Dual Modem setup

I have a Cisco Wireless Router with 2 WAN ports and I want to use 2 modems, as I have a DSL and Cable internet line, with one being a backup just in case I lose connection with the other. How would I go about setting this up? One modem is on Fa0 and the other is on Fa1.

For the back of the Wan link you can use the DDR Backup For ISDN With Dialer Profiles for the configuration for the DDR and ISDN
refer the below URL :

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  • Wacom tablet on dual display dual card setup...

    ...and the cards are as follows, one Geforce GTX 460 (nvidia driver), one Radeon x1650 (radeon driver) As such, I have to use Xinerama and not RandR for my dual display setup. I have configured the driver to use my main display (Dell CRT on GTX 460) and the cursor shows up where it's supposed to, but when I draw, the cursor "splits" into two, the actual cursor, and the drawing cursor. The regular cursor moves as if it's on my main display, but the drawing cursor spans both desktops.
    I've tried all kinds of things to make it work, no luck though.
    xsetwacom set "Wacom Graphire4 6x8 stylus" Area 0 0 30408 12064
    xsetwacom get "Wacom Graphire4 6x8 stylus" MapToOutput HEAD-0
    Both of those commands produce the same result, which is shown in the video below.
    And a lovely video showing what I mean.
    Any help would be lovely.

    MisterAnderson wrote:Honestly no clue how to help you, but I am interested in your setup. Are you using the proprietary drivers for your nvidia card and the opensource radeon for your ati? How did you get this setup working? I've been trying for ages!
    If I remember correctly, I just used --nodeps and maybe --force when installing the nvidia driver, that way it didn't force me to uninstall the radeon driver when I install the nvidia driver. Then, look at my xorg.conf. there's no acceleration of any sort on the ati card, but I can use it for terminals and browser windows, text editors and the like. Can't watch flash videos on it though, and I don't think mplayer works on it either, I'm not at my arch box atm, so I can't verify that.
    Also, as mentioned in my opening post, no composting either. The same setup works pretty good in Ubuntu with a similar config, but no compositing there either, Unity clones 1680x1050 of my main 2048x1536 display, can't split the desktops, and I just end up using Xfce4 because it handles Xinerma pretty well.. I have to turn off the compositing extension in the config on arch to get X to even start up.
    back in arch, should note that whenever I install a new package, I receive this warning. Everything still works tghough as I describes. And back on topic, anyone have any clue as to why my tablet behaves this way?
    missing dependency for ati-dri : libgl=8.0.4
    Last edited by RexMcLess (2012-10-02 19:58:03)

  • I have 12 core with Quatro 4000 and 5770, I want to use dual monitor setup, monitors are NEC with Spectraview-II.  How do I connect?  4000 only has 1 Display Port and 1 DVI.  5770 has 2 of each, if I use both 5770 Display Ports, does the 4000 contribute?

    I just bought a 12 core with Quatro 4000 and 5770, I want to use dual monitor setup, monitors are NEC with Spectraview-II.  How do I connect?  4000 only has 1 Display Port and 1 DVI.  5770 has 2 of each, if I use both 5770 Display Ports, does the 4000 contribute any work at all?  I read where on a PC they would work together, but on a MAC they do not.
    I read that Display Port has higher band width than DVI, NEC monitors for best performance they recommend using DIsplay Port.
    When I was setting this up I looked at a Nvidia Quadro 4000, unfortunately it was for PC, it had 2 Display Ports, in the Mac version they reduce it to one.  I did not think there could be a difference.
    Mainly want to use it for CS6 and LR4.
    How to proceed??? 
    I do not want to use the Quadro 4000 for both, that would not optimize both monitors, one DP and 1 DVI.  Using just the 5770 would work but I do not think the 4000 would be doing anything, and the 5770 has been replaced by the 5870.more bandwidth.
    Any ideas, I am a Mac newbie, have not ever tried a Mac Pro, just bought off ebay and now I have these problems.
    As a last resort I could sell both and get a 5870.  That would work, I'm sure of that, it's just that I wanted the better graphics card.

    The Hatter,
    I am a novice at Mac so I read all I can.  From what I understand the NEC monitors I bought require Display Port for their maximum performance.  The GTX 680 only has DVI outputs.  Difference from what I understand is larger bandwidth with the DP.
    You said I have the 4000 for CUDA.  I am not all that familiar with CUDA and when I do read about it I do not understand it. 
    A concern I have is, that if I connect the 2 high end NEC monitors via the 5770, using it's 2 Display Ports I would have nothing connected to the 4000.  Is the 4000 doing anything with nothing connected?  I read where in a PC system the 2 cards would interact but in a Mac system they do not.
    Bottom line, as I see it, the 4000 will not be useful at all to me, since I want a dual monitor set-up.
    So far the 5870 seems the best choice, higher band width than the 5770, and it has 2 Display Ports to optimize the NEC monitors.
    I'm not sure how fine I am splitting hairs, nor do I know how important those hairs are.  I am just trying to set up a really fast reliable system that will mainly be used for CS6 and LR4.  Those NEC monitors are supposed to be top notch.

  • Need help with dual monitor setup for KDE 3.5.5.

    Here's my hardware:
    NEC MultiSync LCD 1530V:  1024x768 (analog)
    Samsung SyncMaster 941BW: 1440x900 (digital)
    nVidia Dual head AGP video card.
    The dual monitor works under dual-boot Windows, boot up and pure Linux console.  I've googled around for help, changed my xorg.conf file accordingly to some sites, but it wasn't much help. 
    Here's my working xorg.conf:
    Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "Simple Layout"
        Screen         "Screen 1" 0 0
        InputDevice    "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
        InputDevice    "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
    Section "Files"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
    Section "Module"
        Load           "dbe"      # Double buffer extension
        SubSection     "extmod"
            Option         "omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension
        Load           "freetype"
        Load           "glx"
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier     "Keyboard1"
        Driver         "kbd"
        Option         "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
        Option         "XkbRules" "xorg"
        Option         "XkbModel" "pc101"
        Option         "XkbLayout" "us"
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier     "Mouse1"
        Driver         "mouse"
        Option         "Protocol" "Auto"    # Auto detect
        Option         "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier     "NEC LCD1530V"
        HorizSync       31.5 - 48.5
        VertRefresh     50.0 - 70.0
    Section "Device"
        Identifier     "Standard VGA"
        Driver         "vga"
        VendorName     "Unknown"
        BoardName      "Unknown"
    Section "Device"
        Identifier     "NVIDIA GeForce"
        Driver         "nvidia"
        Option "NoLogo" "true"        
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier     "Screen 1"
        Device         "NVIDIA GeForce"
        Monitor        "NEC LCD1530V"
        DefaultDepth    24
        SubSection     "Display"
            Viewport    0 0
            Depth       8
            Modes      "1024x768"
        SubSection     "Display"
            Viewport    0 0
            Depth       16
            Modes      "1024x768"
        SubSection     "Display"
            Viewport    0 0
            Depth       24
            Modes      "1024x768"
    Using this xorg.conf file, only my NEC LCD analog monitor could display KDE while the Samsung digital can't.
    Any suggestions?   

    Thanks for your help guys, I'm halfway there.
    The second monitor shows the KDE desktop, but it isn't exactly what I expected.  Right now, both monitors display at 1024x768 (each) or 2048x768 (total).  The larger monitor stretches and distorts the display of 1024x768 to its natural resolution at 1440x900 and it isn't what I wanted.  Other than that, the dual desktop setup behaves what I expected to.
    Here's a snippet of my xorg.conf that currently works:
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "NEC LCD1530V"
    HorizSync 31.5 - 48.5
    VertRefresh 50.0 - 70.0
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Samsung SyncMaster"
    HorizSync 31.5 - 60
    VertRefresh 60.0 - 70.0
    Section "Device"
    #VideoRam 131072
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
    Identifier "NVIDIA GeForce"
    Driver "nvidia"
    Option "NoLogo" "true"
    Option "TwinView" "true"
    Option "TwinViewOrientation" "LeftOf"
    Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "30-50"
    Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "60"
    # Option "MetaModes" "1440x900, 1440x900; 1024x768, 1024x768"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen 1"
    Device "NVIDIA GeForce"
    Monitor "NEC LCD1530V"
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
    Viewport 0 0
    Depth 8
    Modes "1024x768"
    SubSection "Display"
    Viewport 0 0
    Depth 16
    Modes "1024x768"
    SubSection "Display"
    Viewport 0 0
    Depth 24
    Modes "1024x768"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen 2"
    Device "NVIDIA GeForce"
    Monitor "Samsung SyncMaster"
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
    Viewport 0 0
    Depth 8
    Modes "1440x900"
    Anyone have an idea?
    EDIT:  Oh snaps.  I just did a pacman -Syu and it upgraded Arch Linux to 0.8 and the 2nd monitor stopped working.

  • Dual monitor setup - need laptop on the left

    Hi All
    I'm running a dual monitor setup - specifically a HP G72 laptop and a widescreen monitor. I use the monitor as the default and sometimes I want to use the Laptop as a secondary screen for watching TV etc. My desktop is Enlightenment, I just changed to it from Gnome. My issue is that I want the laptop to be on the left of the monitor - that's how it is physically positioned - but when I switch the Laptop screen on all my applications shift over to the laptop screen. I've written 2 scripts, attached to hotkeys, one to turn the laptop off and the other to turn the laptop on. The script to turn the laptop on is as follows:
    xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1600x900 --pos 1600x0 --rotate normal
    --output VGA1 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --left-of LVDS1
    This works fine, applications stay where they should be, except that the physical position is incorrect; VGA1 should be to the right of LVDS1 like this:
    xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1600x900 --pos 1600x0 --rotate normal
    --output VGA1 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --right-of LVDS1
    However, when I use the second script all of the applications shift to the laptop but at least the physical position is correct. The issue appears to be something to do with laptops, almost as though when it's a laptop the default monitor is forced to be on the left. Has anybody got any suggestions how to get around this issue?

    This is due to your window manager treating the two monitors as a larger 'desktop' area - that combined with your specification of the pos=0x0 you are telling it to do this.
    If you have only the VGA output on, the top left corner of the VGA monitor is 0x0.  If you open a window, and it is placed 10 pixels in and down from the top left, it is at coordinates 10x10 in the x session.  Then you turn on the laptop monitor and specify that the top left corner of the laptop monitor should now bo considered 0x0 - but nothing is done to move the windows, so the window with coordinates 10x10 is now near the top left of the laptop monitor.
    I see 3 possible ways of acheiving what you want:
    1) swap the "pos" parameters in your xrandr commands so that the monitor on the left is always at 0x0 and the one on the right is always at 1920x0 (or whatever).  This will leave a large area of available X desktop that is not visible - I don't know how your window manager will treat this.  It might try to map windows on the laptop screen space even though that screen is not on.  I know openbox is easy to configure where it tries to place windows.
    2) Keep the VGA monitor always at 0x0, but place the laptop monitor at a negative offset when you want it on.  I don't actually know if X allows negative coordinates like that, but it's worth a shot.
    3) Configure your window manager, or use a different window manager, so that it is aware of the two screens and treats them reasonably (e.g. moves windows when the desktop area is changed).
    Last edited by Trilby (2014-07-12 12:15:42)

  • Dual monitor setup from laptop

    I am a college student and have a Dell d630 laptop and am stuck with it until I graduate. I have many hours of programming still ahead and am very sick of this tiny screen. I like to have a minimum of 4 windows open at a time and would love a dual screen setup so I could cover more ground. I would like a setup where I don't need to use my laptop screen at all and just have 2 external monitors working together (I already have the monitors). I tried doing research to figure out my best option but I know nothing about video cards or monitor configurations so I didn't get far. Could someone recommend the product or setup i would need? thanks!

    Well with a laptop, you're extremely limited as to video output capabilities, the best you're most likely going to be able to do is one external monitor.
    If you like my post, or solution to your issue/question, go ahead and click on the little star by my name and/or accept the post as the Solution. It makes me happy.
    I'm NOT an employee of Best Buy, or Geek Squad, though I did work as an Agent for a year 5 years ago. None of my posts are to be taken as the official stance that Best Buy will take on your situation. My advice is just that, advice.
    Unfortunately, that's the bad luck of any electronic, there's going to be bad Apples... wait that's a horrible pun.

  • Dual monitor setup without Xinerama or TwinView

    I've searched the forum looking for anyone who is using a dual display setup without using Xinerama or TwinView.  There are plenty of discussions to the contrary, but I running one window manager (DWM) on my primary monitor and anything else on the secondary monitor.  I don't care about dragging between displays or any of the other features of Xinerama and TwinView offer, but my current implementation is rather crude. 
    So, I'm looking for a discussion on the this topic.
    Current setup:
    * Thinkpad T61 with NVIDIA M140 graphics
    * Samsung 24" external monitor (245bw)

    Procyon wrote:
    Vintendo wrote:I would like two instances of dwm, one for each screen.
    Default dual head does this. So no twinview or xinerama.
    Edit: and you run it with
    DISPLAY=:0.0 setsid dwm &
    DISPLAY=:0.1 setsid dwm &
    You can even use two different executables built from different config.h. It's fun to experiment with.
    and you setup the resolutions via xorg.conf "screen" section right?

  • Maximising Safari on a dual-monitor setup (GUI behaviour in Window XP Pro)

    When I maximise Safari on the 2nd monitor of my two-monitor setup, it disappears off-screen (but its icon still remains in the XP taskbar) and I am unable to bring it back into the viewable area. Consequently, I have to close Safari and reopen it to continue.
    When I maximise Safari on the 1st monitor it fills the screen as I'd expect.
    Windows XP Pro

    Confirmed on another Dell D610/Windows XP dual-monitor setup.
    However, when I maximise safari on the secondary monitor it still appears on the task bar, enabling me to right-click and Restore the window (whereupon it reappears).

  • Dual monitor setup MBA 2013

    Hello Everyone,
    This is my first post on the Apple Support Community.
    Nice to meet al of you!
    System information:
    Macbook Air medio 2013
    Model MacBookAir6,2
    Intel Core i7 1,7GHZ
    512GB SSD
    I am wondering if it is possible to have a dual monitor setup using the thunderbolt feature daisy-chain.
    The configuration i am looking for is:
    MBA --> Belkin Thunderbolt™ Express Dock (for using gigabit ethernet) --> Dell U2414H --> Dell U2414H
    Belkin Thunderbolt™ Express Dock = http://www.belkin.com/us/p/P-F4U055/
    Dell U2414H = http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&cs=04&l=en&sku=860-BB CG
    Do i have a chance this could work?
    I'm looking forward to hearing from you all.
    Kind regards,

    I had the same problem with a nVidia GT120 card (2009 Mac Pro standard). OSX wouldn't show the gray screen on the 3090, even when it was connected alone (to the DVI port). Also, the login screen would always revert to the secondary display (connected thru the mini display port to DVI adapter).
    After login, all was well.
    Now I've solved the problem with an nVidia GTX 285 card. The 3090 is connected to the n.1 DVI port and the secondary display (a 1600x1200 Eizo L997) to the n.2 DVI port, and the Mac Pro boots correctly on the 3090 (gray screen and everything, at full 2560x1600 resolution).
    Note that the first time I booted up the Mac after replacing the GT120 with the GTX 285 I had the same problem, and solved it by disconnecting the secondary display and then rebooting with the 3090 alone. Now everything works as it should.
    Dont't know if there is a bug somewhere (EFI, maybe) of if the GT120 and your ATI are simply unable to work at full resolution before OSX desktop loading.

  • Dual monitor setup with seperate resolutions

    hey guys!
    i currentley run thye latest version of archlinux with the cinnamon desktop environment and an nvidia geforce 7300SE graphics card.
    im running a dual monitor setup with one 27" 1920x1080 monitor and one 27" 1024X768 monitor
    because they have the same physical size they line up perfectley but because the resolution is different programs/mouse cursor movement doesnt, is there any way (without changing the resolutions) to compensate this effect so that in the eyes of linux/cinnamon the monitors line up so that for example dragging a window goes seamlessley between the 2 monitors.
    i HAVE found out the panning option in the nvidia x server settings, but that really isnt what i am looking for...
    Last edited by RikSolo (2014-08-04 11:25:02)

    A magnifier following the window down to the pixel, zooming to the exact size of 540 pixels the 384 pixels window could create an illusion of just that. It would be highly impractical however, not mention all the hacking time. Even if you would manage to get two screen with different sized icons, so that they match visually, the windows and fonts resizing on the fly, wmctrl might help with windows alone, no their themes (buttons, borders thickness etc.), you would still be left with a visually differently sized mouse cursor. Technically such a feat should be possible, but who is going to code it? Nvidia?
    Last edited by emeres (2014-08-04 18:48:59)

  • Dual monitor setup flashes constantly

    I am trying to set up a dual monitor setup with a Lenovo Thinkcentre Edge computer.  I reset the BIOS to enable multimonitor support and IGD Active Video.  One monitor is plugged into the VGA port.  But when I plug the second monitor into the DVI-D port, both monitors flash constantly and the speakers make the sound of a device being disconnected.  Unplugging the DVI-D monitor stops the problem on the VGA monitor.  I checked the drivers and they are all up to date.  Any ideas?

    Bad cable?
    Disclaimer: While I do work for Lenovo Partner, all my contributions are my personal, non-official and not that of Lenovo or my employer.

  • Dual monitor setup without using the ADC?

    Would it be possible to run a dual monitor setup using a DVI splitter cable from my (2009)Mac Pro?
    I've seen some old forums referring to the 2006 models saying that this wouldn't work and instead you'd get the same image on both screens but the newer Mac Pros state they have "Dual-Link DVI ports".
    Just wondering whether this means what I think it means and you can connect two monitors via a dual link cable and get essentially, two monitors running independently as opposed to the same thing on both??
    Hope it's staightforward and me just being slow.

    The GT120 features one Dual Link DVI-I port and one Mini DisplayPort .
    The DVI-I is Dual Link capable, and also can be directly adapted to VGA.
    Single-Link DVI is a serial interface that carries three data bits in each signaling interval, as well as control signals. In general, Single-Link supports displays up to 1920 wide. Dual Link DVI is the same except that it carries six data bits in each signaling interval, supporting displays over 1920 wide.
    DVI screen drawing is very similar to VGA screen drawing, and the data sent are digital "scan lines" left-to-right row data, top-to-bottom with entire screen data sent about every 60 Hertz. Analog VGA signals are sent at the same time on a separate set of pins.
    DisplayPort and its Mini variant are inherently a packet interface, but can be coerced to produce a "Dual Mode" signal that approximates Single-Link DVI. Getting Dual-Link DVI or VGA from DisplayPort interface requires a non-trivial converter than contains chips and requires power.
    Executive Summary:
    If you have one display that is wider than 1920 or VGA, attach to the DVI-I connector with an appropriate cable.
    Running a Mini DisplayPort display from the Mini DisplayPort requires only a cable.
    Single-Link DVI can be had from the Mini DisplayPort with a cheap adapter.
    Dual-Link DVI or VGA requires an expensive Active Powered converter which can cost US$100.

  • Dual Monitor setup for Mac Mini???

    I just bought a VGA Y-cable and split my monitor signal to two monitors. Unfortunatley the same thing is displayed on both screens where as I was looking for an extension to my desktop.
    I found this http://www.national-tech.com/catalog/dvisplitter.htm (the top one for $ 146)
    I was wondering if I split the signal with a dvi splitter rather than a vga splitter if i could have a dual monitor setup with more screen space...
    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    This will do it for you: http://shopmatrox.com/usa/products/datasheet.asp?ID=788
    ibook g4, mac mini core solo, powermac g4 gigabit ethernet   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • Monitor Profile incorrect on Dual Monitor Setup

    I've searched the forums and I can't find an answer to my problem.  I've read about dual monitor setups in Windows and how to set the defaults and whatnot, but it doesn't seem to fix my problem.
    I am running on an nVidia GeForce 8600M GT, Windows 7 x64, Photoshop CS4 x64.  I calibrated my main display (Dell Vostro 1700) as well as the attached monitor (ASUS VK246H) using Datacolor Spyder3Elite.  Both monitor profiles seem to load just fine.  I've also went into Windows' color manager and set the system defaults for each monitor respectively.  The problem I'm having is that if I were to load Photoshop on the 2nd monitor, Photoshop only uses the main display's color profile (Vostro 1700) and not the ASUS VK246H profile.  What could be going wrong?
    Just to clarify, what I mean by "loading PS on the 2nd monitor" is that when I execute Photoshop.exe, the splash screen and main window shows up on the 2nd monitor, not the main monitor (which is what I want).

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    Chris Cox wrote:
    What if the image is in between two monitors?
    The piece on each display is corrected for the display it is on.
    Is it supposed to work that way?  Because it doesn't.  Not with Photoshop CS5 x64 at least.
    As a test I intentionally misconfigured the profile for my Monitor #1 (left) so that it's REALLY OBVIOUS which profile is being used.  When set this way, on Monitor #1 red colors will appear pale orange.
    An open document, floating in a window:
    If COMPLETELY displayed on Monitor #1, Photoshop will use the Monitor #1 profile.
    If even 1 pixel of the edge of the image is moved onto Monitor #2, it will use the Monitor #2 profile on the entire image.
    See for yourself:

  • In dual monitor setup firefox 9.01 menus blink in and out

    Every version of firefox AFTER the 3.6 series has problems in dual monitor setups and I want to be able to keep all tabs I had open when I close firefox so when I open again they are there. In dual monitor if I use monitor 2 for firefox (which is the way I use it) the menu blink rapidly when I click on them and make very hard to navigate. What is it with the video setup in win7 I have to use an older version of winamp due to tearing in the second monitor? Have all you companies not fully learned who to implement dual monitor setups properly or is that not really a concern?

    Firefox doesn't always play well with a multiple monitor setup and hardware acceleration.
    Try to disable hardware acceleration.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"

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