DW CSS help (-PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-)

Ok, I'm in the middle of creating a site using DW MX 2004.
I'm largely using CSS and the div tag utility. I have got a
lovely banner, and a long thin grey bar that sits underneath it and
extends for the width of the page. Only problem is, when I put
things below the grey bar (images, navigation bar etc.) they act as
though its not there. It works fine in the browser, but not on my
DW screen. The images overlap my grey bar, and I would rather this
was not occuring.
Any help?

<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet"
onLoad="MM_preloadImages('Button_News_Down.png','Button_SL_Down.png','Button_WL_Down.png' ,'Button_About_Down.png','Button_SC_Down.png')">
<div id="logo"></div>
<div id="news"></div>
<div id="navbar">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="button1space"><a href="javascript:;"
onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="Button_Home_Up.png"
alt="" name="Home" width="150" height="38" border="0"
<td class="button2space"><a href="javascript:;"
onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="Button_News_Up.png"
alt="" name="News" width="150" height="38" border="0"
<td class="button3space"><a href="javascript:;"
onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="Button_SL_Up.png"
alt="" name="SL" width="150" height="38" border="0"
<td class="button4space"><a href="javascript:;"
onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="Button_WL_Up.png"
alt="" name="WL" width="150" height="38" border="0"
<td class="button5space"><a href="javascript:;"
onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="Button_SC_Up.png"
alt="" name="SC" width="150" height="38" border="0"
<td class="button6space"><a href="javascript:;"
onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="Button_About_Up.png"
alt="" name="About" width="150" height="38" border="0"
<div id="saive"><img src="saivejm_b&w.png"
width="300" height="397"></div>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>

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    In IE 7 the main content div seems to be pushed down from where it is supposed to be. I am on a Mac and it looks fine in Firefox & Safari. I can't view it on a PC so I am going by what I am being told by friends and also what I see on browser shots. I am new to coding so perhaps my css is messy and causing this. Can anyone help? I am also having another issue with a jquery script in my portfolio pages. The gallery is not loading properly in IE 7&8. It's a known issue which some people have written fixes in the forums (http://blog.ilexius.de/blog-post/2010/09/27/javascript-galleria-and-ie6-7-and-8-compatibil ity/)
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    body, h1, h2, p, ul, li {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    font: normal 12px/28px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    color: #7d7c7c;
    text-align: left;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #FD1D13;
    display: block;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    #content h2 {
    font-size: 14px;
    line-height: 28px;
    color: #7d7c7c;
    font-weight: bold;
    #content p {
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 16px;
    color: #7d7c7c;
    display: block;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 16px;
    #outerWrapper {
    width: 980px;
    margin: 0px;
    #header {
    height: 136px;
    float: none;
    clear: none;
    #nav_bar {
    height: 108px;
    top: 172px;
    padding-left: 110px;
    padding-top: 10px;
    padding-right: 40px;
    #content {
    width: 460px;
    left: 280px;
    padding-left: 290px;
    background: #ffffff;
    text-align: left;
    margin-top: 1px;
    padding-top: 62px;
    #footer {
    height: 70px;
    padding-top: 60px;
    padding-left: 100px;
    clear: both;
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    #footer p {
    font-size: 10px;
    line-height: 18px;
    color: #7d7c7c;
    text-align: center;
    #footer p .footerLinks .footerLinks {
    color: #7d7c7c;
    text-decoration: underline;
    #sidebar-left {
    width: 140px;
    padding-left: 130px;
    float: left;
    padding-top: 62px;
    font-size: 13px;
    #sidebar-right {
    float: right;
    width: 151px;
    padding-left: 40px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 150px;
    left: 751px;
    height: 400px;
    #mailingList {
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #FD1D13;
    #form1 {
    padding-top: 20px;
    .navbar-icon {
    border-right: 1px solid #999;
    padding-right: 5px;
    margin: 0px;
    z-index: 10;
    #nav-bartext {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 200;
    #thumbnails {
    height: 471px;
    .clientList {
    list-style: disc inside;
    line-height: 16px;
    font-size: 12px;
    .footerLinks {
    font-size: 10px;
    color: #7d7c7c;
    font-weight: normal;
    #sidebar-left {
    font-size: 14px;
    line-height: 28px;
    color: #1B0499;
    #sidebar-right p img {
    padding-bottom: 10px;

    You can't have it both ways.  You can either float a container or you can position it. I prefer to float columns.
    #sidebar-right {
        float: right;
        width: 151px;
        padding-left: 40px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 150px;
        left: 751px;
        height: 400px;
    Learn CSS positioning in 10 Steps -
    Review Floats and Clearings -
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Css help please

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    link -- www.healthhokkaido.com
    Any help most appreciated

    The error report was posted on your site check request by the
    way :-)
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles
    ~ Customisation Service Available ~
    ~ Forum Posting Guidelines ~
    CSS Tutorials for Dreamweaver:
    "quiero mas" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:f0k1de$31l$[email protected]..
    > well someoens got to break the record right !
    > Lol should have checked myself - thanks Walt

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    margin-bottom: 0px;
    font-family:"Times New Roman";
    margin-left: 20px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
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    //StyleSheet styleSheet = kit.getStyleSheet();
    FileReader reader = new FileReader("/programs/eclipse/workspace/Planner/src/nl/renepetersconsultancy/planner/gui/HTMLHelp/test.css");
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    GL is far easier to do simple CSS than DW, but once you get through the awkward DW interface, it can become clearer. I can only easily see how CSS is created in DW by exporting a GL site that has some already in it. Still not as easy as GL, but we're now stuck with it.
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    DW has always been more for the programmer than designer (just try asking a question on the DW forum :-)
    CS4 seems to be an improvement, but not there yet.

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    Hello Debuz,
    I'm not so sure that you have uploaded your SpryAssets directory for example. See e.g. there is no answer for
    Please control whether you have uploaded ALL your necessary files and directories.

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    There are no updates to either OS 10.5.8 or Safari 5.0.6.
    If you need a later version of Safari you must first upgrade your operating system to a later version of OS X.

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    You can choose a background for the text from Maps and Backgrounds.  Just drag a background to the end of the timeline, adjust to desired duration then drag title above it.

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    Hi there,
              I need help please !!!!!
    I have PSE 6 for my imac and bought myself a NIKON D60 so far so good. I have installed PSE 6 which comes with ADOBE Bridge CS3
    I have bought a book as well as I am new to photoshop and in fact DSLR cameras.
    I have got my photos into Bridge OK by the way they are JPEG format. According to the book I can open the JPEG in camera RAW by either selecting the JPEG and then pressing cmd+R or by selecting the JPEG and select open with and camera RAW should be available to selct.
    I cannot get of the options to work any ideas please
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    Am I missing something here as I have been trying for a week now !!!!!
    Sorry if this comes across a stupid question but it is new to me
    Chris      UK

    There's no "theory" about it. You should be able to open a raw file from bridge by double-clicking it, but it will open in ACR in PSE. You can't just use ACR within bridge in PSE, if that's what you're trying to do. To open a JPEG in ACR, go to file>Open in PSE and choose Camera raw as the format after you select the file but before you click Open.
    If you've correctly updated ACR, bridge should show you thumbnails of your raw files. If it doesn't try emptying the Bridge cache.

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    The Activation Servers for CS2 and prior have been taken down. See the link below for an explanation and solution. Be sure to follow all directions, including using the new download serial number supplied on the page.
    CS2 and prior
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/creative-suite-2-activation-end-life.htm l

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    If you still have your serial number, look at OLDER previous versions http://www.adobe.com/downloads/other-downloads.html
    Otherwise, the US$ 9.99 plan is what is current at Cloud Plans https://creative.adobe.com/plans

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    Hello, trolle56.
    Thank you for the question.  You may find these articles helpful in troubleshooting the error received with the iTunes Store. 
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Jason H. 

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    Hi Timia,
    If you are using Safari as a web browser :-
    Open Safari, go to Safari menu > Preferences > General, and put Google as the homepage. Then, choose Google as your default search engine.
    If you are using Google Chrome as the web browser :-
      Open Google Chrome.
      In the top right corner of the page, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu > Settings.
      In the "Search" section, select Google from the drop-down menu.
    Let me know if you still experience any issue.

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