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="http://blablabla.de" use="encoded"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="actualizeResponse">
                        <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices" use="encoded"/>
         <wsdl:service name="MSServiceService">
              <wsdl:port binding="impl:MyServicesSoapBinding" name="MyServices">
                   <wsdlsoap:address location="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices"/>
    No Idea.

  • Can External Definition be used or Receiver File content conversion (CSV)?

    Hi Experts,
    I'm a newbie to SAP PI and I started working on file to File(FCC) scenario in which I am provided with the receiver structure as an External definition. The structure is like
    Can I use the same structure (External Definition) for the receiver file content conversion or do I need to create another specific structure?
    Can I convert the target CSV file to UTF-8 encoding?
    Please help.

    Can the above specified structure be used for receiver FCC? Does this work? Can this be converted to UTF-8?
    If it can be used, how do we specify the parameters for FCC then as there's no root element?

  • Issue while importing the WSDL file in the External Definitions - PI 7.0

    Dear all Experts
    After importing the WSDL file in the external External Definitions we are not able to view the " name and namespace " in the messages tab.
    Request you to advise on the issue.
    We are using the PI 7.0
    Machindra Patade

    Dear All
    Got the answer"
    The problem is in the namespace description LENGTH,
    Note the following restrictions for XI or PI installations:
    ·         Maximum length of repository namespaces and XML namespaces: 60 Characters. Due to this restriction, the import of XSD files and WSDL files prepares difficulties as an external definition; you can solve these difficulties using Note 901988.
    ·         Maximum length of object names in the Integration Repository and Integration Directory: 120 characters
    As of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.10 Support Package 7, the enhancement of the maximum length of namespaces to 255 is supported in the configuration and runtime.
    Please check the below SAP 2 notes in regards to above mail.
    SAP Note 901988 - Integration Builder: Namespace of external definitions
    SAP Note 870809 - Integration Builder: Length of namespaces and object names

  • External definition, dtd references

    My openTRANS_ORDER_1_0.dtd is refering to "openbase_1_0.dtd
    When I create the external definition both dtd’s is imported
    openTRANS_ORDER_1_0.dtd has a External reference :
    Source: openbase_1_0.dtd
    Name: openbase_1_0_dtd
    and openbase_1_0_dtd has also filled out the
    Source : openbase_1_0_dtd
    So the dtd reference should be OK now !
    But when I try to create the Message Interfaces it is not possible to choose
    Any Elements under the external definition openTRANS_ORDER_1_0_dtd.
    I would expect to could choose the ORDER element
    Here is the openTRANS_ORDER_1_0.dtd.:
    &lt;!ENTITY % OPENBASE SYSTEM "openbase_1_0.dtd"&gt;
    &lt;!ATTLIST ORDER....."standard"&gt;
    Can any one explain why I cannot choose any elements when creating my message definition !

    u will be able to choose only the message type in the message interface and not the elements of the message type in message interface.

  • Invalid Template Definition DTD file

    The integration Admin API which allows creation of workflow tempaltes and template
    definitions programmatically takes an XML. The XML is supposed to conform to
    the DTD file referenced here:
    The problem I have is that this DTD is not well-formed. Try to validate it in
    your favorite XML editor (e.g. XMLSpy or XMLWriter) to confirm this.
    Is there a newer VALID version of this DTD that could be published? I'd like
    to believe that Integration is using some DTD or better yet some XSD or schematron
    file to validate the XMLs passed into the Admin APIs.

    Hi Ira,
    I spoke with engineering and you are correct, the admin bean is not
    performing validation checks and there are no current plans for
    validation. Due to ambiguities of the DTD, a meaningful DTD cannot be
    produced, and instead would have to use a schema definition. Is this an
    urgent issue for you? I can raise your concerns to product management
    and have them address this in a future release. Please let me know what
    changes you would like addressed in this area of the product.
    Ira Work wrote:
    Thanks Chris but these links point to the same malformed definitions I had found.
    There may not be a valid dtd available because I tested deploying an invalid xml
    instance (missing some required elements) and no validation was done by the Admin
    API that takes this XML to create a Template Definition. The error in the definition
    is not apparent until one attempts to run the workflow instance when the exception
    I expected is thrown. If validation of the XML was being done in the implementation
    of the Admin method that takes this XML, the exception would have been thrown
    at the time of that method call.
    So it's no wonder that the published DTD is not well formed, since the implementation
    is not even doing validation.
    Chris Stead <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Ira,
    Please try the following link:
    Other DTD formats for BPM can be found at:
    Ira Work wrote:
    Does anyone in BEA answer questions in this newsgroup???
    Please offer a location of a well-formed Template DTD file that couldbe used
    for validating a template definition xml before submitting it for deploymentusing
    the Admin API.
    "Ira Work" <[email protected]> wrote:
    The integration Admin API which allows creation of workflow tempaltes
    and template
    definitions programmatically takes an XML. The XML is supposed to
    the DTD file referenced here:
    The problem I have is that this DTD is not well-formed. Try to validate
    it in
    your favorite XML editor (e.g. XMLSpy or XMLWriter) to confirm this.
    Is there a newer VALID version of this DTD that could be published?
    I'd like
    to believe that Integration is using some DTD or better yet some XSD
    or schematron
    file to validate the XMLs passed into the Admin APIs.

  • File to multiple Idocs using external definitions.

    Hi all,
    I have to create multiple idocs based on one field from source side.
    Inorder to do this..I have decided to change the occurance of Idoc from 1 to 1..unbounded , in the xsd i have downloaded from standard Idoc.
    which i have a plan to map to the filed , based on that i need to create new Idoc.
    I have tried importing the modified xsd into external definition. but how i should relate it to standard idoc which I have mapped earlier?.

    HI Venu,
    I have tried importing the modified xsd into external definition. but how i should relate it to standard idoc which I have mapped earlier?.</i>
    After changing the Idoc occurence , you have imported the xsd into external definition. So this will act as as new message type for you in the mapping.
    You can not use old mapping here.

  • External Definitions

    Hi Friends,
         There is a requirement for external definition to import.  I got one file from client text file having xml data. So i have save as to .XSD format and tested in XI while uploading into external definitions.
         As per my knowledge, .XSD/wsdl/dtd file can be used for external definitions. And, it acts as Message type so create MI .
    So , if we request from client , is there specific format is there for .XSD??? Is it only message type else data type possible ???
    How to guide the client to get the .XSD files?
    Thank you

    Hi Deva,
    first convert XML file in to XSD,for that you can use XML Editors ALTOVA XML Spy or Styalus studio to conver XML to XSD.
    you can get free trail versions available.
    The XML to XSD conversion process very easy , just google it.
    if you have XSD then you no need to create Data type and Message Type.

  • External definition and used them as Data Type Templates

    hi all
    how to Develop external definition and used them as Data Type Templates .
    Thank u

    External Definitions: If a definition of the message structure exists in wsdl, xsd, dtd formats, we can use it in the integration repository by importing it as an external definition.
    External Definations:
    An external definition enables you to import a local WSDL, XSD, or DTD file to the Integration Repository and specify which parts of the schema to extract as the description for a message. You can use these extracted message schema as:
    Output or input messages in message interfaces
    Source or target structures for message mappings
    There is a series of standard schema for describing the message structure at runtime. WSDL (Web Service Description Language), XSD (XML Schema Definition Language), or DTDs (Document Type Definitions) are often used to describe message schema. If a description of the message structure already exists in one of the above formats, you can use it in the Integration Repository by importing it as an external definition rather than re-entering it manually using the data type editor.
    Have a look at

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