Duplication of values in chart that based on hierarchy

Hi Gurus!
Look. For example, I have hierarchy
-> AA
-> BB
If at the level BB2 I have values (for example Quantity = 10 for BB2) the hierarchy will look like:
-> AA     
B            10
-> BB       10
->->BB1   0
->->BB2    10
So, 10 will be shown at BB and B. But this is ok, of course.
But when I created a chart based on hierarchy, and restricted this chart to BB, I see:
Quantity BB = 10
Quantity BB1 = 0
Quantity BB2 = 10
But I would like to see values for BB1 and BB2 only. So, if I select node BB, I would like to see corresponded quantities for sub-nodes, but not for BB. So, the chart usually looks like divided on 2 equal parts sphere, 1 part for BB, and another part divided on BB1 and BB2.. Is it possible to show BB1 and BB2 only when I selected BB in navigation?

Hi Iryna,
there is an entry "Show expanded Hierarchy nodes" in the options for graphics. You can find it in the SAP standard template or in the Web Application designer. If the entry is not set, only the lowest expanded nodes of a hierarchy are displayed.
Kind regards,

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    Crystal Reports is a database reporting tool, thus Crystal's charting engine plots data FROM the database.
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    Hi Chirs,
    From your desription, you want to createa a chart to show all the months on the chart no matter it has data on that month or not, rigth? If in this case, we can create an other dataset to show all the month, and then use the lookup function to get the month
    QTY. The steps below are for you reference.
    Create an other dataset use the query below.
    DECLARE @TMP TABLE (Month nvarchar(20),QTY INT)
    Drag [Month] filed to Category Groups and drag [QTY] field to Values.
    Then change the of [QTY] to:
    The report looks liek below.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
    Charlie Liao
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Moderation: Kindly search and find the solution, before you post.

    Dear Ashok,
    You can take help from this program in SAP named BCALV_EDIT_08.
    With regards.

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    <script type="text/javascript">
    function getchart(filter)
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'), 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GET_CHART',0);
    get.add('G_SYMBOL', filter.value);
    var ret = get.get();
    var d = document.getElementById('P13_SYMBOL');
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    Edited by: user8638468 on Mar 3, 2010 12:39 PM
    Edited by: user8638468 on Mar 3, 2010 5:30 PM

    Hey there...
    The reason it's not refreshing is because you actually have to tell the flash chart that it NEEDS to refresh. Unless you have Asynchronous Update turned on, the chart will not refresh itself when the data behind the chart has changed. And even if you DO have Asynchronous Update, on, (Which you don't want to do), you'd likely see some lag between your user's change and the data in the graph changing.
    You can do this by using an APEX JavaScript function called apex_RefreshChart().
    1) Edit the chart and go to the REGION DEFINITION tab.
    2) In the REGION SOURCE, scroll down to the bottom and ad the following code
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function myRefreshChart(){
       var chartName = '#CHART_NAME#';
       chartName = chartName.substring(1);
       apex_RefreshChart(&APP_PAGE_ID., chartName, 'en-us');
    </script>3) At the end of your JavaScript function, call the new function myRefreshChart().
    That should force the chart to refresh by re-executing the underlying query and passing back in the data to the chart.
    NOTE: This function is not part of the publicly documented API's so it's likely not supported, but it does work!
    Look for a blog post with more detail sometime tomorrow.
    Hope this helps.
    Doug Gault

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    Is value based hierarchy possible in 10G?
    Pls reply.
    Edited by: 848789 on Sep 28, 2011 8:40 PM

    Hi Ankita,
    As per my Understanding the VP column did't map to any LTS .
    When ever u have multiple LTS in Dim Admin tool won't create Dimension Hierarchy manually we need to create that.
    Follow these steps to resolve your Problem...
    1) give the simple join in physical layer for that two tables.
    2) Create one Dim table in to BMM layer drag all columns in 2 tables in to BMM Dim table so u can able to see all the columns is mapped in to their respective LTS.
    3) Now u can create hierarchy manually step by step.Like Grand total Parent ----> Child level .
    4) If u have any fact table joined with these dimension in physical layer give the logical joins in BMM layer and set the content levels properly.
    Let me know need any detail clarification.

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    Hi sy',
    Scatter charts are the only type of chart in Numbers that have two Value axes. All of the other charts are Category charts, and have a single Value axis and a Category axis.
    The two types can't be combined.
    You can produce a combined line and bar chart; these are both category charts. The two can share the same value axis, or each can have a value axis with a scale and range different from the other.

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Found a better solution to solve this, subreport is not needed:
    define a calculated field for the value that changes with the group.
    it is not necessary to place this anywhere in the report, just define it.
    use this calculated field in the chart query instead of the report query field.
    Best regards

  • SSRS 2008 - hide chart lines based on parameter selected

    How to control visibility of chart lines based on Params selected by user?
    By default, my report display last 3 years worth of data (including current) with Month on the x axis and Counts on the y axis. I have two Boolean parameters:
    TwoYrs? T/F
    ThreeYrs? T/F
    if False is selected for TwoYr and ThreeYr parameters then I want to hide chart lines corresponding to last year and the year before.
    What I've tried: Created 3 Series groups with filters. eg. YearSeries1 to return only current year data and applying an expression to display it if params TwoYrs and ThreeYrs = False. and so on for YearSeries2 to return current + last
    years data if param TwoYrs is True and ThreeYrs = False.  But I don't see where to add expression to control the display of the individual series groups.  I am open to any way of doing this, but this seemed most logical.

    Hi Ok-Hee,
    In your Source Query just need to filter the series data based on the Parameters.
    I have written sample query below:-
    select * from
    select 1 monthnumber , 'Jan' MonthName, 2013 year,100 amount
    select 1 monthnumber , 'Jan' MonthName, 2014 year ,200 amount
    select 1 monthnumber , 'Jan' MonthName, 2015 year , 300 amount
    select 2 monthnumber , 'Feb' MonthName, 2013 year, 300 amount
    select 2 monthnumber , 'Feb' MonthName, 2014 year, 350 amount
    select 2 monthnumber , 'Feb' MonthName, 2015 year,200 amount
    select 3 monthnumber , 'Mar' MonthName, 2013 year, 380 amount
    select 3 monthnumber , 'Mar' MonthName, 2014 year, 100 amount
    select 3 monthnumber , 'Mar' MonthName, 2015 year, 500 amount
    where year in (
    select distinct FilterYear from
    select case when @TwoYrs=1 then year(getdate())-1 else year(getdate()) end FilterYear
    select case when @TwoYrs=1 and @ThreeYrs =1 then year(getdate())-2 else year(getdate()) end FilterYear
    select year(getdate()) FilterYear
    ) t
    I have created one post in my blog , you can check the result.

  • Insert value into a column based on value of another column

    I am trying to insert a value into a record based on a column in
    the record, using a trigger. The complication arises because
    the new value is selected from the same table. For example:
    I want to set COL2 and COL3 based on the value of COL4. And to
    get the value of COL2 and COL3, I will go back to TABLE1 and set
    the condition to TABLE1.COL1 = :NEW.COL4
    I cannot seem to execute the trigger as I get the message "ORA-
    04091: table SYSTEM.TABLE1 is mutating, trigger/function may not
    see it" everytime.
    Is this the correct way to achieve what I wanted? Or is there
    another way?
    Appreciate your feedback. Thank you in advance.

    I am trying to insert a value into a record based on a column in
    the record, using a trigger. The complication arises because
    the new value is selected from the same table. For example:
    I want to set COL2 and COL3 based on the value of COL4. And to
    get the value of COL2 and COL3, I will go back to TABLE1 and set
    the condition to TABLE1.COL1 = :NEW.COL4
    I cannot seem to execute the trigger as I get the message "ORA-
    04091: table SYSTEM.TABLE1 is mutating, trigger/function may not
    see it" everytime.
    Is this the correct way to achieve what I wanted? Or is there
    another way?
    Appreciate your feedback. Thank you in advance. I'm not sure what you mean when you insert a value into a
    record, but if you are setting a value in a column of the same
    record using a trigger, then it's easy.
    :new.COL2 := ....:new.COL4...
    :new.COL3 := ....:new.COL4...
    The trigger must be 'INSERT or UPDATE' and 'FOR EACH RECORD'.
    If you are setting a different record in the same table, the
    solution is much more difficult.

  • Function to return a value of a object based on last record by date

    Post Author: Tned
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    Can anyone assit with a method/formula to return the a value of an object based on the last record by date. BO 5 or XI. See example below. Query structure is not an issue. Only need help with the last record function or aggregate.
    Data Table         
    ID / Serial #
                                                                                    Desired query results. Only the values of the latest records returned.                      
    ID / Serial #

    Post Author: Tned
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    Thanks Prashant
    However, when i add either the status or condition variables to the report all lines related to the ID are returned not just the last entery by date.
    Thanks again.Terry

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