Dynamic LOV by count

I'm drawing a blank on this one, but I'm trying to create a dynamic LOV for a select list where a user can select a number from 1 to the amount of an item.
(ie. count(asset_id) where asset_type = :PAGE_ITEM would be the max number in the select list)

What about...
FROM dual
                      SELECT COUNT(asset_id)
                      FROM   your_table
                      WHERE  asset_type = :PAGE_ITEM
Edited by: Munky on Sep 30, 2010 3:19 PM - added display and return value for the purposes of the LOV

Similar Messages

  • Problem with dynamic LOV and function

    Hello all!
    I'm having a problem with a dynamic lov in APEX Hope you can help me!
    I have Report and Form application. On the Form page i have a Page Item (Popup Key LOV (Displays description, returns key value)).
    When i submit the sql code in the 'List of vaules defention' box. I get the following message;
    1 error has occurred
    LOV query is invalid, a display and a return value are needed, the column names need to be different. If your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause in the SQL statement must not belong to the in-line query.
    When i excecute the code below in TOAD or in the SQL Workshop it returns the values i want to see. But somehow APEX doesn't like the sql....
    TABLE(CAST(return_dns_lov_fn(:P2_DNS_ID) AS dns_table_type)) order by 1
    returns_dns_lov_fn is a function, code is below;
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION DRSSYS.return_dns_lov_fn (p2_dns_id number)
    RETURN dns_table_type
    v_data dns_table_type := dns_table_type ();
    IF p2_dns_id = 2
    FOR c IN (SELECT dns_id dns, omschrijving oms
    FROM d_status dst
    WHERE dst.dns_id IN (8, 10))
    v_data (v_data.COUNT) := dns_rectype (c.dns, c.oms);
    RETURN v_data;
    END IF;
    and the types;
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE DRSSYS.dns_rectype AS OBJECT (rec_dns_id NUMBER, rec_omschrijving VARCHAR2(255));
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE DRSSYS.dns_table_type AS TABLE OF dns_rectype;
    I tried some things i found on this forum, but they didn't work as well;
    SELECT REC_OMSCHRIJVING display_value, REC_DNS_ID result_display FROM
    TABLE(CAST(return_dns_lov_fn(:P2_DNS_ID) AS dns_table_type)) order by 1
    SELECT REC_OMSCHRIJVING display_value d, REC_DNS_ID result_display r FROM
    TABLE(CAST(return_dns_lov_fn(:P2_DNS_ID) AS dns_table_type)) order by 1
    SELECT a.REC_OMSCHRIJVING display_value, a.REC_DNS_ID result_display FROM
    TABLE(CAST(return_dns_lov_fn(:P2_DNS_ID) AS dns_table_type)) a order by 1
    Edited by: rajan.arkenbout on 8-mei-2009 14:41
    Edited by: rajan.arkenbout on 8-mei-2009 14:51

    I just had the same problem when I used a function in a where clause.
    I have a function that checks if the current user has acces or not (returning varchar 'Y' or 'N').
    In where clause I have this:
    where myFunction(:user, somePK) = 'Y'
    It seems that when APEX checked if my query was valid, my function triggered and exception.
    As Varad pointed out, check for exception that could be triggered by a null 'p2_dns_id'
    Hope that helped you out.

  • Select item on a Tabular form with a different dynamic LOV on each row

    I would like to use a tabular form where one of the columns is a dynamic LOV based Select, and where that dynamic LOV refers to one of the column values on each row.
    So if the tabular form represented a list of teams and the LOV-based Select column was the current team leader, I would want that select list to be populated only with the members of that team (different for each row). Since the list of team members is in some other table (all_players or something) I would want to populate the LOV with a query with a where clause that selected only those players records with a team-membership equal to the current tabular form's team id. So, on each row that select list's contents would be different.
    -- Justin

    I'm beating a dead horse here but I did get something to work with "less" code. My current needs do not require me to cascade drop downs, I only want 1. You can use the query like the in the first reply (but I don't have a table with joins) I created a simple two column table dept_emp with 4 records 10,null 20,null .... I want to fill the nulls with an employee but ONLY an employee that matches the dept. (Same concept of team leader and members).
    Here's the query:
    select apex_item.display_and_save(1,dept) dept,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(2, name, 'select ename from emp where deptno='||dept) name
    from dept_emp
    I removed the code that was there already (ApplyMRU) and just put in this code:
    UPDATE dept_emp
    WHERE dept=to_number(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i));
    The G_F01 matches the column 1 and so forth. There's more documentation but little explanation at:
    The thing I could not get to work was a dynamic message
    #MRU_COUNT# row(s) updated, #MRI_COUNT# row(s) inserted.
    Not sure when the MRU_COUNT gets populated (probably in the routine I removed ;))
    You're probably way past me by now but I like to have as little code as possible when it comes to maintaining an app. That's why I liked oracle forms so much. This kind of stuff was pretty easy to do.
    Thanks again everybody!

  • Return statment for dynamic LOV - exception handling

    Hello All,
    Good Morning.
    Oracle 11g, apex 3.2.1
    I am having an dynamic LOV with a return statement.
    code :-
    owner varchar2(12) :='';
    stmt varchar2(4000) :='';
    No_Records_Exception exception ;
    phase varchar2(30);
    year varchar2(30);
    month_quarter varchar2(30);
    stmt :='select distinct famid d, famid r from '
    return stmt;
    when No_Records_Exception then
    raise_application_error (-20998 , ' Schema does not exist ' );
    when OTHERS then
    raise_application_error (-20999,' Select the schema first ' );
    My question is - why the exception is not handled when there are no table found.
    Am getting the following errr ..
    Error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 120: PL/SQL: ORA-00903: invalid table name ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored performing List of Values query: "select distinct famid d, famid r from .FMLY".
    Pls let me know how to handle this error.. if the table is invalid.
    scenario for poping this error:-
    I am having three "select list with redirect" items and one radio group ( having two Radion buttons - Relation , Famid )
    The requirement is when the user selects Famid radio then the lov is suppose to populate the multiselect list with famid values from table P2D2008M05.FMLY and the schema P2D2008M05 is selected from three list items
    P2D, 2008 , M05 one from each item .
    If the schema is not selected and the user selects radio famid , then the error is coming , I need to put a validation or error handling mechanism when in which ,if the user selects famid radio and the schema is not selected , I need to raise an exception with proper error message to the user saying that the schema is not selected.
    Pls helpin this regard.

    Your exception is for function that return select.
    Error is raised when Apex procedures try use select your function returns.
    You need test your select inside function or create validations
    Your function could look something like this
      stmt    VARCHAR2(4000);
      l_count NUMBER;
      IF NVL(:P1_SCHEMA,'%'||'null%') = '%'||'null%' THEN
        raise_application_error (-20999,' Select the schema first ' );
      END IF;
      SELECT COUNT(1) INTO l_count FROM all_users WHERE username = :P1_SCHEMA ;
      IF l_count = 0 THEN
        raise_application_error (-20998 , ' Schema does not exist ' );
      END IF;
      stmt :='select distinct famid d, famid r from ' ||:P1_SCHEMA ||'.' ||'FMLY';
      RETURN stmt;
    END;That is just example, I did not test it. And I think it is not good idea raise errors inside LOV function.
    You should use Apex after submit validations

  • Return multiple values from dynamic lov in apex 3.2.1

    I need to create a dynamic lov that displays multiple values from a table and RETURNS multiple values into display only fields in a form page to be saved to the database
    For example
    dynamic list of value name SERVER
    select name || ',' || life_cycle d, name r
    from sserver
    order by 1
    This SERVER LOV is attached to the P4_SSERVER_NAME field in the form.
    However this only returns sserver. name into the P4_SSERVER_NAME field in the form. I would need to capture the life_cycle field as well and populate the P4_LIFE_CYCLE field in the form as well. How does one do this?
    I have searched this forum however could not find a thread that fit my situation. i saw that in 4.2 there is dynamic action however unable to upgrade at this moment.
    any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
    thank you

    Hi CRL,
    One method is to set the value of your P4_LIFE_CYCLE item via APEX_UTIL.set_session_state
    To do this you need to create a Page Process
    Type PL/SQL anonymous block
    Process Point On Load - Before Header
    The source for the Process might look like this: DECLARE
       l_life_cycle   VARCHAR2 (50);
       SELECT life_cycle
         INTO l_life_cycle
         FROM sserver
        WHERE :p4_sserver_name = sserver.name;
       APEX_UTIL.set_session_state ('P4_LIFE_CYCLE', l_life_cycle);

  • Dynamic LOV based on Current user

    How do i make a dynamic LOV based on the user id of the current user.
    Also how to insert values from a form into a database
    Can anyone please help me out.

    Use portal.wwctx_api.get_user to get the currently logged in userid.
    The simplest example of a form manipulating data is to create the form based on a table. All DML works automagically. You can base your form on a procedure with dummy columns and do your own DML if you wish. Lots more flexibility that way...

  • Creating a dynamic lov based on a column

    I want to create a dynamic lov based on a column in a database-table.
    Eg. the query
    'select code, description from code_table'
    is the contents of the column 'lov_query' in the table 'parameters'.
    For every parameter there can be a different lov-query, but the result is always
    two columns (code and description, number and name, etc.), exactly what you need to use in a lov.
    I've written a (dbms_sql) function that takes the parameter-id and returns the lov_query.
    create or replace function "GET_PMR_LOV"
    (pmr_id in NUMBER)
    return VARCHAR2
    fdbk INTEGER;
    l_pmr_id NUMBER(9) := pmr_id;
    l_stmnt VARCHAR2(2000);
    (cur, 'select pmr.lov_query from parameters pmr where pmr.ID ' || ' = 'L_PMR_ID', DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE (cur, 'L_PMR_ID', l_pmr_id);
    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (cur, 1, l_stmnt, 2000);
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (cur);
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS (cur);
    IF fdbk > 0
    DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE (cur, 1, l_stmnt);
    return (l_stmnt);
    return null;
    END IF;
    But now I'm stuck on how to pass on this statement in HTMLDB
    as an dynamic lov, I don't seem to be able to execute this statement
    into the two display and return columns. Any ideas?

    Hello again,
    This lov is on an updatable report-column where the user has to make a choice from an non-named, popup and query-based lov. In the lov-query box I have just put:
    "return get_pmr_lov(:p41_param_id)" (without the quotes ;-)
    Here's my latest version plus an alternative, which both seem to work fine:
    create or replace function "GET_PMR_LOV"
    (pmr_id in NUMBER)
    return VARCHAR2
    fdbk INTEGER;
    l_pmr_id NUMBER(9) := pmr_id;
    l_stmnt VARCHAR2(1000);
    DBMS_SQL.PARSE (cur, 'select pmr.lov_query from paramaters pmr where pmr.ID ' || '= :L_PMR_ID', DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
    DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE (cur, 'L_PMR_ID', l_pmr_id);
    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (cur, 1, l_stmnt, 1000);
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (cur);
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS (cur);
    IF fdbk > 0 THEN
    DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE (cur, 1, l_stmnt);
    return (l_stmnt);
    return null;
    END IF;
    create or replace function "GET_PMR_LOV2"
    (pmr_id in NUMBER)
    return VARCHAR2
    l_pmr_id NUMBER(9) := pmr_id;
    l_stmnt VARCHAR2(1000);
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select pmr.lov_query from parameters pmr where pmr.ID = :1'
    INTO l_stmnt USING l_pmr_id;
    return l_stmnt;
    The error-message remains the same, unable to bind :p41_param_id !

  • How to make use of a static or dynamic LOV in Desktop Instelligence reports

    I want to use static LOV as well as dynamic LOV as a prompt for one of my report.
    I have created a dynamic LOV but I dont know how to include it as a prompt to my reports. Please teach me the same.
    For example I have two classes called COMPANY and EMPLOYEE in my universe. Each entry in the company class will have n number of employees in the employee class. My requirement is when I run the report it should prompt the user to select the company name which is a object in the COMPANY class. Based on the users's input the report should pull the employee data.
    For this I have to create a COMPANY name LOV and this should be used in the 'Conditions' section of the Desktop Intellegence.
    Please guide me for the same.

    LEt me know where u need the prompt object to be created in UNV or in report level.
    In Unv:
    Select Company name object-> double click it and in Select clause define as below
    @variable('1. Enter Company Name'')
    In Report level: Go to Query panel select Company class object in where clause and select required operator as LIKE OR IN LIST OR NOT IN LIST OR DIFFERENT FROM and select prompt and give some prompt message.
    Suresh Aluri.

  • Dynamic lovs in parameter forms ... Is this possible?

    I am using report developer 10g on windows xp.
    I need a cascading prompt style dynamic LOVs in my report parameter form.
    The first LOV displays a set of values (say for eg. dept list). The second LOV will display another list, based on the value chosen by the user in the first LOV (Eg. List of employee names in that dept).
    My first LOV select statement may look like below for the user parameter say P_DEPT
    select deptno from dept;
    My sencod LOV select stmnt may look like below for the user parameter P_EMP
    select ename from emp where deptno = :P_DEPT
    Each time I try to set the second LOV, report developer complains "Bind variables not allowed in select statement"
    Same error msg comes if I reference the first user parameter(P_DEPT) as a lexical parmaeter.
    How do I acheive the above in report parameter form? Any help is appreciated greatly...
    Message was edited by: suma

    Hi Brad,
    Thanks for the reply. I had almost given up hope on receiving replies to this message.
    I do agree that it is simpler (and a lot striaght forward) to just use forms to develop dynamic LOVs of cascading prompt style, that is required in my app. But in our shop, we have integrated forms and reports in such a way, that all the report parameters are handled by report developer's own parameter form, rather than coding a separate logic on the forms side to handle the report parameters(as this has to be done on the forms side for every report that we generate, We thought it would be better to use the reports developer to handle the parameter input and then pass the .rdf to forms app). Currently in all our app, the parameter form generated by the report developer is rendered as HTML form on the browser (when the concerned rdf file is called within the forms app) and by submitting this we get the report output)
    Hence I am very keen to get this done somehow on the report developer side.
    I do hope I get some input on this. Also, its a little surprising that such a simple feature is not readily avalibale in the report parameter form. I hope oracle report developer team is reading this message...:)

  • Dynamic LOV in report based on universe

    Hi experts,
    I have found the following thread and I understand that I can change the registry to have dynamic LOV for BOXI R2:
    Is it possible for BI4.1?
    Also is it possible for CR4E with .unx source?

    OK. The Path for 4.0 would be:
    32-bit machine:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.1\Crystal Reports\Database
    64-bit machine:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.1\Crystal Reports\Database
    And then create the string key per the suggestion in that thread.

  • Item Selection on a dynamic LOV (SQL Query)

    I've a dynamic LOV with an SQL query who return a list of data (one column). When i select a data in this LOV to be use as an item (sql query) in the same page the data is always null. In debug mode substitution string is null.
    FYI : when the data is selected, a button is clik to perform an sql query for a report in another page.
    Thanks. Sorry Abasolute beginner
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for Your help.
    The date is in fact a CHAR display (not really a date) so that is not the error.
    For your information when i select a row in the list (format char YYYYMMDD_HHMM) it seems that Apex do not catch my select in the Session state.
    I've change the item name with P2_DATE_FLOW but the problem remain.
    This is the debug log if can help
    0.03: Application 114, Authentication: CUSTOM2, Page Template: 3644802034190382
    0.06: ...Session ID 1868105032215374 can be used
    0.06: ...Application session: 1868105032215374, user=Neop
    0.06: ...Determine if user "Neop" workspace "2859608277950243" can develop application "114" in workspace "2859608277950243"
    0.06: Session: Fetch session header information
    0.06: ...Metadata: Fetch page attributes for application 114, page 3
    0.06: Fetch session state from database
    0.06: Branch point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.06: Fetch application meta data
    0.08: Computation point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.08: Processing point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.08: Show page template header
    0.08: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.08: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.08: Computation point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.08: Processing point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.08: Region: Report 1
    Report 1
    0.08: show report
    0.09: determine column headings
    0.09: parse query as: CFM_MDRE
    0.12: binding: ":P2_DATE_FLOW"="P2_DATE_FLOW" value="0"
    0.14: print column headings
    0.14: rows loop: 15 row(s)
    No data found.

  • Dynamic LOV in a Tabular Form

    Can somebody please tell me if there is a easy way to code a
    dynamic LOV in a Tabular Form?
    I need the ability to access a column value in the table row, to use in the WHERE clause of LOV query for another column in the row? Seems
    like that should be easy , but not finding an answer.
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Carol,
    You can add the select list's definition directly into your SQL statement using APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY - see: [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10513_01/doc/apirefs.310/e12855/apex_item.htm#CHDIDGDA]
    If you first run your page with your existing select list on it, then do a View Source and look for the select list, you will see a "name" attribute of something like "f01" or "f02" etc. Make a note of the number part of this.
    Then update your SQL statement to include the above and using the number you noted as the Index value (say, 4):
    FROM EMPThat would give you a select list of employees in the same department as the current employee (excluding that employee themself)

  • Error in Dynamic LOV with Bind Variable

    I created 2 Dynamic LOV's in which Second one is with a Bind Variable.Then I creted a Form and Attached the LOV's to the form fields.But I am getting the below mentioned error when i choose a value in the First LOV and the Second LOV is not Populated. I tried the same thing with the scott.dept and scott.emp table which is working fine.but when i try the same on my tables it is throwing me error.
    Can Anyone Suggest me what is the problem of these LOVs
    1)I am writing SELECT on Views in the LOVs and the views are created on tables of a different of database.
    2)Below Mentioned LINK_TIT is my DB Link.
    Error Message:
    An unexpected error occurred: ORA-01722: invalid number
    ORA-02063: preceding line from LINK_TIT (WWV-16016)
    Error displaying form : ORA-01722: invalid number
    ORA-02063: preceding line from LINK_TIT (WWV-16408)
    Error displaying block : ORA-01722: invalid number
    ORA-02063: preceding line from LINK_TIT (WWV-16406)
    Error displaying item : ORA-01722: invalid number
    ORA-02063: preceding line from LINK_TIT (WWV-16404)
    Error ORA-01722: invalid number
    ORA-02063: preceding line from LINK_TIT, displaying DUMMY_FRM_BLEND.DEFAULT.SKU5ID.01, combobox (WWV-16405)
    The preference path does not exist: ORACLE.WEBVIEW.PARAMETERS.16172911255 (WWC-51000)

    Hi Everyone,
    This was a known Issue in Oracle 9i AS Portal.I referred to the
    metalink note ID 174116.1 which talks about the BUG No:1584284.and it gives some workaround to come across the BUG.
    I got my dependent LOV work after changing the NUMBER datatype in the Procedure to VARCHAR2.(Then in the PL i converted the character to number by the SQL function.)
    Rajesh Kanna.V

  • Problem in getting dynamic LOV

    hi i am trying to acheive dynamic LOV.
    i followed the steps
    1.created a static record group
    2.created a LOV and assigned with the above created static record group.
    3.in w-n-b-i trying to create the DRG
       rg_id    RECORDGROUP;
       grp_col  GROUPCOLUMN;
       rg_name  VARCHAR2(25) := 'RG_NAME';
       col_name VARCHAR2(25) := 'TYPE';
       lov_id   LOV;
       /* Check if the RG already exists */
       rg_id := Find_Group(rg_name);
       IF ( NOT Id_Null(rg_id) ) THEN
       END IF;
       /* Create instance of DRG */
       rg_id := Create_Group(rg_name);
       grp_col := Add_Group_Column(rg_id, col_name, CHAR_COLUMN, 8);
       /* Assign the DRG to the LOV */
    lov_id := Find_Lov('TYPE_LOV');
       Set_Lov_Property(lov_id, GROUP_NAME, rg_name);
    END;4.in w-v-i of type
       rg_id   RECORDGROUP;
       grp_col   GROUPCOLUMN;
       tmp_gc  GROUPCOLUMN;
       rg_name   VARCHAR2(25) := 'RG_TYPE';
       col_name   VARCHAR2(25) := rg_name||'.'||'TYPE';
       n_dummy1  NUMBER;
       n_dummy2  NUMBER;
       curr_rec   INTEGER;
       err_code  NUMBER;
       curr_rec := Get_Block_Property(Name_In('SYSTEM.TRIGGER_BLOCK'), CURRENT_RECORD);
       rg_id := Find_Group(rg_name);
       grp_col := Find_Column(col_name);
       /* Add the value to the DRG */
       -- Add row first./*
       Add_Group_Row(rg_id, END_OF_GROUP);
       -- Now add the value.
       Set_Group_Number_Cell(grp_col, curr_rec, To_Number(:BMM_DESC));
       /* Verify the value was added */
       n_dummy1 := Get_Group_Row_Count(rg_name);
       tmp_gc := Find_Column(col_name);
       FOR j IN 1..n_dummy1 LOOP
          n_dummy2 := Get_Group_Number_Cell(tmp_gc, j);
          IF ( nvl(n_dummy2, 9999999999) = 9999999999 ) THEN
             Message('Add Failed');
             Message('Add Failed');
             err_code := Populate_Group(rg_id);
             Message('Add Successful');
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
    END;the problem is the lov is not appearing at all(previously the lov was appearing along with the static value assigned)
    when i tried to add value to the item(type), i am getting the following error:
    FRM-40735 WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ora-06502
    i am getting pop up message-error in adding group row
    i have not done this before. in the help of some contents which is present in the fourm, i have tried it.
    where i am missing?
    Please help

    there seems to be problem with the item type, varchar2 or numeric whatever. check that.

  • Problem - Creating a Dynamic LOV using duplicate value in select statement

    I am trying to create a Dynamic LOV by attempting to follow a pattern similar to the following:
    select shop_name d, shop_id r
    from shops
    order by 1
    However, I want to use the shop_name twice as in the following because I do not have any other unique identifier available such as a shop_id to associate with the shop name:
    select shop_name d, shop_name r
    from shops
    order by 1
    But I get an error where I am not allowed to duplicate the shop_name in the select statement. I read somewhere on this forum where it can be done but I can't find exactly how.
    Can someone tell or show me how to accomplish this?
    Thanks in anticipation for your answer.

    I just tried to do this on APEX 3.0, and it worked just fine with this SQL:
    select ename d, ename r from emp order by 1Perhaps you could put an example on apex.oracle.com or specify the error message that you're getting.
    So as long as you have uniquely aliased both columns, this should not present a problem.
    - Scott -

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