Dynamic Field Symbols with Structures

I am stuck on a piece of code and looking for some help.  I am trying to figure out how to assign values in a structure of a dynamically defined field symbol to the structure inside another dynamically defined field symbol.  Here is my code and some comments.  Basically I am uploading data via a flatfile and placing it into a dynamically defined field symbol.
lr_area     TYPE REF TO cl_sem_planarea_attributes, 
lr_t_data   TYPE REF TO data, 
lr_s_data   TYPE REF TO data, 
lr_s_chas   TYPE REF TO data, 
lr_s_kyfs   TYPE REF TO data.
<lt_data> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,    
<ls_data> TYPE ANY,    
<ls_chas> TYPE ANY,    
<ls_kyfs> TYPE ANY.
DATA: ls_chasel TYPE upc_ys_chasel,     
ls_charng TYPE upc_ys_charng.
<f> TYPE ANY,              
<chas> TYPE TABLE,              
<kyfs> TYPE ANY. 
CALL METHOD cl_sem_planarea_attributes=>get_instance   
EXPORTING       i_area      = i_area   
RECEIVING       er_instance = lr_area. 
CHECK sy-subrc = 0. 
CREATE DATA lr_s_data TYPE (lr_area->typename_s_data). 
ASSIGN lr_s_data->*   TO <ls_data>. 
CREATE DATA lr_t_data TYPE (lr_area->typename_t_data). 
ASSIGN lr_t_data->*   TO <lt_data>. 
CREATE DATA lr_s_chas TYPE (lr_area->typename_s_chas). 
ASSIGN lr_s_chas->*   TO <ls_chas>. 
CREATE DATA lr_s_kyfs TYPE (lr_area->typename_s_kyfs). 
ASSIGN lr_s_kyfs->*   TO <ls_kyfs>. 
LOOP AT gt_file INTO ls_file.   
CLEAR <ls_data>.   
MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <ls_kyfs>. " Map key figures   
MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <ls_chas>. " Map chars
*    MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <ls_data>. " Map data
*        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'ls_chas' OF STRUCTURE <ls_Data> TO <chas> .
*        IF sy-subrc = 0.
**          <chas> = <ls_chas>.
*MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_chas> to <chas>.
*        ENDIF.     
<chas> = <ls_chas>.     
LOOP AT <chas> INTO ls_chasel.     
READ TABLE ls_chasel-t_charng INTO ls_charng INDEX 1.     
IF sy-subrc = 0 AND ls_charng-option = 'EQ'.       
ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_chasel-chanm OF STRUCTURE <ls_chas> TO <ls_data>.       
IF sy-subrc = 0.         
<ls_data> = ls_charng-low.       
COLLECT <ls_data> INTO <lt_data>. 
Ls_chasel has 2 components:
Chanm (a char 30 which contains the component’s name)
T_CHARNG (a table with values for chanm)
Ls_data has 2 components:
S_chas (a structure with a list of components and values – same list as would have)
S_kyfs (a structure with a list of components and values – same list as would have)
Lt_data is a table of ls_data
I need to get the data in ls_chas into the ls_chas structure of ls_data and the ls_kyfs data into the ls_kyfs structure of ls_chas and append ls_chas to lt_data.  Anything that is commented out is something I tried that didn't work.  RIght now I get a dump at the 'loop at <chas> into ls_chasel' that the field symbol is not assigned.
Thanks for your help!

It looks like the the original poster didn't completely understand all he was doing. (This is why I always recommend getting an ABAP programmer in for what is, essentially, advanced ABAP programming, rather than someone "kind of familiar" with ABAP trying it - we're often available at very reasonable rates ).
It seems he's using ito_chasel to set the fixed values (which is in fact quite smart!). What isn't required, so far as I can tell without implementing, are any of the statements involving <ls_kyfs> or <ls_chas>.
The following should be sufficient (with the necessary declarations etc. - but really: omit <ls_kyfs> and <ls_chas> - I'm sure they're not needed and they confuse things).
" Go through the data from the flat file
LOOP AT gt_file INTO ls_file.
  CLEAR <ls_data>.
  " Transfer the characteristics
  MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <s_chas>.
  " Transfer the key figure
  MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_file TO <s_kyfs>.
  " Go through the fixed characteristic selections from the package
  LOOP AT ito_chasel INTO ls_chasel.
    " We only care about the first value (if there is one).
    READ TABLE ls_chasel-s_charng INTO ls_charng INDEX 1.
    " Check there is a first value and that it is fixed
    CHECK sy-subrc IS INITIAL AND ls_charng EQ 'EQ'.
    " Get access to that characteristic
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fixed_value> TYPE ANY.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_chasel-chanm OF STRUCTURE <s_chas> TO <fixed_value>.
    " Make sure that it exists in the data structure
    CHECK sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
    " Set the value
    <fixed_value> = ls_charng-low.
  COLLECT <ls_data> INTO <lt_data>.

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  • Read Data from the dynamic Field Symbol with key ?

    Dear All,
    I've  2 dynamic internal tables in the form of field symbols.
    Now,I want to loop the item field symbol, read the header field symbol content and then move the corresponding into a final field symbol.
    How to read the field symbol with key ?
    When I'm trying to give the key clause in the paranthesis it's giving a syntax error.
    Any clues ?
    FYI .....
    * Get the Dynamic Field and Value for the Date/Year and convert it into Year value
      LOOP AT <fs_t_son> ASSIGNING <wa_son>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT gwa_znrows_def-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <wa_son> TO <fs_year>.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          CLEAR gv_string.
          MOVE <fs_year> TO gv_string.
          CLEAR gv_year.
          gv_year = gv_string.
          <fs_year> = gv_year.
    * When the Date/year Field is not in the Table then -->
    * Get the Dynamic Field and Value
          ASSIGN COMPONENT gwa_znrows_def-kfldname OF STRUCTURE <wa_rson> TO <fs_value>.
    * Populate field for Dynamic Where condition
          CLEAR gv_value.
          CONCATENATE '''' <fs_value> '''' INTO gv_value.
          CONCATENATE gwa_znrows_def-kfldname '=' gv_value INTO gt_where SEPARATED BY space.
          APPEND gt_where.
          CLEAR gt_where.
          READ TABLE <fs_t_rson> ASSIGNING <wa_rson> ( gt_where ).  "Key clause
        ENDIF.  " if sy-subrc = 0.  "Assign
    Thanks & regards,

    TYPES: BEGIN OF line,
             col1 TYPE c,
             col2 TYPE c,
           END OF line.
    DATA: wa TYPE line,
          itab TYPE HASHED TABLE OF line WITH UNIQUE KEY col1,
          key(4) TYPE c VALUE 'COL1'.
    ASSIGN itab TO <fs>.
    READ TABLE <fs> WITH TABLE KEY (key) = 'X' INTO wa.
    The internal table itab is assigned to the generic field symbol <fs>, after which it is possible to address the table key of the field symbol dynamically. However, the static address
    READ TABLE <fs> WITH TABLE KEY col1 = 'X' INTO wa.
    is not possible syntactically, since the field symbol does not adopt the key of table itab until runtime. In the program, the type specification ANY TABLE only indicates that <fs> is a table. If the type had been ANY (or no type had been specified at all), even the specific internal table statement READ TABLE <fs>  would not have been possible from a syntax point of view.

  • Dynamic field symbol

    Hello :i would like to ask one favor , how can i define a field symbol, that can recieve a dynamic variable
    segment of code:
    CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = it_fldcat
          ep_table        = it_dynamic.
      ASSIGN it_dynamic->* TO <dyn_table>.
    CREATE DATA wa_dynamic LIKE line of <dyn_table>.
      ASSIGN wa_dynamic->* TO <dyn_wa>. " this one 'wa_dynamic'  i need to sent to <dyn_wa>
    thanks a lot

    Generic Type Specification
    The following types allow you more freedom when using actual parameters. The data object only needs to have the selection of attributes specified.
    Check for data object
    No type specification
    All types of data object are accepted. The field symbol adopts all of the attributes of the data object.
    TYPE C, N, P, or X
    Only data objects with type C, N, P, or X are accepted. The field symbol adopts the field length and DECIMALS specification (type P) of the data object.
    The system checks whether the data object is a standard internal table. This is a shortened form of TYPE STANDARD TABLE (see below).
    The system checks whether the data object is an internal table. The field symbol inherits all of the attributes (line type, table type, key) from the data object.
    The system checks whether the data object is an index table (standard or sorted table). The field symbol inherits all of the attributes (line type, table type, key) from the data object.
    The system checks whether the data object is a standard internal table. The field symbol inherits all of the remaining attributes (line type, key) from the data object.
    The system checks whether the actual parameter is a sorted internal table. The field symbol inherits all of the remaining attributes (line type, key) from the data object.
    The system checks whether the actual parameter is a hashed internal table. The field symbol inherits all of the remaining attributes (line type, key) from the data object.
    If you specify a type generically, remember that the attributes inherited by the field symbol from the program are not statically recognizable in the program. You can, at most, address them dynamically.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF line,
             col1 TYPE c,
             col2 TYPE c,
           END OF line.
    DATA: wa TYPE line,
          itab TYPE HASHED TABLE OF line WITH UNIQUE KEY col1,
          key(4) TYPE c VALUE 'COL1'.
    ASSIGN itab TO <fs>.
    READ TABLE <fs> WITH TABLE KEY (key) = 'X' INTO wa.
    The internal table ITAB is assigned to the generic field symbol <FS>, after which it is possible to address the table key of the field symbol dynamically. However, the static address
    READ TABLE <fs> WITH TABLE KEY col1 = 'X' INTO wa.
    is not possible syntactically, since the field symbol does not adopt the key of table ITAB until runtime. In the program, the type specification ANY TABLE only indicates that <FS> is a table. If the type had been ANY (or no type had been specified at all), even the specific internal table statement READ TABLE <FS> would not have been possible.
    If you adopt a structured type generically (a structure, or a table with structured line type), the individual components cannot be addressed in the program either statically or dynamically. In this case, you would have to work with further field symbols and the method of assigning structures component by component.
    Specifying the Type Fully
    When you use the following types, the technical attributes of the field symbols are fully specified. The technical attributes of the data objects must correspond to those of the field symbol.
    Technical attributes of the field symbol
    TYPE D, F, I, or T
    The field symbol has the technical attributes of the predefined elementary type
    TYPE <type>
    The field symbol has the type <type>. This is a data type defined within the program using the TYPES statement, or a type from the ABAP Dictionary
    TYPE REF TO <cif>|DATA
    The field symbol is a reference variable for the class or interface <cif>, or for a data object.
    TYPE LINE OF <itab>
    The field symbol has the same type as a line of the internal table <itab> defined using a TYPES statement or defined in the ABAP Dictionary
    LIKE <f>
    The field symbol has the same type as an internal data object <f> or structure, or a database table from the ABAP Dictionary
    When you use a field symbol that is fully typed, you can address its attributes statically in the program, since they are recognized in the source code. If you fully specify the type of a field symbol as a reference or structured data object, you can address it as you would the data object itself, once you have assigned an object to it. So, for example, you could address the components of a structure, loop through an internal table, or create an object with reference to a field symbol.
    REPORT demo_field_symbols_type .
    DATA: BEGIN OF line,
             col1(1) TYPE c,
             col2(1) TYPE c VALUE 'X',
           END OF line.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> LIKE line.
    ASSIGN line TO <fs>.
    MOVE <fs>-col2 TO <fs>-col1.
    The field symbol <FS> is fully typed as a structure, and you can address its components in the program.
    Attaching a structure to a field symbol
    The STRUCTURE addition forces a structured view of the data objects that you assign to a field symbol.
    The structure <s> is either a structured local data object in the program, or a flat structure from the ABAP Dictionary. <f> is a data object that must be assigned to the field symbol as a starting field. However, this assignment can be changed later using the ASSIGN statement.
    When you assign a data object to the field symbol, the system only checks that it is at least as long as the structure. You can address the individual components of the field symbol. It has the same technical attributes as the structure <s>.
    If <s> contains components with type I or F, you should remember the possible effects of alignment. When you assign a data object to a field symbol with a structure, the data object must have the same alignment, otherwise a runtime error may result. In such cases, you are advised to assign such data objects only to structured field symbols, which retain the same structure as the field symbol at least over the length of the structure.
    The STRUCTURE is obsolete; you should no longer use it. Field symbols defined using the STRUCTURE addition are a mixture of typed field symbols and a utility for casting to either local or ABAP Dictionary data types. If you want to define the type of a field symbol, include the TYPE addition in a FIELD-SYMBOLS statement. If you want to use casting, include the CASTING addition in an ASSIGN statement.
    Example using the obsolete STRUCTURE addition:
    DATA: wa(10) VALUE '0123456789'.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line1,
          END OF line1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line2,
             col2 LIKE sy-datum,
          END OF line2.
                   <f2> STRUCTURE line2 DEFAULT wa.
    WRITE: / <f1>-col1, <f1>-col2, <f1>-col3,
           / <f2>-col1, <f2>-col2.
    Example using the correct syntax (TYPE and CASTING):
    DATA: wa(10) VALUE '0123456789'.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line1,
          END OF line1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line2,
             COL2 LIKE sy-datum,
          END OF line2.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f1> LIKE line1.
    ASSIGN wa TO <f1> CASTING.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f2> LIKE line2.
    ASSIGN wa TO <f2> CASTING.
    WRITE: / <f1>-col1, <F1>-col2, <F1>-col3,
           / <f2>-col1, <F2>-col2.
    In both cases, the list appears as follows:
    012 34 56789
    01 2345/67/89
    This example declares two field symbols to which different structures are attached. The string WA is then assigned to each of them. The output shows that the field symbols assign the strings component by component according to the type of the components.

  • Field symbols to structures

    when a run time error occurs using field symbols of structures to data objects corresponds to alignment.?
    please explain with an example.

    I think it would be better for you to explain what you are doing and what the runtime error is all about.
    Because: 'field symbols of structures to data objects corresponds to alignment' doesn't ring a bell for any of us obviously.

  • How to use Field-symbol with dynamic select query

    Can anybody tell me, how to use field-symbols in the dynamic select query.

    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs> { typing | STRUCTURE struc DEFAULT dobj }.
    1. ... typing
    2. ... STRUCTURE struc DEFAULT dobj
    The FIELD-SYMBOLS statement declares a field symbol <fs>. The name conventions apply to the name fs. The angle brackets of the field symbols indicate the difference to data objects and are obligatory. You can declare field symbols in any procedure and in the global declaration section of an ABAP program, but not in the declaration section of a class or an interface. You can use a field symbol in any operand position in which it is visible and which match the typing defined using typing.
    After its declaration, a field symbol is initial - that is, it does not reference a memory area. You have to assign a memory area to it (normally using the ASSIGN statement) before you can use it as an operand. Otherwise an exception will be triggered.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line,
            string1(10) VALUE '0123456789',
            string2(10) VALUE 'abcdefghij',
          END OF line.
    WRITE / line-string1+5.
    ASSIGN line-string1+5(*) TO <fs>.
    WRITE / <fs>.
    reward if helpful

  • Reading a field symbol whose structure is dynamic

    Hi Experts,
    I have used the concept of dynamic internal tables to select data from COSS/COSP for e.g.database tables.Field symbol of type " ANY TABLE" has been used to select data , as the dynamic structure is assigned directly to the field symbol.
    To calculate the values of various fields I need to read the this field symbol for diferent line items , but I get a compilation error saying " Key not Found ". I understand that I am not able to read the field symbol because its structure is of type 'ANY TABLE' .How do I read this field symbol ?
    The field symbol gets the structure of dynamic internal table as formed initially by using class concept.Is their any way in which I could get the structure of this field symbol or any other way to read it?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ritwika,
    Even if u use the concept if dynamic internal table, u can read the each of the field of ur structure,
    if u know the name of the field.
    for example:
    MATNR being one of the field of internal table
    field-symbols : <fs> type any.
    loop at <fs_it> into <fs_wa>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATNR' OF STRUCTURE <fs_wa> to <fs_matnr>.
    " in this case matnr field value will be assigned to the field symbol <fs_matnr>, so it can be used further.
    " do reply if still confused.
    Rohit G
    Edited by: Rohit Gaharwar on Aug 12, 2009 11:51 AM

  • Read dynamic field symbol Work Area before append to dynamic table

    Hi experts:
    I have a dynamic work area but before doing an append to the dynamic table, I need to do some validation on some fields of the work area in order to decide to append it or not, but I don't know how...
    More or less this is the example
    loop at so_kschl.
        field = so_kschl-low.
        if <t_dyntable>-field = 0. "if the value of this field in dinamic table is 0.
    don't append
           APPEND <fs_dyntable> TO <t_dyntable>.  
    Thank you very much for your help.

    Check this example, you read the component of the dynamic work area and assign it to a field-symbols. In this case, I validate that the entry is always 'a'.
    DATA: i_lvc TYPE lvc_t_fcat WITH HEADER LINE,
          i_table TYPE REF TO data,
          l_style TYPE lvc_fname,
          l_warea TYPE REF TO data,
          l_name(7) VALUE 'VARCHAR'..
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> TYPE table,
                  <fs2> TYPE ANY,
                  <fs3> TYPE ANY.
      i_lvc-fieldname = 'Varchar'.
      i_lvc-inttype = 'C'.
      i_lvc-intlen = 1.
      APPEND i_lvc.
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
      it_fieldcatalog = i_lvc[]
      ep_table = i_table
      e_style_fname = l_style.
      ASSIGN i_table->* TO <fs>.
      CREATE DATA l_warea LIKE LINE OF <fs>.
      ASSIGN l_warea->* TO <fs2>.
      <fs2> = p_char.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT l_name OF STRUCTURE <fs2> TO <fs3>.
      IF <fs3> = 'a'.
        WRITE: 'Component VARCHAR is a'.
    *  APPEND <fs2> TO <fs>.
        WRITE: 'Component VARCHAR is not a'.

  • Field symbol with top of page in reuse_alv_list

    When using the top_of_page in REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY
    I had in the old programm reference to values in the outtab for the header in the new programm I use dynamic tables and I wonder how to add those values in a header.
                  i_callback_program       = h_repid
                  i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
                  i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'
    *            i_structure_name         = 'ZDOORBEL_ALV'
    *            IT_EVENTS                = TEVENTS
                  is_layout                = slayout
                  it_fieldcat              = it_fieldcat[]
                  it_sort                  = tsort[]
                  i_save                   = a_save
                  is_variant               = variant
                  t_outtab                 = <ta_output>
    in my top_of_page I try to read the current row of <ta_output> but I have no clue on how to do it. I gives the error that there is no workarea assigned to <ta_output>
    anybody knows how to read the current line of <ta_output>  in top_of_page ?
    kind regards
    arthur de smidt

    I have
    * fieldsymbols voor dynamische ALV tabel
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ta_output> TYPE table ,
                  <ta_color> TYPE table,
                  <l_line>  TYPE ANY,
                  <wa_output> type any,
                  <wa>  TYPE ANY,
                   <l_field> TYPE ANY,
                   <fs> TYPE ty_pernrs.
    FORM top_of_page.
      CREATE DATA new_line LIKE LINE OF <ta_output>.
      ASSIGN new_line->* TO <wa_output>.
      read table <ta_output> assigning <wa_output> index sy-tabix.
    if ra_pernr = 'X'.
      if <wa_output>-week = space or <wa_output>-pernr = '00000000'.
    but still it says that the
    The data object "<WA_OUTPUT>" has no structure and therefore no
    component called "WEEK" . .
    Edited by: A. de Smidt on Jun 26, 2008 11:07 AM

  • Problem With Insert statement using field symbols with unicode enabled

    I was writng a function module for dyanamic operations on the table. We are using the field symbols, function module is unicode enabled.
    Assign statements are working fine, with which we created work are <fs_wa_header> and internal table <fs_tb_item> dynamically based on the table name (IM_TB_HENAME) which we get as import parameter.
    we have query which is giving us dump.

    INSERT (IM_TB_HENAME) FROM <FS_WA_HEADER> is good for inserting a line in the database, so IM_TB_HENAME has to have the name of dictionary table.
    U should write:
    But I believe you can't use the variable IM_TB_HENAME, you should use another field-symbols:

  • Modifying value of dynamic field-symbol

    I have a requirement in which i need to access columns of a dynamic internal table , manipulate and update back to the dynamic internal table
    Names of the columns are also not fixed. This i am determing at the runtime.
    Following is the code used :
    Loop at <dyn_table> assigning <dyn_wa>.
    lv_field = p_fields " This is the field i am taking from the selection screen which needds to be manipulated.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_field OF STRUCTURE <dyn_wa> TO <fs_value>.
    refresh itab.
    split <fs_value> at ',' into table itab.
    loop at itab.
    assign other fields of the source package to new splited table.
    ASSIGN <dyn_wa> TO <dyn_wa1>.
    I have to assign the valuein itab to the third field in field symbols.
    ( so the code would be added here)*******************
    append <dyn_wa1> to <dyn_table1>.
    Kindly suggest some solution for this above requiremnt.

    Just try to use the below codes in appropriate place and let me know if further issues..
    LOOP AT itab.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 3 OF STRUCTURE <dyn_wa1> to <fs_value>.
      CLEAR : <fs_value>.
      <fs_value> = itab-field name.
      APPEND <dyn_wa1> TO <dyn_table1>.

  • Read Dynamic Field Symbol

    Hello ,
    I have a field symbol where i am not aware of fields (Column Name) , i mean column names are Dynamic.
    Problem is i need to read this field symbol value , how can i do it . It will always have 1 record
    Field Symbol looks something like this
    <FS> Column Name dynamic -
    A B C
    1 2 3
    So now i have to refer to Second Column (i.e. is B in this case) , how should i do
    What i tried .
    1. <FS>-(Column Name in variable in brackets) - It doesnt work , Error Message unable to interpret the number B
    2. <FS>[1] - Error out.

    For a structured data object <s>, you can use the statement
    to assign one of its components <comp> to the field symbol <FS>. You can specify the
    component <comp> either as a literal or a variable. If <comp> is of type C or a structure which
    has no internal tables as components, it specifies the name of the component. If <comp> has any
    other elementary data type, it is converted to type I and specifies the number of the component.
    In the assignment is successful, SY-SUBRC is set to 0. Otherwise, it returns 4.

  • Internal - dynamic - field-symbols

    This is my requirement
    data in itab is
    NAME     ,  COUNT ,  STRTDATE,  ENDDATE, durinmin.
    a         123      10/1/08    10/1/08    12
    a         123      10/2/08    10/5/08    30
    a         123      10/3/08    10/8/08    15
    b         123      10/1/08    10/1/08    12
    b         123      10/2/08    10/5/08    30
    b         123      10/3/08    10/8/08    15
    to be displayed like
    name   count   10/1/08     10/2/08  10/3/08
    a     123      12          30        15
    b     123      12          30        15
    This is how I am coding...
    r_dyn_table TYPE REF TO data,
    r_wa_dyn_table TYPE REF TO data,
    r_dock_ctnr TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
    r_alv_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
    t_fieldcat1 TYPE lvc_t_fcat, "with cell color
    t_fieldcat2 TYPE lvc_t_fcat, "without cell color
    wa_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF t_fieldcat1,
    wa_cellcolors TYPE LINE OF lvc_t_scol,
    wa_is_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    <t_dyn_table> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
    <wa_dyn_table> TYPE ANY,
    <t_cellcolors> TYPE lvc_t_scol,
    <w_field> TYPE ANY.
    data begin of itab
    NAME     ,
      COUNT     ,
    end of itab.
    build catalog
    form build_cat_for_table.
      data : fname(6) value 'Day'.
      data : cntr(3) type n, ctext(10).
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'NAME'.
      wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '32'.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext = 'Name'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'Wtavgtime'.
      wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '6'.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext = 'Wt Avg Time'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    *now add all the dates.
      loop at dtrange.
        cntr = 1.
        concatenate fname cntr into fname.
        ctext = dtrange-ddate.
        wa_fieldcat-fieldname = fname.
        wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
        wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '6'.
        wa_fieldcat-coltext = ctext.
        wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
        cntr = cntr + 1.
        clear fname.
        APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    form fill_data.
    data : fname(6) value 'Day'.
      data : cntr(3) type n, ctext(10).
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
      it_fieldcatalog = t_fieldcat1
      ep_table = r_dyn_table
      generate_subpool_dir_full = 1
      OTHERS = 2.
      IF sy-subrc ne 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      ASSIGN r_dyn_table->* TO <t_dyn_table>.
      CREATE DATA r_wa_dyn_table LIKE LINE OF <t_dyn_table>.
      ASSIGN r_wa_dyn_table->* TO <wa_dyn_table>.
    loop at itab.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NAME' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-name.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'Wtavgtime' oF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-wtavgtime.
    cntr = 0.
        cntr = 1.
        concatenate fname cntr into fname.
      assign component fname of structure <wa_dyn_table> to <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-
    This is where I am stucked how to put the dates as the columns while displaying and then put the duration in the rows corresponding to the columns.
    Any help is appriciated.
    THERE ARE LOT OF EXAMPLES on forum but some how I am not able to grasp it in my code, may be my knowledge of field symbols falling short. I guess I need to use Header / field groups but not clicking me .
    Thanks in advance.

    I changed ur code a little.... i dont know whether it will work or not...
    But it will give u some idea...
    1. when preparing the Fieldcatalog.
    *now add all the dates.
    LOOP AT dtrange.
    *  cntr = 1.
    *  CONCATENATE fname cntr INTO fname.
      fname = dtrange-ddate.    "---u may need to change this (but give a date here)
      ctext = dtrange-ddate.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname = fname.
      wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '6'.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext = ctext.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
      cntr = cntr + 1.
      CLEAR fname.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    2. When adding values...
    SORT itab BY name.
    LOOP AT itab.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NAME' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-name.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT 'Wtavgtime' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      <w_field> = itab-wtavgtime.
      cntr = 0.
    *  DO.
    *    cntr = 1.
    *    CONCATENATE fname cntr INTO fname.
    *    ASSIGN COMPONENT fname OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      fname = itab-strtdate.                  "---same thing here
      ASSIGN COMPONENT fname OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
      IF <w_field> IS ASSIGND.
        <w_field> = itab-durinmin.
      AT END OF name.
        MODIFY <t_dyn_table> FROM <wa_dyn_table>.
    *  ENDDO.

  • Using field-symbols with FOR ALL ENTRIES IN ...

    Hi all of you,
    Is it possible to use field symbol by the FOR ALL THE ENTRIES IN itab.
    Normally, isn't possible.
    So my problem is that I'm having duplicate code.
    I've something like this.
          IF ap_objcl EQ omaterial.
            SELECT objectid
            INTO TABLE i_cdpos
            FROM cdpos
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN otf_materials
            WHERE objectclas = ap_objcl AND
                  tabname = otf_materials-tablename AND
                  fname = otf_materials-fieldname.
         ELSEIF ap_objcl EQ otf_documents...
    And I'm looking to use otf_materials and otf_documents
    So, instead to duplicate the code, I'm looking for a way to restrain the code by using maybe field symbols.
    Ideal :
    FIELD-SYMBOLS : <otf_mats_docs> LIKE OTF_TABLE.
    IF ap_objcl EQ omaterial
    ASSIGN local copy of otf_materials TO <otf_mats_docs> CASTING.
    ELSEIF ap_objcl EQ odocuments
    ASSIGN local copy of otf_documents TO <otf_mats_docs> CASTING.
            SELECT objectid
            INTO TABLE i_cdpos
            FROM cdpos
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN <otf_mats_docs>
            WHERE objectclas = ap_objcl AND
                  tabname = <otf_mats_docs>-tablename AND
                  fname = <otf_mats_docs>-fieldname.
    IF ap_objcl EQ omaterials.
    *Do nothing
    ELSEIF ap_objcl EQ odocuments.
    *Do something with the date in otf_documents.

    Ok, using forms is great things to deal with it.
    But, may be it'll slow down the program and I need a really rapid program.
    I tried using form.
    The problem by pushing the FOR ALL ENTRIES IN <structure>
    didn't works.
    It tells me that the structure that I pushed via "using" is not an internal table.
    The same structure work find in the global program.
    What should I do ?.
    The structure is given by as a parameters in Function Module.
    FORM data_search
        object_cl TYPE j_objnr
        table_data LIKE ****structure****
        global_lst TYPE ANY TABLE.
          DATA : BEGIN OF otf_list OCCURS 0,
               objectid TYPE cdpos-objectid,
             END OF otf_list.
      DATA : ii_cdpos LIKE TABLE OF otf_list WITH HEADER LINE.
         IF table_data IS NOT INITIAL.
            SELECT objectid
            INTO TABLE ii_cdpos
            FROM cdpos
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN table_data
            WHERE objectclas = object_cl AND
                  tabname = table_data-tablename AND
                  fname = table_data-fieldname.
            SELECT objectid
            INTO TABLE i_cdpos
            FROM cdpos
            WHERE objectclas = ap_objcl.
          SELECT DISTINCT objectid
          INTO TABLE global_lst
          FROM cdhdr
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN ii_cdpos
          WHERE ( ( udate GT from_date AND udate LT to_date ) OR
                  ( udate EQ from_date AND udate NE to_date AND utime GE from_time ) OR
    *              ( udate NE from_date AND udate EQ to_date AND utime LE to_time ) OR
    *              ( udate EQ from_date AND udate EQ to_date AND utime GE from_time AND utime LE to_time )
                  ( udate EQ to_date AND (
                                           udate NE from_date OR
                                           utime GE from_time
                                     AND utime LE to_time )
                ) AND
                objectclas = ap_objcl AND
                objectid = ii_cdpos-objectid.

  • How to use FIELD-SYMBOLS with TYPE ANY?

    I need to write a function which gets an import string parameter containing a field name like MATNR. In this function I have to "map" this string to a real variable so that I can access the field which is represented by the string. I tried it like this but it does not work:
    ""Lokale Schnittstelle:
      Assign (FIELD_NAME) to <FS_ANY>.
    Does not work (I guess because of 'type any')
    How can I solve this problem?

    This code is far from perfection...But at least it could help you to find the right track -;)
    REPORT ydummy_atg.
      SELECT *
      INTO TABLE w_mara
      FROM mara.
      PERFORM test TABLES w_mara.
    *&      Form  test
    FORM test TABLES t_mara.
      DATA: field_name(30) VALUE 'T_MARA',
            new_line TYPE REF TO data,
            flag TYPE c,
            w_tabix TYPE sy-tabix.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_any> TYPE ANY,
                      <l_line> TYPE ANY,
                      <l_field> TYPE ANY.
      ASSIGN (field_name) TO <fs_any>.
      CREATE DATA new_line LIKE LINE OF t_mara.
      ASSIGN new_line->* TO <l_line>.
      LOOP AT t_mara.
        MOVE t_mara TO <l_line>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE <l_line> TO <l_field>.
        <l_field> = <l_line>.
        WRITE:/ <l_field>.
    ENDFORM.                    " test


    Hello gurus,
    I have a problem with the following code. It is called in method MB_DOCUMENT_BEFORE_UPDATE of badi MB_DOCUMENT_BADI. I need to read the serial numbers of all items. I tried to do it with a field symbol. The information I need is stored in the hased table (SAPLMIGO)LCL_MIGO_GLOBALS=>KERNEL->PT_GOSERIAL_KERNEL. The systems returns sy-subrc = 4 after the assign. Can anyone help me? Thanks!
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_goserial,
              selected TYPE xfeld,
              serialno TYPE    gernr,
            END OF ty_s_goserial,
            ty_t_goserial  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_goserial WITH
                                                     NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY.
      TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_goserial_kernel,
                global_counter TYPE migo_global_counter,
                t_goserial TYPE ty_t_goserial,
            END OF ty_s_goserial_kernel.
    types: tyt_goserial TYPE HASHED   TABLE OF ty_s_goserial_kernel
                                     WITH UNIQUE KEY global_counter.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_serialno> type tyt_goserial.
        ASSIGN (fs_l_serialno) TO <fs_serialno>.
        IF sy-subrc = 4.
          WRITE: / 'Ouch...'.

    Try adding body operator..at the end as it is an internal table..

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