Dynamic Link Bug on Multicam?

I've edited some footage using multicam in the usual way, i.e. create a sequence, embed in another sequence, turn on multicam etc.
I've then copied the resulting edit in to another sequence (not embedded, just copied) to drop it in to an assembled program.  I'm now trying to stabilize a couple of shots but I've hit a problem.
The sequence goes as follows:
[ Clip 2 ] [ Clip 1 ][ Clip 2* ] [ Clip 1 ]
The clip I'm trying to stabilize is Clip 2* (the third one above).   When I right click and tell it to replace with an After Effects Comp (so I can use Warp Stabilizer) it launches After Effects but puts Clip 1 (the part of Clip 1 that was under the chosen Clip 2 in the multicam) in to after effects and not clip 2.
How can I get Clip 2 in to After Effects as a Comp?
To clarify, this would have been the multicam source tracks
[ Clip 2 ] [ Clip 2 ][ Clip 2* ] [ Clip 2 ]
[ Clip 1 ] [ Clip 1 ][ Clip 1* ] [ Clip 1 ]
So it's [Clip 1*] that's going to after effects and not [Clip 2*].   
What am I doing wrong?
[  Mac 10.6.7,  CS5.5  ]

Hm-m-m... I can't actually recreate your weird AE output...
Well, lets try to move step by step...
When you right click on you clip in PrPro sequence, AE brings into two comps:
- the first one is precise representation of your replaced clip in terms of time - it starts and stops exactly where you need;
- the second one is representation of your nested Multicam sequence.
I assume, when you disabled eyeballs of unnecessary upper layers, you applied Warp Stabilizer onto your Master AE composition.
So, we should have got something like this:
Third clip in my example is replaced with stabilised AE comp.
Now select and right click previous clip.
AE brings into two comps again:
- the first one is precise representation of your next clip in terms of time;
- the second one represents your nested Multicam sequence and absolutely identical to what you might have seen when replaced your very first clip.
Although you may check of whether the playhead is in right position by just switching between appropriate Master and Nested comps tabs - they are linked in terms of time, treat nested comp just for bringing proper camera view back by disabling eyeballs of unnecessary upper layers.
Apply effects on Master comp, and here we are with two replaced clips:
If you were able to upload your PrPro project or a sample, which caused such a mess in AE comp, I would try to play around.
UPD: looks it's impossible to properly attach images after certain layer in the thread...

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  • Dynamic Link Error: Source is empty.

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    Has anybody seen this and know of a fix?
    Mac 10.8.5 - nVidia Quadro K5000 - most current versions of Pr (8.2.0 (65)) and AME (

    To add to what I posted, I just tried quitting and relaunching both Pr and AME, and was able to drag Sequences to AME and some that gave me the error were now dragging over without error.
    I also noticed something that is either a serious bug or just a major WTF in the programming:  When I drag a Sequence to AME, the name of my Pr project changes to the temp file name for the cache that Dynamic Link uses.  This is AWFUL.  I might save over that cache file project, and then when I go to AME to use the plus button to add a Sequence from what I THOUGHT was the current version of my project it's in a previously saved, and not current state.  THIS IS BAD.  Adobe, please fix this so that my Pr Project doesn't rename itself when I drag a Sequence to AME!
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    I hadn't thought of multicam being destructively applied, since I can go back into Pr and change the cuts and the channels as desired.  The multicam clip comes into AE with all of the original cuts intact, but not the channels.  If I do make changes to the Pr sequence, re-sending the sequence to AE again updates all of the cuts, but still not the channels.

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    Thanx for that Todd
    I had experienced the issue just  yesterday and was wondering why ...and then what,  was I  going to do about it.

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    Can't this be handled automagically?
    Even with video files that reside on your hard drive, once they've been transcoded En looks only at the transcoded version unless you tell it to do otherwise.
    If En were to trash the transcoded version (which may have taken hours and hours to produce) anytime Encore or Windows or OS-X thought the file or the sequence had changed, there would be a lot of angry authors out there.
    So with real files or linked sequences, you have to explicitly tell En that you don't want the transcoded version any more.

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    Please note the entire product chain is CC.  Thank you.

    Problem solved.
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    Although it can be argued that logically all Adobe apps should be run by the "same user" on the workstation, it would be nice for the dynamic link engine to be more "real world" about linking projects on the same workstation in the case where a particular resource needs to be launched as an administrator.  Security considerations in towe, this ain't top secret government or banking data risk management folks.  Lighten up.  Maybe a little warning box that pops up and says "such and such needs to be run as administrator....do you allow?".....after all this is EXACTLY what the OS does anyway when you launch as anyone other than the administrator from a shortcut.  Quite reasonable for you (Adobe) to simply cascade the behavior.

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    2.6 GHz Intel Core i7
    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
    480 GB Solid State SATA Drive
    750 GB SATA Disk
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    It doesn't crash for everyone.  A person could be forgiven for saying, in return, "Please sort out your **** system problems". 
    Trust me when I say many, many problems are caused by the computer system setup not being up to the needs of this cutting-edge graphics software.  Photoshop is heavily dependent on the GPU, and GPU drivers are notorious for having bugs (they're primarily written to run games).
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    What video card do you have?
    What display driver version are you running?
    If you're unsure how to tell these things, go into Photoshop, choose Help - System Info, copy the data, and post it here.

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    AppleSyncNotifier: The procedure entry point sqlite3_wal_checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link library QLite3.dll.
    First time to ever see this one. I can only presume that it is a bug. But any help to correct the problem will be greatly appreciated.

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    I did not imagine that one day I'll see this intransigence and irony Carried out by Apple with humans, this makes us lose confidence in their products. Because they are interested in selling their products only and do not provide any service to their clients. And to help us solve problems that result from the method of maximum protection of their software. But I think that there is no any point in calling them and asked for their help and support. Where they do not show any initiative to help resolve the problemsThis indicates that they intend to do that, Believe it or not this problem has caused great damage and loss to me, Since I had 4 iPhones, And all my friends advised me to get rid of them and sell and never buy this products again, even if selling them at a loss because the Apple company abandon its responsibility to serve and assist their customers by support

  • Dynamic Link files "Missing"

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    I tried this solution(from the Wiki):
    I'm a developer on the Premiere team, and we are aware of this issue. Most of you have already figured out that changing the offending clip somehow and undoing your change gets around the "media offline" problem. Unfortunately there is no way I know of to get the rendered preview files back.
    A quick way to "reset" your timelines so as to work around the media offline bug is to turn off track visibility on the first track for all sequences that show the problem, then turn visibility back on (or undo). You will have to do this every time the project is loaded.
    This problem will apparently be addressed in the Premiere Pro 3.1.2 update.
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    Before anyone redirects me, I found a similar post to this previously, but the issue seemed to be different than the problem I'm having and I have tried the suggested fix in that post, anyway, with no luck.
    Any thoughts?
    Thanks for your help!

    Yes. It turned out that when I last updated my creative cloud, one of the two programs had not completed updating to the newest version (I forget whether it was Premiere or After Effects). After I ran a complete update for both programs and restarted the computer, the problem was solved. Hope this helps!

  • Dynamic Linking fails aerendercore non-responsive.

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    Concise problem statement: Dynamic Link Server fails to connect in Media Encoder--aerendercore in non-repsonsive state.
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. Usually happens after using Media Encoder several times in a row to attempt the render of an AE sequence either by sending the sequence to ME from AE OR by trying to dynamic link to the sequence from ME.
    Is fairly reproducable here
      Results: Nothing added to cue or Dynamic Link Server never shows results.
    Expected results: For either method to work as designed.
    Force killing the process, aerendercore, (which shows as non-responsive in the Activity Monitor) allows normal operation as expected for a while.
    Dynamic links suck, you know that don't you?
      Model Name: Mac Pro
      Model Identifier: MacPro5,1
      Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed: 3.33 GHz
      Number of Processors: 1
      Total Number of Cores: 6
      L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
      L3 Cache: 12 MB
      Memory: 32 GB
      Processor Interconnect Speed: 6.4 GT/s
      Boot ROM Version: MP51.007F.B03
      SMC Version (system): 1.39f11
      SMC Version (processor tray): 1.39f11
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2048 MB
    All latest updates/drivers

    I took a look at Apple's source code changes to Cyrus IMAP, which is working with Open Directory. I did a diff against the original 2.2.12 sources using FileMerge and I see that Apple added code to look in Open Directory for user name and pass. So this explains why IMAP works but sendmail does not.
    A pertinent question at this point is: Has anyone ported sendmail to Mac OS X Open Directory, similar to what Apple did with IMAP? If so, it would save me from trying to do it myself. I can probably merge the IMAP additions into sendmail, and this would allow Workgroup Manager accounts to send SMTP using SASL authentication.
    Alternatively, the easier path seems to be to create a separate database for sendmail SASL, which isn't too far from what they recommend anyway.
    No comments from anyone?

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    When trying to update flash..getting "procedure entry point setdiidirectoryw could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll"

    this is a mere adobe bug - they changed the installer & it wont support installation on windows 2000 system any longer. adobe doesn't seem as it is going to fix this bug, see [https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3120661].
    you might want to try this installation method provided by a 3rd-party-site: [http://www.ortwinpinke.de/en/2012/03/13/install-adobe-flash-player-11110262-and-later-under-windows-2000/]
    please note that mozilla firefox won't support the windows 2000 platform any longer after the release of version 12 of the browser & the system is no longer supported or kept up to date with security fixes by microsoft too. in order to keep your computer & personal information on it safe you may consider upgrading to a newer system.

  • After effects CC on maverick slow render because of PP CC Dynamic Link Footage

    I put premiere pro CC edits in After Effects CC through dynamic Link every day. Since I upgraded my systems to Maverick and first installed the 12.0.1 and afterwards 12.1 the rendering of the After effects projects that have Dynamic Link Edits on the timeline slow down from 10 hours (in12.0 on Mountain Lion) to about 90 hours. When I replace the dynamic Link with a QT Movie, it renders about 10 hours again. It is normal that Dynamic link slows dow the rendering, but this is extreme and since this wasn't the case on Mountain Lion and 12.0 for the same project with the same dynamic link, not normal. I couldn't figure out what causes this. Is this Maverick on my 2008 Mac Pro ? is this a bug in 12.1 or dynamic link ? Or can I solve this with a simple setting somewhere in Maverick or AE ?

    I'm was having the same issues, turned off "app nap" for premiere and after effects which has mostly fixed things.
    The only thing now though is if I have a dynamic linked after effects composition within premiere and I have the after effects project open (that the composition came from) the dynamic linked comp within premiere won't play properly no matter what.
    Tried everything I can find on the net - app nap, full screen full res rendering within after effects - that composition just won't play and take ages to render if the after effects project that it came from is open.
    If I close the after effects project, the dynamically linked composition in premiere starts playing perfectly. Open the project in after effects and that dynamically linked comps stop playing. Any other dynamically linked comps from other AE sessions play fine within premiere (unless I open their original AE project!)
    This used to work fine before - it was great to be able to have AE and premiere open together and make changes in AE then switch to premiere to see the changes update, watch the sequence to get context, then flick back to AE, make more changes etc.
    Now I have to close the AE project, go to premiere, watch the sequence, open the AE project, make changes. When doing a few hundred adjustments over a week this can add considerable time to workflow!
    Any ideas? Is this happening for you guys?

  • Premiere-After Effects Dynamic Link render times vary wildly after minimal composition changes

    Here is something strange that happens a lot to me.
    I'll have a sequence in Premiere Pro CC 2014 that is entirely or largely an AE comp that I have dynamically linked.  I'll use a specific case as an example, but it's happened with various projects.
    In this most recent one the visual (but not audio) of my Premiere sequence is one AE dynamically linked comp of about 90 seconds.  It's more or less a fancy slide show- some photos with moves, some text, motion blur, masking, maybe a few filters.  Fairly basic stuff as far as After Effects goes.
    Anyhow, I like to render the sequence in Premiere and then watch it down with music to see if the timing works and make adjustments from there.  That's my usual workflow.  The strange thing is that when I render, the render times can vary tremendously.  With this particular project, one time rendered in about 2 minutes in Premiere.  I watched it down and I noticed a spelling error, which I fixed.  Just changing one word of text in AE.  This, of course, causes the entire linked comp to need to be rendered again in Premiere.  This time when I go to render, it took about 20 minutes and it only got about  70% of the way through.  A huge difference and all I changed was a couple letters, which shouldn't impact how intensive of a render is needed.  What I usually do is cancel the render when it takes that long, then quit Premiere, reopen, and render right away after I open.  When I do this, after the application restart, the sequence will then render in the faster approximately 2 minute duration.  Almost invariably this is true.
    So I end up quitting and restarting Premiere a lot to get the faster render times.  But of course that's annoying.
    What is going on here?
    I know that some might have critiques of the workflow and watching in Premiere and the fact that one letter change forces the entire sequence re-render.  I know I could break it up and there are ways around that.  But I am not interested in such critiques.  My work flow actually is quite efficient when the 2 minute render time happens.  Just not when it takes 10x more than that for the same thing.  Why are there these huge render time swings?
    My guess is that some cache gets filled up, so when the application is just started, and the cache is empty, the render works much better.  But I really do not know.
    Help please.

    There is currently a bug that causes Dynamic Link performance to be poor when the main After Effects application is running. (The underlying issue is that the main After Effects application is sending many more messages during Dynamic Link than it needs to.)
    The easy workaround is to quit the main After Effects application when using Premiere Pro to process a dynamically linked After Effects composition.
    This bug is fixed in an update due to be released in less than two weeks.

  • Encore CS6 Dynamic Link

    I think most of the people here will agree with me. I have noticed that since upgrading to CC I have had lots of timewasting work arounds to create a Blu Ray and DVD using Encore. In the past I used to create awesome quality Blu Rays and DVD from the same Encore Project dynamically linked to PrPro. But with CC the workaround is time consuming and I don't think the Blu Ray and DVD will be going away as predicted by Adobe. As a result of this I just can't wait to terminate my CC subscription at the end of my contract this year so I can revert to CS6.

    For the record, I don't see any problem with dynamic link as long as it works. The "automatic" setting in Encore has worked fine for many people. There may have been slightly better quality options, but for many users, the quality was good. The problem has been that there have been increasing numbers of situations where it does not work correctly, including HD to SD that made it a bad workflow for almost all users.
    The belief that it saves transcoding time seems so reasonable, it is hard to realize that it does not. The savings that may occur are in workflow that avoids bitrate calculation for longer projects.
    Surkweza appears to be one of those who found workflows for SD and BD that worked. We don't hear from many.
    And yes, its moot now, since there is no dynamic link CC to CS6. So the best CC users can do is to learn to create DVD/BD ready assets at the best quality their program length will allow.
    But the bugs make the frustration of users like srukweza harder to resolve.

Maybe you are looking for