Dynamically defined GeoRaster theme using WMS parameter values

Hi everyone,
In addition to dynamically defining a GeoRaster theme using SQL (which is documented by Oracle), is it possible to somehow access the WMS values of parameters in the WMS query which is accessing the theme? For example, can I grab the BBOX values from the WMS REQUEST and use that in my dynamic SQL statement?
My goal for doing this is to select the most appropriate pyramid level of the raster imagery given the map scale of the WMS request.
My other question is when using a GeoRaster theme containing a SQL statement, will the MapViewer WMS engine still automatically select imagery from all and any relevant georaster image that has a portion within the BBOX of the query?

A Georaster object can have pyramid levels, and in MapViewer you can define a pyramid level for a theme. If you define this parameter, then for any zoom level that you render, MapViewer will read the pixels for this pyramid level. Depending on the zoom level, you may be loading unecessary data due to the screen resolution. If you do not define the pyramid level, MapViewer will calculate the actual screen resolution given the query and device windows, and will load the pixels for the pyramid level that is closest to the actual screen resolution, resulting on a better performance.

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    evt_src_mgr_rpt_v."evt_src_mgr_name" AS esm_name,
    evt_src_collector_rpt_v."evt_src_collector_name" AS collector_name,
    evt_src_grp_rpt_v."evt_src_grp_name" AS grp_name,
    evt_src_grp_rpt_v."state_ind" AS state_ind,
    evt_src_rpt_v."evt_src_name" AS src_name,
    evt_src_rpt_v."date_modified" AS date_modified,
    evt_src_rpt_v."date_created" AS date_created,
    CASE WHEN $P{mysortfield} = 'evt_src_mgr_name' THEN evt_src_mgr_name
    WHEN $P{mysortfield} = 'evt_src_collector_name' THEN evt_src_collector_name
    WHEN $P{mysortfield} = 'evt_src_grp_name' THEN evt_src_grp_name
    ELSE evt_src_name END as sort
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    "evt_src_collector_rpt_v" evt_src_collector_rpt_v
    ON EVT_SRC_MGR_RPT_V."evt_src_mgr_id" = evt_src_collector_rpt_v."evt_src_mgr_id"
    "evt_src_grp_rpt_v" evt_src_grp_rpt_v
    ON evt_src_collector_rpt_v."evt_src_collector_id" = evt_src_grp_rpt_v."evt_src_collector_id"
    "evt_src_rpt_v" evt_src_rpt_v
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    "evt_src_offset_rpt_v" evt_src_offset_rpt_v
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    $P!{mysortfield} LIKE '$P!{searchvalue}' || '%']]></queryString>
    That is I try to select only the records where the field which is
    selected by user as report parameter ($P{mysortfield}) contains data
    starting with the text entered by user as a report parameter
    When I try to run the report in iReport with active connection to the
    database the report is generated as expected.
    But when I try to run the report from Sentinel Log Manager I get the
    following error: "java.lang.String cannot be cast to
    After several detailed debug sessions I finally came into a conclusion
    that this error is related to the use of parameter values (
    $P!{mysortfield} and $P!{searchvalue} ).
    I even tried using the following WHERE clause (which emulates the
    queries as used in standart reports (especially at VendorProduct related
    SQL queries ) with no success:
    ($P{mysortfield} = 'evt_src_mgr_name' AND evt_src_mgr_name LIKE ($P{searchvalue} || '%')) OR
    ($P{mysortfield} = 'evt_src_collector_name' AND evt_src_collector_name LIKE ($P{searchvalue} || '%')) OR
    ($P{mysortfield} = 'evt_src_grp_name' AND evt_src_grp_name LIKE ($P{searchvalue} || '%')) OR
    ($P{mysortfield} = 'evt_src_name' AND evt_src_name LIKE ($P{searchvalue} || '%'))
    Any suggestions?
    hkalyoncu's Profile: http://forums.novell.com/member.php?userid=63527
    View this thread: http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=450687

    bweiner12345;2167651 Wrote:
    > I'm not 100% sure the $P! (instead of just $P) is needed in that WHERE
    > portion of your SQL statement.
    > What I would suggest doing is building the WHERE portion of your query
    > up again step by step. That is, instead of using any parameters in your
    > WHERE:
    > $P!{mysortfield} LIKE '$P!{searchvalue}' || '%'
    > ... take a step back and literally hard-code some values in there, such
    > as:
    > evt_src_mgr_name LIKE '%' || '%'
    > ... and run it on your box to make sure it works fine.
    > If it works fine, start substituting the parameters one by one:
    > $P{mysortfield} LIKE '%' || '%'
    > .... test on the box.
    > $P{mysortfield} LIKE '$P{searchvalue}' || '%'
    > .... test on the box.
    > It may be a little tedious, but at least you'll find out where the
    > problem is occurring... and may be quicker in the long run.
    > (Note: In my above example steps I didn't use the ! in with the
    > parameters, as I don't think they are needed in the WHERE clause... but
    > I could be wrong... and by following the above step-by-step technique
    > should answer that for sure.)
    Thank you for the suggestions:
    While trying to implement your suggestions I realized that there was a
    error at the parameter name I used inside the where clause (it should be
    Here are my results:
    vt_src_mgr_name LIKE '%' || '%'
    worked as expected.
    $P{searchfield} LIKE '%' || '%'
    produced PDF but wrong output.
    $P!{searchfield} LIKE '%' || '%'
    resulted with the error "java.lang.String cannot be cast to
    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRValueParameter" and no PDF.
    Then I tried the following where clause which resulted in exactly as
    expected PDF:
    ($P{searchfield} = 'evt_src_mgr_name' AND evt_src_mgr_name LIKE ($P{searchvalue} || '%')) OR
    ($P{searchfield} = 'evt_src_collector_name' AND evt_src_collector_name LIKE ($P{searchvalue} || '%')) OR
    ($P{searchfield} = 'evt_src_grp_name' AND evt_src_grp_name LIKE ($P{searchvalue} || '%')) OR
    ($P{searchfield} = 'evt_src_name' AND evt_src_name LIKE ($P{searchvalue} || '%'))
    As a summary:
    * The query which works in iRepord do not work in Sentinel Log
    * I found a workaround for my case.
    * I did not checked, but the reports provided in Sentinel RD which use
    the same technique for VendorProduct parameter (i.e. the reports with
    query string containing
    LIKE ($P{VendorProduct} || '%')
    will most probably not work as expected IF Sentinel RD uses the same
    code as Sentinel Log Manager.
    hkalyoncu's Profile: http://forums.novell.com/member.php?userid=63527
    View this thread: http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=450687

  • Disable SSRS parameter using another parameter value

    Hello, I'm developing using SQL Server 2008 R2 standard edition & I would like to disable 2 parameters (parRestraint and par RestrantPosition) by using another parameter, "Restraint Filters On Off".
    When the user loads the report up, I want the On Off filter to be defaulted to off, and the former 2 params to be disabled, but the default value to be visible for them, which are NDX tuples.
    parRestraint default value =  [Incident].[Incident Restraint].[All] (from MDX dataset)
    parRestraintPosition default value = [Incident].[Incident Restraint Position].[All] (from MDX dataset)
    ANy advice appreciated !

    An additional pierce of information is that the data for the parameters comes from an Analysis Services cube (Restraint and Restraint Position are attributes of the Incident dimension).
    I would like to be able to set a null value for default values of Restraint and Restraint Position parameters, but SSRS won't allow me to do this.
    My code for Restraint default param value
    =IIF(Parameters!IncidentYN.Value = -1,
    =IIF(Parameters!IncidentYN.Value = -1,
    Both example fail. I think that this could be achieved with a relational database as the data source for the parameters, but need someone to confirm this.
    Thanks everyone.

  • Dynamic Cascading Parameters - cannot select/enter parameter value

    I am rather new working with Crystal Reports and am having problems with Dynamic Cascading Parameters.
    I am using CR 2008 SP2, Version  Data is from SQL server.
    I have a report to print labels for parts in an order.  I want to be able to enter the ShipTo ID then the contract number.  From there I would like a list of the parts on the contract and be able to select multiple parts to print labels for.
    I right clicked on Parameter Fields and chose New.  I named it ShipToContractPartNo, Type String, List of Values=Dynamic. 
    I added the values as follows:
    ShipToID - Editable, Allow Multiple=False, Allow Discrete=True (cannot be changed), Allow Range=False
    ...ContractNo - Allow Multiple=False, Allow Discrete=True (cannot be changed), Allow Range=False
    ... ...CustPartNo - Allow Multiple=True Allow Discrete=True (cannot be changed), Allow Range=False
    I added the Customer Part parameter to the label.
    When I test the label the parameter Enter Values window looks good but the drop down for Enter ShipToID does not have any ShipTo ID's to choose from and I cannot enter a value, therefore I cannot continue.  I also do not have a Cancel button and always have to end through Task Manager but that's probably a different, unrelated issue.
    I have tried this with and without entering Select Expert records.
    Could someone please tell me if I have missed a step or if there is a known issue?  I searched this site, I looked in CR Help, I referred to the book I have and I googled but have not found this speciic issue.
    Thanks in advance for your assistance.  Let me know if additional information is necessary.

    OK.  I have rejoined/relinked all my tablesas follows (with abbreviated names for ease of reading). The actual SQL is at the end.
    ..Job_Hdr JOINED to Job_Shipto
    .....Job_Shipto JOINED to Job_Line
    ........Job_Line JOINED to Job_Bin
    ............Job_Line JOINED to Inv_Mast
    When I create a Dynamic Cascading Parameter prompt on just ContractNo (parent - from table Job_Hdr) and ShipTo (child - from table Job_ShipTo) then it gives me list of Contracts to select from and then a list of ShipTo's for that Contract to select from.  I place them in the Report Header.  I do not add them to the Select Expert.  This works great.
    Now I need to be able to select the parts necessary from the Contract/ShipTo.  When I try to create a Dynamic Cascading Parameter with ContractNo and ShipTo (set up the same as above)  and add in ContractPartNumber (from table Job_Bin) to the parameter then my ContractNo and ShipTo parameters no longer work.  It gives me only 1 contract number to choose from, which isn't the one I want.
    I have tried so many different things and I cannot get the parameters to work when I try to add PartNo into the parameters.
    Any suggestions now?
    SELECT "p21_view_inv_mast"."item_desc", "p21_view_job_price_line"."customer_part_no", "p21_view_job_price_hdr"."contract_no", "p21_view_job_price_bin"."min_qty", "p21_view_job_price_bin"."reorder_qty", "p21_view_job_price_bin"."line_station", "p21_view_job_price_line"."row_status_flag", "p21_view_job_price_bin"."line_feed", "p21_view_job_price_bin"."row_status_flag", "p21_view_job_price_bin"."contract_bin_id"
    FROM   ((("Prophet21"."dbo"."p21_view_job_price_hdr" "p21_view_job_price_hdr"
    INNER JOIN "Prophet21"."dbo"."p21_view_job_price_customer_shipto" "p21_view_job_price_customer_shipto" ON "p21_view_job_price_hdr"."job_price_hdr_uid"="p21_view_job_price_customer_shipto"."job_price_hdr_uid")
    INNER JOIN "Prophet21"."dbo"."p21_view_job_price_line" "p21_view_job_price_line" ON "p21_view_job_price_customer_shipto"."job_price_hdr_uid"="p21_view_job_price_line"."job_price_hdr_uid")
    INNER JOIN "Prophet21"."dbo"."p21_view_job_price_bin" "p21_view_job_price_bin" ON ("p21_view_job_price_customer_shipto"."ship_to_id"="p21_view_job_price_bin"."ship_to_id") AND ("p21_view_job_price_line"."job_price_line_uid"="p21_view_job_price_bin"."job_price_line_uid"))
    INNER JOIN "Prophet21"."dbo"."p21_view_inv_mast" "p21_view_inv_mast" ON "p21_view_job_price_line"."inv_mast_uid"="p21_view_inv_mast"."inv_mast_uid"
    WHERE  "p21_view_job_price_bin"."row_status_flag"=704 AND "p21_view_job_price_line"."row_status_flag"=704
    ORDER BY "p21_view_job_price_bin"."line_feed", "p21_view_job_price_bin"."line_station"

  • Use a parameter value in F4 help / Implement a wildcard F4 help

    I would like to implement a F4 help for a parameter. The user should be able to enter a text to the parameter field hit F4 and get and help screen related to the text he just entered. (pretty much like the F4 help for SE16 or SE83)
    My problem is, that the entered text is not available in the report.
    PARAMETERS: filename TYPE localfile LOWER CASE.
                      ENDING   AT 50 10.
      WRITE: 'Pattern:', filename COLOR COL_HEADING.
    * selection of filenames ...
      CLEAR filename.
      CHECK NOT filename IS INITIAL.
    If a value was entered at the selection screen and a break point is set in MODULE VALUE_LIST OUTPUT, value filename is always empty.
    How can the current value of parameter filename be accessed in the program?
    Thanks in advance

    You would have to use a form, with hidden parameters and a method="post". Your Next link could be a submit button, or be a link with an onclick event that submitted the form:
    <c:url var="thisURL" value="homer.jsp"/>
    <form name="iqform" action="<c:out value="${thisURL}"/>">
      <input type="hidden" name="iq" value="<c:out value="${homer.iq}"/>"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="checkAgainst" value="marge simpson"/>
      <input type="submit" value="Next"/>
      <!-- or -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
        function submitIqForm() {
      <a href="javascript: submitIqForm()">Next</a>

  • Using a parameter value as a column name

       I have created an command like this:
    update table1 set [Param.1] = '[Param.2]' where id = [Param.3]
    Param.1 = COL1
    Param.2 = Hello
    Param.3 = 1 (the primary key I want to change).
    When I run this SQL Action I get the following error message:
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification
       I have double checked the values of my parameters and they are all correct. There is a column named COL1, and its type is varchar2, and there is PK = 1.
       So, my question is: Is it a limitation of xMII (we can not take column names from parameters) or there is a mistake here?
    Thank you in advance,
    Nuno Cunha

    Hi Nuno,
    I see you are trying to perform Dynamic SQL execution in Oracle.
    In order to execute a Dynamic SQL you need to use the following syntax
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'Sql Statement with any runtime params like cloumns, even table names too';
    And I guess you can use an Dynamic Sql only within a PL/SQL block.
    Please refer to the below link for more details
    [Dynamic SQL|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10500_01/appdev.920/a96590/adg09dyn.htm]
    Hope this helps!!

  • Reading POST-Request-Parameter-Values from WebDynPro now possible?

    in the past I always was disappointed that in WebDynPro there was no way to read POST-request-parameter-values directly after the call of a WebDynPro-Application.
    The only (documented) way to read / transfer request-data into an WebDynPro-application was via "URL query string parameters" in the request URL.
    The last week I forgot this restriction. I called my WebDynPro-application using a POST-Request-Parameter (cookie_guid) instead of an URL-parameter.
    After noticing my mistake, I was really surprised that the WebDynPro could read / shows the the POST-Request-Value.
    I didn't make any changes in the coding of my WebDynPro-Application (zvis_show_sso_cookie).
    After this cognition I built the following simple HTML-formular to analyse the behavior of the WebyDynPro by calling it with an URL-Parameter (cookie_guid=Url-GUID) together with the POST-Parameter (cookie_guid = Post-Value-GUID).
    After calling the WebyDynPro it reads / shows the "POST-Value" of the request !!!
    (Remark: If I made a simple refresh or type directly the URL "http://hg10762.vis-extranet.de:1080/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/zvis_show_sso_cookie?sap-language=DE&cookie_guid=Url-GUID" in the browser, the same webdynpro reads / shows the URL-Parameter-Value).
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <form method="post" action="http://hg10762.vis-extranet.de:1080/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/zvis_show_sso_cookie?sap-language=DE&cookie_guid=Url-GUID">
      <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
          <td align="right">Cookie_GUID:</td>
          <td><input name="cookie_guid" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="Post-Value-GUID"></td>
            <input type="submit" value=" Absenden ">
            <input type="reset" value=" Abbrechen">
    My questions:
    I there any documentation that describes the behavior of  WebDynPro after calling it by using POST-Parameter values?
    I believe in the past it wasn't possible to read POST-request-parameter-values in WD. Has SAP changed the functionality?
    Is the behavior I described in my example above mandatory?

    As far as i know in general HTTP request  GET method is standard but in SAP POST is standard.  All the client request is passed as POST to the server in order to avoid the URL parameter length restriction in GET method.

  • Use of parameter sets with prepared INSERTS via Oracle's ODBC driver

    Oracles ODBC driver, version, allows for driver configuration of three different batch auto commit modes. If I select COMMIT ALL SUCCESSFUL STATEMENTS and cause my app to execute a prepared and parameterized INSERT statement that makes use of parameter value sets, all records up to the first record that causes an error are committed. What is happening? The driver returns only one diagnostic record, with SQLGetDiagField returning the index of the bad record through the [SQL_DIAG_ROW_COUNT] field. Regardless of whether SQLExecute executed successfully or not, the [SQL_ATTR_PARAM_OPERATION_PTR]/ [SQL_ATTR_PARAM_STATUS_PTR] buffers are not initialized by the driver. Even more so, the drive returns SQL_PARC_NO_BATCH for SQLGetInfo when [SQL_PARAM_ARRAY_ROW_COUNTS] is passed. Does anyone know if the driver fully or partially or does not support use of parameter value sets. If it is only partial implementation, ignoring the parameter operation and status buffers, in my opinion, greatly diminishes any real use of parameter value sets. Does anyone known if the above problems disappear with use of Oracles ODBC driver, version
    All help is greatly appreciated,
    Chris Simms

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Justin Cave ([email protected]):
    What version of the database do you have on the back end?
    Oracle8i version 8.1.6. Looking at the specs that come with the ODBC driver upgrades, version [which requires Oracle*i version 8.1.7] and, it seems that similar enhancements/fixes were made to both. I honestly do not know if what I am attempting is possible with either of the ODBC drivers. I really would prefer not to have to drop down to programming using OCI.

  • How to use a parameter  of a report program from selection screen in a dialog program

    how to use a parameter value(entered ) of a report program from a selection screen in a dialog program.
    I have to fetch the value entered in the parameter of report program and display it in a dialog program

    Hi Aasim,
    Just mention like below in your ABAP report.
       PARAMETERS: p_aufnr TYPE aufnr MEMORY ID ord.
    and mention the same memory ID name in the module pool screen property it automatically populates the value to and fro

  • Date parameter values cleared when dynamically populating string parameter

    Software: Crystal Reports XI Release 1 with SP4, with MS SQL Server 2008
    I've created a report that asks for three parameters, 2 dates, and a string which is dynamically populated. The report has two tables added in the database expert.
    The first table in the database expert is a command object which passes the two date parameters to a stored procedure:
    exec sp_MyStoredProcedure {?startdate},{?enddate}
    The second table in the database expert is a stored procedure object used to populate the string parameter {?_users}. The criteria for the string parameter are:
    Prompt with Description only: False
    Allow multiple values: True
    Allow discrete values: True
    Allow range values: False
    This stored procedure object requires nothing to be passed, it was originally a view in the database, but the same problem occurs whether i dynamically populate the string parameter options from either a view or a stored procedure.
    The string parameter is used for defining the record selection formula:
    IF {Command.user_name} in {?_users} THEN true ELSE false.
    The two table objects are not linked in the database expert, but linking them does not seem to solve the problem I am having with this report, the problem being this:
    No matter which order I set the parameters, it always first displays a form showing only the prompts for the date values. After entering these, it then shows a form prompting for the date values again (the previously selected date information now cleared), along with the list of users from which to select. On this 2nd form, the parameters are displayed in the order I set using the field explorer option presented when I right click on the Paramter Fields heading. After entering the date parameter values a 2nd time, and selecting the users from the dynamically generated list, the report performs as intended. After subsequently running the report  (prompting for new parameter values by pressing F5),  it does not clear the date parameters on the 2nd form's appearance.
    What I need is to be able to enter in these values the first time around, without having the date parameters cleared. Am i going about this incorrectly, or is this a bug?

    What you are experiencing is not a bug... Passing a multi-valued parameter to a Command or SP is not supported in any version of CR prior to CR 2008.
    Your options are #1) Upgrade to CR 2008 or #2) Jump through the necessary hoops to make it work in CR XI
    Check out this link...[SQL Command Parameter - Multiple Value|Re: SQL Command Parameter - Multiple Value]
    It has some good examples a good step by step.

  • How to use a parameter field value as a substring in a "like" statement?

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to use a parameter field in a Record selection formula where the parameter field value would be a substring of the data stored in the field.
    My parameter field (SlctResearcher) is constructed as follows:
    Type: string
    List of Values: static
    Value Field: (Reports) RptAuthors
    (in Value Options) Allow custom values?: True
    {Reports.PubDate} in DateTime (2009, 04, 01, 00, 00, 00) to DateTime (2010, 03, 31, 23, 59, 59) and
    {Reports.RptAuthors} like "*{?SlctResearcher}*"
    When I hit F5 to generate the data, I get no results (and the parameter prompt field does not even come up...)
    If I modify the formula to put a hard-coded string, like
    after the 'like', I get results (all the reports where "Jones" is a substring in the RptAuthors string.) If I modify the formula to just use the parameter field without the quotes/stars like:
    {Reports.PubDate} in DateTime (2009, 04, 01, 00, 00, 00) to DateTime (2010, 03, 31, 23, 59, 59) and
    {Reports.RptAuthors} like {?SlctResearcher}
    I do get the parameter prompt field, but still no results even if I put in a valid substring value (since it is not searching for a substring anymore...)
    How can I do this?

    1st thing... Make a copy of your report before doing anything!!!
    To use a SQL Command, you'll want to open the Database Expert and look at the Current Connections. Expand the data source and the 1st option you see is the Add Command option.
    To find the SQL That CR is currently using, choose Database from the menu bar and select Show SQL Query...
    You can copy this and paste it directly into the command window. (If you you can write your own SQL you don't need copy CR's, it's just an option.)
    You'll also want to take not of any parameters that you have, you'll need to add them the the Parameter List of the command as well... be sure to spell them EXACTLY as they are in the design pane.
    Anyway, once the SQL statement is in the Command window you'll be able to alter the WHERE clause to use the wild cards.
    For future reference... What type of database are you reporting against???

  • Using "and","or"(eg Anand Y) as parameter values to BI Publisher reports

    I'm trying to pass a name parameter containing "and" for eg Anand Y, This value does not get passed to the report.Log reports invalid parameter value.
    Has any one faced this issue before?

    Thanks for your reply. It helped me work around seeing the Adobe error message.
    Like you suggested I changed the report query attributes to use the ADVANCED xml-structure property (so my xml file would not be empty).
    Here is what my xml file looks like when the query returns no-data-found.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <APP_NAME>APEX - Application Builder</APP_NAME>
    <REGION ID="0">ORA-01403: no data found
    Here is what my xml file looks like when the query returns data. For this example I've removed most the data... I just want to show my structure.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <APP_NAME>APEX - Application Builder</APP_NAME>
    <REGION ID="0">
    In the rtf template like you suggested I added conditional logic to show a no-data-found message else show the contents of my report. The key idea here is that if ROW (holds the data) is defined in the xml structure then there is data returned from the query else I show the no data message.
    No Data Found For Specified Search Criteria.
    <?end if?>
    <?if: (ROW)?>
    ...detail of my report is here...
    <?end if?>
    Thanks for your help in resolving the issue. I do prefer to have Oracle fix the issue of showing the Adobe error when report queries don't find data, but this is a good work around until something better comes along.

  • CR XI Cascading Prompt on Dynamic Parameter Value

    Hi friends need a help related to Cascading prompt parameter in CR XI.
    I need to modify an existing report wherein Stored Procedure having a parameter is used as a datasource. Now in Report when I go in edit mode for that parameter under the value section of it a query (&select col1,col2 from tbl where userid='value coming from front end app') is written which populates the value to select the particluar value to pass as a parameter. First of all what this functionality is termed as I am not aware of it please help me with it if somebody knows it. Also in the select list its mention 2 columns but when we run the report at that time the col2 data is only being displayed in dropdown and col1 which is a id field is passed in record selection formula.
    Now as per our requirement we need to introduce 1 more parameter for record filtering i.e. based on the above parameter value. This can be achieve through Dynamic Cascading Prompt. But the challenge is to use Cascading Prompt funcionality its necessary that both the parent & child field should be populate from db but here the parent value is populate using a query as I stated so in that case how to achieve this.
    Sorry if I am not able to explain the scenario properly.
    Please friends help as soon as possible.

    Looking at the Prompt text you have mentioned, it looks like you guys might have a front end SDK solution which passes the prompt values to the 'Report'. The cascading 'imitation if you will' might be happening on the front end page and not really using the report(s) cascading prompts. To help better i think you should answer following.
    1. where are users viewing this report.
    2. In your CR designer, do you see cascading prompt on existing prompts?
    3. what version of Crystal reports are you using and where is it hosted ?

  • How to use different default parameter value for different report subscriptions

    In ssrs is it possible to define different default parameter values for different subscriptions? In the following example I have a report which has two subscriptions with different start date and end date values:
    Report name – Testsubscription.rdl
    Input parameter (default values):
    start_date = first day of current Month
    end_date = till date
    Input parameter (default values):
    start_date = first day of current Quarter
    end_date = till date
    I know an alternative way of doing this would be to copy the rdl file with a different name but I am curious whether this can be done within a single report definition file. I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition.

    Hi sppdba,
    As per my understanding, there is a report with two parameter: start_date and end_date, you want to configure subscription for the report, and set different default values for start date and end date. And you want to know if it is possible to achieve you
    goal by using a single report definition file.
    Since you are using SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition, we need to achieve your goal by configuring two subscriptions for the report. For detail information, please refer to the following steps:
      1. In design surface, right click start_date and open Parameter Properties dialog box.
      2. In General pane, type Name and Prompt, set Data Type to Date/Time.
      3. Click Available Values in left pane, select Specify Values.
      4. Click Add button, in Label text box, type “First day of Current Month”, click (fx) button in Value section, then type the expression like below:
    =DateSerial(Year(Now()), Month(Now()), 1)
      5. Click Add button, in Label text box, type “First day of Current Quarter”, click (fx) button in Value section, then type the expression like below, then click OK.
    =DateSerial(Year(Now()), (3*DatePart("q",Now()))-2, 1)
      6. Right click end_date and open Parameter Properties dialog box.
      7. In Available Values pane, select Specify Values.
      8. Click Add button, in Label text box, type “Today”, click (fx) button in Value section, then type the expression =Today(), then click OK.
    Now that the parameters are created, we need to configure subscription for the report. For detail information, please follow these steps:
      1. Open Report Manager, and locate the report for which you want to create a new subscription.
      2. Hover over the report, and click the drop-down arrow.
      3. In the drop-down menu, click Manage. This opens the General properties page for the report.
      4. Select the Subscriptions tab, and then click New Subscription.
      5. Select the delivery extension and data source for the subscription.
      6. Select a method of delivery, then choose report delivery options.
      7. Specify conditions that cause the subscription to process and delivery to occur.
      8. Set start_date to First day of Current Month, end_date to Today, then click OK.
      9. Create a new subscription as step4 to 7, set start_date to First day of Current Quarter, end_date to Today, then click OK.
    The following screenshots are for your reference:
    For detail information about Creating Standard Subscriptions, please refer to the following document:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

  • How to pass value to select-option parameter using SET PARAMETER Command

        Am passing values to selection-screen fields in report RV13A004 ( used in VK11, VK12 and VK13). using below statement but material number is select-option in this report. am able to pass  MATERIAL FROM using SET PARAMETER ID, can i know how to pass values MATERIAL TO range in select-options fields using SET PARAMETER Command ??
    Passing values to parameter id
    set parameter id 'VKS' field kschl.
    set parameter id 'VKO' field vkorg.
    set parameter id 'VTW' field vtweg.
    set parameter id 'KDA' field erdat.
    set parameter id 'MAT' field matnr_from.
    Change condition price.
    call transaction 'VK12' and skip first screen.
    Thanks in advance.

    instead of using set parameters and dden call transaction use this..........
    submit RV13A004  WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar
    If you specify this addition, parameters and selection criteria on the selection screen are supplied from an internal table rspar. You must specify an internal table with the row type RSPARAMS for rspar. The structured data type RSPARAMS is defined in the ABAP Dictionary and has the following components, all of which are data type CHAR:
    SELNAME (length 8),
    KIND (length 1),
    SIGN (length 1),
    OPTION (length 2),
    LOW (length 45),
    HIGH (length 45).
    To supply parameters and selection criteria for the selection screen with specific values, the lines in the internal table rspar must contain the following values:
    SELNAME must contain the name of a parameter or selection criterion for the selection screen in block capitals
    KIND must contain the type of selection screen component (P for parameters, S for selection criteria)
    SIGN, OPTION, LOW, and HIGH must contain the values specified for the selection table columns that have the same names as the selection criteria; in the case of parameters, the value must be specified in LOW and all other components are ignored.
    If the name of a selection criterion is repeated in rspar, this defines a selection table containing several lines and passes it on to the selection criterion. If parameter names occur several times, the last value is passed on to the parameter.
    The contents of the parameters or selection tables for the current program can be entered in the table by the function module RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS.
    In contrast to selection tables, the data types of the components LOW and HIGH in table rspar are always of type CHAR and are converted to the type of the parameter or selection criterion during transfer, if necessary.
    When entering values, you must ensure that these are entered in the internal format of the ABAP values, and not in the output format of the screen display.

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