Dynamic Data Type declaration from Parameter value

  I have a silly question..
Is it possible to dynamically declare a variable based on the contents of a parameter...like:
Tables: RSDUPD.
Parameter: p_Daty like RSDUPD-DATU
Data: l_last_day like (p_Daty)

ok....thanks for the answer but its time to make the question harder. 
I have the following code:
DATA: it_query_results TYPE REF TO data.
PARAMETER: prxy_cls(30).
CREATE DATA it_query_results TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (prxy_cls).
ASSIGN it_query_results->* TO <l_it_query_result>.
....I do all sorts of processing with <l_it_query_result>.....then
CALL METHOD o_query_result->execute_asynchronous
       output = <l_it_query_result>.
only problem is method execute_asynchronous doesnt expect a type ref and only expects table type ZBWCOPA9030V00_QUERY_RESULT1...which is what I am entering in the parameter prxy_cls..
need help badly..

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    Currently, I have the following basic VI setup to save Data from my PCI6221 Data Aquisition Card.  The problem I'm having is I keep getting the last iteration of the while loop in the measurement file and that's pretty much it.  When I try to index the data leaving the loop it gives me a 2D array of Data which cannot be input into the "Write to Measurement File" VI.  How would I save this to a useful Data/time step format?  I was wondering of a way to continuously collect the Data and then save it in a large measurement file that I would manipulate in Matlab/excel?  Am I using the wrong type of loop for this application?  I also noticed my Dynamic Data array consists of data, time, timestep and then a vector of the data taken.  Is it possible to just get a vector of the time change per sample alongside the data?    Sorry for the barrage of questions but any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance!
    basic DAQ.vi ‏120 KB

    There is a VI in the Express > Signal Manipulation palette called "From DDT" that lets you convert from the Dynamic Data Type to other data types that are more compatible with operations like File I/O....for instance, you could convert your DDT into a 2D array and use the Write To Spreadsheet File.vi.  Just a thought...
    Darren Nattinger, CLA
    LabVIEW Artisan and Nugget Penman

  • Package with table data type as out parameter.

    Hi there, I managed to compile the package without error but when I am trying to test this package and
    I am keep facing this error message. 
    Am I using correctly for the table data type as out parameter.  I have no idea what is wrong with the package to fix. 
    Pls. help and advise me.  Thanks.
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    p_stmodel VARCHAR2(40):=null;
    p_item_number VARCHAR(40):='9BX158-300';
    p_item_id NUMBER:=0;
    l_attribute_out test_common_api.l_item_attr_tab:=test_common_api.l_item_attr_tab();
    Error report:
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 18:
    PLS-00302: component 'TEST_ATTRIBUTE' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 2:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 -  "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE test_common_api
                                   PRODUCTTYPE VARCHAR2(30),
                                   INTERNALPRODUCTNAME VARCHAR2(20),
                                   NUMBEROFHEADS VARCHAR2(2),
                                   NUMBEROFDISCS VARCHAR2(2),
                                   GENERATION  VARCHAR2(10),
                                   FACTORYAPPLICATION VARCHAR2(150),
                                   PRODUCTFAMILY  VARCHAR2(60),
                                   FORMFACTOR VARCHAR2(10),
                                   FORMATTEDCAPACITY NUMBER,
                                   FORMATTEDCAPACITY_UOM VARCHAR2(20),
                                   INTERFACE  VARCHAR2(30),
                                   SPINDLESPEEDRPM  NUMBER,
                                   PRODUCTCACHE VARCHAR2(10),
                                   WARRANTYMONTHS   VARCHAR2(2),
                                   PHYSICAL_SECTOR_SIZE  NUMBER,
                                   MODELHEIGHT  VARCHAR2(10),
                                   ENCRYPTION_TYPE VARCHAR2(40));
    TYPE l_item_attr_tab IS TABLE OF item_attr_rec;
    END test_common_api;
    show errors
    create or replace package body test_common_api
    PROCEDURE test_attribute (p_stmodel IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_number IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_id IN NUMBER,
                               l_item_attr_list OUT l_item_attr_tab)
    l_stmodel st.stmodelnumber%TYPE;
    l_market_segment VARCHAR2(10) ;
    l_sub_market_segment VARCHAR2(10) ;
    l_app_segment VARCHAR2(10);
    l_market_name VARCHAR2(40) ;
    l_ccitem seaeng_ccitemnumber.ccitemnumber%TYPE;
    l_query_item  VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_query_model VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_where VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_bind_var1      VARCHAR2(40);
    l_bind_var2      VARCHAR2(40);
    l_sql            NUMBER:=0;
    l_config VARCHAR2(40):=null;
       IF p_stmodel is not null THEN
           l_where :='WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber
                      AND sc.pricingdescriptor=''MODEL''
                      AND sc.ccdashnumber =''000''
                      AND sp.detailedproductname=''GENERIC''
                      AND st.stmodelnumber= :1';
                  IF p_item_number is null AND p_item_id is null THEN
                      l_config :='null';
                      l_config :='sc.configuration';
                  END IF;
            l_bind_var1 :=p_stmodel;
            l_sql :=1;
            IF p_item_id is null and p_item_number is not null THEN
                l_where := 'WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber = :1';  
                l_bind_var1 :=p_item_number;
            ELSIF p_item_id is NOT null and p_item_number is null THEN
                l_where := 'WHERE sc.ccmodel= sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber in ( select msi.segment1
                            from mtl_system_items msi
                            where msi.inventory_item_id = :1)';
                l_bind_var1 := p_item_id;
            ELSIF p_item_id is not null and p_item_number is not null THEN
                l_where :='WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber in (select msi.segment1
                           from mtl_system_items msi
                           where msi.inventory_item_id = :1
                           AND msi.segment1=:2)';
                l_bind_var1 := p_item_id ;
                l_bind_var2 :=p_item_number;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    l_query_item :='SELECT sc.configuration,st.producttype, sp.internalproductname, sp.numberofheads , sp.numberofdiscs,
      sp.generation,sp.factoryapplication, st.productfamily,st.formfactor , st.formattedcapacity , st.formattedcapacity_uom,
      st.interface,st.spindlespeedrpm,st.productcache,st.warrantymonths, st.physical_sector_size, st.modelheight, st.encryption_type
       FROM  pm sp , st st, seaeng_ccitemnumber sc ';
    l_query_model :='SELECT '|| l_config|| ' , st.producttype, null,null , null, null, sp.factoryapplication, null,st.formfactor, st.formattedcapacity,
      st.formattedcapacity_uom,st.interface , st.spindlespeedrpm, st.productcache, st.warrantymonths,st.physical_sector_size, st.modelheight,
      FROM  pm sp , st st, seaeng_ccitemnumber sc ';
       IF l_sql = 1 THEN
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  l_query_model ||l_where
                             BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                             USING l_bind_var1 ;
             l_sql =2 THEN
               EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_query_item || l_where
                                 BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                                 using l_bind_var1;
           EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  l_query_item ||l_where
                             BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                             USING l_bind_var1, l_bind_var2 ; 
        END IF;
    END test_attribute;
    END test_common_api;
    show errors

    I think you forget to declare "PROCEDURE test_attribute" procedure in your package definition. like:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE test_common_api
                                   PRODUCTTYPE VARCHAR2(30),
                                   INTERNALPRODUCTNAME VARCHAR2(20),
                                   NUMBEROFHEADS VARCHAR2(2),
                                   NUMBEROFDISCS VARCHAR2(2),
                                   GENERATION  VARCHAR2(10),
                                   FACTORYAPPLICATION VARCHAR2(150),
                                   PRODUCTFAMILY  VARCHAR2(60),
                                   FORMFACTOR VARCHAR2(10),
                                   FORMATTEDCAPACITY NUMBER,
                                   FORMATTEDCAPACITY_UOM VARCHAR2(20),
                                   INTERFACE  VARCHAR2(30),
                                   SPINDLESPEEDRPM  NUMBER,
                                   PRODUCTCACHE VARCHAR2(10),
                                   WARRANTYMONTHS   VARCHAR2(2),
                                   PHYSICAL_SECTOR_SIZE  NUMBER,
                                   MODELHEIGHT  VARCHAR2(10),
                                   ENCRYPTION_TYPE VARCHAR2(40));
    PROCEDURE test_attribute (p_stmodel IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_number IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_id IN NUMBER,
                               l_item_attr_list OUT l_item_attr_tab);
    TYPE l_item_attr_tab IS TABLE OF item_attr_rec;
    END test_common_api;
    show errors
    create or replace package body test_common_api
    PROCEDURE test_attribute (p_stmodel IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_number IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_id IN NUMBER,
                               l_item_attr_list OUT l_item_attr_tab)
    l_stmodel st.stmodelnumber%TYPE;
    l_market_segment VARCHAR2(10) ;
    l_sub_market_segment VARCHAR2(10) ;
    l_app_segment VARCHAR2(10);
    l_market_name VARCHAR2(40) ;
    l_ccitem seaeng_ccitemnumber.ccitemnumber%TYPE;
    l_query_item  VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_query_model VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_where VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_bind_var1      VARCHAR2(40);
    l_bind_var2      VARCHAR2(40);
    l_sql            NUMBER:=0;
    l_config VARCHAR2(40):=null;
       IF p_stmodel is not null THEN
           l_where :='WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber
                      AND sc.pricingdescriptor=''MODEL''
                      AND sc.ccdashnumber =''000''
                      AND sp.detailedproductname=''GENERIC''
                      AND st.stmodelnumber= :1';
                  IF p_item_number is null AND p_item_id is null THEN
                      l_config :='null';
                      l_config :='sc.configuration';
                  END IF;
            l_bind_var1 :=p_stmodel;
            l_sql :=1;
            IF p_item_id is null and p_item_number is not null THEN
                l_where := 'WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber = :1';  
                l_bind_var1 :=p_item_number;
            ELSIF p_item_id is NOT null and p_item_number is null THEN
                l_where := 'WHERE sc.ccmodel= sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber in ( select msi.segment1
                            from mtl_system_items msi
                            where msi.inventory_item_id = :1)';
                l_bind_var1 := p_item_id;
            ELSIF p_item_id is not null and p_item_number is not null THEN
                l_where :='WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber in (select msi.segment1
                           from mtl_system_items msi
                           where msi.inventory_item_id = :1
                           AND msi.segment1=:2)';
                l_bind_var1 := p_item_id ;
                l_bind_var2 :=p_item_number;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    l_query_item :='SELECT sc.configuration,st.producttype, sp.internalproductname, sp.numberofheads , sp.numberofdiscs,
      sp.generation,sp.factoryapplication, st.productfamily,st.formfactor , st.formattedcapacity , st.formattedcapacity_uom,
      st.interface,st.spindlespeedrpm,st.productcache,st.warrantymonths, st.physical_sector_size, st.modelheight, st.encryption_type
       FROM  pm sp , st st, seaeng_ccitemnumber sc ';
    l_query_model :='SELECT '|| l_config|| ' , st.producttype, null,null , null, null, sp.factoryapplication, null,st.formfactor, st.formattedcapacity,
      st.formattedcapacity_uom,st.interface , st.spindlespeedrpm, st.productcache, st.warrantymonths,st.physical_sector_size, st.modelheight,
      FROM  pm sp , st st, seaeng_ccitemnumber sc ';
       IF l_sql = 1 THEN
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  l_query_model ||l_where
                             BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                             USING l_bind_var1 ;
             l_sql =2 THEN
               EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_query_item || l_where
                                 BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                                 using l_bind_var1;
           EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  l_query_item ||l_where
                             BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                             USING l_bind_var1, l_bind_var2 ; 
        END IF;
    END test_attribute;
    END test_common_api;
    show errors

  • Create dynamic data type in structure

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to ABAP.
    In my scenario data type is varying for the field. for that I need to create dynamic data type in structure, this structure I am using for  internal table for OVS search input.
    Please suggest the solution for this.
    Advance thanks,

    Thanks for your quick reply,
    I used your logic like this.
    ls_component type abap_componentdescr,
    lt_component type abap_component_tab.
    *... (1) define structure components :
    clear ls_component.
    ls_component-name = 'NVALUE'.
    ls_component-type ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( <fs_seg_v>-fieldname ).
    insert ls_component into table lt_component.
    *... (2) create structure
    data lr_strucdescr type ref to cl_abap_structdescr.
    data lr_data_struc type ref to data.
    lr_strucdescr = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( lt_component ).
    create data lr_data_struc type handle lr_strucdescr.
    field-symbols <fs> TYPE any.
    assign lr_data_struc->* to <fs>.
    your logic is working fine.
    here I am getting feild name (<fs_seg_v>-fieldname) from internal table.
    But I need to assign same field name structure to query parameter.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_query_params> TYPE lty_stru_input.
    Please can you suggest how I can refer the field name structure?

  • Can "SPML Web Service Complex Data Type field" take multiple values ?

    In Generic Technology Connector's -SPML design parameters section, Can we give multiple values in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type field?
    If not, how can i call methods directly instead of calling them through a values of the "name" attribute of the "complexType" element in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type?
    I need 'SPML Web Service Complex Data Type' to hold multiple values.And based on the request it has to initiate appropriate method of action.
    Presently i have three methods add,modify and delete which i am calling through a single value of the "name" attribute of the "complexType" element in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type.
    I want to replace this single value with multiple menthods , so that a direct interaction between the method,OIM and target can be established.
    Edited by: 821054 on 16/02/2011 04:23

    Thanks Robert.
    You'll need to create your own interface to the webapp database for those kind of data operations
    by this, are you speaking of the internal BC database which stores web app schema data? That would be great if it were possible to update that programmatically because I need to use the List (Checkbox List) field type (for the search functionality), but I need to supply the checkbox options from a web app rather than by manually updating the list entered in the Fields view of the web app settings (shown below).
    I'm curious if anyone else has tried this?
    Again, my reason for needing to use the List (Checkbox List) field type is that the page which processes searches knows to expect a comma separated list for this field type and then appears to be parsing out the individual values for searching out web app items with 1 or more matching values. You're right that text fields (string and multiline) just check for 'string contains' matches, and this would be ok if I was only ever needing to search just one value at a time. Here's an example of what I might do:
    Web App item field value (as recorded against the List (Checkbox List) field type:
    Web App Search value (for this same field):
    The search would return this web app item because the field contains 2 (1 or more) individual values even though they were entered into the search field in a different order. If this web app item were just a Text (string or multiline) field, the searched value is not a substring of the web app item's stored value, so it would not find a match. Hence the need to use Checkbox List field type.
    The web app will have thousands if not 10s of thousands of records, so dumping them all into one big array or object and searching on the front-end won't be practical (though it works great on smaller datasets).

  • [svn] 3571: Update SWFLoader ASDoc comment to remove &emdash and data type declaration .

    Revision: 3571
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-10 11:07:09 -0700 (Fri, 10 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Update SWFLoader ASDoc comment to remove &emdash and data type declaration. ASDoc adds that automatically.
    Doc the new types in IndexChangedEvent.as
    Checkin Test Passed: Yes
    QA: No
    Doc: No
    Modified Paths:

    lunke you shoude change svn update http://svn.foo-projects.org/svn/xfce/modules/trunk to svn up $startdir/src/trunk
    hers a PKGBULID for thunar
    pkgdesc="Thunar is a file manager designed for Xfce. It is currently under development."
    build() {
    if [ ! -d $startdir/src/thunar ]; then
    echo "Fetching sources..."
    svn checkout http://svn.foo-projects.org/svn/xfce/thunar/trunk/ /thunar
    echo "Updating sources..."
    svn up $startdir/src/thunar/
    cd $startdir/src/thunar
    ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/xfce4-svn
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
    find $startdir/pkg -name '*.la' -exec rm {} ;
    you will need exo from svn as well
    pkgdesc="Extensions to Xfce by os-cillation"
    build() {
    if [ ! -d $startdir/src/trunk ]; then
    echo "Fetching sources..."
    svn checkout http://svn.foo-projects.org/svn/xfce/libexo/trunk/
    echo "Updating sources..."
    svn up $startdir/src/trunk
    cd $startdir/src/trunk
    ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/xfce4-svn
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
    find $startdir/pkg -name '*.la' -exec rm {} ;
    "Operation libtool-slay" compliant

  • How to add dynamic data type as one of the terminals of a Custom VI

    Can anybody tell me if it's possible and how to add a dynamic data type as one of the terminals of a sub-VI? I would like to have a terminal that I can connect signal from DAQmx to my sub-VI.  Thanks.

    Here is one of the coolest things about LV, and one of its major advantages over languages like VB - it has automatic memory management and it compiles whenever you make a change. This allows you to be very free in the way you handle data and change your code. In this case, you should note the small gray dot that appears when you wire the dynamic data into the Array of Waveforms input. This gray dot means that LV coerces the source data type (DDT, in this case) to the target data type (Array of waveforms). If it wouldn't match, you would get a broken wire, the VI couldn't run, and if you hover over the wire or press the broken run button you would get an exact description of the error. Cool, eh?
    This can also be seen in other things. For example, you can change an array's data type or number of dimensions by simply doing it. This will automatically be reflected anywhere the array is called in the program, and if anything won't match, the VI will be broken. If you change the # of dimensions of an array, any array function which that array is wired to will adapt. This allows you to be very safe in the way you write code, because you have LV watching all that annoying stuff for you. You don't have to worry about misspelling a variable here (for the most part).
    One important point about coercion - it does take processor power. This will usually only be evident in large arrays or loops, but it is an important point. Another thing is that coercing numeric types can cause you to lose data - coercing a DBL to a U16, for example, will cause you to lose all the fractional data.
    To learn more about LabVIEW, I suggest you try searching this site and google for LabVIEW tutorials. Here and here are a couple you can start with. You can also contact your local NI office and join one of their courses.
    In addition, I suggest you read the LabVIEW style guide and the LabVIEW user manual (Help>>Search the LabVIEW Bookshelf).
    Try to take over the world!

  • Attaching a Cluster of 2 elements data type to dynamic data type wire.

    Hey Folks,
    How do I attach a cluster of 2 elements data type of wire with a Dynamic data type wire?
    Or a Build XY Graph to a curve fitting2.
    Thanks for the help.

    Hi Ty,
    Try to use the "Express-VI Curve Fitting" which is at: Functions-> Signal Analysis -> Curve Fit.
    You have to put this VI before the "Build XY Graph".
    Otherwise, u can convert the siganls types by using the "Convert from Dynamic Data"
    which is at : Functions-> Signal Mamipulation -> Convert from Dynamic Data.
    Hope it Helps....
    The Bush-Man

  • Source XML data type declaration querry

    Hi all,
    I am very confused in below XML data type declaration.
    I am dealing first time with this type of XML.
    In source XML header items are mentioned in header node(address).
    <address addressline1="6th & Hunt" addressline2="" city="Pryor" state="OK" country="Sun" zip="74361">
    - <phoneinfo>
      <phone type="work">9999999999</phone>
    - <faxinfo>
    Please Help in the "Data type declaration" of above source XML????
    How can i use this data type in message mapping????
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Umesh,
    You can use Data types with Attributes in XI.
    And you can even try with the External Definition also.
    Hope this helps,

  • How do I Change the plot waveform colour on a Dynamic Data type Graph?

    I have multiple different plots on different graphs, and I want to set the colours of the different waveforms.
    In order to display the waveforms on different graphs, I switched to Dynamic data type and then split the wire
    according to how many channels I have.
    I can set the graph background colour with a property node, and create cursors of different colours no problem
    using the array of references that I have created, so there is nothing wrong with my array of references or the property node.
    As soon as I try and wire a colour box into the Plot>Plot Colour control, I get error 1055 out of the property node.
    I was wondering if it was an error between the keyboard and the chair, but now I am thinking it is someting more sinister.
    The Error box pops up and can't be dismissed remaining the focus until I run TASKKILL on LabVIEW and terminate it.
    Any ideas on how to achieve my goal would be appreciated.
    (LabVIEW 8.6)
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Sheela,
    It's 1 plot per graph, up to 4 graphs displayed on different tabs.
    Here are some screenshots
    graph_display.JPG ‏135 KB
    set_Plot_colour.JPG ‏79 KB

  • How to store and retrieve blob data type in/from oracle database using JSP

    how to store and retrieve blob data type in/from oracle database using JSP and not using servlet

    JSP? Why?
    start here: [http://java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/JSPIntro/contents.html]

  • How to change data type of input parameter

    In my procedure i declared the data type of "Value Date" Input parameter as Date where as in CR it is showing data type as "Date Time". Can any one please specify how to change to Date.
    While prompting for input parameter in description it is showing message as
    Please enter Date time in format"yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" . To change the content selected "format field" option. But is there any way to change input parameter data type.
    Please suggest how to change.
    Thanks Sruthi

    Hi Sruthi,
    all you need to do on this is open the report go to the parameters, select the parameter that you wish to change and click "Edit". This will allow you to change thefield to a date rather than a date time.

  • Data type of a parameter

    In my procedure i declared the data type of "Value Date" Input parameter as Date where as in CR it is showing data type as "Date Time". Can any one please specify how to change to Date.
    Thanks in advance.

    While prompting for input parameter in description it is showing message as
    Please enter Date time in format"yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" . To change the content selected "format field" option. But is there any way to change input parameter data type.
    Please suggest how to change.
    Thanks ,

  • How to call user define data type as data type for concurrent parameter

    Hi All,
    i find some difficulty while creating the concurrent program.
    i have one of the parameter of table type i.e. user define data type at PLSql program
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    any one save me from this Problem
    thanks and Regards,
    sai krishna@cavaya.

    Don't think this can be done..
    One way I can think of is to wrap your PL/SQL program under another procedure/package that can accept "normal" parameter,and use/register this wrapper instead of your original pl/sql program.

  • URGENT:data type declaration of container within the method

    My requirement is when the user revceives mail to approve/reject invoice ,the user attaches an attachmnet in the workitem stating the reson for approval/rejection of invoice.The attached attachement should be uploaded to invoice as an attachment.
    I have observed that the attachment attached by the user is stored in the container "office_document" and the type of the container is SOFM.
    To capture the attachment and send it to invoice i have created new task and new method in ZBUS2081.
    i created a container "office_doc_atta" in the workflow .the type of office_doc_atta is SOFM .
    in the method  as well as task i also declared parameter "office_doc_atta" of type sofm.
    to fetch the data from Task to method i have declared following table
    data:office_doc_atta type swc_object occurs 0 with header line.
    swc_get_table container 'office_doc_atta' office_doc_atta.
    I think that data type of "office_doc_atta" decalred within the method
    is wrong and i am unable to fetch data from the container.
    If anyone know what should be the data type of office_doc_atta within the method and how to fetch data from the task kindly let me know.
    Points will be rewarded.

    Try using SWOTOBJID instead of SWC_OBJECT.
    SWOTOBJID is the data type for a persistent object ID, while SWC_OBJECT is the data type for a runtime object ID (or reference or handle, if you are more familiar with any of those terms).
    Normally, an object will be passed by the persistent object ID. As the name reveals, the ID is persistent, i.e. remains the same. Therefore it can be stored in a database, and passed to the next step in a workflow - even if this step is executed by a different person another day.
    <i>Message was edited by Kjetil Kilhavn:</i>
    Please don't use the word urgent in your subject (or in the question for that matter). There are many reasons for this, some of which are:
    1) This is not a help desk or service organization, there are no response time guarantees based on how important a problem is for you.
    2) Most people visit SDN when time permits.
    3) Due to the previous 2 that particular word annoys more than it inspires.
    4) It is specifically mentioned in the guidelines that you should not use that word.
    5) It is a word with no accuracy. It would be better if you wrote (in the question, not the subject) that you need to solve this within 2 days - then we know your deadline.
    6) If I'm in the right mood I will ignore all questions marked as urgent for at least one day. Just for the heck of it.

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