Duplicate files when Synching ?

I am getting file duplicates when I sync with 2 computers, MS Outlook does not dup but the I phone does

Nokia PC Suite 6.70.22 I kept deleting the duplicate entries whenever they appeared either in the phone or on Outlook. They gradually went away although some needed deleting over a few occaisions to stop the recurrence of the problem. Appears to have stopped altogether so I guess that's OK...? sorry for the delay in responding...been away. Les

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    Hi meadowD,
    If you are looking to remove duplicate files from iTunes, you may find the following article useful (in the most recent versions of iTunes 11, the Display/Show Duplicate Items option has been moved to the View menu):
    Apple Support: How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library
    - Brenden

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    >>> dburek<[email protected]> 20.03.2014 19:06 >>>
    I have a user who is seeing duplicate files show up in the attachment
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    View this thread: https://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=475616

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    Hi Jane,
    You are getting errors from the Google Server.  This suggests there are issues with the data contained within Google and not in iCal so there may not be much we can do from here.  I would be curious to know if you go to one of those recurring events on Google, does it have an end date or does it go on forever?  Does it have a start date that is odd (you mention 1920...are you sure that you don't see a very early start date on Google.com?)
    That said lets try some basics:
    What version of the Mac OS are you running on your computer (Apple Menu > About this Mac)?
    1. First make an iCal backup:  Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal 1 at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
    2. Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache if present)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    ---NOTE: Removing these files may remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    Once the computer is back up and running open iCal and test.
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    After hours of working on this I beleive I have figured out how the iPod organizes photos if your a syncing it with a windows directory.
    The iPod uses the order in which the opertating system stores the photos in the file directory. What this means is renaming the files has no impact.
    However, if you rename them in the order you want them, then do a select All, which is normally control-A, then drag them to a new folder, the operating system will then copy them by their alphabetic name into the new folder (You may have to be view the original folder sorted by name.)
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    Now set the iPod photo sync directory to this directory and it should work.
    Here is a second tip. There is an awesome shareware utility called irfanview www.irfanview.com This utility will allow you to rename an entire group of files with, for example, the date the pictures were shot.
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    Columns to map:
    Baseline Start
    Baseline Finish
    Baseline Duration
    Baseline Work
    % Work Complete
    Actual Start
    Actual Finish
    Columns to uncheck:
    Task Status

    The resource is created as a new resource with no security group and no loggin account, meaning it is strictly a resource and not a user. So this resource can be assigned on others projects but cannot connect to PS in any way (thus does not consume a CAL)
    unless you convert it into a user by adding a valid account and a security group.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

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    At the lower left of the Save Dialog try turning off Use Artboards.

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    Do the original versions of the externally edit images have Aperture adjustments applied? And if so would you then want both of the images exported?
    If the answer to the first question is no or the answer to the second is yes then this should work:

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    bbonn wrote:
    I should add that I've tried using the "Repair" and "Verify" functions of Disk Utility on the volumes, and despite the obvious issues that exist in them, the utility doesn't find (or fix) any inconsistencies.
    Are you repairing/verifying the actual disk images, or just the partition they're on?  If the partition, it won't look inside them.
    Drag one to Disk Utility's sidebar, select it, then use Verify or Repair.  Note: the usual messages may not appear on the DU window.  Click the Log icon in the toolbar or select Window > Show Log from the menubar to see them.

  • Stopping duplicate files when converting to lossless

    Subject says it all.

    When you convert a file iTunes always stores it in the iTunes Music folder as set in Edit Preferences>>Advanced>>General. Even if the original is not in the designated iTunes Music folder.
    In some ways it would be easier to manage what you want to do with the smart playlist approach and only have one library.
    Are you trying to create separate libraries each with their own iTunes Music folder? If so one approach (I am not certain it is the best) would be to create your separate library with it's own iTunes Music folder (call it Music folder 2). Then add the other iTunes Music folder ( call it Music folder1). Then do the conversion and the converted files will end up in Music folder2, leaving the originals in Music folder1.
    With iTunes Closed, drag iTunes Library.itl from the iTunes folder of library2 ( one with the converted files).
    Now open Library2 and an empty library will be created. Now you can add your iTunes Music folder (Music folder2) with File>>Add folder to library.
    You should end up with the second library just containing converted files and the original one intact.
    All a bit of a fiddle.

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    At the moment I will suggest "Spring Cleaning" v.10 from Smith Micro http://www.smithmicro.com/default.tpl?group=product_full&sku=SCM10XX
    It will find all the duplicate files, even the ones that were renamed.
    I use this program also to find and remove all my empty folders.
    Very handy for consolidating all your backup files and archives. Batch file renaming is also supported and much more other power features.
    If there are any other similar tools out there please post it here.

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    I never edit them from iPhoto. The pictures or videos, just go from the iPhone, to iPhoto, to aperture. Never touched or edited.
    Why, a I getting twice the pictures when they come to aperture?
    I'm not an expert, I could use some help. My concern is that THIS DID NOT HAPPENED BEFORE, only on videos, now, it is for everything.
    If someone can help, I would be very grateful.

    You can think of the shift registers almost as local variables. They are used to store information from the previous iteration of the loop to the current iteration. In the example that srikrishnaNF posted, he has basicalyl implemented a state machine architecture to control the different options. Once the file path it set, it is saved for the next loop iterations within a shift register until it is updated with a new path. The first case structure determine whether you want to write to a file or not. The second case structure determine whether the user needs to be prompted for a new file path, or whether it is still writing to the same file. This is indicated by looking at the true and 1 case. Here, the user wants to write to a file and the file path has been selected in the true and 0 case. In the true and 0 case, the user has selected a file, the 0 has been changed to a 1, and you then enter the true and 1 case. In this case, the value is kept at 1 meaning that the user will not be prompted for a new file path as long as the write to file button remains true. Once the write to file button switched, you will enter the false case. This case resets the 1 to a 0 and will cause the user to enter the true and 0 case when the write to file button is clicked again.
    Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    Try deleting the iPod Photo Cache from the nominated folder that you have set up to sync photos to the devices.
    See iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder for more info.

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