Dvd auto eject but cd works

Hi, today i have tried to install iLife from the dvd but when i tried to insert it, dvd has been automatically ejected around 30 second after.
So i tried other DVDs (mac install dvd, movies, ecc.) but with the same thing happened.
When i insert a music CD it works fine.
I also tried to boot from install dvd but it hasn't recognized.
If it helps:
  Firmware Revision:          3AHB
  Interconnect:          ATAPI
  Burn Support:          Yes (Apple Shipping Drive)
  Cache:          2048 KB
  Reads DVD:          Yes
  CD-Write:          -R, -RW
  DVD-Write:          -R, -R DL, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
  Write Strategies:          CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
  Media:          To show the available burn speeds, insert a disc and choose File > Refresh Information
(i have os 10.8.2)

First, Safe Boot , (holding Shift key down at bootup), use Disk Utility from there to Repair Permissions, test if things work OK in Safe Mode.
Then move these files to the Desktop for now...
Reboot & test.
PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.
Have you done a PRAM reset, CMD+Option+p+r...
In fact, do 3 in a row, takes a bit of time.
To find out if it's system wide or user specific, try this...
Open System Preferences>Users & Groups, unlock the lock, click on the little plus icon, make a new admin account, log out & into the new account.
Does it work in the new account?

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    You'll need to provide some more information .... what current mac mini do you have? Click on the apple in the left corner of the menu bar, click about this mac, and what does it say for processor, memory, and os x version?
    When you say you have no DVD, do you have the mac mini server or is the DVD broken?
    You can't do anything with 10.6 Snow Leopard on a PowerPC mini, however, if it is an Intel-based mini, you could probably hook up the systems in target disk mode to install 10.6.

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    Hi Claire, sounds dire, but some things to try...
    Have you done a PRAM reset, CMD+Option+p+r...
    In fact, do 3 in a row, takes a bit of time.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)...

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    any ideas!

    A lot depends on the quality of the disk, and if the disk or the drive is dirty.  See my FAQ*.

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    After burning a huge project on a Double layered DVD, the disc is finally automatically ejected but empty!
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    iMac G5 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Hi johanvdo:
    Read through this discussion and see if it helps you.

  • Install DVDs auto-eject

    My emac has been freezing while multi-tasking, and so I figured I needed to reinstall the system software. But when I loaded the first original, never-used install DVD, it was ejected again after about 3 secs. Didn't even sound like it was read.
    Unlike other users I've had no problems with other CDs or DVDs, have burned happily for years. I've reset the DVD prefs just in case, repaired permissions and zapped the pram. And I want to use Disk Utility first aid but - catch 22 - can't if I can't boot from the DVD.
    I would try and boot from my external firewire connected drive if I could copy the system software onto it...but I can't. In the middle of the file copying I'm asked for my password, and I have no idea what this is or where I'd find it. As I live in a rural area going to an Apple shop or finding another DVD drive I can hook-up is a major committment - can any one suggest a next step or work around?
    PowerPC g4   Mac OS X (10.3.4)   1.25GHz 512MB DDR SDRAM

    My emac has been freezing while multi-tasking, and so
    I figured I needed to reinstall the system software.
    But when I loaded the first original, never-used
    install DVD, it was ejected again after about 3 secs.
    Didn't even sound like it was read.
    nlike other users I've had no problems with other CDs
    or DVDs, have burned happily for years. I've reset
    the DVD prefs just in case, repaired permissions and
    zapped the pram. And I want to use Disk Utility first
    aid but - catch 22 - can't if I can't boot from the
    I would try and boot from my external firewire
    connected drive if I could copy the system software
    onto it...but I can't. In the middle of the file
    copying I'm asked for my password, and I have no idea
    what this is or where I'd find it. As I live in a
    rural area going to an Apple shop or finding another
    DVD drive I can hook-up is a major committment - can
    any one suggest a next step or work around?
    PowerPC g4   Mac
    OS X (10.3.4)   1.25GHz 512MB DDR SDRAM
    This is a dumb question, but are you sure the CD is face-up? If not the drive just spits the disc back out... Or, try putting the CD in just as you restart the computer.

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    If I insert a blank disck, after some time it comes up with an option asking me what needs to be done (copy data or videos..) but if I insert any other disk, it is not reading. I have upgraded the flash to F55 still no use.
    Someone please help.

    i would try running all available windows updates first, and search for all optional ones.  then try right clicking on the entry with the yellow mark in device manager and choose update driver, and let windows search for the driver
    click Kudos to say thanks if I helped

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    [In my opinion it isn't worth wasting time trying to figure out the reason. You know the problem goes away in a clean account, so make a clean account and migrate into it.]
    -Irresponsible and lazy advice. Migration is arduous, often creating more conflicts in other areas than solved. If you miss anything when crossing over, the logging out and back in as different users to migrate over and over is time consuming AND frustrating. Not to mention all personal settings. So I won't.
    Pulling out the [.plists] of the relevant files and putting them into a folder on the desktop or just the desktop itself, logging out and in and TRYING to load the cd/dvd usually does the trick when the system is in conflict or with most things that may become corrupt.
    If that doesn't work there are numerous software solutions for trial use out there to help.

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    Any ideas please?

    Has anyone found a solution to this? I'm running into the same problem. My DVD drive can read CD's but no DVDs at all. I tried all the suggestions like deleting the System Registers and loading new drivers/firmware, etc, and nothing. This all started after installing iTunes!

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    Hope this helps!

  • Movie DVD auto ejects with "error code -43" message

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    There may be system logs, reports and other evidence of
    this issue in the Console or perhaps in System Profiler logs.
    Some other noted error code -43 messages seen elsewhere
    related to software and plugins for third party applications or
    disc burn applications; but troubleshooting could include a
    look to see if the cables to the optical drive are OK, and a
    fix may include a replacement drive. There was an included
    Apple Hardware Test with the original system software packet
    so that may be something to try and hope it tells you more.
    The error code may have several different causes, it would
    seem; at least according to the results of some searches.
    In my limited experience, my Macs have never shown that.
    The code is not limited to the model of the computer; so a
    repost elsewhere is not really necessary. And a similar error
    code appears in later OS X versions.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    i've had something like this happen to me with my 4th gen nano. i just unplug it from the computer (without using the "safely remove hardware" thing), and reset it. If you don't know how to reset the ipod, [check out this article|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1320]
    hope this helps!!!

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  • DVD-R Auto-ejects and not burn

    I am in the middle of a stack of Mitsui DVD-Rs and now the Pioneer 109 will not burn from an Apple or a Toast disc image, and after several seconds auto-ejects all the remaining discs in my stack. DVDs and CDs of any kind can be read and CDRs can be burned. I have cleaned the lens with a cleaner disc, but no luck. The logic board identifies the burner, so I think that's okay. Can it be a software/firmware issue (corruption?), or is the burner dying??
    any and all comment welcomed

    The Pioneer 109 may have outdated firmware, which would be difficult to update on a Mac. There are lots of reports of difficulties when attempting this.
    Older firmware, or just ordinary incompatibility could be the reason your DVD-Rs are not burning. If you have not already tried a different brand of media, do that.
    Finally, replacement drives are much faster and more reliable, and work with a wider range of blank media; for example, NewEgg ([www.newegg.com]) is selling the new Pioneer DVR-115 for $29.99. It's very easy to replace the drive in your Mac with one of these.
    Even easier, there are external firewire optical drives that simply plug and play.

  • Optical DVD drive ejects any inserted disc and does not work!

    I can not read or write certain DVDs in my Mid-2009 MacBook Pro since upgrading to Mountain Lion.
    I insert an empty DVD-R (Verbatim) and it is being ejected. I insert a recorded DVD-R (Verbatim) and it is being ejected.
    I have tried a commercial Video DVD - (Sony) and that one actually did work ... so I am pretty clueless - I can not write any DVD right now.
    In the forum I have found many posts regarding this issue under Lion already.
    However, my drive used to work fine under Lion and I was able to watch / record DVDs etc.
    Now, it is no longer working and I can not use it. Does anyone know how to solve this?
    So far I have found the following hints (which did not work for me):
    1) Reset the PRAM (https://support.apple.com/kb/HT1379)
    2) Uninstall all virtual machines (Virtual Box, etc.)
    3) SMC Reset (https://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964)
    some people talk about it being an issue with the 64 bit kernel and that you should try to reboot into 32bit (holding down 32 on startup)
    others blame it on the UDF format (https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3413998)
    There are too many articles in the forums about this - more to make this a random issue.
    The most disturbing thing to me is that multiple of the people in these threads contacted Apple and in the end where told, it's probably a bug... now why is this - obviously critical bug - not being resolved, yet ?
    the list could probably be continued, but I'll leave it at this

    I also had the same problem shortly after upgrading. My optical DVD drive ejects any disk I put in. This started about 2 months ago.
    I just got back from the Apple store, after setting up an appointment, and they told me that my life is horrible because my MacBook Pro is no longer under warranty as of 32 days ago. This is really BS.
    However just like any other company that treats me with poor customer service I just take my future business elsewhere and make sure not to recommend them to any friends and family - as well as tell them about my horrid experience.

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