Dynamically creating pages when the form is rendered to the user

Hi exeprts
I am trying to find out a way in which my livecycle designer form will be able to create a new pages based on a certain field value which is a part of xfa.data.datasets. Say I have to generate the payslip of 5 employee - My form should be able to provide me with 5 different pages for each employee. at runtime. It will have some prepopulated data fields (read Only)  like employee Id or Employee designation or department and some additional fields which needs to be filled by the user.
In short If I have three employees say emp A, B & C then I should have 3 pages one each for A, B &C with their respective data prepopulated in the readOnly fields.The number of employees will be a variable which will be binded in the context and will be a part of the data model of the form.
I would like to know if such a functionality is possible to be achieved in the designer.
Thanks and Regards.

Hi Rohit,
I have posted a sample in a comment in the blog: http://assurehsc.ie/blog/?p=70

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    Seems like you have a problem with your group names.ctxLdap.modifyAttributes(groupName,member);Ensure that the value of your variable groupName is a a valid distinguished name.
    Note that an OU (organizationalUnit) is not a group. You do not add users to OU's, you create users in OU's.

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    It woudl be easier to show than to explain it ...can you share the file? You can send it to [email protected] Include a description of the issue with your email please.

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    Hello Suzi,
    >> if (document.wwv_flow==null)
    The document.wwv_flow is an object representing the current form that was just rendered on your screen. As such, it can never be null.
    >> How to avoid submitting a page when tabular form rows are empty
    The correct way, especially for versions prior to APEX 4.0 is to use JavaScript, but for that, you need to know and understand how APEX generates your tabular form, HTML wise.
    To be very brief, APEX attached a unique ID to every updatable cell in the tabular form, using a certain pattern – each updatable column is getting a unique name (e.g. ‘f01’,’f02’ etc.) and the ID of a cell is a combination of this name with the serial row number the cell is on. For example, a cell on the third row in an updatable column called ‘f04’ will be given an ID of f04_0003. (More detailed explanation, with an example, can be found in my book).
    What you should do is to check these cells according to your validation policy (e.g. is all five row must be filled, is all the columns in a specific row must be filled, etc.).
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

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    Check out this code-Use a cfc which will be the same for you
    and then change my query for yours in the .cfm HTHs:
    <cfcomponent output="yes">
    <!--- Next x record function --->
    <cffunction name="nextXpage" access="public"
    returntype="struct" hint="Next x page function" output="No">
    <cfargument name="recordcount" required="Yes" default="0"
    type="numeric" hint="The total numbers of records / values">
    <cfargument name="page" required="Yes" type="numeric"
    default="0" hint="The page number that you are currently on. (for
    example URL.page)">
    <cfargument name="maxrows" required="No" type="numeric"
    default="10" hint="The maximum records / values to be displayed per
    <!--- Define the return structure --->
    <cfset var nextXpage = structNew()>
    <!--- Calculate how much page are available according to
    the maxrows displayed --->
    <cfset nextXpage.pagecount =
    CEILING(arguments.recordcount / arguments.maxrows)>
    <!--- Set the maximum rows to be displayed --->
    <cfset nextXpage.maxrows = arguments.maxrows>
    <!--- Set the currentpage --->
    <cfset nextXpage.currentpage = arguments.page>
    <!--- Set the currentpage --->
    <cfset nextXpage.recordcount = arguments.recordcount>
    <!--- Set the startrow value --->
    <cfif arguments.page eq 1>
    <cfset nextXpage.startrow = 1>
    <cfset nextXpage.startrow = (arguments.page *
    arguments.maxrows) - (arguments.maxrows -1)>
    <!--- Define the previous and next values. --->
    <!--- Next values --->
    <cfif arguments.page neq nextXpage.pagecount>
    <cfset nextXpage.next = true>
    <cfset nextXpage.nextpage = arguments.page + 1>
    <cfset nextXpage.next = false>
    <cfset nextXpage.nextpage = 1>
    <!--- Previous values --->
    <cfif arguments.page eq 1>
    <cfset nextXpage.previous = false>
    <cfset nextXpage.previouspage = 1>
    <cfset nextXpage.previous = true>
    <cfset nextXpage.previouspage = arguments.page - 1>
    <!--- Return the structure --->
    <cfreturn nextXpage>
    Then on your output page where you have the info:
    .cfm page:
    <cfquery name="qrysales"
    datasource="davanzo_villa.admindb" >
    clientinfo.Id, clientinfo.RemoteAddress, clientinfo.visit,
    FROM clientinfo
    order by clientinfo.Id
    <!--- display hit counter --->
    <cfquery name="GetHits">
    SELECT * FROM hit_counter
    <cfparam name="URL.page" default="1">
    <!--- Determine the navigation parameters --->
    <cfset functions =
    <cfset nav =
    <table width="792">
    <h4>Total Hits: <CFOUTPUT
    <h4>Total Unique Visitors:
    <table width="792">
    <cfoutput>Unique Visitors: #nav.recordcount# (page
    #nav.currentpage# of #nav.pagecount#)
    <cfif nav.previous>
    <cfif nav.next>
    <cfloop From = "1" To = "#nav.pagecount#" index =
    <table width="792">
    <td>Visitor Number</td>
    <td>Visitor`s IP Address</td>
    <td>Visitor`s Country</td>
    <td>Path Taken</td>
    <cfoutput query="qrysales" startrow="#nav.startrow#"
    <td><cfif qrysales.country neq ""><a
    <td><a href="hitpathdetails.cfm?id=#id#">See path

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    You can create a scroll motion where the image will fade out on scrolling, you need to use the Opacity tab under Scroll Effects Panel.
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    According to me, for code behind stuff
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    Hope it helps.

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    That was it. What an operating system. It is very helpful to view files you are looking for. But if you have preview on you cannot save files.

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    Do you want to do a Google search instead?
    You can check the <b>keyword.enabled</b> on the <b>about:config</b> page and if necessary then you can toggle this pref to true via a double-click.
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