Dynamically add some elements in WebService operation request

I have a WebService element defined in my mxml which use to make soap calls. 
I need to dynamically add some repeating groups for action (dependent on action) in the following example. 
How can I add this in Action Script section? Can I access the WebService  by id userRequest and specify " 
userRequest.operations.DoAction.request.DoItemActionRequest.action.requiresAdditionItems.n ameValuePair.name = "SomeName"; 
userRequest.operations.DoAction.request.DoItemActionRequest.action.requiresAdditionItems.n ameValuePair.name = "SomeValue";  
<mx:WebService  id="userRequest" wsdl="{Application.application.wsdl}" > 
     <mx:operation name="DoAction" resultFormat="object" 

Hi miguel8312,
Thanks for your suggestion. I understand the steps you explained for defining, calling and processing the result from a webservice from a MXML body.
My query is specifically, can I modify the webservice request defination from AS function before making the call?
In my example, if I need to dynamically add a name value pair for <action> tag (e.g. actionParam ), how do I do that?

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    &lt;mx:WebService id=&quot;pegasus&quot;
    &lt;mx:operation name=&quot; myOperation
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    &lt;mx:Application xmlns:mx=&quot;
    &lt;mx:WebService id=&quot;pegasus&quot;
    public var myList:XML;
    public function essai():XML {
    // call this function before send
    // populate myList from formulary
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    You can build the request object in AS code. Use mxml to
    declare the webservice. Then in a function do something like this
    //Sets up and invokes werservice call
    private function getEmployees():Void
    var sOperationName:String = &quot;getList&quot;;
    //Put the operation name in a var
    var oRequest:Object = employeeWS[sOperationName].request;
    //get a reference to the operations request object
    oRequest.deptId = dept.selectedItem.data; //put the deptId
    Name/Value pair in the request
    var call = employeeWS[sOperationName].send(); /Invoke the

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    The elements with the properties are stored in a database
    each record contains one element
    I`m programming in NetBeans 5.5
    Something like:
    public void test()
    stmt = GeneralDBConnect.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select device_option_id, objecttype, device_option, size, location, tooltip from device_option where ...");
    int i = 0;
    i = i + 1;
    case "Label" : JLabel Element[i] = new JLabel();
    case "Textbox" : JTextField Element[i] = new JTextField();
    case "Combobox" : JComboBox Element[i] = new JCombobox();
    ResultSet List = stmt.executeQuery("select device_option_value_id, option_value from device_option_value where ...");
    case "Checkbox" : JCheckBox Element[i] = new JCheckBox();
    catch (SQLException ex)
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    Can anyone assist me in this matter

    Hello everybody,
    I figured it out. I had to change the layout model of the JPanel.
    I`ve chosen to use the gridbaglayout because its very flexibel. See http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/layout/gridbag.html
    Here is my code:
    Whenever an item in a Combobox is changed (representing devices) the optional elements (a collection of Textfields, checkboxes, comboboxes) are shown in a JPanel.
    Which Elements are shown is stored in a database. (Tabels device, device_option and device_option_value (stores the JCombobox items))
    First create a JPanel in the graphical editor and right click it choose set layout\gridbaglayout
            jPanel_Device_Option.setLayout(new java.awt.GridBagLayout());
            jPanel_Device_Option.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Device Options"));
            jPanel_Device_Option.setAutoscrolls(true);Then to create an empty border so the elements don`t clip to the edge of the JPanel add the following code in the properties window in the code section under node "Post-Init code"
            Border bBorder = jPanel_Device_Option.getBorder();
            Border bMargin = new EmptyBorder(0,10,0,10);
            jPanel_Device_Option.setBorder(new CompoundBorder(bBorder, bMargin));Then declare the public variables at the beginning of the code
        public static ArrayList aDatasetElements;
        public static JLabel[] aLabel;
        public static JLabel[] aTextfieldLabel;
        public static JTextField[] aTextfield;
        public static JLabel[] aComboboxLabel;
        public static JComboBox[] aCombobox;
        public static JLabel[] aCheckboxLabel;
        public static JCheckBox[] aCheckbox;And now the method that`s creating the elements
      public void setOutputSettings()
          jPanel_Device_Option.removeAll();//Clear all existing elements from the JPanel
          jPanel_Device_Option.repaint();//Refresh the JPanel
          if(jComboBox_Output.getSelectedItem().toString().length() > 0)//Check if any elements should be added
              GridBagConstraints gbConstraint = new GridBagConstraints();//Create a new gridbagcontraint (properties of layout) check http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/layout/gridbag.html
              gbConstraint.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              gbConstraint.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_START;
              gbConstraint.weightx = 0.5;
                  stmt = GeneralDBConnect.createStatement();
                  /*Collect data from the database (Which elements should be displayed)  
                      deviceoption: The name of the option this is displayed in the elements label as text
                      tooltip: Show a tooltip on both label and element
                      device_optio_id: gets the ID needed to get the list values for a combobox also easy to use when getting the data afterwards (stored in a public variable
                      objecttype: Label, Textfield, Checkbox, Combobox*/
                  ResultSet rsElements = stmt.executeQuery("select device_option, tooltip, device_option_id, objecttype from device_option where deviceid = (select device_id from device where devicename = \'" + jComboBox_Output.getSelectedItem() + "\') order by sequence_order asc");
                  aDatasetElements = new ArrayList(); // Makes an array
                  while(rsElements.next()) //get data in arraylist (a resultset closes after a while (garbitch collector) resulting in errors I recieved some errors resulset allready closed. Also needed to acces data afterwards
                      aDatasetElements.add(new String(rsElements.getString(1)) + " ;" + new String(rsElements.getString(2)) + ";" + new Integer(rsElements.getInt(3)) + ";" + new String(rsElements.getString(4)));
                  aLabel = new JLabel[aDatasetElements.size()];          //Makes an array
                  aTextfieldLabel = new JLabel[aDatasetElements.size()]; //Makes an array
                  aTextfield = new JTextField[aDatasetElements.size()];  //Makes an array
                  aCheckboxLabel = new JLabel[aDatasetElements.size()];  //Makes an array
                  aCheckbox = new JCheckBox[aDatasetElements.size()];    //Makes an array
                  aComboboxLabel = new JLabel[aDatasetElements.size()];  //Makes an array
                  aCombobox = new JComboBox[aDatasetElements.size()];    //Makes an array
                  for(int i = 0; i < aDatasetElements.size(); i++) //loop through the foundset
                      String sDatasetElements = aDatasetElements.get(i).toString(); //get the data from the array
                      //Creation of Elements of type Label
                      if(sDatasetElements.split(";")[3].equals("Label")) //Check objecttype
                          gbConstraint.gridx = 0; //X position in layout (Label)
                          gbConstraint.gridy = i; //Y position in layout (Label)
                          aLabel[i] = new JLabel(sDatasetElements.split(";")[0], aLabel.TRAILING); //Makes a JLabel at an array place
    jPanel_Device_Option.add(aLabel[i], gbConstraint); //Adds a JLabel to the JPanel
    //Creation of Elements of type TextField
    gbConstraint.gridx = 0; //X position in layout (Label)
    gbConstraint.gridy = i; //Y position in layout (Label)
    aTextfieldLabel[i] = new JLabel(sDatasetElements.split(";")[0], aTextfieldLabel[i].TRAILING); //Makes a JTextfield at an array place
    jPanel_Device_Option.add(aTextfieldLabel[i], gbConstraint); //Adds a JLabel to the JPanel
    gbConstraint.gridx = 1; //X position in layout (Element)
    gbConstraint.gridy = i; //Y position in layout (Element)
    aTextfield[i] = new JTextField(); //Makes a JTextfield at an array place
    jPanel_Device_Option.add(aTextfield[i], gbConstraint); //Adds a JTextField to the JPanel
    //Creation of Elements of type Checkbox
    gbConstraint.gridx = 0; //X position in layout (Label)
    gbConstraint.gridy = i; //Y position in layout (Label)
    aCheckboxLabel[i] = new JLabel(sDatasetElements.split(";")[0], aCheckboxLabel[i].TRAILING); //Makes a JLabel at an array place
    jPanel_Device_Option.add(aCheckboxLabel[i], gbConstraint); //Adds a JLabel to the JPanel
    gbConstraint.gridx = 1; //X position in layout (Element)
    gbConstraint.gridy = i; //Y position in layout (Element)
    aCheckbox[i] = new JCheckBox(); //Makes a JCheckbox at an array place
    jPanel_Device_Option.add(aCheckbox[i], gbConstraint); //Adds a JCheckbox to the JPanel
    //Creation of Elements of type Combobox
    gbConstraint.gridx = 0; //X position in layout (Label)
    gbConstraint.gridy = i; //Y position in layout (Label)
    aComboboxLabel[i] = new JLabel(sDatasetElements.split(";")[0], aComboboxLabel[i].TRAILING); // Makes a JLabel at an array place
    jPanel_Device_Option.add(aComboboxLabel[i], gbConstraint); //Adds a JLabel to the JPanel
    gbConstraint.gridx = 1; //X position in layout (Element)
    gbConstraint.gridy = i; //Y position in layout (Element)
    aCombobox[i] = new JComboBox(); //Makes a JCombobox at an array place
    jPanel_Device_Option.add(aCombobox[i], gbConstraint); //Adds a JCombobox to the JPanel
    //Get the listvalues from the database option_value is the value that is shown in the list
    ResultSet rsValuelist = stmt.executeQuery("select option_value from device_option_value where device_optionid = " + sDatasetElements.split(";")[2] + " and (option_state = " + iOptionState + " or option_state = 40) order by sequence_order");
    if(rsValuelist.getString(1) == null)
    //Place an empty label at the bottom otherwice the labels are centered in the JPanel
    gbConstraint.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_END;
    gbConstraint.weighty = 1.0;
    gbConstraint.gridx = 0;
    gbConstraint.gridy = aDatasetElements.size() + 1;
    jPanel_Device_Option.add(new JLabel(""), gbConstraint); //Adds an empty JLabel to the JPanel
    catch (SQLException ex)
    The is triggered in the init method and the event Item changed of the JCombobox
    private void jComboBox_Output_ItemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent evt) {                                                  
          //Removed some irrelevant code here
        }To collect the data that the user has entered in the elements
    private void jButton_Collect_User_Data_ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                              
          String sList = "";
          for(int i = 0; i < aDatasetElements.size(); i++)
              String sDatasetElements = aDatasetElements.get(i).toString();
                  sList = sList + aLabel.getText() + "\n";
    sList = sList + aTextfield[i].getText() + "\n";
    sList = sList + aCheckbox[i].isSelected() + "\n";
    sList = sList + aCombobox[i].getSelectedItem().toString() + "\n";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, sList);
    I hope ths is helpfull information.
    Since I`m totally new to Java it is possible that a different approach is better however this is working for me.
    I`m open for any remarks on the code and feel free to give any comments.
    Kind Regards Rene

  • Add R3TR element to the Transport Request

    Hello BW Experts,
    I am transporting a query and get the below error message.
    Element 40WVM5KB0OENRCAWG7PN2GHM3 is missing in version M
    Message no. R9132
    Element &1 in version &2 is referenced but is not available.
    System response
    The action had to be terminated.
    Please supply the missing elements to the system by transport.
    if i go to rsa1 > transport connection > query elements > query > select the query (options dataflow before / only necessary objects )
    i do not see the element 40WVM5KB0OENRCAWG7PN2GHM3 in that list given.
    I think there is a alternate way of adding particular elements to the request. Wondering if anyone remembers the transaction code / table for add a element to the request.

    dear BWer,
    use following program (create first) to locate the query element
    Tables: rszeltdir, "query element table
    rszelttxt, "query element texts
    rszcompdir, "global query elements
    e071. "objects in transport requests
    parameters: Req_id like e071-trkorr.
    selection screen to input long ID 25 char generated name
    select-options: long_ID for rszeltdir-eltuid.
    *itab to hold related info
    data: begin of i_query_desc occurs 0,
    local, "Local to Query
    eltuid like rszeltdir-eltuid, "25 char generated ID
    compid like rszcompdir-compid, "technical name
    deftp like rszeltdir-deftp, "element type
    el_txt(16), "element type text
    txtsh like rszelttxt-txtsh, "short text
    txtlg like rszelttxt-txtlg, "long text
    owner like rszcompdir-owner, "owner
    end of i_query_desc.
    data: xlocal.
    sy-tvar0 = Req_id.
    *find all query objects for transport request entered
    select * from e071 where trkorr = req_id and
    object = 'ELEM'.
    add them to the select-options list
    long_ID-low = e071-obj_name.
    append long_ID.
    clear long_ID.
    *loop through select option table and find details of Query element
    Loop at long_ID.
    clear: i_query_desc,
    select single * from rszeltdir where eltuid = long_ID-low and
    objvers = 'A'.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    write: / long_ID-low, ' Query element not found.'.
    write: / .
    select single * from rszelttxt where eltuid = long_ID-low and
    objvers = 'A'.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    write: / long_ID-low, ' not found in table RSZELTTXT.'.
    select single * from rszcompdir where compuid = long_ID-low and
    objvers = 'A'.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    write: / long_ID-low, ' not found in table RSZCOMPDIR.'.
    xlocal = 'X'.
    fill itab for list
    i_query_desc-local = xlocal.
    i_query_desc-eltuid = rszeltdir-eltuid. "25 char generated ID
    i_query_desc-compid = rszcompdir-compid. "technical name
    i_query_desc-deftp = rszeltdir-deftp. "element type
    case i_query_desc-deftp.
    when 'SEL'.
    if xlocal = 'X'.
    i_query_desc-el_txt = 'Selection'.
    i_query_desc-el_txt = 'Restricted K/Fig'.
    when 'REP'.
    i_query_desc-el_txt = 'Query'.
    when 'VAR'.
    i_query_desc-el_txt = 'Variable'.
    when 'STR'.
    i_query_desc-el_txt = 'Structure'.
    when 'CKF'.
    i_query_desc-el_txt = 'Calculated K/Fig'.
    when 'FML'.
    i_query_desc-el_txt = 'Formula'.
    i_query_desc-txtsh = rszelttxt-txtsh. "short text
    i_query_desc-txtlg = rszelttxt-txtlg. "long text
    i_query_desc-owner = rszcompdir-owner. "owner
    append i_query_desc.
    clear i_query_desc.
    endloop. "@ long_ID
    list results
    sort i_query_desc by local deftp owner.
    loop at i_query_desc.
    write: / sy-vline,
    i_query_desc-eltuid, sy-vline, "25 char generated ID
    i_query_desc-compid , sy-vline, "technical name
    i_query_desc-deftp , sy-vline, "element type
    i_query_desc-el_txt, sy-vline, "element text
    *write: / i_query_desc-txtsh , "short text
    i_query_desc-txtlg(40) , sy-vline, "long text
    i_query_desc-owner , sy-vline.
    write: sy-uline .
    endloop. "@ i_query_desc
    hope this helps.

  • Dynamically add html elements by code

    i got an jsf componenttree which is created dynamically by java code.
    how can i add html elements like new line (
    ) by java code?

    Use h:outputText with the escape attribute set to false.

  • How to add screen elements at run time on button click in Web Dynpro abap?

    Hello All,
    I have a requirement wherein the user wants to add the textbox dynamically at runtime on button click action. My questions is, Is it feasible to dynamically add screen elements at runtime? If yes, how?
    Please help.

    Hi Ajinkya,
    This is absolutely possible! Adding view elements at runtime is called "dynamic programming". There are a lot of good resources and tutorials on SCN if you do a search. To start you off, here is an excellent series by Thomas Szücs:
    Dynamic Programming in Web Dynpro ABAP - Introduction and Part I: Understanding UI Elements
    Dynamic Programming in Web Dynpro ABAP - Part II: Handling ViewElements
    Dynamic Programming in Web Dynpro ABAP - Part III: Aggregations and DDIC-Binding of ViewElements
    Another option that avoids dynamic programming is to create the view element at design time but bind its visible property to a context attribute of type WDUI_VISIBILITY. You could initially set its visibility to "none" until the user clicks the button, then you could change its visibility to "visible".

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    Help required with Photoshop Elements 4.0 this has been installed on my new Toshiba laptop with windows 8.1 for some 18 months and operating well. Now it will not open, message pops up saying “attempt to access invalid address” then “application not responding” Suggestions how to access would be much appreciated. Tks. Stuart

    What is the size of your hard disk?  PSE 4 is a very old program and I suspect it is not able to access the entire hard disk on your machine.  Just a thought here.

  • Dynamically add Children Link Element

    I'm trying to dynamically add a children element, a link, but the action binding refuses to work ...
    I've created a custom jsf component, that does nothing at all.
    For example, one would use it like:
    <my:nothing></my:nothing>So my UI class would have the following methods:
    public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
    public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
    }The tld file is created, the tag class is working. All the component is working properly.
    Now I want to add a link as a child component, but I wat to do it programatically, so I changed the encodeBegin method of my custom ui class:
    import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
    import com.sun.faces.util.Util;
    import javax.faces.el.MethodBinding;
    import javax.faces.component.UICommand;
    import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink;
    import com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.CommandLinkTag;
    public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
              String myLinkId = "idMyLink";
              String myLinkValue = "myLink:Value";
              String myLinkStyle = "color:green;";
              String myLinkAction = "backup";
              HtmlCommandLink myLink = new HtmlCommandLink();
              myLink.setId( myLinkId );
              if (CommandLinkTag.isValueReference( myLinkValue )) {
                   ValueBinding vb = Util.getValueBinding( myLinkValue );
                   myLink.setValueBinding("value", vb);
              } else {
                   myLink.setValue( myLinkValue );
              if (CommandLinkTag.isValueReference( myLinkStyle )) {
                   ValueBinding vb = Util.getValueBinding( myLinkStyle );
                   myLink.setValueBinding("style", vb);
              } else {
                   myLink.setStyle( myLinkStyle );
              if(myLinkAction!=null) {
                   if (CommandLinkTag.isValueReference( myLinkAction )) {
                        MethodBinding vb = getFacesContext().getApplication().createMethodBinding(myLinkAction, null);
                   } else {
                        final String outcome = cNfo.getAccao();
                        MethodBinding vb = Util.createConstantMethodBinding( myLinkAction );
    }This seems to work, but not quite ... the link appears as expected, the value references for value and style are correctly passed, but the action doesn't work at all.
    For example if I change to:
    String myLinkValue = "#{mybean.linkText}";And I have the following method created on my managed bean:
         public String getLinkText() {
              return "This is myLink Text!";
         }Is successfully calls and retrieves the value from the method. Same happens to the style property.
    Now for the action, if I change to:
    String myLinkAction = "#{mybean.doMyLinkAction}";And I have the following method created on my managed bean:
         public String doMyLinkAction() {
              return "backup";
         }The result is nothing ... I mean the method is not called at all. The "backup" is properly defined on my "faces-config.xml":
       </navigation-rule>If I create the link manually on the web page:
    <h:commandLink id="myLinkManual" value="Manually Created Link" style="" action="#{mybean.doMyLinkAction}"/>It does work (the backup.jsp page is shown), so the methods are properly configured, only the action binding does not work.
    Wether I use a string "backup" or a reference "#{mybean.doMyLinkAction}" I cannot make it work.
    On the console I get the following results, for each value I test (string "backup" or reference "#{mybean.doMyLinkAction}"):
    Id=idMyLink:FALSE:getAccao:isValueReference:#{mybean.doMyLinkAction}So the "if (CommandLinkTag.isValueReference( myLinkAction )) {" is working properly ... that just leaves me with the action method binding instructions ...
    Why don't they work?
    Any Help Appreciated ... Thanks in Advance!

    c'mon guys ... can anyone test this and help me out?
    Pleeeeeease ... I'm really needing this working out.

  • Can't add new element to model node from web service

    Hi Folks,
    we are using the old WebService (not adaptive one) for calling a service on XI. We are reusing the same service for loading the data and also sending them back to the backend to modify, delete or add new elements. Request and response tree structure consist basically of the same structure.
    Now everything works fine so far except adding a new element to the model tree.
    So what are we doing:
    After calling the service for reading (and invalidate on the response), we copy the received data from response node into the request node. All the view forms are bound to the model elements in the request.
    Modifying single attributes worked just fine (from dialog and programatically). A new element we add to the model tree shows up in the dialog and seems to work equally fine, but when we trigger the service call to send the collected data, every change to the model data is send except the new added element. It just won't be send.
    What's the problem here? Seems to me this must be somehow related to the supplying relation role maybe.
    What code do you need to look at and how do I mark code in the new forum editor so it gets displayed properly formatted?

    Can you tell me which code are you using currently for transferrring the data? It might help me to figure out what your problem is.

  • Dynamic Table UI Element with different data type for each cell

    Hi Experts,
    I have a problem with a dynamic Table UI Element in Web Dynpro ABAP. I have the following coding:
    METHOD set_col_row .
      TYPE-POOLS: icon.
        lv_node         TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
        lv_node_info    TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info,
        lv_element      TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
        lt_attributes   TYPE wdr_context_attr_info_map,
        lv_table        TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table,
        lv_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column,
        lv_text_view    TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view,
        lv_image TYPE REF TO cl_wd_image,
        lv_text_edit TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_edit,
        lv_header       TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption,
        attribute       LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes,
        lv_index       TYPE string,
        lv_cur_row         TYPE i,
        path            TYPE string,
        lv_value           TYPE string,
        attr_name       TYPE string,
        l_trc_point_id  TYPE string,
        l_num_cols      TYPE string,
        l_num_rows      TYPE string,
        lv_text         TYPE string,
        lv_index2 TYPE i,
        lr_ress_selections TYPE REF TO /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections,
        lt_comp_tab TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
        ls_comp_tab LIKE LINE OF lt_comp_tab,
        lv_count TYPE i,
        lv_col_count TYPE i,
        lv_col_count_read TYPE i,
        lv_index_read TYPE i,
        lv_num_cols_minus_1 TYPE i,
        lv_bind_lv_value TYPE string,
        wd_standard_cell TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_standard_cell,
        lv_data_count TYPE i,
        lv_data_count_str TYPE string,
        wd_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column,
        lv_column_id TYPE string.
         TYPE ANY.
    Instanz der Klasse /ITS/DI_2_CPR_RESS_SELECTIONS
      lr_ress_selections = /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections=>factory( ).
      ASSIGN lr_ress_selections->gr_table->* TO gt_comp_tab.
      ls_comp_tab-name = 'SUMME'.
    APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab.
    ls_comp_tab-name = 'CELL_VARIANT'.
      APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab.
      CLEAR ls_comp_tab.
      l_num_rows = num_rows + 1.
      CONDENSE l_num_rows.
      l_num_cols = num_columns + 1.
      CONDENSE l_num_cols.
    UI-Element 'TABLE'
      lv_table ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( 'TBL_TABLE' ).
      lv_table->remove_all_columns( ).
    Kontext-Knoten 'TABLE'
      lv_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'TABLE' ).
      lv_node_info = lv_node->get_node_info( ).
      lv_node_info->remove_dynamic_attributes( ).
      attribute-type_name = 'STRING'.
      lv_num_cols_minus_1 = num_columns - 1.
    Für jede Spalte einmal tun
      DO lv_num_cols_minus_1 TIMES.
        lv_index = sy-index + 1.
        CONDENSE lv_index.
        lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ).
        lv_column_id = lv_table_column->id.
    Spaltenüberschriften setzen
        IF lv_index EQ 1. "Beim ersten Durchlauf --> erste Spalte = "Ressourcen"
          lv_text = text-010.
          sy-index = 0.
        ELSE. "Danach für jede weitere Spalte eine Zeile aus der gt_comp_tab nehmen
          lv_index_read = lv_index - 1.
          READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_index_read INTO ls_comp_tab.
          lv_text = ls_comp_tab-name.
          lv_header = cl_wd_caption=>new_caption( text = lv_text ).
          lv_table_column->set_header( lv_header ).
        CONCATENATE 'TABLE.A' lv_index INTO path.
        lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path ).
        lv_table_column->set_table_cell_editor( lv_text_view ).
        lv_table_column->bind_selected_cell_variant( 'TABLE.CELL_VARIANT' ).
        lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ).
        wd_table_column ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( lv_column_id ).
    *****************Test Cell Variant*************************************************
        IF lv_index GT 1.
          LOOP AT .
              IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row.
              Name zuweisen
              Zuweisen ob Blatt oder nicht
                lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'NAME' value = lv_value ).
                ASSIGN COMPONENT 'IS_LEAF' OF STRUCTURE set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ).
    Now my problem is, that I need for every ROW of my table UI Element a different cell editor. I know how to change it for the column. But is not my issue. I want to have images (traffic lights red and green) in some rows. The other rows should have numbers. The coding works, so that I have all the data at the right place in my table, only the images are shown as a string, because the cells of these rows have the cell editor Text_View. I tried something with cell variants (with cl_wd_table_standard_cell), but it was not possible for me to get a cell variant "image" in these cells/rows were I need it. 
    I hope you understand my problem and now what to do here.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Experts, I have a problem with a dynamic Table UI Element in Web Dynpro ABAP. I have the following coding: METHOD set_col_row . TYPE-POOLS: icon. DATA: lv_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node, lv_node_info TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info, lv_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element, lt_attributes TYPE wdr_context_attr_info_map, lv_table TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table, lv_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column, lv_text_view TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view, lv_image TYPE REF TO cl_wd_image, lv_text_edit TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_edit, lv_header TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption, attribute LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes, lv_index TYPE string, lv_cur_row TYPE i, path TYPE string, lv_value TYPE string, attr_name TYPE string, l_trc_point_id TYPE string, l_num_cols TYPE string, l_num_rows TYPE string, lv_text TYPE string, lv_index2 TYPE i, lr_ress_selections TYPE REF TO /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections, lt_comp_tab TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table, ls_comp_tab LIKE LINE OF lt_comp_tab, lv_count TYPE i, lv_col_count TYPE i, lv_col_count_read TYPE i, lv_index_read TYPE i, lv_num_cols_minus_1 TYPE i, lv_bind_lv_value TYPE string, wd_standard_cell TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_standard_cell, lv_data_count TYPE i, lv_data_count_str TYPE string, wd_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column, lv_column_id TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS:  LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes,  TYPE ANY TABLE,  TYPE ANY,  TYPE ANY,  TYPE ANY. * Instanz der Klasse /ITS/DI_2_CPR_RESS_SELECTIONS lr_ress_selections = /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections=>factory( ). ASSIGN lr_ress_selections->gr_table->* TO . lt_comp_tab = lr_ress_selections->gt_comp_tab. ls_comp_tab-name = 'SUMME'. * APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab. * ls_comp_tab-name = 'CELL_VARIANT'. APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. l_num_rows = num_rows + 1. CONDENSE l_num_rows. l_num_cols = num_columns + 1. CONDENSE l_num_cols. * UI-Element 'TABLE' lv_table ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( 'TBL_TABLE' ). lv_table->remove_all_columns( ). * Kontext-Knoten 'TABLE' lv_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'TABLE' ). lv_node_info = lv_node->get_node_info( ). lv_node_info->remove_dynamic_attributes( ). attribute-type_name = 'STRING'. lv_num_cols_minus_1 = num_columns - 1. * Für jede Spalte einmal tun DO lv_num_cols_minus_1 TIMES. lv_index = sy-index + 1. CONDENSE lv_index. lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ). lv_column_id = lv_table_column->id. * Spaltenüberschriften setzen IF lv_index EQ 1. "Beim ersten Durchlauf --> erste Spalte = "Ressourcen" lv_text = text-010. sy-index = 0. ELSE. "Danach für jede weitere Spalte eine Zeile aus der gt_comp_tab nehmen lv_index_read = lv_index - 1. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_index_read INTO ls_comp_tab. lv_text = ls_comp_tab-name. lv_header = cl_wd_caption=>new_caption( text = lv_text ). lv_table_column->set_header( lv_header ). ENDIF. CONCATENATE 'TABLE.A' lv_index INTO path. lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path ). lv_table_column->set_table_cell_editor( lv_text_view ). lv_table_column->bind_selected_cell_variant( 'TABLE.CELL_VARIANT' ). lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ). wd_table_column ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( lv_column_id ). ******************Test Cell Variant************************************************** IF lv_index GT 1. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TYPE' OF STRUCTURE  TO . ADD 1 TO lv_data_count. lv_data_count_str = lv_data_count. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index lv_data_count_str INTO path. wd_standard_cell = cl_wd_table_standard_cell=>new_table_standard_cell( view = wd_this->m_view variant_key = 'FLDATE' ). IF  = '01' OR  = '04'. lv_image = cl_wd_image=>new_image( bind_source = path view = wd_this->m_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_editor( lv_image ). wd_standard_cell->set_cell_design( '01' ). ELSE. lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path view = wd_this->m_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_editor( lv_text_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_cell_design( '02' ). ENDIF. wd_table_column->add_cell_variant( wd_standard_cell ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ************************************************************************************* CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attribute-name. lv_node_info->add_attribute( attribute ). ENDDO. DO num_rows TIMES." Für jede Zeile einmal tun lv_cur_row = sy-index. lv_element = lv_node->create_element( ). lv_node->bind_element( new_item = lv_element set_initial_elements = abap_false ). DO l_num_cols TIMES. ADD 1 TO lv_col_count. IF lv_count LT 1. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. * Name zuweisen ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NAME' OF STRUCTURE  TO . "NAME lv_value = . * Zuweisen ob Blatt oder nicht lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'NAME' value = lv_value ). ASSIGN COMPONENT 'IS_LEAF' OF STRUCTURE  TO . "NAME lv_value = . lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'IS_LEAF' value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. IF lv_count GT 0. lv_col_count_read = lv_col_count - 1. lv_index = sy-index. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_col_count_read INTO ls_comp_tab. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_tab-name OF STRUCTURE  TO . lv_value = . CONDENSE lv_index. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attr_name. lv_element->set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. lv_count = lv_count + 1. ENDDO. CLEAR lv_col_count. CLEAR lv_count. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. I definied my table in Layout Tab of the View and create here in thos method dynamicly my columns. lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ). . . lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ). In  I have my data that should be shown later in my table. So I create for each row in this fieldsymbol in a loop: lv_element = lv_node->create_element( ). lv_node->bind_element( new_item = lv_element set_initial_elements = abap_false ). Later I fill every cell in my table with a different value with this loop: LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_col_count_read INTO ls_comp_tab. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_tab-name OF STRUCTURE  TO . lv_value = . CONDENSE lv_index. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attr_name. lv_element->set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. Now my problem is, that I need for every ROW of my table UI Element a different cell editor. I know how to change it for the column. But is not my issue. I want to have images (traffic lights red and green) in some rows. The other rows should have numbers. The coding works, so that I have all the data at the right place in my table, only the images are shown as a string, because the cells of these rows have the cell editor Text_View. I tried something with cell variants (with cl_wd_table_standard_cell), but it was not possible for me to get a cell variant "image" in these cells/rows were I need it. I hope you understand my problem and now what to do here. Thanks a lot in advance. Best Regards, Ingmar

  • Add fields to IW31 WO: Parts Requested, Order Date, Target Date

    We have been requested to add 3 dates fields to a Work Order to help identify status for WO.
    The dates fields we will have to include in the WO is:
    -Parts Requested Date
    -Order Date
    -Target Date
    In addition they want this report to be included in IW37N.
    Is there a way to pull this off or are there fields that I can utilize in the current WO table that I can use to input this information?

    If you want fields at order header level it is best to add some custom fields to the Enhancement Tab with help of exit IWO10018. This solution involves creating a new screen SAPLXWOC 0900 and adding the custom fields to structure CI_AUFK.
    For fields at operation level you can choose to use a limited set of user fields on the Operation Enhancement Tab. Create a field key with transaction OILJ and select the fields to be used. This will determine which user fields are available in the operation.
    These fields will not appear on IW37N output list. You would need to append the user fields to the outout structure RIH_ORDER_OPERATION_LIST.
    Please use [Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)|Enterprise Asset Management (SAP EAM); forum for PM/CS specific topics

  • Waveform addition with add block - element wise or interpolated or ...?

    I see the addition block is nicely overloaded to superimpose waveforms and I would like to know how it operates. Specifically I want to know if it using matrix addition (i.e. simply adding the elements of each waveform) OR is it interpolating one of the waveforms and resampling at the time points corresponding to the other OR some other method.
    I know the sampling interval (dt) must be the same for both waveforms being added, so I suspect it is using matrix addition, but am not sure.
    To add some context, I'm using this to add two waveforms of sampled data of a sine wave up to 100kHz. At the fastest sampling my DAQ can operate the difference in starting times (t0) of the two waveforms is a significant portion of the period. At this point I think the simple matrix addition approach will not work.
    Thanks for any insight you can give. Cheers
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Ron, 
    I do not believe there is a VI that does this for you; however, it should not be too difficult to program this yourself. There is a subvi called "Get Waveform Components" which allows you to access the t0, dt and data array (Y) variables of the waveform data type. You can subtract the two starting times to find the difference between the two waveforms (DAQ reads place a timestamp on the data). Then, you can complete array operations to create an offset in the data. Some other useful subvis are  "Get Waveform Subset" or "Index Waveform Array", which you may want to use depending on how you want to set up your program. Let me know if you need further assistance with programming this. Best of luck!
    Julianne K
    Systems Engineer, Embedded Systems
    Certified LabVIEW Architect, Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer
    National Instruments

  • [CS3] [JS] add XML  Element to Insertion Points

    hi list,
    i'll do some text parsing in indesign cs3 intended to add some xml elements to my document.
    i just wonder why i can't markup an insertion point. is the following approach correct? The code works fine, only the return value (stored in the _xml variable) is not the new element but the parent element. The same code works without using the insertion point (marking up the text object [xmlElements.add(_dokument.xmlTags.item("index") , erg[0]))] ).
    Any ideas or thoughts?
    var _dokument = app.activeDocument;
    main ();
    // ** main ()
    function main() {
    //Set the find options.
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeGrepPreferences= NothingEnum.nothing;
    //find any string encloased by @
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "@.*?@";
    erg = _dokument.findGrep();
    while (erg.length > 0) {
    _xml = _dokument.xmlElements[0].xmlElements.item("text").xmlElements.add(_dokument.xmlTags.item( "index") , erg[0].insertionPoints[0]);
    erg[0].contents = "";
    erg = _dokument.findGrep();

    hi dave,
    gui testing is always a good idea :-) but in this case the behaviour is different:
    your observation is correct (anyway at least a strange behaviour compared to any xml editing tool i know == how adobe intended to insert an empty element?), tagging in the gui a tagged insertion point tags the whole story.
    in the script a new element is added but the return value is the parent element (the xmlElement of the whole story).
    this causes a problem when i add an attribute (the intention of the above script is to add references) which is added to the parent element.

  • Add multiple elements to a tree control at once

    I am using a Tree Control to display customer and certificate information. However, adding 500 customer names or certificate numbers to the tree control one at a time takes for ever (well, 30000 ms). Is there any way to add multiple elements to a tree all at once, or is the only solution to use a listbox with 'forward' and 'back' buttons ?

    Hi Michael
    I don’t believe there is a way to supply a list of child items to a parent item, they have to be added incrementally. One way that you could speed this process up is to design your code such that only when you expand an item does it add the child items.
    If you want an even higher update rate have a look at using the ActiveX TreeView control, you will find an example called Family Tree.vi in the LV examples.
    I'll do up some code that makes using both of the controls more efficient if enough people want it.
    Kurt Friday

  • I add some node to a tree but it is not shown in web page.

    thank you for reading my post.
    I read some tutorial in the web and i add some tree node to a tree dynamically.
    but none of them is shown :(.
    I should say that i write the code that create a tree in session scope bean because my tree is placed in a fragment and fragment has no preRender method.
    here is code that initiate a tree, and i think it is correct.
        public void initiateTree() {
            System.out.println("Setter called");
            Context ctx=null;
            DataSource ds=null ;
            Connection con=null ;
            Statement st = null ;
            List rootMenuItems = new ArrayList();
            ResultSet rs = null;
            try {
                ctx = new InitialContext();
                ds= (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/dataSource");
                con= ds.getConnection();
                st= con.createStatement();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
            try {
                java.sql.PreparedStatement childsPSt  = con.prepareStatement("select * from categories where parentcategory = ?");
                rs=  st.executeQuery("select * from categories where parentcategory= 0 and language = " +"'"+getLang()+"'");
                  int parentID = rs.getInt("categoryID");
                                System.out.println("A root has been added   "+parentID );
    TreeNode aRootNode =  new TreeNode();
                    ResultSet cRs = childsPSt.executeQuery();
                        System.out.println("Achild has been added "+ cRs.getString("categoryname")+ " " + parentID);
    TreeNode childNode = new TreeNode();
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
       I call this method in session bean constructor.
    here is code that bind the tree in page fragment to session bean tree1
                <ui:tree binding="#{SessionBean1.tree1}" id="tree1" style="height: 167px"/>here is console output that prove the initiate method do some works.
    Setter called
    A root has been added   1
    Achild has been added cat name 2  1
    Achild has been added cat name 3 1
    A root has been added   5

    i think u need to add hyperlink component to the node thus cause node must carry hyperlink or anything u like to add like staticText or checkBox ....
    add this code after creation the aRootNode and childNode
    it may works :)
    Hyperlink h = new Hyperlink();
    childNode .getFacets().put( childNode .CONTENT_FACET_KEY, h );

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