Dynamic Table UI Element with different data type for each cell

Hi Experts,
I have a problem with a dynamic Table UI Element in Web Dynpro ABAP. I have the following coding:
METHOD set_col_row .
  TYPE-POOLS: icon.
    lv_node         TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
    lv_node_info    TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info,
    lv_element      TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
    lt_attributes   TYPE wdr_context_attr_info_map,
    lv_table        TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table,
    lv_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column,
    lv_text_view    TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view,
    lv_image TYPE REF TO cl_wd_image,
    lv_text_edit TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_edit,
    lv_header       TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption,
    attribute       LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes,
    lv_index       TYPE string,
    lv_cur_row         TYPE i,
    path            TYPE string,
    lv_value           TYPE string,
    attr_name       TYPE string,
    l_trc_point_id  TYPE string,
    l_num_cols      TYPE string,
    l_num_rows      TYPE string,
    lv_text         TYPE string,
    lv_index2 TYPE i,
    lr_ress_selections TYPE REF TO /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections,
    lt_comp_tab TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
    ls_comp_tab LIKE LINE OF lt_comp_tab,
    lv_count TYPE i,
    lv_col_count TYPE i,
    lv_col_count_read TYPE i,
    lv_index_read TYPE i,
    lv_num_cols_minus_1 TYPE i,
    lv_bind_lv_value TYPE string,
    wd_standard_cell TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_standard_cell,
    lv_data_count TYPE i,
    lv_data_count_str TYPE string,
    wd_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column,
    lv_column_id TYPE string.
     TYPE ANY.
Instanz der Klasse /ITS/DI_2_CPR_RESS_SELECTIONS
  lr_ress_selections = /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections=>factory( ).
  ASSIGN lr_ress_selections->gr_table->* TO gt_comp_tab.
  ls_comp_tab-name = 'SUMME'.
APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab.
ls_comp_tab-name = 'CELL_VARIANT'.
  APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab.
  CLEAR ls_comp_tab.
  l_num_rows = num_rows + 1.
  CONDENSE l_num_rows.
  l_num_cols = num_columns + 1.
  CONDENSE l_num_cols.
UI-Element 'TABLE'
  lv_table ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( 'TBL_TABLE' ).
  lv_table->remove_all_columns( ).
Kontext-Knoten 'TABLE'
  lv_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'TABLE' ).
  lv_node_info = lv_node->get_node_info( ).
  lv_node_info->remove_dynamic_attributes( ).
  attribute-type_name = 'STRING'.
  lv_num_cols_minus_1 = num_columns - 1.
Für jede Spalte einmal tun
  DO lv_num_cols_minus_1 TIMES.
    lv_index = sy-index + 1.
    CONDENSE lv_index.
    lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ).
    lv_column_id = lv_table_column->id.
Spaltenüberschriften setzen
    IF lv_index EQ 1. "Beim ersten Durchlauf --> erste Spalte = "Ressourcen"
      lv_text = text-010.
      sy-index = 0.
    ELSE. "Danach für jede weitere Spalte eine Zeile aus der gt_comp_tab nehmen
      lv_index_read = lv_index - 1.
      READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_index_read INTO ls_comp_tab.
      lv_text = ls_comp_tab-name.
      lv_header = cl_wd_caption=>new_caption( text = lv_text ).
      lv_table_column->set_header( lv_header ).
    CONCATENATE 'TABLE.A' lv_index INTO path.
    lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path ).
    lv_table_column->set_table_cell_editor( lv_text_view ).
    lv_table_column->bind_selected_cell_variant( 'TABLE.CELL_VARIANT' ).
    lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ).
    wd_table_column ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( lv_column_id ).
*****************Test Cell Variant*************************************************
    IF lv_index GT 1.
      LOOP AT .
          IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row.
          Name zuweisen
          Zuweisen ob Blatt oder nicht
            lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'NAME' value = lv_value ).
            ASSIGN COMPONENT 'IS_LEAF' OF STRUCTURE set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ).
Now my problem is, that I need for every ROW of my table UI Element a different cell editor. I know how to change it for the column. But is not my issue. I want to have images (traffic lights red and green) in some rows. The other rows should have numbers. The coding works, so that I have all the data at the right place in my table, only the images are shown as a string, because the cells of these rows have the cell editor Text_View. I tried something with cell variants (with cl_wd_table_standard_cell), but it was not possible for me to get a cell variant "image" in these cells/rows were I need it. 
I hope you understand my problem and now what to do here.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best Regards,

Hi Experts, I have a problem with a dynamic Table UI Element in Web Dynpro ABAP. I have the following coding: METHOD set_col_row . TYPE-POOLS: icon. DATA: lv_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node, lv_node_info TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info, lv_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element, lt_attributes TYPE wdr_context_attr_info_map, lv_table TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table, lv_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column, lv_text_view TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_view, lv_image TYPE REF TO cl_wd_image, lv_text_edit TYPE REF TO cl_wd_text_edit, lv_header TYPE REF TO cl_wd_caption, attribute LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes, lv_index TYPE string, lv_cur_row TYPE i, path TYPE string, lv_value TYPE string, attr_name TYPE string, l_trc_point_id TYPE string, l_num_cols TYPE string, l_num_rows TYPE string, lv_text TYPE string, lv_index2 TYPE i, lr_ress_selections TYPE REF TO /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections, lt_comp_tab TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table, ls_comp_tab LIKE LINE OF lt_comp_tab, lv_count TYPE i, lv_col_count TYPE i, lv_col_count_read TYPE i, lv_index_read TYPE i, lv_num_cols_minus_1 TYPE i, lv_bind_lv_value TYPE string, wd_standard_cell TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_standard_cell, lv_data_count TYPE i, lv_data_count_str TYPE string, wd_table_column TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table_column, lv_column_id TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS:  LIKE LINE OF lt_attributes,  TYPE ANY TABLE,  TYPE ANY,  TYPE ANY,  TYPE ANY. * Instanz der Klasse /ITS/DI_2_CPR_RESS_SELECTIONS lr_ress_selections = /its/di_2_cpr_ress_selections=>factory( ). ASSIGN lr_ress_selections->gr_table->* TO . lt_comp_tab = lr_ress_selections->gt_comp_tab. ls_comp_tab-name = 'SUMME'. * APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab. * ls_comp_tab-name = 'CELL_VARIANT'. APPEND ls_comp_tab TO lt_comp_tab. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. l_num_rows = num_rows + 1. CONDENSE l_num_rows. l_num_cols = num_columns + 1. CONDENSE l_num_cols. * UI-Element 'TABLE' lv_table ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( 'TBL_TABLE' ). lv_table->remove_all_columns( ). * Kontext-Knoten 'TABLE' lv_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'TABLE' ). lv_node_info = lv_node->get_node_info( ). lv_node_info->remove_dynamic_attributes( ). attribute-type_name = 'STRING'. lv_num_cols_minus_1 = num_columns - 1. * Für jede Spalte einmal tun DO lv_num_cols_minus_1 TIMES. lv_index = sy-index + 1. CONDENSE lv_index. lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ). lv_column_id = lv_table_column->id. * Spaltenüberschriften setzen IF lv_index EQ 1. "Beim ersten Durchlauf --> erste Spalte = "Ressourcen" lv_text = text-010. sy-index = 0. ELSE. "Danach für jede weitere Spalte eine Zeile aus der gt_comp_tab nehmen lv_index_read = lv_index - 1. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_index_read INTO ls_comp_tab. lv_text = ls_comp_tab-name. lv_header = cl_wd_caption=>new_caption( text = lv_text ). lv_table_column->set_header( lv_header ). ENDIF. CONCATENATE 'TABLE.A' lv_index INTO path. lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path ). lv_table_column->set_table_cell_editor( lv_text_view ). lv_table_column->bind_selected_cell_variant( 'TABLE.CELL_VARIANT' ). lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ). wd_table_column ?= wd_this->m_view->get_element( lv_column_id ). ******************Test Cell Variant************************************************** IF lv_index GT 1. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TYPE' OF STRUCTURE  TO . ADD 1 TO lv_data_count. lv_data_count_str = lv_data_count. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index lv_data_count_str INTO path. wd_standard_cell = cl_wd_table_standard_cell=>new_table_standard_cell( view = wd_this->m_view variant_key = 'FLDATE' ). IF  = '01' OR  = '04'. lv_image = cl_wd_image=>new_image( bind_source = path view = wd_this->m_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_editor( lv_image ). wd_standard_cell->set_cell_design( '01' ). ELSE. lv_text_view = cl_wd_text_view=>new_text_view( bind_text = path view = wd_this->m_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_editor( lv_text_view ). wd_standard_cell->set_cell_design( '02' ). ENDIF. wd_table_column->add_cell_variant( wd_standard_cell ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ************************************************************************************* CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attribute-name. lv_node_info->add_attribute( attribute ). ENDDO. DO num_rows TIMES." Für jede Zeile einmal tun lv_cur_row = sy-index. lv_element = lv_node->create_element( ). lv_node->bind_element( new_item = lv_element set_initial_elements = abap_false ). DO l_num_cols TIMES. ADD 1 TO lv_col_count. IF lv_count LT 1. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. * Name zuweisen ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NAME' OF STRUCTURE  TO . "NAME lv_value = . * Zuweisen ob Blatt oder nicht lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'NAME' value = lv_value ). ASSIGN COMPONENT 'IS_LEAF' OF STRUCTURE  TO . "NAME lv_value = . lv_element->set_attribute( name = 'IS_LEAF' value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. IF lv_count GT 0. lv_col_count_read = lv_col_count - 1. lv_index = sy-index. LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_col_count_read INTO ls_comp_tab. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_tab-name OF STRUCTURE  TO . lv_value = . CONDENSE lv_index. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attr_name. lv_element->set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. lv_count = lv_count + 1. ENDDO. CLEAR lv_col_count. CLEAR lv_count. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. I definied my table in Layout Tab of the View and create here in thos method dynamicly my columns. lv_table_column = cl_wd_table_column=>new_table_column( ). . . lv_table->add_column( lv_table_column ). In  I have my data that should be shown later in my table. So I create for each row in this fieldsymbol in a loop: lv_element = lv_node->create_element( ). lv_node->bind_element( new_item = lv_element set_initial_elements = abap_false ). Later I fill every cell in my table with a different value with this loop: LOOP AT  ASSIGNING . IF sy-tabix EQ lv_cur_row. CLEAR ls_comp_tab. READ TABLE lt_comp_tab INDEX lv_col_count_read INTO ls_comp_tab. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_comp_tab-name OF STRUCTURE  TO . lv_value = . CONDENSE lv_index. CONCATENATE 'A' lv_index INTO attr_name. lv_element->set_attribute( name = attr_name value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. Now my problem is, that I need for every ROW of my table UI Element a different cell editor. I know how to change it for the column. But is not my issue. I want to have images (traffic lights red and green) in some rows. The other rows should have numbers. The coding works, so that I have all the data at the right place in my table, only the images are shown as a string, because the cells of these rows have the cell editor Text_View. I tried something with cell variants (with cl_wd_table_standard_cell), but it was not possible for me to get a cell variant "image" in these cells/rows were I need it. I hope you understand my problem and now what to do here. Thanks a lot in advance. Best Regards, Ingmar

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    Dear Ashwin,
    As of overdue days are concerned there is no standard functionality available whereas there is for amount.
    Better solution is that you get an ABAPer create your own functional module. That will help you in better way.

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    You use FMs
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    Reffer to this Note.243554.1.
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    The type is decimal, the precision 16 and scale is 12.
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    The calculation for determining the scale of the result can be found here: 
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    In your case max(6,1+10+1) = 12
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    - SubClass - - - - -  (Recursion Node)
    - id - - - - - - - - -- - -(Value attribute)
    - name - - - - - - - - -(Value attribute)
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        //@@begin wdDoModifyView
         IWDTable pictureTable = (IWDTable) view.getElement("PictureTable");
             IWDTreeNodeType node = (IWDTreeNodeType) view.getElement("TreeNodeType");
             node.mappingOfOnLoadChildren().addSourceMapping("path", "element");
             node.mappingOfOnAction().addSourceMapping("path", "element");
    I think I could use now
    , but do not know where to get the needed parameter.
    Thank You

    Bernd Herbold wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am trying to build an application which shows an tree and an table UI which shows additional information to the selected tree node. (like Windows Explorer)
    > I am using an context like this:
    > Class - - - - - - - - --  (Mapped  value Node)
    >  - SubClass - - - - -  (Recursion Node)
    >  - id - - - - - - - - -- - -(Value attribute)
    >  - name - - - - - - - - -(Value attribute)
    >  .
    >  .
    > For the tree I am unsing this event handler  
         public void onActionClassNodeSelected(com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDCustomEvent wdEvent, de.aequitas.sap.wd.java.easyclass.wdp.IPrivateEasyClassView.IClassElement element )
    > wdModifyView contains this:
    public static void wdDoModifyView(IPrivateEasyClassView wdThis, IPrivateEasyClassView.IContextNode wdContext, com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDView view, boolean firstTime)
    >   {
    >     //@@begin wdDoModifyView
    >      IWDTable pictureTable = (IWDTable) view.getElement("PictureTable");
    >     if(firstTime)
    >     {
    >          IWDTreeNodeType node = (IWDTreeNodeType) view.getElement("TreeNodeType");
    >          node.mappingOfOnLoadChildren().addSourceMapping("path", "element");
    >          node.mappingOfOnAction().addSourceMapping("path", "element");
    >     }
    > I think I could use now
    , but do not know where to get the needed parameter.
    > Thank You
    > Bernd
    Following is the code to do this
    //Your existing code
    IWDTable pictureTable = (IWDTable) view.getElement("PictureTable");
    //use the following code for binding
    IWDNodeInfo nodeInfo = wdContext.nodeClass().getNodeInfo();// Assuming class Node is bound to table.

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    Currently Firefox don't have any options like that.
    You can ask the Addon developers

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    For ex: Number a = gatAbc();
    throw new oaExcption...
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    So plz tell me how to compare the integer value with Number data type

    Check with float. It will work definitely.
    float number = Float.parseFloat(HrsPerDay); //HrsPerDay is a String and I am converting it to float
    if(( number <= 0) || (number >= 21))
                            throw new OAAttrValException(OAAttrValException.TYP_VIEW_OBJECT,
                       }Here in this code i am also checking that the Hours cannot be less then 0 and greater than 20.

  • Creating a multi series line chart with different data providers

    I have 3 data providers of the same structure i.e ArrayCollection of DataElement and want to use them to create a multiseries line chart. I do not have just 1 dataProvider that can be used but 3 different data providers of the same structure that i want to use each for different series.
    [Bindable] private var orangeSales : ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(
                        [ { sales: 101000, month: new Date( '01/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 960000, month: new Date( '02/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 475000, month: new Date( '03/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 425000, month: new Date( '04/01/2008' ) }
                [Bindable] private var appleSales : ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(
                        [ { sales: 991000, month: new Date( '01/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 140000, month: new Date( '02/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 565000, month: new Date( '03/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 255000, month: new Date( '04/01/2008' ) }
                [Bindable] private var bananaSales : ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(
                        [ { sales: 891000, month: new Date( '01/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 147560, month: new Date( '02/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 295000, month: new Date( '03/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 574000, month: new Date( '04/01/2008' ) }
    I want to create a line chart with orangeSales, appleSales and bananaSales as three different lines on the chart for different dates specified.
    <mx:ColumnChart showDataTips="true" >
                <mx:LineSeries displayName="OrangeSales" yField="sales" xField="month" dataProvider="{orangeSales}"/>
                <mx:LineSeries displayName="AppleSales" yField="sales" xField="month" dataProvider="{appleSales}"/>
                <mx:LineSeries displayName="BananaSales" yField="sales" xField="month" dataProvider="{bananaSales}"/>
    Please help!

    Sorry for the confusion. Actually I must be doing some thing wrong like using ColumnChart to display a line chart or something like that.
    I have now realized that a multi series line chart can be built by having a different data provider for each of the LineSeries object.
    So the code below would create a multi series line graph :
    [Bindable] private var orangeSales : ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(
                        [ { sales: 101000, month: new Date( '01/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 960000, month: new Date( '02/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 475000, month: new Date( '03/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 425000, month: new Date( '04/01/2008' ) }
                [Bindable] private var appleSales : ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(
                        [ { sales: 991000, month: new Date( '01/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 140000, month: new Date( '02/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 565000, month: new Date( '03/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 255000, month: new Date( '04/01/2008' ) }
                [Bindable] private var bananaSales : ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(
                        [ { sales: 891000, month: new Date( '01/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 147560, month: new Date( '02/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 295000, month: new Date( '03/01/2008' ) },
                            { sales: 574000, month: new Date( '04/01/2008' ) }
    I want to create a line chart with orangeSales, appleSales and bananaSales as three different lines on the chart for different dates specified.
    <mx:ColumnChart showDataTips="true" >
                <mx:LineSeries displayName="OrangeSales" yField="sales" xField="month" dataProvider="{orangeSales}"/>
                <mx:LineSeries displayName="AppleSales" yField="sales" xField="month" dataProvider="{appleSales}"/>
                <mx:LineSeries displayName="BananaSales" yField="sales" xField="month" dataProvider="{bananaSales}"/>

  • LV data types for C++ DLL

    I have created a DLL in VC++ that someone in my organization needs to call from LabView. The declarations for my exported functions are like this example:
    extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)int DLL_Funct(int portnum, char str_data[33], unsigned char csn[4]);
    The function above passes an integer and a null terminated 32 char string and gets back a 4 byte uchar value.
    The LV programmer is having trouble getting my DLL functions to work. I suspect it has to do with different data types or byte alignment or something like that.
    I have zero experience with LV. Can someone please tell me what the equivalent function declaration should be in LV and whatever else I should tell my associate that might help make his code work?

    Do you know what the LabVIEW programmer is doing? The "str_data" string parameter should be of Type "string" in the parameters list for the Call Library Function Node setup. The "csn" can be passed as an array of unsigned 8-bit integers.

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