Dynamically Update Form Fields

I have a form with a dropdown where I can select an employee id. After it's selected I want to go to the database, get the corresponding information, and update the form fields. What is the best way to accomplish this?

What kind of form you have a tabular form or a normal form?
what version of apex you are using?
if its a tabular form then you have to use ajax to fetch the values from database.
if its a normal form then in apex 4.0 and above you can use dynamic actions for fetching the values.
in older version you have to write a fetch process (before/after header) where you can fetch
the associated values and assign them to respective items

Similar Messages

  • Validate Dynamically Generated Form Fields

    Hello, I am having difficulty in validating some text boxes I dynamically generated using javascript.
    I have done the below which is not working..... giving errors of undefined or is null
    var i=rowNum;//value of the integer giving the form field a unique name
    var thefield =(eval(document.getElementById('xxxx_'+i).value));
    if (thefield =="")
    This is not working. Any one has example of validating dynamically generated form fields?

    Check out jquery and the validation plug-in by Jörn Zaefferer: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/validate
    It'll simplify your life!

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  • Trying to dynamically output form fields returns URL values

    If there is a better way to go about this (which is quite likely), please let me know how to go about it.
    I'm working on some code that is supposed to dynamically set the form variables as regular variables so that we can be lazy and not have to refer to the variable with form.somevariable name.
    That part works perfectly.  Until I start testing for URL conflicts in which a URL variable has the same name.  For instance. . .
    I have a form that passes two variables; FirstName and LastName.  If I hit the page, the form shows up, I input a first and last name and click submit.  The code works perfectly.
    However, if I have URL variables with the same names, the code reports the url variable values instead of the form values.
    Some sample values;
    url.FirstName = Joe
    url.LastName = Black
    form.FirstName = Steve
    form.LastName = White
    My code that exposes the form variable will correctly find the form field names, but then when I 'evaluate' the value of the given form field, it will return the value of the URL variable of the same name rather than the form variable.
    What I am really wanting (as I described briefly up above) is to have code that automatically converts client, URL and Form variables into 'regular variables' so that you don't have to write lots of extra code grabbing them later on.  Frameworks like CFWHEELS and ColdBox do this by default, but at the company I work out, we aren't using any of them.  I need it to expose the URL variables, but give presidence to form variables if they have the same name, because they are likely to be intended to do an update or such.
    The code follows  Feel free to ignore the code for the URL and client variables if you wish as they don't directly affect how the form code works, I have tested with them commented out and I get the same result.  I provided all of it to give a more complete idea of what I have been toying with so far.  Please note that I don't normally use 'evaluate'.  There is probably a better way to go, but I don't know what it is.
    <!--- Create a form so that we can post some form variables --->
    <form action="" method="post">
        First Name <input type="text" name="FirstName" />
        Last Name <input type="text" name="lastName" />
        <input type="submit" />
    <!--- Set a variable to hold the list of URL variable names --->
    <cfset paramsurl = structKeyList(url)>
    <br />
    URL variables:
    <!--- Loop through the list of url variables and then dynamically set a new variable to be equal to whatever is held by it --->
        <cfloop index="i" list="#paramsurl#">
            <cfset myDynVar = Evaluate(i)>
            <!--- Let's output the dynamically created variable as a test --->
            #i# = #myDynVar#<br />
    <!--- If form fields exist --->
    <cfif isdefined("Form.FieldNames")>
            <b>Field Names:</b> #Form.FieldNames#
                <b>Field Values:</b><br>
                <cfloop INDEX="TheField" list="#Form.FieldNames#">
                    #TheField# = #Evaluate(TheField)#<br>
                    <cfset TheField = Evaluate(TheField)>
            Lets try and output the two form fields without using the "form." notation<br>
            FirstName : #FirstName# <br />
            LastName : #LastName#
    <br />
    The client variables currently available are:<br />
        <cfset nVarCounter = 1>
        <cfloop list="#GetClientVariablesList()#" index="whichClientVar">
            #whichClientVar# : #client[whichClientVar]#<br />
            <cfset whichClientVar = Evaluate(whichClientVar)>

    Try this:
    <cfset structAppend( FORM, {
              'alpha' = 'bravo',
              'charlie' = 'delta',
              'echo' = 'foxtrot'
    }, true ) />
    <cfset structAppend( URL, {
              'alpha' = 'zulu',
              'lima' = 'mike',
              'echo' = 'papa'
    }, true ) />
    <!--- List the scopes in ascending order of importance. --->
    <cfdump var="#FORM#" label="FORM scope" />
    <cfdump var="#URL#" label="URL scope" />
    <cfset scopes = "url,form">
    <cfloop list="#scopes#" index="i">
              <cfloop list="#structKeyList( evaluate( i ) )#" index="j">
                        <cfset structInsert( VARIABLES, j, evaluate( i & '["' & j & '"]' ), true ) />
    <cfdump var="#VARIABLES#" abort="1" label="Combined Variables Scope" />
    What I did is insert 3 key/value pairs into the FORM and URL scope.  I then dumped the scopes to show their structure and values.  Then I defined a variable (scopes) which is a list of the least important scope to the most important.  After that, the loop I do simply goes through the SCOPES, their exisiting key/values and sets them into the VARIABLES scope.  Then, when it moves to the next scope of importance, it simply puts their value into the variables scope as well (overriding in the event it already exists), thus, the scopes defined later in the list override and replace.
    Then I just dump the VARIABLES scope (you'll notice it has the I, J and SCOPES variables in there that I used to create the loop.  If you perform this action in a function, simple make the I, J and SCOPES variables part of the LOCAL scope so they won't be in your VARIABLES scope.

  • Need to automatically display update date and user in update form field

    Hi all,
    Hopefully someone can help me with this... I am using dreamweaver cs4 and php/mysql.  I have a database table that will be updated by 1-5 different people at random times.  I have everything set up and working, as far as the update function, delete function, add new, etc.  In my update form the last two fields are Last Updated and Last Updated By.  There are fields in the table called 'last_updated' (formatted in PHPmyadmin as timestamp) and 'last_updated_by'.  But how do I get them to update on their own?  Right now it is showing the first entry into the field which I did in the PHPmyadmin table, but it is not updating automatically.  It would be a nice field to have so that we know who has worked on the table and when it was last updated, without the user manually typing that in, which I am sure they would forget to do.  By the way, users will login to this with a username and password before editing the records.
    This is the code for the last row in the update form with those two fields.  It is pulling the fields from the database table, but they do not update automatically...
              <th class="blackfont" scope="row">
                <div align="right">
                  <label for="last_updated">Last Updated Date:</label></div>
              <td colspan="3" class="blackfont"><input name="last_updated" type="text" id="last_updated" tabindex="47" value="<?php echo $row_getMember['last_updated']; ?>" size="15" />
                <label for="last_updated_by">Last Updated By:</label>
                <input name="last_updated_by" type="text" id="last_updated_by"tabindex="48" value="<?php echo $row_getMember['last_updated_by']; ?>" size="15" /></td>

    Here is all the code the the Admin Login page...
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  • Updating form field Acrobat 9.0

    I'm programming in Visual Basic and I'm able to read a form field but I when I try to update it's value, nothing happens. This code works fine in Acrobat 7.0.
    set f =jso.getobject("fieldname")
    f.value = "New Value"
    The field updates fine in Acrobat 7.0, but does nothing in Acrobat 9.0. Acrobat 7.0 has been uninstalled on the machine and only Acrobat 9.0 is installed. I can read the existing field values, but the code line doesn't work in 9.0. What am I doing wrong?

    I don't see any documentation like that except in Life Cycle and I need to change the fields programmatically in VB. I ran across this discussion you had with another poster that is basically the same question I had. Can you give me a link or something?

  • Is it possible to dynamically create form fields in PDF form?

    Hi all,
    I would like to dynamically create object like textbox, dropdown list from xml data. For example:
    When I receive following xml data:
    <field name="Check Box" type="selectbox"/>
    <field name="Text Field" type="textbox"/>
    I want to generate 2 form fields check box and text field with title "Check Box" and "Text Field" accordingly.
    Is it possible to do it in javascript for PDF form?
    Thank you and regards,

    You cannot dynamically create objects on the fly like that but you can create interpret the XML and create an XDP file (which is the language of the template file) then bring that into Designer and create a PDF from that.

  • Adobe Interactive - Problem Updating Form Fields within tables

    I am working with Interactive forms. My scenario is I download the form, update, upload to the Web and then submit to the backend, I am basically use a blend of the tutorials available. From a Web Dynpro perspective all is working well.
    The problem I am having is in the Form itself.
    I have 10 fields which I want the user to update.  Fields which are bound at Page Level, work fine. e.g.
    However Fields in a table do not seemed to work properly. e.g.
    If I perform an update in the form Langu works well, Name does not.
    e.g. Page1.Langu.rawValue = "EN"                             This works OK
           Page1.tblCusDetails.Row[0].Cell[1].Name = "Andrew "            This does not work.
    I got round this issue by searching for the attribute at runtime.
    Now (Based on my scenario) I am trying to update my form;
    I download the form to the front end. Update and save. When I open the form again only Langu has saved, Name reverts back to <Emtpy>.
    My workaround would be to remove all the tables, which I will start now, but  I am wondering if I am doing something wrong or if its a bug in the form,?
    Can anyone help?

    Hello Bhavik:
    Thank you, for your quick response.  To be honest, I went through the tutorial from SAP TechEd, "Creating Interactive Forms in Web Dynpro for JAVA, and it is drving me crazy.
    I did create under the Contect actually Value Node:
    DataSource and within that two Value Node for PersonalData and TravelData.  For PersonalData, the following Value Attribute: CostCenter, Department, Name etc etc........
    The properties is already set for the value attributes to string, I tried to change it to init it will not take it? 
    Please call me Amr.  Thank you,

  • Dynamic/Flowable Form Fields

    I am working on a basic form called Performance Evaluation. It consist of  6 different tables. The original form was designed in Word 2003 and convert to PDF using LiveCycle Designer ES. My questions is, my form fields continue to "fall off the page" when the text fields are completed with data. I am also having a hard time combining the tables that have been "placed" on page 2 during the conversation of .doc to pdf. I can not seem to make all of the table work together much less flow together to complete the dynamic, interactive form I would love to have. I want everyone to be able to write as much as they want in the comments section and keep everything together and not create blank pages..
    I have attached the form so everyone can take a look. ANY HELP would be greatly appreciated. . I can make text field flowable, and have them flow to a second page for simple forms/applications. It is when I add table that the Hierarchy becomes a problem.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Jenn

    Thanks for the response. Yes, I have started a new form and not locating the flowable text fields into tables, but into their own individual cells.
    I have made the subforms  flow., and now they are continuing on the second page and not running off the page. However, I do have another question...(every solution sometimes creates another problem)  Now that my text field-data is flowing to the second page, the text itself is moving from the right hand column to the left hand column on the next page. This really does not bother me that much, but I have a feeling it will confuse everyone using the interactive pdf.  Any suggestions?
    Thanks - Jenn

  • Help needed for dynamic update form

    I could really use some advice - I've been asked to build a time tracking application (basically a timesheet) and I have a fair bit done but the part I am really struggling with is the best way to accommodate some of the specifications. I am NOT a programmer (I have some coldfusion experience but nothing really advanced) so I have not managed to sucessfully integrate the various methods I've found on the web so far. The database is created and so are all the queries, and I have also written a cfc to handle the drop-down menu logic needed but I don't really know how to integrate it with the form.
    Our production server has ColdFusion MX7 so all the great functionality in the CF8 examples I can't use.
    The issue is the user should ideally be able to add/edit/delete multiple rows at once- I like CFGRID, and the HTML version seems best. The main issue with the Flash version is the scrolling to get to the insert/delete buttons- I couldn't see how to get rid of that. A separate add and edit form could be ok depending on how easy it is to use.
    One problem I have is that I can't work out how to have default values with the grid (the userID which is a session variable, and the date which is constantly changing- there is a cfcalendar for the user to change date).
    The biggest hurdle is the related select drop-downs I need- it's not quite as simple as the city,state,postcode examples. For the first drop down the pick an option- and for only 2 of those options there is a second drop-down. Anything else and it stops there. For the second drop-down, there are 2 options, and depending on which one of these they pick the 3rd drop-down pulls a query from one or another table in the database (2 entirely different things). The three  options have different database tables. The main timesheet table just stores the id number from those tables (so I also need to display the names on the drop-down from the options tables not the number).
    I played with simple and complicated javascript and coldfusion solutions as well, but because it's a form to update records and also because of the above specs I just couldn't get anything to work right. I tried binding with the cfc and nothing would bind, plus I don't know how to make all happen without a page reload.
    Does anyone have any advice for the best approach to this? As I mentioned I've got tables, queries and even a cfc but I'm not too clear on how to put it all together properly within the constraints of MX7.
    PS I also can't post a lot of code because of where I work- I know that's not helpful but am looking for the best approach to this, then I can work on the details. Right now I am jumping from solution to solution and not getting anywhere.

    Well, a lot of code has come and gone because I couldn't make it work, where I'm currently at is:
    <cfform name="updateform" id="updateform" action="#CurrentPage#?#CGI.QUERY_STRING#">
      <cfgrid name="MainData" height="400" insertbutton="add" deletebutton="remove" query="getMainData" insert="yes" delete="yes" rowheight="20"  selectmode="edit" format="html">
      <cfgridcolumn name="id" display="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name="userID" display="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name="entrydate" display="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name="activityID" >
    <cfgridcolumn name="typeID">
    <cfgridcolumn name="projectID" values="#ValueList(getProjects.id)#" valuesdisplay="#ValueList(getProjects.name)#">
    <cfgridcolumn name="time" width="10">
    <cfgridcolumn name="comment" width="150">
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="entrydate" value="#Session.username#">
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="entrydate" value="#editdate#">
    <cfinput name="update" type="Submit" value="Update">
    ** for some reason getProjects.name doesn't work and causes an error. I haven't worked out how to get the default inputs for the date and user ID to work either. I also tried binding and a flash form somewhere along the way.
    ** the CFC is below, #ds# didn't work and I had to put in the actual DSN name, not sure why, but anyway this is the logic of the thing. Ideally I would like to use this logic with the cfgrid, but I'm not sure if that is possible? It seems like it would be the most user friendly approach.
    The CFC so far is:
       <cffunction name="getActivities" access="remote" returnType="query">
            <cfquery name="getActivities" datasource="#ds#">
    SELECT * FROM timesheet_activities
            <cfreturn getActivities>
        <cffunction name="getTypes" access="remote" returnType="query">
        <cfargument name="Activity" type="any" required="true">
        <cfif ARGUMENTS.Activity EQ "">
            <cfset getType = "">
            <cfquery name="getTypes" datasource="#ds#">
            SELECT * FROM timesheet_type
        <cfreturn getTypes>
        <cffunction name="GetProjects" access="remote" returnType="query">
        <cfargument name="Activity" type="any" required="true">
        <cfargument name="Type" type="any" required="true">
        <cfif ARGUMENTS.Activity EQ "" OR ARGUMENTS.Type EQ "">
            <cfset LstProjects = "">
        <cfelseif ARGUMENTS.Activity EQ "1" OR "3">
        <cfquery name="getProjects" datasource="#ds#">
    SELECT id,name FROM projectsa
    WHERE completed = 'false'
    <cfquery name="getEProjects" datasource="#dse#">
    SELECT id,name FROM projectsb
    WHERE statusID = '6'
        <cfreturn getProjects>
    Any attempts to actually use the cfc didn't work. I tried to use it with a normal html update form and got the message- failed to bind, Activity didn't exist. I also tried to bind it to a flash grid. The argument for Activity needs to come from the drop-down Activity type selected. Maybe I'm missing something.
    just moved everything to the live MX7 server (because my dev server is Coldfusion8) and I get the following:
    Attribute validation error for tag CFGRID. The tag does not allow the attribute(s) BINDONLOAD,BIND.
    Does this mean I definitely can't use the CFC with the cfgrid on MX7? Or is there a way to do it?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • Automatically Updated Form Fields

    How can I set a field in a PDF form to automatically update with the entry in another field.  I need to do this for both free form and numerically formatted fields.

    Can you be a little more specific about what you mean by 'automatically update with the entry in another field'? That could be interpreted different ways, each requiring a different solution in the PDF. Do you want the fields to share the same value? Do you need a calculated value? Do you need to set the value in field A using a matching value from the entered value in field B?

  • Referring to dynamically created form items

    I have a requirement where I do not know how many rows are going to be added into a table from a form. What I have done is used javascript to dynamically create form fields. This is along the same lines as a tabular form, however it should not save any of the data until the whole page is submitted.
    My problem is, how do I then refer to these form items within a PL/SQL procedure?
    Below is the piece of javascript that creates new rows on the form (the options for the select item are fed in using ajax). And following that, the pl/sql loop that I have attempted to use which doesn't work.
    NOTE: The onchange attribute on each of the form elements was to try to set a session state variable for each of the items. I got this from the following blog post.
         var objectFormCount = 0
         function addObjectForm() {
              var newFormHTML = '<tr>';
              newFormHTML = newFormHTML + '';
              newFormHTML = newFormHTML + '<td><select onchange="f_setItem(this.id)" name="f01" id="f01_' + objectFormCount + '"></select></td>';
              newFormHTML = newFormHTML + '<td><input onchange="f_setItem(this.id)" type="text" name="f02" id="f02_' + objectFormCount + '"/></td>';
              newFormHTML = newFormHTML + '<td><input onchange="f_setItem(this.id)" type="text" name="f03" id="f03_' + objectFormCount + '"/></td>';
              newFormHTML = newFormHTML + '<td><input onchange="f_setItem(this.id)" type="text" name="f04" id="f04_' + objectFormCount + '"/></td>';
              newFormHTML = newFormHTML + '</tr>';
    FOR i IN 0..l_oracle_script_count
    l_test1 := v('f01_' || i);
    l_test2 := v('f02_' || i);
    l_test3 := v('f03_' || i);
    l_test4 := v('f04_' || i);
    l_test5 := i+1;
    VALUES (l_mig_seq,v('f01_' || i),v('f02_' || i),v('f03_' || i),v('f04_' || i),i+1);
    Edited by: Dopple on 28-Jul-2011 01:59 - text was stripped from the body of the post.

    For anyone with the same requirements. What I had to do was add the value of each form element into a temp table which was basically held key/value pair (form item/value) along with the username, the table that is to be updated and the row number.
    Once the actual page was saved, the procedure built up an insert sql string from the values in the temp table and inserted each row.
    Works a charm, although spitting the data back out into the dynamic forms is going to be a chore!!!!

  • Updating required fields before submit

    Hi all!
    There's a form containing selectOneChoice component with required set to true. There are regular submit button and a button with immidiate and autosubmit both set to true. I expect the second button to update form fields, avoiding validation on selectOneChoice component, but even with immidiate - it still occurs. Form has a partial trigger (the second (immidiate) button).
    Please, help!

    It should get updated there should be some other problem, please check. Immediate property on input fields increases its priority for validation.
    From your initial post, your requirement seems to avoid validation for select one choice and process method, if that is the case, you should not set immediate property on select one choice but on button

  • Dynamically updating webparts

    I would like to know if it's possible to dynamically update webpart fields.
    For example:
    If the customer clicks on the "+1" button the field "value" will become = "value"+1
    If the customer clicks on the "-1" button the field "value" will become = "value"-1
    Thanks on advance,

    Hello Liam,
    Thank you for your answer.
    I was hoping that this would be possible with javascript or JQuery.
    Is there any documentation available about this, or do you know websites which explain how to do this?
    Thanks on advance,

  • Color Changes when form field added

    When I add a form filed to a pdf, the color changes on the output of the pdf.
    Print out the attached pdf pages 1 and 3. Look at the green button. It is darker on the pages with the form field(p1) then on page 3. they are the same source file. It like when I add the form field, it changes the page to a CMYK color space and the images are in a RGC Color space.
    Any ideas

    One of my colleagues is working on a product feature that involves checkboxes (this is how I came across this issue in the first place). His checkboxes aren't contained within a form element whereas in my test page I described in my question when I removed the form from the page the issue didn't manifest.
    However, the page he's working on does contain other forms so I decided to modify my test page to try to replicate this scenario. I found some really odd behavior.
    If I have a form on a page but the checkboxes are not children of that form, and if I dynamically add a single INPUT element or a single TEXTAREA input, the checked values just disappear on page refresh. That's expected since the lack of a parent form should eliminate the memory of the checkbox values, right?
    Well, when I dynamically add '''both''' an INPUT element and a TEXTAREA element it goes right back to remembering '''and''' moving the checked value, but only by one step. By comparison, if the checkboxes and the dynamically added form fields are contained with a form the checked value will move by a number of steps equal to the number of dynamically added form fields.
    Strange, strange behavior I can't really decode with certainty across the entire range of possible scenarios...

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