Dynamic Playlist

I have been working on a project that's posted by Lisa Larson
and was created by Chris Hock...the Dynamic playlist project...I
can't seem to get the "stream" portion of the project to work and
have been looking for a hand or some support on what in the world I
am missing...I have everything else in the project working
great(used the provided example as a template) and it just doesn't
stream the video...my FMS shows the streams there available but no
any help is most appreciated..

i don't even get to see the thumbnails! i've left one of the
original addresses in the xml, and that one always loads, both
thumbnails and stream. however, every other one i've changed a
number of ways, i never get any thumbnails nor streams. while
testing the movie with flash 8, i get the output that the first
connection (the original one) is a success, but all others are
failed. in the xml, do you have to put the port in too? cause i've
tried that, but it makes no difference whatsoever...

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    Often I'm at a friends house and we're looking through music trying to pick the next song to play as one is finishing.
    It would be really great to have an dynamic playlist where you could add and subtract songs as you go and so keep the music playing as you create away and the new list runs.
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    Any plans to give a 'life update' revamp to party goers using itunes on their smart devices?
    Or doesMusic have this feature and I'm just unaware of it?

    Yes, there is a way. Here is the workaround. You can add notes folders directly with your iPad or iPhone.
    http://keeplifesimple.weebly.com/1/post/2013/11/add-folders-to-native-notes-app- on-ios.html
    Enjoy! Please pass it on, leave a comment on the page, or "like us" on Facebook if you find this information helpful.

  • Dynamic Playlist for streaming video

    This is my first attempt at building a dynamic playlist for
    streaming flash video and I'm following the tutorial at
    "macromedia.com/devnet/flash/articles/video_player.html". I've
    changed the paths to my FMS and loaded the video files to the
    applications directory of the FMS (flash_applications/videosource).
    The thumbnails load and the player skin loads but the videos do not
    load when I click on the thumbnails.
    I've read the earlier post about this same issue. I followed
    the advice from that post and reloaded the 'main.asc' file from my
    Flash 8 program files but the video still does not play.
    Here is a link to the site so you can see the problem:
    My FMS is 'media.us.elsevierhealth.com'
    I believe my code is correct and I believe the paths I've
    created are correct. If someone could review my code and check the
    path info I would appreciate it. Here is the code from
    import mx.video.*;
    //Set up the list box, call function VideoThumb to create the
    actual thumbnails
    list.rowHeight = 70;
    list.cellRenderer = "VideoThumb";
    list.selectable = true;
    //create new empty listener object
    listListener = {};
    nc = new NetConnection(); //create a connection
    //connect to FCS (nav.attributes.url)
    ns = new NetStream(nc); //create a stream
    ns.connect(); //connect the stream
    var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    // Create function to trace all the status info.
    function traceStatus(info) {
    Message.text+="Level: " + info.level + " Code: " +
    } // Assign this function to onStatus handlers when you
    create objects.
    //Function to handle what happens when an item in the list is
    listListener.change = function( evtobj ) {
    var nav = list.dataProvider[list.selectedIndex];
    var reset = true;
    for ( var i = 0; i < nav.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
    var stream = nav.childNodes
    if ( stream.nodeName == "stream" ) {
    attachMovie("FLVPlayback", "my_FLVPlybk", 10, {width:320,
    height:240, x:90, y:100});
    //center the FLVPlayback component when FLV is ready to play
    var listenerObject
    bject = new Object();
    listenerObject.resize = function(eventObject
    bject):Void {
    //center video in playback area
    newx = (460 - my_FLVPlybk.preferredWidth)/2;
    newy = (470 - my_FLVPlybk.preferredHeight)/2;
    my_FLVPlybk._x = newx;
    my_FLVPlybk._y = newy;
    my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener("resize", listenerObject);
    listenerObject.ready = function(eventObject
    bject):Void {
    my_FLVPlybk.setSize(250, 350);
    my_FLVPlybk.skin = "ClearExternalAll.swf";
    my_FLVPlybk.contentPath =
    + stream.attributes.name+".flv";
    my_FLVPlybk.autoSize = true;
    reset = false;
    //Add an event listener on the list, when it triggers, run
    the listListener function to repopulate the list
    list.addEventListener("change", listListener);
    //Function that loads the XML file, parses it, and builds the
    list of available video clips
    var xmllist = new XML(); //setup a variable to hold the XML
    xmllist.ignoreWhite = true;
    xmllist.load( "playlist-demo-1.xml" ); //load the XML file
    //The following gets called when the XML has been loaded
    xmllist.onLoad = function( status ) {
    if ( !status )
    trace( status );
    var entries = this.childNodes[0];
    var playlists = {};
    var nav = [];
    for ( var i = 0; i < entries.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
    var entry = entries.childNodes;
    if ( entry.nodeName == "listitem" )
    //builds array of video clip names
    playlists[entry.attributes.name] = entry;
    else if ( entry.nodeName == "menu" ) {
    //builds array of available videos
    for ( var j = 0; j < entry.childNodes.length; j++ )
    nav[j] = playlists[entry.childNodes[j].attributes.name];
    } //end else if
    } //end if
    //sends the array of videos to the listbox UI
    list.dataProvider = nav;
    } //end xmllist.onload
    Any advice or troubleshooting will be appreciated. Thanks in

    I just used the server on Windows (as opposed to linux) and
    it worked great. So the issue, at least for me and my issue (could
    see the thumbnails, couldn't play the video) was windows vs. Linux.
    I guess the linux version doesn't work with this exact script. Now
    to put together something of my own to test to see if the linux
    version works right.

  • Dynamic Playlist for Streaming Video Errors

    I'm using Lisa Larson's tutorial on the adobe website to
    create a dynamic playlist from an XML file to work with out FMS
    server. After playing around with it for an hour I finally got it
    to connect to the FMS and generate the thumbs but it won't stream
    any of the videos. When I click on the list item the video player
    comes up but doesn't load a video. Any ideas? The live log in the
    FMS console is giving me this error: "
    command msg sent before client connection has been
    This is the link for the tutorial

    i don't even get to see the thumbnails! i've left one of the
    original addresses in the xml, and that one always loads, both
    thumbnails and stream. however, every other one i've changed a
    number of ways, i never get any thumbnails nor streams. while
    testing the movie with flash 8, i get the output that the first
    connection (the original one) is a success, but all others are
    failed. in the xml, do you have to put the port in too? cause i've
    tried that, but it makes no difference whatsoever...

  • [All Platforms][Playlists] Dynamic playlist formed by two or more playlists

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    Updated: 2015-07-13Hi and thanks for your contribution! A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please!

  • Help with dynamic playlist for mpd

    Hi guys,
    I use mpd with sonata for playing my music, and after trying exaile there is one thing id really like for mpd, and that is the dynamic playlist function.
    When you're playing a song in exaile with dynamic playlist enabled, it queries audioscrobbler and automatically adds similar artists/songs to your playlist (if you have them on your pc).
    I dont want to use exaile as it just feels too big and slow and bloated (not KISS ), i know a little bit of python so i thought i'll try and make my own little script/program as Sonata has audioscrobbler support, but i dont think there is anyway to query similar artists.
    I think im going to try and make this as a daemon type program that will run in the background adding songs to the playlist.
    Ive found the code from the exaile source (audioscrobbler.py) which queries lastfm e.g.
    >>> lips = AudioScrobblerQuery(artist='The Flaming Lips')
    >>> for artist in lips.similar():
    ... print artist.name, artist.mbid
    This will print a list of similar artists to the flaming lips.
    I've not done much with python so i thought this would be a good way to try and improve.
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what the best way to go about searching and comparing the results to my mpd database, would the best way just to be to search the mpd.db?
    And if anyone else has any ideas/comments id like to hear them.
    I just found this too, so i may only need to change some things to integrate it with mpd rather than amarok
    Last edited by Kane (2008-06-05 13:24:33)

    well i just modified the patch into a little script, it does what i need
    its here if anyone wants it
    import audioscrobbler
    import mpd
    import random
    import time
    lastsong = {}
    def timer_control():
    def get_similar():
    client = mpd.MPDClient()
    client.connect("localhost", 6600)
    mpdstatus = client.status()
    prevsonginfo = client.currentsong()
    global lastsong
    if mpdstatus['state'] == "stop": return
    if prevsonginfo == lastsong: return
    lastsong = prevsonginfo
    similarartists = ""
    song = prevsonginfo
    #if not song: break #No song, do nothing
    prevartist = song['artist']
    # Is the info already cached?
    similar_cache = {}
    if similar_cache.has_key(prevartist):
    similarartists = similar_cache[prevartist]
    #Not cached so fetch from Audioscrobbler
    similarartists = [artist.name for artist in audioscrobbler.AudioScrobblerQuery(artist=prevartist).similar()]
    # Cache search results and save some time next search
    similar_cache[prevartist] = similarartists
    except audioscrobbler.AudioScrobblerError:
    similar_cache[prevartist] = None # Empty cache
    return # Do nothing!
    if not similarartists: return # Empty list
    # Split list in half and sort upper half
    # this means good matches will have priority
    # but makes sure artist A does not always result in artist B
    half_idx = len(similarartists)/2
    upperhalf = similarartists[:half_idx]
    lowerhalf = similarartists[half_idx:]
    artistlist = upperhalf
    # Try each artist in order
    for artist in artistlist:
    print "Trying:",artist
    songs = client.search("artist", artist)
    if not songs: continue
    selected_song = random.sample(songs, 1)[0]
    print "Added", selected_song['title'],"by",selected_song['artist']
    # Delete old song from playlist?
    except mpd.MPDError, e:
    print "MPDError", e.message
    except ValueError, e:
    print "ValueError:",e.message
    Last edited by Kane (2008-06-06 16:22:49)

  • Problem with tutorial:Creating a dynamic playlist for streaming flash video

    hi, anyone tried the tutorial: creating a dynamic playlist
    for streaming flash video?
    i follow the instruction exactly as stated in the tutorial
    and test the fla file, it worked perfectly well when i open the swf
    using the macromedia flash 8. Everything look fine. Nothing is
    changed except the url is changed to "rtmp://localhost/videosource"
    in the xml file.
    after i publish the file using the setting: access network
    only, i try to open the swf and html file from the folder, the
    thumbnail did not appear and there is no way i can click on any
    videos. What i see is only the list, and there is no response from
    the flash media server 2. All the files is in the same folder.
    Anyone please help with this problem???? thanks

    ....i debug the movie step by step
    and realised that the xml file is being read by the code...
    Your original problem stated it worked but not when playing
    outside the
    Flash authoring environment by simply loading the swf from
    the hard drive.
    The Flash authoring environment is a trusted environment and
    so you really
    need to test in the actual deployment mode which loading an
    swf from the
    hard drive is not a valid deployment unless an installed
    Flash player is
    available outside the web browser which you would have as you
    have the
    authoring tool and your users will not.
    Use a browser with
    to do final
    In this regard you may need to debug the movie while running
    in real time
    mode in a web browser with
    http:// A technique to trace I suggested is to
    create a temporary TextField perhaps named out_txt and send
    trace message to
    it such as out_txt.text += "My Trace Expression".
    Lon Hosford
    May many happy bits flow your way!
    "free23" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    sorry but i don't understand what you mean....i debug the
    movie step by step
    and realised that the xml file is being read by the code...
    this is a sample of my log files:
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2006-05-15 20:08:58 3072 (i)2651170 Unloaded application
    videosource/_definst_ -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 FCApplication loaded
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 Communication Framework
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 SimpleConnect loaded
    successfully. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 VideoConference loaded
    successfully. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 Video Playback loaded
    successfully. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 Communication Components
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:49:42 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: false -
    hope this help...

  • Trouble with Creating a Dynamic Playlist for Progressive Flash Video

    Hey There,
    I have been working on building a flash video player and are
    trying to incorporate the Dynamic Playlist for Progressive Flash
    Video. Everyting is working expect the thumbs are not appearing.
    Instead, on each row of the list it says " type function". The list
    is populated with data b/c i can navigate it and select a video to
    watch, just the thumbs are missin.
    Any ideas how I can get my jpg thumbs to appear?

    I worked on the same project and it is working alright and
    still interested in adding more features like play pause etc ....
    but for now I'm more interested in adding the buffering bar and
    progress bar.
    Any help is welcome.

  • FLV Player with Dynamic Playlist

    So this is the first time I've experimented with a Dynamic
    Playlist in an FLV Player and I'm learning a lot. I found a
    tutorial on the Adobe site similar to what I'm looking to create.
    one is for Progressive Download, which I want.[/URL]
    The same person also wrote one for [URL="
    I only mention that, because in the Streaming version, the videos
    have the standard Adobe video controls in them, and the Progressive
    tutorial does not. Usually I just create my own controls and link
    it to the video component that I'm using, but this tutorial is
    different than I normally roll.
    In the library there is an object type "Video", which I can't
    recall ever seeing before. If I delete it from the stage my videos
    won't play, so it's definitely important. It doesn't give
    parameters like the FLVPlayback does so I can't choose controls on
    it. I don't know if there is a way.
    Or maybe I need to build my own controls and find a way to
    tie them into what we have here, but that would be stretching the
    bounds of my knowledge, and I was hoping to have this up soon to
    send to a potential employer.
    What I'm looking for is some help to get pointed in the right
    direction to just add the controls to the player in that tutorial.
    If there is an "easy button" somewhere that I can push that'd be
    great. If I need to get dirty I'm willing to, but I'm a bit lost
    right now.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Search for JW player on Google and look at that.
    FlashJester Support Team
    e. - [email protected]
    w. - www.flashjester.com
    "This has been one of the most impressive and thoroughly
    experiences of customer support I have ever come across -
    Director - hedgeapple

  • Creating a Dynamic Playlist for Streaming Flash Video

    I have been trying the tutorial given by Lisa Larson in order
    to create a dynamic playlist for streaming Flash video files. I
    have realized some of the FLV files that I have downloaded from
    internet don’t show in the thumbPlayList and cannot be
    played. But once I convert them back to WMV and the use the Flash 8
    Video Decoder to convert them to FLV file everything works fine.
    Any idea or suggestion why there is such a problem?
    Thank you for your advice.
    is the link to the tutorial I mentioned ...

    I have been trying the tutorial given by Lisa Larson in order
    to create a dynamic playlist for streaming Flash video files. I
    have realized some of the FLV files that I have downloaded from
    internet don’t show in the thumbPlayList and cannot be
    played. But once I convert them back to WMV and the use the Flash 8
    Video Decoder to convert them to FLV file everything works fine.
    Any idea or suggestion why there is such a problem?
    Thank you for your advice.
    is the link to the tutorial I mentioned ...

  • Creating a Dynamic Playlist for Progressive Flash Video

    I just finished reading the Creating a Dynamic Playlist for
    Progressive Flash Video (
    tutorial, and it gives a pretty good overview, however I would like
    to be able to add the ability to stop and start the video as well,
    and the tutorial doesn't really explain how the embedded video
    works. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished, or at least
    know where I can find information on how to do this.

    I worked on the same project and it is working alright and
    still interested in adding more features like play pause etc ....
    but for now I'm more interested in adding the buffering bar and
    progress bar.
    Any help is welcome.

  • Creating a Dynamic Playlist for use with Amazon Cloudfront

    I am working on a soultion for my website to deploy Falsh encoded videos from the Amazon Cloudfront using Flash Streaming Video Server 3.5 and the JW Falsh Player (www.longtailvideo.com).
    I am NOT a code person but here is what I am trying to accomplish. I hope I am in the correct forum! If not, I apologize.
    I have several videos a week that I edit and can save in different kbps versions for Dynamic Bitrate streaming through the JW Player. My problem is creating the XML or SMIL playlist to initiate the bitrate switching. I would like to find an authoring tool or someway to generate the required file in a fairly easy manner as I am more videographer/editor that code warrior.
    I would also like to have a playlist of other available videos associated with any given video that could be delivered with the Dynamic Bitrate Switching feature. Example: a lawyer that specializes in several different fields of law and would like to have 5 videos, one for each area of specialization, delivered to clients with high bandwidth and clients on mobile devices and everyone in between!
    Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

    I'm looking for the answer to this question too.  If you don't have the answer, or if you don't care to link to the answer, or to recommend a knowledgable expert, please remain silent.

  • Making Flash Dynamic Playlist in Dreamweaver

    Hi, got overly ambitious late last night and tried to make a
    video playlist based on Lisa Larson Kelley's tutorial
    I managed to get the tile list set up and functioning, but, the
    video player doesn't seem to "see" the video files, just the
    thumbnails in the tile list. The URL for the test page is at
    I've been comparing my files to her tutorial files and I wonder if
    there's something absurdly simple that I'm missing due to lack of
    sleep! I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks so much!

    HTML cannot add a link to a Flash object. You would need to
    do that in the
    Flash Actionscript.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "tves" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:fno0eq$p6j$[email protected]..
    > How do I do this?
    > I basically want an end user to be able to click on the
    flash I made and
    > take them to a new URL/page.

  • RTMP Player With Live Stream As Primary Stage With Dynamic Playlist Of Previous Recordings

    You can see our boring-for-now stream there but you can see the look I would like to achieve from the OSM just by pointing to the homepage
    ( which is presently being fed by a generic, static playlist.xml file on the top half and the bottom being livestream
    I have a 1TB raid5 storage setup for the media (E:\media\Flash Media Server 4.5\applications\VideoPlaylist) and what i would like to do is have the main window of the homepage display the livestream onload and populate the thumbs on the right with the previously recorded content in the videoplaylist folder.
    Message was edited by: apelectricservices
    ps. is there something wrong with this post? Several days/ views but no response.

    I'm also looking  a kind of a self Youtube application, and  found it is not easy to impliment (kaltura) or very expensive. Kaltura offers an open source version but almost no help.
    http://www.polycom.com/products-services/realpresence-platform/video-content-management/re alpresence-media-manager.html

  • How do you create a dynamic playlist?

    I want a playlist for my videos, preferably with thumbnails like the flash player Adobe offered with Popeye sample/test videos. How do you configure the player for that? I believe it's by Kaltura, and their website shows that feature but I can't find it mentioned in the documentation. Thanks!

    Hi mfuller52654,
    Currently in Strobe MediaPlayback we have support for:
    - simple playlists (m3u format): no thumbnails or title, example in http://osmf.org/dev/1.5gm/StrobeMediaPlayback.html?src=playlists/playlist.m3u
    - JS playlists, without autoadvance - a sample can be found at http://osmf.org/dev/1.5gm/jsdemo.html
    I think the second option can help you create your thunbnailed playlists.
    Tell me if this helped,

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