Dynamic load PDF ?

Hello, some of my viewers have the Flash plugin installed on
their browsers, but not the Acrobat reader plugin.
Can I dynamicallly load a PDF INTO the SWF that they see, so
they can read the PDF without requiring Acrobat reader ?
thanks for any help.

phil1943 wrote:
> Hello, some of my viewers have the Flash plugin
installed on their browsers,
> but not the Acrobat reader plugin.
> Can I dynamicallly load a PDF INTO the SWF that they
see, so they can read the
> PDF without requiring Acrobat reader ?
No you can't, flash does not support dynamic PDF load.
you could use Flash Paper tho, tool that converts PDF to SWF
Best Regards
!!!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
Happy New Year
If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    I got an answer from Adobe:
    Dynamic change of an image href has been disabled due to potential security issues. There are however a few workarounds to choose from:
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    2. Create a Web service interface to grab the image from wherever they are stored, base64 encode it and return it to the form. You would also have to update the bindings for the image field on the form (a one time operation).

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    Couple of quick questions... For the Textfields:
    a)Do you have the textfields already on stage (in other words
    your "5 or so" comment in your first post is fixed to the number of
    textfields you put on stage). If so, what the names of the
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    Look at this comprehensive trouble shooting document;
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    The package is the unit of loading in the IDE for ADF business components.
    To edit components, they must belong to the project.
    To refer to components in a read-only way, they can be imported. This allows other editable or read-only components to refer to them without allowing the imported components to be edited.
    Both editable and imported components need to be loaded in memory to use them, so you can save memory at design time by creating projects that leave out as many packages as possible.
    Is there a way we can get your existing project in house to study its design time performance?

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    thanks & regards,

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    Hi Prakash,
    Here is the way to solve this issue:
    Make use of HTML frame, one frame (maybe with 0 height and width) pop up with a new HTML browser using javascript. Set the content type and display the pdf in another frame.
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    Can u mention the error message getting while the status become RED??
    As what I understand, this may be the issue of invalid characteristics inPSA Data Records or also there may be records that does not support the lower case or upper case data.
    So just check the data in PSA Level

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    What do you mean by dynamically? When yo set up a 2D bar code field you specify which field name/value pairs you want to include, along with other parameters. But be aware that they won't work with Reader unless you Reader-enable the document with LiveCycle Reader Extensions and include the bar code usage right. It will work with Acrobat Standard/Pro.

  • Spry Tabbed panels + Progressive Enhancement and Dynamic Loading of Content With Spry

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    Visit: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/articles/best_practices/progressive_enhancement.ht ml#updatecontent
    And click on the "Using Spry.Utils.updateContent()"
    The 3rd example shows how to use a fade transition whenever the content changes.
    I already have tabbed panels. My menu contains buttons (on tabs) and my Content div contains the panels.
    Tabs code;
    <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
              <li class="TabbedPanelsTab">
                   <table class="Button"  >
                        <td style="padding-right:0px" title ="Home">
                        <a href="javascript:TabbedPanels1.showPanel(1);" title="Home" style="background-image:url(/Buttons/Home.png);width:172px;height:75px;display:block;"><br/></a>
    and the panel code:
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContent" id="Home">
    I hoped i can use the example code from the link into my tabbed panels.
    I thought this code:
    onclick="FadeAndUpdateContent('event', 'data/AquoThonFrag.html'); return false;"
    could be added to the tab code like this:
    <a href="javascript:TabbedPanels1.showPanel(1);" onclick="FadeAndUpdateContent('event', 'data/AquoThonFrag.html'); return false;" title="Home" style="background-image:url(/Buttons/Home.png);width:172px;height:75px;display:block;"><br/></a>
    But the content doesnt fade...
    I know i need to change the header etc.
    The following is from the link:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:spry="http://ns.adobe.com/spry">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Aquo Events</title>
    <script src="../../../includes/SpryEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../../../includes/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function FadeAndUpdateContent(ele, url)
    try {
         Spry.Effect.DoFade(ele,{ duration: 500, from: 100, to: 0, finish: function() {
              Spry.Utils.updateContent(ele, url, function() {
                        Spry.Effect.DoFade(ele,{ duration: 500, from: 0, to: 100 });
    }catch(e){ alert(e); }
    <style type="text/css">
    /* IE HACK to prevent bad rendering when fading. */
    #event { background-color: white; }
    So i changed my header etc, put the SpryEffects.js and SpryData.js into position and nothing changed...
    Is there a way to keep my tabbed panel (or change as less as possible) and let
    A. The fade work
    B. The loading work.
    The problem now is that it loads all pages instead of only the home. Therefore i wanted this Progressive Enhancement.
    And the fading part is just because its nice...

    It doesnt show in the post but off course i changed this link;
    I must say i dont know if this even works...

  • How can you display a dynamically loaded vi to the Web Server?

    I am working with LabView 6.1 and the Web Server. I can call a subvi and have it display on a remote machine using a browser with no problem. But what I would like to do is dynamically load and run a vi and have it display on the remote computer using only a browser. I have tried a small example of a front panel that invokes the run vi method (and fp.open prop) on another vi when a button is pressed, but the invoked vi is displayed only on the local computer. Is there any way of viewing dynamically loaded vi's on a remote machine without having a copy of LabView running on it?

    If i understand your question correctly, you want to monitor vi that are dynamically loaded on a remote machine without having LabVIEW installed on the machine from witch you want the monitor. I don't think it's possible how ever a good reference book would be Internet applications in LabVIEW. You can find it on BARNES&NOBLE.
    Hope i could help

  • How to dynamically load jar files - limiting scope to that thread

    Dynamically loading jar files has been discussed a lot. I have read a quite a few posts, articles, and demo code for doing just that. However, I have yet to find a solution to my problem. Most people modify their system class loader and are happy. I have done that and was happy for a time. Occasionally, you will see reference to an application server or tomcat or some other large project that have successfully been able to load and unload jar files, allow for dynamic deployment of code, etc. However, I have not been able to achieve similar success; And my problem is much less complicated.
    I have an application that executes a thread to send a given file/message to a standard JMS Server Queue. Depending on the parameters selected by the user, this thread may need to communicate with one of a number of JMS Servers, ie. JBoss, WebLogic, EAServer, Glassfish, etc. All of which can be done with the same code, but each needs to load their own flavor of JMS Client Jar files. In this instance, spawning a separate JVM for each communication would work from a classloader perspective. However, I need to keep it in the family and run under the same JVM, albeit each JMS Server Connection will be created and maintained in separate Threads.
    I am close, I am doing the following...
    1. Creating a new URLClassLoader in the run() method of each thread.
    2. Set this threads contextClassLoader to the new URLClassLoader.
    3. Load the javax.jms.JMSException class with the URLClassLoader.loadClass() method.
    4. Create an initialContext object within this thread.
    Note: I read that the initialContext and subsequent conext lookup calls would use the Thread�s
    contextClassLoader for finding/loading classes.
    5. Perform context.lookup calls for a connectionFactory and Queue name.
    6. Create JMS Connection, etc. Send Message.
    Most of this seems to work. However, I am still getting a NoClassDefFoundError exception for the javax.jms.JMSException class ( Note step #3 - tried to cure unsuccessfully).
    If I include one of the JMS Client jar files ( ie wljmsclient.jar for weblogic ) in the classpath then it works for all the different JMS Servers, but I do not have confidence that each of the providers implemented these classes that now resolve the same way. It may work for now, but, I believe I am just lucky.
    Can anyone shine some light on this for me and all the others who have wanted to dynamically load classes/jar files on a per Thread basis?

    Thanks to everyone - I got it working!
    First, BenSchulz' s dumpClassLoader() method helped me to visualize the classLoader hierarchy. I am still not completely sure I understand why my initial class was always found by the systemClassLoader, but knowning that - was the step I needed to find the solution.
    Second, kdgregory suggested that I use a "glue class". I thought that I already was using a "glue class" because I did not have any JMSClient specific classes exposed to the rest of the application. They were all handled by my QueueAdmin class. However...
    The real problem turned out to be that my two isolating classes (the parent "MessageSender", and the child "QueueAdmin") were contained within the same jar file that was included in the classpath. This meant that no matter what I did the classes were loaded by the systemClassLoader. Isolating them in classes was just the first step. I had to remove them from my jar file and create another jar file just for those JMSClient specific classes. Then this jar file was only included int custom classLoader that I created when I wanted to instantiate a JMSClient session.
    I had to create an interface in the primary jar file that could be loaded by the systemClassLoader to provide the stubs for the individual methods that I needed to call in the MessageSender/QueueAdmin Classes. These JMSClient specific classes had to implement the interface so as to provide a relationship between the systemClassLoader classes and the custom classLoader classes.
    Finally, when I loaded and instantiated the JMSClient specific classes with the custom classLoader I had to cast them to the interface class in order to make the method calls necessary to send the messages to the individual JMS Servers.
    psuedu code/concept ....
    Primary Jar File   -  Included in ClassPath                                                      
    Class<?> cls = ClassLoader.loadClass( "JMSClient.MessageSender" )
    JMSClientInterface jmsClient = (JMSClientInterface) cls.newInstance()                            
    JMSClient Jar File  -  Loaded by Custom ClassLoader Only
    MessageSender impliments Primary.JMSClientInterface{
        sendMessage() {
            Class<?> cls=ClassLoader.loadClass( "JMSClient.QueueAdmin" )
            QueueAdmin queueAdmin=(QueueAdmin) cls.newInstance()

  • URLClassLoader + dynamically loading signed jar files

    I have an applet that does not know all of the jar files it will need to load at startup.
    I would like to dynamically load these signed jar files using the URLClassLoader, however it does not recognize these jar files as being signed and I get java.security.AccessControlException: access denied errors.
    Any suggestions?

    Try this classloader for loading the jars, it should to the trick:
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.net.URLClassLoader;
    import java.net.URLStreamHandlerFactory;
    import java.security.AllPermission;
    import java.security.CodeSource;
    import java.security.PermissionCollection;
    import java.security.Permissions;
    public class AllPermissionsClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
        public AllPermissionsClassLoader (URL[] urls) {
        public AllPermissionsClassLoader (URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) {
            super(urls, parent);
        public AllPermissionsClassLoader (URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory) {
            super(urls, parent, factory);
        protected PermissionCollection getPermissions (CodeSource codesource) {
            Permissions permissions = new Permissions();
            permissions.add(new AllPermission());
            return permissions;

  • Acrobat Plug-In - Wont load PDF pages in browser

    Not sure when it started happening, however either after upgrading to Safari 4.0.2 or installing the entire Master Collection of CS4, Safari will no longer load PDF's into a window. The error message reads:
    Acrobat Plug-IN
    The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser. Please exit Adobe Acrobat/Reader and exit your web browser & try again.
    My Acrobat Plug In section is as follows:
    Adobe Acrobat
    Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape — from file “nppdf32.dll”.
    MIME Type Description Extensions
    application/vnd.adobe.x-mars Acrobat Portable XML Document Format mars
    application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml Acrobat XML Data Package xdp
    application/vnd.adobe.xfd+xml Adobe FormFlow99 Data File xfd
    application/pdf Acrobat Portable Document Format pdf
    application/vnd.adobe.xfdf XML Version of Acrobat Forms Data Format xfdf
    application/vnd.fdf Acrobat Forms Data Format fdf
    Can someone help me out. Am trying to cross debug a website for IE8 and Safari but any PDF content in the webpage that loads separately causes the application to quite with a Data Execution Protection error.

    Thanks for your help I found the SIMBL directory and deleted a file called AcidSearch.Bundle which had a date of 2006, The SIMBL directory was not deleted just the file .
    Safari now loads error free ! The path for anyone else with the issue is below.
    Application Support>Library>SIMBL>Plugins  AcidSearch.bundle

  • DW MX trouble with loading PDF files

    I'm using Dreamweaver MX on an XP Pro machine and have
    trouble loading pdf documents to my web pages. It cooperates
    intermittently. I'm using a virtual pdf printer to convert word
    documents to pdf, then saving them to my website folder, selecting
    the linking text on my page in DW, using the link box to select my
    pdf document, then saving the page and putting files in both the
    local and remote views.
    This method has worked for me before, and now it's not. Does
    anyone know of a reason for this? The documents are saved
    correctly, as I can get them to open as pdf outside of dreamweaver
    and my webpage...when I click on the link I created online I get
    "page not found."
    Thanks for any help!

    I am having the same trouble with Dreamweaver MX 2004 on
    Mac-OSX since I switched from MacOs9. I still have no solution .
    When I want to export a .pdf file I get a message saying <ftp
    I never had problems on Mac Os 9 and it started when using
    the first version of Mac Os X. I am presently using mac Os 10.4.10
    and I am still unable to transfer .pdf files, no matter whether I
    use acrobat or the Mac system to produce the.pdf file.
    When I try the page on my computer the link to the.pdf file
    functions allright, but not on the server as the file cannot be
    transfered to it by the software.
    Does someone know how to solve this ?
    Originally posted by:
    I'm using Dreamweaver MX on an XP Pro machine and have
    trouble loading pdf documents to my web pages. It cooperates
    intermittently. I'm using a virtual pdf printer to convert word
    documents to pdf, then saving them to my website folder, selecting
    the linking text on my page in DW, using the link box to select my
    pdf document, then saving the page and putting files in both the
    local and remote views.
    This method has worked for me before, and now it's not. Does
    anyone know of a reason for this? The documents are saved
    correctly, as I can get them to open as pdf outside of dreamweaver
    and my webpage...when I click on the link I created online I get
    "page not found."
    Thanks for any help!

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