Dynamically Specifying Selection Columns

Hi experts,
I'm trying to set dynamically igrid columns in java script:
But it says there is not such method for QueryObject.
Is there anybody who knows right method?
Thank you..

Looks like there is only setColumnHeaders for the GridObject. 
The one way I know will work, but generally don't recommend it is to:
...getQueryObject().setQuery("Select ColumnA, ColumnB,... from TableOrViewA")
But I think you will see a bit of a performance hit.  If you are selecting between only two or three layouts, you could change the Display Template object of the Grid Applet (or depending on your design, you could change both the query and display templates).  That would have less impact and would be easier to maintain.

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  • Dynamic change selected columns

    hi all,
    Created an anwers with 5 columns:
    level1 | level2 | level3 | level4 | facts
    I created a session filter on all the level columns. Like this:
    level1 = session.value or
    level2 = session.value or
    level3 = session.value or
    level4 = session.value
    Now i want to dynamic change the columns depended on wich column contains the session value.
    For example: level2 contains the session value. The ouput I (want to) expect:
    level1 | level2 | facts
    Hope someone can help with this...tnx in advanced

    More information at this link:
    Hope this helps

  • How can I dynamically specify a Column Name in a Where Clause of a DB

    I have a page that query the Database based on the column Name and values entered by the user. on this page I have a drop down list of all the Column names and a text field. The user can choose from any of the dropdown list option to set the column Name and also enter a value.How can I dynamically pass the option choosed by the user from the drop down list to the dataProvider in seesionBean1 as a column Name???Help

    This is a working example of a search form.
    In the JSP page we have several texts box, a table bound to a DataProvider with the rowSet in the SessionBean and a search button.
    JSP source:
                    <ui:body binding="#{PackageAirtime.body1}" id="body1">
                        <ui:form binding="#{PackageAirtime.form1}" id="form1">
                            <table border="0">
                                        <table border="0" width="100%">
                                                    <ui:label binding="#{PackageAirtime.pageTitle}" id="pageTitle" text="Package Airtime"/>
                                                    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                                                            <td>Package ID:</td>
                                                                <ui:textField binding="#{PackageAirtime.textPackageID}"
                                                                    binding="#{PackageAirtime.buttonPackageID}" id="buttonPackageID"
                                                                    onClick="handlePackageIDPopup(); return false;" text="..." toolTip="Open package locator"/>
                                                            <td>Airtime Code:</td>
                                                                <ui:textField binding="#{PackageAirtime.textAirtimeCode}"
                                                                    binding="#{PackageAirtime.buttonAirtimeCode}" id="buttonAirtimeCode"
                                                                    onClick="handleAirtimeCodePopup(); return false;" text="..." toolTip="Open airtime code locator"/>
                                                                <ui:button action="#{PackageAirtime.searchButton_action}" binding="#{PackageAirtime.searchButton}"
                                                                    id="searchButton" text="Search" toolTip="Search records"/>
                                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticTextSearchResults}" id="staticTextSearchResults"/>
                                                    <ui:table binding="#{PackageAirtime.searchResults}" id="searchResults" paginationControls="true">
    /* ----- Functions for Table Preferences Panel ----- */
    * Toggle the table preferences panel open or closed
    function togglePreferencesPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    /* ----- Functions for Filter Panel ----- */
    * Return true if the filter menu has actually changed,
    * so the corresponding event should be allowed to continue.
    function filterMenuChanged() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.filterMenuChanged();
    * Toggle the custom filter panel (if any) open or closed.
    function toggleFilterPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.toggleTableFilterPanel();
    /* ----- Functions for Table Actions ----- */
    * Initialize all rows of the table when the state
    * of selected rows changes.
    function initAllRows() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    * Set the selected state for the given row groups
    * displayed in the table.  This functionality requires
    * the 'selectId' of the tableColumn to be set.
    * @param rowGroupId HTML element id of the tableRowGroup component
    * @param selected Flag indicating whether components should be selected
    function selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected) {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      table.selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected);
    * Disable all table actions if no rows have been selected.
    function disableActions() {
      // Determine whether any rows are currently selected
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      var disabled = (table.getAllSelectedRowsCount()>0)?false : true;
      // Set disabled state for top actions
      // Set disabled state for bottom actions
                                                        <f:facet name="title">
                                                            <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.table1Title}" id="table1Title" text="Package Airtime search results"/>
                                                        <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableRowGroup1}"
                                                            emptyDataMsg="No records matching the search criteria" id="tableRowGroup1"
                                                            sourceData="#{PackageAirtime.s23_package_airtimeDataProvider}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn1}" headerText="Package ID" id="tableColumn1" sort="S23_PACKAGE">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText1}" id="staticText1" text="#{currentRow.value['S23_PACKAGE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn2}" headerText="Airtime Code" id="tableColumn2" sort="S23_AT_CODE">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText2}" id="staticText2" text="#{currentRow.value['S23_AT_CODE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn7}" headerText="Prepaid Value" id="tableColumn7">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText6}" id="staticText6" text="#{currentRow.value['SUBR_AT_PREPAID_PERIOD_VAL']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn8}" headerText="Prepaid Type" id="tableColumn8">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText7}" id="staticText7" text="#{currentRow.value['SUBR_AT_PREPAID_TYPE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn4}" headerText="Start" id="tableColumn4" sort="PRSM_PK_START">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText3}" id="staticText3" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_START']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn5}" headerText="End" id="tableColumn5">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText4}" id="staticText4" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_END']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn6}" headerText="Units" id="tableColumn6">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText5}" id="staticText5" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_UNITS']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn9}" headerText="Carry-over limit" id="tableColumn9" valign="Top">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText8}" id="staticText8" text="#{currentRow.value['ROM_PLAN_CARRY_LMT']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn3}" headerText="Details" id="tableColumn3" width="100">
                                                                <ui:hyperlink action="#{PackageAirtime.viewpackageAT_action}" binding="#{PackageAirtime.hyperlink1}"
                                                                    id="hyperlink1" text="View"/>
    ...JAVA source:
        public void prerender() {
        public String search_action() {
            try {
                String command = "SELECT s23_package, s23_at_code, prsm_pk_start, prsm_pk_end,  prsm_pk_units, subr_at_prepaid_period_val,  subr_at_prepaid_type, subr_disc_type, subr_disc_rate,  subr_disc_value, subr_disc_perm,  subr_at_prepaid_bill_per_val, subr_at_prepaid_recurring,  s23_package_fwd, s23_at_code_fwd, prsm_pk_start_fwd,  subr_ppa_infinite, subr_ppa_carry_over, rom_plan_carry_lmt  FROM s23_package_airtime, ROM_23_PPLAN_COMP  where rom_23_pack_plan = s23_package";
                String where = "";
                String packageID = (String)textPackageID.getText();
                if (packageID == null) {
                    packageID = "";
                packageID = packageID.replace("'", "''");
                if (packageID != "") {
                    if (where != "") {
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += "upper(S23_PACKAGE) LIKE upper('" + packageID + "%')";
                String airtimeCode = (String)textAirtimeCode.getText();
                if (airtimeCode == null) {
                    airtimeCode = "";
                airtimeCode = airtimeCode.replace("'", "''");
                if (airtimeCode != "") {
                    if (where != "") {
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += " upper(S23_AT_CODE) LIKE upper('" + airtimeCode + "%')";
                if (where != "") {
                    command += " AND " + where;
            catch (Exception e) {
                log("Error during search for packages airtime", e);
            return null;
        public String searchButton_action() {
            return "";
        }I put the search_action() call in the prerender() to have data in my table when the page is open. For a large resultset the best aproach is to let the user select some search criteria and then call the search_action() using a button (searchButton_action() ).
    I've added a hyperlink column to my table, it is used to display the current record details in a new page.
    I have defined in my SessionBean a getRowkey/setRowkey methods.
    When the user click on a "View" hiperlink the following code is executed:
        public String viewpackageAT_action() {
            RowKey row = tableRowGroup1.getRowKey();
            return "packageairtime_details";
        }I will step over the "Page Navigation".
    In the Detail Page I have the following code:
        public void init() {
    }Now I have the detail page opened and also the DataProvider opened at the saved RowKey value.
    Finally, in the SessionBean:
         * Holds value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        private RowKey packageAirtimeRowKey;
         * Getter for property packageAirtimeRowKey.
         * @return Value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        public RowKey getPackageAirtimeRowKey() {
            return this.packageAirtimeRowKey;
         * Setter for property packageAirtimeRowKey.
         * @param packageAirtimeRowKey New value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        public void setPackageAirtimeRowKey(RowKey packageAirtimeRowKey) {
            this.packageAirtimeRowKey = packageAirtimeRowKey;
        }Note: You should enable page navigation in the result(s) table.
    That's about it :)
    Hope this helps,
    Catalin Florean.

  • Function short dump - A dynamically specified column name is unknown.

    I've created BRF fuction according to the  Note 1466868 - Dunning by collection strategy with BRFplus. I get short dump during simulation of function with following exception:
    "A dynamically specified column name is unknown. "
    Runtime Errors         SAPSQL_INVALID_FIELDNAME
    Exception              CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS
    No.   Ty.          Program                             Include                             Line
       19 METHOD       CL_FDT_ELEMENT================CP    CL_FDT_ELEMENT================CM012   129
       18 METHOD       CL_FDT_ELEMENT================CP    CL_FDT_ELEMENT================CM011   124
    In my opinion there is uncorrect query.
    Current version:
        WHERE LANGU EQ 'E'.
    instead of:
        WHERE LANGU EQ 'E'.
    My sap version:
    EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01
      SAP_BASIS     701     0003     SAPKB70103
    Do you know any note or solution  to resolve this problem.
    Best regards,
    Jacek Witczak

    Hi, I came back to working on "Dunning by collection strategy with BRFplus". According to your sugestions, I raised the level of components:
    SAP_BASIS Level 09
    SAP_ABA level 09
    PI_BASIS level 09
    SAP_BW level 09
    But still I have the same short dump.
    Shoudl we raise any other components? Maybe you know note, which resolve this problem?

  • Select from table without specifying the column list.

    I want to reference the columns in select list without specifing the column name of a table.
    For example i am having a table called emp(id number,name varchar2(30)).
    I want to write a query which will display the name of the employees.
    But i don't want to specify the column name in the select list.
    Can anybody help me in this regard.
    Thanks in advance.

    I want to write a query which will display the name
    of the employees.
    But i don't want to specify the column name in the
    select list.So what do you want to specify in the select list?
    One way to display the names of the employees without specifying that you want the names of the employees would be
    select * from emp

  • Solution to allow users to specify which columns of a sql report to search

    Starting Point:
    1) You have an existing SQL Report.
    2) You want to provide functionality to search through the result set.
    Start -----
    1) add a text_item for searching PX_search where X is page number
    2) add a button which resubmits the page. Go
    3) You modify your query by adding the following to the end of the where clause.
    and (PX_SEARCH is null or instr(column_name1,PX_SEARCH) > 0 )
    4) So far so good but it only allows searches on 1 column, so you add a few other columns
    and (PX_SEARCH is null or instr(column_name1,PX_SEARCH) > 0 or instr(column_name2,PX_SEARCH) > 0 or instr(column_name3,PX_SEARCH) > 0 )
    Now when you enter some text if it is in any of the columns that row will be displayed.
    This can be good or bad depending on your requirement. lets say my users want to specify the column they are searching on.
    5)further enhancement
    i) add a LOV to your page which queries the all_users data dictionary view
    select column_name d, column_name r from all_users where table_name = 'MY_TABLE_NAME' and column_name not in ('COLUMN_NAME1,COLUMN_NAME2) order by column_name
    The idea here is to use the oracle data dictionary to get all the columns for your table(s) and ignore the columns you do not want.
    ii) add an item to your page e.g. PX_select_column which gets populated from the list of values.
    Now for each column you are going to allow a search on, the sql needs to be modified.
    Lets pretend that my firstcolumn is called member_id, my second column is called firstname and my third column is lastname
    Before we had this SQL
    (select * from table where 1=1)
    and (PX_SEARCH is null or instr(memberid,PX_SEARCH) > 0 or instr(firstname,PX_SEARCH) > 0 or instr(lastname,PX_SEARCH) > 0 )
    Remember we have added PX_SELECT_COLUMN which should contain what we have selected from the LOV.
    iii) So now we modify the query to be as follows:
    and (PX_SEARCH is null or decode(:PX_SELECT_COLUMN,'MEMBERID',instr(memberid,PX_SEARCH),0) > 0 or
    decode(:PX_SELECT_COLUMN,'FIRSTNAME',instr(firstname,PX_SEARCH),0) > 0 or
    decode(:PX_SELECT_COLUMN,'LASTNAME',instr(lastname,PX_SEARCH),0) > 0 )
    The user can now choose which column to filter their results on.

    Here is a basic one (http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=2230:1). You can select an object type and put in criteria for the object name like '%b%'. The SELECT statement is dynamically generated with only the pieces of the WHERE clause that are needed. You do not need all the DECODE and INSTR OR logic.
    The main part of this example is the computation of the SQL SELECT statement:
      v_sql VARCHAR2(2000) := 'SELECT *'||CHR(10)||'  FROM USER_OBJECTS';
      v_and BOOLEAN := FALSE;
      v_where VARCHAR2(2000);
      -- P1_OBJECT_TYPE has value of 'ALL' for '%'
      IF (:p1_object_type != 'ALL') THEN
        v_sql := v_sql || chr(10) ||
                 ' WHERE object_type = '''||:p1_object_type||'''';
        v_and := TRUE;
      END IF;
      IF (:p1_object_name IS NOT NULL) THEN
        IF (v_and) THEN
          v_sql := v_sql || chr(10) ||
                   '   AND object_name LIKE UPPER('''||:p1_object_name||''')';
          v_sql := v_sql || chr(10) ||
                   ' WHERE object_name LIKE UPPER('''||:p1_object_name||''')';
        END IF;
        v_and := TRUE;
      END IF;
      :p1_sql := v_sql;
      RETURN (v_sql);

  • Regarding dynamic formatting on column

    Hi All,
    i have a requirement from client.
    He selects column from prompt and one of the report column changes dynamically.
    i have to do different data formatting for different column .
    so how to do dynamic formatting on same column that, shows different value on basis of prompt selection.
    Please reply.

    Hi Manoj,
    generally you can achieve dynamic changes in your dashboard by creating a presentation variable prompt as part of your dashboard prompt and then using the prompt value to change your report.
    For example, you can create a prompt with values 5,10,25 in it and based on it create a report where you can switch between the top 5,10 or 25 records, depending on your selection.
    Because you did not specify what sort of formatting you require, it is hard for me to be more specific.
    Again, generally, if you cannot achieve the desired effect with Presentation Variables, you should resort to JavaScript, assuming the result is worth the effort.
    Janis R

  • How to export selected columns in a table using expdp of oracle10g

    Hi all..
    I have a table with 10 columns and i want to export only 4 columns(selected columns) data using expdp
    Pl. tell me if we can do this and if yes what is the syntax.

    That's not possible, you could use QUERY to specify where clause but not columns in select clause,
    for example,
    QUERY=employees:'"WHERE department_id > 10 AND salary > 10000"'
    you could use
    create table2export as select c1,c2,c3,c4 from tableof10columns;and export the temp table.

  • How to build dynamically specified GUIs/Forms

    Dear forum members:
    As Flex newbie I still have got some questions concerning the Flex technology.
    I've got to modernize an existent catalog-based ordering system in which a ShopManager (the 1st kind of enduser and an "enduser programmer" at the same time) shall be able to *declaratively specify* some customer groups, products, product bundles, product- and group-specific prices (via pricing rules) and product selection rules. Then, a customer (2nd kind of enduser) shall be able to place orders through a GUI that behaves exactly as specified before by the ShopManager.
    In a non-enduser-programming scenario I normally would use a MVC-framework (like Cairngorm or Swiz, I guess for the Flex world) and hard-code the controller logic as need.
    The problem I have in this enduser-programming scenario is that I cannot figure out how to transform the declaratively specified behaviour into running controller code!?!!!
    Perhaps a rudimentary example in order to clarify issues:
    Let's say we have a ShopManager and a Customer, and that the "workflow" is as follows:
    A) the ShopManager specifies via his/her ShopManagerTool the following topics, ignoring further topic-specic properties for now:
       1. customer_groups = {cg01, cg02}
       2. products = {prodA, prodB, prodC}
       3. product_bundles = {{bundle01, prodA, prodB}, {bundle02, prodB, prodC}}
       4. price_rules = {
                            //atomic product prices, cgroup-specific:  (*1)
                            price_rule(cg01, prodA, 20.00USD),        
                            price_rule(cg02, prodA, 18.00USD),
                            price_rule(cg01, prodB, 25.00USD),
                            price_rule(cg02, prodB, 22.00USD),
                            price_rule(cg01, prodC, 30.00USD),
                            price_rule(cg02, prodC, 27.00USD),
                            //bundle prices, cgroup-specific:
                            price_rule(cg01, bundle01, 39.99USD),
                            price_rule(cg02, bundle01, 37.99USD),
                            price_rule(cg01, bundle02, 59.99USD),
                            price_rule(cg02, bundle02, 55.99USD),
       5. selection_rules = {                                           
                            sel_rule(cg01, dependsOn(prodC, prodA)),   (*2)
                            sel_rule(ALL , dependsOn(prodC, prodB)),
                            sel_rule(ALL , includes(prodA, prodC)),    (*3)
                            sel_rule(ALL , excludes(bundle01, prodC)), (*4)
    B) the Customer uses the ordering GUI to select products and/or bundles and place his/her order.
        The GUI components always follow the pricing and presentation/selection rules imposed by the ShopManager specification done before.
    (*1) This is a kind of pricing matrix and should be obvious.
    (*2) This selection rules should be read as follows:
         (*2) "for cg01 holds: whenever he selects prodA then prodC becomes selectable (as prodC depends on the selection of prodA)".
         (*3) "for all customer groups: the selection of prodA automatically includes prodC".
         (*4) "for all customer groups: the selection of bundle01 automatically excludes prodC".
    That's basically the kind of app to realize, and as far as I can figure it out with my current Flex-understanding, I'll need some model element classes (Product, Customer, CustomerGroup, RuleSet, Rule, PricingRule, SelectionRule, etc.) used by the ShopManager to specify things, and further also let him define some kind of "model element (property) to view element (property)" mapping for visualizing the specifications.
    1. How could this problem be solved the best way? I.e., what would an appropriate solution architecture look like?
    2. How would I transform the declarative ShopManager specifications into concrete MVC code in general and into concrete controller code
    in particular?
    3. Could anyone of you provide me with a rudimentary example of such "dynamically specified forms"?
    Please, due to the current importance of these issues, I would be very very thankful for any helpful solution hints.
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Best regards

    Dear Adobe (Flex) Forum Members:
    Really no ideas for this topic?
    I would appreciate any solution hints very much -- even pretty simplistic ones.
    Thank you a million in advance.
    Best regards

  • Dynamically Pass the Column Name cursor. || Dynamic Column Name

    I need to dynamically pass the column name based on a Mapping table in a loop ( Right now i have hardcoded stuff )just like using Execute immediate.... Inside the procedure, I have commented as where i hit the problem.
    Thanks for all of your time...
    doc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    main_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    root_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    user_node xmldom.DOMNode; item_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    root_elmt xmldom.DOMElement;
    item_elmt xmldom.DOMElement;
    item_text xmldom.DOMText;
    item_test xmldom.DOMText;
    nodelist xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    sub_variable varchar2(4000);
    x varchar2(200);
    y varchar2(200);
    sub_var varchar2(4000);
    CURSOR get_users IS
    CURSOR get_cdisc_name IS
    -- get document
    doc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
    doc := xmldom.NewDomDocument;
    xmldom.setVersion(doc, '1.0');
    xmldom.setStandalone(doc, 'no');
    xmldom.setCharSet(doc, 'ISO-8859-1');
    -- create root element main_node := xmldom.makeNode(doc);
    root_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc,'AdminData');
    root_node := xmldom.appendChild(main_node,xmldom.makeNode(root_elmt));
    FOR get_users_rec IN get_users LOOP
    item_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc,'User');
    xmldom.setAttribute(item_elmt,'OID' , get_users_rec.rownum);
    user_node := xmldom.appendChild(root_node,xmldom.makeNode(item_elmt));
    FOR cv_get_cdisc_name IN get_cdisc_name LOOP
    EXIT WHEN get_cdisc_name%NOTFOUND;
    sub_var := cv_get_cdisc_name.cts_col_name;
    sub_variable := 'get_users_rec.';
    sub_variable := 'get_users_rec.'||cv_get_cdisc_name.cts_col_name;
    x := sub_variable;
    dbms_output.put_line(x); -------------- Here i just see the literal string
    y := get_users_rec.FIRST_NAME;
    dbms_output.put_line(y); -------------- Here i just see actual value ( data )
    item_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc,cv_get_cdisc_name.cdisc_name);
    item_node := xmldom.appendChild(user_node,xmldom.makeNode(item_elmt));
    item_text := xmldom.createTextNode(doc,x ); ---- This is the place i am hitting with an error .
    If i use variable X then i am able to see only the literal
    string in the output. BUT if i put cursor name.coulmname,
    then the resumt (XML) is fine.I wanted acheive this
    dynamically just like execute Immediate
    item_node := xmldom.appendChild( item_node , xmldom.makeNode(item_text));
    -- write document to file using default character set from database
    xmldom.writeToFile(doc, 'c:\ash\testing_out.xml');
    -- free resources
    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XML OUTPUT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <AdminData>
    - <User OID="1">
    <LastName>get_users_rec.LAST_NAME</LastName> </User>
    - <User OID="2">
    - <User OID="3">
    - <User OID="4">
    - <User OID="5">
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MAPPING TABLE DETAILS +++++++++++++++++
    CTS_COL_NAME     CDISC_NAME     CTS_TABLE_NAME     XML_TAG     -----------> Column Name
    FIRST_NAME     FirstName     USER_INFO_TBL     Element     -----------> Records
    LAST_NAME     LastName     USER_INFO_TBL     Element     -----------> Records

    My scenario is little different, let me explain:
    My columns will remain same but values changes (based on column formula) according to the selected prompt value
    If I select 'Oct' from prompt then
    Curr will contain data for 'Oct' only
    Next1 will contain data for 'Nov' only
    Next2 will contain data for 'Dec' only
    Next3 will contain data for 'Jan' of next year only.
    Later if I select 'Jul' from prompt then
    Curr will contain data for 'Jul' only
    Next1 will contain data for 'Aug' only
    Next2 will contain data for 'Sep' only
    Next3 will contain data for 'Oct' only.
    I don't have different columns for each months but the columns are capable to reflect data for any month.
    So, how can I reflect the column name as month name for which that contains data.
    S Anand

  • How to make a field under Selection column in DataSource from dimmed to ...

    We try to make an InfoObject shows up in Data Selection of an InfoPackage to restrict the data load based on the range of this InfoObject.  In order to do this, we will have to go to the source system to run RSA6 to edit the datasource to make this field checked under the Selection column.  However when we get to the screen, find this field's Selection column is dimmed.  Is there anyway to make it from dimmed to editable that it can be checked?

    hi Kevin,
    try to check table ROOSFIELD, fill OLTPSOURCE with your datasource name and OBJVERS 'A', what's the value for SELECTION ? you may change the value with 'X'.
    use abap code :
                   WHERE OLTPSOURCE   = 'datasource name'   AND OBJVERS = 'A'.
    can i know your datasource name (if it's business content) ?
    Properties of a DataSource Field
    If a request for a DataSource is scheduled in the Business Information Warehouse, selection conditions are specified across certain fields. The property that determines whether a selection in BW using a field
    is possible or required is established in the DataSource in the Source System.
    In addition, the visibility of the field in BW can be set.
    A field that is not visible (or that is hidden) cannot be transferred into the transfer structure.
    Definition of the individual values:
    'A': Field is hidden in OLTP and BW, property cannot be changed  the customer.
    'M': The DataSource requires a selection across this field before it is able to extract data (Required field for the generation of a request); property cannot be changed by the customer
    'X': The Data Source can select across this field. The customer can change selections and visibility (the field is currently visible and selectable, compare with 'P', '3')
    '1': Pure selection field for the DataSource. The customer can change the selection, but not the visibility (the field is currently selectable , compare with '2').
    '2': Pure selection field for the DataSource. The customer can change the selection, but not the visibility (field is currently no selectable, compare with '1').
    '3': The DataSource can select across this field. The customer can change selection and visibility (the field is currently not visible not selectable, compare with 'P', 'X')
    '4': The DataSource cannot select across this field. The customer can change visibility (the field is currently not visible, compare with ' ')

  • Dynamic report heading columns

    my report has 0-30, 31-60,61-90,......... as report heading ,it is given as boilerplate in paper layout , I want to make it as dynamic by select a list of days like 30,40,45,......etc , if I give 100 days 
    it should come like  0-100,101-200,201-300, 301-365, above 365, total  that is if i give a date 31 dec 2013 , and 100 days  .
    how to make the layout structure dynamic ...... pls help
    thanks in advance

    Making Dynamic layout in the Forms / Reports tools is very difficult (unlike eg. ADF Framework).
    One way to simulate the dynamic layout in the Reports is to have a generic columns (eg. column_1, column_2 ... etc.), but the number of generic columns must be greater or equal to the number of "real columns".
    Another way is that you put all the "real columns" into one column, which must be well-formatted (with the correct number of blank characters, etc.).
    As for the dynamic SQL query  in Reports, I think it is better to use the dynamic ref cursor, but the Reports lexical parameters.
    In order to use dynamic ref cursors in Reports, you need a little trick. See this old thread:
    Can we create report based on stored procedure


    When using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE with a dynamically
    built SELECT/INSERT statement with varying
    tablename, fieldnames, fieldtypes and fieldcounts
    how do I make the BULK COLLECT INTO/USING parts
    dynamic too?
    Can I use RECTYPE arrays if the type depends on
    the dynamic statement? Kind of like (pseudo-code)
    procedure FETCH(p_Stmt VARCHAR2)
    values valueType;
    BULK COLLECT INTO values LIMIT 1000;
    FOR values LOOP
    -- use values.a and values.b
    FETCH('SELECT a,b FROM t');
    If I'm forced to use DBMS_SQL and bind OUT/IN arrays
    of different types do I need to pre-allocate arrays
    of each type against the chance that up to (say)
    a 100 DATE columns end up in need of beeing bound?
    Or can I reuse one array per type because the methods
    copy the arrays? Or is there a generic type that can
    be used to bind whatever type the column has?

    Hi Justin,
    So I gathered (my question mentioned this option).
    I only had gotten the impression from some comments
    that DBMS_SQL may be slower than EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
    because of the extra layer of flexibility. Maybe
    there will be more parsing too.
    There seems to be no way to define the arrays needed
    for the DBMS_SQL-IN/OUT-binds dynamically. I don't
    think reusing the same array for different columns
    will work either. That means arrays must be defined
    against all possible columns or at least enough of
    each type with a dynamic allocation process (i.e.
    count the number of columns for each type and assign
    arrays with names like date1, date2, date3, ... to
    the 1., 2., 3... DATE column in the statement.)

  • Dynamic row selection based on Page member selection in Planning web-form

    Hello experts
    I have requirement where, user dont want 10 webforms to enter 2 accounts line for various sparse members. Below is the dimension detail and web-form current design
    Account - Dense
    Period - Dense
    Year - Sparse
    Scenario - Sparse
    Version - Sparse
    Entity - Sparse
    Product - Sparse (600 level 0 members)
    Product dim has family1 as parent and 40 level 0 mem like that there are 10 family level 1 members, now to enter account member (only 2 member) for 6 years projection ( it means 12 periods and 6 years in column ) , i can build 10 web-forms with one web-form has one family level-0 mem in rows,
    however my question, is how can i achieve this in one web-form, instead of 10 web-forms for 400 products ?
    your help is greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: 859874 on Jul 18, 2012 8:58 PM

    Im not sure there is any simple way to get dynamic row selection based on what is selected in the page.
    If I were designing the form based on what you have stated, I would probably stick both Account and Year in the page, and the 400 products in rows. This would require the user to select the different combinations of Year / Account, but would mean only 12 columns (instead of 72).
    Alternatively you could stick Account in rows too - meaning 800 rows, but less combinations to select in Page....all depends what is deemed acceptable to the user.
    Probably other approaches that may be better than above (put Product in the Page for fun!!)

  • Hiding select column in LOV results table

    Is there a way to hide the select column easily in an LOV popup window? Right now I have a two column results area and it appears the LOV object dynamically adds a column of radio buttons in a column labeled SELECT and another column labeled QUICK SELECT. I wish to hid the SELECT column of radio buttons. It is not there when I look at the personalize link.
    So right now the only two columns I have in my LOV mappings are Pay Period and Check Number. The results table renders as:
    Select | Quick Select | Pay Period | Check Number |
    I want it to not show the SELECT column. Any ideas?
    Edited by: Kristofer Cruz on Feb 26, 2013 12:30 PM

    Did you try changing the render property of the table region of the LOV ?

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