DVD Studio Pro 4 Hangs on startup

When I try to start DVD Studio Pro 4 the system hangs, apparently because a file is missing that the program was expecting to find (it was erased prior to restarting the program). Since the program is trying to load the project that was autosaved (and the missing file associated with it), I can't gain control of the program. The program displays a message about the missing file, but no option to abort the task. Any thoughts?

Without DVD-SP being open, have you tried opening an existing project file?

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    Have you updated your Pro Application Support?
    G5 2GHz 2CPU & PB 17 Mac OS X (10.3.9)

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    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I have had the same problem with two different projects. I've gone to exporting a Quick Time movie from Final Cut, closing Final Cut, and then using Compressor (outside of FC), and importing the resulting mpg and Dolby audio (not AIF) into DVDSP. Then, if I burn a DVD with DVDSP I'm still having problems with freezing on playback in some players (not all), but I gather that's a matter of burn speed, which I don't see any control for in DVDSP. So the solution on the forums appears to be either to use slower media, or to burn DVD's using Toast (for which you have to delete some of the files in the TS_Video folder). This all seems very buggy to me. I'm still watching the forum to figure out the best formula for burning DVD's that I author in DVDSP.
    Steve S.

  • First few video frames 'stuttering' and then DVD Studio Pro hangs

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    PowerMac G5 2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   4.5 GB RAM

    That's the problem, I can't get to the stage of actually building a DVD. I've attached assets, go to burn, and then the program hangs. If I view the video in simulate, it see that the few few frames are not advancing, just sort of hanging there, repeating pver and over, then it hangs. Viewing the video in QT it seems fine.
    Help! Anyone seen this problem? What should I do, I have to burn a DVD for Monday! Thanks.

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    Have you tried to reset the SMU/PRAM?
    Message was edited by: 2point5

  • DVD Studio Pro 4.2.2 hangs when I go to burn a project

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    What I've tried:
    Deleting render files from the project in the cache
    Repairing permissions
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    I am using an Intel quad core Mac with Snow Leapord and 12 G RAM, have to update profile
    And I'm at a loss as to what to try next. Any ideas?

    Seems to me that your DVD burner has died... it happens... The fact that you were using DVD Studio Pro is just a coincidence...  My old iMac and powermac G5 both had their DVD burners replaced.
    Do you have AppleCare? Is it still in warranty? If so, take it in...

  • Motion 3, DVD Studio Pro 3, Compressor...fail to display interface

    Macbook Pro C2D, Leopard OS X 10.5.1. All apps were running perfectly before this happened...
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    Same thing! No interface at all.
    At this point, I doubt if the Prokit.framework in Leopard OS disc is different. It's too bad that I'm traveling for a project and my Leopard DVD is not in hand. So I asked a friend using Pacifist to extract Prokit.framework and Browser.framework from his Leopard DVD and sent them over. Now I found that they are indeed different. The one from Leopard is version 4.1. I did a replace again. Now, Motion 3, DVD Studio Pro 3 and Compressor start up, but with black windows and a few images, and the menu bars are really weird. I guess I should install this two framework with Pacifist instead of replacing them with the extracted folders?
    The last resort I guess is to reinstall Leopard? My dilemma if I don't finish my project, I have no access to my OS DVD, but I need to use FCS 2 to finish the project.
    Has anyone run into the same situation? Any enlightenment will be appreciated!

    I have just installed Leopard ans having problems with DDVDSPRO crasshing, can you please expand on how i may install prokit.framework and Browerkit frame work with Pacifist. I am not an expert please bear in mind!!
    many thanks

  • Motion 3, DVD Studio Pro 3...All Pro apps got corrupted by Aperture

    Macbook Pro C2D, Leopard OS X 10.5.1. All apps were running perfectly before this happened...
    First, all the apps of Final Cut Studio 2 crashed on startup.
    I recall that the last thing I did is trashing the newly installed trail version Aperture.
    After checking the crashing log, I found the problem comes from Prokit.framework. I did a thorough search, the answer is quite clear that the Prokit.framework comes with Aperture 1.5.2 is a PPC version, it replaced the intel version that was in my OS. So the solution is replacing the PPC version back to Prokit for Intel. Finally I found some provided download links of Prokit for Intel. BUT..
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    So finally I cleaned up all the files related to Final Cut Studio 2 and Prokit.framework and did a fresh reinstallation of FCS 2.
    Same thing! No interface at all.
    At this point, I doubt if the Prokit.framework in Leopard OS disc is different. It's too bad that I'm traveling for a project and my Leopard DVD is not in hand. So I asked a friend using Pacifist to extract Prokit.framework and Browser.framework from his Leopard DVD and sent them over. Now I found that they are indeed different. The one from Leopard is version 4.1. I did a replace again. Now, Motion 3, DVD Studio Pro 3 and Compressor start up, but with black windows and a few images, and the menu bars are really weird. I guess I should install this two framework with Pacifist instead of replacing them with the extracted folders?
    The last resort I guess is to reinstall Leopard? My dilemma if I don't finish my project, I have no access to my OS DVD, but I need to use FCS 2 to finish the project.
    Has anyone run into the same situation? Any enlightenment will be appreciated!

    Similar to the problems diagnosed in another thread - though they used the retail installation I think.
    This is a link to how they fixed it:
    http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1311441&tstart=0&messageID=620 4405#6204405

  • Error burning to LaCie drive from DVD Studio Pro 3...

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    "The recording device reported error #6: Power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred. (0x29, 0x00.)"
    Has anyone else experienced this? I have used both DVD+R and DVD-R discs. I have used the device on two different G4s--a 733MHz, and a dual-1.25GHz. I have worked with the source files on the hard drive, as well as on an external drive. The size of the project is nowhere near capacity for a DVD.
    But the result is always the same: Burn aborted, 'error #6.' I'm at my wit's end. Thanks for any suggestions or insight...

    hey terry
    you say you are directly burning from DVDSP to your lacie drive, correct? is it an internal drive? did you recently replace your drive?
    if it is, go to "about your mac" on finder and click on "more information".
    look at your ATA and or "burner" (something to that effect) and make sure that is "vendor supported" because if it is not, iTunes, DVDSP and iDVD will have problems burning media directly from those apps.
    the easiest way to fix this is with "patchburn". it will make your drive compatible or "supported" by able and you will have NO problems buring.
    question: do you have another burning program (such as toast)? do you have problems burning from the finder?

  • DVD Studio Pro and Motion won't work

    I posted this in the Tiger forum and didn't get a solution so I'm trying here.
    After installing Tiger DVD Studio Pro and Motion quit working.
    Both applications open (in the menu bar at least), but neither one will open all of its windows and nothing happens when I click on anything in the windows that do open. Nothing's frozen (the menus still respond), but there are no windows to work in.
    I booted into Panther from my Backup drive and DVD SP works, but Motion won't even startup.
    I'm hurtin' here. Can anyone help?
    I'm using DVD SP v2.0.5 and Motion v1.0.1 on a Dual 1.42 PowerPC G4 with 1.5 GB DDR SDRAM and an ATI RADEON 9600 Mac Edition video card.
    Dual 1.42 PowerPC G4   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   1.5 GB DDR SDRAM and ATI RADEON 9600 Mac Edition

    Got an answer in the DVD SP forum. Look for the same topic there if you need it.

  • DVD Studio Pro 4 crash thread 13

    *Plz anyone, desparately need HELP WITH DVD STUDIO PRO 4........*
    *trying to format/build then burn very important dvd for project and have gotten the following 3 times:*
    Process: DVD Studio Pro [186]
    Path: /Applications/DVD Studio Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/DVD Studio Pro
    Identifier: com.apple.dvdstudiopro
    Version: 4.2.1 (431.25)
    Build Info: DSP-4312500~157
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [123]
    Date/Time: 2010-09-08 20:28:48.625 -0500
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.4 (10F569)
    Report Version: 6
    Interval Since Last Report: 157208 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report: 2
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 21012 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 2
    Anonymous UUID: 31337F50-7A3D-4236-BEC1-41FA8CB7D528
    Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE at 0x0000000000000183
    Crashed Thread: 13

    Do you have any external devices including hard drives connected to the macbookpro?  If so, disconnect them and then try and boot dvdsp.  Also try disconnecting ethernet cable and turning of airport and bluetooth.
    Try repairing permissions on your startup drive.  boot from your OS install disk and repair startup drive.  Get preference manager from digital rebellion and try deleting dvdsp preferences.
    Have you installed any system hacks or OS utilities?  If so, uninstall them.
    Message was edited by: Michael Grenadier

  • Sync Issues and Audio Drop-out from FCP to DVD Studio Pro

    I have edited a piece in FCP 5.1.4 and all audio/video is in perfect sync. I have been using this program for several years with no issues, until now. Upon exporting with compressor and importing into DVD Studio Pro, the audio is out of sync by 15 seconds and after that first 15 seconds there is simply NO audio, period.
    Any ideas? Please send the calvary...tight deadline and the hanging rope is getting shorter and shorter by the minute!

    Could be something got corrupted in DVD SP (preferences). I have had my audio act strangely and playback getting bogged down. Repairing permissions and deleting prefs works for this one for me. Did you do any recent upgrades to the OS or QuickTime?

  • Why wont dvd studio pro eject disc when done?

    I have a dual 1.8  g% that won't eject DVDs after they are burned it will hang forever writing leadout on both DVD studio pro and Toast 8. Anyone know of an issue or a fix?  Hard crashing to get DVD's out is a bad idea.

    What happens when you try to write the disk on a different DVD burner?
    I suspect the drive is having "issues".

  • Dvd Studio Pro on formats and wont burn.

    I created a menu on dvd studio pro and when I try to burn it, it only goes through the process of Formatting and it finishes. I cant play it on any dvd player, I'm pretty sure thats because its only formatted and not burnt. I cant seem to get it to burn. Any suggestions?

    It works even though it doesn't work.
    While the display of colors in the pop-up menu is broken under Mac OS X 10.9, the palette is still there and works for setting colors.  Choosing the first blank spot in the Color pop-up menu sets that first color in the palette, choosing the second blank spot on the Color pop-up menu sets the second color in the in the palette, etc.  Of course, this was sooooo much easier when the Color pop-up menu displayed color swatches as expected.
    If you click the "Edit Palette" button at the bottom, the colors in the Edit Palette dialog box from left to right correspond to the Color pop-up menu from top to bottom.  So, the color in row one, column one of the Edit Palette dialog will be the first blank in the Color pop-up list.  The color in the row one, column two will be the second color in the pop-up list and so forth.
    I set the colors for a title in the Edit Palette and take a screen shot, then reference that while using the Color pop-up menu.
    If your machine will boot 10.7.5, an alternative is to create a startup volume just for setting the colors and switch to 10.9.5 for finishing the disc.

  • DVD Studio Pro 4.o Install Problem

    I had trouble installing FCP Studio on a MBP. Disk space is no problem; I set installer to put the loops and templates on a clean, new 300 Gb drive, and main drive has 40 Gb free.
    The installer keeps hanging on the portion where it states it is writing the DVD Studio Pro Templates. The first time, the progress bar got to 100%, but did not move for 30 minutes, and both the nottom buttons are greyed.
    I did a force quit, tried from beginning (skipping components that did get upgraded), and this time it just stopped at 98%.
    For the third try, I had to skip everything related to DVD Studio Pro, and the installer got to the end of its work ok.
    Not sure what I am missing- I have on my remote drive:
    Library/Application Support/DVD Studio Pro/Apple/
    with content in all 4 directories.
    It's not critical as I have no immediate needs for pressing DVD titles, but only expect difficult installers when I have to boot in XP

    No Joe, but I've not really tried anything. I have no immediate need for DVD Studio. I thought I maye have had a bad disk but if you have the same issue it might be a problem with the installer script.
    I was installing these on an external drive, bot sure if that is a factor.
    Hopefully Apple reads these forums...

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